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Gandhi Kumar Basnet

Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :


• Over 5 years of experience in all phases of Software Development and Support for Windows
and Web Based Applications especially Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing and
• Experience in Project Management in all phases of Test Driven Software development.
• Experience in Silverlight, WPF, WCF, Linq, SharePoint, Flex, MVC and .Net Entity
• Experience in C#. Net, ASP.Net, VB.Net, DotNetNuke, Visual Basic, ASP.NET 2.0,
XML, RSS, JavaScript and HTML.
• Experience in design, development and implementation of Client-Server and Three-tier
application such as Web development.
• Having good knowledge of ASP.NET, Ajax, Jquery, ASP.NET 3.5 and LINQ.
• Experience in Agile way of Unit Testing.
• Experience in Web Services.
• Experience in Using VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office).
• Extensively worked with Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers and Reporting
Services (SSRS) using Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 and MS Access.
• Experience using Visual Source Safe, Smart CVS and TortoiseSVN for version controlling.
• Experience in working with YUI (Yahoo User Interface) controls.
• Experience in using ReSharper in dot net for Reformatting and optimizing code.
• Experience in using SourceAnalysis in dot net to analyze code structure.
• Experience in developing reports using Crystal Reports.
• Experience in Unit Testing and integral testing and have coordinated the team for the
complete testing implementations.
• WEB Internet/Intranet computer skills (Front page, JavaScript, HTML, DHTML, and CSS).
Proficient with the HTML, Dynamic HTML (DHTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
• Experience in using Microsoft VISIO for UML diagrams.
• Experience in using VBA programming and Adanced Analyzing and Reporting Features of
Microsoft Excel such as Pivot table and Pivot Chart.
• Have used operating system like windows 95/98/2000/Vista Professional/XP/Windows7
• Highly skilled at interfacing with the customer and resolving their issues with a quick
turnaround time.
• Experience working with Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD).
• Strong knowledge in client side programming with Java Script and VBScript.
• Excellent Communication and strong Interpersonal skills with ability to work successfully as a
part of a team or independently.
Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :
Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :

- Master of Science in Information Technology
Sikkim Manipal University, India
- Bachelor in Business Studies
Tribhuvan University, Nepal

• Microsoft Certified Professional Developer.
• Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist.
• Microsoft Certified Professional.


Languages: C#.Net, VB.Net, C, C++, VB 6.0, VBA, Java

.Net Technologies: ASP.Net, ADO.NET, Web Services, Team Foundation Server, Visual
.Net Framework: Framework 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5
Web Technologies: HTML, DHTML, CSS, Java Script, AJAX, VB Script, XML, SOAP, IIS 6.0, IIS
Database: SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005/2008 Access 2000, and MySQL
Reporting Concepts: Reporting Services(SSRS), Crystal Reports, MS Access Reports
Version Control Tool: Visual Source Safe (VSS), Smart CVS, Tortoise SVN
Web Authoring: Dream weaver 4, Textpad, FrontPage, Notepad++
Operating system: Windows 95/98/2000/Professional/XP/Vista/2003 Server/Windows7


WebSearchPro, Nepal August 2009

– Dec 2009
Team Lead

Project: SpreadSheetServer (

WebSearchPro is an IT outsourcing company of Fair Enterprise Network, Sweden. It

develops Windows Applications, Web Applications and Mobile Applications for European Clients.
It also provides online hardware and software support for the European clients.

The project is a Content Management System for storing and managing the users data. The
Project is developed for the Swedish client (Framtidsforum I&M) and it is being used all over
Europe, US and Srilanka.
Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :
The users would fill the forms from the web page and submit the data for storage. By logging
to spreadsheetserver they can edit, delete or manage the data.
Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :

• Involved in Technical Analysis of the proposed System including architecture design and
technical specification.
• Involved in overall project management including design of test cases and module
• Involved in overall testing process and coordinated the team for the Unit and integral
• Enhance the UI Layer, Business Logic Layer and Data Layer of the application.
• Implement .Net Entity Framework with MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern.
• Developed GUI using C#. Net and style sheet.
• Used C#, and user defined class libraries in developing the business components
and entities as part of Application Layer.
• Used Java Script for client side and Ajax for Asynchronous Communication.
• Implemented OOAD and developed UML Diagrams using Microsoft Visio.
• Developed SQL Server 2008 Stored Procudures and functions for data retrievel and
• Prepared Unit Test Case and System Test case and successfully tested.
• Used XMLSerializer to read and write data into the xml file.
• Used ReSharper for reformatting and optimizing the code.
• Used Graphics in C# to resize the pictures while uploading.
• Enhanced Business logic layer using Object Oriented Methodology.
• Use Tortoise SVN for version controlling.

Environment: Microsoft Windows Vista, .NET Framework 3.5, C#. NET, XML, JavaScript, HTML,
CSS, MVC design pattern, TortoiseSVN for version controlling.

WebSearchPro, Nepal January

2009 – August 2009 .Net Programmer Analyst

Project: (

The Project is a job site where the Employers and the Job Seekers meet. It is a volunteer job
site for posting and searching volunteer jobs all over Sweden. Using this site, the volunteer can
search suitable job at his/her suitable location and apply for the job online. The volunteer can
also take help from google map implemented in the web site for the job location.
The site has two sections: Public and Admin. From the public section, the job seekers could
search the jobs and apply for it. Using the admin section, the Employer could post the new jobs
and can manage the old posted jobs.
Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :
• Involved in Technical Analysis of the proposed System including architecture design and
technical specification.
• Enhance the UI Layer, Business Logic Layer and data layer of the application.
• Involved in overall testing process and coordinated the team for the Unit and integral
• Developed GUI using C#. Net and style sheet.
• Used C#, and user defined class libraries in developing the business components
and entities as part of Application Layer.
• Developed Forms using and used Validation Controls for User Input
• Developed SQL Server 2008 Stored Procudures and functions for data retrievel and
management. Also Developed Schedular jobs for weekly job postings.
• Used Java Script for client side and AJAX for Asynchronous Communication.
• Prepared Unit Test Case and System Test case and successfully tested.
• Implemented OOAD and developed UML Diagrams using Microsoft Visio.
• Used XMLSerializer to read and write data into the xml file.
• Used ReSharper for reformatting and optimizing the code.
• Used Graphics in C# to resize the pictures while uploading.
• Enhanced Business logic layer using Object Oriented Methodology.
• Use Tortoise SVN for version controlling.

Environment: Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 Professional/Server, .NET Framework 3.5,

C#.NET, XML, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, TortoiseSVN for version controlling.

WebSearchPro, Nepal July

2008 – January 2009 .Net Programmer Analyst

Project: (

The Project is for the Swedish client “Happiness” and it involves integration of Flash control
and xml. Flash control contains various modules to be displayed in web like Slideshow, Menu,
Tips, Tickers, Music Player control that plays music randomly. All the data is managed through
Content Management System and stored in the xml file. The Flash control will retrieve the data
from xml file
and display in the web. The songs will be randomly selected from the xml file by the flash
control and will be played through its Music player. Flash control also updates data in the xml
like Total Number of Songs being played; Star ratings for the songs etc.

Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :
• Involved in Technical Analysis of the proposed System including architecture design and
technical specification.
• Enhance the UI Layer, Business Logic Layer, unit and integration testing of the application.
• Created GUI using C#. Net and style sheet.
• Developed Forms using and used Validation Controls for User Input
• Developed SQL Server 2008 Stored Procudures and functions for data retrievel and
• Prepared Unit Test Case and System Test case and successfully tested.
• Implemented OOAD and developed UML Diagrams using Microsoft Visio.
• Used Java Script for client side.
• Used XMLSerializer to read and write data into the xml file.
• Used ReSharper for reformatting and optimizing the code.
• Used Graphics in C# to resize the pictures while uploading.
• Embedded flash control in the web with required variables and parameters.
• Enhanced Business logic layer using Object Oriented Methodology.
• Use Tortoise SVN for version controlling.

Environment: Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 Professional/Server, .NET Framework 3.5,

C#.NET, XML, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Flash, TortoiseSVN for version controlling.

WebSearchPro, Nepal May 2008 –

November 2009 Team Lead


The Project is developed for the Swedish client framtidsforum i&m AB. The main concept of
this project is the conversion of spreadsheet into web pages. Whatever work is done in the
Spreadsheet (functions, images, charts etc) will be converted into web pages in a second. A
Spreadsheet plug-in/ribbon must be installed in a computer for the conversion. After the
completion of work in spreadsheet, this plug-in is to be used. The process is that the plug-in
will read all the contents of the spreadsheet including all the functions used and the images
inserted or drawn on the worksheet, and convert into xml file. Now, from that xml file web page
is created.
• Involved in designing and testing the Plug-in using Widows XP, Windows 2003 Server,
Windows Vista.
• Involved in overall project management including design of test cases, module assignment,
bug reporting and management.
• Involved in overall testing process and coordinated the team for the Unit and integral
testing and bug reporting process.
Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :

• Coordinated the team in extensive use of Advanced Data Analysis Features of Microsoft
Excel such as Pivot Table and Pivot Chart.
• Involved in writing codes in VBA for reading MS Excel Charts properties.
• Used Virtual Machine (VMWare) for testing in different platforms.
• Created GUI using C#.Net and style sheet.
• Used VSTO(Visual Studio Tools for Office) to design ribbon for Office 2007
• Prepared Unit Test Case and System Test case and successfully tested.
• Implemented OOAD and developed UML Diagrams using Microsoft Visio.
• Created Classes to generalize the code in c#.
• Used JSON for data posting to the server.
• Used Java Script for client side scripting.
• Serialized xml file into business objects.
• Used XMLSerializer to read and write data into the xml file.
• Used ReSharper for reformatting and optimizing the code.
• Used C# Compressor for Compressing CSS and Javascript.
• Used YUI(Yahoo User Interface) for implementing controls and other YUI resources.
• Created and Used XML Schema for xml file and for the generation of generalized classes.
• Tested web pages to meet 508 standard and XHTML compatibility.
• Enhanced Business logic layer using Object Oriented Methodology.
• Use Tortoise SVN for version controlling.

Environment: Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 Professional/Server/Vista, .NET Framework 3.5,

C#.NET, VSTO, XML, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, TortoiseSVN for version

HWBNepal, Nepal November 2007 –

April 2008 .Net Programmer Analyst


HWBNepal is Joint Venture Company with HWB IT Services, Belgium. It develops Windows
Applications, Web Applications and Mobile Applications for European Clients. It also provides
online hardware and software support for the European clients.

The project is a Holland based project. The main concept of this project is selling and buying of
addresses. There are three parties involved in it : Seller, Buyer and Using
the Content Management System (CMS) of this website, the Seller will upload addresses data
that may be in .xml format, .xls format or .txt format. The Buyer will search the addresses in
the web site using MAP and other searching methodology. While searching, the buyer can
select the addresses of the people working on certain country, state, city, Company, branches
etc. After selecting the required addresses, the buyer will make payment using “Ogone”
Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :
payment System to buy those selected addresses. During the payment, the amount will be
transferred to both Seller and the accounts depending on the percentage of

• Involved in Technical Analysis of the proposed System including architecture design,
Database design and technical specification.
• Implemented designer’s GUI in
• Developed forms with and used Validation Controls for User Input
• Developed Forms using and used Validation Controls for User Input
• Developed SQL Server 2005 Stored Procudures and functions for data retrievel and
• Prepared Unit Test Case and System Test case and successfully tested.
• Implemented OOAD and developed UML Diagrams using Microsoft Visio.
• Used Java Script for client side scripting.
• Implemented AJAX technology for data filtration and searching.
• Implemented Intelligent Searching Concept for checking duplicity of data being uploaded.
• Used XMLSerializer to read and write data into the xml file.
• Traced Map coordinates using Dream weaver to separate states from the country Map.
• Use Team Foundation Server (TFS) for team working.
• Use Tortoise SVN for version controlling.

Environment: Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 Professional/Server, .NET Framework 2.0,

C#.NET, AJAX, SQL SERVER 2005, XML, SpreadSheet, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Photoshop,

ICN Pvt. Ltd., Nepal July

2007 – April 2008 .Net Programmer Analyst

Project: Financial Application (FinApp)

This project is Windows Application project which has been developed for Poverty Alleviation
Fund (PAF). PAF is a body that carries out different development activities all over Nepal to
alleviate poverty. It is funded by Nepal Government, Asian Development Bank and World Bank.
It is a multi-user application for managing overall financial operations for PAF. Using this
application, the financial data will be entered and managed by multiple users which will be
stored in the SQL Server 2000 database. The data includes funding pattern, disbursement of
the fund to different sectors, Contracts, Accounts, etc. Various reports according to the
Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :
specification and requirement of Asian Development Bank and World Bank will be generated
and printed using this application.

• Developed UI Layer, Business Logic Layer, created database Stored Procedures, unit and
integration testing of the application.
• Created Classes on C#.Net to generalize the code.
• Generated Financial Report for World Bank and Asian Development Bank.
• Managed Contracts and Accounts.
• Generated Procurement Management Report.
• Generated Report regarding Sources and Uses of Funds.
• Generated Report regarding Foreign Exchange USD Account Reconciliation Statement and
Cash Projection.
• Generating Bank Reconciliation Statement.
• Provide input for technical documentation.
• Worked closely with (Financial Management Information System) FMIS team.
• Developed Database Backup Jobs on SQL Server 2000.
• Orientation to the users of the system which includes training to the field staff on the new
system developed and the old processes re-engineered.
• Write codes, script for data migration to new system.
• Brief and present all physical implementation and technical documents to the Board’s
technical professional.
• Train two technical staffs on ASP.NET and C# technology. This training started with the start
of SRS phase
• Use Tortoise SVN for version controlling.

Environment: Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 Professional/Server, .NET Framework 2.0,


HWBNepal, Nepal August

2007 – October 2007 .Net Developer Analyst

Project: (Dutch Language)

This project involves online shopping of books. Using web site, the user can search the books
using different category like BookName, AuthorName, Price, Publication etc. and they can place
order. Books can be in two format: E-Books that can be downloaded from the web site and the
Books that will be shipped to the destination. The user can register themselves and manage
their e-library where they can download their books.

Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :
• Involved in Technical Analysis of the proposed System including architecture design,
Database design and technical specification.
• Created Classes to generalize the code in C#.Net.
• Used Java Script for client side scripting.
• Used MySQL database for storing data.
• Prepared Unit Test Case and System Test case and successfully tested.
• Implemented OOAD and developed UML Diagrams using Microsoft Visio.
• Implemented AJAX technology for data filtration within the page.
• Use Team Foundation Server (TFS) for team working.
• Use Tortoise SVN for version controlling.

Environment: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, .NET Framework 2.0, C#.NET, AJAX, mySQL,
XML, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver.

Freelancing, Nepal April 2006

– November 2006 .Net Programmer Designer Analyst

Project: (HealthCare and Pharmaceutical site)

This project is web-based implementation of medical Laboratory. It maintains overall activity of

the laboratory. Using this project, the user will enter daily activity data offline into the local SQL
Server Database using IIS. The Project includes management of patient’s details, Medicine
details and other laboratory expenses. The user will search the patient according to different
criteria and print medical report. The database stores all the related data like: all the category
of tests, normal range etc. that can be performed in the laboratory. At the end of the day, the
management will upload the data to web server. Different type of tests is done at one place
and report can be printed from others branches of the company all over the country. The
specimen will be collected on weekly basis and report will be uploaded on web server
accordingly and printed from different branches.
Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :
• Studied User Requirements and Analysis that included responsibilities for creation of
normalized tables.
• Involved in Technical Analysis of the proposed System including architecture design,
Database design and technical specification.
• Designed GUI and implemented on Classic ASP (Active Server Pages)
• Involved in designing Stored Procedures and functions for data retreieval and
management in SQL Server 2000
• Developed and applied CSS for look and feel.
• Used Java Script for client side scripting.
• Used ADO as data access Method.
• Used SQL Server 2000 database for storing and managing data.
• Designed SQL Job for automatic database backup
• Trained Staffs about using procedures of the system.

Environment: Windows 2000 Professional/Server, ASP (Active Server Pages), IIS, SQL SERVER
2000, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver.

Freelancing, Nepal March 2006 –

August 2006 .Net Programmer Designer Analyst

Project: Library Management System

This project is developed for Family Health International (FHI). The project involves the
overall management of library system that runs in Intranet. Users from different department
can access the system to retrieve the data of the library. There are two types of users : Normal
User and Admin User.
The Admin user can perform any activity on the system whereas the Normal user can only
search and view the data of the system. The Admin User can add new record regarding the
books, members and users. Editing and deletion of data inside the system can also be
performed by the Admin user. The Data is stored in Access 2000.

• Involved in Analyzing User Requirements that included responsibilities for creation of
normalized tables in MS Access 2000.
• Used ADO as data access Method.
• Designed GUI and implemented on Classic ASP (Active Server Pages)
• Developed and applied CSS for look and feel.
• Involved in User Interaction of different departments during Analysis Phase of the software.
• Developed & Validated User Interface Screens.
Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :
Environment: Windows 2000/2003, ASP (Active Server Pages), MS Access 2000, JavaScript,
HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver.
Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :
Freelancing, Nepal January 2006 – August
2006 .Net Programmer Designer Analyst


This project involves online shopping of different category of products relating to gift items.
Using the web site, the user can search the gifts item using different category like Gift Type,
Occasion, Price, Brand etc. and also can compare the prices. The User can register themselves
in the website as different categories of members: Gold Member, Silver Member and
Bronze member. Different schemes has been offered for those members. The Customer can
place order using Pay pal or “Cash on delivery” in case of short distance.

• Studied User Requirements and Analysis that included responsibilities for creation of
normalized tables.
• Used ADO as data access Method.
• Designed GUI and implemented on Classic ASP (Active Server Pages)
• Involved in designing Stored Procedures and functions for data retreieval and
management in SQL Server 2000
• Developed and applied CSS for look and feel.
• Developed & Validated User Interface Screens.
• Developed Content Management System for the management of Products, Members,
Orders, Users, Feedbacks etc.

Environment: Windows 2000 Professional/ Server, ASP (Active Server Pages), SQL SERVER
2000, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, FrontPage 2000.


2005 – August 2007 Software Developer

Project: Total Center Management System

This project involves the overall management of the Computer Training Institute (APTECH
COMPUTER EDUCATION). It includes Course details, Student details, Exam Details, Inquiry
details, Library details, Fee Payment details, Certificate details and Staff details. There are
different types of users in it. Admin user can perform any activity in the system, Inquiry users
can only manage inquiry details, library user can manage library details, account user can
manage account details as well as salary details etc.

• Developed UI Layer, Business Logic Layer, created database, Stored Procedures, unit and
integration testing of the application.
• Used SQL Server 2000 database for data storage.
Gandhi Kumar Basnet
Cell : 717-422-7175 Email :

• Used Crystal Report and Data Report for Reporting.

• Generated object classes in VB 6.0
• Developed Database Backup Jobs on SQL Server 2000.
• Involved in designing Stored Procedures and functions for data retreieval and
management in SQL Server 2000
• Orientation to the users of the system which includes training to the field staff on the new
system developed and the old processes re-engineered.
• Write codes, script for data migration to new system.
• Brief and present all physical implementation and technical documents to the technical
• Trained different category of technical staffs to use the overall application.

Environment: Windows XP/2000 Professional, Visual Basic 6.0, SQL SERVER 2000, Photoshop.

Netco Technology, Nepal August 2004 –

February 2005 Web Application Programmer


This project covers management of all the information details of the organization as well as
online registration for the different courses. The project is the website of the company itself.
The Company is a “Microsoft Prometric Testing Center” and it imparts professional
training for various certification courses as well develop web sites and windows application.
The project involve storing and management of its information as well the online registration of
different certification courses.

• Involved in Technical Analysis of the proposed System including architecture design,
Database design and technical specification.
• Designed GUI and implemented on Classic ASP (Active Server Pages).
• Involved in designing Stored Procedures and functions for data retreieval and
management in SQL Server 2000
• Developed and applied CSS for look and feel.
• Used Java Script for client side scripting.
• Used ADO as data access Method.
• Used SQL Server 2000 database for storing and managing data.
• Designed SQL Job for automatic database backup

Environment: Microsoft Windows XP/2000/ 2000 Server, ASP (Active Server Pages), SQL
SERVER 2000, IIS, CuteFTP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, FrontPage 2000.

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