Common Standards Instruction and Assessment

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Tying Together the

Common Core of
Standards, Instruction,
and Assessments
Fewer, clearer, higher standards will point the United States in the right
direction for developing an education system that prepares high school
graduates who are college-ready.

By Vicki Phillips and Carina Wong

After more than 20 years of messy thinking, mistakes, and misguided di-
rection, policy makers have finally given teachers and students a solid set of
standards in mathematics and literacy. The Common Core of Standards
only begins the process of moving academic performance in these sub-
jects to the levels we need, but it’s such a relief to have them. Now, the
Race to the Top funding and the federal investments in state assess-
ment systems have targets that make sense.
The anticipated adoption of the Common Core by 48 states
(only Texas and Alaska are not on board) also indicates genuine
political will to move away from disparate standards across the
country. The bottom line? K-12 public education is as close as
it has ever been to saying every high school graduate must
be college ready.
Having a set of common standards also lays the
groundwork for developing assessments aligned with
those college-ready standards and for developing
teaching tools that are aligned with both the stan-
dards and the assessments. It is a mountain of work,
but it’s work that is essential for creating a system
of education that is cohesive and coherent.
Why core standards, why choose college-
ready as a goal, and what do we do next? For
two years, the education team at the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation has been col-
lecting evidence about and thinking PDKConnect
To comment on
VICKI PHILLIPS is director of education this article,
and CARINA WONG is deputy director, log in at
College-Ready Work for the Bill & Melinda and
Gates Foundation. click on
JIunlimited/ V91 N5 Kappan 37

through answers to these questions. We’ve begun to for innovation, a structure that can support creative
make substantial investments in some of the an- strategies for teaching core content in math and lit-
swers. Gates partnered with the Council of Chief eracy.
State School Officers and the National Governors
Association to develop the Common Core of Stan- RATIONALES FOR THE COMMON CORE AND
dards and is investing in next steps, to the extent that COLLEGE READY
it’s appropriate for the foundation. Some justifiably worry about common standards.
First, we want readers to understand that we do The Common Core of Standards, however, points
not come to the issues as “think tank experts” who state policy making in the right direction without
are clueless as to what it’s really like on the ground in imposing rigid specifications about how states
schools and classrooms. One of us is the education should use them. Analyze the standards, and you’ll
director of the foundation, the other is head of its see an underlying theme of “fewer, clearer, higher”
College-Ready Work Team. We’ve standards for math and literacy. They’re designed to
been involved in this work for a long be more manageable for teachers and to focus on
time, from the bottom up and the preparing students for college.
top down, as teacher, program ad- The evidence for adopting college ready as a goal
The Gates Foundation ministrator, and teacher develop- could not be stronger. Using the evidence, our Col-
acknowledges risks in ment director. We worked together lege-Ready Work Team defines “ready” as access to
setting on the table a at the National Center on Educa- two-year transfer programs or four-year colleges
tion and the Economy when it with the knowledge and skills to succeed in fresh-
coherent system of launched the first significant effort man-year core courses — in other words, no reme-
college-ready standards, to set high standards and align as- dial work. This expectation is just as important for
aligned assessments, sessments with them. Its New Stan- young people who enroll in occupational certificate
dards Project in the 1990s formed programs after high school; success in these pro-
and teaching tools. an alliance of states and districts, grams and in on-the-job training requires the skills
and we helped them adopt the lan- and knowledge embedded in the core standards.
guage of standards and link them to The Gates Foundation advocated for fewer,
performance assessment systems. clearer, and higher standards because evidence sup-
Later, we teamed up again — as state superintendent ports the need for students to have certain skills as
and as bureau director for assessment — in the Penn- they move into college, including:
sylvania State Department of Education. There, we
worked around an illogical — but typical — set of • Academic skills and content that are basic but
standards (politically difficult to change) and man- also encompass big ideas in the disciplines;
aged to improve the state assessment system some- • Cognitive skills, such as problem solving,
what by clarifying targets for teachers and reducing collaboration, and academic risk taking;
the standards covered. Moreover, one of us has expe- • Academic grit/academic relationships, such as
rience implementing standards-based reforms as the being motivated to do demanding work and
superintendent of both a mid-sized Pennsylvania dis- being engaged in it; and
trict and an urban Oregon school district. • College knowledge, or knowing how to apply
The vision of a sensible and challenging educa- for college successfully and navigate the
tion for all students has always been central to this system. (“College Knowledge” is the title of a
work, but when we were dealing with states and book by David Conley of the University of
school districts, we often stumbled at trying to move Oregon, who is analyzing college admission
systems. There were too many pieces to change at and freshman-year requirements for the Gates
the same time, and never enough money and a lack College-Ready Work Team.)
of political stamina at all levels. The No Child Left
Behind Act helped set priorities, but the prescriptive States face many choices in moving toward fewer,
accountability measures made it difficult for some clearer, higher standards. When considering fewer,
districts and states to use assessments as levers for are the academic expectations for students the same
good practices. no matter what type of postsecondary education they
With the Common Core of Standards, many want? What is absolutely necessary to be successful
things now become possible. Because states will be in credit-bearing college courses? How can second-
working from the same core, we can create broad- ary courses be reorganized to provide sufficient time
based sharing of what works but, at the same time, to learn the core content? To be clearer, evidence in-
provide local flexibility to decide how best to teach dicates states must be sure their standards are coher-
the core. The new standards also provide a platform ent (minimal repetition and with “big ideas” that

38 Kappan February 2010

thread the content together), are aligned to assess- research industry. Teachers need the same kind of sup-
ments, and use formative assessments to determine port.”
proficiency. Higher does not mean piling on content. Most states rely on single, standardized assess-
Rather, it means being able to apply learning, to ments, now used to measure student achievement, as
transfer learning from one context to another, and to a central component to measuring teacher effective-
measure up to international standards. ness, which is not ideal. States need to move their as-
Some of these criteria already are in play in our sessment systems to higher levels — as the Race to
education system through limited programs, such as the Top guidelines specify — by giving teachers ex-
Advanced Placement courses and the International amples of formative assessments aligned to college-
Baccalaureate. States also can borrow ideas from the ready core standards. States also need to build plat-
curricula and assessments in other countries or from forms for data that teachers can use to improve their
the popular International Cambridge Exam system, instruction. Together, these provide the base for re-
provided they acknowledge and consider different designing state assessment systems.
demographic and system contexts. The Gates Foundation has sorted out the tasks
ahead and placed its college-ready investments be-
WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN NEXT? hind helping teachers improve their practice through
The Common Core of Standards takes the guess- intentionally designed tools, strategic partnerships,
work out of determining what students should know and incentives for the tools to go to scale.
and be able to do. The Common Core, however,
doesn’t tell states what the standards look like in WHAT TO EXPECT IN MATH
practice. Moreover, the Common Core will become Instead of strategies that constrict teaching, the
useful to teachers and policy makers only when it’s partners working with Gates are developing tools
part of a larger system of next-genera-
tion assessments that track how much
students know and how well they
know it.
We know how difficult it is to revise
state assessment systems — the ever-
present balancing act between quality
and cost, the need to maintain trust
among educators while seeking im-
provements, and the long lead time
necessary for changes. The opportu-
nity before states, however, is not sim-
ply to change their assessment systems.
The Common Core represents an op-
portunity to totally redesign assess-
ment systems, using the standards and
the college-ready goal as the guides.
Teachers would welcome state as-
sessment systems that measure what
they consider challenging classroom
work and are technically valid. That’s
why the Gates Foundation’s overall
strategy considers high-quality assess-
ments a critical resource for teacher ef-
fectiveness and teachers’ capacities to
prepare students for college-level work.
Bill Gates has said emphatically that
teachers deserve to have access to the
tools and supports they need every time
they step into the classroom. “Doctors
aren’t left alone in their offices to try to
design and test new medicines,” he told
an education forum in November 2008.
“They’re supported by a huge medical V91 N5 Kappan 39

than advanced algebra. Moreover, college-ready
The College-Ready Work investments skills, according to the Common Core of Standards,
The Gates Foundation will spend an estimated $354 million need to be more conceptual and less procedural.
between 2010 and 2014 to: The math strategy in which the foundation is in-
vesting gets at the details in the standards. It uses a
• Help states build a framework that could be the foundation technology-based program to map specific math
for a common proficiency conversation; and cognitive skills that can guide assessment and
• Develop prototypes of both formative and summative provide a clear target for teachers as they decide
assessments in math and literacy that, by design, are what students need to be college ready. Teachers and
aligned to the core standards, provide challenging work for state assessment systems will be able to draw from a
students, and help teachers provide meaningful feedback to bank of assessments — formative and summative —
students; that set performance targets. Once the research is
• Develop syllabi that lay out a course that connects the completed on field trials, the assessments will be
standards, assessments, and instruction but depends on universally available. Moreover, the initiative will
teachers using their own creativity in the classroom. provide an assessment blueprint for math that could
be an alternative to current state assessments.
• Seed new intermediaries for validation and item bank The instructional packages being developed by
development, and designing new models of professional our partner organization, the Shell Centre at the Uni-
development; versity of Nottingham in Great Britain under the
• Develop specifications for new technology-based aegis of the University of California Berkeley, en-
instructional platforms that would help states deliver high- courage teachers to use assessments differently. Each
quality assessments aligned to the core standards and help unit will be anchored on a task or a set of tasks and
districts acquire time-relevant data to improve instruction; suggest interventions that address difficulties stu-
• Develop new ways of thinking about psychometric rules that dents may be having, follow-up questions, and how
guide tests in order to get higher quality and more valid teachers can manage classroom discussions. Opti-
items that can be used for large-scale assessment and mally, these instructional/assessment packages will
accountability systems; evolve into a sequence of math modules for grades 8-
11. We may add other grades as the initiative pro-
• Develop new scoring technology and new forms of gresses. The work also is developing summative end-
diagnostic assessments; and of-course tests in order to establish college-ready ex-
• Explore how to support student academic success, build pectations. They won’t look like the summative tests
their academic tenacity, and surround them with responsive states use in their assessment systems now, and they
education environments. aren’t intended to be used for accountability. Their
purpose is to show how state accountability systems
that will show teachers what is possible when they could look — measuring performance aligned to
use fewer, clearer, and higher standards. The tools fewer, clearer, higher standards, assessing students’
will provide an image of standards-based instruction abilities to use what they’ve learned, and giving teach-
that comes alive because of teacher creativity and ers data that they actually can use to improve their
flexibility. practice. They will be an image of the possibilities.
The Common Core of Standards is broadly writ- The Shell Centre is working on a set of 20 in-
ten, so the partners are analyzing the knowledge and structional modules with assessments and end-of-
skills underneath them. They’re adding next-genera- course tests for each grade level.
tion assessments to that base. Their course designs and
assessments can be used as single modules or linked
together to make a full course. They will work in tra- Literacy is not as self-contained as math. As the
ditional or in more proficiency-based classrooms. Common Core of Standards makes clear, literacy
The approach doesn’t duplicate other strategies, skills cross subject-area boundaries but are not for-
such as the familiar backward mapping of content. mally taught once students enter the middle grades
We know, for example, that influencing practice in (direct instruction often ends at 3rd grade). The fo-
math is a very different ball game than what is cus of English/language arts in the middle grades
needed for literacy. In the past, higher standards just tends to highlight narrative reading and writing,
meant more math. A decade ago, completing Alge- while college-ready skills emphasize reading multi-
bra I became the standard; now, the standard is com- ple and complex texts and writing that calls on stu-
pleting Algebra II. But evidence about college ex- dents to present and defend arguments. Generally,
pectations for learning tells a different story: Stu- middle grades teachers are not prepared to teach lit-
dents need more agility at data analysis and statistics eracy this way.

40 Kappan February 2010

As with math, our partner for the literacy strat-
egy is mapping the details of the skills underneath
the broad Common Core of Standards. The instruc-
tional modules, however, are open-ended and adapt- Piloting Mathematics Units
able to several core subjects. Think of literacy as a The Shell Centre has developed two kinds of math
spine; it holds everything together. The branches of units for teachers in grades 8 to 11: units that
learning connect to it, meaning that all core content develop students’ conceptual understanding of the Learn more
teachers have a responsibility to teach literacy. Cur- content and units that apply previously learned about the
rently, however, there is no way to assess literacy be- content to problem solving. Both types: Common Core
cause it is so diffused among the core courses. Un- of State
• Give students the opportunity to learn the Standards
der the partners’ literacy initiative, teachers in Eng-
Common Core of Standards; initiative
lish/language arts, social studies, and science will be www.core-
able to draw from the same assessment bank — • Use discussion, team work, and other nonlecture
again, formative and summative — and adapt assess- modes of learning;
• Suggest next steps for instruction based on Subscribe to
student performance; a mailing list
to get updated
• Help teachers identify common misconceptions information
and mistakes by students and suggest ways to about the
Outline of a Literacy Module address them; standards effort
This module uses social studies content for a • Use different tools, such as individual mini white from the
persuasive essay (argumentation is one of the Council of Chief
boards or poster boards, to foster discussion
State School
most frequently assigned modes in college-ready among students; and
writing). The ladder of assignments (from pretest to
• Include formative assessments and end-of- www.ccsso.
final draft), scoring rubrics (for advanced, proficient,
course assessments for each grade level. org/federal_
and “not yet” levels), and summative assessment
can apply to a persuasive essay for
Depending on the outcome of the field trials, the 13286.cfm
English/language arts and written assignments in
work may be extended to grades 6 to 12.
science. The assignment addresses several
specific standards in the Common Core of
Standards document.

Formative assignment prompt: The Declaration of ments to their content. The literacy strategy an-
Independence states that “All men are created chors performance expectations at three levels of de-
equal.” Is equality possible? After reading a variety
mand, rather than by grade levels, allowing middle
of opinions and analyses, write an essay that
addresses the question and support your position
grades teachers to choose the best match for stu-
with evidence from your readings. dents. Each module also will include specific strate-
gies for students struggling with the assignments.
The formative assignment scoring rubric describes While flexible, the literacy instructional modules
the three levels of proficiency for these demands keep a constant focus on high standards of perform-
and qualities: Focus, reading, claim, evidence, text ance to make this assurance in their Race to the Top
structure, and conventions. applications, and they could reshape state summa-
The summative assessment differs from the tive assessments. A system of these modules could
formative assignment in that it is not taught and help develop a literacy consensus around the mean-
provides data about how well students have ing of scores and proficiency. Think about state as-
internalized the critical thinking and writing involved sessments that might include extended projects,
in the formative assignment. Students are writing a strong essays, and performance tasks requiring con-
timed assessment in class, so the scoring rubrics ceptual understanding and transfer of knowledge.
are adjusted somewhat for leeway on composition The core partner for literacy is a new team, Lit-
and conventions. eracy by Design, working under the aegis of the Ed-
Summative prompt: Read the following two articles ucation Trust. Literacy by Design is developing
that state opposing positions on the meaning of reading and writing modules for grades 6-8. These
“freedom.” Write a brief essay in which you argue could become a syllabi and even a separate literacy
for one position or the other. course. The foundation partners also are exploring
the possibility that a collection of summative liter-
acy assessments could become the basis for a col-
lege-ready literacy score. V91 N5 Kappan 41

Both the math and the literacy instructional pack- “high demand, high support” develop both
ages include rubrics and examples of student work. academic preparedness and academic tenacity.
Both also will require investments in strong profes- Responsive districts and states allow such
sional development for teachers as they adapt to this school environments to flourish and
new system. encourage innovation. What if the schedule in
The technical partner for the math and literacy high schools offered choices such as on college
tool development and the general assessment work campuses, for example — with day, night, and
is the Center for Research on weekend options or field studies online and
Evaluation, Standards, and abroad?
Student Testing (CRESST)
at the University of Califor- We will center this student support work on net-
Most states rely on single
nia Los Angeles. Teachers works of different types, such as state/district part-
standardized assessments, need to know that the assess- nerships that focus on policies to enable “respon-
now used to measure student ments are technically sound. sive” schools or collaborations of youth-serving or-
CRESST is mapping two ganizations with different strengths. Always, we will
achievement, as a central
frameworks for states: One is be looking for evidence to back up or challenge our
component to measuring the content and skills in the assumptions.
teacher effectiveness, which Common Core of Standards,
the other is the core cognitive GOING TO SCALE
is not ideal.
skills (for example, problem Through 2010, the college-ready work will con-
solving, reasoning, collabora- tinue to focus on developing and validating instruc-
tion) that can be layered on tional tools, including a new generation of assess-
the content maps. CRESST ments. While this is going on, we’re also investing
is developing a third framework that will link these in the development of technologies, including web-
two frameworks into an assessment system. based ones, that will provide immediate analysis of
CRESST also will validate the assessments being student performance and help with the adoption of
developed by the math and literacy teams. the instructional tools. Throughout this process,
Gates has been in conversations and analyses with
SUPPORTING STUDENTS teacher groups, major education policy groups,
We realize that developing tools for teachers and think tanks, and researchers.
ultimately redesigning state assessment systems Then, we’ll look for additional partners. Within
must be matched with whatever students need to be four years, we hope to be implementing the instruc-
college ready. Student support is an ill-defined area tional and student support tools in 10 states and 30
that encompasses a multitude of programs and serv- school districts, collaborating with several national
ices, so we’ve chosen to concentrate on academic policy networks to bring the tools to scale, and fa-
support and on what systems (schools, districts, cilitating the use of the college-ready standards in
states) can do differently to better support students’ admission policies of university systems in selected
academic success. states.
Two assumptions guide our work on student sup- Going to scale in this country also means influ-
ports: encing the vendors of textbooks and assessments.
The tools we’re developing are prototypes or images
• College-ready students have identifiable key of what’s possible in classrooms using the Common
attributes and skills that can be learned. Our Core of Standards. They’re not models to be fol-
instructional tools, as mentioned earlier, focus lowed literally. If policy makers use the tools for
on the academic knowledge/skills and their own conversations and decisions about stan-
cognitive strategies necessary to succeed as a dards and assessment, then vendors will have the
college freshman in core content courses. same conversations. Moreover, the tools will be
Another attribute is tenacity and underlying “open access.”
beliefs and behaviors that cause students to The Gates Foundation acknowledges risks in set-
embrace academic achievement. The final ting on the table a coherent system of college-ready
learned attribute of college-ready students is standards, aligned assessments, and teaching tools.
“college knowledge,” or the skills to access This is an ambitious agenda. With the current po-
college and move through the system. litical and financial support for state actions on core
• To dramatically increase the number of standards and new assessment systems, taking risks
students who are college ready, we will need and being ambitious is the right approach. After all
more “responsive” systems. Schools that are — the future of kids is at stake. K

42 Kappan February 2010

File Name and Bibliographic Information
Vicki Phillips and Carina Wong, Tying Together the Common Core of
Standards, Instruction, and Assessments, Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 91,
No. 5, February 2010, pp. 37-42.

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