Multiple Vendors in A Single Purchasing Info Record

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Multiple Vendors in a Single

Purchasing Info Record

created by Abhishek Priyadarshi on 23-Sep-2014 16:04, last modified by
Priyadarshi on 24-Sep-2014 08:41


Version 3


A Purchasing Info Record holds a very important place in the 'Procure to Pay' cycle. It
contains information about a specific material and a vendor supplying that material. The
various conditions maintained in a PIR enables one to store pricing stipulations agreed with
the vendor. Whatever conditions are maintained in the PIR for a specific material - vendor
combination, those flow into the PO and subsequently into the Invoices.
However, in some business scenarios, this main vendor might take the help of few other
vendors as well to provide the finished product to the customer. Let us take an example of a
typical automobile company.
Current Scenario
The factory (or the main vendor) produces the standard vehicle with chassis, engine etc. but
for seats, music system etc., it gives the vehicle to other vendor. Now, during the invoicing,
each of these two vendors need to get their individual invoices.
How can we generate invoices for multiple vendors using one single PIR and one single PO?
Detailed Solution Design and Process Flow
The solution to solve this challenge lies in the Purchasing Info Record. While adding
supplementary conditions in the PIR, some extra information can be added for each of them
under the Details button.
Let us go through this step by step:
Step 1. Create a PIR using tCode ME11. The main vendor 112654 is entered in the
screenshot shown below:

Step 2. Enter the Supplementary Conditions inside the Base Conditions

Under the base condition ZENP, supplementary conditions are inserted eg. ZMRF, ZKNO etc.
as can be seen in the following screenshot.

Step 3. Enter the details for each of the Supplementary conditions (Cond. Category:
Delivery Costs). Select the Supplementary Condition, say ZMRF in this case. Click F6 to get
into Details for this supplementary condition.

Step 4: The last Control field under the Details for each of the supplementary conditions
is for Vendor. This field value uniquely identifies the vendor or creditor in the SAP system.
In the shown example, a vendor 119157 , different from the main vendor 112654, is
maintained for Supplementary condition ZMRF. Similarly, for condition ZINT, a vendor
113711 is chosen in the PIR.

Step 5: Now the PIR is ready to be used in the PO. These conditions will flow in to the PO
as seen below (tCode: ME23N):

Step 6: This PO now consists of Conditions which have of prices from different vendors.
There is one main vendor, 112654 in this case. And then, there are other vendors for
supplementary conditions, eg. 119157 for ZMRF condition.

During invoicing (tCode MIRO), SAP would give an option and ask for the particular vendor
for which we want to generate the invoice.
Enter the Invoice Date and Reference PO.

Select the Item Type as 2 Planned Delivery Costs. Click on the arrow for More Allocation

Step 7: Choose the appropriate vendor. For Condition ZMRF, we will select Vendor 119157
and click on Continue. Similarly, if we would have wanted to invoice for Condition ZINT, we
would have selected Vendor 113711 in MIRO.

The vendor 119157 gets selected and the corresponding ZMRF condition flows into the
Invoice Doc.

There are several other conditions shown in the above screenshot for vendor 119157. This is
because for all of them, the vendor 119157 has been maintained in the PIR.

So this is how, invoices to multiple vendors can be generated from the same PO and the
same PIR - by maintaining a vendor for the individual condition type in the PIR.

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