Youth-Music Ministry Report For March 2015

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Youth Alive!

Report for March 2015

Due to the busy March schedule we have had with the high school students graduation ball,
retreats and other necessary activities, we were only able to have one Youth Alive! meeting for
this month. This was held on March 13, 2015 at the school quadrangle since the church was
being decorated for the next days graduation ball. The fourth year students facilitated it - Kriziel
led praise and worship, Arjun was the emcee, Renelito did the offering challenge, and Jolina
shared the message. The rest of the fourth year students served drinks and snacks to our young
people then Joe prayed for all of the fourth year students. This was an opportunity for them to
learn about leadership and service.

Music Ministry Report for March 2015

Our worship Team had the privilege of going to our IFL Center at Dueg for Jesus Ministry in Dueg, Tarlac, where we
conducted a praise and worship seminar. We had topics that cover the Power of Praise and Worship, the Heart of a
Worshipper, the Tabernacle of God, Singing in Time, and Connecting to the Lord and to the congregation.

We had workshops on guitar by Joe Rodriquez, drums by Jimmy Esteban, vocals by Melanie Rodriquez, and Picking a Song Line Up by
Solomon Frane. The Dueg for Jesus praise team also led the praise and worship session at the end of the seminar. Many of what we taught in
this seminar was new to them they learned the value of having a clean heart before entering into praise and worship to leave everything to
the Lord and allow Him to deal with our lives so our worship towards Him will be acceptable in His sight. Fifteen young people and one adult
attended the seminar.

Youth Camp at Dueg for Jesus Church

In Dueg, Tarlac

Youth Camp @ Dueg for Jesus

There was time to have activities with the youth. We had games and some fun interactions. The Faith Walk always gets the youth into a place
of dependence in the Lord. They had great testimonies on what the Lord has done for them and what they experienced.

We were very blessed to have the privilege to conduct a Youth Camp at our IFL Outpost in Dueg, Tarlac.
There was a quick message on evangelism and witnessing to prepare them for their outreach into the
community the next day. During the outreach, the youth were able to share with the Gospel with the
people, to pray with them and invite them to church for Power Night that evening. They had split into
three groups to go into different parts of the community to talk to people and to interact with them. We
had adults supervise each group. There was a positive response. Later that night the church was full as
most who were invited attended the Power Night. Pastor Norbing spoke then all the youth participated
and had a great time as they were able to share the Gospel in a way that gave a picture of what Gods
Word represents. This was a new experience for all of the youth. That same night we officially donated
an acoustic guitar that a friend from the United States had given to us. We felt that Dueg for Jesus
Church would be the perfect candidate for the guitars permanent home.

We baptized 23 people, majority of the youth and some of the congregation, on April 3 in the stream at
the bottom of the mountain. Pastors Norbing and Joel Fabros assisted as Joe and Melanie gave the
message on baptism. Afterward, everyone had breakfast and some went swimming. Afterward, we said
our goodbyes with thankfulness to our hosts for their great hospitality. This has been a very fruitful and
positive trip. The whole team worked and flowed together as one. Our cooking staff amazed us with
each meal as their genius was being used to the fullest.

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