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Broken glasses: Smugging, writing lesson,

pandybat, rector).
1- Classic gossiping among children, we see their conception of what is wrong
(taking money from someone else, drinking wine from the sacristy
2- He seems to realize he has no glasses when he looks at the fellows and he sees
them smaller than they are. (Children forget quickly their problems).
3- Smugging: Stephen does not understand what is wrong with that (????)
4- There is an unexpected change in the narration, now he thinks about his friend
Eileen who was a protestant.
Image: Tower of Ivory : The term ivory tower originates in the Biblical Song of
Solomon (7:4)[1] and was later used as an epithet for Mary. (Wikipedia).
Stephen connects his protestant friend with a catholic image.
When he describes her hand, we see how many sensations he feels when touching
5-This part is full of allusions to sensations:
Vision: when he sees without glasses.
Touch: When he remembers touching his friends hand.
6- Students perceptions of the difference between being flogged and expelled, the
former wears off after a bit and the latter makes you be known all your life on
account of it.
7- Stephens perception of the sound of the cricket bats.
Hearing: In the silence of the soft grey air he heard the cricket bats from
here and from there: pock.
Pain: That was a sound to hear but if you were hit then you would feel a
Here we see how he connects a sound to a sensation of pain, maybe because they
were talking about somebody being flogged (???)
8- O how could they laugh about it that way?(Page 51 in my edition): Stephen is
really afraid or feels pity for those fellows who are going to be flogged.

9- The word was beautiful: wine. It made you think of dark purple because the
grapes were dark purple that grew in Greece outside houses like white temples.
But the faint smell of the rector's breath had made him feel a sick feeling on the
morning of his first communion. (page 52 in my edition). Another sensation.
Colour: dark purple

Smell: rector's breath

10- The day of your first communion was the happiest day of your life. Catholic
idea, it is evident how someone has convinced him of that.
11- Writing lesson: we see a bit of the priests pedagogical methods which were
really violent and authoritative. (Punishments, prescription, no room for
imagination which is something Stephen has in abundance).
12- Was that a sin for Father Arnall to be in a wax or was he allowed to get into a
wax when the boys were idle because that made them study better or was he only
letting on to be in a wax? It was because he was allowed, because a priest would
know what a sin was and would not do it. (Page 54 in my edition).
Even Stephen questions the priests reaction, but he ends up justifying it because
he is a priest.
13- jesuits. That was called the order: and he had heard his father say that they
were all clever men. They could all have become high-up people in the world if
they had not become jesuits. (Page 54 in my edition).
Again we see how his family has influenced him in terms of religion.
14- The flogging episode: Stephen's heart was beating and fluttering.
Stephen feels afraid.
15- It was unfair and cruel because the doctor had told him not to read without
glasses and he had written home to his father that morning to send him a new
pair. And Father Arnall had said that he need not study till the new glasses came.
A childs way of reflecting on an unfair event, innocence, he is not angry but sad.
16- Then we see the fellows encouraging Stephen to go and talk to the rector,
something common among children. Stephen feels afraid about this, as well.
17- Dolan: it was like the name of a woman who washed clothes. (page 62 in my
Here we see humor through a childs anger. It seems he feels a bit better thinking
in that way.
18- The meeting with the rector ends up happily for Stephen and we see it in the
image of him getting out of the room running. (Tenderness)
19- He was happy and free; but he would not be anyway proud with Father Dolan.
He would be very quiet and obedient: and he wished that he could do something
kind for him to show him that he was not proud.
There is a bit of humor here, he still feels afraid and he is very cautious.
20- In the soft grey silence he could hear the bump of the balls: and from here
and from there through the quiet air the sound of the cricket bats: pick, pack,
pock, puck: like drops of water in a fountain falling softly in the brimming bowl.

Again, we see the perception of this sound. Maybe the continuous appearance of
references to this sound is because the author of the novel has strong memories of
his childhood which are marked by this sound.

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