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Tutorial 01

Question (1) : For considering the Case-1

From point of view of mine
Here, It is known widely fact that the law of contract is based on three elements namely offer
and acceptance, intention and consideration. In the case of analyzed, that provided in the law
of contract that support the fact that the person A who lost the certain important document
wont to be awarded to person B which the claimed reward.
From this scenario we get to know that the person A has offered that a reward of Rs.5000 will
be awarded for anyone who finds the certain lost document within a particular period of time and
B finds the document in the mean period.
I Come up with the mentioned topics are above, that described below;
Offer and Acceptance : A contract is made where parties reach an agreement. In this given case
there is no communication of acceptance for the offer of the reward by the person B to offer
claimed person A. When the certain document was returned to the corresponding person A in
the subsequent period, A has the sole right of revocation of the offer since the offer also has
lapsed, and thus became no rights of acceptance.
Intention : It is important to note that the intention to create legal relation was not satisfied or
bound in the case that we considered here.
Consideration : The contract is not binding since the person A has just provided bare promise
to give the reward of Rs.5000 to the one who finds the certain important document within the
certain time period. It is important to note, that the governing factors of consideration, that must
not past not satisfied.
The Conclusion is I feel that the person A no needs to pay the reward to person B.

Question (2)

Contract agreement this is an agreement made between Employer and Contractor

Letter of Award/Acceptance employer provides this to the contractor in acceptance
of their offer.
Special conditions of contract any amendments or changes made to the clauses in
condition of contract
General condition of Contract issued by ICTAD or FIDIC
Specification Documents:
o General specifications gives information about the general
o Technical specifications specifications for technical matter
Rate schedules and BOQ rated of bill of quantities submitted by contractor to the
employer for the works
The Construction Drawings all types of drawings such that drawn and checked by
the professionals.

2. Specifications of the project

This building complex is created with under Class 1 concrete.

The building complex includes the following features


Conference hall (substructure, super structure and external work)

Sport centre (substructure, super structure and external work)
ICT & Library building (substructure, super structure and external work)
a. Sub structure
i. Excavation and earthwork
ii. Concrete work
b. Superstructure
i. Electrical installation
ii. Painting
c. External works
Toilet block
a. Sub structure
i. Excavation and earth work
ii. Concrete work
b. Super structure
i. Water proofing
ii. Wall ceiling and floor finishes
c. External works
i. Soakage pit

3. BOQ of the project

This project is of a cost of 30 million
Excavation and earth work
Details of clearing of site and making it suitable for construction and their costs
Aluminum Work
Details of making the structure with Aluminum supports to build on and their costs
Concrete work
Details of concreting of required places included in the drawings and their cost
Roof works
Details of making of the roof structure and their costs
Electrical Installation
Details of installation of electrical circuits and connections required and their costs
Masonry works
Details of doing the masonry works and their costs
Details of pains used and number of coating used and their costs

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