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Homework 1

Homework for Psychopathology

Bertran Cruz Jerez

University of Turabo, Gurabo P.R.

(Professor: Silma Quiñones, Ph.D.)

(February 03, 2009)

Homework 2

Regarding patients suffering what mental disorder symptom is of outmost

concern and fear to you?

In reviewing various mental disorders in the DSM IV and relating to previous

experiences. I was initially inclined to think that the disorders that would have some

constant aggressive outcome would be the ones to impact and strike fear the most.

But as I start recollecting in my personal experiences, I have to say that to see

the immobilizing grasp of the Depressive Disorders strikes fear in me like no other. The

year and half I was exposed to mental illness in Florida working as a Clinical Case

Manager, I did see me fair share of aggression, grateful to say very few towards me, but

peers were strike and insulted from time to time. And the aggression the patients

showed towards each other in the care center were prevalent in the daily operations.

Nonetheless the aggression expressed from psychotic episodes brought on by drugs,

mix meds and lack of them was unequal to the depression that drove many to those

circumstances to begin with.

My Mother a clear example struggled during the mid to late 70ties, recently single

with 4 children in NY. Add to that the immigration situation, not knowing the language

and with very few family and friends, to create the perfect circumstances for deep and

profound solitude and sadness. Of course environment alone is not in itself the culprit

of such decadence, but if we add to that the lack of coping skills, understanding of the

changes within and perhaps we can see the brewing of the perfect storm to see it
Homework 3

revealed in Major Depressive Disorder, recurrent, severe without psychiatric features


It hit so close to home at an age with seeing mother in bed for so many hours
was of concern but the severity of the behavior misunderstood. I did all I could to help,
from groceries to laundry, skipped school many times for a Doctor, welfare and other
visits, where a translator was needed.

A condition so easily mistaken from laziness to lack of will, once it has you in its
grips, like a serpent’s prey a venom few can shake off without enlighten, guidance and
at times medication, that can teach the cripple how to walk.

To lose sight and be so within one owns mind, that the exterior and future seems
so bleak, and when strength and mood permitting to proceed to take your own life, or
that of others out of desperation, is a state of despair so tied into depression, looking to
silence the tyranny of a mind gone wrong.

The positive outlook is that in today’s world it’s an acceptable and each day
better understood condition, that so many professional seek to treat and so many clients
struggle to conquer and are successful in the process. This in no way liberates us from
ignorance in our society, cultures and personal surrounding, but one step at a time
those affected seem to perceive a clearer message that help exist, where once you
were deem for failure, now we can honestly say there is light at the end of the crisis.
Homework 4


Task Force and other comittees and work group of the American Psychiatric
Association. (2000). Diagnosic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth
ed.). Washington, DC, USA: American Psychiatric Association.

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