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As it is known, matter and therefore fluid bodies as well, has a
discrete and discontinuous structure, being made up of micro-particles
(molecules, atoms, etc) that are in reciprocal interaction.
The mechanics of fluids studies phenomena that take place at a
macroscopic scale, the scale at which fluids behave as if matter were
continuously distributed.
At the same time, fluids dont have their own shape so are easily
A continuous medium is homogenous if at a constant temperature
and pressure, its density has only one value in all its points.
In what follows we shall consider the fluid as a continuous,
deforming, homogeneous and isotropic medium.
Compressibility represents the property of fluids to modify their
volume under the action of a variation of pressure. To evaluate
quantitatively this property we use a physical value, called isothermal
compressibility coefficient, in which dV represents the elementary variation of the
initial volume, under the action of pressure variation dp.
Thermal dilatation
Thermal dilatation represents the fluid property to modify its
volume under the action of a variation of temperature. Qualitatively, this
property is characterised by the volumetric coefficient of isobaric
n the case of fluids, the molecular cohesion forces have very low
values, but they arent rigorously nil
Viscosity is the property of the fluid to oppose to the relative
movement of its particles.
Eulers equation
We shall further study, for the most general case, the movement
state of a fluid through a volume that is situated in the fluid stream; we
shall not take into consideration the interior frictions(i.e.viscosity), so we
shall analyse the case of perfect (ideal) fluids that are on varied
Bernoulli s equation
Bernoullis equation is obtained by integrating Eulers equation
written under a different form (Euler Lamb), that stresses the rotational
or non-rotational nature of the ideal fluid
The fluid statics hydrostatics is that part of the mechanics of

fluid which studies the repose conditions of the fluid as well as their
action, during the repose state, on solid bodies with whom they come into
Pascals principle:
Any pressure variation created in a certain point in a noncompressible liquid in
equilibrium, is transmitted with the same intensity
to each point in the mass of this liquid.
Archimedes principle
Lets consider a solid body and further to simplify a cylinder,
submerged in a liquid; we intend to compute the resultant of the pressure
forces that act upon it
An object submerged in a liquid is up thrust with an equal force
with the weight of the displaced liquid.
Legea lui Arhimede sau principiul lui Arhimede este o lege a staticii fluidelor, care afirm c un corp scufundat ntr-un fluid este mpins
de ctre fluid, de jos n sus, cu o for egal cu greutatea volumului de fluid dislocat de ctre corp. Aceast for se numete for
arhimedic sau fora lui Arhimede. A fost descoperit n mod empiric de ctre Arhimede n secolul al III-lea .Hr. i demonstrat n secolul
al XVI-lea. Uzual, se poate vorbi i de legea plutirii corpurilor, dei, - important -, nu toate corpurile scufundate ajung s pluteasc
datorit forei arhimedice.

Volumul corpului fiind egal cu volumul de lichid dezlocuit avem

, care este tocmai greutatea acestui volum. Am notat
nivelul la care se afl peretele superior al paralelipedului, dar se vede c for a arhimedic este independent de acest nivel (ca i de
greutatea corpului!). Depinznd de greutatea volumului de lichid dezlocuit, depinde de accelera ia gravita ional.

Kutta Jukovskis theorem

Let us consider a cylindrical body normal on the complex plane,
the outline C being the crossing curve between the cylinder and the
complex plane.
Ecuaia lui Bernoulli pentru un fluid ideal
In fluid dynamics, Bernoulli's principle states that for an inviscid flow of a nonconducting fluid, an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs
simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy.[1][2] The principle is named after Daniel
Bernoulli who published it in his book Hydrodynamica in 1738.[3]
Bernoulli's principle can be applied to various types of fluid flow, resulting in what is loosely denoted as Bernoulli's equation. In fact, there
are different forms of the Bernoulli equation for different types of flow. The simple form of Bernoulli's principle is valid forincompressible
flows (e.g. most liquid flows and gases moving at low Mach number). More advanced forms may in some cases be applied to compressible
flows at higher Mach numbers (see the derivations of the Bernoulli equation).

P1 + 0.5 * * v12 + h1g = P2 + 0.5 * * v22 + h2g

Ecuaia lui Euler.

Formula lui Euler spune c, pentru orice numr real x,

Ecuaia lui Navier-Stokes

Ecuaiile NavierStokes , numite aa dup Claude-Louis Navier i George Gabriel Stokes, descriu micarea fluidelor. Aceste ecuaii au
luat natere prin aplicarea legii a doua a lui Newton la micarea fluidelor mpreun cu ipoteza c tensiunea fluidului este proporional cu
gradientul vitezei (fluid Newtonian), la care se adaug gradientul presiunii.

Network profiles
Several profiles that are in the stream of fluid are in reciprocal
influence, behaving in a different manner within the assembly, rathe r
than solitary. Networks of profiles are often met in practice in the
hydraulic or pneumatic units, propellers, etc
The stationary wave
The stationar wave is a particular case of wave composition. The
two composed waves have the same characterstics, but going in the
contrary sens. Practicaly, a stationary wave is obtain when traveling
wave beat a vertical wall, the reflected wave superposing the initial wave.
10.1 Basic equations
Waves are the free surface movements produce by:
- wind;
- Moon attraction;
- earthquakes;
- movements of bodies on the water or nearby;
- movements of frontiers.

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