PR-1148 - Entry Into A Confined Space Procedure

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Development Oman L.L.C.

Document Title: Entry into a Confined

Document ID

Document Type




Issue Date





Engineering and Operations

Functional Production Manager (UOP)

July 2011


This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of
this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written
consent of the owner.

Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 4.0
Effective Jul-11

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PR-1148 - Confined Space Entry

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 4.0
Effective Jul-11

Document Authorisation

Authorised For Issue July 2011

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PR-1148 - Confined Space Entry

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Revision: 4.0
Effective Jul-11

Petroleum Development Oman LLC

ii Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document.
Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.
Revision No.



Scope / Remarks

Robin Norman UOP6

Refer to Addendum 2 for changes


Added Section 1.9 - ALARP

Rev 3.1


Robin Norman UOP6/

Del Ellbec UOP7

For minor changes refer to Addendum 1

Rev 3.0


Robin Norman UOP6

Revised Sections 2.1 & 2.2.

Added use of Dragger Tubes for testing
prior to Confined Space Entry
Added Appendix 1 Reference Material

Rev 1



SI-19 re-written in new format.

iii Related Business Processes


Business Process (EPBM 4.0)


Operate Wells and Facilities

iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF)

The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the CMF Business Control Portal.

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Effective Jul-11


Introduction............................................................................................................................ 6

Background..................................................................................................................... 6


Purpose........................................................................................................................... 6


Distribution / Target Audience.......................................................................................... 6


Changes to the Document............................................................................................... 6


Step-out Approval............................................................................................................ 7


ALARP............................................................................................................................. 7

Roles and Responsibilities..................................................................................................... 8

Confined Space Entry Procedure........................................................................................ 10


Preparation for Confined Space Entry...........................................................................10


Potential Hazards Associated with Confined Space Entry......................................10


Planning and Risk Assessment...............................................................................10


Gas Freeing and Flushing.......................................................................................12


Working Atmosphere............................................................................................... 12


Ventilation............................................................................................................... 14


Positive Isolation..................................................................................................... 14


Use Naked Flames and Arc....................................................................................14


General................................................................................................................... 15


Confined Space Entry Process......................................................................................15

Appendix 1 Narcotic Effect of Hydrocarbons...........................................................................19

Appendix 2 Abbreviations........................................................................................................ 20
Appendix 3 Reference Material............................................................................................... 21
Appendix 4 User Feedback Page............................................................................................ 22
Addendum 1 Changes at Revision 3.1....................................................................................23
Addendum 2 Changes at Revision 4.0....................................................................................24

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Revision: 4.0
Effective Jul-11

Petroleum Development Oman LLC

1 Introduction

The nature of industry in which PDO operates frequently requires personnel to enter
Confined Spaces to carry out inspections and / or maintenance and repair work. A
confined space:

Has limited or restricted means of entry or exit

Is large enough for an employee to enter and perform assigned work, and

Is not designed for continuous occupancy by the employee.

A permit-required confined space is one that meets the definition of a confined space
and has one or more of these characteristics:


Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere,

Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing the entrant,

Has an internal configuration that might cause an entrant to be trapped or

asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor that slopes downward
and tapers to a smaller cross section, and/or contains any other recognised
serious safety or health hazards. These shall include but are not limited to:

Process vessels i.e. separators, pressure vessels

Storage tanks

Compressor enclosures

Heaters and boilers

Flare and vents systems

Cellars and pits


The purpose of this procedure is to provide all personnel, PDO or contract, with clear
and concise instructions for entering or working within a confined space.


Distribution / Target Audience

This procedure is intended for use production and maintenance personnel and any
other parties tasked with carrying out work covered by this procedure on behalf of


Changes to the Document

Responsibility for the upkeep of the Document shall be with the Functional Production
Manager UOP, the Owner. Changes to this document shall only be authorised and
approved by the Owner.
Users of the Document who identify inaccuracy or ambiguity can notify the Custodian
or his/her delegate and request changes be initiated. The Requests shall be forwarded
to the Custodian using the User Feedback Page provided in this Document.
The Document Owner and the Document Custodian shall ensure review and reverification of this procedure every 3 years.

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Revision: 4.0
Effective Jul-11

Step-out Approval
This procedure is mandatory and shall be complied with at all times. Should
compliance with the procedure be considered inappropriate or the intended activity
cannot be effectively completed or safely performed, then step out approval must be
obtained from the Asset Manager - using the PR-1001e Operations Procedure
Temporary Variance, prior to any changes or activities associated with the procedure
being carried out.


ALARP is the acronym for As Low As Reasonably Practicable which simplified means,
reducing the risk to a level at which the cost and effort (time and trouble) of further risk
reduction are grossly disproportionate to the risk reduction achieved. Full Compliance
to PDO Standards and Procedures is a key element in achieving ALARP.
For more details refer to ALARP Definition

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

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Effective Jul-11

2 Roles and Responsibilities

Asset Holder

Accountable for ensuring all HSE Procedures are

implemented within the asset

Production Coordinator

Responsible for ensuring that HSE Procedures and

Risk Assessments are conducted and are adhered to
in the area

Responsible Supervisor

Inspect work site with Permit Applicant

Check Job Safety Plan and ensure Risk Assessments

are completed for each Confined Space Entry.

Authorise the Permit to Work (PTW)

Check Section 2 of the Confined Space Entry


Authorise the isolation on Mechanical Isolation


Authorise Entry to confined space

Validates PTW

Check Job Safety Plan and ensure Risk Assessment

controls are adhered to

Conduct isolations

Inspection of work site on completion when PTW is


Check Section 2 of the Confined Space Entry


Authorise Entry to confined space2

Area Authority

Permit Applicant

Permit Holder


Applicant for PTW

Conduct safety checks of site and Risk Assessment

with Responsible Supervisor prior to any works being
carried out

Carry out toolbox talks prior to works being carried


Oversee safety of personnel and work within

confined space

Ensuring strict adherence to all Safety Procedures,

Job Safety Plan, Risk Assessments and Work

Checking condition of work site on completion of all


If delegated by Responsible Supervisor

If delegated by Responsible Supervisor
PR-1148 - Confined Space Entry

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Standby Personnel3

Maintain register of entry / exit of personnel during

work in confined space

Maintain communication and visual contact with all

personnel in the confined space

Maintain emergency rescue equipment at all times

during work in the confined space

Record any incidents during work process

Nominated on the Confined Space Entry Certificates

PR-1148 - Confined Space Entry

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Effective Jul-11

3 Confined Space Entry Procedure


Preparation for Confined Space Entry

CAUTION: Entry into confined spaces exposes personnel to risk in addition to
those associated with the work / task. Entry into a Confined Space should only
be considered if the work cannot be accomplished from an external location.

Potential Hazards Associated with Confined Space Entry

Potential hazards associated with confined space entry are recognised. These hazards
can be any or all of the following:

Oxygen deficiency or enrichment

Flammability (fire and / or explosion)

Residual liquids, or solids and associated toxic or other noxious gases

Chemical hazards

Physical hazards

Number of personnel working within the confined space

Restricted entry / exit

Narcotic and anaesthetic effect of hydrocarbon gas and vapours

Planning and Risk Assessment

The first priority is to consider if the work in the confined space can be limited or
avoided. Alternatives may be:

Residues may be removed from the outside using water jetting or in place
cleaning systems.

In some cases it may be possible to see inside without entering by using a


Use of non invasive inspection techniques

If the work is to be carried out in a confined space a risk assessment shall be

completed covering all activities that will be carried out both inside and outside of the
Personnel selected for confined space entry shall have the correct level of
competence, experience and knowledge as indicated by the risk assessment. It will be
necessary to include Vendors / 3rd parties or HSE professionals in this task.
The risk assessment will consider but is not limited to:

Page 10

Previous contents of the confined space

Internal temperature and humidity of confined space

Ingress of substances

Oxygen deficiency or oxygen enrichment



Physical dimensions including internal structures or obstacles

PR-1148 - Confined Space Entry

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 4.0
Effective Jul-11

Nature of any work itself, including concurrent activities.

The maximum number of personnel required to work in the confined space

The outcome of the risk assessment process shall be a Job Safety Plan approved by
the Responsible Supervisor, who shall determines what mitigation must be put in place
based on the Risk Analysis.
Where the risk assessment indicates that properly trained individuals can work for
periods without supervision, it should be ensured that they are competent to follow the
established safe system of work and have been provided with adequate information
and instruction about the work to be done.
The Permit Applicant shall prepare a rescue plan as part of the Risk Assessment
Process suitable for the agreed maximum number of personnel and covering each
entry. This document should be reviewed and approved by the Responsible Supervisor.
Some examples of possible inclusions to the rescue plan are:

Number of personnel required to provide effective rescue.

The equipment required for immediate use

Contingency plans for loss of communication

Safest route of access and egress with respect to casualty handling

Removal of unnecessary obstacles, which will hinder rescue operations

NOTE: These issues may limit number of people in confined space

The Permit Applicant must appoint a trained rescue team before work begins. For
efficient functioning, a rescue team must consist of at least two persons. The Permit
Applicant must be sure that the designated rescue team can be deployed quickly in an
emergency and that they will be able to function effectively. If assistance is required
this shall be provided by the Area Fire Service.
The rescue team must be equipped with suitable personal protective equipment to
enable them to function efficiently.
Rescue plans covering the maximum permitted number of personnel will be agreed
and practiced before any entry takes place. If it is not possible or practicable to perform
training exercises before entry, it is the Permit Applicant responsibility to ensure all
parties with responsibilities under this plan are competent in their roles.
Entry into a confined space shall be controlled by a PTW.
All persons holding safety competent roles e.g. gas tester, must be have valid PDO
Passports showing their qualifications.
Personnel required to work safely in confined spaces must have had adequate training
and experience in the particular work involved. Training standards must be
appropriate to the task, and to the individual's roles and responsibilities, so
that work can be carried out.
In order to achieve the above the following conditions require being satisfied and / or
detailed in the Job Safety Plan prior to entry into a confined space:

Page 11

All entries into a confined space shall be controlled by the PTW system

When entry is required, the confined space shall be physically isolated from all
sources of hazardous substances, and from all sources of energy or motive

Hazardous substances contained within the confined space shall be displaced,

and the space suitably cooled and ventilated;

The confined space shall be tested for the presence of hazardous substances
and for acceptable oxygen content. If conditions for safe entry cannot be
PR-1148 - Confined Space Entry

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 4.0
Effective Jul-11

achieved or guaranteed, additional precautions to be applied, e.g. the use of

breathing apparatus

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Effective Jul-11

CAUTION: Additional to the use of Portable Multi-Gas Testers confined

spaces that have contained hydrocarbons shall be tested using a PhotoIonization Detector (PID e.g. Draeger tube) to confirm that Occupational
Exposure Levels are complied with before an entry is made. This is
particularly important for the very low exposure limits of the
carcinogenic compounds such as Butane, Pentane and Benzene.

Provision of personal protective clothing and equipment (personal gas

detectors if required), access and egress, standby personnel, and rescue plans

When a person is in a confined space a standby person shall be in attendance

at all times and the responsible supervisor shall ensure that this person is
authorised and fully briefed on the activity to be undertaken

Additional hazards, including concurrent activities in the vicinity of, or within,

the confined space are considered

When entry to a confined space is required using breathing apparatus, only

those persons trained and deemed competent in the use of the breathing
apparatus shall be allowed to enter the confined space

All personnel involved in the confined space entry shall made aware of the

Gas Freeing and Flushing

Tanks, towers and vessels that have contained hydrocarbon or toxic materials shall
require gas freeing and ventilation before entry 4 can be made.
Gas freeing shall be in accordance with PDO Procedures, PR-1073 - Gas Freeing,
Purging & Leak Testing of Process Equipment (Excluding Tanks) and PR-1079 - Gas
Freeing and Purging of Tanks Procedure. Once gas freed and drained 5 the confined
space can be opened and ventilated. This method may be employed where high
concentrations of toxic gases are encountered.
Flushing with water (produced if available) shall be used on pipework, tanks, towers
and vessels to remove heavy hydrocarbon deposits before opening for cleaning and /
or maintenance and repair.

Working Atmosphere
Gas testing of confined spaces shall only be carried out by an Authorised Gas Tester
and shall be as specified on the PTW and recorded on the Confined Space Entry
Certificate and the Additional Gas Test Record form (if required).
Confined spaces may only be entered when the atmosphere inside has been certified
as having a safe oxygen (between 20%-21%) content as indicated by approved PDO
detection apparatus.
WARNING: If the oxygen content is less than 20% the vessel MUST not be

This may not be the case if the tank or vessel is to be washed and cleaned prior to gas freeing
and ventilation. In such cases personnel entering the space shall be equipped with breathing

When using water to gas freeing tanks, towers and vessels ensure that high level vents or
man ways / access hatches are open to prevent drawing and negative pressure and risking
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Effective Jul-11

Entry into confined spaces where there is any possibility of flammable vapours, gas
testing with an approved PDO explosive meter shall be carried out and recorded. This
meter must be capable of measuring hydrocarbons in an inert atmosphere if the
confined space has been subjected to gas freeing using nitrogen. (examples are
Ray Systems MX6 or MSA Tankscope.) The frequency of subsequent testing shall be
stipulated on the PTW. If a reading greater than 0% is indicated the Responsible
Person or his delegate must be notified and any required restrictions or precautions to
be taken shall be entered on the "Confined Space Entry Certificates".
Flammable process hydrocarbon vapours are also hazardous due to their potential
narcotic / anaesthetic effects, and can result in irrational behaviour, loss of
consciousness, or even death. Hazardous concentrations can be related to flammability
limits (Refer to Appendix 1). Continuous ventilation shall be established within these
spaces where possible.
Where toxic vapours may be present and continuous ventilation is not considered
possible or feasible, each man entering the confined space shall wear positive pressure
respiratory6 protection.
If NORM or Mercury is suspected then the necessary external and internal tests MUST
be carried out by competent persons and the results checked and confirmed by the
Production Chemists. If the tests are outside the specified limits, the confined space
should be ventilated continuously and re-tested at regular intervals until acceptable.
Further information on NORM and Mercury can be obtained in:
SP-1170 - HSE Specification - Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)
PR-1515 - Control of HSE Risks of Dealing with Mercury in PDO Facilities
For entry to spaces like Waste Heat Recovery Units of gas turbines, additional hazards
may exist. These hazards exist due to the operational service where the space has
been subjected to high temperature. Hazards such as internal temperature, humidity
and hot surfaces should be included in the risk assessment, and suitable controls put in
place. These controls could for example, result in work duration being reduced
For entry in to a confined space without the use of breathing apparatus, tests may
include but are not limited to:

Oxygen (between 20%-21%)

H2S shall be no greater than 1ppm

Benzene shall be less than 1ppm, but preferably zero

Hydrocarbons in air less than 2% LEL but preferably zero (see Table)

Entry allowed without BA

2% and <10 or atmosphere Entry only with BA



No entry allowed

Respiratory protection for each man in the confined space and for the Standby Personnel
must be provided where the Responsible Supervisor / Permit Holder consider it necessary. At
least one properly connected air mask shall be available outside of the confined space for
rescue purposes. This should be included on the JSP.
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Effective Jul-11

CAUTION: If it is considered that the breathable atmosphere cannot be guaranteed then

entry shall be completed wearing breathing apparatus.

Ventilation shall be employed to make the atmosphere inside of the confined space
able to support life. Where the atmosphere in the confined space is flammable or
toxic, forced ventilation will be employed to extract and clean air be allowed to replace
that extracted by natural circulation from a low point.
WARNING: Outside air shall not be forced in to expel the flammable atmosphere
as this may cause an explosive mixture being formed.
When dealing with vessels and tanks etc, that are have a risk of pyrophoric deposits
being present within the internals reference should be made to PR-1077 Preparation
of Static Equipment for Internal Maintenance and Inspection Section 4.2 Confined
Space Entry.

Positive Isolation
Before any entry is permitted to a confined space positive isolation shall be carried out
as required.
Process equipment and systems shall be positively isolated as detailed in PR-1076
Isolation of Process Equipment.
Mechanical isolations shall be carried out using spades and blind where applicable, or
removal of spool pieces where applicable.
Electrical shall be isolated at the MCC or switchboard. All isolations should be carried
out by a competent person and be tagged in accordance with SP-1104 - Electrical
Safety Rules and the issue of an Electrical Isolation Certificate which shall be attached
to the PTW.

Use Naked Flames and Arc

Strict control shall be exercised on the use of naked flames or arc welding equipment
inside or in the vicinity of confined spaces where flammable vapours are or could be
present. Such works shall require a Hot Work Permit to be in force.
Fixed and portable fire equipment, correct for the type of work being undertaken, shall
be provided at and adjacent to the work place.
WARNING: CO2 or dry powder type extinguishers shall not be used inside of
confined spaces when personnel are inside. Accordingly water shall not be used
if live electrical equipment is being used inside the confined space. In the event
of a fire personnel shall be evacuated as quickly and safely as possible.

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Correct PPE shall be worn at all times while the work is being undertaken. Specialised
PPE required for specific tasks shall be made available to all personnel involved. The
requirements of specialized PPE shall be made on the Job Safety Plan.
Safety harnesses shall be provided for all persons working inside the confined space if
the work involves scaffolding or raised platforms. Suitable strong points shall be
made available if not already provided.
Lifelines shall be used at all times by personnel inside the confined space.
Where practical power tools used within confined spaces shall be pneumatic. Use of
electrically powered equipment shall be kept to a minimum and be in accordance with
SP-1111 - Temporary Electrical Supplies for Construction & Maintenance Work.
The preference shall also be made to adopt pneumatic lighting for confined spaces
rather than those powered from electrical circuits.


Confined Space Entry Process

The following process shall be followed or adapted when undertaking work which
requires entry into a confined space.
The following Permits and Certificates are associated with Confined Space Entry:

Permit to Work (PTW)

Confined Space Entry

Mechanical Isolation

Additional Gas Test Record

Electrical Isolation

The Permits and Certificates shall be completed, signed and attached to the PTW with
a Job Safety Plan (including Risk Assessment) and all relevant drawings and

When confined entry is required to undertake maintenance, repair or

modification it must be accessed if a full or partial process shutdown of the
facility or system is required.


If a shutdown is not required then proceed to Step 3.

If a shutdown is required this shall have been planned in to the 90 day
Integrated Activity Plan and provisions made (deferment) for the loss in
If the shutdown has not been planned then a variance to the Integrated
Activities Plan shall be required to be made. This shall require the correct
approvals and authorisations being obtained.

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Effective Jul-11

Confined Space Entry Process Flow


Page 17

The Permit Applicant shall complete the PTW and the Confined Space
Entry Certificate as required. Depending on the nature of the work to be
undertaken additional Certificates such as Mechanical 7 and Electrical
Isolation may be required.
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Effective Jul-11


The permit applicant and the Responsible Supervisor shall inspect the
work site and identify all hazards. The permit applicant and responsible
supervisor shall produce and agree a Risk Assessment which will form the
basis of a Job Safety Plan which shall be approved by the responsible


The responsible supervisor shall:

authorise the PTW

authorise the isolation on the Mechanical Isolation Certificate

check the Confined Space Entry Certificate safety precautions

(Section 2)

approve the risk assessment and Job Safety Plan


Once authorised the PTW and all other required certificates shall be issued
to the Permit Holder to undertake the work.


The area authority shall oversee or undertake the required isolation in

accordance with the mechanical isolation certificate and ensure that
electrical isolations have been made and certified by the competent
electrical person. The isolations shall be signed for on the PTW and / or the
Mechanical / Electrical Isolation Certificates.


The permit holder shall complete the TRIC and conduct a TRIC talk to
ensure that personnel working on the job are aware of the safety hazards,
the risk assessment contents, control measures required and emergency
response procedures.
The permit holder shall oversee the provision of all necessary safety
equipment and that the correct tools and PPE are provided.


The Area Authority shall check that all safety precautions have been taken
and that all required equipment for the confined space entry is available.


Once the PTW has been validated by the area authority the
vessel/tank/equipment can be drained, gas freed and opened for ventilation.


The initial gas test shall be taken when the confined space has been
ventilated or prepared for entry. When gas freeing using nitrogen has taken
place a meter capable of measuring hydrocarbons in an inert atmosphere
shall be used. The gas test shall be conducted by the area authority or
registered gas tester. The results are entered on the Confined Space Entry


Once the gas tests have been conducted and the confined space conforms
to the requirement the authorisation can be issued by the responsible
supervisor / area authority. The authorising authority shall sign the
appropriate section of the Confined Space Entry certificate.
CAUTION: Before entry shall be authorised confined spaces that have
contained hydrocarbons shall be tested using a Photo-Ionization
Detector (PID e.g. Draeger Tube) to confirm that levels Butane,
Pentane and Benzene (highly narcotic) are below OEL and % volume
required to produce surgical anaesthesia.

Isolations can be entered on the PTW, however if the isolation is complex a Mechanical
Isolation Certificate is used. This may be backed by additional documents if more space is
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Effective Jul-11

The work can be carried out within the confined space in accordance with
that defined on the PTW. The permit holder shall oversee the work and
ensure that entries and exits are logged on the Confined Space Entry
The appointed standby man/men shall maintain communication with the
personnel inside the confined space and also the area authority / CCR.

Page 19


Additional gas tests (including PID if considered necessary) shall be carried

out in accordance with the PTW. These gas tests shall be entered at the
correct intervals on the Confined Space Entry certificate or the Additional
Gas test Records sheet.


On completion of the work the permit holder shall oversee the

normalisation of the work site. The confined space shall be inspected and
all entry and exit records checked before closure is authorised. Inspection
and authorisation for closure shall be given by the area authority or
responsible supervisor.


On closure the Permit Holder carry out reinstatement testing of the

equipment / vessel and remove or oversee the removal of all isolations with
the Area Authority. The Area Authority shall be close out the PTW.


The vessel/tank/equipment shall be handed over to production and brought

back into service.

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

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Effective Jul-11

Appendix 1 Narcotic Effect of Hydrocarbons

The following links shall take the user of this procedure to sites where reference information
can be obtained on:
Exposure Limits:
Lower Explosive Limits / Lower Flammable Limits
General Description of the Immediate Hazards Associated with Hydrocarbon Releases
Anaesthetic Effects of Hydrocarbon Gas

It requires around 4 breathes to become affected by the vapours - irrespective of

concentration. It requires the same number of breaths of uncontaminated air to return
to normal.

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Effective Jul-11

Appendix 2 Abbreviations

Page 21


Central Control Room


Machinery Control Centre


As Low As Reasonably Practical


Central Control Room


Health Safety and Environment


Lower Explosive Limit


Personal Protection Equipment


Permit to Work

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 4.0
Effective Jul-11

Appendix 3 Reference Material

PDO Codes of Practice
CP-115 - Operate Surface Product Flow Assets - CoP
PDO Specifications
SP-1104 - Electrical Safety Rules
SP-1111 - Temporary Electrical Supplies for Construction & Maintenance Work
SP-1170 - HSE Specification - Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)
PDO Procedures
PR-1001e Operations Procedure Temporary Variance
PR-1066 - Emergency Response document Part III Contingency Plan, Volume III
Production Operations
PR-1073 - Gas Freeing, Purging & Leak Testing of Process Equipment (Excluding
PR-1076 Isolation of Process Equipment
PR-1077 Preparation of Static Equipment for Internal Maintenance and Inspection
PR-1078 - Hydrogen Sulphide Management
PR-1079 - Gas Freeing and Purging of Tanks Procedure
PR-1081 - The Buddy System
PR-1172 - Permit to Work System
PR-1515 Onsite Mercury Management Procedure
PDO Guidelines
Other Documents
ALARP Definition

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Effective Jul-11

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Appendix 4 User Feedback Page

PR-1148 Confined Space Entry User Feedback Page
Any user who identifies an inaccuracy, error or ambiguity is requested to notify
the custodian so that appropriate action can be taken. The user is requested
to return this page fully completed, indicating precisely the amendment(s)
Ref ID
Page Ref:

Brief Description of Change Required and Reasons

Custodian of Document

Page 23

PR-1148 - Confined Space Entry


Printed 21/06/11

The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.

Revision: 4.0
Effective Jul-11

Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Addendum 1 Changes at Revision 3.1



Section 1.5 Roles and Responsibilities

Production Supervisor and Risk Assessments added
Responsible Supervisor and ensure Risk Assessments are added
Area Authority and ensure Risk Assessment controls are adhered to added
Permit Applicant and Risk Assessment added

Section 1.5 Roles and Responsibilities

Permit Holder Risk Assessments added


Section 2.1.1 Number of personnel working within the confined space and The
maximum number of personnel required to work in the confined space added


3rd para as part of the Risk Assessment Process suitable for the agreed maximum
number of personnel for each added
NOTE: These issues may limit number of people in confined space added
6th para covering the maximum permitted number of personnel added


This meter must be capable of measuring hydrocarbons in an Inert
atmosphere if the confined space has been subjected to a nitrogen purge.
(examples are Ray Systems MX6 or MSA Tankscope.) statement made bold and
examples added


Step 4 and responsible supervisor shall produce and agree a Risk Assessment
which will form the basis of added


Step 11 When nitrogen purging has taken place a meter capable of measuring
hydrocarbons in an inert atmosphere shall be used. added

Page 24

PR-1148 - Confined Space Entry

Printed 21/06/11

The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.

Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 4.0
Effective Jul-11

Addendum 2 Changes at Revision 4.0




Added New Front page / Added new Owner / Moved related documents to Appendix
3 Reference Material / moved roles and Responsibilities to Section 2 / Renamed
Appendix 1 / changed purging to gas freeing to align with PR-1073

Page 7

Section 1.1 Background removed last two paras. Not necessary

Section 1.2 Purpose Changed to read The purpose of this procedure is to provide
all personnel, PDO or contract, with clear and concise instructions for entering or
working within a confined space.

Page 8

Section 1.4 Changes to Document added shall in place of should in last para

Page 10

Section 3.1.2 changed 2nd para to If the work is to be carried out in a confined
space a risk assessment shall be completed covering all activities that will be carried
out both inside and outside of the space.
Re-ordered last after The risk Assessment will --- and removed atmosphere

Page 13

1st para after bullets changed to read The outcome of the risk assessment
process shall be a Job Safety Plan approved by the Responsible Supervisor, who
shall determines what mitigation must be put in place based on the Risk Analysis.

Page 20

Amended the Process Flow diagram moved the TRIC talk between isolation
Carried Out and Vessel / tank / equipment drained / gas freed and ventilated
Amended procedural steps to capture changes


Page 25

Re-arranged Appendices.

PR-1148 - Confined Space Entry

Printed 21/06/11

The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.

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