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January 2010

The Loop-
The Lopez Family Newsletter

Greetings from Argentina!

We have great news to share with you about the beginning of summer camp and what it was like to
reunite with our family and staff. During the beginning of December, we sent out a prayer update about the
three months we would be spending here in Argentina, visiting our family and serving in our summer
camp. If you did not receive that update, we apologize and request that you send us an email to sign up for
our prayer update via email.
We have exciting news about summer camp. We just finished our one week of children’s camp. The
rest of the summer, our facilities will transform in to a camp specifically for teens. Keep us in our prayers as
we will be sharing the gospel and discipling youth during this season.
On the victory side,
Stephen and Debora Lopez
Children’s Camp
The first week of January started and we had nearly 400
children dropped off here at camp for the time of their lives. Shortly
before camp started, our whole staff, including students, were
scrambling to arrive here from celebrating the new year with their
families. We had little time to fellowship, and hurried to get things
ready for the arrival of the campers.
During the first week of camp, we had the entire program set
up to specifically minister to kids aged 7 to 12 years old. We praise
the Lord for the 104 salvation decisions that were made, and 175
children dedicating their lives to the Lord! We are amazed to see
that kind of response from the children, but are reminded that we,
too, are to have faith like a child.
I will never forget receiving Jesus as my personal Savior at
the Word of Life Family Campground at the age of 6. It was a huge
blessing to serve this week now as a missionary.
We are also thanking the Lord for the scholarships we were
able to raise to send over 26 campers to a free week of camp. Many
children in Argentina live in difficult conditions, and we were tremen-
dously blessed to give them a spectacular week of camp and pre-
sent the Gospel.
Pray for the next 8 weeks of teen camp!
Our goal is to reach and disciple youth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As you partner with
us, we commit to pray for you, and to regularly share news and fruit of the ministry.
I/we desire to be a part of your team by: • All contributions will be acknowledged with an official receipt
_ Praying daily for you and your ministry. for income-tax purposes.
_ Giving $ __________per month/year (090K2S). • Please make checks payable to “Word of Life” and write
_ Giving a one-time gift $ __________(090K2C). “Stephen Lopez + code” in the memo section.
_ I no longer desire to receive this newsletter. • Visit our website to give online or contact us.
Name:_______________________________ • Please detach or make note of this form and mail to:
Address:_____________________________ Word of Life
City/State:____________________________ PO Box 600
Zip code:________
Schroon Lake, NY 12870

How to send support

with no hassle
As of our January 2010 we will
depending financially on any faith
promises which have been made
to us. Many of our supporters
have communicated to us that
they may forget to send monthly
support. If you are tired of sending
monthly support by check, we
have some useful tools for you.
Here are some options to make
sending monthly support easier
for you.
1) Electronic Funds Transfer
This option allows your support
Our family reunion. Debora’s parents (left) Juan and to be sent automatically to our
Mirta. Debby and me in the (middle.) Barbara and ministry directly from your per-
Andres (right) are Debora’s siblings. sonal bank account.
2) Credit Card
Our Family Reunion in Argentina This option is for those who like
As we arrived in Buenos Aires at 2am, on the same day as our 2 year to rack up those points on your
anniversary, we left the baggage area and were greeted by our family. After credit card. Now you can have
traveling for 24 straight hours, it was a huge blessing to see our family your credit card charged monthly
again. Debora’s parents (Juan and Mirta) and her siblings (Andres and Bar- to support our ministry.
bara) were there. Neither of us could sleep, and once we arrived at their
If you are interested in either of
home we talked for another three hours and then collapsed!
these options please contact us
Later that day, after a good siesta (nap) my father in law Juan had a and we will give you the necessary
delicious BBQ (“asado”) for us, and many of our good friends came over to paperwork to set it up. If any of
join us. We had a lot of catching up to do and ended up talking so much we these options are not of interest,
went to bed at 2am! It has been two years since we have been back and we but you struggle to remember to
are so thankful to see everybody again. We also celebrated Christmas and send monthly support, we would
the new year with them. We then began to prepare for summer camp early in encourage you to make a yearly
January. gift in the sum of how much you
Gracias a Dios por nuestra Familia! (We thank the Lord for our family) desire to support us monthly.
Thank you!
Our Summer Ministry
Debora and I will have various responsibili-
ties this summer that we desire to share, so you
know how to pray for us. We both will be supervising
the many counselors who will be ministering to the
campers for the duration of the summer.
Both of us have to deal with any situation at
the camp that needs attention with regard the camp-
ers. Much of our time is consumed with checking on
counselors to see if they need help with their camp-
ers as well as supervising all chapels and games.
Here at camp, we invite all teenagers from all
walks of life to come and have a great time, and to
be challenged by God’s Word. We have campers
that arrive from Buenos Aires and the surrounding
A Visit From USA providences of Argentina. Sometimes we have
groups from countries like Uruguay, Bolivia or Peru.
A few days before the first day of camp, a family from
our home church came to visit us at Word of Life. The Blumetti Many campers who come and are dealing
family came to visit their son who is studying in our program at with tough issues such as drug addictions. It can be
the Bible Institute. They are originally from Argentina and are a huge challenge at times to minister to them with
living in the USA. the things they are going through. But if it’s one thing
we trust, it is this;
We all had such a great time together. I was able to
show the property and introduce them to our directors and “For the word of God is living and powerful and
staff. We thank the Lord for this family and their testimony for sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing
the Lord. even the division of soul and spirit and the joints
and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts
Please pray for the Blumetti family and their son Nicky
and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
as he is finishing his first year at the Bible Institute.
Our prayer is that no matter who they are or
what they have been through, that these teens can
come to a have a personal relationship with Jesus
Prayer Requests Christ. Even more, we desire for them to learn to
1- Pray for salvation decisions this summer walk in daily fellowship in God’s Word and to be able
to connect them to a local church.
as we are in a spiritual battle.
Pray for us as we minister to youth.
2- Pray for our health as we will be very ac-
tive in these next few months to come.
3-Pray for wisdom for us as we are counsel- CONTACT US
ing the different counselors of the camp. Email:
4-Pray for us as we will be traveling to the
USA the end of March to finish raising our
financial support to dedicate full time to this Skype:

“Prayer is the fine and slender nerve that moves

PO Box 600
the omnipotent hand of God.”-
God.”- Spurgeon
Schroon Lake, NY 12870

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