R-SPEC Digital Data Specifications

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Consultant/Developer Specifications for the

Delivery of Digital Data to

Local Governments and Authorities

Version 2.1
August 1, 2011

This document is protected by Copyright and Trademarks

Victorian Members
City of Ballarat

Bass Coast Shire Council

Baw Baw Shire Council

Brimbank City Council

Cardinia Shire Council

City of Casey

Colac Otway Shire

City of Greater Dandenong

Emergency Services
Telecommunications Authority
Frankston City Council

Glenelg Shire Council

Hume City Council

Latrobe City Council

Melbourne City Council

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Shire of Melton
Mitchell Shire Council
Mornington Peninsula Shire Council
Greater Shepparton City Council
South Gippsland Shire Council
Surf Coast Shire Council
Rural City of Wangaratta
Warrnambool City Council
Whittlesea City Council
Wyndham City Council

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W.A. Members
City of Albany
Shire of Broome
Shire of Busselton
Shire of Capel
City of Cockburn
City of Fremantle

City of Geraldton-Greenough

City of Gosnells
Shire of Kalamunda
Town of Kwinana
City of Mandurah
Shire of Murray
City of Rockingham
Serpentine & Jarrahdale Shire
City of Swan
City of Wanneroo

Main Roads W.A.

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W.A. Local Government Association

Department of Water W.A.

N.S.W Members
Bankstown City Council

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... 8
Introduction................................................................................................................................... 8
A-SPEC Program............................................................................................................................. 8
R-Spec Standard ...........................................................................................................................10
Use of the Specification..................................................................................................................11
Road Management Act - Victoria .....................................................................................................12
Western Australia ..........................................................................................................................14
Submission of As Constructed Measurements as Digital Data ...........................................................16
Supplier Register ...........................................................................................................................16
A-SPEC Member Contact ................................................................................................................16
Victoria ........................................................................................................................................17
Responsibility of the Developer .......................................................................................................17
Western Australia ..........................................................................................................................18
Responsibility of the Developer .......................................................................................................18
New South Wales ..........................................................................................................................20
Responsibility of the Developer/Consultant .......................................................................................20
Responsibility of A-SPEC Consortium Members..................................................................................21
Acceptance ...................................................................................................................................22
Errors and Omissions .....................................................................................................................22
Intellectual Property ......................................................................................................................22
Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................................22
Deliverables ..................................................................................................................................23
Certification Form - Readme / Metadata File .....................................................................................23

Graphical Specifications ................................................................................................. 23

Datum ...........................................................................................................................24
The Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA94) ...................................................................24
Format ...........................................................................................................................25
Theme/Layer Structure ....................................................................................................26
Other Asset Types that may be found in the Road Reserve ...............................................27
Graphical Data Construction Principles ...............................................................................28
Road Reserve (Polygon / Closed Polyline) .......................................................................28
Seal Width (Polygon / Closed Polyline) ...........................................................................28
Pavement / Seal Centreline (Line / Polyline)....................................................................29
Pathways (Polygon/ Closed Polyline) ..............................................................................29
Pathway Centreline (Polygon/ Closed Polyline) ................................................................30
Parking (Polygon/ Closed Polyline) .................................................................................30
Kerb & Channel & Shoulder (Line / Polyline) ...................................................................30
Traffic Management Devices (Polygon/ Closed Polyline) ...................................................30
Traffic Management Device (Polyline) ............................................................................30
Traffic Management Device (Point).............................................................................30
Bridges / Major Culverts (Closed Polyline) ...................................................................30
Signs (Point)............................................................................................................30
Trees (Point) ...........................................................................................................31
Water Hydrants (Point) .............................................................................................31
Lighting (Point) ........................................................................................................31
Vehicle Crossing (Polygon/ Closed Polyline) .................................................................31
Road Safety Barriers (Line / Polyline)..........................................................................31
Acceptance Testing .........................................................................................................31
Matching to Existing Infrastructure ....................................................................................31
Design Boundary Extent ...................................................................................................32


Attribute File Specifications ........................................................................................... 33


Road Reserve (Graphics Only) ..............................................................................................33

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Pavement / Seal Width (Graphics Only) .................................................................................33

Pavement / Seal Centreline ..................................................................................................33
Pathways (Graphics Only) ....................................................................................................33
Pathway Centreline .............................................................................................................33
Parking ..............................................................................................................................33
Kerb, Kerb & Channel and Shoulder ......................................................................................33
Traffic Management Devices (Polygon)..................................................................................33
Traffic Management Line Marking (Graphics Only) ...............................................................33
Traffic Management Devices (Point) ..................................................................................33
Bridge / Major Culvert......................................................................................................33
Signs .............................................................................................................................33
Trees .............................................................................................................................33
Water Hydrants...............................................................................................................33
Vehicle Crossing (Graphics Only) .......................................................................................33
Road Safety Barriers (Graphics Only) .................................................................................33


Attribute Data Validation Checks ................................................................................... 33


Road Reserve (Graphics Only) ..............................................................................................33

Pavement / Seal Width (Graphics Only) .................................................................................33
Pavement / Seal Centreline ..................................................................................................33
Pathways (Graphics Only) ....................................................................................................33
Pathway Centreline .............................................................................................................33
Parking ..............................................................................................................................33
Kerb, Kerb & Channel and Shoulder ......................................................................................33
Traffic Management Devices (Polygon)..................................................................................33
Traffic Management Line Marking (Graphics Only) ...............................................................33
Traffic Management Devices (Point) ..................................................................................33
Bridge / Major Culvert......................................................................................................33
Signs .............................................................................................................................33
Trees .............................................................................................................................33
Water Hydrants...............................................................................................................33
Vehicle Crossing (Graphics Only) .......................................................................................33
Road Safety Barriers (Graphics Only) .................................................................................33


Code Lists ....................................................................................................................... 33


Pathway Type ....................................................................................................................33

Kerb Type ..........................................................................................................................33
Traffic Management Type ....................................................................................................33
Bridge / Major Culvert Type .................................................................................................33
Lighting Type .....................................................................................................................33

R-SPEC Document Control ..............................................................................................................34

Document Revision History .............................................................................................................34
Summary of Specification Changes ..................................................................................................34
Summary of Changes.....................................................................................................................34
Attachment 1: Request for Existing Digital Data within the Road Reserve from A-SPEC Member .............36
Attachment 2: Corrective Action Form .............................................................................................38

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A-SPEC Program
A-SPEC is the acronym for the program involved in developing specifications for the delivery of newly
constructed assets as Digital Data in a GIS ready format to Local Government.
The A-SPEC management model enables Local Government authorities around Australia to participate in the
development and use of the standards developed under this program.
The key objectives of the A-SPEC initiative is to streamline stake holders (local government/utilities)
processes for receiving, handling and storing of underground infrastructure related to newly constructed
assets either from subdivision developments or internal programs (e.g. capital works) in their GIS and AMIS.
This process will increase the efficiency of information access and result in greater customer satisfaction
when dealing with inquiries from engineering consultants, surveyors, developers and prospective residents.
Eliminate duplication of effort. Significant duplication of effort exists in the digitising of as
constructed information. This duplication exists between the private sector (who capture as constructed
information), and council staff (who may digitise that information from paper plans);
Improve process efficiency, in the process of accepting and processing lodgements, and in checking
existing data against design criteria and/or design plans;
Improve customer service to both internal and external customers of asset information;
Improve the quality of drainage information held in council systems for audit and financial
requirements, as well as operational and business requirements;
Provide a structure for the consistent recording of all council owned assets, including those created
through internal programs such as; capital works and renewals.
and ultimately manage assets better to reduce the need for capital works and/or to reduce ongoing
maintenance costs.
A-SPEC data plays an important infrastructural role by:
functioning as reference data - which means that other kinds of information can and will be linked to
the core data
being of interest for many different kinds of applications (and being a common denominator and
integrator between different data suppliers and product and service providers)
containing information of specific interest for the public sector in its role to support asset
management, efficient transportation, traffic safety, to handle environmental and social planning, etc
having a structure that is stable over time (even if parts of the data content changes due to user
having specific interest for cross boarder (across State boundaries) applications.

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The organisations using the A-SPEC standards include:

City of Ballarat

Bass Coast Shire Council

Baw Baw Shire Council

Brimbank City Council

Cardinia Shire Council

City of Casey

Frankston City Council

Glenelg Shire Council

City of Greater

Colac-Otway Shire
Hume City Council

Latrobe City Council

Melbourne City Council

Shire of Melton

Mitchell Shire Council

Greater Shepparton City


South Gippsland Shire


Mornington Peninsula
Shire Council

Surf Coast Shire Council

Rural City of Wangaratta

Warrnambool City Council

Whittlesea City Council

Wyndham City Council

Emergency Services
Authority - ESTA

City of Albany

Shire of Broome

City of Busselton

Shire of Capel

City of Cockburn

City of Fremantle

City of GeraldtonGreenough

City of Gosnells

Shire of Kalamunda

Town of Kwinana

City of Mandurah

Shire of Murray

City of Swan

City of Wanneroo

Western Australia

City of Rockingham
Main Roads WA

Serpentine & Jarrahdale

W.A. Local Government

Department of Water

New South Wales

Bankstown City Council

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R-Spec Standard
The R-SPEC standard specification was created to enable Local Government authorities around Australia to
participate in the use of a single specification when dealing with the Land Development Industry within its
local jurisdiction.
Taking into account the relevant information for the respective Road Management Acts, the intent of R-Spec
is to provide Local Government with the ability to identify the assets within a road reserve that they will
become responsible for..
Overall a common specification for the supply of asset information within the road reserve was identified as
a major opportunity for the members to achieve efficiency and cost savings in the process of maintaining
public assets in accordance with their responsibilities under the Road Management Act
The R-Spec standard will enable consultants to provide As Constructed data with supplementary tables in
the form of attributes, specifying the characteristics required as GIS ready data as per the requirement in
The framework will consist of specifications for data content enabling data exchange. R-Spec will enable
data to be collected and available in a harmonised, interoperable and quality assured way.

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Use of the Specification

This specification is for use by Private Developers, the representatives of Private Developers, engineering
consultants and surveyors (hereafter referred to as Consultants) who undertake Land Development &
Capital Works activities for one or more members of the A-SPEC consortium.
Where applicable please refer to the section of the document that stipulates the specific requirements of the
State of Australia that you are conducting your business in. It is the responsibility of the consultants to
understand the specific requirements of their local government clients. Assistance will be provided wherever
possible to clarify any issues or concerns.
This document includes a specification of common features (feature types, attribute types and attribute
value domain). It also contains generalization rules for the graphical representation of the features i.e.
assets within the road reserve, geodetic reference system and rules for validating the data supplied to
ensure compliance.
The As Constructed information is to be supplied as features and attributes. Storing the information as
attributes means attaching the information directly to the features. This document is a guide on what
features to supply and which attributes to attach to the various features.
R-Spec will lay the foundation for road data infrastructure built on identified user requirements through a
specification framework.

In Summary

The key objective of this specification is to provide information to the Consultants that will be dealing with
A-SPEC consortium members. The standard outlines the specific requirements for the submission of AsConstructed Measurements as digital data of newly constructed assets within the road reserve.
Whilst all care has been taken with the preparation of this document it is the responsibility of the consultant
to confirm that all details are current and relevant. For example there are specific references in this
document that only relate to a particular Local Government jurisdiction. E.g. WAPC refers to a requirement
for Western Australian councils.
The project to determine the suitability of the R-SPEC standard was developed and is being managed by
Workforce Solutions Pty Ltd. Level 1, 8 Lawrence Street, Blackburn South, Victoria, 3130

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Road Management Act - Victoria

The Victorian Parliament passed the Road Management Act 2004 during its autumn 2004 sittings of
Parliament. The purpose of the Act is to establish a coordinated management system for public roads that
will promote safe and efficient State and local public road networks and the responsible use of road reserves
for other legitimate purposes, such as the provision of utility services. The majority of the provisions of the
Act came into operation on 1 July 2004. Provisions affecting utilities and works on roads came into effect on
1 January 2005.
The following are extracts from the Road Management Act under Division 2General functions and
powers of road authorities

33. Role of a road authority

A road authority must in performing road management functions have regard to the principal object of road
management and the works and infrastructure management principles

34. General functions

(1) A road authority has the following general functions



to provide and maintain, as part of a network of roads, roads for use by the community
served by the road authority;


to manage the use of roads having regard to the principle that the primary purpose of a
road is to be used by members of the public and that other uses are to be managed in a
manner which minimises any adverse effect on the safe and efficient operation of the road
and on the environment;


to manage traffic on roads in a manner that enhances the safe and efficient operation of

Powers of a road authority

(1) Subject to this Act, a road authority has power to do all things necessary or convenient to be done for or
in connection with the performance of its functions under this Act.


Which road authority is the coordinating road authority?

Subject to sections 15 and 16, the coordinating road authority is

if the road is a freeway or arterial road, VicRoads;
if the road is a non-arterial State road, the relevant responsible road authority under section
37(1)(c) or 37(1)(d);
if the road is a municipal road, the municipal council of the municipal district in which the
road or part of the road is situated.
The following are extracts from the Road Management Act under Division 3Specific powers and
duties of road authorities

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Statutory duty to inspect, maintain and repair public roads

(1)Subject to Part 6, a road authority has a statutory duty to inspect, maintain and repair a public road
(3)The statutory duty to inspect applies to any part of a public road which is
(a) a roadway;
(b) a pathway;
(c) a shoulder;
(d) road infrastructure.
For further details visit the Victorian Legislative and Parliamentary Documents website to view the
Road Management Act 2004 at http://www.dms.dpc.vic.gov.au/ or the VicRoads website at
The following information represents extracts from fact sheets prepared by VicRoads to provide a brief
snapshot of the key requirements of the Act.

Requirements of Local Government Authorities

The Road Management Act sets down specific requirements for Local Government Authorities, including the
Road authorities will be required to make an assessment of the need to put into place a formal road
management plan.
Road authorities will be required to establish a Register of Public Roads listing each public road for
which it is responsible.
Road authorities will be required to establish effective policies, administrative processes and systems
to manage roads in order to receive a level of statutory protection against civil liability claims under
the Act.
Prepare reports on road conditions following receipt of notification of an intention to claim for
property damage as a result of an incident (such notification is to be provided within 30 days of an

Requirements of Individuals Working in Road Reserves 2

The Road Management Act sets down specific requirements for individuals working in the road reserve,
including the following:
Obtaining consent from the coordinating road authority for works impacting on roads and provide
notification of the installation of infrastructure, subject to exemptions in regulations. [NOTE: The
consent provision comes into operation on 1 January 2005 and is in addition to any requirements
under planning and environmental legislation].
Individuals will be required to adequately reinstate roads after completion of repairs or new works.
Individuals will be required to notify coordinating road authorities following completion of works,
subject to exemptions in regulations.


Extract from a fact sheet prepared for Local Government Authorities VicRoads Dec04 (Sheet5LocalGovtDEC04.PDF)
Extract from a fact sheet prepared for Individuals VicRoads Dec04 (RMBFactSheetNo5WorkinginRoadReservesDEC04.PDF)

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Western Australia
Roads in WA are managed by either the relevant Local Government, Main Roads WA or the Department of
Environment and Conservation (within National Parks). However, land within dedicated public roads is Crown
Land subject to the Land Administration Act 1997. State Land Services (SLS), a Business Unit of the
Department of Regional Development and Lands (RDL), administers this Act and Crown land and has a key
role in relation to policy, legal and land management issues impacting on roads.3
Relevant Legislation
1) Local Governments are legal entities constituted under the Local Government Act 1995, the Act
which together with its associated regulations provides the basis of most of each Local Governments
powers. These include, but are not limited to, the specific road related powers in Part 3 Division 3 of
that Act.
2) The Commissioner of Main Roads is a body corporate constituted under the Main Roads Act 1930,
the Act which provides most of the Commissioners powers. The relevant provisions of the Main
Roads Act 1930 include;
a) in sub-section 16(1)(b), the Commissioners power to exercise in regard to any highway
or main road any power which a local government could exercise in regard thereto if
such road were within its municipal boundary; and
b) in sub-section 16(2) that, subject to the vesting and property provisions set out in
section 15, the powers of any local government over any highway or main road shall not
be deemed to be taken away by the Main Roads Act 1930, but the exercise of such
powers shall be subject to the control and direction of the Commissioner.
3) Other legislation which provides Main Roads and Local Government respectively with powers and
obligations in respect of roads include:
a) the Road Traffic Act 1974;
b) the Road Traffic Code 2000;
c) the Road Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Regulations 2002;
d) the Land Administration Act 1997 (Part 5 in particular);
e) the Public Works Act 1902 (Part V in particular); and
f) the Public Transport Authority Act 2003 (no specific road related provisions).
Western Australia has well-established local road planning arrangements that enable councils to identify,
prioritise and fund their strategic local road network and to monitor the adequacy of their road preservation
The responsibility of councils to preserve their assets is set out in Western Australia's Local Government Act
1995. Part 5 Division 5 Section 5.52C of the Act designates a program for replacing the local government's

major assets as a 'principal activity'. The Act requires local governments to prepare an annual report
containing 'a report of the principal activities commenced or continued during the financial year' and to
assess 'local government's performance in relation to each principal activity


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Requirements of Individuals Working in Road Reserves

The Utility Providers Services Committee (UPSC) operates as an independent entity and a subcommittee of
the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) with a formal reporting link to the Infrastructure Coordinating Committee (ICC) of the WAPC. Among other members, the ICC includes the following State
Government agencies and organisations:
Main Roads WA,
Department of Environment and Conservation &
Local Government representation,
The UPSC focuses on establishing standards for operational issues including the co-ordination of utility
service works, siteworks safety, environment, allocation of alignments and corridors for utility services within
road reserves and indicating requirements for utility services located within rail reserves.
Although the above compliance obligations have been established for the UPSC, investigation is being done
to determine the most appropriate framework, be that legislative or otherwise, to provide Main Roads WA
and Local Government with clear jurisdiction to manage services within road reserves in a consistent and fair
Local Governments have authority under the Local Government Act (WA), its Local Laws, Main Roads Act
(WA) and Road Traffic Code 2000 (Federal) to authorise all works within the road reserve,
All restoration or reinstatement works must be in accordance with the "Restoration and Reinstatement
Specification for Local Governments in Western Australia" published by IPWEA (WA) October 2002.

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Submission of As Constructed Measurements as

Digital Data
The key objective of the specification is to provide As Constructed Measurements as digital data of
information pertaining to assets within the Road Reserve in a GIS ready format to the consortium of
members using the R-Spec standard specification.

Please refer to the A-SPEC website; www.dspec.com.au for details of A-SPEC consortium members
preferred formats. 4

This document outlines the specifications for digital files containing: - information of assets within the Road
Reserve to be provided to the A-SPEC consortium members.

Supplier Register

The A-SPEC Consortium will maintain a register of Suppliers on the A-SPEC consortium website that this
specification is issued to, and provide updates or revisions as necessary. You are advised to read this
specification carefully and any comments or suggestions you have regarding this specification are welcomed.

The register of suppliers will be made available on the A-SPEC website; www.dspec.com.au

A-SPEC Member Contact

All inquiries relating to the format of the digital information should be directed to the A-SPEC representative
of the relevant organisation:

Please refer to the A-SPEC website; www.dspec.com.au for up-to-date contact details.

The preferred format relates to the format the data is presented as e.g. MapInfo, MIF/MID, Arc shape files, etc

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Responsibility of the Developer
The developer or his representative shall be responsible for:
ensuring that any information provided by the consortia members is verified prior to any works
being undertaken.
ensuring that the As-Constructed Information as shown on approved Engineering Plans are
recorded and certified in accordance with this document and forwarded to the ASPEC consortium
member prior to works being accepted and cleared to receive a Statement of Compliance.
ensuring that the As-Constructed Information as shown on approved Landscape Plans are
recorded and certified in accordance with this document and forwarded to the ASPEC consortium
member prior to works being accepted and cleared to receive a Certificate of Practical Completion.
ensuring that the data supplied to the A-SPEC member is correct, accurate, and complete.
ensuring the data is supplied within 3 weeks of work being completed unless otherwise agreed with
the relevant consortium member.
ensuring that the information provided is relative to the cadastral information being recorded in
Spatial Information Infrastructures digital cadastral map base.
In the event that the Developer engages a surveyor separately to record the "As-Constructed
Measurements" of the works, then the surveyor will be responsible for:
ensuring that any information provided by the consortia members is verified prior to any works
being undertaken.
ensuring that the As-Constructed Information as shown on approved Engineering Plans are
recorded and certified in accordance with this document and forwarded to the ASPEC consortium
member prior to works being accepted and cleared to receive a Statement of Compliance.
ensuring that the As-Constructed Information as shown on approved Landscape Plans are
recorded and certified in accordance with this document and forwarded to the ASPEC consortium
member prior to works being accepted and cleared to receive a Certificate of Practical Completion.
ensuring that the data supplied to the A-SPEC member is correct, accurate, and complete.
ensuring the data is supplied within 3 weeks of work being completed unless otherwise agreed with
the relevant consortium member.
ensuring that the information provided is relative to the cadastral information being recorded in
Spatial Information Infrastructures digital cadastral map base.
In the event that the Developer engages a consulting engineer to supervise all works including those
of a surveyor to record the "As-Constructed Measurements" of the works, then the consulting engineer
will be responsible for:
ensuring that any information provided by the consortia members is verified prior to any works
being undertaken.
ensuring that the As-Constructed Information as shown on approved Engineering Plans are
recorded and certified in accordance with this document and forwarded to the ASPEC consortium
member prior to works being accepted and cleared to receive a Statement of Compliance.
ensuring that the As-Constructed Information as shown on approved Landscape Plans are
recorded and certified in accordance with this document and forwarded to the ASPEC consortium
member prior to works being accepted and cleared to receive a Certificate of Practical Completion.
ensuring that the data supplied to the A-SPEC member is correct, accurate, and complete.
ensuring the data is supplied within 3 weeks of work being completed unless otherwise agreed with
the relevant consortium member.
ensuring that the information provided is relative to the cadastral information being recorded in
Spatial Information Infrastructures digital cadastral map base.

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Western Australia
Responsibility of the Developer
The developer or his representative shall be responsible for:
ensuring that any information provided by the consortia members is verified by the consultant prior
to any works being undertaken.
ensuring that the Survey Enhanced "As-Constructed Information and details of the Works as
shown on the approved Engineering Plans are recorded and certified by the Surveyor in accordance
with this document and forwarded to the A-SPEC consortium member prior to works being
accepted and receiving a Clearance.
ensuring that the Survey Enhanced "As-Constructed Information as shown on approved
Landscape Plans are recorded and certified in accordance with this document and forwarded to the
A-SPEC consortium member prior to works being accepted and cleared to receive a certificate of
Practical Completion
ensuring that the data supplied to the A-SPEC member is correct, accurate and complete.
ensuring the data is supplied within 3 weeks of work being completed unless otherwise agreed with
the relevant consortium member.
ensuring that the information provided is relative to the cadastral information being recorded in
LANDGATEs digital cadastral map base.
In the event that the Developer engages a surveyor separately to record the extent of the As
Constructed works, then the surveyor will be responsible for:
ensuring that any information provided by the consortia members is verified by the consultant prior
to any works being undertaken.
ensuring that the Survey Enhanced "As-Constructed Information and details of the Works as
shown on the approved Engineering Plans are recorded and certified by the Surveyor in accordance
with this document and forwarded to the A-SPEC consortium member prior to works being
accepted and receiving a Clearance.
ensuring that the Survey Enhanced "As-Constructed Information as shown on approved
Landscape Plans are recorded and certified in accordance with this document and forwarded to the
A-SPEC consortium member prior to works being accepted and cleared to receive a certificate of
Practical Completion
ensuring that the data supplied to the A-SPEC member is correct, accurate, complete and on the
projection requested by the A-SPEC member
ensuring the data is supplied within 3 weeks of work being completed unless otherwise agreed with
the relevant consortium member.
ensuring that the information provided is relative to the cadastral information being recorded in
LANDGATEs digital cadastral map base.
In the event that the Developer engages a consulting engineer to supervise all works including those
of a surveyor to record the extent of the As Constructed Measurements of the works, then the engineer
will be responsible for:
ensuring that any information provided by the consortia members is verified by the consultant prior
to any works being undertaken.
ensuring that the Survey Enhanced "As-Constructed Information and details of the Works as
shown on the approved Engineering Plans are recorded and certified by the Surveyor in accordance
with this document and forwarded to the A-SPEC consortium member prior to works being
accepted and receiving a Clearance.
ensuring that the Survey Enhanced "As-Constructed Information as shown on approved
Landscape Plans are recorded and certified in accordance with this document and forwarded to the
A-SPEC consortium member prior to works being accepted and cleared to receive a certificate of
Practical Completion
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ensuring that the data supplied to the A-SPEC member is correct, accurate, complete and on
the projection requested by the A-SPEC member.
ensuring the data is supplied within 3 weeks of work being completed unless otherwise agreed with
the relevant consortium member.
ensuring that the information provided is relative to the cadastral information being recorded in
LANDGATEs digital cadastral map base.

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New South Wales

Responsibility of the Developer/Consultant
The developer/consultant or his representative shall be responsible for:
ensuring that any information provided by the consortia members is verified prior to any works
being undertaken.
ensuring that the As-Constructed Information as shown on approved Engineering Plans are
recorded and certified in accordance with this document and forwarded to the ASPEC consortium
member prior to works being accepted and cleared, to receive a Completion Certificate or sign off
for Capital projects.
ensuring that the As-Constructed Information as shown on approved Landscape Plans are
recorded and certified in accordance with this document and forwarded to the ASPEC consortium
member prior to works being accepted and cleared to receive a Certificate of Practical Completion.
ensuring that the data supplied to the A-SPEC member is correct, accurate, and complete.
ensuring the data is supplied within 3 weeks of work being completed unless otherwise agreed to
with the relevant consortium member.
ensuring that the information provided is relative to the cadastral information being specified by the
relevant authority.
Please note this will be further clarified following the convening of the technical working group for NSW.

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Responsibility of A-SPEC Consortium Members

Each participating member shall be responsible for:
Correctly inserting the data provided by the certifying company into their respective GIS
environments (A-SPEC members are NOT responsible for scaling, rotating or manipulating the data
supplied by the consultants).
Providing extracts of existing data from their GIS in a timely manner.
In Victoria - providing acknowledgment of the receipt of Certified ""As-Constructed Information"
of the Works from the Developer or their representative.
In Western Australia - providing acknowledgment of the receipt of Certified Survey Enhanced "AsConstructed Information" information from the Developer or their representative.
Processing the data in a timely manner in accordance with the A-SPEC specified timeframes or as
otherwise arranged with the consultant.
Informing Consultants of non-conformance in accordance with the A-SPEC specified timeframes.
Application of quality control programs relevant to the respective A-SPEC consortium member.
Undertaking random in-house testing of the data.

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Each of the A-SPEC consortium members has independent processes that will take the digital files and place
them in their respective GIS and Asset Management Systems. At the same time quality control programs will
check the validity of the data, and maps may be printed.
Where applicable, this document includes suggested data validation checks for attribute fields. It is strongly
recommended that each consultant implement and run these prior to the submission of data to the A-SPEC
consortium member. The A-SPEC consortium members will undertake random in-house testing to ensure
compliance. The A-SPEC consortium members will carry out acceptance testing within the following
guidelines unless alternative timelines are agreed to by the developer and the respective A-SPEC member.
1. Developments < 10 lots
2. Developments 10 -50 lots
3. Developments 50 + lots

5 working days
10 working days
15 working days

Following the acceptance of the data and the provision of a Statement of Compliance the ownership of the
data with revert to the relevant A-SPEC consortium member.
Guidelines for the carrying out of validity checks have been outlined in Section 3 of this document.

Errors and Omissions

It is an expectation of the A-SPEC consortium that all data be verified by the developer or their
representatives (consultants) with relation to its completeness and graphical accuracy prior to submission.
Errors and omissions will result in the data being returned to the consultant for correction and may result in
a non-conformance being placed on the data submission.
This may result in a delay in the provision of a:

Statement of Compliance (Victoria) or

Clearance (Western Australia)
Completion Certificate (New South Wales)

Intellectual Property

The A-SPEC consortium members own the intellectual property of the developed specifications and
Intellectual Property rights are not to be sold, transferred or assigned to any party (other than a new
participating A-SPEC consortium member) without the prior written approval of the A-SPEC consortium.
The A-SPEC Specifications will be available free of charge to the development industry. All material is
copyrighted and under a trademark.


On occasion A-SPEC consortium members may supply consultants with digital data to assist them with their
planning and design phases. The A-SPEC consortium accepts no liability for the accuracy or completeness
of the information and it is the responsibility of the consultants to ensure that the data supplied is
appropriate and applicable to the end use intended.

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The following are acceptable media for providing the digital data files.
Email files to A-SPEC member representative. (File size limitation is 5 megabytes)
The CD or DVD is to be labeled in the following way.

Estate Name and Stage _____________________________________

Property Description (prior to subdivision) ______________________
Individual Council Approval Number___________________________
Signed by _______________________ Date ____________________
Name ___________________________________________________
Consultant name _________________________________

Certification Form - Readme / Metadata File

The readme.txt is a simple text file that contains information about the project the digital data is being
provided for and must accompany EVERY digital data submission.




Project or Subdivision name

Stage Number
Participating LGA
Date the digital data submitted to A-SPEC
Company name
Contact name for this project
Telephone number
Facsimile number
Email address (as applicable)
Mailing address


Physical business address

The coordinate system the data is in
The coordinate system the data was
transformed from
The software used to create the digital
Important notes or information to be
included here.

Exam ple
Wyndham Estate
Stage 3B
Wyndham City Council
Workforce Solutions
George Havakis
(03) 9877 6972
(03) 9878 2819
Level 1-8 Lawrence St,
Blackburn Sth, Vic, 3130
As Above
GDA94 Zone 49
E.g. Perth Coastal Grid to
GDA94 Zone49
E.g. MapInfo v7.5 /
AutoCad Map 2008
Any other relevant
information that the data
custodian needs to be
aware of.

Please refer to the A-SPEC website; www.dspec.com.au for details of A-SPEC consortium members
preferred formats.


G r a ph i c a l S pe c i f i c a t i o n s

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The key principle of this specification is to provide a standardised structure to record the
characteristics/attributes of each graphical element. Where data is being supplied in a GIS format, it can be
assumed that this is already the case.
It is an expectation of the A-SPEC consortium that all consultants providing data will be required to conform
to the current R-Spec standard. Therefore it is of vital importance that the release date of the specification
is known in the event that an update is issued specifying any variations.
The digital plans provided to the A-SPEC consortium must conform to the following specifications:

1.1. Datum

The Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA94)

All graphical information is to be projected in accordance with the preference of each individual A-SPEC
Please refer to the A-SPEC website; www.dspec.com.au for details of A-SPEC consortium members
preferred formats.
The Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA94) is the new Australian coordinate system, replacing the
Australian Geodetic Datum (AGD). GDA is part of a global coordinate reference frame and is directly
compatible with the Global Positioning System (GPS). The map projection associated with GDA94 is the Map
Grid of Australia, 1994 (MGA94), a Transverse Mercator projection, which conforms to the internationally
accepted Universal Transverse Mercator Grid system.
The Australian Height Datum (AHD) will not be affected by the adoption of GDA
Earth Centred GDA 94

Australian Centred AMG 84

Please note that in accordance with the guidelines outlined by the Spatial Services group within the
Information Services Branch (formerly Spatial Information Infrastructure - SII) of the Department of
Sustainability and Environment (DSE), GDA 94 become the official datum in Victoria in June 2005.
The applicable zones will be 54 and 55.

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Western Australia
The Western Australian Cabinet approved the adoption of the Geocentric Datum of Australia during 2000.
The Western Australian Land Information System (WALIS) Council has been made responsible for the
oversight and introduction into Western Australia of the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994.
The applicable zones will be 49, 50, 51 and 52.
The following parameters apply for the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projections

6o wide zones
Central Scale Factor 0.9996
False Easting 500,000 m
False Northing 10,000,000 m

There are a number of local grids that are used within Western Australia e.g. Perth Coastal Grid. In all
instances where data has been transformed by the consultant it is mandatory to state the local grid the data
was originally based in.
New South Wales
GDA94 (2010) refers to a new realisation of the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994. Coordinates in GDA94
(2010) are derived through direct connections to the Australian Fiducial Network (AFN) - see Regulation 13
The NSW Survey Control Network is based on GDA94 (1997), an earlier realisation which was adjusted in
Coordinates in GDA94(1997), including those for CORS, are available through SCIMS and are sometimes
referred to as local coordinates - see Local Tie Survey.
Although GDA94 (1997) coordinates also stem from the AFN, most of them are only linked indirectly through
many layers of measurements and adjustments.
To connect to GDA94 (1997), and AHD71 for elevation, using CORSnet-NSW, it is necessary to perform a
localisation or site calibration.

1.2. Format
Whilst R-Spec does not specify any one format over another it should be noted that each member may have
a preference.
Therefore all data is to be supplied in the format specified by each individual A-SPEC member or as
otherwise arranged with the individual consortium member.

Please refer to the A-SPEC website; www.dspec.com.au for details of A-SPEC consortium members
preferred formats.

Brimbank City Council
City of Gosnells
Wyndham City Council

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Preferred format
MapInfo native
MapInfo native
Intergraph native

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Secondary Format

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1.3. Theme/Layer Structure

The following level/layer structure is intended as a guide to assist Consultants when putting together
graphical information for members of the A-SPEC Consortium. The key principal is that each asset type
must be delivered on a separate level/layer and they must be clearly labelled.
Depending on the asset to be captured, not all the levels/layers indicated here may appear in the submitted
It is important to note that each level/layer should only contain the listed features; any other features
present will impede the automatic acceptance testing.

Asset Type

Page No

Feature (Object
Polygon (Closed

Property Boundary to
Property Boundary

Line (Closed Polyline)

Lip of Kerb to Lip of Kerb

Graphics Only


Road Reserve


Pavement / Seal


Pavement / Seal


Line (Polyline)

Centreline of Road, from

intersection to intersection or
to the end of the current



Polygon (Closed

Perimeter of Pathway

Pathway Centreline


Line (Polyline)


Polygon (Closed

Kerb/Kerb &
Channel & Shoulder


Traffic Mgt Devices


Traffic Mgt - Lines


Line (Polyline)

Centreline of Pathway, from

intersection to intersection or
to the end of the current

Graphics Only
Graphics Only


Perimeter of Parking Area


To be represented by the
back of the Kerb
If there is NO Kerb &
Channel the edge of the
shoulder must be provided.


Polygon (Closed
Line (Polyline) Perimeter
of painted marking

Perimeter of Device


Line Markings, Pedestrian

crossings/ medians/ chevrons

Graphics Only



Centre of Device



Polygon (Closed

Perimeter of Bridge / Major

Culvert & Abutment




Centre of Sign


Water Hydrants



Centre of Tree
Centre of Water Hydrant





Non-standard Public Lighting

Vehicle Crossing



Driveway access

Road Safety


Line (Polyline)

Centreline depicting extents

of barrier

Graphics Only
Graphics Only

Traffic Mgt Devices

Bridge / Major
Culvert &

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Other Asset Types that may be found in the Road


The following asset types may also be found in the Road Reserve but are covered in another specifications
developed by the A-SPEC Consortium.
Asset Type
Minor Structures
Services (Point)
Public Art /
Irrigation (Point)
Irrigation (Line)


A-SPEC Specification

Perimeter of Structure.
Eg: Pergola, Toilets, Shade Sale, Rotunda....
Line indicting the position of the fence.
Central location of Amenity.
Eg: BBQ, Tanks, Park Furniture
Central location of Bin.
Eg: BBQ, Tanks, Park Furniture
Supply of Power, Water, and Gas Metre
and/or outlet Location
Supply of Power, Water, and Gas lines
Centre of Artwork.
Eg: Statue
Landscaping Areas
Eg: Garden Beds, lawns, Habitat Rehab Area
Sprinkler location
Irrigation line location

Please refer to O-Spec

Please refer to O-Spec
Please refer to O-Spec
Please refer to O-Spec
Please refer to O-Spec
Please refer to O-Spec
Please refer to O-Spec
Please refer to O-Spec
Please refer to O-Spec
Please refer to D-Spec
Please refer to D-Spec

Stormwater Pipes
Stormwater Pits
Water Storage

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Please refer to O-Spec

Please refer to D-Spec

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1.4. Graphical Data Construction Principles

This section details the graphical data construction principles that consultants must adhere to for all
linework, polygons and points provided. Where practicable, the alignment of all Survey Enhanced As
Constructed data must be related to the title/property boundaries abutting the road reserve.
Please use sound CAD practices when recording data, such as snapping line work to ensure no overlaps or
undershoots and closing polygons/regions.
Generally, the following table applies to the construction of the segments that are to be supplied. This is not
a definitive list so it may be expanded as advised by users. However what is common is that a new segment
is to be supplied at each change of material or type of feature.
A new piece of road or path is created
A piece of road or path has changed (for example a
straight section has been curved or the material has
been changed)
The material type has changed

Representation in dataset
A new feature is created in the form of a segment
The original feature is split into parts i.e. new
A new segment will be created at the beginning of
each material type

Please Note: Different application for segmentation requirements

You will note that there is now a differentiation between the deliverables for Victoria and Western Australia
in relation to the polygonised information of the Pavement/Seal and Road Reserve areas.
Please carefully read the section relating to the geographic region you are dealing in.


Road Reserve (Polygon / Closed Polyline)

The Road Reserve (Property Boundary to Property Boundary) is to be represented as a series of polygons or
closed polylines as depicted below
The guidelines for the preparation of these is as follows:
The requirement for a polygon is to assist council in two specific areas.
1. For the creation of road sections for their pavement management and asset management systems
2. To assist councils in identifying the cost of "land under roads".
The "through road" will determine the extent of the main polygon in relation to the intersecting streets.
Therefore this will become the longest polygon.
The "through road" is defined by the hierarchy/classification of the road. If the hierarchy is the same then
place them in alphabetical order. i.e. according to the name.
All streets intersecting with the "through road" will then terminate at the edge of the main polygon.


Seal Width (Polygon / Closed Polyline)

The perimeter of the Road Section (Lip of Kerb to Lip of Kerb) is to be represented as a series of polygons or
closed polylines.
The requirement for a polygon is to assist council in two specific areas.
1. For the creation of road sections for their pavement management and asset management systems
2. To assist councils in identifying maintenance requirements for specific areas.
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The "through road" will determine the extent of the main polygon in relation to the intersecting streets.
Therefore this will become the longest polygon.
The "through road" is defined by the hierarchy/classification of the road. If the hierarchy is the same then
place them in alphabetical order. i.e. according to the name.
All streets intersecting with the "through road" will then terminate at the edge of the main polygon.

Western Australia

In Western Australia as intersections are managed as separate entities for reporting to their state Road
Authority, all polygons are to be separated at intersections and the polygon segments will align with the
pathway polygons, pathway centrelines and the pavement centreline.


Pavement / Seal Centreline (Line / Polyline)


The Length of the road is based on the length of continuous pavement and surfacing material. Where there
is a change in either type or pavement material, width or road name a new line segment is to begin. These
will correspond with the attribute table.
Dual carriageways are only to be represented as separated carriageways as outlined in DSEs Vicmap
Transport product description. A road must meet the following criteria:
There exists a physical divider (for example, a raised concrete/asphalt strip, kerb and channel,
planted or grassed median, etc) between carriageways.
The centre-line of each carriageway is separated by at least 20 metres.
The length of the dual carriageway is greater than 100 metres.
A small number of yet to be identified minor local roads with separate carriageways and divided sections of
road that fail to meet the above criteria are represented as single line features.

Western Australia

Pavement Centrelines are to be broken by a node at the same point where the pavement polygons break.
These line segments will therefore align with the pathway polygons, pathway centrelines and the seal width
polygons. These will correspond with the attribute table.
All dual carriageways are to be represented as separated carriageways with their own centreline.


Pathways (Polygon/ Closed Polyline)

The perimeters of any pathways are to be represented as a polygon or a closed polyline


Where there is a change in width or type of pavement material, a new polygon/polyline is to begin. These
will correspond with the attribute table.

Western Australia

The pathway polygons are to be split in accordance with the seal width polygons as depicted below. These
will correspond with the attribute table.

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Pathway Centreline (Polygon/ Closed Polyline)

The Length of the pathway is based on the length of continuous pavement and surfacing material. Where
there is a change in either type or material, width or road name a new line segment is to begin. These will
correspond with the attribute table.

Western Australia

The pathway centerlines are to be split at the nodes indicated below in accordance with the seal width
polygons and the pathway polygons.


Parking (Polygon/ Closed Polyline)

On Road
The perimeter of any road parking is to be represented as a polygon or a closed polyline.
Off- Road
The perimeter of any off-road parking is to be represented as a polygon or a closed polyline. Shown as a
grey polygon in the example diagram below.


Kerb & Channel & Shoulder (Line / Polyline)

The alignment of any Kerb & Channel or shoulder are to be represented as a line or polyline. Where there is
a change in width, type or material a new line/polyline is to begin. These will correspond with the attribute


Traffic Management Devices (Polygon/ Closed Polyline)

The perimeter of the Traffic Management Device to be represented as a polygon or a closed polyline.


Traffic Management Device (Polyline)

Line Markings, Pedestrian Crossings, Medians and Chevrons: a polyline showing the perimeter of the painted


Traffic Management Device (Point)

Traffic Lights and Pedestrian Signals are to be represented as a point. This will correspond with the attribute


Bridges / Major Culverts (Closed Polyline)

2 polygon elements are required to represent a Bridge;

1. Perimeter of the Bridge or Major Culvert. From the bridge edge (generally described as the
abutment) on one side to bridge edge on the other side
2. The pavement area of the Bridge


Signs (Point)

Centre of the Sign is to be represented as a point. This will correspond with the attribute table.

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Trees (Point)

Centre of the Tree is to be represented as a point. This will correspond with the attribute table.


Water Hydrants (Point)

Centre of the Water Hydrant location is to be represented as a point.


Lighting (Point)

Non-standard public lighting to be represented as a point indicting the centre of the lighting device.


Vehicle Crossing (Polygon/ Closed Polyline)

Driveway access is to be represented as a polygon or a closed polyline.


Road Safety Barriers (Line / Polyline)

Road Safety Barriers to be represented as a line indicting the position of the device.

1.5. Acceptance Testing

All graphical information will be checked against the Attribute file/table and it is essential that there is a link
OR key between the graphics and the Attribute file/table. Please refer to Sections 2.6 through to 2.10 for
guidelines designed to assist Consultants when putting together attribute information.

1.6. Matching to Existing Infrastructure

As Constructed digital data of the assets are:
1. to be positioned relative to the respective map bases referred to as:
a. the State Digital Map Base (SDMB) in Victoria
b. the Spatial Cadastral Data Base (SCDB) in Western Australia
The exception to this is when the position of the new assets clearly indicates a discrepancy when compared
to the position of the existing assets. When this occurs the consultant is to record this discrepancy as
outlined in the table in Section 1.5 Themes/Layer Structure.
It is the responsibility of the consultant to ensure the As Constructed digital data of the assets are related
wherever possible to the existing data held in R-SPEC consortium members GIS. The A-SPEC consortium
members will make available an extract of any digital data held in their respective GIS environments
covering the specific project area.
Consultants are to use Attachment 1: Request for digital data to obtain this extract.
Should the consultant find any errors in the data a Corrective Action Request Form can be used to inform
A-SPEC consortium members of any changes that need to occur. Please refer to Attachment 2: Corrective

Action Form

These measures will ensure that all new assets are recorded relative to the existing data sets to enable:
1. integration into A-SPEC consortium members respective GIS environments and
2. completeness of asset management infiormation within the A-SPEC consortium members respective
AMIS environments
3. confirmation of the location of the assets
4. continuous improvement process
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1.7. Design Boundary Extent

Consultants are to supply design boundary extents as a shape or polygon on a separate layer along with the
Development Name and Stage as text labels as outlined in the R-Spec standard.
The objective of this boundary is to provide the A-SPEC Consortium members an overview of the area being
developed. This will also assist the A-SPEC Consortium members monitoring progress of stage
The image on the below Drawing 5 Design Boundary Extents, shows the suggested placement of an
estate name (i.e. Bridge St) inside the boundary of the development. Please note the boundary depicted by
the blue line takes into account property boundaries included within the subdivision.
In the event that the area of works is only related to road works then the boundary only needs to be placed
around the area affected by the works.
Example Drawing : Design Boundary Extents.

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A t t r i bu t e F i l e S pe c i f i c a t i o n s

List of Attribute Tables

2.1. Road Reserve (Graphics Only)
2.2. Pavement / Seal Width (Graphics Only)
2.3. Pavement / Seal Centreline
2.4. Pathways (Graphics Only)
2.5. Pathway Centreline
2.6. Parking
2.7. Kerb, Kerb & Channel and Shoulder
2.8. Traffic Management Devices (Polygon)
2.9. Traffic Management Line Marking (Graphics Only)
2.10. Traffic Management Devices (Point)
2.11. Bridge / Major Culvert
2.12. Signs
2.13. Trees
2.14. Water Hydrants
2.15. Lighting
2.16. Vehicle Crossing (Graphics Only)
2.17. Road Safety Barriers (Graphics Only)


A t t r i bu t e D a t a V a l i d a t i o n C h e c k s

List of Validation Tables

3.1. Road Reserve (Graphics Only)
3.2. Pavement / Seal Width (Graphics Only)
3.3. Pavement / Seal Centreline
3.4. Pathways (Graphics Only)
3.5. Pathway Centreline
3.6. Parking
3.7. Kerb, Kerb & Channel and Shoulder
3.8. Traffic Management Devices (Polygon)
3.9. Traffic Management Line Marking (Graphics Only)
3.10. Traffic Management Devices (Point)
3.11. Bridge / Major Culvert
3.12. Signs
3.13. Trees
3.14. Water Hydrants
3.15. Lighting
3.16. Vehicle Crossing (Graphics Only)
3.17. Road Safety Barriers (Graphics Only)


Code Lists

List of Codes

Pathway Type
Kerb Type
Traffic Management Type
Bridge / Major Culvert Type
Lighting Type

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R-SPEC Document Control

Project Name
Document Type
Document Number
File Name
Version Date
Written by
Reviewed by
Authorised by

Road Reserve Module

R-SPEC Digital Data Specifications-Version 2.1.doc
1 August, 2011
Kerrie Cruickshank and George Havakis
George Havakis
R-Spec Technical Working Group

Document Revision History


5 October 2007
12 November 2007
28 April 2008
26 June 2008
25 November 2008
12 March 2009
7 May 2009
17 March 2010
7 May 2010
1 July 2010
22 February 2011
14 July 2011

Draft document to Victorian Technical Working Group
Changes from Victorian Technical Working Group Meeting
Changes from Victorian Technical Working Group Meeting
Changes from Victorian Technical Working Group Meeting
Changes from Victorian Technical Working Group Meeting
Changes from Victorian Technical Working Group Meeting
Changes from Victorian Technical Working Group Meeting
Changes from Vic TWG and Public Comment
Changes from Vic TWG and Public Comment
Changes from Vic TWG and Public Comment
Changes from WA TWG
Changes from Industry comment

Summary of Specification Changes

The following is a summary of changes made to the R-SPEC Specification from the last official release.

Summary of Changes
Item #

Section 1.4.2 - Seal Width (Polygon / Closed Polyline)

All polygons to be separated at intersections
Applicable to W estern Australia only
Section 1.4.3 Pavement Centreline (Line / Polyline)
Pavement Centrelines are to be broken by a node at the same point as the pavement
polygons break. These line segments will therefore align with the pathway polygons,
pathway centrelines and the seal width polygons.
Applicable to W estern Australia only
Section 1.4.4 - Pathway (Polygon / Closed Polyline)
Pathway polygons are to be split and aligned with the seal width polygons, the
pavement centreline and the pathway centrelines.
Applicable to W estern Australia only

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Section 1.4.5 - Pathway Centreline (Line/Polyline)

Pathway Centrelines are to be broken by a node at the points indicated by the black
stars. These line segments will align with the pathway polygons and the seal width
Applicable to W estern Australia only

Section 2.3 Seal Centreline File Format Instructions

Changed title to Pavement / Seal File Format Instructions as it is referred to as
pavement in W.A.
Addition of the SLK (Straight Line Kilometres) feature as an option to chainages to
and from.

Section 2.5 Pathway Centreline File Format Instructions

Added an additional column for Treatment
Combine columns Material and Reinforce to just Material Type


Addition of new member logos: Broome Shire Council, Frankston City Council and WALGA
Addition of new member logos: ESTA and Geraldton/ Greenough

Addition of table directing users to other specifications that may include other asset types
sometimes found in the Road Reserve.


Addition of Road Authorities responsibilities in Western Australia page 12


Modification and additions to wording on pages 15-18 re: As constructed Information and
Landscape Plans


Addition of SLK requirement for WA only in File Format Instruction tables 2.3, 2.5, 2.10, 2.12,
2.13, 2.14 & 2.15 and their relevant Attribute Data Validation Checks tables


Addition to wording for the field Source in all tables to reflect that the level of accuracy is
also to be included along with the source of the data


Addition of media type for supply of existing data page 86

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A t t a c h m e n t 1 : R e qu e s t f o r E x i s t i n g D i g i t a l D a t a
within the Road Reserve from A-SPEC Member
Please note this relates to roads, footpaths and kerb & channel alignments.
Please refer to the A-SPEC website for relevant contact details. www.dspec.com.au
A-SPEC Member Contact:
Developer or their Representatives Name:
Developer or their Representatives Contact Name:
Development project(s) reference(s):


I, the representative named above, request from _______________________________________ an extract

(insert name of A-SPEC member)
from their drainage digital map base covering the area as described in the following sections. As a condition
of using this data, I agree to acknowledge the ownership of ____________________________________
_(insert name of A-SPEC member)
over this data and agree to be bound by the restriction that the data is only to be used for the nominated
development projects.
Please make a selection indicating, the method of delivery and the type of media the data is to be supplied

Requested method of
data delivery

Requested media format



To be collected


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Please complete one of the sections below. Adequate information must be provided to easily
identify the area of interest.
E.g. the area bounded by Latrobe, Swanston, Bourke and Spencer Streets.

Bounding Coordinates (Eastings and Northings)

E.g. the area within (294081m E, 5802320m N), (294430m E, 5802315m N),
(294449m E, 5801990m N), (294094m E, 5801991m N)

Area shaded in attached picture

E.g. the area shown shaded in an extract from a street directory.

Version 2.1
Document No: AS-2008-0005

Commercial in Confidence

Page 37 of 38
Document Date: 1/8/2011

Attachment 2: Corrective Action Form

Should the consultant find any errors in the data the Corrective Action Request Form can be used to inform
A-SPEC Consortium members of any changes that need to occur.
These measures will ensure that all new assets are recorded relative to the existing data sets to enable:
integration into The A-SPEC Consortium members respective GIS environments and
Confirmation of the actual location of the assets.
Please refer to the A-SPEC website for relevant contact details; www.dspec.com.au
R-SPEC Member Contact:
Developers Name:
Developers Contact Name:
Development project(s) reference(s):

Asset Type


Version 2.1
Document No: AS-2008-0005



Description of Problem

Commercial in Confidence

Page 38 of 38
Document Date: 1/8/2011

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