Test15hk2l2 11

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Bui Thi Xuan High School

Full name: ...........................................


(The 2ndterm,the 2nd time)
Subject: ENGLISH- code 1


I. Multiple choice: Choose the best answer (6ms)





1: Hes trying to ____________________his own knowledge.

A. advanced
B. advances
C. advance
D. advancing
2: This multi-sport event is an occasion when friendship and _____ are built and promoted.
A. solidarity
B. effort
C. knowledge
D. enthusiasm
3: After the accident he lost his ___________ for the sport.
A. enthusiastic
B. enthusiasm
C. enthusiast
D. enthusiastically
4: ______________from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.
A. Athletic
B. Athletes
C. Athlete
D. Athletics
5: Scuba diving and windsurfing are both aquatic sports.
A. field
B. individual
C. combat
D. water
6: Many people like football because it is a very________ sport.
A. strong
B. unfair
C. aquatic
D. competitive
7: Mr. Lam is the teacher who teaches our class____________________
A. gymnastics
B. gymnastic
C. gymnast
D. gymnasium
8: The football match was so dull that most of the _____ left at half-time.
A. participants
B. fans
C. spectators
D. attendants
9: The hotel attracts many tourists each year because it has modern _______ for them.
A. thing
B. equip
C. facilities
D. machine
10: Congratulations, I hear youve been_____________ to divisional manager.
A. downgrade
B. upgrade
C. put
D. get
11: The Vietnamese ___________took part in the 14 Asian Games with great enthusiasm.
A. participants
B. participate
C. participation
D. participating
12: You cant expect to win in any sport if you dont make any _________
A. competition
B. try
C. good
D. effort
II. Reduce the following relative clauses (2ms)
1. I really dont know the first man that traveled around the world.
2. The magazines that are sent today will reach tomorrow
3. The street which leads to the school is very wide.
4. The candidates who are sitting for the exam are all from Vietnam.
III. Rewrite the following sentences without relative pronouns.(2ms)
1. The dress fits you. I gave it to you yesterday.
2. We stayed at a hotel. It was perfect.
-> The hotel


I. Multiple choice: Choose the best answer (6ms)

1C 2A 3B 4B



7A 8C





II. Reduce the following relative clauses (2ms)

1. I really dont know the first man to travel around the world.
2. The magazines sent today will reach tomorrow
3. The street leading to the school is very wide.
4. The candidates sitting for the exam are all from Vietnam.
III. Rewrite the following sentences without relative pronouns.(2ms)
1. The dress I gave to you yesterday fits you
2. The hotel we stayed at was perfect

Bui Thi Xuan High School

Full name: ...........................................

(The 2ndterm,the 2nd time)
Subject: ENGLISH- code 2


I. Multiple choice: Choose the best answer (6ms)





1: This multi-sport event is an occasion when friendship and _____ are built and promoted.
A. solidarity
B. effort
C. knowledge
D. enthusiasm
2: The football match was so dull that most of the _____ left at half-time.
A. spectators
B. fans
C. attendants
D. participants
3: Many people like football because it is a very________ sport.
A. strong
B. competitive
C. aquatic
D. unfair
4: Scuba diving and windsurfing are both aquatic sports.
A. field
B. individual
C. combat
D. water
5: The Vietnamese ___________took part in the 14 Asian Games with great enthusiasm.
A. participation
B. participating
C. participate
D. participants
6: Hes trying to ____________________his own knowledge.
A. advances
B. advance
C. advanced
D. advancing
7: ______________from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.
A. Athletics
B. Athlete
C. Athletes
D. Athletic
8: The hotel attracts many tourists each year because it has modern _______ for them.
A. thing
B. equip
C. facilities
D. machine
9: Mr. Lam is the teacher who teaches our class____________________
A. gymnast
B. gymnastic
C. gymnastics
D. gymnasium
10: After the accident he lost his ___________ for the sport.
A. enthusiasm
B. enthusiastic
C. enthusiast
D. enthusiastically
11: You cant expect to win in any sport if you dont make any _________
A. competition
B. try
C. good
D. effort
12: Congratulations, I hear youve been_____________ to divisional manager.
A. downgrade
B. upgrade
C. put
D. get
II. Reduce the following relative clauses (2ms)---------------------------------------1. The people who want to smoke have to leave the building.
2. The first student that hands in the paper will get a small gift.
3. The city which was destroyed during the war has now been rebuilt
4. The people who were sitting at the back couldn't hear.
III. Rewrite the following sentences without relative pronouns.(2ms)
1. You took the photos. They were great.
-> The photos
2. The beef was really delicious. She had it for dinner.

I. Multiple choice: Choose the best answer (6ms)







II. Reduce the following relative clauses (2ms)

1. The people wanting to smoke have to leave the building.
2. The first student to hand in the paper will get a small gift.
3. The city destroyed during the war has now been rebuilt
4. The people sitting at the back couldn't hear.
III. Rewrite the following sentences without relative pronouns.(2ms)
1. The photos you took were great.
2. The beef she had for dinner was really delicious.



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