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Band of Brothers Mens Ministry - 2015

Acts The Gospel Unleashed

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will
be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends
of the earth."
Acts 1:8
Study 11

Acts 8:1-25
Discussion Questions

1. In Acts 8:1-3, what are some important character traits about Saul
(later converted and called Paul) that we get a preview of? (Think
about what role he played in the Stoning incident, the things he
witnessed and heard, and how he responded in v3).

2. What was the result of the stoning of Stephen and persecution of

the Church? (v4)

3. Of those who dispersed during the persecution, what was Philip

doing and what was the outcome of his work? Do you think it was
different than what the common layperson was doing?

4. Why is it recorded that the Samaritans who had come to believe the
good news that Philip preached were baptized (v12), but it wasnt
until the Apostles (Peter and John) arrived and laid hands on them,
they received the Holy Spirit (v17).

5. In v13 we read that Simon believed and was baptized, but in v2021, Peter tells Simon, May your money perish with you, because
you thought you could buy the gift of God with money your heart
it not right before God. What kind of faith did Simon have? Are
there examples in scripture of this type of faith? Do you know a

Faith Lesson
What did you learn from Acts 8:1-25 that you desire to apply to your
own life?

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