E-Jets by Embraer

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August 2012



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love what you fly

love what you fly

By now its clear: airlines dont just like our E-Jets.
They love them. As do their passengers, pilots,
and crews. E-Jets are enhancing the fleet mix of
virtually all the worlds most prestigious airlines.
And since first deliveries in 2004, theyve been
changing the way people fly on every continent
across the globe. Thats because these four popular
jets the E170, E175, E190, and E195 have
unlocked the profit potential of the 70- to 120-seat
category. Bottom line, they give operators the
flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions
and capacity demands without sacrificing economics,
range, or passenger comfort. In fact, E-Jets deliver
an in-flight experience surpassing many narrowbody
aircraft. And since passengers love E-Jets, airlines
do too. All of which means that the right kind of
change can be good.

Rethinking capacity

Matching aircraft capacity with market demand.
From that simple concept emerged our E-Jets
family of 70- to 120-seat aircraft right-sized
equipment that blurs the line between regional and
mainline jets. Their arrival marked the creation of a
whole new category of aircraft.
And they remain the benchmark for their
class. Handling everything from short sectors
to five-hour legs, E-Jets span all business
models from mainline full-service, to
short-haul local flights, to low-cost carriers.
The result for airlines is a new level of
versatility that changes everything.
Our role in defining the small-capacity
regional jet began with the launch of our
50-seat ERJ 145 in 1996. On shorter, lowerdemand routes, 50-seat jets were ideal. But
we observed that passenger demand was
trending in established markets toward an
optimal 70- to 120-seat configuration. We
saw an opportunity and built an aircraft
family to seize it E-Jets.
Whether the context is emerging or
established markets, E-Jets give carriers
the tools to build or expand their networks
more carefully and more profitably adding

increments of capacity in a controlled way.

And as the world fleet ages, progressive
airlines are replacing large aircraft with
smaller, more efficient yet equally
comfortable E-Jets.
Theres never been a better time to break
with traditional thinking, to consider a whole
new category of aircraft that lets you address
scheduling inefficiencies and transition from
an operationally-oriented approach to one
that is truly market oriented. Its a philosophy
thats been embraced by many of the worlds
leading airlines.
Embraers success in the 70- to 120-seat
aircraft has attracted many others, but only
our design is founded on a philosophy of four
Es Ergonomics, Efficiency, Engineering, and
Economics. On every continent, airlines
have endorsed our approach to a cleansheet family of airplanes.

Out of
E-Jets traverse all
continents, including
the vastness of Africa.
There, customers such
as LAM Linhas Areas
de Moambique (facing
page), Kenya Airways,
EgyptAir Express, and
Air Nigeria are replacing
ageing aircraft and using
E-Jets to bring greater
network connectivity
and frequency.


KLM Cityhopper. USA low-cost carrier JetBlue
Airways. Mainline operator Air Canada. All
have put E-Jets to work. And, as a group, they
illustrate the remarkable versatility of a single
aircraft family that spans all business models.
E-Jets now operate in ways no small-capacity
regional jet ever could. Youll find them crossing
continents and crossing oceans, missions that
were once possible only with larger aircraft. In
fact, E-Jets deliver such a superior on-board
passenger experience that airlines routinely
schedule them on the same routes as their
larger single-aisle airplanes.

rethinking capacity
A World of Change



Boundless Appeal
At Embraer, we believed that right-sizing to unlock
the potential of the 70- to 120-seat segment
required more than simply stretching a 50-seat jet
to increase the number of seats. It required change
a total rethinking of what type of aircraft best
matches the market demands of the segment.
These demands include high expectations

Loved by Crews Pilots love E-Jets for their

from passengers who continually seek greater

easy-going handling characteristics, both

levels of satisfaction in all their consumer

in the air and on the ground. Maintenance

experiences. Its a significant marketing

staff, flight crews, and schedule planners

phenomenon we refer to as The PAX Factor.

appreciate that the four family members

And embracing it can be a key component of

share up to 100% parts commonality. That

an airlines formula for success. Those that

means reduced inventories, streamlined

can provide a superior experience at a good

maintenance procedures, less complicated

value will be the ones that succeed. And that

differences training for flight crews, and

is precisely why E-Jets were created. Designed

easier last-minute equipment changes.

specifically for the 70 to 120-seat capacity

segment, E-Jets bring new options for airlines
seeking to stay competitive and prosperous.
They are truly loved.

Loved by Airlines Airlines have discovered

that E-Jets can go more profitably where
larger aircraft can not. The airplanes can
open new routes, replace ageing fleets,

Loved by Passengers The shape of the

correct longstanding scheduling deficiencies

fuselage creates an exceptional volume of

from jets that are too big. But most of all,

personal space that exceeds that of many

airlines love them because they are good for

conventional narrowbodies. And a wide

the bottom line.

The unique crosssection design of an
E-Jet maximizes cabin
width at shoulder
and elbow level while
providing generous
space below.

two-by-two seat configuration eliminates

the middle seat entirely to expedite
boarding and deplaning while increasing
overall trip comfort.


E-Jets offer the cabin service amenities of a
mainline product, including at the carriers
option premium cabin and variable pitch
seating configurations for network-wide
product consistency, in-flight entertainment
systems, seatback video monitors, in-seat
power ports, and satellite TV. A two-meter
(6 ft. 7 in.) cabin height and large windows
create a bright and spacious interior
environment. A wide aisle eases movement
about the cabin for more efficient boarding
and deplaning, and faster turnaround times.

Boundless Appeal



Two forward and two aft doors, single-point
refueling, under-wing engines, and easily
accessible baggage compartments allow
for uncongested, simultaneous servicing on
the ramp. A state-of-the-art computerized
diagnostic maintenance system and external
LAN ports let you analyze the aircrafts
performance quickly and easily. And that
means less time on the ground, and more
time in the air.

Boundless Appeal

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A common cockpit across all E-Jet models
makes for significant reductions in the time and
expense required for flight crew differences
training requiring only a couple of hours
of manual-reading to qualify from one E-Jet
to another. Setting high standards in mission
performance, pilot comfort, and operating
economics, E-Jet flight decks provide ergonomic
and technological advancements, including
robust fly-by-wire controls, health management
systems, and diagnostic monitoring.

Boundless Appeal

12 \ 13


CHANGING air travel

It took only seven years beyond the first E-Jet delivery
to exceed a thousand firm orders. The family is
in service worldwide with carriers in established
markets, yet airlines in other regions continue to
discover the untapped potential of E-Jets.
In Kazakhstan and Mozambique, Brazil and

to a market-oriented, passenger-focused

Kenya and in vast provinces of China

approach emphasizing comfort, access,

E-Jets are being deployed to open new

and value of time.

markets and build emerging economies. And

prestigious airlines such as Lufthansa, Air
France, and United are using E-Jets in their
networks to right-size their fleets for tapping
the potential of the 70- to 120-seat segment.

Our customers showcase the versatility

of the E-Jets family. Air Canada routinely
schedules its E-Jets on sectors in excess of
five hours. Virgin Australia flies its E190s
more than four hours nonstop entirely

Almost any mission type is feasible. Short-

over water. British Airways CityFlyer

range, high-frequency shuttles and hub-and-

replaced its entire fleet of old-generation

spoke deployment. Flights to better match

airplanes with E-Jets that operate at London

variations in time-of-day and day-of-week

City Airport. And regional UK carrier Flybe

demand. And new frequencies on long

is enhancing its formerly all-turboprop

and thin routes. E-Jets facilitate a change

fleet with two types of E-Jets.

E-Jets in China flying
for Hebei, Hainan, Tianjin,
and the countrys largest
airline, China Southern
are helping to bring
greater connectivity to
people and commerce,
especially in the western
provinces. The airplanes
are building new airline
networks and growing
local economies. Sensible
capacity. Carefully
applied. Airlines in China
have discovered the true
potential of E-Jets.

14 \ 15

Copa Airlines was the first E-Jet operator

in Latin America. Its fleet of E190s links
its Hub of the Americas at Panama
with primary and secondary cities
across its network. Copa E-Jets have
introduced new nonstops between
Panama and medium-demand markets.
Those flights represent a new option
for passengers who can now go almost
anywhere in the Copa network with just
one fast connection.

Kenya Airways realized that a one-sizefits all aircraft strategy would add too
many seats in many markets it wanted
to serve as it pursued its expansion
objectives. It opted for a fleet of E170s
and E190s to build frequency in carefully
controlled capacity increments and to
offer greater connectivity across the
continent. Whether seated in Business
Class or traveling in the Economy Class
cabin on the E190, passengers enjoy
in-flight entertainment on their individual
touch-screen monitors.



Changing Air Travel

16 \ 17

Royal Jordanian acquired its fleet

of dual-class E-Jets to establish daily
nonstops between its Amman hub
and cities throughout the Middle East.
The aircraft allowed the airline to fill
gaps in its schedule without adding
excess seat capacity. The result was
more convenient, consistently-timed
same-day flights that business travelers
wanted. Royal Jordanians E-Jets deliver
a product standard that is comparable to
that on its larger single-aisle aircraft.

Brazils Azul Linhas Areas chose

Embraer E-Jets when it started low-cost
flights that have since brought affordable
air travel to a whole new segment of
consumers. Instead of flying the same
large aircraft to the same markets at its
competitors, Azul broke with tradition,
acquired a fleet of E-Jets, and targeted
cities with less-congested airports.
The result has revolutionized air travel
in Brazil. Smaller-capacity airplanes.
Low-cost carrier business application.
Carefully controlled growth. It all adds up
to an impressive success story.

Air Astana of Kazakhstan is changing

the way people fly in Central Asia.
The airlines E190s supplement larger
narrowbody flights and provide more
frequency and better connections at
its Almaty hub. Air Astana is using its
fleet of E-Jets to access both domestic
and international markets, including
secondary points in Russia. That means
travelers in those cities have more options
to go where they want to go. And they
get there faster, too.

Changing Air Travel

18 \ 19

Building on Heritage


Our company has spent more than 40 years
designing and manufacturing innovative aircraft that
advance aviation and challenge our competitors.
And we believe that one success leads to another. So
we never stop reinventing the airplane. Focused on
the future instead of the past, we are relentless
in our commitment to make the best even better.
Embraer aircraft span multiple segments:

perform at their best, initially, and over

commercial, executive, defense and

the long term. The common mission of our

security, and agriculture. But they all emerge

eight service areas is to help our customers

from a company-wide sense of devotion

succeed through greater efficiency, lower

that informs what we do each day. Its a

costs, and higher profitability. This capacity

commitment to excellence, to innovation,

to deliver a critical suite of services leads

and to our customers. And when one of

to warm and lasting relationships with

our new aircraft rolls off the line, we like to

customers worldwide. And to our direct

stay involved. Not only because we know

participation in their success. Its the kind of

and love our airplanes better than anyone.

commitment that defines us as a company.

But because we owe it to our customers.

And always will.

Through our Services and Support Group,

Because some things never change.

we help ensure that our E-Jets always

In the
Modest by todays
standards, Embraers first
airplane, over 40 years
ago, was a light transport
aircraft, a twin turboprop
that could carry only 18
passengers. But, back in
1969, the EMB 110 gave
Embraer a reason for
being. And it also carried
the name Bandeirante,
which means pioneer.
As it turns out, no one
knew then just how
prophetic a name it was.

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(*) Maintenance organizations providing airframe services to third parties.

As one of the worlds leading aircraft
manufacturers, we take satisfaction in past
achievements. But it is our commitment to the
future that drives us. Its a future that requires
not only great products, but great service
support that helps customers succeed. That is
why we place so much emphasis on a global
Service and Support structure that covers a full
range of needs on a 24-hour basis, including:
field and technical support, material and spare
parts, flight and maintenance operations
consulting, aircraft upgrades and modifications,
state-of-the art crew and personnel training,
and technical publications and eSolutions. No
matter where you are in the world, when you
need us, well be ready.

BUILding on heritage
Commitments that Last

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love what you fly

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