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Jl. Kol.Hardijanto No.

5 Sekaran UNNES (50229)

No. HP: 082326309216, e-mail:


Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa inggris
: VII ( Tujuh )
Hari, tanggal
: 22 Mei 2015
: 50 menit
Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d di depan jawaban yang paling benar!
Text for number 1 to 3
There is a garden in my school. The garden is on the east side of the school building. Mr.
Indarto is a gardener. He plants some fruits trees, such as: mango, avocado, apple ect. He also
plants some flowers such as : roses, jasmines and orchids. In the break time, many students play
in the garden.
1. Where is the location of the garden? Its on the side of the school building.
a. East
c. west
b. south
d. north
2. How many flowers mentioned in the text?
a. 7
c. 6
b. 5
d. 3
3. He plants some fruit trees.(line3). He refers to
a. The writer
c. Mr.Indarto
b. The student
d. The garden
4. in your the best- speech on
4 5
Congratulation contest performance!
a. 7-4-9-1-2-3-5-6-8
b. 7-6-3-5-8-1-2-4-9
c. 7-6-2-4-9-1-3-5-8
d. 7-1-3-5-8-6-2-9-4
5. Dita: Hello, Rinto. Glad to see you here.
How are you?
Rinto : Hello, Rika. And You?
: Fine, thanks.
a. How do you do?
b. Are you sure?
c. Nice to meet you
d. Im fine thank you
6. Ms. Ningrum
: Today is hot. Isnt it?
: Yes, Maam.
Ms. Ningrum
: Roni, open the windows,

: Yes, of course, Maam.
: ___________, Roni.
: You are welcome.
a. You are good
c. Thats nine
b. Thiss fastastic
d. Thank you

Text for question no 7 -11

Tomato Soup
- 4 large tomatoes
1 small onion
8 cups water
Small clove garlic
teaspoon pepper

teaspoon salt

teaspoon butter

Fry tomatoes, onion, and garlic in a pan with butter for five minutes.
Add water, spices, salt, and pepper.
Heat until the water boils.
Turn down the heat and cover the lid.
Cook for one hour.

7. What is kind of the text above?

a. Narrative.
b. Recount.
c. . Monologue.
d. Procedure.
8. How many tomatoes are needed for tomato soup?
a. 4 large tomatoes
b. 4 small tomatoes c. 1 large tomato
d. 1 small tomato
9. How much water is needed for tomato soup?
a. 1 cup of water
b. 8 cups of water
c. cups of water
d.2 cups of water
10. After frying the ingredients in a pan waht is the next step?
a. Turn down the heat.
c. Heat until the water boils.
b. Add water, spices, salt, and pepper.
d. Cook for one hour.
11. What is the last step when making tomato soup?
a. Cook for one hour.
c. Fry the ingredients in a pan.
b. Heat until the water boils.
d. Put stock into a pan.
Text for number 12to 13

15. Who is the announcement for? Its for.
a. Teacher
b. All students
17. The statement which TRUE based on the text is
a. Mrs. Sukmawati will join the test
b. The announcement is for all 7 grade students
18. Text for number 14-15
Andi :Do you like smoking?
Budi : 3
Andi :Why?
Budi :Because its not good for our health.
What about you?
Andi : No, 4...
I think it can cause air pollution.
21. a. Im fond of it
22. a. I like it so much

b. I love it
b. I hate it

c. Students grade 7.6 to 7.9

d. Students who get more than 75
c. the test will be held after school
d. Mrs. Sukmawati got 75 in listening

c. I dislike it
c. I love it

d. I really like it
d. Im fond of it

Kuta, February 14th, 2015

Dear Sally,
Hello, how are you, Sally? I hope you are fine. How is your school? Is it okay? We
have never met since I moved to Bali in 2011. Wow! Thats a long time ago
Sally, I really want to meet you. So, next holiday I will visit you in Jakarta. I will
arrive in SoekarnoHatta airport at 4 pm. My parents and my sisters, Amy and Anne,
will come with me.
I think thats all for now. Cant wait to see you. Cheers!

25. What is the purpose of the letter above?
a. to tell a story
c. to invite someone
b. to inform something
d. to describe something
26. Who writes the letter?
a. Sally
b. Amy
c. Anne
d. Joanne
27. How will Joanne go to Jakarta?
a. by bus
b. by plane
c. by ship
d. on foot
29. Is it okay?. What does the italicized word refer to?
a. Sally
b. Joanne
c. Sallys school
d. The writers school
30. Look! Ariel and Luna Maya on TV right now.
a. is singing
b. are singing
c. singing
d. sing

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