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© 2010, JOURNAL NEWSPAPERS, INC. All Rights Reserved
131st YEAR, NO. 11 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 SINGLE COPY—50¢ (USPS 277440) 130th YEAR, NO. 37

Short session for first WH Council January meeting

by Ruth Isenberg asbestos inspector in order to begin road next to his home, and he does
It took less than an hour for White moving toward demolition of the want the borough to plow it. A Liquid
Haven Borough Council to complete Community Building. Fuels report from 2000 does list two
its February 8 meeting, which fol- Reilly asked him about business- sections of Dam 2 Road as included
lowed an hour of review of the new es at the rear of the former EMCEE in the miles receiving funds from the
borough ordinances. property. Swanson said there was a state.
Present were council members business on the far left-hand side of “We are responsible, we should
Joseph Knowles, Margaret Reilly, the building, and an office on the be plowing that road,” Linda Szoke
Robert Spadell, and Linda Szoke, right, but that he had not seen a lot said. Spadell replied, “That road
who presided in the absence of of activity there. Officer Szoke noted needs to be fixed to plow it,” saying
council president Harvey Morrison; that the borough police cruiser was it will damage the borough’s plows if
solicitor Don Karpowich, engineer presently being worked on at the not fixed. Reilly asked secretary
Brian Swanson; police officers Tom body shop. Altero to obtain an updated list from
Szoke and Gary Shupp, secretary Zoning officer Fred Meier con- PennDOT to see if the road was still
Betty Altero, fire chief Mike Dotter, firmed that both those businesses listed for liquid fuels; Altero said that
street supervisor Frank Giordano, were there, and that a plastic recy- she also needed to add a portion of
code enforcement officer Tino cling business was also being oper- Laurel Lane to the list.
Nocchi, zoning officer Fred Meier; ated in the building. Paul Anthony The question of a new tank for the
Royalty at the Weatherly Area three citizens and this reporter. Also had obtained an occupancy permit boiler at fire house was discussed
Middle School Hearts Dance are
seated from left to right Adam
Weatherwood absent were Herb Albee and Steve for that business, and he believed again. Spadell suggested using the
Draus. that former zoning officer Bob tank at the Community Building, but
Capone, King Timothy Lash,
Queen Bree Hoffman, and Valerie
bids due Feb. 26 Minutes of January 11 and 25 Lamson had issued permits for the Morrison had looked at it and deter-
Young; standing Jeffrey Ache, by Seth Isenberg were approved; Spadell noted that body shop and office. mined it was too old and not com-
Nathan Nelson, Danielle Ramsey, Weatherwood bids are due in to the January 11 minutes had been Reilly said something should be patible. Linda Szoke asked Gior-
and Angela Brill. They were Carbon County by February 26. The amended to include comments he done about it, since EMCEE had dano to obtain some prices for a
crowned by PTA Dance Com- Carbon County nursing home was
mittee Co-Chairs Donna Meyer
and Reilly had requested. previously caused contamination of new boiler. Montour Oil has report-
and Lori Ursta with help from put up for sale by the county com- Larry Bond Sr. requested and the borough’s wells. Bond added edly been asked to prepare an esti-
Middle School Principal Sandra missioners in January, with the received exoneration from garbage that his wells in the area had also mate for the work as well. Whoever
Slavick and DJ BJ Wilkinson. deadline for offers set for the end of bills for property he owns at 506- been contaminated 10 years ago. installs the boiler, it will have to be
Photo by Donnell Stump this month. 508 Towanda Street, as long as no Solicitor Karpowich said that if a inspected by the state.
It is expected that the facility, built one is living there. permit had been obtained, the busi- The borough office will be closed
THIS WEEK IN in 1972, will sell for over $8 million In his report, engineer Swanson nesses were operating legally; on Presidents’ Day.
WHITE HAVEN for the building and about 17 acres
of land.
said things had been very quiet. He Meier was asked to confirm that Receipts were reported of
COUNTDOWN TO SPRING: is investigating blasting complaints permits were on file. $3,408.33 from tax collector Elaine
FIVE WEEKS & TWO DAYS According to Commissioner Bill regarding work at White Heaven, Atty. Karpowich reported that he Meyers; and $357.07 from district
Thursday, February 11
Joy Through Movement – 10:00
O’Gurek in a statement provided to and has done some work on the had looked at Bill Kramer’s property justice Gerald Feissner.
a.m. – W.H. United Methodist the press, the new owner would grant on community building. Not off Old Route 940, as requested Please turn to page A2
Church much activity is going on at the after the last meeting. Kramer does
W.H. Lions Club Dinner Meeting –
6:30 p.m. – Sitkoʼs Barn Rest-
Please turn to page A3 library site, he added. He will find an not want the borough to vacate the THIS WEEK IN
Foster Township Planning Com-
mission Meeting – 7:00 p.m. –
Troop 25 Scouts celebrate 100th birthday COUNTDOWN TO SPRING:
Township Municipal Building by Ruth Isenberg for 10 or 11 years. Other cere- scoutmaster. He listed the 14 Eagle FIVE WEEKS & TWO DAYS
Narcotics Anonymous Meeting – Boy Scout Troop 25 held a lunch- monies welcomed a new scout and Scouts the troop has produced, and Thursday, February 11
7:00 p.m. – Mountainview Com- Weatherly Rotary Foundation
munity Church eon to celebrate 100 years of Boy new leaders. Merit badges and rank predicted that 2010 could be a year
Meeting – 9:00 a.m. – Weatherly
Friday, February 12 Scouting in America on Saturday, presentations included descriptions of multiple Eagles. Municipal Building
Lincolnʼs Birthday February 6. Families and friends of what the scouts had learned “Things have changed, but other Senior Citizens Friendship Club
W.H. Food Pantry – 11:00 a.m. to gathered for a buffet meal, cere- through the process. Adult volun- things haven’t,” he concluded. The Meeting – 1:30 p.m. – Salem
Noon – Rear, Haven Hall, White U.C.C.
Haven Center
monies, songs and skits to mark the teers and committee members were core values of the Scout Oath and
Bingo Night – 7:00 p.m. (Doors
occasion. also awarded, as well as the par- the Scout Laws, he noted, leave “a
Saturday, February 13 Open at 6:00 p.m.) – Tweedle
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting - A charter presentation to St. ents who support the participation telling mark on the man who grows Park
7:00 p.m. – St. Patrickʼs Parish Patrick’s Church was made by of their sons in the program. up.” Weatherly Rotary Club Dinner
Center Scoutmaster Herb King, who noted King shared memories from the Meeting – 6:30 p.m. – Weatherly
Sunday, February 14 that the church had hosted the troop last 20-plus years he has served as Country Inn
Valentines Day Weatherly Area Community Li-
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting - brary Board Meeting – 7:00 p.m. –
7:00 p.m. – Mountainview Com- Library
munity Church Greater Weatherly Area Ambu-
Monday, February 15 lance Association Meeting – 7:30
Presidents Day p.m. – Ambulance Building
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
Meeting – 5:45 p.m. - W.H. United Friday, February 12
Methodist Church Social Hall Lincolnʼs Birthday
Dennison Township Planning Com- Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner, benefit
mission Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Kendra Moyer – 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Township Municipal Building – Our Lady of Lourdes R.C.
Tuesday, February 16 Church
Joy Through Movement – 10:00 Saturday, February 13
a.m. – W.H. United Methodist Committee members presented a certificate and a gift to Scoutmaster Valentine Bingo, benefit Weatherly
Pancake & Sausage Supper – 4:00 Herb King, along with a 23 Year Service Star. The much appreciated Area High School Drama Club –
to 7:00 p.m. – St. Paulʼs Lutheran gift was a cot; King admitted that since his knee replacement, sleep- 1:00 p.m. (doors open at 11:30
Church a.m.) – W.A. Middle School
ing on the ground—well, actually, getting up—wasn’t quite as com-
W.H. Borough Planning Commis- Flag ceremony opening Cafeteria
sion Meeting – 6:00 p.m. – Muni- fortable as it used to be. Photos by Ruth Isenberg
Sunday, February 14
cipal Building
Valentines Day
Wednesday, February 17 Breakfast – 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Yoga Class – 10:00 a.m. – St. – Silver Ridge Hunting Club
Paulʼs Lutheran Church
Alcoholics Anonymous. Meeting – Monday, February 15
10:00 a.m. – Mountainview Com- Presidents Day
munity Church Health Screening – 8:00 to 11:00
W.H. Volunteer Ambulance Asso- a.m. – Heritage Hill Senior Living
ciation Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Am- Community
bulance Building Weatherly Borough Council Meet-
AOH Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – V.F.W. ing – 7:00 p.m. – Municipal Build-
Post 6615
American Legion Post 592 Meeting
– 8:00 p.m. – Post Home Wednesday, February 17
Thursday, February 18 Weatherly Area Historical Com-
Joy Through Movement – 10:00 mission Meeting – 7:00 p.m. -
a.m. – W.H. United Methodist Weatherly Municipal Building
Church Thursday, February 18
W.H. Area Senior Citizens Meeting
Weatherly Rotary Club Dinner
– 1:00 p.m. – V.F.W. Post 6615
Crestwood School Board Work Meeting – 6:30 p.m. – Weatherly
Session & Meeting – 6:30 p.m. – Country Inn
Crestwood High School Weatherly Lions Club Meeting –
Kidder Township Board of Super- 7:00 p.m. – Weatherly Borough
visors Meeting – 7:00 p.m. –
Township Municipal Building
Narcotics Anonymous Meeting –
7:00 p.m. – Mountainview Com- The rink was ready and the ice was smooth on Sunday, as a lone skater practiced his hockey moves (or
munity Church maybe it was for curling) on Penn Lake. Photo by Seth Isenberg

THE JOURNAL-HERALD WH Council... Shupp had obtained prices that the street department audience said that in a previ-
for Snow Ban signs. Cost for leave the snowblower in one ous emergency, records were
Continued from page A1
(USPS 277-440) Published weekly at 50 was $4.55 each; cost for of the garage bays, so not properly kept. Officer
211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661 Code enforcement officer 100 was $2.70 and cost for department members can Szoke said that emergency
Telephone (570) 443-8321 Nocchi reported he had 250 was $1.85. Council ap- clean up around the doors if management coordinator
Subscription Price—$25 per year in Luzerne & Carbon Counties, Pennsylvania, payable in advance. received a letter from Larry proved buying 100 signs, the predicted snowstorm Wayne Gower had received
$30 per year elsewhere, payable in advance.
DeCandia regarding his which will be installed with results in significant accumu- all kinds of credit across the
Publications postage paid at White Haven, PA 18661.
POSTMASTER, send address change to: property on Church Street. the assistance of the street lation. Dotter also reported state for how one incident
THE JOURNAL-HERALD The roof is supposed to be department. The NIK kit for that the Fire Department had had been handled. Dotter
211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661 repaired this spring. marijuana also needed been awarded a federal grant added that new council mem-
(JAY E. HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-1997)
Police officer-in-charge replacement, at a cost of in the amount of $26,000. bers will need to be NIMS
Clara R. Holder, Publisher
Seth Isenberg, General Manager Szoke’s report include items $40; the officers use these The money will be used to (National Incident Manage-
Ruth Isenberg, Editor-in-Chief from Mayor John Klem, who kits to test suspected drugs. purchase new narrow-band ment System) certified for the
Martha Searfoss, Office Manager was not present. A letter of Finally, the department’s digi- radios and other equipment. borough to be eligible for fed-
Donnell Stump, Assistant Editor
resignation was received tal camera disappeared while Carnival dates have been eral grants.
Christy Brady, Finance
Steve Stallone, Sports Editor from officer James Paterson; an officer was putting a DUI tentatively set for the end of Knowles recommended the
Heather Maslo, Production Manager his last day is February 14. suspect into the police vehi- July; no Monday night is borough consider enclosing
Member, White Haven Chamber of Commerce Reilly made a motion to cle; council approved spend- planned this year. the pavilion at Linesville Park
Carbon County Chamber of Commerce
Pocono Mountains Chamber of Commerce accept the resignation with ing up to $200 on a replace- The street department to use as a storage area. He
White Haven Economic Development Association
THE JOURNAL-HERALD is printed with U.S. made soy inks on part-recycled newsprint.
regret, saying he was the ment. also spent some money. Pur- had gotten a rough estimate
© Copyright 2010, Journal Newspapers, Inc. best cop she’d seen in a long The policy and procedure chases of a Watch Children of $12,000 for materials from
time, and very professional. manual will be amended to sign for Buffalo Street, and a Murphy Lumber. Labor would
The resignation was unani- add a Glock Model 23 as an dozen bags of cold patch, as be free, provided by him and

Editorial mously accepted.

The police department also
spent some money. Officer
authorized department hand-
Fire chief Dotter requested
well as some publications
from PennDOT were all ap-
officer Szoke. This cost would
not include any repairs which
might be needed to the roof.
Knowles noted that the Council agreed with the plan.
Death Roll street department did a good Reilly suggested that the fill

Walk this way MICHAEL SETZER

Michael A. Setzer, 48, of
Drums, died there Monday,
assigned to the Hunlock
Creek facility.
Surviving are his wife, the
job on the last storm, saying
that on Saturday morning a
majority of the streets were
on the soccer field should be
Council is considering what
by Ruth Isenberg February 8, 2010. former Joyce Ann Taylor; son clean and passable. to do about the position of
By the time you read this, we may have been hit with our A son of the late Michael Corey Setzer of Drums, and Reilly said the borough cleaning the office; the per-
first major snow storm of the season. I can confidently predict and Rachel Graziano Setzer sister Sandra Benedick of should look for young people son hired for the job has
that if we are, many of the sidewalks in the area will be of Weatherly, he was born in Jim Thorpe. or old people to shovel bor- requested a leave of ab-
impassable. Hazleton and was of the Private arrangements are ough sidewalks. She also sence.
How do I know? Because we got from 1.5” to 3” of snow Catholic faith. under the direction of the said the borough should take Employees were reminded
over the weekend, and too many sidewalks, even in our busi- He was a 1979 graduate of Philip J. Jeffries Funeral another look at an emer- that the borough office is not
ness districts, were not shoveled by Monday evening. In White Weatherly Area High School, Home of Weatherly. gency management plan. a hangout; they were advised
Haven, I counted five Main Street properties that were still and a graduate of the Memorial donations may Officer Shupp noted that to come in and get supplies,
snow-covered. In Weatherly, there were six between Carbon Culinary Institute of America. be made to Valley East Little the borough has a plan on but not to stay.
and Wilbur Streets, over a bigger area and not all in front of He was employed as a food League Association, 3 Oak file; Reilly responded that it Bills were approved for
businesses. supervisor for the state cor- Street, Drums, PA 18222. was never practiced, and payment, and the meeting
Silly me. On Monday, I thought I wouldn’t need boots to get rectional department, last Kate O’Donnell from the adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
around. I ended up walking in the road in both communities.
Every property owner is required to clear at least a path. stop at the fire station any proval is required from the
Commercial establishments should be even more mindful of Letter to the Editor 1st, 3rd, or 5th Wednesday United States Federal High-
this obligation—after all, they want customers to be able to get night of month. way Administration (FHWA)
to their doors. To the Editor, ices. Sincerely, and ultimately the United
In most cases the problem is absentee landlords. Property As the Fire Chief for the Being an institution found- Mike Dotter States Department of Trans-
owners in New Jersey or Philadelphia don’t seem care if peo- White Haven Fire Company, ed on the principles of serv- White Haven Fire portation (DOT). In 2007 and
ple in White Haven or Weatherly can get around after a storm. it is my honor and privilege to ice, compassion and human- Company #1 2008, PennDOT and the
That’s one reason White Haven is inserting a provision in their work side-by-side with the itarianism, it should come as Fire Chief Turnpike Commission ap-
update of the borough’s ordinances that requires absentee men and women of the White no surprise that the people plied twice seeking approval
landlords to name a property manager who lives within 20 Haven Fire Company. who are part of the White To the Editor, to toll Interstate 80. Both
miles of the community; there will be someone to take care of Through their time and tal- Haven Fire Company are, The following letter was times, I contacted the FHWA
the property, and someone to contact when necessary. ents, their dedication to duty, themselves, a unique group. originally sent to Joshua M. and DOT to voice my opposi-
In the meantime, both communities should start citing prop- dignity in their work and their Our members are attracted Shaffer, White Haven, on tion and each application was
erty owners who fail to clear the walks. If necessary, they commitment, they provide to the Fire Company because February 5. sent back due to insufficient
should hire someone to do the work, and bill the responsible the utmost quality of service of its high-caliber reputation Dear Mr. Shaffer: information. Unfortunately,
parties. It’s time to make easier for pedestrians to walk this to our community. and the strong emphasis on The purpose of this email PennDOT and the Turnpike
way. The White Haven Fire training and excellence. Our is to make you aware of my Commission continue to seek
Company is a unique organi- personnel continue to devel- opposition to the plans of the approval for this plan and
zation that strives to antici- op different programs that Pennsylvania Department of recently submitted supple-
pate the needs of the citi- add to the safety and well Transportation (PennDOT) mental information to the
zens, and has a long tradition being of the citizens. The fire- and Pennsylvania Turnpike FHWA in a third attempt to
of providing high quality fire fighters of this Fire Company Commission to toll Interstate toll Interstate 80. In response,
and rescue services to this are truly devoted to the wel- 80 in Columbia, Luzerne and I have personally written and
community. We take pride in fare of our community. As a Monroe Counties. met with the Administrator of

the delivery of fire and rescue department, we have worked As you may know, in 2007, the FHWA and the Secretary
protection,and fire prevention hard to foster and maintain a the Pennsylvania State Leg- of the DOT twice to urge
services with a genuine com- strong sense of community islature passed and the them to reject the latest plans
mitment to those we serve. and mutual respect not only Governor signed into law a to toll Interstate 80.
for Good Drivers! Highly trained and motivated within its ranks, but also bill to initiate tolling on Inter- It is important to note that
IF YOU: staff of volunteer fire profes- countywide. Due to the dedi- state 80 in an effort to gener- transportation planning be-
•have at least one car that is sionals provides these serv- cation of the officers and fire- ate revenue to address the gins at the state and local
less than 10 years old fighters of past and present, Commonwealth’s deteriorat- governmental level and the
•haven’t had an insurance claim or
Letters Policy that we effectively overcome ing highways and bridges. I plans to toll Interstate 80
a traffic violation for 3 years The Journal-Herald wel- challenges and enjoy the oppose these efforts for sev- were approved by the Gov-
comes letters to the editor. respect and confidence of eral reasons. From my per- ernor and the State Legi-
•have an excellent credit history Preference is always given those in our community and spective, the current plans to slature, not Congress. It is my
to those on topics of local
•are currently insured with interest, and obvious “form the fire service experts of our toll Interstate 80 will result in sincere hope that the Gov-
Erie, State Farm, Prudential, letters” are not published. surrounding agencies. an additional tax on Northern ernor and Pennsylvania Legi-
Allstate, Nationwide
(or any other insurance carrier) The writerʼs name and tele- If you have more interest in Pennsylvania commuters and slature will find an alternative
phone number must be the White Haven Fire Com- commercial travelers to pay method to finance the much-
pick up the telephone and call included. No letter will be
published without the
pany, and feel you might for transportation projects needed improvement of the
writerʼs name; the phone make a great addition to our throughout the Common- Commonwealth’s transporta-
Daniel H. Suitch number is for our verification
only, and will not be pub-
team, please feel free to con-
tact us through one of the fol-
wealth. All residents and
businesses in the Common-
tion infrastructure. Never-
theless, you can rest assured

Insurance Agency, Inc. lished. AND PLEASE – If at

all possible, type your letter.
We do not refuse handwrit-
lowing three avenues. Visit us
at our website
wealth, not just the Northern
tier of the State, should share
the burden of paying for the
that I oppose tolling Inter-
state 80 and will continue to
pressure the FHWA and DOT
Weatherly • White Haven ten submissions, but errors
can occur with hard to read .com, see any White Haven improvement of the Com- to reject the State’s tolling
427-8011 • 443-7880 scripts. Fire Company firefighter, or monwealth’s transportation application.
800-526-6425 infrastructure. In addition, Thank you for allowing me
WHY PAY RETAIL? tolling would increase the to update you on this impor-
Collect your reward in BRAND NAME ITEMS AT GREAT PRICES! cost of doing business for tant matter. Please feel free
Household items, tools, camping items, area companies and would to continue to call, write, or
lower insurance rates! electronic items, plumbing items, almost guarantee that more email on any matter that con-
brand name cosmetics starting at 99¢ & much more! jobs would be lost as we try cerns you.
PVS WHOLESALE to recover from the current
Paul E. Kanjorski
Located on Route 940 in between White Haven & Freeland.
Wed.-Sat. 9 a.m.-2 p.m.• (570) 636-9878 In order to toll an existing Member of Congress
Look for YELLOW sign! free interstate highway, ap-
into the snow, searching out bridge over the stream that past Sunday. We had made
Legal Notices Seth’s Sightings by Seth Isenberg a smell. This was a pretty serves as the trailhead. Are tentative plans to watch, but
walk, but also cold, cold, there signs? No. Is it well decided just to keep track of
The snowstorm that buried of snow would fall. There has- cold. marked? No. the score. It’s nice that the
Philadelphia and Baltimore n’t been a full foot in one On the hike that we took Sunday’s hike was beauti- Saints won. With the Arena
White Haven Borough Coun-
cil will hold a work session at 6 and other points south of us storm since, from what my Sunday, I added cold weather ful, up a hill and beside open Football League folded, all of
p.m. on Monday, February 22, has many people abuzz to readers tell me. Perhaps this clothing, and was much more fields, then through the new us are spared from profes-
2010, prior to the regular meet-
the point of even giving it a week? comfortable. I finally have group camping area. The sional football just in time for
ing at 7 p.m. at the White Haven
Municipal Building, 320 Main name, Snowmageddon, silly, The Atlantic City Boat worn my Alpaca knit socks. wind picked up as we went the start of NASCAR at
Street. really. This was only two feet Show was held this past They’re certainly as warm as further up the hill, so we cut Daytona.
Elizabeth Altero
Borough Secretary
of snow. Only?, you ask. weekend. As I listened to promised, and very soft, and back to be in the trees again. I’m more excited about the
Many folks in this country Philadelphia’s WKYW radio not itchy. There were some icy spots upcoming Winter Olympics.
LEGAL NOTICE have seen snows of three, on Saturday in the middle of Sunday’s hike was on the making footing a little treach- The chance to watch the best
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, four and more feet. Yes, they the storm, an ad for the show Gamewire Trail in Hickory erous, too, with all of us tak- of the best compete is one
that Letters Testamentary have are rare, but not all that was aired. I laughed. Run State Park. We had an ing a bit of slide in some that I work to take advantage
been granted in the Estate of
Irene Arnold, late of Butler unusual for east coast weath- According to the Atlantic City unexpectedly difficult time places. As our hike ended, of, though I’ll probably skip
Township, Luzerne County, er. It’s just that it has been so Press, the show was open finding the trail entrance. We we sighted a group of young the coverage of curling.
Pennsylvania, who died on May long that some among us are Friday, closed Saturday and were not alone. Some park men out playing frisbee golf. I’m keeping my snow-shov-
5, 2009. All persons indebted to
said decedent are requested to forgetting that our area is open Sunday—despite two visitors had brought their Somebody had taken a shov- eling muscles toned, and
make payment, and those hav- subject to this kind of weath- feet of snow—and a few snowmobiles, and we could el to all of the tees and making Valentines plans,
ing claims or demands against er normally. The last 30 or so exhibitors did OK, even with see at least two attempts of cleared them after the snow, planning that also coincides
the estate are to present the
same without delay to David A. years have seen few of this traffic halved. finding the trail ending in and there were plenty of foot- with our anniversary. So par-
Arnold, Executor, c/o Robert J. kind of big storm, but to think I did not mind shoveling the dead ends—we followed prints showing that they had don me if I think there is
Gillespie, Jr., Attorney, 67 North that what hit Philadelphia is near three inches from our them both. If they’d gone a bit been busy on the course. something romantic about a
Church Street, Hazleton, PA
18201. anything odd is merely forget- sidewalks at the house. It was closer to Sand Spring Lake, Neither of us were that in- blizzard.
ROBERT J.GILLESPIE, JR. ting what used to be normal. light and fluffy, so easy to they’d have located the terested in the big game this
Gillespie, Miscavige, There’s a certain amount of move. That’s important, since
Ferdinand & Baranko, LLC
67 North Church Street luck, however, in this kind of I also needed to clear around Supporting a low-carbon, green economy leads
Hazleton, PA 18201 storm, and our area was on the office. It’s good healthy
(570) 454-5575 the good luck side of it. Our exercise, I do admit, and I to regaining competitive edge, creating jobs
luck is not going to hold. I’ve enjoy the sense of accom-
LEGAL NOTICE written in this column about plishment when the work is
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, how this area was a magnet done.
that Letters Testamentary have for snows in the early 1900s, Before the day finished, we
been granted in the Estate of
and earlier than that. Entre- went out with the dogs and
Evelyn Pastina, late of Fairview
Township, Luzerne County, preneurs built their ski hills took a hike along the Black
Pennsylvania, who died on July before there was such a thing Diamond Trail—the Lehigh
16, 2009. All persons indebted
as snow making. In my opin- Gorge Park trail extension
to said decedent are requested
to make payment, and those ion, the weather changed in north of White Haven. We
having claims or demands the late 1970s and early 80s. were only the second couple
against the estate are to present
I also believe that it will be that used the trail after the
the same without delay to An-
thony F. Pastina, Executor, c/o changing back to snowier snow, and whoever they
Robert J. Gillespie, Jr., Attorney, weather in years to come. were, they had a dog also.
67 North Church Street, Hazle-
Several years ago we ran a This made a hike that much
ton, PA 18201.
ROBERT J.GILLESPIE, JR. contest offering a prize to the more interesting to both of
Gillespie, Miscavige, person who most accurately ours, who every so often
Ferdinand & Baranko, LLC
67 North Church Street
predicted when the first foot would nearly dive nose first
Hazleton, PA 18201 With much of the U.S. still feeling the lingering effects of the recession, Governor
(570) 454-5575 Weatherwood bids... Edward Rendell (right) said today that Pennsylvania and the entire nation can chart a
Continued from page A1 path to a stronger economy if it commits to a green, sustainable future. Looking on is
LEGAL NOTICE Nick DeBenedictis, Chairman of Aqua America.
keep most of the jobs, there the Weatherly Area School
Notice is hereby given that Speaking at Aqua America’s 1.1-megawatt Ingram’s Mill Solar Farm—one of the newest
would be no transfer of resi- District (over $100,000), Car-
Letters of Administration have and largest such facilities on the East Coast—the Governor said addressing climate
been granted in the Estate of dents (the new owner will bon County and Weatherly
change, using more renewable energy resources, and cutting back on energy consump-
John P. Kinney, late of 404 Ber- likely bring new business to Borough from the building.
wick Street, White Haven, tion are the keys to restoring America’s competitive edge globally while preserving the
the facility), and there would Bids in to the county by the
Pennsylvania (died January 5, environment and creating millions of new jobs.
2010). All persons indebted to be substantial tax revenue for end of the day on February
said estate are required to make 26 will be reviewed into early
payments and those having Look for us here: March. Once a best offer is
claims or demands to present
the same without delay to Brad
Find The Journal-Herald established, commissioners (Located in Terrace Plaza)
Kinney, Administrator, 248 Sil- for sale at these area hope to move ahead to a sale Just off the S. Beltway, Route 424
ver Maple Lane, Freeland, merchants: and closing before the end of 601 S. Poplar St., Hazleton
Pennsylvania, OR
White Haven Market June.
Donald G. Karpowich,
White Haven Uni-Mart
85 Drasher Road Joe’s Kwik Mart OPEN DAILY
Drums, PA 18222 Main Street Coffeeworks 7 a.m.-9 p.m.
Notice is hereby given that
Letters of Testamentary have
been granted in the Estate of
The Journal-Herald office;
Wawa at the Turnpike,
Pocono Inn lobby
We’ve Expanded
Sandra Ann Sluck, late of 106
East Horn Street, West Hazle-
ton, Pennsylvania (died De- Plaza store.
cember 6, 2009). All persons In Weatherly,
indebted to said estate are
required to make payments and Community News
those having claims or de- Agosti’s Food Store
mands to present the same Weatherly Pharmacy
without delay to Thomas John
Sluck, Jr., Executor, 106 East
and TJ’s One Stop.
Horn Street, West Hazleton, Miller’s Store
Pennsylvania, 18202 OR in Lehigh Twp.
Donald G. Karpowich, Convenient Mart, Carone’s
85 Drasher Road Supermarket, Uni-Mart, ALL DAY, EVERYDAY! Russet
Plum Potatoes....99¢/lb.¢
Tomatoes Petite Kaiser Rolls (12)..$199
5 lb. bag ..........................99
Drums, PA 18222 Smoke Shop and Nocchi’s • DOUBLE COUPONS Russet Potatoes Cherry Turnovers (2) ..$249
Golden Ripe
lb. bag ........................
UP TO 99¢ EVERYDAY! 10 Cherry Pie
2/11 Pharmacy in Freeland. Bananas ................39¢¢/lb. 8” (regular or sugar free) ........ 3
$ 99
• Tues. Senior Citizens Iceberg Lettuce ....99 ea.¢
Still only 50¢. Onions 3 lb. bag ............99 Rye or Pumpernickel
Journal-Herald deadline is Discount Day! Mangoes ..................5¢/$4
Red Peppers ........99¢/lb. Bread ........................$199
noon on Monday. E-mail Also available by mail sub- • We Accept All Major Bananas ................39¢/lb.
articles to: journalnews@ Broccoli Crowns ..99 /lb. Red Velvet Cake....$2 OFF
Credit Cards, Food scription. Sweet Juicy
Stamps, Access Card
Mangoes ..................3/$2 NEW HEALTH
and WIC
Delicious Avocado ..5/$4 & BEAUTY!
Tomatoes ,D 89¢/lb.
Boneless & Skinless Bosc or Anjou
Chicken Breast......$149/lb. Pears ....................99¢/lb.
Shurfine Chicken Noodle PA Dutch Noodles ....5/$5
Iceberg Lettuce ....99¢ea.
Ground Beef or Tomato Soup ........39¢ Kraft American
80% lean (Best Price in Town!) .. 1
$ 79/lb. Juicy Tangerines
Shurfine Coffee ........$$199
3 lb. bag ........................ 1
99 Cheese
Boneless New York Shurfine 14.7-16. oz............
Strip Steak ..........$495/lb. Spring Water 24 pack .... 2
$ 99
Valentine Dinner Special
DELI Blue Bunny
Shurfine Oven Roasted ¢ Ice Cream......
2 Lobster Tails ....2/$1999 Sour
Turkey Cream
Breast 16 oz. ........
......$269 99
Shurfine Mama Rosie’s Ravioli
Mozzarella or $188 ..99¢
Send information SHOP
Ice Cream 1/2 gallon ........
Provolone Cheese..$299/lb.
(spinach & cheese, mini ravioli or gnocchi)


Dutch Country
about your EXTE
Hard Salami Bread or
OUR NEW or Pepperoni ........$499/lb. Sunbeam
organization’s GROCERY,
Red Skin Potato King or Ranch..
Linda will be offering a FREE Salad Homemade ........$149/lb.
events to: & DAIRY Good
thru Sat.,
“Easy Makeup Techniques” on journalnews@ Pudding Homemade....$199/lb.
Feb. 13
Thursday, February 11 at 6:30 p.m.
Please call 582-9934 to reserve your seat.
LauraKristopher Professional Skincare will be or call 443-9131
available on sale for Buy 3, Get 1 FREE. xt304 for the editor.
CHS announces Outstanding Student of the Third Quarter DEAN’S LIST DIRECTORY
Amanda Casem was re- Judeʼs R.C. Church Youth Amanda Ca-
PENN STATE dents with a quality point
cently selected as Outstand- Ministry and Youth Advisory sem (seated
ing Student of the Third Board, a teacherʼs aide for UNIVERSITY average of 3.33 or higher for
right) was re-
Quarter at Crestwood High its religious education pro- Alyson M. Hoegg, daugh- a semesterʼs work are
cently select-
School. gram and a vacation bible ter of Bruce and Sue Hoegg, placed on the Deansʼ Com-
ed as Out-
Amanda enjoys biology, school volunteer. Amanda Weatherly has been named mendation List. Kyle Law-
standing Stu-
mathematics and Spanish has participated in many to the deanʼs list for the fall son, a senior from White
dent of the
classes. She is a member of community service projects 2009 semester at Penn Haven, has been placed on
Third Quarter
the Gifted Program, Spanish with the youth group, and State University, University the Fall 2009 list.
at Crestwood
Club, Science Olympiad has participated in the March Park.
High School.
Team, National Honor for Life in Washington, D.C. She is a freshman major- Soup & eggs for sale
She lives in
Society, National Spanish and the National Youth ing in meteorology at the
Mountain Top The Faith United Metho-
Honor Society, Girlsʼ Cross Conference in Kansas City, College of Earth and Mineral
with her par- dist Church, Slocum Road,
Country Team and Girlsʼ Missouri. Sciences. She was the Sal-
ents Elaine Mountain Top, is taking
Varsity Softball Team. She also has a part time utatorian of the Weatherly
and Chuck (standing) and her sister Ashley. orders for chicken noodle
Outside of school she job at the McDonaldʼs in Area High School Class of
Pictured with Amanda and her parents is C.H.S. Spanish soup at $4 per quart.
plays the piano, and plays Mountain Top. She is still 2009.
teacher Maria Moulton. Orders must be made by
softball for a teeners team determining her future, but WILKES UNIVERSITY
Sunday, February 21 by call-
that won third place in state hopes to eventually work in Sarah Frable was named
Journal-Herald deadline is noon on Monday. ing Betty at 868-6397. Pick-
competition last summer. the medical field. to the deanʼs list for both the
E-mail articles to: spring and fall 2009 semes-
up is March 6.
She is a member of St. The chocolate candy or-
ters at Wilkes University.
ders for Easter eggs in pea-
A sophomore majoring in
Marian High School students participate in Diocesan Music Festival mathematics, she is a 2008
nut butter, coconut cream
and chocolate fudge must
Twelve students from Name High School, Read- graduate of Weatherly Area
be in by March 14. Order
Marian Catholic High ing. The Marian students High School and the daugh-
pickup will be before Easter.
School, Hometown, have joined more than 100 other ter of David and Tracy Frable
Eggs are 75¢ each. To
been selected to perform in students from seven dioce- of Weatherly.
order, call Betty at 868-
the 36th Annual Diocesan san high schools, who per- GETTYSBURG COLLEGE
Music Festival, sponsored formed a program that Gettysburg College stu-
by the Diocese of Allentown. included instrumental and
This yearʼs festival took choral music on the final day Recycle phonebooks through
place February 4 - 6, at Holy of the festival..
Marian students who par- Carbon Co. contest
ticipated in the diocesan
Wrecker band are Shane Mulligan,
The Carbon County Out-
dated Telephone Directory
program ends, the Carbon
County Department of Solid
Christopher Postupack, Program has just started. It waste will pick up the old
Boosters Miranda Milillo and John
Damiter. Participating in con-
will run through Friday, Feb-
ruary 19, when elementary
phone books for recycling.
The five individuals who
cert chorus were Eric Faust,
to meet Stephen Valente, Katie
Students from Marian Catholic High School who will per-
students throughout Carbon
County will be competing to
collect the most phone
books will receive an award
Owens, Jessica McKinley, collect the most phone from Carbon County and a
The Weatherly Wrecker form at the Allentown Diocese’s 36th Annual Music
Marissa Webb, Michael Mul- books. $100 saving bond.
Booster Club will meet on Festival include: front row (l to r) Eric Faust, Stephen
ligan and Rosey Sheridan. Weatherly Area Elemen- A special award will be
Tuesday, February 16 at 7 Valente, Miranda Milillo, John Damiter, Marissa Webb,
Eric Petterson accompanied tary students are encour- given to the student who
p.m. at the school. Eric Pettrson, Katie Owens, Michael Mulligan, Jessica
on piano. The students audi- aged to participate in this brings in the oldest dated
All interested parties are McKinley, Shane Mulligan, Rosey Sheridan and
tioned for their parts earlier worthwhile project. phone book. The phone
encouraged to attend. Christopher Postupack.
this year. Participating schools will books being submitted for
send information home with oldest should be kept sepa-
Journal deadline is
AMUSEMENTS always 5 p.m. Monday.
students and will keep track
of the number of phone
books turned in. After the
rate from other books being
turned in.

SUDOKU INSTRUCTIONS: Each row, column and 3x3 grid must contain
all the numbers 1 through 9, with no repeats.
Sudoku Puzzle #1718-M Sudoku Puzzle #1718-D
1 2 3 4 1 2 3
5 3 4 6 3 4 5
6 7 3 6 2 4 7
1 8 3 9 7 2 4
3 5 3 1
6 7 3 5 8 6 9
4 5 2 6 2 9 1
2 5 6 8 4 6 5
3 9 1 2 9 8 4
© 2009 Hometown Content © 2009 Hometown Content
Medium Difficult

Answers on Page B6
Green Puzzle
ACROSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. Certain to happen
14 15 16
6. Boarded up
10. Baylor University 17 18 19
14. Cara or Papas 20 21 22 23
15. "El __" (Marty
Acids Bad Cold Dunes Era Hop Sea Robbins hit) 24 25 26
16. "In the same
Add Bet Cooled Eat Fiery Icy Shoe place," in 27 28 29 30 31

Agree Bud Cry Elf Furnished If Shrill footnotes

32 33 34 35 36
17. "Paul Revere's
All By Do Emerged Given Ink So Ride" poet
37 38 39
As Card Drag Equator Go Key Spaced 19. "Nick at __"
20. General on

40 41 42
Hay Kid Spain Chinese menus
Lad Tag 21. Pupil's locale 43 44 45
22. Yak away
Lay Tie 24. President after 46 47 48 49 50
Lie Tone 26. 1/40 of the north 51 52 53 54 55
Each of the following cryptograms is a clue to the
Met Tow forty
identity of a famous couple in history. Using the hints 27. Surgery ctrs. 56 57 58 59

X=F and C=I, decipher the clues to name the couple. Nerve Up 28. Led Zeppelin's
60 61 62
No Us "__ to Heaven"
32. Shredded side
1 GIPW Oil We dishes
63 64 65

Oral Win 35. Jordan's Queen

______ __
American Profile Hometown Content 2/7/2010

Owl Yes 36. Made a donation 60. Super-secure 10. Olympics of 2006 38. Sixth-graders,
2 CQXCAWZCMB Peg Yet 37. Dosage unit airline or 2010 usually
38. Milker's
_________________ Real Yolks containers
61. "The Lion King"
11. Just slightly
12. Slap with a ticket
42. Candy-coated
hunk of gum
39. From square one 62. Tennis legend 13. River through 44. Chat room
3 DWUZIKPB 40. Voting nay Chris Poland guffaw
____________ 41. Lunar valley 63. Act the couch 18. Drops an easy 45. Hosiery wrecker
42. Some USN potato one 47. Orderly formation
officers 64. Bump off 23. Jackie's O 48. They go in and
4 CQXWGMCZCMB 43. Like hot dogs 65. Lab jobs 25. Sphere with out
___________________ without casings
45. Ship's pronoun
three holes, 49. For all to see
DOWN normally 50. Hatchlings'
46. One of a 26. Lagoon former homes
5 XGUQHW subculture
1. Grunge
28. Smears mud on 51. Irish or Manx
2. Popped up
__________ known for
3. Andrea Bocelli, 29. Harry Potter's speaker, e.g.
wearing black stick 52. Woody's musical
47. Jennifer of 30. State with surety son
4. Chang's twin
"Friends" 31. Trees yielding 53. "It's been __!"
Oh, what a tumultuous love this couple 51. Scramble, as a
5. Rebellious ones
elastic wood 54. Banjoist Fleck
6. Bowler's
shared: ___________________________ signal
headache 32. Mud bath sites 58. Kilmer who
54. Bric-a-__ 33. Sausage unit voiced KITT
7. Dutch portraitist
55. "__ had enough!" 34. Height: Prefix 59. Forum greeting
56. General location 35. Chan player J.
5) France, Napoleon and Josephine 8. GI-entertaining
57. National park in Carrol __
Answers: 1) Rose, 2) Infidelity, 3) Jealousy, 4) Infertlity, gp.
9. Luxury Lincolns
I sipped a glass of Merlot, white rice, but tied in the
Dining Out Order Easter
SENIOR CENTERS MENU $7, while Seth enjoyed
fresh-brewed iced tea serv-
center with a strip of sea-
weed in dark green—they
Week of February 15: Tokyo Teahouse ed with lemons and limes, sat behind the dragon roll on
Candy now
Monday: Presidents Day; centers closed. Route 940, Pocono Summit $2.75 refillable (he had three the plate, with a pile of pale Centenary United Metho-
Tuesday: Oven fried chicken, scalloped potatoes, coleslaw, by Ruth Isenberg refills). pink-orange pickled ginger dist Church will hold its
corn bread, doughnut. Sushi is a feast for the His choice for an entrée nearby. annual Easter egg candy
Wednesday: Tortellini marinara, green beans, caesar eyes, as well as the taste- was unajiu, $17, a donburi Sethʼs dish included slices sale on March 26 from 11 to
salad, roll, berry crumble. buds. On Saturday, we dis- (rice bowl) topped with light- of eel that were placed atop 4 p.m. in the social rooms of
Thursday: Beef teriyaki, Asian noodles, broccoli, dinner roll, covered that all of the food at ly pickled vegetables and the rice, with a touch of pick- the church.
banana pudding. Tokyo Teahouse is beautiful- rich, almost buttery broiled led vegetables off to one Varieties available are co-
Friday: Baked halibut, rice pilaf, yellow squash, dinner roll, ly presented, as well as deli- eel. It was served in a beau- side, some green, some yel- conut cream, butter cream,
sugar cookie, orange. cious. tiful red ceramic bowl deco- low. Atop it all was the peanut butter, peanut roll
Itʼs very possible to make rated with Japanese artwork sauce, salty, sweet, and sea- and assorted.
Cherry Festival includes food look gorgeous, but
have it taste dull or dry. That
in bright colors. It had a flat
bottom, and a tight-fitting lid,
foody, with a tang to it. It was
a sweet and rich mix of fla-
The eggs will be sold in
one-pound boxes only at a
and when that lid was lifted, vors that really pleased him. price of $8 per pound.
chicken & waffles dinner certainly wasnʼt the case
here—everything we tried fragrant steam escaped It wasnʼt easy to eat with Orders may be placed by
Salem United Church of old and under and can be was fresh and flavorful. across the table in my direc- chopsticks, but we man- calling Shirley or John at
Christ, First and Fell Streets, purchased from any consis- Tastes and textures blended tion. I was glad heʼd prom- aged. 427-4652, Laverne at 427-
Weatherly will hold its annu- tory member or by calling artfully, just as colors and ised to share. We couldnʼt imagine a 8658, Evelyn at 427-8143,
al Cherry Festival on Marie at 427-8310. cuts made an appealing Iʼd chosen eel as well, dessert that would be beauti- Jane at 427-4301, Joyce at
Saturday, February 20 from presentation. ordering smoked eel sushi, ful enough to compete with 427-8987 or by leaving a
4 to 6:30 p.m. in the social $6 for two pieces, and a our entrées, so we finished message at the church at
rooms of the church. Breakfast We started by splitting an
appetizer, the shrimp gyoza, dragon roll, $10. That was up and headed out into the 427-8091.
On the menu will be chick- $6, pan-fried dumplings filled almost too beautiful to eat, crisp, clear night—satisfied The deadline for all orders
en and homemade waffles,
mashed potatoes, green
Planned with a smooth shrimp paste.
The flavor was delicate,
with eight segments of sea-
weed and avocado rolled
on every level with our dining
is March 14.
Workers will be needed for
beans, dessert and a bever- An all-you-can-eat break- complemented by the gin- around rice and barbecued Tokyo Tea House is open mixing on March 1 from 6:30
age. fast will be held at St. Peter ger-soy dipping sauce. A eel snaking across the plate, noon to 3 p.m., and 5 to 10 to 9 p.m.. Rolling begins on
Take-outs will be available. the Fisherman Church on carrot was thinly sliced into a with bits of orange roe pro- every day except Tuesday. March 4 from 9 to 1 p.m. and
There will also be a Chi- Lake Drive in Lake Harmony flower-like edible garnish. viding extra color and Credit cards are accepted. coating begins on March 5
nese auction. on Sunday, March 14 from 9 Six plump dumplings served crunch. The two pieces of Phone: 570-839-8880 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Tickets are $8 for adults a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost is hot gave us a good start on sushi were basic brown over
and $4 for children 12 years adults, $8 and $5 for children our meal.
Candy egg sale crunch, coconut cream and

7 years and under.
butter cream eggs will be

Open Valentine’s Day!

Members of the Friendship sold for 75¢ each.
Circle of Christ United Meth- Place orders by calling
odist Church, Mountain Top, Molly at 474-5311 no later
are once again making four than March 21. Pick-up will
different kinds of homemade be Sunday, March 28 after

Sunday 4-9 p.m. Easter egg candies. Peanut

butter chiffon, peanut butter
each service at the church,
175 South Main Road.

Pasty sale to benefit Kirby Library

Regular Menu plus At their February meeting, number. Pick-up will be
Route 940 at
White Haven/Weatherly
the Friends of the Marian downstairs at the library
Special Dinners for Two Sutherland Kirby Library dis-
cussed plans for a pasty
between noon and 4 p.m. on
Saturday, March 6.
Open 11-2 Fri. through Mon.
3-Close Tues., Wed. & Thurs.
sale. The pasties will cost Subsequent projects will
$4.50 each, and orders for include a fudge and peanut

Weatherly Country Inn these pastries filled with

ground beef, potatoes and
onions may be placed at the
brittle sale and a Motherʼs
Day basket raffle. Revisions
to the books for babies pro-
Wing Night
35¢ Each - (Eat-in Only)
$1 Domestic Bottles 8-10 p.m.

R E S TA U R A N T & CAT E R I N G library until Wednesday,

March 3. All orders must be
gram were also discussed.
Thanks to the community
Clam Night $1.50 A Dozen

570-427-8550 prepaid, and you can stop in

at the library to order, or call
474-9313 and mail in your
support for the Friendsʼ fund-
raisers, enough money will
be available to purchase the
8-10 p.m. Domestic Pints $1

TUESDAY Taco Night

6-10 p.m. 69¢ each
Located 6 Miles from White Haven, 1 Mile from County Home in check to the Friends at 35 new book cart requested by Soft & Hard Shells. Eat-In Only
Weatherly on Lehigh Gorge Drive (Weatherly-White Haven Highway) Kirby Avenue, Mountain Top, the library.
1st Ever Four Fellas’
PA 18707. Be sure your New members are wel-
Open Tues.-Sat. 4–10 p.m. Reservations Suggested!!
order includes your phone come at any time of the year. CHILI COOKOFF
Meetings are held at 7 p.m.
Sun., Feb. 21, 2 p.m.
Benefits American
on the first Wednesday of Cancer Society
the month, with the next ses- To enter, sign up at the bar.
sion scheduled for Wednes-
day, March 3. 443-9288

T East
E IHaven
5-9 p.m. 5-9 p.m.
Chicken & Waffles 16 oz. New York
with vegetable, salad & dessert. Strip Steak
Adult: $9.25 Child: $6.25 with baked potato & vegetable $17.95


Joe’s Cheesesteak Spaghetti & Meatballs,
w/fresh cut fries–$6.95 w/salad & garlic bread–$5.95
5-9 p.m. in house only.
TUESDAY NIGHT—6-9 p.m. Clams........$1.50/Dozen
Wings 30¢ each in-house, Pints..........$1.50 Each
35¢ each to go—10 Sauces!
1/2 lb.–$6 • w/Fries–$7.95 3-5 p.m.
Serving Dinner 5 p.m.-9 p.m. • Call For Daily Specials 443-8359
All Specials are In-House Only. We accept Visa, Mastercard & Discover.


• Portable 110V • Heats Multiple Rooms

• Superior Design & Quality • 3 Year Extended Factory Direct
• Full Function Remote Control Warranty
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• Doesn’t Remove Oxygen or “No more guessing the tempera-
$379! Wood finish units
Humidity from the Air
• Reduces Energy Usage by
ture, like you have to with other
35% to 50% • Cannot Start Fires

9 17 60 53 65
as low as $439.
Best engineered Infrared heater on the market.
AVAILABLE AT: 4 Quartz infrared emitters.
11:30 A.M.

Local Sales Team, Local Service. PER A

Not the cheapest—the best! FEB. 13 STARTS
G&A Hardware 1 P.M.

Susquehanna & Main, White Haven • 443-8744 •Mon - Sat, 8-5

IN USE & ON DISPLAY AT: 6 25 70 74
Weatherly Area Community Library
20 Carbon Street • 427-5085
• Order a CZ Heater from WACL and they receive a donation.
7 18 31 56 49



Order by phone for delivery out-of-area 15 REGULAR GAMES & BINGO SPECIALS!
at 800-822-5334 xt307

TOPS NEWS Lehigh Township supervisors

approve garbage exemption
TOPS 1314 of White
Haven will hold its weekly
meeting Monday with the
Members, please remem-
ber to bring your canned
goods for the White Haven
by Donnell Stump Bills were approved for vote authorized exemption sent to the tax office, but he
program, Steer Your Stress. food pantry.
The Lehigh Township payment, with the exception from the garbage fee begin- did locate a communication
Do you eat when you are We invite anyone in the
Board of Supervisors met on of a bill for $334.50 to ning with the January from 2006, where the tax
overwhelmed, tired, angry, community to join us,
Monday, February 7 at the Frankʼs Lock & Door Ser- through March 2010 quarter. office had also requested the
or bored? We will look at Monday nights at 6 (weigh
municipal building. vice. That itemized bill show- Kerri Lanum offered the documents be filed with
some management tools in 5:30 to 6) at the United
Chairman Larry Skinner ed a charge of $65 for com- L&L report for January them. Discussion about why
you can use to reduce the Methodist Church Social
asked to amend the agenda ing to the township building including response to three the documents were needed
feelings of stress. Hall, White Haven.
to include an request for gar- to do work in December. QRS calls, one dwelling fire, by the county followed. The
bage fee exemption under Supervisor Wayne Wagner and two automatic alarms. tax assessorʼs office uses
Chinese Auction proxy the administrative actions
section. Following that unan-
said that fee should have
been eliminated since the
The calls were in Lausanne
Township, Lehigh Township,
the document to determine
where properties have had
sheets available imous motion, the public was
given the chance to com-
township and the L&L Fire
Company utilized the servic-
Weatherly Borough and
Beaver Meadows Borough.
additions or other construc-
tion that would necessitate a
Proxy sheets for Salem Applebeeʼs, Yong Hao ment on agenda items; no es of the locksmith on the She was asked if a year end review of the property for tax
United Church of Christʼs Buffet, Jimmyʼs, Rostas one did. same day. A similar fee was report was available for assessment purposes.
Chinese auction, to be held Cafe, Kentucky Fried Chick- The supervisors approved eliminated from the L&L bill 2009. According to Lanum, No monthly reports were
at the annual Cherry Festival en, Cracker Barrel, White minutes of the reorganiza- since the work was done on the report has been pre- filed by the emergency man-
on Saturday, February 20, Haven Family Diner, Angela tion meeting and with correc- the same day. The approval pared; she will have it for the agement coordinator, sew-
are now available at the & Adrianaʼs Italian Food, tions approved the minutes of bills was pending clarifica- March meeting. age enforcement officer, or
Weatherly Area Community Beaver Meadows; The Ori- of the regular meeting as tion of the amount of that bill. Zoning Officer John Cap- planning commission.
Pharmacy, Citizens Fire Co. ginal Italian Pizza, Weath- well. Secretary Paula Sakse- The request for garbage osella reported communica- Roadmaster Wagner not-
or by calling Donna Mis- erly, and Silver Ridge Hunt- Hoffman indicated she would fee exemption came from tion with the Jim Thorpe ed several hours of winter
cavige at 427-4515 or Mary ing Club breakfast. review the tape and if correc- John and Stacy Sentner. [Carbon County] Tax Office. road maintenance as well as
Rose Minnick at 427-8865. There are also certificates tions as proposed were war- Their residence was destroy- The tax office was seeking hours spent on repairing the
The public is welcome to from T.Jʼs One Stop, Weath- ranted, she would adjust the ed by fire in November 2009 copies of building permits plow.
attend. Those who cannot, erly; Weatherly Area Com- minutes from the January 4 and subsequently the struc- from the township for the Wagner also reported that
may purchase the proxy munity Pharmacy, McDon- meeting. ture was torn down. While past several years. Cap- the annual Carbon County
sheet and their tickets will be alds, Sheetz, Staples, The treasurerʼs report was they plan to rebuild, they are osella could find no indica- Phone Book Recycling pro-
deposited in the designated Loweʼs, Giant, Wal-Mart, approved as read. not sure when. A unanimous tion that any permits were gram was underway at ele-
prizes for them. Avon, Pampered Chef, mentary school across the

Carmine’s Pizza
There are 121 prizes this Longaberger, Mia Bella county. That program will
year, including various gift Candles and two $50 cash conclude on February 19.
cards from Olive Garden, awards. He also reported several ini-
tiatives to encourage recy-

SPECIAL!! Schoenberg
Festival presented
MAIN STREET, WHITE HAVEN Mon.-Thurs. & Sun. 10-10; Fri. & Sat. 10-11
cling. According to Wagner,
the Township is doing quite a
4 for $1 Table by Wyoming
Dedicated to
3/5/79-7/11/01 Valentine’s Special Pie!! good job, as is the entire
county with some 2.9 million

Main Street

Seminary Regular or Veggie! pounds recycled last year;

overall, the county only recy-
Dollar & MORE
Corner of Berwick & Main,White Haven
Wyoming Seminary Upper
School will present a special
Schoenberg Festival, offer-
RIBS SPECIAL w/Sweet Potato Fries & Cole Slaw
cles about 10 percent of its
waste stream.
Skinner reported that a
We Love ,
Open Seven Days a Week w/Sweet Potato Fries & Cole Slaw
3 ROOMS OF BARGAINS ing instrumental and vocal
ven SHRIMP SPECIAL meeting of the Carbon
1000s of items! Come see. music by Arnold Schoen- White Ha !!
a n k Yo u w/Sweet Potato Fries & Cole Slaw County Tax Collection Com-
berg, on Saturday, February Th
All Your Needs for GNOCCHI PARMESAN mittee was held last month,
20, and Tuesday, February w/Side Salad & Garlic Bread
Valentine’s Day!! but that he did not attend as
Balloons Bouquets 23 at 8 p.m. in the Great Hall MUSSELS MARINARA w/Pasta & Garlic Knots he hadnʼt been notified of the
Valentine Jewelry of Wyoming Seminary, 228 MUSSELS W/GARLIC & BUTTER date, time and place of the
Valentine Baskets Wyoming Avenue, just north w/Pasta & Garlic Knots

Valentine Cards for Children
of Kingston Corners. Why Come Out? Under old business, secre-
The Saturday concert will
Housewares You Ring We Bring!! tary Sakse-Hoffman asked if
Sunglasses present Schoenbergʼs piano
Delivery Available township property had been
Snacks trio “Verklaerte Nacht” and within 5 miles of White Haven. take-out orders or local delivery. returned by former supervi-
Giftware several short pieces by
Candles sor Floyd Hoffman. She was
Schoenbergʼs student Anton told that it had not; she in-
Party Supplies
A New Line of Jewelry von Webern; the Tuesday formed the supervisors that
Rampage® Jewelry performance will feature she would continue to hold
Wallets•Handbags Schoenbergʼs melodrama his last check for meeting
Fashion Watches “Pierrot Lunaire.” Both con- attendance until the property
New Name Brand Perfumes certs begin at 8 p.m. and are is returned.
Mylar & Latex Balloons free and open to the public.
Health & Beauty Items Wagner asked if the super-
Baby Items This festival is supported visors could be paid on a
Also by a Pennsylvania Partners monthly basis instead of
St. Patty’s Day in the Arts grant from the quarterly as has been the
Decorations Scranton Area Foundation. case for several years. The
For more information call current plan calls for pay-
270-2190. ment to be made in the
SCARFS, HATS & GLOVES. month following each quar-
ter; this means that the
fourth quarter payment is
actually made in the follow-
ing tax year. The supervisors
unanimously agreed to
change the payment system
to monthly, where each
supervisor would be paid at
the meeting for that meeting.
Sakse-Hoffman asked what
would be done if someone
doesnʼt attend the meeting.
Solicitor George Hludzik said
the line item should just be
stricken from the list of bills
to be paid. Skinner said the
check would then be voided.
Bob Tissier asked if the
auditors needed to be in-
formed of this change. While
it may not be necessary,
Sakse-Hoffman said she
would let them know.
Barb Tissier noted that
East Penn Search and Res-
cue is in need of funds. She
recalled several times when
their help was invaluable to
the township and in particu-
lar to the volunteers of the
L&L. Supervisor Eric Brill
made a motion to donate
$100 to the volunteer group.
Burt Lewis told the super-
visors that he believes peo-
ple figure since they are pay-
The Edelweiss ing for garbage collection,
Pocono Lake
they might as well put every-
$50 Certificate for $35
thing out for garbage. “When
Mi Casa you have pay by the bag
Mount Pocono garbage, then people will re-
$20 Certificiate for $12 cycle to reduce their gar-
bage costs,” said Lewis.
The Inn at The next meeting of the
Pocono Manor Lehigh Township Super-
$25 Certificate for $15 visors will be held on Mon-
(good for meals and resort amenities) day, March 1, beginning at
7:30 p.m.
MAY 25, Tuesday – Weath-
Coming Events erly Area Elementary School
FEBRUARY 11, Thursday FEBRUARY 28, Sunday – Spring Concert
– Bingo, sponsored by Breakfast, sponsored by JUNE 5, Saturday - Flea
Tweedle Park Association, Flying Aces Motorcycle Club, Market, sponsored by The
Weatherly Rockport Presbyterian Church of White
FEBRUARY 12, Friday – MARCH 7, Sunday – Haven
Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner, Breakfast, sponsored by Ma- SEPTEMBER 9, Thursday
benefit Kendra Moyer, spon- rine Corps League Det. 1039 – Chicken & Waffle Dinner,
sored by Our Lady of Lour- at St. Patrick’s Parish Center, sponsored by The Presby-
des R.C. Church, Weatherly White Haven terian Church of White Haven
FEBRUARY 13, Saturday MARCH 7, Sunday – OCTOBER 14, Thursday –
– Tupperware & Cash Bingo, Breakfast, sponsored by Al- Pork & Sauerkraut Supper,
benefit Weatherly Area High brightsville Volunteer Fire sponsored by The Presby-
School Drama Club Company terian Church of White Haven
FEBRUARY 13, Saturday MARCH 7, Sunday – Bin- NOVEMBER 6, Saturday –
– Mardi Gras Party, spon- go, sponsored by Our Lady of Holiday Bazaar, sponsored
sored by Altar & Rosary Lourdes R.C. Church, Weath- by The Presbyterian Church
Society of Immaculate Con- erly of White Haven
ception Parish, Freeland MARCH 12 & 13, Friday & This column is open to all organi-
zations in the Weatherly, White Members of the Weatherly Area High School Drama Club display the Tupperware items
FEBRUARY 13, Saturday Saturday – Weatherly Area
Haven, Freeland, Albrightsville,
– Chicken & Waffle Dinner, High School Musical Blakeslee, Conyngham/Drums, Lake that will be among the prizes for the Valentine’s Bingo to be held on Saturday, February
sponsored by Black Creek MARCH 13, Saturday – Harmony & Mountain Top areas. If 13 at the Weatherly Area Middle School. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. with the first game
your organization is planning a starting at 1 p.m. Refreshments will be available for sale. In addition to 15 regular games
United Methodist Church Book Fair, sponsored by
fund-raising activity, or other special
FEBRUARY 14, Sunday – Weatherly Area PTA event open to the public, you may and bingo specials there will be a Chinese Auction and raffles. Bingo tickets are $20 per
Breakfast, sponsored by Sil- MARCH 11, Thursday – have it listed by calling 443-9131. person and are available at the door.
There is no charge for this service. Photo by Donnell Stump
ver Ridge Hunting Club, Spaghetti Supper, sponsored
Weatherly by The Presbyterian Church
FEBRUARY 15, Monday –
Health Screening, sponsored
of White Haven
MARCH 14, Sunday – Steel Magnolias comes to Stage Coach
by Heritage Hill Senior Com- Spring Craft Fair, sponsored
The Stage Coach Inn in and director, Joelle Witner. Barbara Janick of Harvey’s Shannon Runge of West
munity, Weatherly by Pennsylvania Theatre of
Drums is the setting for the Having over 150 leading Lake will take on the role of Wyoming will play Annelle.
FEBRUARY 16, Tuesday – Performing Arts, Hazleton
March production of Robert roles to her credit, she has Clairee. She has been in- Shannon is originally from
Pancake & Sausage Supper, MARCH 27, Saturday –
Harling’s hit play, Steel proven herself to be one of volved in local community Clinton, Mississippi, where
sponsored by St. Paul’s Luth- Ham & Dandelion Dinner,
Magnolias. The show opens the most versatile actresses theatre for the past 34 years she performed at the Church
eran Church, White Haven sponsored by Black Creek
March 6 and continues and vocalists in the area. A appearing in more than 75 Theatre. A graduate of Miss.
FEBRUARY 20, Saturday United Methodist Church
March 7, 10, 13 and 14 as a vocal and dance instructor, productions at: The Little State University, Shannon is
– Cherry Festival, sponsored APRIL 9, Friday – Weath-
dinner theatre presentation. many of her students have Theatre of Wilkes-Barre, new to NE PA.
by Salem U.C.C., Weatherly erly Idol at the Citizens Fire
Since the success of the performed at Carnegie Hall Music Box Playhouse, Swoy- Portraying Ouiser will be
Company, Weatherly
VFW hosts APRIL 13, Tuesday –
show depends in large part and Disneyworld. A former ersville, Showcase Theatre, Rachel James of Freeland.
on the strength of its actors lead vocalist with Twelve- Exeter, Diva Productions, The theatre bug bit Rachel
Valentine White Haven Area Com-
munity Library Annual Meet-
and the warm and witty dia- Twenty Four, she will soon be Scranton, The Pavilion Play- after she played with the MMI
logue they make believable, performing with a new musi- ers, Naunagola, Grove Thea- players’ production of Step-
dance ing
the directors chose award cal group. She has also trics, Naunagola, and Ap- ping Out. New to the theatre
The White Haven VFW MAY 7 & 8, Friday & Sat-
winning actresses for the appeared with the Mt. Holly plause Theatre, Pittston. world, Rachel and her hus-
Home Association will spon- urday – Weatherly Area High
roles. Murder Mystery Theatre, and Marilyn Lunsford of Sugar- band Paul have a 7 year old
sor music by Bitter Sweet, a School Drama Club Play
The cast includes Christine the Peg Theatre Company, loaf will play M’Lynn. Marilyn daughter, Emilee.
country one-man show, on MAY 13, Thursday –
Skylar of Hanover Township. and is the founder of BPE Lunsford hails from West For tickets and reserva-
Saturday, February 13 for Chicken & Waffle Dinner,
Christine has performed in and co-founder of PTPA. Tennessee where she gradu- tions call the Stage Coach
Valentine’s Day at the post sponsored by The Presby-
numerous local theater pro- ated from Union University. Inn at 788-5158. The buffet
home from 8 to 11 p.m. terian Church of White Haven
ductions over the past 12 Her eclectic theater experi- will begin at 6 p.m. with show
The post home is located MAY 24, Monday – Weath-
years. ence spans from high school following at approximately 7.
on Lehigh Gorge Road. erly Area High School Spring
The role of Truvy will be plays to community theater New pricing on tickets is $32
Food will be available. Concert
handled by veteran actress and church drama. She cur- adult and $22 for children
rently resides in Sugarloaf under 12. Show only tickets
Order your SWEETHEART with her husband and chil- are $15. New, reserved seat-
dren. ing will begin at 5:30 p.m.
one of our Special Pizzas Valentines Day
& Desserts for DAR workshop in Kingston
VALENTINE’S DAY!! A Daughters of the Ameri-
can Revolution genealogy
Those interested in joining
the Daughters of the Ameri-
Also don’t forget to order Pizza workshop will be held on
Saturday, February 27 from
can Revolution are encour-
aged to attend and bring
& Pasta for the DAYTONA 500!! 12:30 to 3 p.m. at the Hoyt copies of any documents

Antonio’s Pizza 443-9776

Library Community Room, relating to their search.
Rated PG-13—117 Minutes Kingston. The workshop is free and
call for showtimes: 570.722.9111 ext 555 The workshop will be con- open to the public.
Main St. Shopping Center, White Haven
Tues.-Sat. 10 a.m.-10 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.-10 p.m.
ducted by Kathleen Smith, Interested persons should
lineage research chairman respond by Saturday, Feb-
for the Pennsylvania State ruary 20 to smithkdar@
We will have beautiful fresh roses for Daughters of the American or 704-9809.
Valentine’s Day and will be open Revolution.
Girls, don’t know Sunday, February 14
for pick-up and to Welcome Club slates
what to get your guy purchase last minute gifts.
To be sure we have roses for you, Night at the Races
for Valentine’s Day? call and order as soon as possible.
The Mountain Top Wel-
come Club is sponsoring a
soda and beer. However, you
do not need to be present to
We have what HE wants. Remind him to visit our shop to
Night at the Races on Friday, win.
February 26 at the Wright For more information or to
• Rugged titanium and stainless steel jewelry. find the perfect gift for you at the Township Fire Hall, 477 purchase a horse please call
• Authentic autographed sports memorabilia right price. You can even visit first, South Main Road in MaryEllen at 868-6467 or
such as: select a few favorite pieces, and Mountain Top. Doors open at Pam at 868-0144. Proceeds
– Penn State football from 2008 Rose Bowl when he shops, we’ll steer him 6:30 p.m. Races start at 7 from the event will be donat-
signed by most of the players. towards the ones you selected. p.m. ed to the M.S. Kirby Library
– Penn State football signed by Coach Joe Paterno. When you visit, you’ll find lovely Horses can be purchased and the Wright Township Park
– Baseball signed by most of the 1962 Mets items at all prices for other for $10. Purchase of a horse Expansion Project.
baseball team. includes admission, food,
important people in your life.
– Baseball’s Dave Kingman signed photo.
– Baseball’s Reggie Jackson framed,
signed Sports Illustrated cover.
– Steelers Jerome Bettis signed new football jersey.
– Baseball’s Pete Rose signed and framed jersey.
– Yankee Yogi Berra signed baseball jersey.
– “Muhammad Ali” hardcover book signed by Ali.
– Wrestler “Bone Crusher” signed photo.
– Boxer Robert Duran signed photo.
And Much More
We now accept Master card & Visa. We offer free layaway.
234 Main Street, White Haven

White Haven Seniors RSVP seeking helpers rewarding and significant

ways to spend their time
RSVP (Retired Senior Vol- sponsored by Carbon County enriching our Carbon County
by Gail Martinchek Outreach Milly Searfoss May 25, Allenberry Dinner
unteer Program) of Carbon Agency of Aging is looking communities.
The February 4 meeting of (443-9259) repor ted one Theatre for No Sex Please,
County is currently searching for people who are willing to RSVP of Carbon County is
the White Haven Area Senior card sent this period. Call I’m British comedy; August 4,
for volunteers who are willing visit long and short term sponsored by Diakon Luth-
Citizens was brought to her if you know of any Dutch Apple Theatre for The
to put their talents and time to nursing and personal care eran Social Ministries and is
order by President Mary member who is ill or in the King and I musical; Sep-
help the non-profit agencies home residents throughout a division of the PA Senior
Falcone at 1 p.m. The Pledge hospital. tember 23, Hunter Hill
and organizations located in Carbon County. Corps, the premier and larg-
of Allegiance followed. Membership person Au- Theatre for Plaza Suite
Carbon County. If you have a These and over 60 other est senior volunteer agency
Chaplain Josephine Scaffidi drey Jabjiniak reported these Charley Proze comedy; No-
few hours to spare each volunteer opportunities await in PA and the United States.
read from Ist Corinthians birthdays for February: Marie, vember 3, American Music
month you can help in many anyone 55 years of age, who Please call 610-377-2021 for
13:1-13. The gospel song Davey, Judy Heimbach, Lois Theatre Christmas Show with
ways. is looking for challenging, more information.
“Come Thou Almighty King,” Gower, Elaine Myers, Carol dinner at Shady Maple.
Friends of Animals is look-
played by Alma Clymer, and Lesser, Martin Quinn and Refreshments for this
ing for people to help with
the “Lord’s Prayer” ended Alfreda Barry. meeting were provided by
fund raising, shelter tasks
devotions. Bus trips for this year are: John and Mary Toft.
and foster care for the many
WACL to note Presidents’ Day cats and kittens in their care.
Many people say they can’t
The Weatherly Area Com- Storytime is scheduled for Readers will be Nicholas help because it is a sad thing
munity Library will be closed Friday, February 19, from 3- Cerulla and Kile Spence, stu- to see shelter animals. Not so
on Monday, February 15, to 4:30 p.m. at the First Pres- dents at Weatherly Area at the Friends of Animal
observe Presidents’ Day. byterian Church, Weatherly. Middle School. If school is Shelter. The cats are very
closed or dismissed early well taken care of while wait-
ing for their forever homes
because of snow, storytime
will be postponed until the fol- with a caring family or individ-
JOHN J. DELLA CROCE, D.M.D. lowing Friday, February 26. ual. Volunteers can assist in
Master of the Academy of General Dentistry/Master of the American Endodontic Society maintaining this quality of
MELISSA B. DELLA CROCE, D.M.D. Send information care by giving of their time to
about your these beautiful and loving
Comprehensive Family Dentistry including Extractions & Root Canals
Same Day Emergency Treatment Available organization’s felines. Adoptions are always
Early Morning and Evening Hours events to: welcome, too.
Convenient to White Haven, Butler Valley & Hazleton Help is also needed at two
Delta Dental Participating Dentist sewing groups to sew quilts
Accepting all other insurance including United Concordia
for disaster relief and lap
or call 443-9131 robes to be delivered to local
450 WASHINGTON STREET, FREELAND, PA 18224 • (570) 636-0660 xt304 for
1 Block East of Centre Street, on the Corner of Route 940 and Washington Street.
nursing homes.
the editor. The Ombudsman Program

Journal Classifieds 443-8321 • 1-800-822-5334
miss it!
Valentines Dinner
reaching readers of The Journal Herald, the Journal of the Pocono Plateau, benefits Mt. View
the Journal Valley Views, the Journal-Mountaintop and the Journal of Penn Forest drama group
This yearʼs Valen-
tines Spaghetti Dinner
Adoption Auto Parts Building Materials Business Cars Education Financial at Mountain View Com-
Opportunities munity Church will
adoption advice/ Financial assis- USED and Rebuilt, Sold Nation- Guard, Color: Charcoal, 1 Square $9,988. Call 1-888-290-1823 Home. Medical, Business, Parale- solidation. Save Thousands, Lower have a special pur-
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gal, Accounting, Criminal Justice. Monthly Payments. Qualify for cash pose—it will be a
with compassionate counselors are pean and Japanese Direct Now $15.00, Full Skids 25 rolls Job Placement Assistance. Com- back. Visit us @ www.firstoption-
here to help. Call Joy at Forever Importer. 1-800-445-5981. $13.50/roll 800-
Bonuses! Helping Home-Workers roof, rear spoiler, $5,888. Call 1-877-
puter Provided. Financial Aid if Qual-, Toll-free 1-877-347-7807
fundraiser for the new
since 1992! Genuine Opportunity! 311-1162 drama team being
Families Through Adoption 1-866- 373-3703 A.B. MARTIN. ified. Centura 800-495-5085
Start Immediately! Toll Free 1-800- ***FREE FORECLOSURE List-
922-3678 2008 CHRYSLER PT Cruiser, auto, rolled out in March.
TOYOTA ENGINES. 22RE and 404-3929. ings***Over 400,000 properties na-
4cyl, cd, w, pdl, Certified, $9,999.
A devoted married couple promises 3VZE. New 22RE heads. Parting out BUSINESS DEGREE 100% ON- tionwide. Low down payment. Call The dinner will be
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ral Product Company looking for dis- Friday, February 12, at
less opportunities. EXPENSES 1-877- Opportunities t r i b u t o r s .
2003 INFINITI I35, auto, V6, tilt, turn your Associate Degree into a
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am/fm, cd, ps, pb, pw, ABS, alloys, Bachelor Degree. Job Placement
Problem Over 100 Banks competing
the church on Lehigh
800-315-3398 sunroof, $12,990. Call 1-888-794- Assistance. Computer Provided. Fi- Gorge Drive.
877-728-9704 for your loan 40% approved average
ALL CASH VENDING! Do you earn 1352 nancial Aid if Qualified. Call 800-
ADOPTION - A LOVING ALTERNA- waiting Visit: Tickets are $7 for
$800 in a day? Your own local candy 463-0685
TIVE TO UNPLANNED PREG- 2001 HONDA Accord, auto, 4dr,
route. Includes 25 Machines and FREE TO QUALIFY: Home mort- adults and $4 for chil-
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gages/Loan modification/Refinanc-
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Banks competing for your business outs will be available.
1999 ACURA TL, auto, 4dr, V6, ac, There will also be a
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credit card and interest payments? where guests can have
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PENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abbyʼs
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Digital Video Recorders to new
Help is available. Call for Free con- a photo taken to
7227 or visit sultation. 1-866-995-5976.
One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413- ALL CASH VENDING! Be Your Own Commercial For Rent callers. So call now, 1-800-795- remember the night,
6292. Boss! Includes 25 Local Machines 3579. LOW CREDIT/NO CREDIT, No for a charge of $3.
and Candy for $9,995. 1-800-807- Problem! Over 100 Banks Compet-
PREGNANT? CONSIDERING Cars Get Dish - FREE Installation - Photos will be ready
Best Location
6486 ing For Your Loan Visit www.CE-
ADOPTION? Talk with caring $19.99/mo. HBO & Showtime FREE
agency specializing in matching WEEKLY PAYCHECK from home - Over 50 HD Channels FREE. Low- before the guests are
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LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 sistance postcards. No advertising Feussners 940 Mini Mall Call now for full details. 1-877-554- Problem Over 100 Banks Compet-
The dinner is hosted
Abbys One True Gift Adoptions 1- required. All materials provided. No 2014. ing For Your Loan Visit www.Safe-
Retail Store Rental by the Jeremiah Pro-
866-413-6294 gimmicks. References available. 1-
Ford Get Dish - FREE Installation -

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ADOPTION: WE are a professional Automotive $19.99/mo. HBO & Showtime FREE FREE ONLINE mortgage quotes
secure couple ready to love, protect Route 940, - Over 50 HD Channels FREE. Low- made easy visit www.Abundant- learn more, contact
and create a life of happiness for est prices - No Equipment to buy! Mortgage Lend-
your infant. Let us help with all med- Freeland Call now for full details. 1-877-242- ing debt consolidation
Mountain View youth
ical/living expenses. Confiden- Main Street, White Haven 0976 pastor Adam DʼAlbero
tial/Legal. David Radis, Our HUGE SAVINGS at 636-3920 -Second Floor, office at adamdalbero@
attorney.800-637-2882 www.radis-
space, 450 sq. ft.,
Health & Fitness Employment
ADOPTION- PREGNANT? Loving, All Pre-Owned Vehicles are
Feussners Ford Certified 2 rooms, plus restroom.
caring, active couple hoping to adopt
White Haven UM
a baby. Help w/expenses. Call Any-
time. Kathryn and Michael. 1-800-
The Used Car Superstore! ‘09 Mercury Grand Marquis 570-443-8885 after $150 daily. Get paid to shop pt/ft.
Call now 800-690-1272.
2008? If the Kugel patch was re-
Church Pierogie
675-3407 ‘08 Focus SE (2) 27K 10 a.m. or 443-7384 Sale to begin
moved due to complications of
‘07 Focus SE 4-cyl 28K Travel, Travel, Travel! $500 sign-on Members of the
PREGNANT? CONFUSED? WE bowel perforation, abdominal-wall
‘07 Fusion SE 4cyl 28K bonus. Seeking 5 sharp guys and
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Computers For Sale gals. Rock-n-Roll Atmosphere, Blue
tears, puncture of abdominal organs White Haven United
provided. Choose adoptive family ‘07 Mustang 5-speed V6 or intestinal fistulae, you may be en-
and get to know them. Past Birth- ‘06 500 SEL 37K
Jean Environment! Call Diane 877-
titled to compensation. Attorney Methodist Church will
724-3326 today!
mom on call Tina 1-866-892- ‘06 Focus SE 4-cyl 29K DELL LAPTOP computer, super fast,
Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727 hold their annu-
(BABY)2229 WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCY- Business ‘06 Focus SE 4-cyl 24K excellent condition. Internal wireless
LOCAL TYPISTS needed immedi-
Weightloss? Erectile Dysfuntion? al pierogie sale during
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Flexible schedules, work from home
Anxiety? Soma, Tramadol, Viagra, the Lenten season.
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Announcements H1-500, S1-250, S2-250, S2-350,
Original cost: $2175. Must sell:
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S3-400. CASH PAID. 1-800-772- ‘05 Mercury Grand Marquis 34K
1142. 1-310-721-0726.
All Cash Vending! Do you earn
‘05 Taurus SE 57K
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‘00 Focus SE Wagon 2wks Paid Training. Lodging, Trans-
DOES YOUR BUSINESS need portation Provided. 1-877-646-5050. Louise Covelans
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‘07 Ford F150 4x4 S/C 27K since 1992! Genuine Opportunity! Church is located on
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205-9664. Buffalo Street (road
‘06 Explorer Eddie Bauer 43K
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who qualify, 1-800-321-0298.
$412 DAILY! Data-entry positions per diem, leading to the White
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SD) Easter Egg
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Monday-Friday is now accepting applications for
by us directly to Motor Vehicle Bureau, that means you get yours back quickly!
& follow the CoolerAds link
driver trainees! Company sponsored for info Members of the
CARS • TRUCKS • MOTORCYCLES • MOTOR HOMES • TRAILERS training now available! No experi- Friendship Circle of
to place your ad on-line.
ence or credit required. 1-800-991- REPORTER wanted Christ United Meth-
7531 #3130
LICENSE PLATE RENEWALS • BOAT REGISTRATIONS • APP/PLATES Attn: ALL 4wheel drive owners!! to cover township odist Church, Mountain
and school board Top, are once again
Have a problem or question? We will gladly give you We want your vehicle!! meetings in the making four different
Rt. 611, 1/4 mile North of the Light, Bartonsville TOP $$ PAID NEW Norwood SAWMILLS- Lum-
Poconos. Part-time,
evenings. Must have
kinds of homemade
Easter egg candies.
8 to 7:30 Monday through Friday, Saturday to 4:30 berMate-Pro handles logs 34” diam- transportation. Call Peanut butter chiffon,
Call Doug @ Halterman’s Toyota eter, mills boards 27” wide. peanut butter crunch,
5 Notaries on Duty - Call Terry, Marguerite, Barbara, BeaAnn or Ron Automated quick-cycle-sawing in-
570-443-9131 xt 304
Decentralized Motor Vehicle Service Agent The Used Car Supercenter creases efficiency up to 40%! or e-mail coconut cream and journalruth@
FAX 570-629-3242 • Phone 570-629-3344 or 800-421-3350 (570) 421-6930 1-800-661-7746 Ext 300-N.

Century 21 Select Group welcomes Susan Lare Growing Up Wild Educator Workshop
Century 21 Select Group is prospecting, evaluation, con- Drums area. She brings great
pleased to announce Susan tract preparation, negotiation people skills to the business.. slated at Nescopeck State Park
Lare has joined its firm as a and internet and personal Century 21 Select Group is “Growing Up Wild” program that builds on chil- “Growing Up Wild” educators
sales associate. She will spe- marketing. a full service real estate bro- Exploring Nature with Young dren’s sense of wonder about guide with 27 field tested,
cialize in residential property Maggie Flartey-Kaminski kerage company specializing Children 3-7 will be held nature and invites them to nature based activities.
sales in the Greater Hazleton added, “We believe training in Residential and Saturday, March 6 at explore wildlife and the world Lessons include crafts, art
Area area. supports growth and profes- Commercial properties, Nescopeck State Park.. around them. Through a wide projects, music, conservation
“We are thrilled to have sional excellence in the real located at 702 North Church “Growing Up Wild” is a pro- range of activities and experi- activities, reading and math
Susan join our team,” said estate industry. Performance- Street in Hazleton. fessional development work- ences, the program provides connections. The guide corre-
Maggie Flartey-Kaminski, based training is necessary About Century 21 shop written for formal and an early foundation for devel- lates to the National
“It’s an exciting time to be to assure that Century 21 Select Group non-formal educators who oping positive impressions Association for the Education
with the Century 21 System associates maintain their Century 21 Select work with young children. If about the natural world and of Young Children Standards
as we increase our market competitive edge and offer Group acquired their location you are a K-2 classroom lifelong social and academic and the Head Start Domains.
presence in greater Hazleton the best service possible to in Hazleton in 2008 when teacher, youth group leader, skills. Participants should be pre-
area.” their clients.” Century 21 Pachence day care teacher or assistant, This workshop will be held pared to be outdoors for a
Lare just successfully com- Susan has been an active merged with them. Pachence scout leader, librarian, home at the Musto EE Center at short time and bring a bag
pleted extensive train- Real Estate agent for the had been active in the school parent, or environ- Nescopeck State Park on lunch. There is no charge for
ing through the Six Week In- past four years with a local Greater Hazleton area for the mental educator, you will Saturday, March 6 from 9 the workshop. Registration is
Office SMART Program. The competitor. In addtion she past 30 years. Select Group benefit from this workshop. a.m. – 3 p.m. 5.5 hours of required by calling the park
program gives basics in manages a tavern in the is the largest real estate com- “Growing Up Wild” is an ACT 48 hours are available. office at 403-2006.
pany in Northeast PA. early childhood education Participants will receive the

MENGLE FUEL CO. S & T Coombe, Inc.Stove & Fireplace Specialists

Race Night aids LL & Y
Freeland Little League and the Freeland YMCA will co-spon-


sor a night at the races on March 6 at The Other Side.
Heating Oil • Anthracite Anyone wishing to sponsor a race or buy a horse can do so
Coal by the Bag—Rice, Pea, Nut Coal, Gas, Pellet & Wood Stoves, Outdoor Furnaces by stopping at the Freeland Y or by calling 636-3640.
Hauling Over 70 units on display and 10 operating.
Mushroom Soil • Topsoil • Stone Showroom Location:
Route 940 Reunion planning meeting set
Sand • Sea Rocks (4/10 mile west of Route 115)
within 50 miles
for St. Gabe’s class of ‘61
MENGLE 247 Hudsondale Street (with purchase of any new stove.)
Class members of St. Gabriel’s High School Class of 1961

of old stove interested in having a class reunion are asked to meet at
(with purchase of any new stove.)
Booty’s on Thursday, February 18 at 12:30 p.m.
(570) 646-8254 • Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Don’t Help Wanted Drivers Lots & Acreage Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
For Sale
Motorcycles Trucks

miss it! Driver: One Company for All Drivers!

Van & Flatbed - High Miles. Great
Equipment. Variety of Runs. Class A
CDL. Western Express. 888-801-
Spacious 1.48 Acre Lot
with beautiful view in
ate in 4 Weeks! FREE Brochure
CALL NOW! 1-866-562-3650 Ext. 72
Get Dish - FREE Installation -
$19.99/mo. HBO & Showtime FREE
$16,999; 03FXDSE2 Anniversary,
$21,999; 07FXDSE, $20,999;
08FXCW Rocker, $15,999. Barnett
2001 CHRYSLER PT Cruiser,
cruise, tilt, keyless entry, cd, pw, pdl,
$5,981. Call 1-888-816-6961
Royal Crest Estates, - Over 50 HD Channels FREE. Low-
5295 Harley-Davidson 1-800-947-7341.
butter cream eggs will Rock Glen Rd, Sugarloaf HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA. Gradu- est prices - No Equipment to buy!
REGIONAL DRIVERS NEEDED! ate In Just 4 Weeks! FREE Call now for full details. 1-877-242- Vacation Getaway
be sold for 75¢ each. MORE HOMETIME! TOP PAY! Up • 1 mile from Valley BROCHURE! Call Now! 1-800-532- 0976
Place orders by call- to $.43/mile company drivers! 12 Elementary School 6546 Ext. 440 www.continentala-
ing Molly at 474-5311 months OTR required. HEARTLAND
Get Dish - FREE Installation - Musical Instruments CAROLINA GOLF GETAWAY FOR
• Conveniently located $19.99/mo. HBO & Showtime FREE COUPLES. Enjoy 3 days/ 2 nights,
EXPRESS 1-800-441-4953
no later than March 21. to Interstates 80 & 81 DIRECTV SAVE $29/MO FOR A - Over 50 HD Channels FREE. Low- unlimited golf & FREE breakfasts.
YEAR! NO Equipment/Start-Up est prices - No Equipment to buy! CLARINET, FLUTE, VIOLIN, Trum- Luxury accommodations. Only $149.
Pick-up will be Sunday, Drivers - Hiring Regional Van Driv- and the PA Turnpike costs! Free DVR/HD Upgrade! Other Call now for full details. 1-877-554- pet, Trombone, Amplifier, Fender Call 866-334-3253, x2460 or caroli-
March 28 after each ers. 41.5 cpm with 2 years experi- • Minutes to shopping Packages Start $29.99/Mo! Ends 2014. Guitar $70. ea. Cello, Upright Bass,
service at the church, ence. Great Benefits. Home EVERY hubs of Luzerne & 7/14/10. New cust. only, qual. pkgs. Saxophone, French Horn, Drums
Week. 1 year tractor-trailer experi- CALL DirectStarTV 1-800-973-9027 Go to $190. ea. Tuba, Baritone, Others. 1-
175 South Main Road. ence required. Call 888-362-8607, Columbia Counties. 516-377-7907. Vacation Rentals
WANTS TO Purchase minerals and
or apply online at www.averittca- Call Rob 570-788-4328 Equal Opportunity Em-
other oil/gas interest. Send details & follow the CoolerAds link
Dinner to benefit Reduced to $62,000 to: P.O. Box 13557, Denver, CO to place your ad on-line.
80201 Real Estate OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. Best
selection of affordable rentals. Full/
A spaghetti and partial weeks. Call for FREE
ings for Exceptional OTR Drivers.

Get Dish
Potter County- 3 bedroom Log brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real
meatball dinner will be Get Started with a Debt Free/ Finan- Lots & Acreage Cabin on 22 acres, pond, gas well Estate. 1-800-638-2102 Online
cially Strong Company. Apply online
held on Saturday, Feb- at or
with free natural gas, water, sewer, reservations
ruary 20 at the Im- call 888-668-0829. 6 mos OTR ex-
perience required. Class-A CDL, No
TION SALE! 10 acres - $28,500.
FREE Installation $224,500. Field and Stream RE.
maculate Conception Vacations
felonies, No DUIʼs. Woods, fields, views, overlooks 2 ***FREE Foreclosure Listings***
Parish Center in Free- river valleys! Sub dividable! A solid Over 400,000 properties nationwide.
Driver: Average $800+ per week for
land. investment! Owner terms! Virtual LOW Down Payment. Call NOW! 1-
Company Drivers. Immediate Bene-
t o u r : HBO & Showtime FREE 800-778-6207
Carolina Golf Getaway for Couples.
The dinner will bene- fits. Great Equipment. CDL-A w/1 SELL YOUR TIMESHARE TODAY. Enjoy 3 days/2 nights, unlimited golf
fit the Cheryl Tracy
year experience, 23 yoa. Call NFI or
877-274-6520. Wonʼt last!
We take the hassle out of selling a Over 50 HD Channels FREE NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS & FREE breakfasts. Luxury accom-
Sunday or anytime: 877-888-8476. timeshare. Free Market Evalua- Enjoy The Outdoors All Year! E-Z fin- modations. Only $149. Call 866-334-
fundraising account. tion.1-866-323-5671 or visit Lowest Prices ish Log Cabin Shell with Acreage 3253, x 2458 or
The bake sale and Vaca-
tion Property Resellers.
No Equipment to Buy! $99,900 Pre-Approved Bank Fi-
nancing Also Mountain-Waterfront

tricky trays start at noon WE’VE GOT MORE OF WHAT YOU’RE AFTER. STEEL BUILDINGS: 4 only 20x26, Call Now for full Details Land for sale. 828-247-9966 Ext. 02
and take-outs will be Your ad can go here.
AQV\SWRS`<ObW]\OZVOaa]Z]O\RbSO[R`WdW\U]^^]`bc\WbWSaW\WbadO\ 30x48, 40x52, 45x82. Must Move ***FREE Foreclosure Listings***
available from 2 to 4 Now! Will Sell For Balance Owed! OVER 400,000 properties nation- Call 443-9131, xt. 300
/aOa]Z]R`WdS`g]cQO\Sf^SQb( Free Delivery! 1-800-411-5869 x71 wide. Low down payment. Call now
p.m.  ’ '#\]b]cQVT`SWUVb 800-250-2043. by noon on Monday to
The dinner will be  ’ 3fbS\aWdSTOQWZWbg\Sbe]`Y DISH TV. $19.99/mo., $600 Sign-up
 ’ :]QOZRWa^ObQV Bonus! FREE 4-Room Install. FREE Motorcycles place your Journal
held from 4 to 7 p.m. Apply online at
HD-DVR! Call now. 1-800-915-9514. Miscellaneous
and the tricky tray draw- /aObSO[R`WdS`g]cQO\Sf^SQb(
For Sale Services Classified.
 ’ >`W]`WbgT`SWUVbO\RRWa^ObQV or call 1-800-44-PRIDE AIRLINE MECHANIC: Train for high
ing will be held at 7.
Anyone who would
 ’ 3fbS\aWdSTOQWZWbg\Sbe]`Y
 ’ >]aaWPZSbSO[^`S[Wc[_cO`bS`Zg^S`T]`[O\QSP]\ca
paying Aviation Career. FAA ap-
proved program. Financial aid if
qualified - Job placement assis- Harley-Davidson/Buell
like to make a donation tance. Call Aviation Institute of Main-
tenance. 866-453-6204.
Job Site Leftovers! 72”x100” (12)
$165 each; 48”x100” (9) $125 each;
Corner of Rt. 209 & 33
Snydersville, PA
for the bake sale or Homes For Sale 84”x64” Beveled $145. Perfect Con- Mold, mildew and water leakage into your basement causes health
tricky trays should con- Medical & Health ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from dition. Free Delivery. Installation 570-992-7500
home. Medical, Business, Paralegal, Available 1-800-473-0619, 1-888-4- DQG IRXQGDWLRQ GDPDJH :KDW FDQ EH GRQH WR ¿[ WKH SUREOHP"
tact Bill Rice or Jess Mon.-Fri. 8-8 • Sat. 8-5 • Sun. 10-4
Ryan at 636-2325 or Nice neighborhood. SCRIPTION HEALTH BENEFITS?
placement assistance. Computer
Vanessa Jadush at available. Financial aid if qualified.
Weatherly Area School $79.95/month for entire family!! Un-
Call 800-494-3586 www.CenturaOn-
EVER! Free HD/DVR $19.99/mo.
636-3850. limited usage. Dental, Vision & Hear- For over 100 All digital Channels. UHIHUHQFHV :KHQ \RXU QHLJKERUV QHHGHG ZDWHUSURR¿QJ WKH\ FDOOHG
District, on public water, ing included free today. EVERYONE
Call Now And Receive $600 Signup
sewer. 3 BR, 1 BA, IS ACCEPTED! Call 888-442-5013. GET DISH -FREE Installation Bonus! 1-888-282-2892
VFW Auxiliary to $19.99/mo HBO & Showtime FREE-
GT380, GS400, CB750, (1969-75) your FREE ESTIMATE0+,&
Full Basement. $69,000. TRAMADOL 180 Tablets $114.00 FREE HD/DVR! + $600 SIGNUP Cash Paid, Nationwide Pickup, 1-
sell homemade 570-427-8752 with FREE overnight delivery from
U.S. Pharmacy! No hidden fees!
Over 50 HD Channels FREE Lowest
Prices No Equipment to Buy! Call
BONUS. $19.99 A MONTH. Call
Dish Network Now 1-888-282-2892
800-772-1142, 1-310-721-0726. CALL 1 800 420 7783 NOW!
soup FORECLOSED HOME AUCTION 100s of medications available. 1-
Now for full Details 877-887-6142 MOTORCYCLE FINANCING for pri- ZZZGU\ÁRRUFRP
The White Haven MIRRORS, MIRRORS, MIRRORS! vately sold Harleyʼs and other
190+ Homes. / Feb 22. View Listings 866-562-8049
Job Site Leftovers. 72”x100” (9) brands. Call 1-800-796-8107, ask for
VFW Post 6615 Ladies & Open House
$165 each; 48”x100” (8) $125 Each. Finance Department. www.Financ-
Auxiliary will have a Perfect Condition. Will Deliver Free.
homemade soup sale Insurance
1-888-4-Mirror or 1-888-464-7767
DIRECTV - $26 mo! 150+ Channels
Lehmans, Champions, Voyagers,
on Saturday, February
& Premium Movie Channels
$29.99/mo. FREE SHOWTIME - 3
1994-2009, $14,499 up. Over 40 to
choose from. Barnett Harley David-
HOME. 6-8 weeks. Accredited. Pay- Advisory
from 4 to 7 p.m. The Drʼs, Prescriptions, Out Patient, Hos- SEDATION mos. New customers. 1-888-420- son 1800-910- ment Plan. FREE Brochure. 1-800-
soups available are:
pital, Intensive Care, Surgery, Med-
ical, Dental/Vision, Disability Care. DENTISTRY 9472
VONAGE Unlimited calls around the
52 HARLEY Davidson big twins
2 6 4 - 8 3 3 BEN-
The National and State
Chicken Noodle, Split From $125 Month 1-800-971-7017 NOW AVAILABLE FOR JAMIN FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL.
2537 Route 6 | Hawley, PA 18428
MOST PROCEDURES world! The U.S. AND 60+ Countries, $7,999 to $11,999. Barnett Harley- Trade Associations we be-
Pea, Beef Vegetable, ONLY $24.99/Month! 30-day money Davidson 1800-910-4048.
CALL TODAY! (888) 752-0084 | back guarantee. 1-877-377-1422
long to have purchased
Italian Wedding and Land for Sale Timeshares some of the above classi-
Chili. fieds. Determining the
Quarts is $7. Eat-in cost
is $2.50 per bowl.
York State Land for Sale 14.8 acres
w/ power & snowmobile trails - 20%
OUR ORDER. FOR CASH!!! Our Guaranteed Serv-
ices Will Sell/Rent Your Unused
product is advised by this
$27,995. 4 acres w/ access to trails Timeshare for CASH! Over $78 Mil- publication. In order to
Please sign up at the and power. NOW: $12,995! 24.5 BBOUQUETS
19 9999 +s/h
lion Dollars Offered in 2009! avoid misunderstandings,
post home or call 443- acres w/ Sportsmanʼs Cottage bor- 1-866- some advertisers do not
dering trails $79,995. Call Christmas Offer
Of fer onl
onlyy aavailable
vailable aat:t: 708-3690
3333 or Josie at 433- & Associates 800-229-7843 offer employment but
8822 to place an order. or ccall
or all 1.877.547.1371
1.877.547 13
FOR CASH!! Our guaranteed Serv-
rather supply the readers
nd m ention ““NEWSPAPER”
mention NEW ices will Sell/Rent your unused time- with manuals, directories
Spaghetti dinner at 2 Undeveloped share for CASH!Over $78 Million and other materials de-
Lots, Prescott Road THIS VALENTINE’S DAY Dollars offered in 2009! www.sella-
signed to help their clients
St. John’s UCC, 1-866-708-3690
St. Johnʼs United and Holiday Drive *Minimum purchase
DDoes oes nnot
purchase of
ot aapply
pply to
of $29.99.
to gift
gift cards
cards or
establish mail order selling
Church of Christ, Saint in Hickory Hills. ccertificates,ates ssame-day
ertificat ame-day oror iinterna-
ntern and other businesses at
ional delivery,
delivery, shipping
shipping and
and han-
$8,500 each, neg. ddling,
ling, taxes
taxes oror third-party
third-party hosted
hoste Vacation Home home. Under NO circum-
Johns, will hold a spa- pproducts
roducts ((e.g.
e g wine,
wine, wedding
wedding flow-
For more info eers).
rs). Offer
Offer expires
expires 2/14/10.
2/14/10 Rentals stance should you send
ghetti dinner on Sat- call 655-1913 any money in advance or
urday. February 20 from

Get Dish Corolla, NC Vacation Homes!

give the client your check-
4 to 6:30 p.m. at the Miscellaneous ing, license ID, or credit
card numbers. Also beware
Dinner will be spa- ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from FREE Installation Over 500 Vacation Homes of ads that claim to guaran-
ghetti with meatballs, Home. *Medical *Business *Parale- tee loans regardless of
salad, bread, dessert gal *Computers *Criminal Justice.
Job placement assistance. Com- $19.99/month rindley Oceanfront
from Duck to Corolla, credit and note that if a
and a beverage. puter available. Financial Aid if qual- HBO & Showtime FREE to Soundfront, credit repair company does
Tickets are $7 for
adults and $3.50 for
ified. Call
Over 50 HD Channels FREE each Private Pools, Hot Tubs, business only over the
phone it is illegal to request
children, and are avail- AIRLINES ARE HIRING: Train for Lowest Prices VACATIONS & SALES Pets and More… any money before deliver-
able from church mem-
high paying Aviation Maintenance
Career. FAA approved program. Fi- No Equipment to Buy! Book Online at ing its service. All funds are
bers or by calling 788- nancial aid if qualified - Housing
available. CALL Aviation Institute of
Call Now for full Details 1-877-64-BEACH based in US dollars. Toll

free numbers may or may
Continues on page B4 Maintenance (888)349-5387 “ S E R V I C E F I R S T … F U N A LWAY S ! ” not reach Canada.

February is Library Tax help offered in Mountain Top Freeland Seniors to meet
The AARP Foundation, calling 474-9313. The free
Lovers’ Month along with the Marian Suth- assistance program will take
The Freeland Senior Citi-
zens next meeting will be
party will follow.
All new and old members
Are you a Library Lover? board and throughout the erland Kirby Library, will offer place Monday, February 8 held on Sunday, February 14 are invited to attend this
Show your love for the library. Hearts may be pur- free tax preparation and e-fil- through April 12 at the library at the new Todd Eachus Free- event.
Marian Sutherland Kirby chased throughout the month ing for federal and state at 35 Kirby Ave., Mountain land Senior Center at 1 p.m. Pauline Slusser, president,
Library and its many services of February. income taxes for area resi- Top. Installation of officers will will be charge.
by purchasing a heart for $1. Contact 474-9313 for more dents. Interested persons will take place and a Valentine’s
Your donation shows that you information. The library is The service is available for need to bring a copy of their
recognize the value of the
library and want to see it con-
located at 35 Kirby Ave.,
Mountain Top. Library hours
taxpayers with lower and
middle incomes, 60 years old
2008 tax return, 2009 Social
Security statement, all W2, Care Packages for
tinue to serve the community. are: Monday, Thursday and and over. 1099, interest and dividend
Tell us why you’re a Library
Lover (name is optional) by
Friday 9-5, Tuesday and
Wednesday 9-9, Saturday 9-
It is necessary to make an
appointment at the library by
statements and property
local soldiers
Freeland American Legion Monetary donations are
writing your sentiment on the 4. Visit our website at
heart. Patron hearts will be
Foster seeks Sewer Board, Post 473 will be sending care appreciated and homemade
packages for Easter to troops cookies are a luxury the
displayed on the bulletin and Recreation Board serving in Iraq and Afghan- troops enjoy. Those donating
FHS Class of 90 to plan reunion The Foster Township Sup- submitting a letter of interest istan. homemade cookies need to
Freeland High School Class of 1990 has announced its ervisors are re-activating the to the supervisors’ attention Anyone with a loved one pack them securely to pre-
20th class reunion. Sewer Board and Recreation at 1000 Wyoming Ave., P.O. from the surrounding area vent breakage and they can
Anyone interested in attending and or organizing should Board. Box 465, Freeland, PA serving in Iraq or Afghanistan be dropped off at the legion
contact Debi Reznick at 233-5675 or Lori Curto at 401-5290. Interested residents of 18224. should contact Commander home, 523 Centre St.,
Foster Township can apply by Gerald R. Gaffney at 636- Freeland.
3525. The post sent 36 packages
Parents of young children Callers should leave the full out at Christmas.
name and address of the per-
can learn at MSK Library son in the service. The dead- Journal deadline is
Marian Sutherland Kirby participate in structured play, line is March 15. always 5 p.m.
Library is starting a new pro- finger plays, and stories with
gram, Family Focus Work- the parent as child’s first
shop, to be held Tuesdays, teacher.
J PPL grant will help
OPEUNST 11:30-12:30, February 16,
and 23, March 2 and 9.
The purpose is to support
the parent as teacher role by
ED The five-week program is
dedicated to parents of very
stressing parent involvement
in their child’s early educa-
FAST buy new lights
Camping Equipment - Firewood, Tarps, Grills and Chairs young children from birth to 3 tion, to encourage parents to Martha Herron, regional for the Freeland downtown
Fishing Tackle - Lures, Bait, Flies, Line and Licenses years old. Experts at each read aloud to their child early community Relations director display for 35 years, and
Hiking Supplies - Outer Ware, Coolers and Water Bottles session will help with early and often, to increase the for PPL, has presented the relies on public, local busi-
Groceries - Ice, Drinks, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Items development and child rear- parents’ knowledge of library Freeland Area Support Team ness, governmental, and cor-
ing. There will be a new topic services and materials and to with a $500 grant. porate support to fund their
Corner of Route 534 and Tannery Road every week including early lit- increase parents’ awareness This grant will be used to projects.
Lehigh Tannery, PA eracy, safety, nutrition and of community agencies and partially fund the 2010 proj- FAST extends sincere ap-
570-606-4325 • more. resources that are available ect to replace all existing preciation to PPL and com-
Winter Hours: Monday-Saturday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. An information segment for advice and support. downtown Christmas decora- mends them for their financial
will be followed by individual Registration is required. tions with economical LED support to many worthwhile
Camping, Fishing Store, Groceries time for personal questions, Parents may register by call- light bulbs. community projects through-
along with informational ing 474-9313 or by visiting FAST is a volunteer group out our area.
and a Whole Lot More! handouts. The children will the library. which has been responsible


House For Sale
Miss It!
7222 or 788-2291.
938-940 North St, Quiet Neighborhood
Dallas Hickory Hills Imagine 1.5 acres in Strouds- Take-outs are also
First Floor Condo, completely Freeland #07-2330 NEW CONSTRUCTION available.
redecorated and nicely fur- Country charmer with in town
White Haven By Butler Valley Blders. 3
burg, tucked away on a hidden
nished. 2 BR, 1 3/4 BA, Sitting conveniences. Currently used
Custom built in ’04, bi-level, 3+BR, White Haven BR/2 Bath Ranch in Beau-
driveway and just two blocks
from 9th Street and the Mall. The
Gorgeous & immaculate
1.5 BA, Fam Rm, 1 car garage, 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath tiful Breezy Acres Drums house for sale, 3 bed-
RM, Cedar closet, Loads of as an adult care facility. Huge
energy eff., private gated com- cozy family room has a great Chicken & waffles
storage, patio, tennis, golf, income potential. 5 BR, 2 1/2
munity w/pool, lake and security. Ranch home with large Area. Includes public Sewer
wood stove. The garage has an room, 1 1/2 bath in private featured at
pool. Move right in. Priced for BA, full basement, master on 1 Acre. $329,900 setting in A Pocono
Haz. SD, close to I-80, shopping deck. Set on 4 acres. enclosed breezeway to the Cherry Festival
quick sale $115,000. suite, and low taxes. Additional Call LORI COOK house–never get wet or cold! Country Place.
and Pocono Resorts. Owner relo- Asking $295,000.
Go to the top call land available. $249,000.
cation. Sacrifice at $149,900. at 788-7503 or 788-1999 Call today 09-2361 $189,900 Salem United
Jane Kopp Real Estate Aim High Realty, Inc Call Valerie Asking $150,000
Call Owner (570) 579-6411 LEWITH & FREEMAN R.E. CENTURY 21 Select Group Church of Christ of
288-7481 570-443-7860 or (570) 956-2594 at (718) 217-8875 Addt’l Lots Avbl. for Custom Homes! 570-643-2100 ask for Betty Call 203 262-8419 Weatherly will hold its
annual Cherry Festival
on Saturday, February
20 from 4 to 6:30 p.m.
in the social rooms of
the church.
407 Luzerne St., Freeland HOUSE ON White Haven On the menu will be
3BR/2.5BA House on 1.08
List # 07-2311 ROUTE 940 ARROWHEAD LAKES
Arrowhead Lakes Acres in a private lake commu-
For Sale By Owner chicken and home-
Well maintained 1/2 double with Single home, 3BR, large 8ft Cozy Ranch, close to beach, nity. Close to parks, gamelands, 65’x 28’ 3 BR 1.5 BA ranch set Falls, PA
newer windows. All appliances stay! closets, tiled bathroom, sitting private pool and clubhouse. New 3 BR, 21/2
BA Colonial
white water rafting, ski resorts, on 2 acres with a 2 car de- Ranch on 1+ Acre Lot! 2 made waffles, mashed
Included is a 1,000 sq. ft. ranch with room, LR w/air conditioner, 4 BR, sunroom, 2 full BA, in amenity filled community. and casino. Minutes to Poco- tached garage and a 16’ x 16’ Car garage, 3 BR 2 full potatoes, green beans,
2BR, 1BA, custom kitch. and LR. large eat-in-kitchen, Laundry large LR with fireplace, din- Eat-in-kitchen w/oak cabi- nos, Hazleton and Wilkes-Barre. rear building with electric. baths. Two Tier Deck!
Ideal for rental or relatives. Lot 14, nets, Dining Room, Living Only $189,000.
dessert and a bever-
room, Hardwood floors, plas- ing area. All appliances! Pri- Home has a stone fp, electric SHARP!
block 4 off of Juniper St must be tered walls, roof is 10 years Room, 1870 sq. ft. Near Gordon & Long baseboard heat and a 30’ x 12’ age. Take-outs will be
vate, gated community. Price Real Estate LLC
included in sale $106,000 old, coal stoker. beach. Seller will assist screened porch ready for a hot available.
Reduced–Asking $158,500 Cindy King
Century 21 Select Group Call 427-8784 w/mtge. $219,000 tub. The property is beautifully There will also be a
Call Brian McCardle at Call Colleen Call Paul Weaver (owner)
570.675.4400 Office
landscaped. $189,500
after 7 p.m. 570.690.2689 Direct Ed Beckendorff Chinese auction.
800.779.2584 (x 23) Leave Message (570) 239-8862 (570) 269-1773 Call 570-443-9875 888-774-8488
Ticket prices are $8
for adults and $4 for
children 12 years old
and under and can be
purchased from any
DRUMS RANCH! consistory member or
Mt. Pocono Summit 185 Birch Knoll Dr., Hazleton
Coolbaugh Township MLS NO. 08-1436 Pointe Community List # 08-65
by calling Marie at 427-
Towamensing Trails Pocono Summit (Emerald Lakes). 8310.
WOW - NOT IN A Panoramic Country Setting!
Cozy 3 BR, 2 BA, LR, FP, eat Brick Ranch w/Heated Gar, Newer pre-manufactured home
COMMUNITY Three year old dream rancher 3BR, 2BA, LR, DR, new Kitch- with many upgrades. Walk-in Brand new, 4 brs, 2 -1/2 baths,
with 3-4 BR, 2 1/2 BA. Amen- in kitchen w/ breakfast bar. 2
1.81 acres, 4 BR/ 3 full BA, en, Computer Rm, Sun Rm, Lg. closets in all BRs, MBR has gar- garage, new appliances, carpet, Freshmen selling
ities too numerous to mention. decks. Newer windows, slid-
garage, 3,000 sq. ft., two fire- Generator, Central AC, Full den tub. Natural gas heat with
Call Cheryl for detailed informa- ing doors and Carpet. Sold
Basement & Deck. Handi-
fixtures, low dues, lakes, pizza kits
places, 16x25 master, newly custom stone FP. Lg open kitch-
remodeled, extra living area for tion. $298,500! fully Furnished. Asking capped access. Minutes to bus, clubhouse, pools etc. The Weatherly Area
en. On leased property.$53,900.
big family. One year warranty M.S. PECORA, REALTOR $174,900. shopping, & casino. $202,000.
Century 21 Select Group
Must See, asking High School freshman
on elec, plumb, heat. $219,000 34 E. Broad St. Call 215-997-9249 Call Vincent at $195,000 by owner.
West Hazleton, PA 18202 View pics at www.forsaleby Call Brian McCardle at class is holding a pizza
Call (570) 350-2245 570-455-9463 570-839-1393 or 801-2943 800.779.2584 (x 23) 570-355-5366
kit fundraiser.
The kits come in a
variety of pizzas - three
12-inch pizzas for $18,
with pepperoni $19;
401 Pohopoco Road two Sicilian pizza kits
Rhodo Mountain Estates East Stroudsburg - Albrightsville for $19, with pepperoni
Lake Ariel - Extra Lot! MUST SEE! Blakeslee (Poconos) For Sale By Owner POCONO LAKE
Looking for seclusion? Mag- 44’ x 28’ 3 BR, 2 BA lake- List #07-10738 $19.50; 10 French
Furnished 4 BR home boasts Gorgeous! 2 Decks, Hot Tub, 1+ Price Reduced MBR suite, 3BR, 2BA, stone FP, 2,400 SF Low Taxes Low Dues
nificent country post & beam In-law or Office Qtrs in this ex- front log home with hard-
home, cedar siding & decks,
finished lower level w/ built in Acre lot, Front porch, master big deck, tile foyer, 1.13 acre cor- 5 BR, 2 full BA, Totally Ren- breads for $18, with
bar, woodstove, Vaulted Ceil- suite w/fireplace, living room w/ ceptional Colonial plus 4BR, wood flooring, a 12’x12’ spa ner lot. House is eligible for 100% ovated - New roof, windows,
cherry cabinets, stone fire- financing through the PHFA/
pepperoni $19, and 10
ing Living room has stone fire- brick fireplace, crown molding, 2.5BA, 2CG, 1+ Ac. LG Kitchen room w/ hot tub and a natu- siding, doors, hot water heater;
place, & full finished base- place, loft, deck $251,092 Eat in kitchen w/ island! $249,450 w/ granite counters, bay window; RURAL Housing Programs. Fur- kitchen (w/stainless steel appli- personal deep-dish
ment. For 24 hour recorded ral gas stone fp. Includes niture negotiable. $244,900
FR w/FP, LG Deck & Storage
boat dock and paddle boat.
ances); new flooring ; neutral pizzas at $18, with
information & address, call Pocono Resorts Realty paint; garage w/workshop; cir-
Shed. Must See! $279,000 pepperoni $19.
1-800-722-1389 and enter Comm+ Bonus to Lic. Agent.
Located 1 mile off of Sandra Ortiz cular driveway and roof over
Interstate 80. $475,000. (570) 443-9555 x19 Those who would
code 2476. Alyce Lentz Liz Robbins Call 570-646-4774 (570) 233-7670
deck $149,900.
Mary Enck Realty, Inc. 888-774-8488 888-774-8488 Call 570-443-9875 call Michelle 570-972-8226 like to order may see
or 570-885-5056
any freshman student
or call Stacey Titus at
427-4065 or Connie
Advertise your home

Derr at 427-4962.
Orders and money
for sale for $99 are due by Thursday,
Appenzell Estates February 18 with deliv-
Lake Naomi
32 Split Rock Lane To Be Built
Reeders,PA 18352
Immaculate!!! Brick Ranch
Pocono Farms East -
3817 Norfolk Rd, Tobyhanna
until it sells! ery February 26.
Pocono Pines Sparrow Lane, Hardwood Floors, Doors & Trim
1 Ac. Corner Lot in Lovely Area 3 BR 1.5 BA Ad must include a picture
4 BR, 2 BA, Gas and Elec heat Penn Forest Twp. Full Basement, Heated 2 Car 1905 sf well maintained of the house and a price.
Furnished, 2 large decks, close 3 BR, 2 BA ranch, 2 car garage Garage. $249,900 single family home built 2002 One change is fixed free during the first four weeks.
to lake, pool and club. Ex. cond. & basement on 1/2 acre lot Realty Executives approx 0.29ac. Further changes cost $20 each.
Inspected. $239,900 Still time to pick your colors
Bet Hays
570-476-2424 Close to I 80, whitewater Call Seth at Journal deadline
Lake Naomi Real Estate
570-213-4082 rafting, casino and ski resort
Justin Higgins
GENE DURIGAN Real Estate See Photo Tour at Only $169,700
443-9131, ext. 302 is always 5 p.m.
800-537-1479 Call Jim, 570-325-5707 Email Bet at Call Aggie (609) 213-3332 for more details Monday.
assist the Wounded Warriors stries to further the assis-
returning home. Adopt a tance of families and youth in
Veterans’ Corner by John Kearns
Highway project doing their need. The Marine Corps
part for the environment and League greatly appreciates
VFW set to celebrate 40th they kept at it. appearance of the communi- all of those who attend and
anniversary: Some 40 years When the Old School site ty, youth sports, scouting and make the monthly breakfast a
ago, a small group of deter- became available, try as they further education are just a success, while providing a
mined veterans established did they just did not have the few of the ongoing projects. good hearty breakfast at a
what is now Veterans of money to secure it. Our char- In a recent larger scale for reasonable cost. All of you
Foreign Wars Post 6615 in ter members, not a group to community, a check for that take part are supporting
White Haven. Looking to the fail, some went as far to mort- $1,000 was donated to the all the good causes ongoing
modern day post, the modern gage their homes for the sake Presentation to Sister Jane Gaughan from MCL White Haven Church Mini- by MCL Detachment 1039.
building, manicured grounds, of their fellow veterans. With Detachment 1039: Left to right are John Kearms, Mike
canteen, banquet and kitch- such determination and self Salerno, Paul Dixon, Rich Welker, Frank Bceker, Ed
en facilities, it is difficult to sacrifice, failure was not an Pienta, Sister Jane Gaughan, Lou DelVecchio, Father
imagine its early start. I share option. Forward they did go, John F. McHale, Bill Marosevitch and Ed Wiegand.
some of the knowledge from the first bar to start to raise To honor the accomplish- tional significant events will
my youth, but by the time it money was known as the ments and successes, VFW follow over the next few
was started up, I was already Bomb Shelter, located on the Post 6615 will hold a 40th weeks in Veterans corner.
in the service. I must rely on Weatherly Road where the anniversary Dinner Saturday, Marine Corps League
stories of the older members old Ripples School occupied April 10 of this year. Limited detachment 1039 giving
and if I err, I apologize and for many years. to 70 tickets, VFW members back for those in need: The
will do my best to correct it. I recall coming home on will have priority in atten- US Marines by training and
At its formation and char- leave and Bomb Shelter it dance with any unsold be- nature, are used to taking.
tering, our members had no was—a tunnel type entrance coming available to others at They take beaches, hills,
home of their own to call a way, exposed edges, near midnight, March 2. To honor compounds and at times, The Crestwood Elementary Wrestlers finished their regu-
Post. The fledgling members dirt floors and a general feel- and respect the occasion, entire countries. Our local lar 09-10 season by hosting the Penn League Tournament
held meetings at various dif- ing of a sub-terrain environ- dress will be uniforms or semi Marines of Detachment on February 7 at Crestwood High School. The following
ferent locations in the area to ment. In the early days, bar- formal. Cocktail hour will start 1039, while still tenacious, boys from Crestwood placed in their respective divi-
try to jump start the organiza- tenders worked for no pay, all at 6 p.m. complete with hors are giving back in support of sions: row 1, left to right, Garrett Swank, 3rd Bantam 54;
tion and expansion. Early work was volunteer and in d’oeuvres. At 7 the event will our community and fellow Chris Laseki, 2nd Midget 62; Nick Dolak, 1st Midget 58;
meetings were conducted at spite of all odds, the Post be called to order and a veteran causes. The monthly Tyler Shaud, 1st Bantam 50B; Tre Zabroski, 3rd Bantam
long-gone establishments continued to grow. When it guest speaker will provide Sunday breakfasts are a hub 50B; Joey Dolak, 1st Bantam 50A. Row 2, Nathan Gower,
such as Topito’s then Wal- was realized that the Post enlightened verse. This will of activity to raise funds. 4th Bantam UNL; Justin Lukashewski, 4th Midget 70A;
lace’s Bar on Main Street in would become a reality and be followed by the Post While the breakfast is a great Matthew Dopp, 2nd Midget 78B; Spencer Riccio, 4th
White Haven, Rainbow Inn danger of not meeting the Chaplain’s benediction and a way to start Sunday morning Midget 70B; Paul Ashton, 4th Midget 115; Matt Tirpak, 1st
on the Tunnel Road, in mem- mortgage was past, Mike full course sit-down dinner and Detachment 1039 ex- Midget 98; Dean Fey, 1st Pee Wee 54. Missing from photo
bers’ basements and at one Krull constructed from ply- will be served. Dinner will tends its appreciation to all were Hunter Greenberg, 4th Bantam 46; George Petrick,
time, even in Bill and Mar- wood the large letters V F W start with a champagne toast who attend, it is little known 2nd Bantam 42; Brandon Rinehimer, 3rd Junior 78; Chris
garet Dixon’s barn. Deter- and it was proudly displayed and choice of blue ribbon where these funds raised are Kremski, 4th Midget 62; Wyatt Steltz, 4th Midget 66B;
mined to succeed and pro- on the naked chimney rising main courses which include: used. Blake Dompkosky, 2nd Pee Wee 62; Brandon Niemenski,
vide a Post for the Veterans from the burned down struc- Slow Roasted Prime Rib of Here is a little insight of 4th Bantam 74; Owen Grigas, 3rd Midget 78B; and Lance
returning from Foreign Wars, ture. The Post had found its Beef Au Jus, Marinated and where your enjoyable break- Blass, 4th Junior 98.
home. Zested Baked Luscious fast money goes. Beside con-
RICHARD M. In 1980 enough money Lemon Chicken, Classic tributions and support for our Crestwood JV ice hockey
was raised to move to what is Flavor Crusted Fish Morney. local youth activities, there
HUGHES, III considered “upstairs” and The main entrée will be are many more avenues that team ices Paupack 5-3
now things were taking rounded out with Baked it follows. Twice over the last Scoring for Crestwood were provided by Higgs (2),
Attorney shape. As improvements Potato, the Elegant Vege- year, emergency funds have were Justin Higgs and An- Gilmartin, Nick Cholewa (2),
-At- continued and funds were tables Bouquetiere. A fitting been granted to veterans or drew Bobynsky, two goals Nick Ambrulavage and Matt
Law raised and saved, the mort- end will come with dessert veterans families in need. Job each; Ryan Gilmartin and Dacey. Mike Madry played
gage was satisfied. With this ceremony of cutting the cake loss, unexpected accident or Tommy Armstrong. Assists well between the pipes.
40 North Mountain Blvd.
Mountaintop, PA 18707 done in 1993, the now-stand- to be served with coffee and illness, there is a system in
(570) 474-7242 ing permanent structure was tea. Dinner will be followed by place to provide emergency
started and completed in DJ Music from 8 to midnight. funds to veterans in need. For
Rookie of the Year
1994. The progress contin- Tickets are on sale now and veterans on a larger scale,
ued as it does still today. this promises to be a fine and the entire proceeds of Jan-
sponsored by Remax
Legal Services memorable evening. Addi- uary’s breakfast went to Worldwide real estate lead- ing nine-time champion
er RE/MAX, Int’l will expand Frank Kimmel, Bill Baird, Bill
The Journal-Herald its presence in the ARCA Venturini, Dave Dayton and
Racing Series in 2010 Benny Parsons. Parsons, in

through sponsorship of the addition to earning two
stock car tour’s popular rook- ARCA Championships (1968
ie of the year award. The and 1969), earned the
2010 RE/MAX Rookie pro- NASCAR Sprint Cup Series
NOTARY PUBLIC ELECTRICAL LUMBER & BUILDING SUPPLIES gram begins with the Feb- Championship in 1973.
ruary 6 Lucas Oil Slick Mist 1984 Rookie of the Year
Lehigh Gorge Ron’s Electric
Specializing in All Aspects 200 at Daytona Int’l Speed- Davey Allison went on to
Notary Public of Residential Electric
Service Upgrades,
Known for Quality Building Products & Personalized Service
way and will include per-race claim the 1987 NASCAR
Title Transfers & Registration • Boats New Home Wiring & Repairs
and season-end cash Sprint Cup Series Rookie of
Complete line of building products for the
Snowmobiles • ATVs • Cars • Trucks Anything you need we can do it! contractor, as well as the DO-IT-YOURSELFER awards. the Year award.
Trailers • Motorcycles • All Services • Living Wills No job to small!
Elizabeth Berger, Notary/Card Agent WE DELIVER!!! RE/MAX will post a The 2010 RE/MAX Rookie
(570) 443-9191 • Fax: (570) 443-7643 443-0609 Route 437 North, White Haven $10,000 bonus to the end-of- program is open to all ARCA
— Evening Appointments Available — 233-5991 443-8292 • Fax: 443-9765 season Rookie of the Year Racing Series drivers who
REALTOR FUEL SERVICE PLUMBING & HEATING Award winner. In addition, the have not competed in more
company will post a $250 than seven ARCA Racing
MENGLE cash award to the highest fin- Series events in a season
Fuel Co. K.M. SENCY ishing registered rookie at preceding 2010 and is contin-
• Heating Oil • PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING each ARCA Racing Series gent upon signing an Official
• Anthracite • 312 WINDY OAKS LANE
event. Rookie Declaration Form
Coal by the Bag ARCA has honored a top prior to the first race of the
Rice • Pea • Nut
rookie each consecutive sea- season. All rookie chal-
427-4261 (570) 427-8971 PAGER 598-1694
e-mail: son since 1957. In 2009, lengers must attempt to com-
Penske Development Driver pete in at least one super-
PHARMACY GENERATOR MAINTENANCE NOTARY Parker Kligerman drove the speedway event and one
No. 77 Cunningham Motor- short track event to be eligi-
WEATHERLY Health & Beauty Supplies,
Medicines, Cards
Buck Mtn. Tag-n-Title sports Dodge to a series- ble for the Rookie of the Year
AREA School Items and More
at Competitive Prices
at Traver’s old Garage, intersection of Buck Mountain Road & Lehigh Gorge Drive
leading nine race wins, a Award and points are award-
COMMUNITY Prescription 7-600kw Maintenance Contracts, • Title Transfers • Car, Truck & Trailer Plates record for a rookie competitor ed and accumulated based
PHARMACY Delivery Only Generac/Guardian 3PH
Certified in the County.
• Motorcycle & ATV Plates • In-Transit Plates in the ARCA Racing Series. on the best 15 finishes out of
Since 1984 STORE HOURS & PA#010027 5+ Years Experience Long recognized as an the 20-event ARCA Racing
202 Carbon Plaza PHARMACY HOURS Critical Systems established route to the high- Series schedule, with the
Weatherly • 427-4887 Mon.-Fri. 9-7 • Sat. 9-3 570-977-3299 427-8195 427-2117 est levels of stock car racing, highest finishing rookie in
ARCA Rookies have gone on each event earning 30 points
Your Ad to earn championships and and points decreasing in
can go here. Commercial & Residential WATER SYSTEMS
HOME race wins in both ARCA and increments of two (example.

EXCAVATING LLC Call Martha Water Treatment Systems IMPROVEMENT NASCAR. Five ROY Award 1st-30, 2nd-28, 3rd-26, 4th-
Winners have gone on to 24, 5th-22). Final determina-
at 443-9131 • Well Pump Service Lawn Care • Snow Plowing
Complete Septic Systems • Water Line Repairs Roofs • Decks capture the ARCA Racing tion of award winner is based
Basements Dug, Lot Cleared, Drain Tile, Grading xt300 • Gould Pump Dealer Siding • Remodeling
Series presented by RE/MAX on points earned and a vote
License #PA011896
& Stone • Snow Plowing • Snow Removal
Call Kyle Feaster at
to find out 570-643-5060 Lynn Hoffman and Menards Championship of the award committee.
more! Fax: 570-646-6101 Weatherly
(570) 427-8376 Route 940, Pocono Lake (570) 427-8723
later in their careers, includ- Visit

Wreckers end losing streak, beat Blue Devils

The Weatherly Area boys For Shenandoah Valley, ers with a season-high 15 WEATHERLY AREA (47)
Comets escape
basketball team snapped a
three-game slide last week,
sophomore Josh Dombrosky
knocked down 12 points and
points for the Wreckers.
Barna 5 5-8 16, Pfeiffer 5
3-4 15, B. Rowan 3 4-5 12,
Harris 1 0-0 2, G. Wallish 0
scare at Pittston
beating Shenandoah Valley teammates Nathan Phillips 2-4 2, Ormiston 0 0-0 0,
Dombrosky 4 3-3 12, The Crestwood boys basketball team escaped Pittston
47-38 to complete a season and Danny Merva added nine Weichman 0 0-0 0. Totals 14
Merva 3 3-7 9, Phillips 4 1-2 Area with a 46-43 victory over the upset-minded Patriots
sweep of the Blue Devils in a apiece. 9, Breslosky 2 1-2 5, Kayes 14-21 47.
Shenandoah Vy.....14 9 7 8 - 38 last Tuesday in Yatesville.
Schuylkill League Division III The JV game went to 1 1-2 3, Twardzik 0 0-0 0,
Weatherly Area...16 7 10 14 - 47 After being held to just 19 points through three quaters, the
contest. Shenandoah Valley 73-47 as Karahuta 0 0-0 0, Savakinas
Three-pointers: Dom-
0 0-0 0, OʼConnell 0 0-0 0, Patriots erupted for 24 points in the final period and nearly
Billy Moyer scored 11 points. brosky, B. Rowan 2, Pfeiffer
WEATHERLY Brett Stallone led all scor- Moyer 0 0-0 0. Totals 14 9-16
2, Barna.
erased Crestwood’s 11-point lead.
Crestwood bombed in five three-pointers in grabbing the
ROUNDUP halftime lead, including two each from Eric Jesikiewicz and
The Wreckers (12-7 over- Lady Wreckers eliminated Mike Abramcheck, and a fifth
frmo Jonathan Wojnar.
all, 5-6 league) and Blue
Devils (1-16, 0-11) were from playoff contention Wojnar hit a pair of free CRESTWOOD
throws to give his team a 46-
locked in a 23-23 tie at inter-
Columbia-Montour Vo-Tech Weatherly Area won the JV 0-0 0, Hinkle 0 0-0 0. Totals 18 3-4 43 edge with 10.8 seconds ROUNDUP
mission before the host team 41.
used a 14-6 fourth-quarter to contest, 44-25, to improve to CMVT........................16 15 7 14 - 52 remaining, and Pittston could-
began to assert itself.
break open a close game and 15-4 on the season. Sarah Weatherly Area.........11 12 12 6 - 41 n’t force overtime on the ensuing possession.
A 10-7 third-quarter push Three-pointers: C. Hook 3, J.
defeat Weatherly Area 52-41 Heister scored 13 points and Hook 2. Snyder, Figas. Girls Basketball
put the Wreckers in the lead
last week at Weatherly, end- Tracy Galada was right Weatherly-Marian Carissa Gegaris scored 22 points, including seven in the
for good, and a 14-8 fourth
ing the Lady Wreckers playoff behind with 12 for the win- On Monday, rival Marian decisive fourth quarter, as the Lady Comets pulled away from
closed the doors on Shen-
aspirations as well. ners. broke out to a 20-4 first-quar- visiting Tunkhannock for a 45-37 victory last week.
andoah Valley.
Charlene Hook and Justin Charlene Hook paced ter lead and never looked Gegaris had four of Crestwood’s eight three-pointers on the
Keith Barna scored a
Hook combined for five three- CMVT with 11 points. back dealing visiting Weath- night. Chelsea Cornelius added 11 points and Carina
game-high 16 points and
pointers and finished with 21 COLUMBIA-MONTOUR erly Area a 53-32 setback in Mazzoni contributed nine on three triples for the Lady
had 11 rebounds for a dou- VO-TECH (52)
points apiece to lead CMVT. C. Hook 8 2-4 21, J. Hook 4 11-14 Schuylkill League Division III Comets.
ble-double to lead Weatherly
Justine Hook also finished 21, Hunsinger 2 2-3 6, Cragle 1 0-0 play. Jenna Downs led the Lady Tigers with 12 points.
Area. He also made six steals 2, Musselman 0 1-2 1, Crawford 0 1-
11-for-14 at the free throw 2 1, Creveling 0 0-0 0. Totals 15 17- Jen Linkchorst led TUNKHANNOCK (37)
and dished out four assists.
line. 25 52. all scorers with 19 points for Downs 4 4-6 12, Devrit 3 0-0 6, Rule 2 0-0 5, Ayers 1 0-0 2,
Teammate Nathan Pfeiffer WEATHERLY AREA (41)
Nicole Calia paced the Calia 7 1-1 15, Figas 5 0-0 11, Marian and teammate Williams 2 2-3 6, Kintner 3 0-0 6. Totals 15 6-9 37.
followed with 15 points and
Lady Wreckers with 15 points Lesko 2 1-1 5, Galada 1 1-1 3, Angela Bellezza added nine. CRESTWOOD (45)
Brandan Rowan chipped Snyder 1 0-0 3, Clabia 1 0-1 2,
and Alexa Figas scored 11. Panzarella 1 0-0 2, J. Dougherty 0 For the Lady Wreckers (7- Cornelius 3 4-4 11, Kobela 0 0-0 0, C. Gegaris 8 2-2 22,
in with a dozen.
13 overall), Alexa Figas Kania 0 0-0 0, Ritz 0 0-0 0, Mazzoni 3 0-1 9, Hill 0 1-2 1, Mera
scored 10 points and Mel 0 0-0 0, Jeskiewicz 0 0-0 0, Hislop 1 0-0 2. Totals 15 7-9 45.
Clabia followed with nine. Tunkhannock................................................9 10 10 8 — 37
WEATHERLY AREA (32) Crestwood..................................................14 5 11 15 — 45
Figas 4 2-2 10, Clabia 4 0-0 9,
Calia 3 0-0 6, Lesko 2 0-1 4, Snyder Three-pointers: Rule, Cornelius, C. Gegaris 4, Mazzoni 3.
1 0-0 3. Totals 14 2-3 32.
Linkchorst 8 3-5 19, Bellezza 3 0-
0 9 , Markiewicz 3 2-4 8, Shober 3 1-
2 7, Patten 2 0-0 4, McLaughlin 1 0-
0 2, Tristani 1 0-0 2, Kennedy 1 0-0 Journal-Herald deadline is noon
2, Ferrello 0 0-0 0, Gutsie 0 0-0 0,
Monaco 0 0-0 0. Totals 22 6-11 53. on Monday. E-mail articles to:
Weatherly Area..........4 12 6 10 - 32
Marian....................20 11 11 11- 53
Three-pointers: Bellezza 3,
Clabia, Snyder.

GLADEY HEADED TO WILLIAM AND MARY - Crestwood High School field hock-
ey senior standout Taylor Gladey, seated second from left, signs a letter of intent last
week to continue her academic and athletic careers at the College of William and Mary.
Gladey was a first team All-State selection in 2008, and a second team pick in 2009,
when she was named to the Academic All-State Team as well, helping the Lady Comets
to the 2009 District 2 Class
2A championship. Joining
her at the signing are her
parents, Dave and Kim-
berly Gladey, and her
brother Ross Gladey.
Standing, from left, are
Crestwood High School
director of athletics Tony
Mozeleski, assistant field Weatherly LL signups scheduled this month
hockey coach Patsy Mora- Weatherly Area Little League, which consists of boys
tori, head field hockey major and minor leagues, T-Ball and girlsʼ softball, will hold
coach Elvetta Gemski, and registration for the 2010 season at the Weatherly Borough KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE THROW CONTEST - The St. Nicholas Council No. 12105
Christopher Gegaris, building on the following dates: Feb. 11 from 6 to 8 p.m.; recently held its free throw contest for local 10 to 14-year-old boys and girls at Eurana
Crestwood High School Feb. 14 from 1 to 3 p.m.; Feb. 18 from 6 to 8 p.m. and Feb. Park, Weatherly. The event was the preliminary contest for the 2010 district, regional and
principal. 21 from 1 to 3 p.m. state Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. Winners in their respective age
These will be the only four dates for sign-ups for the class were, first row from left: Caitlyn Yost, 11-year-old girls; Evan Kunkle, 10-year-old
upcoming season. After Feb. 21, no further registrations
will be accepted. This will give the league time to select boys; Lynea Reiner, 10-year-old girls; Michael Nemshick IV, 11-year-old boys; and Logan
- page A4 coaches, teams and to make all uniform and equipment Mehalshick, 14-year-old boys. Second row: Kelly Parker, 12-year-old girls; Kelly Fisher,
purchases for the season.
© 2009 Hometown Content 14-year-old girls; Kristan Ursta, 13-year-old girls; Joshua Reiner, 13-year-old boys; and
2 5 1 7 4 9 6 3 8
The league is open to any boy five to 12 years of age Luke Reiner, 12-year-old boys.
4 8 6 1 3 5 9 7 2
and girls five to 17 years of age who live in the Weatherly
7 3 9 6 2 8 5 1 4
Area School District. Registration fee will be $30 per child.
1 2 4 9 5 3 7 8 6
Any first time player must bring a copy of their birth cer-
5 6 8 2 tificate to show age verification. During registration,
7 4 1 9 3
9 7 3 8 fundraiser information will be handed out. Also, on the reg-
1 6 4 2 5
istration form, parents will be asked to select uniform sizes
6 2 8 4
for each individual that is registered.
8 1 3 5
Guys, don’t end up in the doghouse,
8 4 5 3 League officers and board members will be available to
9 7 2 6 1
help complete registration forms and to answer any ques-
Sudoku Solution #1718-M
Valentine’s Day
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tions. Any coach, assistant coach or volunteer will be
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© 2009 Hometown Content

5 1
required to complete a volunteer application so a back-
is right around the corner!
5 2 6 9 1 4 3 8 7
1 9 8 7
ground check can be completed.
5 3 2 6 4 • We have diamond engagement rings at prices to make you
Anyone with questions may contact the leagueʼs player smile! We also have engagement rings
7 3 5 1 9 2 6 4 8
agent, Dave Andreuzzi at 436-2588. featuring different precious gems.
8 1 9 6 4 5 7 3 2
4 6 2 3 7 8 1 9 5 • We have other diamond jewelry in all price ranges, and
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Baseball signups set in White Haven Jewelry featuring other precious and semi-precious gems.
Final signups for the upcoming White Haven T-Ball,
2 8 1 5 6 9 4 7 3 • In addition to roses and jewelry, we have other lovely items
Minor League, Little League and Junior Babe Ruth sea-
6 5 3 4 2 7 8 1 9
sons will be held Saturday, Feb. 13, from 10 a.m. to noon that make wonderful gifts for your significant other, mother,
Sudoku Solution #1718-D
at the St. Patrickʼs Parish Hall. grandmother, or anyone else
E All youths ages 5-15 by May 1, 2010 are eligible to play. you want to treat.
E S D A L G E R E V E A R A Family discounts and payment assistance is offered for
those experiencing financial difficulties. Late fees may be Call and order your roses, then pick up
E H S S E S L N I K S assessed after these dates. at the shop. We’ll be open Sunday,
Valentine’s Day. You don’t need to leave
As per the recent District 18 Little League ruling, all new
town to get the freshest flowers.
E V G A O O R N A W S L S players who reside in Hickory Hills and East, including
Agmar Estates, are now only allowed to sign up for Little
E R T T A N S I R I O S T League Baseball in White Haven. We now accept Master card & Visa. We offer free layaway. 234 Main Street, White Haven
For more information, contact Frank Brynok at 947- 570-233-3560
O C W A T U H S E D T A F 4745.
Green Puzzle

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