Musoni Data Definitions

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Data Definitions
Important Tables
The following tables are the most critical for your analysis. You may consider other tables in your
research, but the following is the minimum set.
1. m_client Contains information on all clients
2. m_loan Includes all loans, which can be differentiated using loan_status_id including when
they were given out, paid off and if they are open what balances are remaining.
3. m_loan_schedule The loan schedule as agreed with the client, showing the repayment
installments and whether an installment was paid on time.
4. m_savings_account Shows the savings of each client including the balance.
Critical Table Binding Relationships

Important Fields
The following fields are the most critical for your analysis. You can and should consider other fields in
your research, but the following is the minimum set.
1. m_client.gender_cv_id & m_client.date_of_birth these fields contain key metrics about the
clients. Gender ID 54 is male, 55 is Female.
2. m_loan.loan_status_id Current status of the loan shows, whether the loan was approved,
declined written off etc, see table below for mapping.
3. m_loan.principal_amount The loan amount taken out by the client
4. m_loan.total_outstanding_derived The amount still outstanding on the loan
5. m_loan_repayment_schedule.duedate Shows when each instalment on a loan was supposed
to be repaid.
6. m_loan_repayment_schedule.obligations_met_on_date Shows the actual date of repayment
for each instalment, together with the duedate this can be used to show repayment behavior.
7. m_savings_account.status_id Status of the savings account, see table below for mapping.
8. m_savings_account.account_balance_derived Current account balance in the clients savings.

Loan and Savings status codes

(m_loan.loan_status_id and m_savings_account.status_id)
Submitted and awaiting approval
Withdrawn by client

Additional tables
The following do not contain core data, but do contain valuable information that might assist you in
improving your analysis.
1. ml_client_details Contains additional information on the clients such as date of birth, gender
and marital status
2. ml_client_business Contains additional information on the clients business type etc
3. m_group and m_group client These contain all groups and which clients belong to each group.
4. ml_loan_details contains the sector information of the loans, the ids can be looked up in
5. m_loan_transaction The individual payments made into the loan, size of payments and lump
sum payments can be used in your analysis

6. m_staff This table contains the loan officers of the different loans, these might be used to
value loan officer performance.
7. m_office Each client is linked to an office / branch. Different branches can perform differently.
8. m_code_value This table lists the values of different dropdowns used in the applicationFor
example: In ml_client_details.maritalStatus shows 25 as value, this links to m_code_value id 25,
which is Married.
9. r_enum_value This table contains the mappings for fixed enumerators used in the application
such as transaction status, client status etc.

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