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On a lunar eclipse last summer, in an old abandoned village, a weird thing happened, a dark
entity rose from the ruins. This ancient being was known by the name of VLAD DRACULA. He
immediately started assembling his dark forces and from the graves rose many mysterious
creatures never seen before.
Ninja and assassin were in a nearby village on a secret mission, suddenly the dracs eyes fell on
assassin and he kidnapped her. She will be my queen he said. Ninja was no match for his dark
forces and was unable to protect his little sister.
Barely surviving this grave encounter, the ninja went to pray to the gods for help. THUNDER
GOD answered his prayers and sent his mighty warriors to help. Thunder striked in front of ninja
and he was suddenly surprised to see warriors emerging from the jolt of lightening.
I, Paladin who has divine shield will help those who in trouble
I am Druid, and possess vast knowledge to eliminate the evil
i am Champion. I Bash, stun and kill. Ha ha ha
I am Spirit mage and I am here to help

Ninja thanked the god and told the warriors about the evil entity that had appeared and asked for
the help. Spirit mage said Ill go and look for my friends, they can help us. You all should go
directly to defeat this evil and so they went in different directions.

Ninja took everyone to the village where the drac lived. As soon as they enter the area, they
encounter army camps filled with griffin and treant. They cleared those camps like a piece of
cake. This is a waste of my time says champion but the serious look on ninjas face while he
was starring the castle made all them serious.

Going through the maze of walls to reach the castle, they suddenly got ambused by mysterious
dark characters named succubus, grizzly reaper, aries, moltanica and atlanticore.
Their attacks deflected back to them by atlanticore, their attack speed and attack strength
decreased by poisonous breath of moltanica, and death lash of succubus, their energy reduced by
aries and quick blows from the reaper made the allied force to loose. The master says goodbye
said the succubus holding ninja in hand. The forces had given up when suddenly spirit mage
arrives with his friends The deity of Love CUPID, The mighty duke PUMPKIN DUKE.

Cupid immediately launches her cupid arrow towards druid which filled his energy bar and
allows him to heal everyone. I am not here to watch, lets CELEBRATE yall said the pumpkin
duke and he goes procing increasing everyones strength and speed to double, quadruple and
beyond. The dark forces were no match for the new allied forces and they all vanished in a single
blow for the spirit mages missile.

All were happy escaping death from so close while Druid said lets not celebrate now, we still
have 1 enemy left. Hey! Dont take celebration away, thats my speciality said pumpkin duke
while they all were moving towards the gate of castle.

They enter the castle and see vald Dracula sitting in front of them. Give me back my sister said
ninja. You think you have won?, how unfortunate for you drac said. Ill tell you who is
unfortunate said champion and the epic battle begins.
Everywhere you can see bats, arrows, hammers flying and this was definitely a match the group
had not expected. The drac alone was handling them but eventually they got the drac cornered
and were about to kill him when he started murmuring some words vackto encha.ota
dothace and suddenly another being rose from the ground of the castle. He was dracs long
lost Egyptian brother IMMORTEP.
Good to see you back brother said immortep and they both started procing together. Their
attack was so strong that there was no escape and all heroes were caught in their attack. They all
were taking constant damage while being in a stunned position. The drac regained all his health
with his ability by stealing it from the forces. It was the end for them. Everyone started praying
for help as they saw their end. No one can defeat us when we are together both drac and
immortep said simultaneously when suddenly a bolt of lightning fell on immortep vanishing him
again. The thunder god had listened their prayers again and attacked the evil from the heavens.
At the same time, the draculas proc limit was reached and he was helpless for few seconds. This
was the right time to strike and with the help of pumpkin duke and cupids buff, the ninja attack
had increased by 900% allowing him to make a one time ultimate slash attack. This is for my
sister said ninja killing drac in just one epic hit. The castle started crumbling and falling so
quickly the allied forces entered the dungeons and freed the ninjas sister. They ran as fast as the
could and on reaching a safe ground, they saw the whole castle buried in the ground. Ninja and
assassin thanked everyone and they all went separate ways knowing that they have made lifelong

Rumor has it that you can still see few bats flying in night of that base looking for a victim to
suck energy from so that the vamp can return back.


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