Lesson Headers Turkey Games HighLevel

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Turkey Games (Whose game is it anyway?

By: Mahir Mulasmajic

Turkish Games.-->

Game One: Find the Eye

This game is played in school. One person draws a person's face onto a chalkboard or marker board. One by one,
the person is blindfolded. The person takes a piece of chalk or marker. Then the person tries to place a dot on the
board in the center of the person's eye. The person who makes the mark the farthest away from the eye must pay a
penalty. The other girls choose the penalty.

Game One: Questions and Answers


Where do you play this game? A:__________________________________________________________.

What do you draw on the board? A:________________________________________________________.
Who do you blindfolded? A:_______________________________________________________________.
What do you do with a marker or chalk? A:__________________________________________________.
How do you lose the game? A:____________________________________________________________.
Q: What is your punishment for losing? A:____________________________________________________.

Game Two: Shadows

This game is same as American tag with one change. The students pick one child "it." The other students run around
the yard trying to avoid "it". The one change to this game is that if "it" walks on a students shadow, then he is
caught. The first shadow that "it" steps on becomes the new "it."

Game Two: Drawing Presentation

(Please write down and then draw the four steps of the game)
Step 1: Students p______________________________________________________________
Step 2: Other students run _______________________________________________________
Step 3: You catch a student by ____________________________________________________
Step 4: First shadow that it steps on _______________________________________________

Turkey Games (Whose game is it anyway?)

By: Mahir Mulasmajic

Brazilian Games.-->

Game One: Cinco Marias

Cinco Marias is played in school with two, three, or four students. You need five flat, smooth stones. The game is
similar to jacks. Throw five stones on the floor. Pick up a stone. Second, toss it in the air and catch. Third Step pick
up another stone, and catch the tossed stone before it lands. Repeat this process until you catch all the stones.
Second round, you must grab two stones at a time and catch. Third round grab three stones and catch. Last round
grab four stones and catch. Winner chooses the punishment for other players?

Game One: Questions and Answers


Where do you play this game? A:__________________________________________________________.

What do you need to play the game? A:______________________________________________________.
What do you throw in the air ? A:___________________________________________________________.
What do you do in third round? A:__________________________________________________.
How do you win the game? A:____________________________________________________________.
Q: What is your punishment for losing? A:____________________________________________________.

Game Two: Luta de galo

Luta de galo is Portuguese name for "fight of the roosters" . Two students at a time can play. Split the
students into partners. In this game partners are enemies. Each child tucks a tissue in the back of their
belt or pants. Next grab your left leg with your left arm and hold it up. Players must jump around on
one-legged. While trying to grab t enemies tissue. Disqualification can happen if a student puts their
left leg on the ground.

Game Two: Drawing Presentation

(Please write down and then draw the four steps of the game)
Step 1: Choose ____________________________________________________________________________
Step 2: Tuck in a ___________________________________________________________________________
Step 3: Grab your left leg____________________________________________________________________

Turkey Games (Whose game is it anyway?)

By: Mahir Mulasmajic

Step 4: Jump around__________________________________try to grab


Brazilian Games.-->

Game One: Phong Phang

The students draw straws to find out who is "the fish. The students who is "the fish" is blindfolded and o
turns in a circle three times. Others students hold hands and walk around the fish in a circle. The studenst ask the
question. Catch me dead or alive? What will it be, a dead or alive ? If "the fish" answers "a dead fish,".The students
can move around freely when it comes around to chase them but if it answers, a live fish, everyone must freeze,
even when caught. The fish must guess who the person is and if he guesses right he will be replaced by that unlucky

Game One: Questions and Answers


Where do you play this game? A:___________________________________.

What do you need to play the game? A:______________________________________________________.
What do you sing in the circle? A:_______________________________________________________.
What do you do if the fish says a dead fish? A:_____________________________________________.
When do you freeze? A:____________________________________________________________.
What happens if you are caught? A:____________________________________________________.

Game Two: Hopscotch

Draw a hopscotch design on the ground. Throw a flat stone on square one. It has to land inside the square if outside
or on the line you lose a turn. If your throw was good than jump squares on one foot, skipping the square youre
your stone is on. Always keep your feet inside the squares if step on the line or wrong square you lose your turn.
Pick up the stone on your way back. When you get to the last number, turn around, and hop your way back in
reverse order. When youre on the square before the one with your stone. Grab it while staying on one foot. Then
skip over that square and finish it. Pass the marker on to the next person. First person to finish the course wins.

Game Two: Drawing Presentation

(Please write down and then draw the four steps of the game)
Step 1: Draw the_______and throw_________________________________________
Step 2: If throw____________jump__________________________________skip______________________
Step 3: Always_______________________and pick___________________________________________

Turkey Games (Whose game is it anyway?)

By: Mahir Mulasmajic

Step 4: When______________________________square before _________________.__________________

Step5: Pass the ___________________________First___________________________________________.

Game Three: (Explain a Korean game in steps than draw the steps)

Game Steps:
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________

Turkey Games (Whose game is it anyway?)

By: Mahir Mulasmajic

Round Table Card Game:
1. Bring a pack or two packs of playing cards to class
2. Start by shuffling the pack(s) of cards
3. Deal out 4 cards each
4. Leave the rest of the cards in the card bank on the table facing down.
5. Match numbers or card types.
6. Before a player can put a card down they need to ask a question on the card.
The person who answers is the next player.
7. The winner is the first person to exhaust all the four cards given him or her.

J Jump the next player.
A Reverse
Joker ask next player to pick 4 cards
7 ask next player to pick 2 cards must match the card type.


Finish the game with one of the Power Cards.

What time do you go

to school?

Turkey Games (Whose game is it anyway?)

By: Mahir Mulasmajic

Card Questions and Answers


2.Whats your name?

A: Yes, I would like some __1___

3. How often do you play ___1___?

A: I want a __2__ __1___.

4. What time do you go to school?

5. What do you think about___1____?
6. Do you like ___1____?
7. When is the ___1___due?
8. What does your __1__ look like?
9. Dont forget to bring a __1____.
10. Can you _1_____?
A. What kind of __1___ do you want?
J. Where is Eiffel Tower?
Q. Can you help me find my ___1___?

A: I think __1__ is __2__.

A: Ok, I wont forget to bring a ___1___.
A: Yes, I like __1___
A:I play __1__ every ____2__.
A: My __1___ looks like a ___2____.
A: It is in ________.
A: Yes, I can __2__ __1_.
A: Yes, I can help you find your __1___.
A: The _1__ is due __2__.

K. What are you doing tomorrow?

A: My name is ______.

Joker. Would you like some ___1___?

A: I go to school at _____.
A: I am going to __________.

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