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Name manishhg gupta

Class X
Subject - maths
Topic adadasd
Subject Teacher dadad
Class Teacher dasdaddad
SignRemarkSchool dadadad

I am the student of class VIII B is going to

present my computer project before you .I
hope you will like the project as much as
others have like it. The topic of my project is
Types of Chart in Excel.
I want to thanks my subject
teacher under whose guidance this project
has become worth presenting. I am also very
grateful to my parents and sister who helped
me a lot during making this project.
Any suggestion or comments is
heartily open anytime! I like the topic very
much, it was very interesting.


Method: Put some marble chips in a Woulfs bottle and fit the bottle with a
thistle funnel and a delivery tube.Place a collecting jar at the other end of the
delivery tube. Pour dilute hydrochloric acid in the bottle through the thistle
funnel so that the marble chips are covered with the acid. Collect the gas jars
and cover them.
Observation:Effervescence takes place in the bottle and the gas is collected
by upward displacement of air.Observe and test the properties of the gas
formed. Some of them are as follows.
Procedure :Ammonia is prepared by heating a mixture of
calcium hydroxide and ammonium chloride.,Ca(OH) 2(s) +
CaCl2(s) + 2H2O(i) + 2NH3(g).The tube in
which ammonia is generated is fixed in a slanting position
to prevent the water formed from running back and crack
the whole tube.Concentrated sulphuric acid and
anhydrous calcium chloride are not used to dry ammonia
because they react with it. Ammonia.

Bathroom scale
A digital balance uses an analog signal from a load cell, which is
converted directly to a pulse width modulated output signal. This
pulse width modulated output signal represents the weight of an
object on the weighing pan and is read by a micro-controller. The
micro-controller then converts the signal representing the weight of
the object on the pan to a weight value. The value is displayed on a
LCD panel.
The poets outlined below represent a panorama of female poet-saints within the Bhakti
movement. Some were extraordinarily radical in their rejection of social norms and values,
leaving husbands, families, and society behind in order to extol their love for God. Others
attempted to fit into more traditional roles in society by maintaining their responsibilities as
wives and mothers. All wrote exquisite poetry that has been passed on through bards and
singers throughout India.

Akkamahadevi, also known as Akka or Mahadevi was a bhakta from the southern region of
Karnataka and a devotee of Shiva in the 12th century CE. Legends tell of her wandering naked
in search of her Divine Lover; her poetry, or vacanas tell of her frustration with societal norms
and roles that restricted her. They also bear witness to her intense, all-encompassing love for
Shiva, whom she addresses as Chennamallikarjuna. Through Shiva and Shiva alone is her love
fulfilled; through separation from her lord white as jasmine is her heart broken.

Sarojini Naidu was born on 13 February 1879 in Hyderabad, India to the scientist,
philosopher and a politieducator Aghornath Chattopadhyaya and Barada Sundari Devi.
She was the eldest daughter of her parents. A political activist, her father was a co
founder of the Nizam College and the first member of the India National Congress in
Virendranath Chattopadhyaya, Sarojini's brother, was a political activist who played a
key role in establishing the Berlin Committee and was influenced by Communism.
Sarojini's second brother Harindranath Chattopadhyaya was a noted poet and
Saroji Naidu also known by the sobriquet The Nightingale of India, was a child prodigy,
Indian independence activist and poet.She was a great patriot, politician, orator and
administrator. of all the famous women of India, Mrs. Sarojinidevi Naidu's name is at the
top. Not only that, but she was truly one of the jewels of the world
,Sarojini Naidu attained national fame when she topped the matriculation examination at
Madras University. Her father wanted her to become a mathematician or scientist but
Sarojini Naidu was interested in poetry. Once she was working on an algebra problem,
and when she couldn't find the solution she decided to take a break, and in the same
book she wrote her first inspired poetry. She got so enthused by this that she wrote "The
Lady of the Lake", a poem 1300 lines long. With her father's support, she wrote the play
"Maher Muneer" in the Persian language. Reading a beautiful play written by a young
girl, the Nizam was very impressed. The college gave her a scholarship to study abroad

About ChartsMS-Excel provides us an easy and systematic way to represent text or

numeric data in a tabular format. Various functions and formulas help
us to effectively analyse the information stored in the worksheet. MSExcel provides us another powerful and easy to use tool, which allows
us to represent the data entered in a worksheet in pictorial form called
charts. Charts help us to compare and anaylse the data in more
interesting and effective manner as it is rightly said that the picture is
worth a thousands words.

of waste in a landfill involves burying the waste and this remains a common practice in most
countries. Landfills were often established in abandoned or unused quarries, mining voids
or borrow pits. A properly designed and well-managed landfill can be a hygienic and relatively
inexpensive method of disposing of waste materials. Older, poorly designed or poorly managed
landfills can create a number of adverse environmental impacts such as wind-blown litter,
attraction of vermin, and generation of liquid leachate. Another common product of landfills is gas
(mostly composed of methane and carbon dioxide), which is produced from anaerobic breakdown
of organic waste. This gas can create odor problems, kill surface vegetation and is agreenhouse
Design characteristics of a modern landfill include methods to contain leachate such as clay or
plastic lining material. Deposited waste is normally compacted to increase its density and stability
and covered to prevent attracting vermin (such as mice orrats). Many landfills also have landfill
gas extraction systems installed to extract the landfill gas. Gas is pumped out of the landfill using
perforated pipes and flared off or burnt in a gas engine to generate electricity.

Types of ChartMS-Excel offers a wide variety of charts which we can plot from the
data entered in the worksheet. Depending upon the utility of the chart
it has to be first decided which type is more suitable for the data to be
presented graphically. Some of most commonly used chart types are -:

Column Chart: Column chart is used to compare the values of two or

more items in different categories. In this the categories are placed
horizontally where as the values are placed vertically.

Bar Chart: Bar chart is also like column chart which is used to

compare the values of two or more items except that in bar chart the
categories are placed vertically along Y- axis and their values
horizontally along the X-axis.

Line Chart: A line chart represents the changing trends of data at the
equal intervals. These type of chart used to be very useful when we
needed the depict change of data over a period of time.

Area Chart: Just like line chart, area chart is also used to emphasize
the magnitude of change in data over a period of time . But ib this
each data series is plotted to show the relationship of that part of the

Pie Chart: Unlike the other chart types, pie chart is used to plot one

data series to represent the proportional size of one item to the sum of

the items in that data series. Each item is represented by one slice or
pie of the circular pie chart.


Column chart -:

Only 27per cent of children in India were enrolled in the first grade of primary school in the school year 1993/94.
(UNESCO's Statistical Yearbook 1996)

The Human poverty index value for India is 35,9 per cent. (I.e. over one third of the population are affected by three key
deprivations in their lives: longevity, educational attainment and ability to buy basic goods and services) India's rank is
132 of 174 countries ranked by UNDP.

The number of primary schools increased almost threefold - from 210,000 in 1951 to 590,000 in 1995. As a result,
literacy nearly tripled during 1951-91. Yet almost half the population - some 450 million people are still illiterate. For
females seven years and older, the proportion is 61%. ("Poverty and Human Development in India: Getting Priorities
Right" UNDP, by A K Shiva Kumar)

53% of children under four in India - some 60 million - are estimated malnourished in 1996. ("Poverty and Human Development in
India: Getting Priorities Right" UNDP, by A K Shiva Kumar)

Area Chart -:

Line Chart -:

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