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D100 Rules System

Generating Statistics
Roll 2 x d100 and take the high roll 8 times (once per stat) assign each stat one of these 8 numbers, then change each stat
according to the racial modifiers chart. Alternately give each player 550% to spread amongst their characters 8 statistics.
Racial Modifiers
Statistic / Race
Strength (STR)
Constitution (CON)
Size (SIZ)
Dexterity (DEX)
Intelligence (INT)
Power (POW)
Charisma (CHA)
Sanity (SAN)





Half Elf


Half Orc


Derived Statistics
Hit Points (HP) = (SIZ + CON) /2 (Round Up)
Major Wound Threshold = HP /2 (Round Up)
Magic Points = POW
Magic Intensity = (INT + POW) / 2 (Round Up)
(Maximum number of points that can be put into a single spell without causing the caster damage)
Beginning Experience Points = POW x 2
Initiative (Dex + Int) / 2
Damage Bonus (STR + SIZ) /4 (Round Up)

Experience Points & Survival

All player characters and some NPCs have experience points. Each character begins play with a number of experience points
(EP) equal to POW x2 statistic rounded up,
A player may spend their EPs in the following manner (All at the GMs discretion):
To increase a skill in a tough situation, a character can up to double a single skill or a stat for the next round by
spending the appropriate number of experience points.
Ignore the effects of one critical or fumble, the EPs must be spent before the critical or fumble result is rolled (Cost =
100 + the opponents d100 critical roll result.
If a character has been put into a situation where they are likely to die and can do nothing to avoid the situation they
may spend 100 +d100 of the characters EPs to change the result to something that will allow the character to survive.
EG: Falling off the castle wall into a cart full of hay rather than breaking their neck on the rocky floor.

D100 Rules
Racial advantages and Disadvantages

Dark Sight (half effects of darkness on scan and combat rolls)

Magic Sensitive 15 on POW vs. POW resistance rolls


Dark Sight (half effects of darkness on scan and combat rolls)

Blood feud with 2 specific Racial Groups (GMs choice)

Light footed (30% bonus on hide and sneak rolls)
Feint hearted (-20% on any roll involving bravery or remaining conscious)
Half Elf
Dark Sight (half effects of darkness on scan and combat rolls)
Magic Sensitive 5 on POW vs. POW resistance rolls
Outcast: Accepted fully Neither by Humans or Elves

Dark Sight (half effects of darkness on scan and combat rolls)

Armour: 5 point natural skin
Bezerker Rage: -30% to any roll involving calmness when threatened or insulted
Blood feud with a specific Racial Group (GMs choice)

Half Orc
Bezerker Rage: -30% to any roll involving calmness when threatened or insulted
Outcast: Accepted fully Neither by Humans or Orcs

Dark Sight (half effects of darkness on scan and combat rolls)

Armour: 20 point natural skin
Bezerker Rage: -30% to any roll involving calmness when threatened or insulted
Hated by most racial groups

D100 Rules
Fantasy Career Paths
Choose a career path for your character and determine characters experience.
Roll 1d10 +2 for years of experience and add 16 for age. (All Careers Total up to x35 in modifiers)
Warrior Types
Barbarian / Nomad
Fighter / Solider
Ranger / Bowman
Warrior Monk

Magical Types



Rogue Types

Thief / Rogue

Spy / Assassin

Skills % per year of experience

Ride x3, Throw x2, First Aid x1, Culture Own x3, Conceal x1, Repair/Devise x1,
Listen x2, Search/Scan x3, Track x2 Hide x1, Brawling x2, Dagger x2, 1-Handed or
2-H Weapon x4, 1-Handed or 2-H Weapon x3, Shield or Dodge x2, Missile Weapon
Ride x2, Throw x1, First Aid x2, Culture Own x3, Conceal x1, Repair/Devise x1,
Listen x2, Search/Scan x2, Hide x1, Brawling x3, Dagger x2, 1-Handed Weapon x4,
Dodge x4, Shield x4, 2-Handed Weapon or Missile Weapon x3
Ride x2, Throw x2, First Aid x1, Culture Own x2, Conceal x1, Repair/Devise x1,
Listen x2, Search/Scan x3, Track x3, Hide x2, Brawling x2, Dagger x1, 1-Handed or
2-H Weapon x3, Dodge x2, Shield x2, Missile Weapon x3, World Lore x3
Ride x1, Throw x2, First Aid x2, Culture Own x2, Conceal x1, Repair/Devise x1,
Listen x2, Search/Scan x3, Track x1, Hide x2, Sneak x2, Theology x2, 1-Handed or
2-H Weapon x2, Dodge x4, Missile Weapon x2, Brawling x6
Skills % per year of experience
Arcane Lore / Magik Lore x1, Oratory / Leadership x3, Sing or Play Instrument x1,
Speak Other Language x1, First Aid x2, Theology x3, One Lore x2, One Lore x1,
Read/Write Own x3, Read/ Write Other x2, Repair/Devise x2, Clerical magic x10,
Brawling x1, 1-Handed Weapon x2, Shield or Dodge x1
Arcane Lore / Magik Lore x2, Oratory / Leadership x1, Sing or Play Instrument x1,
Speak Other Language x1, Hide x2, Sneak x2, Natural World x4, One Lore x2,
Read/Write Own x 3, Read/ Write Other x1, Repair/Devise x2, Druidic magic x10,
Brawling x1, 1-Handed Weapon x2, Shield or Dodge x1
Oratory / Leadership x2, Sing or Play Instrument x2, Speak Other Language x1, Craft
Substance x1, Arcane / Magik Lore x3, Alchemy / Potions x2, One Lore x2,
Read/Write Own x 3, Read/ Write Other x 2, Scribe x1, Repair / Devise x2, Wizard
magic x12, 1-Handed Weapon x1, Shield or Dodge x1
Skills % per year of experience
Oratory / Leadership x2, Art (Storytelling) x3, Art (Poetry) x3, Art (Sing or Play
Instrument) x4, Art (Sing or play instrument) x3, Fast Talk x2, Speak Other Language
x2, World Lore x3, One Lore x2, Read/Write Own x 3, Repair/Devise x1, Listen x1,
Brawling x1, 1-Handed Weapon x3, Shield or Dodge x2
Throw x1, Streetwise x2, Conceal x2, Repair/Devise x2, Evaluate x2, Fast Talk x2,
Thieves Signs x2, Sleight of Hand x2, Listen x2, Search/Scan x2, Sneak x3, Hide x1,
Climb x2, Brawling x1, Dagger x2, 1-Handed Weapon x2, Dodge x3, Missile
Weapon x2
Streetwise x1, Conceal x2, Repair/Devise x2, Evaluate x1, Fast Talk x4, Read Write
Own x3, Seduction x3, Poison x2, Listen x2, Search/Scan x2, Sneak x2, Hide x1,
Brawling x1, Dagger x2, 1-Handed Weapon x2, Dodge x3, Missile Weapon x2

Alternately allocate (35 x No of Years Experience) % among 15 or more Skills.

EG: Player rolls 9 on 1d10 +2, this gives them 315% to allocate amongst his skills.

D100 Rules
Modern / Science Fiction Career Paths
Choose a career path for your character and determine characters experience.
Roll 1d10 +2 for years of experience and add 16 for age. (All Careers Total up to x35 in modifiers)
Combat Types

Hit Man / Black

Thug / Street


Physical Security

Pilot / Driver

Medic / Doctor
Fixer / Con / Corp

Cop / PI

Skills % per year of experience

Drive x1, Climb x2, Throw x1, First Aid x1, Culture Own x2, Radio x1,
Repair/Devise x1, Listen x2, Search/Scan x3, Sneak x3, Hide x2, Navigate x2,
Brawling x2, Dagger x2, Rifle x4, Automatic Weapons x3, Heavy Weapons x1
Dodge x2
Drive x1, Climb x1, Throw x1, First Aid x1, Culture Own x2, Repair/Devise x1,
Listen x2, Search/Scan x3, Sneak x3, Electronic Security x2, Pick Locks x2, Hide x2,
Culture (Corporate/Government/Organized Crime) x2, Brawling x2, Dagger x1,
Rifle x3, Automatic Weapons x4, Dodge x2
Drive x2, Climb x1, First Aid x1, Culture Own x2, Streetwise x4, Repair/Devise x1,
Listen x2, Search/Scan x3, Sneak x2, Hide x1, Brawling x5, Dagger x3, Pistols x3,
Automatic Weapons x1, Dodge x4
Drive x1, Climb x2, Throw x1, First Aid x1, Culture Own x2, Radio x1,
Repair/Devise x1, Listen x2, Search/Scan x3, Sneak x3, Hide x2, Navigate x2,
Brawling x2, Dagger x2, Rifle x4, Automatic Weapons x3, Heavy Weapons x1
Dodge x2
Skills % per year of experience
Drive x1, Climb x1, Throw x1, First Aid x1, Culture Own x2, Fast Talk (Social
Engineering) x2, Repair/Devise x1, Listen x2, Search/Scan x2, Sneak x2, Hide x1,
Electronic Security x3, Computer Espionage x6, Culture (Hacker/Phreaker) x2,
Software Development x3, Hide x1, 1 weapon type x2, Dodge x2
Drive x1, Climb x1, Throw x1, First Aid x1, Culture Own x2, Fast Talk x3,
Repair/Devise x1, Listen x2, Search/Scan x2, Sneak x4, Hide x2, Electronic Security
x4, Computer Espionage x2, Pick Locks x3, Culture (Hacker/Phreaker) x1, Hide x1,
1 weapon type x2, Dodge x2
Drive or Pilot x6, Drive or Pilot x2, Climb x1, Throw x1, Navigate x2, Culture Own
x2, Repair/Devise x1, Listen x2, Search/Scan x2, Sneak x2, Hide x2, Mechanical
Repair x3, Electrical Repair x2, Culture (Pilot/Driver) x1, 1 weapon type x2, Heavy
Weapons x3, Dodge x2
Drive x1, Climb x1, Throw x1, Culture Own x3, Orate x2, Repair/Devise x3, Listen
x2, Search/Scan x2, Sneak x1, One Science x6, Secondary Science x3, Write x4,
Culture (Science) x2, Hide x1, Dodge x2, One Hobby Skill x1
Drive x1, Climb x1, Throw x1, Culture Own x3, Orate x2, Repair/Devise x2, Listen
x2, Search/Scan x2, Sneak x1, Medicine x6, First Aid x4, Write x4, Culture
(Medical) x2, Hide x1, Dodge x2, One Hobby Skill x1
Drive x2, Climb x1, Throw x1, Culture Own x2, Fast Talk x4, Streetwise x4,
Repair/Devise x1, Listen x2, Search/Scan x2, Sneak x1, One Weapon Type x4,
Brawling x3, First Aid x1, Culture (Mafia/Corporate/Etc) x3, Hide x1, Dodge x2,
One Hobby Skill x1
Drive x2, Climb x1, Throw x1, Culture Own x2, Fast Talk x2, Streetwise x4,
Repair/Devise x1, Listen x2, Search/Scan x4, Sneak x1, Pistol x4, Brawling x3, First
Aid x1, Culture (Police) x2, Hide x1, Dodge x3, One Hobby Skill x1

Alternately allocate (35 x No of Years Experience) % among 15 or more Skills.

EG: Player rolls 9 on 1d10 +2, this gives them 315% to allocate amongst his skills.

D100 Rules
Character Advantages and Disadvantages.
A beginning character gets 1 free roll on the advantages column, if a player wishes to have more rolls on the chart they must
also roll 1 disadvantage per extra advantage rolled (Up to a maximum of 4 Advantages, 3 disadvantages). The GM my disallow
some results and ask for a re-roll.
d100 roll


Local Hero: This character is well liked in his
home area and many of the locals will help him in
tough situations
Able Drinker: +15% con on tests involving alcohol
Square jawed: +15% con on tests involving being
knocked unconscious
Brushes up Well: Character gets +15 to Cha if they
are wearing expensive clothing and makeup, etc.
Iron Willed: +15% Pow / Int on tests involving
fear or being mentally manipulated
Firm Grip: The character gets +15% Str or Dex in
tests involving holding onto things.
Sure Footed: +15 Dex to tests involving staying
Strong Trait: +10 to characters highest stat, even if
it brings the statistic above racial norms.
Light Sleeper: Character is ready for action the
round he is awoken.
Extra Tough: Character gets +10 HP on his serious
wound threshold.
Animal Empathy: Character naturally gets on with
animals +30% to all rolls involving interaction
with natural animals.
Good Reputation: The characters name is known
as being trustworthy and honorable.
Lucky: This character can re-roll any one dice roll
per session.
Inheritance: Your character has inherited a single
item worth up to 5000 sp/$/, GM decides item.
Patron: You have a powerful patron who gives you
missions to accomplish and gifts you with
resources in return.
Connected: You are a member of a guild, cult, or
secret society and will be accepted and helped by
other members in return for your loyalty.
Manservant: You have a servant or slave who sees
to your every need.
Ambidextrous: Character gets no minus for using
the off hand.
Untapped talent: You could be a master in one art,
craft or science choose an appropriate skill, when
you reach 90% or more in that skill you will use
2d6 for skill increases instead of 1d6.
Casanova: You can have anyone you want and you
know it. + 50% on your seduction skill, and a
reputation to match.
Beautiful: +15 Cha

Despised: The character is despised in their local area
most people would be glad to see harm befall the
Lush: -15% con on tests involving alcohol
Glass jawed: -15% con on tests involving being knocked
Mutton Dressed as lamb: Character gets 15% to Cha
unless they are wearing expensive clothing and makeup,
Weak Willed: -15% Pow/Int on tests involving fear or
being mentally manipulated
Weak Grip: The character gets 15% Str or Dex in tests
involving holding onto things.
Bad Balance: -15% Dex to tests involving staying
Weak Trait: -10% to characters lowest stat, even if it
brings the statistic below racial norms.
Heavy Sleeper: Character takes 3 Combat rounds to be
ready for action when he is woken.
Easily Hurt: Character gets 10 on his serious wound
Animal Antipathy: Animals dislike the character,
-30% to all rolls involving interaction with animals.
Bad Reputation: The character is known as being
untrustworthy and a dishonorable cad.
Unlucky / Murphys Law: If something bad is going to
happen to a member of the party it will be this character
90% of the time.
Theft: Your characters most expensive single item was
stolen, mark it off your character sheet.
Powerful enemy: You have made a powerful enemy
they will try to cause you grief at every turn.
Hunted: You have upset an important individual and
have had a price placed on your head.
Escaped Slave: You are an escaped Serf / Slave who is
on the run. If not applicable use the hunted result instead
Club Hand: The Characters off hand is useless.
Moment of Awe: You saw something once (a woman, a
great treasure, etc) and have dedicated yourself to
finding it again.
Betrothed: Your marriage has been arranged. When the
time comes you are expected to get married regardless
of how you feel.
Deformed: Obvious scars or burn marks 15% Cha


Alliance: The character has a strong professional

alliance with an individual of influence and skill.


Beloved: Someone with influence has fallen in

love with you and would do anything to stop you
coming to harm.
Friends in high places: You know an individual
who is in a very important position in your chosen
religion (or profession if inapplicable).
Blessed / Lady Luck: The gods smile on you, in
any situation where you gain a fate point you have
a 30% chance of gaining a second one.
Loan: You have loaned someone 1d6 x1000 sp/$/
and they have disappeared with it. You want it
Honored: You have received a high honor for
services to your home area, you can expect to be
treated well in that area by most people.
Extended Family: You have a very large family,
you seem to be bumping into cousins all the time.
Fleet footed: The character can run 1/3 quicker
than a normal member of their race.
Lightning Reactions: Character treats all weapons
as 1 speed less than they are normally in combat.
Also the character gets +15% Dex in tests
involving quickness of reaction.
Drug Resistant: Character has a strong resistance
to drugs and gets +15% Con when making rolls to
resist their effects.






Fearless: Choose a single creature type or

phenomena, the character will never be afraid
when faced with this obstacle.
Natural Resistance: The character is resistant to
disease and gets +15% to Con when a roll is
needed to avoid the effects of an infection.
Positive Persona Trait: Choose from, SelfConfident, Courageous, Optimistic, Patient, or
Secret Knowledge: You know something about a
person in a powerful position that they would
prefer not to Get Out, This may be used to
garner favors or for blackmail.
Landed: Roll d10: 1-7 A House, 8-9 A Farm, 10 A
Minor Estate.


Ex Army: You have served in the army, and have

the documents to show it. +20% to your main
weapon attack.


Minor Gentry: The character has a minor title his

family has little influence at court (or whatever is
applicable for his chosen profession).
Windfall: Triple the characters starting cash.


Gentry: The character has a major title, and is

related to a powerful noble with much influence at
court. (Or whatever is applicable).

Vendetta: There is an individual of influence you hate so

much you want to hurt them even if it affects your
friends and self.
In Love: You are deeply in love with someone and
would do anything to stop him or her coming to harm.
Excommunicated: You have done something to offend
your church and have been excommunicated.
Particularly nasty for priest characters
Crisis of Faith: You used to believe but have started to
have serious doubts. In any situation where you spend a
fate point it has a 30% chance of having no effect.
Traitor: In a moment of weakness you betrayed
someone, you are trying to keep this secret but someday
it may come out and cause you grief.
Exiled: You are exiled from your home area for
something you did, to return would mean your
Orphan: You have no home or family and have no Idea
of who they are.
Club Footed: The character runs 1/3 slower than a
normal member of their race.
Slow Reactions: Character treats all weapons as 1 speed
higher than they are normally in combat. Also the
character gets -15 Dex in tests involving quickness of
Addiction: The character is addicted to a particular
substance and must have it at least once a day or suffer
5 con per day until con is reached (recalculate HPs).
Regain Con at 10 per day when a new supply is found.
Phobia: The character is irrationally afraid of a single
creature type or phenomena (EG: Spiders, Fire, Etc) all
a characters rolls are halved when faced with his phobia.
Allergy: Choose a common substance, Roll d100 for
severity (Used as POT when character is exposed to the
Mental Problems: Choose from, Obsessive,
Kleptomaniac, Pyromaniac, Manic Depressive,
Hypochondriac, Megalomaniac, Paranoid Compulsive
Liar, Multiple Personalities, and Sociopath.
Different Sexuality: Choose from, Sadomasochist,
Transsexual, Asexual, Gay/lesbian, Bisexual,
Necrophile, Other.
Dispossessed: Someone took away your families lands
and you want them back. Roll d10: 1-5 A House, 6-7 A
Farm, 8-9 A Minor Estate, 10 A Major Estate.
AWOL: You went AWOL from the army, and have the
military police looking for you. Expect to spend a year
in jail, unless it was during wartime (20% chance), and
then expect execution.
Wanted: The character has committed some minor
crimes and is wanted in a small area. The jail term
would be 1d10 years.
In Debt: The character is in debt to the tune of 3 times
their starting cash.
Outlaw: The character is hunted by the law of an entire
nation for a crime that is punishable by death.

D100 Rules
Experience Points
At the end of an adventure a GM will award Experience points to the players. The following are guidelines.
Successful completion of an adventure 100 to 500 EPs
Amusing or Good Role-playing 0 to 300 EPs
Creative or Novel solutions to problems 0 to 300 EPs
A player should receive somewhere between 100 and 300 EPs per session.
Character Progression and Experience Points (EPs)
All characters begin with their POW x2 in experience points. These points can be spent in play to enhance rolls or can be spent
to increase a characters skills and statistics.
Skills cost the current level of the skill in experience points per d5 increase and Statistics cost 5 times this. Most statistics have
a maximum level of 100 plus racial modifiers except POW which has no upper limit.
Skill and Statistics Experience Costs
Combat Maneuver

Current level in EP per d5

Current Level x5 in EP per d5
100 Current Modifier in EP per d5

D100 Rules
Task resolution and success
Basic Tasks
The basic task resolution in the d100 system is this. GM picks a target number or a modifier (for opposed tasks) and the player
rolls d100 + appropriate skill or statistic and tries to beat it.
Example task difficulties
Extremely difficult
Super heroic

Missile Weapon Range

Point Blank

Target Number

Opposed Tasks
An opposed task is any task where an opponent is trying to stop you succeeding. A character must roll d100 plus the
appropriate skill (stealth). The opposing character must roll d100 plus his opposing skill (listen) and beat the first characters
total to hear him sneaking by. The level of success can be used by the GM as an indication of how easy the character is finding
his action to perform. EG: Crom the thief has a stealth skill of 70% and is trying to sneak by a guard. Croms player rolls d100 +
70 getting a total of 155 a good level of success. The guard has a listen skill of 50% but is tired, for which the GM assignes a
20% penalty the GM rolls d100 +30 for the guard getting a total of 80. Crom has beaten the guards roll by 75 meaning he can
sneak by at 75% of his normal speed.
Skill enhancement with Experience Points
Another aspect of task resolution is spending experience points. Experience points can be traded on a 1 for 1 basis for
percentage additions to a roll. The amount of xp to be spent on a roll must be declared before the roll is made and can never be
more than the characters current skill level. EG: Crom is about to jump a chasm the GM states it It looks further than you can
normally jump, target number 160, Croms player knows his jump skill is only 65% and so he would need a 95 or above to
make the jump. Croms player elects to spend 65 experience points on this action. This means that he now gets to roll d100 +
130. Croms player rolls 45 on the dice for a total of 175. Crom in a moment of extreme pressure leaps the chasm and by the fate
of the gods just makes it!!
Experience Points & Survival
All player characters and some NPCs have experience points. Each character begins play with a number of experience points
(EP) equal to POW x2 statistic rounded up,
A player may spend their EPs in the following manner (All at the GMs discretion):
To increase a skill in a tough situation, a character can up to double a single skill or a stat for the next round by
spending the appropriate number of experience points on a 1 to 1 basis.
Ignore the effects of one critical or fumble, must be spent before the critical or fumble result is rolled (Cost = 100 + the
opponents d100 critical roll result.
If a character has been put into a situation where they are likely to die and can do nothing to avoid the situation the
GM may spend 100 +d100 EPs to change the result to something that will allow the character to survive. EG: Falling
off the castle wall into a cart full of hay rather than breaking their neck on the rocky floor.

D100 Rules
Combat and Damage
Most weapons do damage to Hit Points (HPs) some do only knockout damage.
If HPs are reduced to 0 character is dieing. If HPs are reduced to 0 by knockout damage (KD) the character goes unconscious,
in either case the character needs to get back up to 15 HPs to wake up.
If Major wound threshold is reached in one attack character must roll on the major wounds chart, roll over 100 on d100
+current FPs to remain conscious, remaining FPs are lost at a rate of 5 per round until character goes unconscious.
Most weapons (Guns, swords, etc.) do normal killing damage; some weapons are designed to do knockout damage (Billy club,
fists, choking, etc.) and will be recovered form more quickly. Note that an experienced martial artist (Brawling or wrestling
skill of 101%+) can elect to do killing damage with an unarmed attack rather than knockout damage.
HPs are regained at a rate of 5 per day if resting, 10 per day if in a medical facility.
HPs caused by KD are regained at a rate of 5 per 10 minutes if resting, 5 per 30 minutes if unconscious.
Number of attacks
In normal situations a character can get 1 attack and 1 defense (parry or dodge) per combat round, characters with an attack
skill of 101% or more can have multiple attacks, splitting their weapon skill into two or more attack percentages each of at least
50%. Each defense after the first is at a cumulative 30% to their appropriate weapon skill.
EG: A veteran warrior has Sword attack of 130% and Shield parry of 110% he is being attacked by two orcs. He decides he will
have 2 attacks (70%, 60%) and it turns out he needs two shield parries also. His first attack is at 70%, the first parry is at the full
110% but the second parry is at 80% due to the 30% because it is his second defense, if he needed a third it would be at 50%,
and so on. His Second attack will be at the 60% he had decided on at the beginning of the round.
Success Level and Damage
The basic target number require to hit an unaware opponent in melee is 100, generally a target will be trying to defend himself.
For each % point a characters attack roll beats a defenders defense roll add 1 HP damage. EG: A character with sword skill of
85% attacks and rolls 50% the total being 135%, The defender (sword skill 60%) then rolls 50 for a total of 110. The damage
inflicted on the target is 25 (Success Level) + 30 (Sword Base Damage) + The Attackers Damage Bonus Armour Points
Criticals and Fumbles
A Critical occurs when a roll totals over 100 and has a value on the units dice of 1
When a Critical occurs the character has the following options to choose amongst:
Attack Critical
Attacker gets to call hit location
Double damage
Defense Critical
Damage attackers weapon 10+ Damage Bonus
Riposte at half normal weapon attack
Disarm attacker (attacker rolls Dex +d100 over 100 or drops weapon)
A fumble occurs when a roll total is under 100 and the units dice has a value on the units dice of 0
EG: A roll total of 80,90 or 00 is a fumble, a roll of 110 is not. 00 is always a fumble.

D100 Rules
Major Wound Effects.
d100 Roll
01 - 10
11 20
21 - 30
31 - 40
41 - 50

51 - 60
61 - 70
71 - 80
81 - 90
91 - 92
93 - 94
95 - 96
97 - 98

Caused by loss of more than Total HP in one attack.

Roll d100 +POW vs. 100 to avoid permanent loss of stats.
Severed Leg tendons, or Back Muscles or Spinal Nerve Damage or a shattered knee that cannot bend,
etc. Lose -15 Dex and -15 Move. Can Still fight.
Much of nose hacked away, Scars on hands, loss of an ear, etc.
Lose 15 App, due to these visible scars. Can still fight.
Wrist or hand damage, Some arm, shoulder or thigh muscle cut away, loss of several fingers or toes.
Loss may change what weapons you can wield. Lose 15 Str, Still able to fight.
Punctured lung causes weakened respiratory system or deep stomach wounds, damaged liver or
kidneys, etc. Lose 15 Con and Move, and HPs may be lower, Still able to fight.
Concussion limits listen and insight to 65%, Blows to head limit 3 knowledge skills to 65%, Blows or
cuts which limit depth perception weapons skills maximum of 65%, Cuts to face and neck limit
Bargain fast talk, Oratory and Spoken languages to 65%. Lose 15 INT this may affect ability to cast
magic. Still able to fight.
Loose one arm or Leg, Loose 25 Dex and same amount of Mov. Unable to fight.
As 11 20 but more severe mutilations. Lose 30 Cha.
As 21 30 but more severe cuts. Lose 25 Str, change damage bonus, May also reduce HPs. Still able
to fight.
As 31 40 but more severe wounds to the vital organs. Loose 25 Con or 15 Con and 15 Str. Reduce
Mov by same amount. Reduce HPs. Unable to fight.
Bad facial and vocal cord injuries. Lose 25 Cha, Lower charisma roll accordingly. Still able to fight.
Broken bones and severed ganglia. Lose 25 Dex. Can now only wield 1-h weapons or shields. Still
able to fight.
Nerve damage to an arm. Loose 25 Dex. Hereafter only one arm can wield a weapon or shield. Still
able to fight.
Nerve damage to both arms. Lose 25 Dex. Neither arm can wield anything. Unable to fight
Mutilated by vicious wounds. Lose 15 from each of Cha, Dex and Con. Describe the results. Unable to
Mutilated by vicious wounds. Remove 15 points from any 4 characteristics. Describe the results.
Unable to fight.
Combatant loses 5 HP per combat round from bleeding after receiving a major wound, until they
receive first aid, or other healing.

D100 Rules
Hand to Hand Fumbles Chart
D100 Roll
01 - 06
Slip or Trip on rocks
07 - 12
Slip / Trip on large obstacle
13 - 18
Slip / Trip in pool of blood /
water, etc.
19 - 24
Sweat in eyes
25 - 28

Shield strap breaks

29 - 32
33 - 36

Drop Weapon

37 - 40

Weapon knocked away

41 - 43
44 - 46
47 - 49

Blow to solar plexus

Arm cut, dislocated shoulder
Smash to your face

50 - 52
53 - 55
56 - 58

Unexpected blow from rear.

Heavy hit to head
Heavy hit to head / Helmet
knocked off.
Weapon / Shield breaks

59 - 65
66 68
69 - 71
72 74
75 - 77

Lose next parry, foe may disengage.
Lose next attack, foe may disengage.
Loose next attack and parry, foe may disengage.

78 - 80
81 - 83
84 - 86

Broken or cut nose

Foot jarred, ankle sprained
Loose little finger on one hand
Weapon stuck in opponents
shield or armour.
Leg Cut.
Loose shoe or boot.
Knee smashed or chopped

87 - 89
90 - 92
93 - 95
96 97
98 99

Bloody cut across an eye.

Armour straps cut.
Piece of armour lost.
Hit friend or self
Really bad fumble
Worst possible fumble.

Missile Fumbles Table

D10 Roll Description
Fumbler Slips.
Fumbler Falls.
Fumbler Drops the Missile.
Fumbler Slips and Misfires.
String Breaks, Spearhead
falls off, Gun Jams.
Last available shot.

Parry dodge or move only in next 2 combat rounds. Foe may

Half shield parry until repaired, roll luck plus MPs in shield to avoid
this result.
Automatic miss on next attack in this combat.
5 Dex ranks to recover. Your foe may disengage.
Ignore this result if you parried with a tied on shield.
D10 yards distant,
Ignore this result if you parried with a tied on shield.
You can parry but not attack or dodge for 2 rounds.
You can use a weapon or a shield but not both for the rest or the fight.
Parry and dodge only for next round as you try to wipe blood away
from your eyes. Enemy may disengage. Ignore if wearing a helmet.
You are knocked down. Foe may disengage.
Reel from the impact, attack and parry for 1 round.
As above unless wearing helmet. If so it takes 5 Dex ranks to pick up
You need a new one. Foe may disengage. Roll d100 + MPs in weapon
vs target of 100 to avoid this result.
Deformity is permanent, -5 Cha.
Halve Mov for rest of battle.
Reduce all weapon/shield skills with that hand by 10%
Roll Str 30 vs 100 or more to pull it out.
Halve dodge skill until healed.
Disengage and search to find. Effects depend on terrain and temp.
No dodges, Ride or swim. 25 Move .
Ignore this result if you parried with a large shield.
Attack and parry until successfully healed.
Loose armour on one location until repaired
Loose armour on one location until replaced
Roll luck to decide, Do rolled damage inc Str bonus.
Roll twice on this chart.
Roll three times on this chart.

Cannot fire this round.
Breaks arrow or Spear / Drops Sling Stones. No fire this round.
Can Pick up and fire on last Dex rank.
Hits a random target on his side if possible for normal rolled damage.
No attack this round, takes 3 combat rounds to fix.
Roll d100 MPs in weapon to avoid this result.
Fumbler sees they have left most of the weapons remaining ammunition
unpacked, and this is the last available shot. If the ammunition source is
nearby it will take 2 rounds to fetch it and ready the ammunition.

Melee Weapons, Base Skill = (DEX + STR) /4 (Round Up)

Weapon Name
DB (Knockout)
DB (Knockout)
Dagger / Knife
15 + DB
Short sword
1h Sword
25 + DB
1h Sword
35 + DB
Bastard Sword
1h or 2h Sword 6
45 + DB
Great Sword
2h Sword
50 + DB
35 + DB
Battle Axe
35 + DB
Spear 1h
35 +DB
Spear 2h
40 + DB
Missile Weapons & Modern Firearms (Base Skill = Dex/2)
Weapon Name
Accuracy (%)
Short Bow
0 / +10/ +30
Speed 6
Long Bow
0 / +10/ +40
Speed 7
Light Crossbow
0 / +10/ +30
Speed 10
Heavy Crossbow
0 / +10/ +30
1 per 3 Rnd
.38 Cal Holdout Pistol
0 / +10 / +20
9mm Automatic Pistol
0 / +10 / +20
.357 Magnum Pistol
0 / +10/ +30
.44 Magnum Revolver
0 / +10/ +30
9mm Sub Machine Gun 0 / +10/ +20
2 / *5
High RoF 9mm SMG
0 / +10/ +20
2 / *10
12 Gauge Shotgun
0 / +10/ +30
5.56mm Hunting Rifle
0 / +10/ +40
1 / NA
5.56mm Assault Rifle
0 / +10/ +40
1 / *5
7.62mm Sniper Rifle
0 / +10 / +40 / +70 1
High Cal Sniper Rifle
0 / +10 / +40 / +70 1


Range (Yds)
50 / 150
100 / 400
50 / 150
50 / 250
40 / 100
50 / 150
50 / 200
50 / 250
50 / 150
50 / 150
10 / 50
100 / 400
100 / 400
100 / 800
100 / 1000



3x20 or 50

6 to 9
7 to 15
6 to 10
30 to 50
30 to 50
2 to 8
7 to 15
25 to 40
5 to 15
1 to 10


Base %: starting skill with this weapon.Melee weapons start at (DEX + STR) /2 (Round Up), Ranged weapons start at Dex %
Accuracy: Each number represents the bonus to hit % per action spent aiming. EG: 0/+10/+20 means +10% for aiming 1 action
+20% for aiming 2 actions.
RoF (Rate of Fire): Represents the fire modes of each weapon, a straight number represents the number of shots that can be fire
per action each extra shot gets a to hit minus equal to the weapon SAB (Sustained auto burst) Modifier. EG: An assault rifle has
an RoF of 1 / *5, this means that it can fire 1 shot per action in normal mode or 5 shots per action in full auto mode. Some
weapons may also have a 3 round burst mode. Note all modern firearms have a equivalent speed of 4.
Speed denotes how quickly a weapon can be set up for the next strike. EG: A character with an initiative of 14 decides to attack
twice in a combat round with his broadsword (a speed 5 weapon), the first attack will be on 14 and his second will be on 9 (14
5 ) Note all modern firearms have a equivalent weapon speed of 4.
SAB (Sustained Automatic Burst): This is a penalty, which is applied to each shot from a weapon after the first until the
weapon is re-aimed at a target.
Range: The first number is the weapons medium range (0%), the second the weapons extreme range (-30%). All weapons have
a point blank range (+30%) equal to 3yds or less
Damage: The amount of HP and FP damage each weapon does.
Ammo: The number of shots a weapon can fire before reloading is necessary.

D100 Rules
Light Leather
Hardened Leather
Ring Mail
Scale Mail
Chain Mail
Plate Mail

Vs Blades

Vs Blunt

Vs Missile

-5% on Dex skills
-10% on Dex skills
-10% on Dex skills
-20% on Dex skills
-30% on Dex skills



Custom made only

Custom made only

Kevlar Vest
Kevlar With Plates
Hardened Polymers
Advanced Combat Suit
Dueling Force Shield
Assault Force Shield
Power Armour




-10% on Dex skills
-10% on Dex skills
-20% on Dex skills
-20% on Dex skills


Military only
15 charges
50 Charges
48 hr power cell

Special Combat Maneuvers

Learning Combat Maneuvers
Special combat maneuvers can be learned in much the same way as a weapon skill except the modifiers progress backwards
towards 0%. A character may decrease the negative modifiers of a combat maneuver by spending 100 EPs per d5 reduction.

Automatic Fire (No Modifier)

o Concentrated Fire (Single Target): Roll a dice equal to the RoF of the weapon (EG: d5, d10) roll to hit for
that number of bullets applying the weapons SAB to each round fired.
o Spray Fire (Multiple Targets): Roll a dice equal to the RoF of the weapon (EG: d5, d10) and take 1 from
the total per extra target, Split the result amongst the targets and roll to hit for each bullet applying the
weapons SAB to each round.
o Suppressive Fire: Character fires a number of rounds equal to between 1 and 4 times the weapons RoF, all
targets in the area (Up to 4m) must make a POW vs. Number of rounds fired x5 roll or dive for the nearest
cover and do nothing offensive until good cover has been reached. Each target in the area has a chance of
being hit equal to the weapons RoF.
Blind Fighting (-70%)
o Blind Fighting is a skill which can be learned, it starts at 70% and is applied as a modifier to all attacks
made in a situation where the target cannot be seen (IE: Total darkness, Target Invisible, Etc.)
Break Weapon
o By Bracing Weapon (-50%) If attack is successful, roll a STR Vs Weapon HP Roll to determine is the
weapon breaks. Even if the weapon does not break the attackers DB is applied as damage to the weapon
o With Main Gauche / Sword breaker (-30%) If attack is successful, roll a STR Vs Weapon HP Roll to
determine is the weapon breaks. Even if the weapon does not break the attackers DB is applied as damage to
the weapon
o Inside Long Weapon Range (-50%) If successful the attacker manages to get inside the range of a long
weapon (GM discretion as to what defines long) and cannot be attacked by his opponent normally until he
disengages from combat. Disengaging allows the attacker 1 free attack.
o Body Barge (Corps a Corps) (-50% on Brawling) If successful the attacker gets to roll Str + Damage Vs Str
to cause opponent to be knocked back (Str + Damage /5 yards), also opponent must make a Dex x3 roll to
remain standing.

Shield Barge (-50% on Shield) If successful the attacker gets to roll Str + Damage Vs Str to cause opponent
to be knocked back (Str + Damage / 50 yards), also opponent must make a Dex Vs Str + Damage roll to
remain standing.
o Bear Hug (-50% on Grappling) Attacker cannot be holding any weapon to make this attack. If successful the
attacker gets to roll Str + Damage Vs Str to cause opponent and his weapons to be wrapped up, also opponent
must make a Dex Vs Str roll to keep weapons held.
o Pommel Strike (-50%) If successful the attacker manages to use the but of his a long weapon as if it where a
short weapon and does 10 + DB to his opponent. Useful against those who close to very short range.
Dirty Fighting
o Throw Sand (-50% Brawling) It takes 1 action to gather up sand for this attack. May only be used if
opponent has exposed eyes, if successful opponent can only defend for d5 rounds.
o Trip (-30% Brawling) If successful opponent must make a Dex Vs 100 to remain standing and a Dex Vs 80
roll to keep weapon in hand
o Biting (-30% Brawling) May only be used on exposed skin does 5 + DB damage
o Head Butt (-30% Brawling) May only be used on enemy without helm, does 10 +DB damage and opponent
must make CON Vs 100 or have a broken nose (Can only defend for 2 rounds and 10 App till fixed).
o Using Weapon (-30%) If successful make a Dex Vs Dex roll to determine if the weapon is taken from the at
defenders hands.
o Using Hands (-50%) If successful make a Dex Vs Dex roll to determine if the weapon is taken from the
defenders hands and ends up in those of the attacker.
Entangle Weapon
o Using Weapon (-50%) If successful the attacker gets to roll Str + Damage Vs Str to cause one of the
opponents weapons to be wrapped up, also opponent must make a Dex Vs 100 roll to keep weapons held.
o Using Cloak or Whip (-30%) If successful the attacker gets to roll Dex Vs Str each round to cause opponents
weapons to be wrapped up.
o With Blade (Lunge) (-30%) attacker forfeits his parry and halves his dodge for this round in order to add
twice his DB on this single attack. If successful the attacker must roll Str Vs Damage dome to extricate his
weapon form the target.
o With Spike / Rear of Axe (-30%) Add twice attackers DB on this single attack. If successful the attacker
must roll Str Vs Damage done to extricate his weapon form the target.
o With Main Weapon (-50%) After a successful parry the defender gets to make another attack at half his
remaining attack skill.
o With off hand Weapon (-30%) After a successful parry the defender gets to make another attack with his
second weapon.
Set Defense (-30%) A set weapon gets to add the opponents DB to the damage as well as his own against charging
Strike Vital Spot
o Strike Eyes (-50%) May only be used if opponent has exposed eyes, if successful opponent will be blinded
until medical attention is received.
o Strike Throat (-50%) May only be used if opponent has exposed throat, if successful opponent will begin to
choke, receiving 15 points damage per round due to suffocation, until medical attention is received.
o Strike Groin (-50%) May only be used if opponent has no form of groin protection, if successful opponent
will be unable to do anything but defend for 1d5 rounds.
Throw Weapon
o Large Weapon (Blades and Axes) (-70%) Thrown weapon does half normal damage, it can be dodged or
parried at half normal skill
o Small Weapon (Daggers, Etc) (-50%) Thrown weapon does normal damage, it can be dodged or parried at
half normal skill
Twin Weapons
o Double Attack (-50%) Second weapon can attack in same action at 50%, but defenders subsequent parries
are at 60% because of the two attacks rather than 30%.
o Wall of Metal (-50%) Defender can swing both weapons in defensive arcs about himself adding the second
weapon skill to the first for any parry rolls this round. If a fumble is made on the defense it is rolled at +50%

D100 Magic System

There are 8 main Spheres of Magic, each of which is learnt as a separate skill (0% as Base).
The Spheres are as follows:
Energy Spells that manipulate magical energy or mana directly used in many directly offensive and defensive spells
Time Spells that involve divination, prediction and scrying magic, some powerful spells may even effect times flow.
Elemental Magic affecting the elements. Each element is learned as a separate skill, the elements a player can choose
amongst are:
o Air
o Earth
o Fire
o Water
Flesh Uses Mana to heal or wound living beings.
Mind Can create illusion spells create temporary changes in reality, or ones perception of reality. Also includes the
ability to create false memories, etc.
Death Death or Necromancy spells manipulate the power of death (Summon Undead, Etc)
Planes Magic used for creating gates between places, worlds and planes. Can be used to summon and control
otherworldly creatures and also for teleportation.
Change - Change or transmutation spells can be used to change size, composition, appearance, etc of objects or
creatures. EG: change man to frog, change stone to mud, etc.
When performing magic the caster must roll a success on the appropriate skill for the school of magic at minus the magic points
(MP) being used.
EG: Casting a Minor Illusion (25 MP) requires a roll against (Mind 25%), whereas a Manas Fury (30 MP) requires a roll
against (Energy 30%)
Some advanced spells may require knowledge of two or more schools of magic in the case of such spells a roll is made against
both schools to succeed in casting.
Beginning Spells
Characters start with knowledge of 1 MP of spells per % in the relevant schools of magic. For example a sorcerer with 50%
Combat, and 35% Divination would start with 50 MPs worth of Combat and 35 MPs of Divination Spells. Beginning
characters can only get spells from a maximum 4 of the different spheres.
Learning New Spells
A caster must know the sphere of the relevant spell up to 20% + the spells MPs EG: Learning a 15MP Energy spell requires a
skill of at least 35% (20 +15 %) in the Energy sphere.
A caster must spend time and have a way of learning each new spell, look at the chart below for details. A caster must also have
10% per level of spell being learnt in at least 3 of the following. Arcane/Religious/Plant/Animal/Etc Lore, Read Write
Runic/Religious Script, Research, Other Lore. All these must be appropriate to a characters career as decided by the GM.
Spell Learned from
Book / Scroll
Magic User who knows spell well
Magic User who invented spell

Time to learn
1 week per 5 MP of spell
3 days per 5 MP of spell
1 day per 5 MP of spell

Cost to learn
1000 sp per 5 MP of spell
500 sp per 5 MP of spell
500 sp per 5 MP of spell

D100 Magic System

Level of Success, Criticals & Enhancing Spells
For every % a casters roll beats the target number of the spell being cast he can add 1 Magic Point to the spells total effect.
These extra points can be use to enhance any aspect of the spell (Range, radius, Targets, Duration, Damage, Pow v Pow). A
Critical doubles the effective success level.
EG: a caster with 80% in the Energy Sphere casts Manas Fury (30 MPs) he needs to roll 50% or above, he manages to roll
65% which means he gets 15 extra magic points to enhance the spell, he decides to enhance the damage by 15 points which
means his spell does 30 to all targets in the 4 yard area rather than the normal 15. If he had rolled a total of 121 (a critical) the
effective level of success would allow him 30 magic points to enhance the spell.
Maximum Power Per spell
A caster can put more magic points into a spell if they like up to the total of their INT stat, this also means that spell casters
with a low Int may not be able to cast certain spells.
E.G.: A wizard with 80 INT can cast 80 point spells but could not cast 90 point spells.
Failed Spell Costs
A spell that is not cast successfully costs the normal MP cost. A caster can try to cast a spell as many times as there Magic
Points allow.
Magical Fumbles
When a spell casting is fumbled roll D100 + MP spent and look up the results on the chart below.
Magical Fumbles Results Chart
D100 + MP spent
Fumble Effect
01 60
Magic Points lost no other effect.
61 90
MPs lost, Spell cannot be cast for 1/5th of MPs spent in days.
91 120
MPs lost, Spell cannot be cast for 1/5th of MPs spent in days, loose 15 Int
and Pow for same period.
MPs lost, Spell cannot be cast for 1/5th of MPs spent in days, loose 25 Int
and Pow for same period. Roll 1 chaotic effect.
Chaotic Effects chart
Roll d100
01 - 30
Offensive spell hits nearest friendly target, or self if none available within spells range.
31 - 60
Odd internal Mana effect stretches sanity, -5 San, -5 Pow
61 90
Caster gains one chaotic physical feature, Scales, Weird facial feature, Clawed hand, Knobbles, strange
smell, Sex change, etc -15 APP, -15 San
91 00
Powerful Demonic or netherworld entity takes an interest in the casting and arrives in 3 rounds, to either
make him a slave or kill him.
Burning Hit Points & Stats
In extreme situations a caster may need Magic Points more than they need Hit Points in this case the caster may trade HPs for
MPs on a one to one basis and stat points on a one to three basis during spell casting. This may cause the caster to fall
unconscious. These extra MPs may not be used to power healing spells.
Regaining Magic Points
MPs are regained at 1/8 of total POW statistic per hours rest.
Spell Damage, Armour, Fumbles and Criticals
Spell Damage is normally a maximum of 1 per MP in the spell, the number of targets/attacks or area of effect is as in the spell
description. Armour reduces Physical Damage in the same way as for weapon blows, and can be dodged for half damage.
Magical damage can be resisted by using POW vs. POW for half damage.

D100 Magic System

Spell Components & Places of Power
Most Spells have components, which are required to cast, as standard a spell requires 2 or 3 minor components to cast. Some
spells can be enhanced by using major artifacts or components and by researching the enhanced version of the spell. Generally
the between 5 to 25 points are given to enhance the spell per major item used in the spell casting, or 15 to 75 per major item
destroyed in the spells casting (triple the points). Spell casters can also get more points for casting in areas of special magical
power. EG: Magical Stone Circle, Temple of Ones God, Crossing of Ley Lines, Etc. These extra points do not reduce the
casters chance of casting the spell.
EG: A wizard has managed to find a wyrm heart and research how to use it to enhance his combat magic. In a desperate battle
against a tribe of orcs he decides to use the heart to enhance his Hells Fury spell, the GM declares the wyrm heart a 20 point
item, the wizard decides he will use up the heart in the spell casting and so gets 60 extra magic points to enhance the spell (20 x
3=60). He decides to enhance the spells damage by an extra 45 and its radius by 3 yards (15 points). Thus producing a ball of
flame doing 60 damage to all within a 6 yard range of its impact point.
Summoning & Elementals
Summoning both demons and elementals can be augmented or impeded in much the same ways as with using spell components
and places of power. Large bodies of an element nearby can give up to a +15 MP bonus to summoning an elemental
EG: being near the sea when summoning a water elemental.
Knowing a beings true name can give up to a +25 MP bonus when summoning and binding daemons or elemental lords, this
bonus can be applied to either the duration of the summoning or the POW vs. POW roll to control the entity.

D100 Magic System

Spell Casting Magic Point Costs
Spells cost the base MP Cost for the spell as listed in the Grimoire, plus any extra costs for spell enhancements as listed below.
Spell Enhancements costs
MPs Range
2 yards
5 yards
10 yards
20 yards
1 Yard
40 yards
2 yards
80 yards
4 yards
160 yards
8 yards
320 yards
16 yards
640 yards
32 yards
1 mile
64 yards
2 miles
128 yards
4 miles
256 yards
8 miles
512 yards
16 miles
1024 Yds
32 miles
1 Mile
64 miles
2 Miles
128 miles
4 Miles
156 miles
8 Miles
312 miles
16 Miles
625 miles
32 Miles
1250 miles
64 Miles
2500 miles
128 Miles
5000 miles
256 Miles
10000 miles 512 Miles

1 Person
2 People
3 People
4 People
5 People
6 People
7 People
8 People
9 People
10 People
11 People
12 People
13 People
14 People
15 People
16 People
17 People
18 People
19 People
20 People
21 People
22 People

Duration *
1 Combat Round
1 Minute
2 Minutes
5 Minutes
10 Minutes
20 Minutes
40 Minutes
1 hour
2 hours
4 hours
8 hours
16 hours
1 Day
2 Days
4 Days
1 Week
2 Weeks
1 Month
2 Months
1 Season
2 Seasons
1 Year
2 Years
4 Years
8 Years
16 Years


Pow V Pow***
Mage v Target +40
Mage v Target +35
Mage v Target +30
Mage v Target +25
Mage v Target +20
Mage v Target +15
Mage v Target +10
Mage v Target +5
Mage v Target
Mage v Target 5
Mage v Target 10
Mage v Target 15
Mage v Target 20
Mage v Target 25
Mage v Target 30
Mage v Target 35
Mage v Target 40
Mage v Target 45
Mage v Target 50
Mage v Target 55
Mage v Target 60
Mage v Target 65
Mage v Target 70
Mage v Target 75
Mage v Target 80
Mage v Target 85
Mage v Target 90

Prep Time
1 Month
1 Week
1 Day
1 Hour
1 Minute
1 Round
1 Action

* Duration can only be modified on spells not marked Instantaneous, or concentration, duration also applies to the distanc einto
the past some spells can see and so on..
** Applies to both Damage and Armour/Healing spells.
*** Applies only to mind and spirit effecting or statistic / HP drain type spells.

D100 Magic System - The Grimoire

Energy Spells Physical Attack and Defense Spells
Name: Mana Bolt
Base Magic Points: 15 MP
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 10 Yards
Amethyst spell focus
Type: Combat
Duration: Instant
Spoken Word, Pointing Gesture
Effect: Caster fires bolt of blue energy towards 1 target, caster must roll to hit on his energy spells %,
The spell does 15 points base damage, minus armor.

Name: Force Wall

Base Magic Points: 30 MP
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: Caster, 4 Yard Radius
A Small Sphere of Iron
Duration: 10 Minutes
Spoken Word
Effect: This spell creates a 4 yard bubble of force around the caster and anyone nearby, which reduces
damage by 15 plus level of success. Enemies wishing to enter the sphere must beat the MPs spent
with a strength test.

Name: Manas Fury

Base Magic Points: 30
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 10 Yds, 4 Yds Radius
Small Ball of Sulphur
Type: Combat
Duration: Instant
Spoken Word, Pointing Gesture
Effect: Caster throws a streak of blue energy at a target which explodes and engulfs a 4 yard area in an
intense blast of energy, Roll to hit on energy spell casting, it will be out by 1 yard per 10% failure to
hit. Base damage is 15 to all in the area or half effect to those who manage to dodge.

Name: Mage Armour

Base Magic Points: 15
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 10 Yards
Small Iron Disk worn over the
Type: Combat
Duration: 10 Minutes
Heart, spoken word
Effect: A bluish shimmering effect courses over the targets body. Enhances the targets natural Armour
by 15 plus level of success. The target must be the one wearing the Iron Disk.

Name: Mage Weapon

Casting Time: 1 Combat Round

Base Magic Points: 15

Range: 10 Yards, but Oil must
Small vial of special oil,
touch weapon
Type: Combat
Duration: 10 Minutes
Spoken word
Effect: A bluish shimmering effect courses over the targets weapon. Enhances the targets weapon base
damage by 15.

Name: Optic Blast

Base Magic Points: 30
Casting Time: 1 combat Round
Range: 10 Yards, 4 yard radius
Humanoid Eye, Some Salt
Type: Combat
Duration: 10 minutes
and a Trigger word
Effect: Blinds all targets in a 4 yard radius of casters focus that fail to make a POW vs. POW save,
against the caster. Eyesight returns to target at 10% per 10th of spells duration. IE: 10% per minute.

D100 Magic System - The Grimoire

Time Spells Prediction and scrying magic
Name: Fate Visions
Base Magic Points: 50
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Cards or Coins, Candles,
Type: Divination
Duration: Concentration
Spoken Chanting.
Effect: On a successful roll Caster can get an inkling of the near future of the target. The default of this
spell is 1 season but the caster can look longer or shorter term. If the target is unwilling the caster must
also make a POW vs. POW +15 roll to be successful.
Name: Scrying
Base Magic Points: 50
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 32 Miles
Crystal Ball, Spoken words,
Type: Divination
Duration: 10 Minutes
Candles, Hand Movements.
Effect: On a successful roll the caster gets a vision of an area within the spells range, specified by the
caster. The spells area being viewed can be switched every 5 minutes.
Name: History Visions
Base Magic Points: 45
Casting Time: 1 Hour
Range: 10 Yards
Object or area in question,
Type: Divination
Duration: 10 Minutes
Owls Eye, chanted words.
Effect: Caster can get a glimpse of the recent history of an object. The default time is 1 week into the

Elemental Spells Magic effecting the elements and weather, etc

Name: Summon Elemental
Casting Time: 1 Hour
Type: Elemental

Base Magic Points: 65

Range: 10 Yards
Duration: 1 Hour

Large Body of element,
Spoken Words, Small amount
of appropriate controlling agent.
Effect: Summons an elemental of 45 plus level of success Siz, elemental will do the casters bidding for
an hour if the caster can beat it in a POW vs. POW roll.
Name: Dismiss Elemental
Base Magic Points: 45
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 10 Yards
Type: Elemental
Duration: Instant
Effect: Dismisses a 45 plus level of success Siz Elemental.

Spoken Words, Small amount
of appropriate controlling agent.

Name: Summon Weather (Air

Casting Time: 1 Hour


Base Magic Points: 70 (75)

Range: 1 mile, caster can

Air and Water prepared in a jar
remain unaffected for +5 MP
Type: Elemental
Duration: 1 day but caster must
Spoken Chanting during
chant entire time the weather is
weather change
being changed
Effect: Allows the caster to bend the weather in an area to his will for 1 day, weather will change by 1
weather type per hour under casters direction. Types: Blistering, Fine, Fair, Breezy, Gale, Stormy,

D100 Magic System - The Grimoire

Flesh Spells Magical healing and poisoning, bone breaking spells.
Name: Heal Minor Wound
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round
Type: Healing / Wounding
Effect: Heals a base of 15 HPs

Base Magic Points: 15

Range: 10 yards
Duration: Instant

Salve, Pure Water,
Chanted Words

Name: Heal Major Wound

Base Magic Points: 30
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 10 yards
Salve, Pure Water,
Type: Healing / Wounding
Duration: Instant
Chanted Words
Effect: Heals a base of 30 HPs, Will also Get rid of any scars or damage caused by a major wound.
Will Not Reattach limbs or cure disease / poisoning.
Name: Cause Minor Wound
Base Magic Points: 15
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 10 Yards
Small Vial of Poison
Type: Healing / Wounding
Duration: Instant
Spoken Words
Effect: Causes a base 15 HPs of damage to a single target, if he fails to make a POW+15 vs. Casters
POW save. Armour has no effect.
Name: Cause Major Wound
Base Magic Points: 30
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 10 Yards
Small Vial of Poison
Type: Healing / Wounding
Duration: Instant
Spoken Words
Effect: Causes a base 30 HPs of damage to a single target, if he fails to make a POW+15 vs. Casters
POW save. Armour has no effect.
Name: Minor Purification
Base Magic Points: 25
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Range: 10 Yards
Vial of Pure Water,
Type: Healing / Wounding
Duration: Instant
Spoken Words
Effect: Heals a base of 30 Poison damage from target, and removes the poison from the bloodstream if
the caster makes a POW vs. POT +15 roll successfully.
Name: Major Purification
Base Magic Points: 55
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Range: 10 Yards
Vial of Pure Water,
Type: Healing / Wounding
Duration: Instant
Spoken Words
Effect: Heals a base of 45 Poison damage from target, and removes the poison from the bloodstream if
the caster makes a POW vs. POT roll successfully.
Name: Greater Poisoning
Base Magic Points: 70
Casting Time: 1 Hour
Range: 1 Mile
Vial of Poison, Spoken Words
Type: Healing / Wounding
Duration: Instant
Targets True Name.
Effect: Causes a base of 45 HPs of damage to a single target, if he fails to make a POW+15 vs.
Casters POW save. The targets true name must be known. Armour has no effect.

D100 Magic System - The Grimoire

Mind Spells Create temporary changes in reality, or perception of reality, includes the ability to create false memories, etc
Name: Minor Illusion
Base Magic Points: 25
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 10 Yards, Radius 2 Yds
Small Prism
Type: Illusion
Duration: 10 minutes
Spoken Words
Effect: Creates an illusion of up to 2 yards in radius under the casters control, those viewing it require
POW vs. POW roll to see through it successfully. The illusion is solid but can cause no damage.
Name: Major Illusion
Base Magic Points: 40
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 10 Yds, Radius 16 Yds
Small Prism, Small Ruby
Type: Illusion
Duration: 10 minutes
Spoken Words
Effect: Creates an illusion of up to 10 yards in radius under the casters control, those viewing it require
POW vs. POW roll to see through it successfully. The illusion is solid but can cause no damage.
Name: Greater Illusion
Base Magic Points: 55
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 10 Yds, Radius 128 Yds Small Prism, Large Ruby
Type: Illusion
Duration: 10 minutes
Spoken Words
Effect: Creates an illusion of up to 128 yards in radius under the casters control, those viewing it
require POW vs. POW roll to see through it successfully. The illusion is solid but can cause no
Name: Phantom Warrior
Base Magic Points: 45
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 40 Yds
Small Prism, Prepared Weapon
Type: Illusion
Duration: 10 minutes
Weapon Attacks
Effect: Creates a phantom warrior / monster that is under the casters control, the warrior fights with the
same attack skill as the casters appropriate weapon skill, and must remain within 40 yards of the caster
or disappear. Successful attacks by the warrior do 30 points base damage. The warrior is immune nonmagical damage and has 30 hit points.
Name: Phantom Army
Base Magic Points: 75
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 40 Yds, Radius 16 Yds
Small Prism, Prepared Weapon
Type: Illusion
Duration: 10 minutes
Weapon Attacks
Effect: Creates an illusory Army / monster horde that is under the casters control, the army fights with
the same attack skill as the casters appropriate weapon skill, and must remain within 40 yards of the
caster or disappear. Successful attacks by the warriors do 30 points base damage but the army can only
make 3 attacks per round. The warriors are immune non-magical damage and have 30 hit points in

D100 Magic System - The Grimoire

Necromancy Spells Necromancy spells manipulate the power of death (Summon Undead, Etc)
Name: Animate Skeletons
Base Magic Points: 30+
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 10 Yards
Skeleton, Unholy Water,
Type: Necromancy
Duration: 1 hour
Spoken Words
Effect: Creates an animated skeleton, which will do the creators bidding for 1 hour if he makes a
successful POW v SIZ roll. One extra skeleton can be animated per extra magic point spent.

Name: Speak with Dead

Base Magic Points: 15
Casting Time: 1 Combat Round Range: 10 Yards
Body of the dead,
Type: Necromancy
Duration: 1 hour
Spoken Words
Effect: Allows caster to communicate with the spirit of someone who has died in the last hour, the time
can be extended by spending more magic points. If the spirit is unfriendly the caster must make a POW
vs. INT+15 to make the spirit give him any useful information

Portal Spells Magic used for creating gates between places, worlds and planes. Can be used to summon and control
otherworldly creatures and also for teleportation.
Change (Transmutation) Spells - These spells can be used to change size, composition, appearance, etc of objects or
creatures. EG: change man to frog, change stone to mud, etc.

Copyright Notice: The d100 system is copyright of Dale Cunningham 2002, use of the d100 system in a commercial product
requires the written permission of the author ( under the understanding that it will not be used in any
morally offensive or illegal way and that the author will receive a copy of the final product.

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