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So, based on stuff Solar suggested and trying my hand at creating something akin to Harmony:

Hubris: Imbalance between Stasis and Dynamism

The theory:
Magic is alive. The soul is its source.
Thus, the soul lives as well.
From this, the nature of Wisdom and Hubris arises. Mages recognize that letting their power run lose has negative
consequences, but going too far and placing to many limits on their power and involvement means that their soul
eventually becomes so rigid that they have difficulty exerting their will on the world.
Mages explain this using the most fitting metaphor they could find for the soul: Mankind.
-If a man is let free from all restrictions, with no limits placed upon himself, he becomes feral, losing himself and
becoming a creature of pure instinct. The same occurs with the soul of a mage, where if he removes all restrictions
on it, it will eventually run wild.
-If a man is locked away or reduced to inaction due to his limitations, he stagnates. He stops changing, and his will
atrophies as he accepts his new imprisonment. The soul is the same, as the numerous limits placed on the soul by the
mage leads the soul to eventually stagnate and crystalize, becoming unable to grow or change.
-But if a man is allowed to learn and grow, exploring his limits while still recognizing them, he prospers. The
scientist follows protocol, but pushes the boundaries of his knowledge; the truly just realize that they cannot deal in
absolutes but they still must follow some code. The soul is the same. If a balance is found and perfected, the mage
becomes the best that he could be.
How it is in game
Wisdom 10- Theme "The Crystalized soul"
The soul of the mage has been locked away, the mage removing himself from the world and limiting his power to
nothing. Regardless of the why (fear of consequences, seeking personal enlightenment), the soul has basically
locked his soul away. These limits have pushed the soul to crystalize, becoming so stagnant and rigid that he has
great difficulty imparting his will on the world.
Wisdom 0- Theme "The feral soul"
These mages have lifted all limits on their soul, setting it free. And now that it is completely free, it can act in the
world without the mages control, unleashing itself as it pleases. The mage loses all power
Wisdom 5- Theme "The balanced soul"
At this level, the soul of a mage is balanced. Their soul is fluid yet contained. This is the point that mages strive for,
as it both grants them control while keeping their soul.
Wisdom Brackets
Crystalized: 10

Wise: 5
Wild: 1-2
Mad: 0
The system:
Wisdom 5 is the balancing point, which all acts shift the mage to from.
Test to go up (very loosely defined at this point)
-Limiting your involvement with matters of the Fallen World
-Containing paradox
-Carefully controlled casting, with no effects beyond intended imago
Test to go down
-Uncontrolled casting, which has unforeseen repercussions and/or effects
-Causing a Paradox to occur (Exceeding your Reach, Allowing Sleepers to witness your magic)
-Unleashing paradox
-Placing the Fallen World over the Supernal.
The degree effects the die modifiers, as well as how far the mage is on one end of the scale. The further
a mage slides towards on end or the other, the larger a die bonus he gets to keep from sliding further.
Another criteria that comes into play: How drastically the mage directly influences the world with his
magic. This reflects his personal limits: If he wont use his magic to do more than pass off pieces of
advice, he has limited it significantly. On the other hand, if he wipes out an entire city by unleashing an
earthquake, he has removed a significant limit on what he will do with his power.
For now, I borrowed my chart from the above. I need to work on this more:
10- not influencing the world with magic in anyway.
9- minute tweaks
7-minor, non-permanent changes, indirect influences
5-moderate, non-permanent changes. Mild tweaks of natural order. Minor violations of others
3-permanent changes, drastic alteration of natural order. Major violations of others
1-Invoking massive upheavals of social order. Flaunting the natural order. Drastic violations of others

Benefits of High/Low Wisdom

The higher the wisdom, the mage is more resistant to the negative effects of paradox. Like concrete, the
rigidity of the soul offers stability, making it more effective at resisting the corruptive elements of the abyss.

At the same time, like concrete, the soul is inflexible and not easily able to let the mages will flow into the
world. Thus, the mage has difficulty casting spells on the fly, making non rote or ritual magic difficult.
Those with a lower Wisdom are more susceptible to paradox, but at the same time more readily able
Crystalized: -5 to instant without use of rotes
Rigid: -3 to instant casting without use of rotes
Stagnant: -1 to instant casting without use of rotes
Wise: No penalty
Flexible: +1 to instant casting
Wild: +3 to instant casting
Mad: +5 to instant casting

However, creatures of the supernal recognize a balanced soul, and this mages at
wisdom 5 benefit from this. Those who slide too far in either direction lose this
respect, as the supernal does not appreciate those who lock away its influence or
abuse it.
Crystalized: -5 social rolls involving supernal entities
Rigid: -3 social rolls involving supernal entities
Stagnant: no penalty
Wise: +3 to social rolls involving supernal entities
Flexible: No penalty
Wild: -3 social rolls involving supernal entities
Mad: -5 social rolls involving supernal entities


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