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Double your
pleasure and hers
with this one
simple technique.

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Every couple's relationship is unique. This manual provides
suggestions that are known to work for the majority of our society.
However, some or all of the suggestions may not be appropriate for
your situation. Anything that doesn't sound correct for you probably
isn't. You may need to seek professional or medical counseling for
your specific sexual problems.
The reader shall hold the author and publishers harmless from any
damage that may result from relying upon the contents of this
While the author and publisher have used reasonable efforts to
include accurate and up-to-date information in this manual, there
are no warranties, or representations as to the accuracy of such
information and no guarantee or promise about effects and
treatment of any relationship is given. The information provided in
this report is for guidance only and if your relationship problems are
serious you should be under supervision of a qualified therapist,
counselor, or doctor.
Before undertaking any new sexual techniques, you should seek
medical advice from your physician, family doctor, or a qualified
The author assumes NO liability for the contents of this manual,
which may or may not be followed at your own risk. Any liability for
any impact, problems, or damages is expressly disclaimed.
And a final important note this one about plagiarism!
You DO NOT have permission to resell this information. You DO NOT
have permission to give it away to someone else. This information is
provided under a license that lets you read it, use it FOR YOUR OWN
USE, but not give it away, make copies, sell it or resell it.
Thank you!

Table of Contents
Understanding the Importance of Sex ........................ 5
Take Sex to a New Level Known By Few .............................. 5
The Beginnings of Tantra Sex ........................................... 6
How Pleasure Center Sex Is Unique .................................... 7
Why the Pleasure Center Technique? .................................. 8
Hours and Hours of Sex ................................................. 10
Why I'm Qualified to Teach You Pleasure Center Sex .............. 11

You May See Yourself Here ................................... 13

Three Versions of Sex ................................................... 13
What Internet Porn is Doing to Some Men ........................... 14
The Coolidge Effect ..................................................... 16
The Passion Cycle ........................................................ 18
What Pleasure Center Lovemaking Does for You ................... 19
Why Sex is So Important to Us ......................................... 20

Enjoy Sex As Often and For As Long As You Want ....... 23

Enjoying Conscious Sex Whenever You Want ........................ 24
Your Brain on Sex ........................................................ 25
Pleasure Center Lovemaking Technique ............................. 26
Never Getting to 10 ..................................................... 27
Starting Slow and Staying Slow ........................................ 28
What to Expect ........................................................... 28

Practicing By Yourself ......................................... 30

Kegels Make Your Sex Life Better ..................................... 30
Kegel Exercise Session 1 ................................................ 31
Kegel Exercise Session 2 ................................................ 32
When You Know the Kegel Exercises are Working .................. 33
Don't Over Do the Kegel Exercises..................................... 34

Practicing With Your Woman ................................. 35

Get Your Woman Involved .............................................. 35
Relaxing and Focusing ................................................... 36
Root -v- Tip ............................................................... 36
Practicing With Your Woman ........................................... 37
What to Try ............................................................... 39
What Happens Next...................................................... 41
Karezza Is Not Selfish ................................................... 41

If There Are Problems, There Are Answers ............... 43

Not Lasting as Long as You Want ...................................... 43
Becoming Connected .................................................... 44
Overcoming Low Libido ................................................. 45
The Problem of Not Coming At All .................................... 46
Focus On Yourself ........................................................ 46
More Benefits and Problems Pleasure Center Lovemaking Solves
............................................................................. 48

Other Things to Know About

Pleasure Center Lovemaking ................................. 50
Good Relationship Don't just Happen ................................. 50
Pleasure Center Sex Could Make Society Better .................... 51
Your Needs Don't Have to Match All That Closely ................... 52
The Many Aspects of Karezza .......................................... 53
The Practice of Injaculation ........................................... 54

Pleasure Center Lovemaking for Couples ................. 58

A Wonderful Enriching Bonding Experience .......................... 58
Before Having Pleasure Center Lovemaking ......................... 59
Setting the Tone ......................................................... 59
When Everything Is Ready .............................................. 61

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Understanding the Importance of Sex

Understanding the Importance of Sex

Almost all of us have experienced moments of sexual ecstasy. It's
What you
are about
to discover
your life
for the
better and

a feeling of exhilaration and utopia. It's the most blissful feeling

known to man and woman. It connects man and woman like no
other experience that humans are capable of. Intense sexual
experiences are our greatest source
of pleasure.

Take Sex to a New Level

Known By Few
Humankind has been enjoying sex
literally forever. For thousands upon
thousands of years we have studied
the pleasure of sex and the most
pleasurable techniques have been
handed down through the years.
Has anyone ever shared these most
ancient joys with you?
Sexual paradise goes by several names. A few are Tantric Sex,
another comes from the philosophy of Dasoism, and a more
modern name is Karezza. If you're not familiar with these words
and practices, you are missing out on your birthright to truly
euphoric sex and the pleasure of a lifetime.

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starts right

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Understanding the Importance of Sex
Once you learn the best way to have sex you will discover new
joys of the erotic and expand mere seconds of orgasm into a
lifetime of sexual fulfillment.
I call this Pleasure Center Lovemaking or Pleasure Center Sex. It
shows you how to open your heart, your lover's heart, your most
inner emotions, and connects your true sexuality with that of
your partner.
This is how you and your lover become the soul mates that both
of you strive for.

The Beginnings of Tantra Sex

Since man began carving in wood, sex has been immortalized
through the centuries. While
there are many ancient writings
enlightening us to the best sex
ever, I'm going to focus on Tantra
to make a few important points.
Some 6,000 years ago, Tantra
challenged the beliefs of the time
Do you
want to
live the
to the

that sex should be repressed in

favor of seeking a higher spirit.
Instead, Tantric sex purported
that within the short time we
have a human body, sex is the

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Understanding the Importance of Sex
doorway to the divine and earthly pleasures. It declared that
eating, dancing, and creative expression are sacred acts.
The origins of Tantra can be traced to ancient India. The word
means "to manifest, to expand, to show and weave". When taken
This is what
most of us
seek in our

in context, it tells us that sex expands consciousness and weaves

a man and woman together as a harmonious soul.
Although Tantra was practiced as a religion or philosophy in it's
day, couples do not need to adopt the entire set of beliefs to
benefit from the sexual wisdom our long forgotten forefathers
handed down to us.
Tantric sex does not come with a long list of rules. It doesn't tell
you how to make your woman have multiple orgasms (although
almost certainly she will). It leaves almost all of the sexual
creativity up to you and your woman. There is only one strongly
suggested practice.....
Karezza sexual practices teach us to prolong the act of
lovemaking and use the potent orgasmic energies we are
capable of more effectively and efficiently.
Karezza sex suggests we forego orgasms in favor of a much more
pleasurable sexual experience.

How Pleasure Center Sex Is Unique

Pleasure Center Sex will increase your sexual enjoyment, greatly
extend your lovemaking ability, and keep you and your partner in
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Understanding the Importance of Sex
the moment. The first thing that is different about Pleasure
Center Lovemaking is you slow down, relax, and breathe slowly.
Just the opposite of the fast pace, muscle tensing, and panting
associated with orgasmic sex.
Expanding to
the spiritual
aspect raises
the pleasure

Pleasure is experienced spiritually as well as physically. It is not

linear the way orgasmic sex has the single purpose of achieving a
climax. Instead, the goal here is to approach sex as something
mystically sensual and even sacred.
It's to be experienced slowly and without a beginning, middle,
and end. The journey is what is important, rather than reaching
the end. While you can chose to have an orgasm to end the sex
session, most Pleasure Center practitioners chose not to for a
variety of reasons.
What Pleasure Center Sex is NOT is a fetish or sex game. It's a
pure and clean human experience that is more enjoyable than
falling in love the first time. For everyone and for every
experience it's about creating your own connection.

Why the Pleasure Center Technique?

What you have learned from pornography and Hollywood is far
from the best sex techniques you can experience. What porn and
Hollywood offer is the best sex techniques for video taping. The
reverse cowgirl with the woman on top facing away from the
man makes great video because you can see both faces in the
same scene but it's not the best sex position for most of us.
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Last longer and Prosper

Understanding the Importance of Sex
If your thing is taking video of you
and your partner having sex, porn
and Hollywood will teach you what
you need to know.
If you want multiple out of this world
sexual experiences, Pleasure Center
based sex is what you need to learn.
Your life is
about to
better in

Besides the pleasure, Pleasure

Center Lovemaking helps many men
over come many major problems
they have with sex:
Too much porn causes men to
lose interest in real women.
Many men can't come without fantasizing about porn or a
sexy movie star.
Some men find it all but impossible to come inside a
woman and have to resort to masturbation
Some men have very little experience with sex and want to
know more before being with a woman.
The reasons for Pleasure Center Sex goes on and on but can
mostly be boiled down to one fact. We don't get enough pleasure
in our lives. As human beings we thrive on sex and Pleasure
Center Sex is at the top of the pleasure list. Unless you prefer
being a martyr, you need to at least try these techniques.
Copyright 2012 Calworth Glenford LLC.

Trust me
on this for
now but
soon you
will prove
it to

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Understanding the Importance of Sex
Pleasure Center Sex goes way beyond bringing you a few minutes
or hours of sexual pleasure. It changes your life in many ways. It
gives you a sense of prosperity and the feeling that your life is
full - that you have plenty of everything you need and want.

Hours and Hours of Sex

A Penn State survey of 50 sex counselors concluded that the
average length of time for intercourse is 3 to 13 minutes with 3
to 7 minutes being desirable. Time of intercourse was measured
as beginning when the penis enters the vagina and ending when
the man ejaculated.
Pleasure Center intercourse typically lasts at least a half hour
and with practice can last more than an hour. Here's why...
The traditional sex that most of us engage in is all about
stimulating the genitals of both the man and the woman until
orgasm is achieved. We tense up our muscles and our breathing
becomes shallow and rapid. The only point of the sex is obtaining
an orgasm and all of our effort focuses on that single goal. The
stimulation becomes more intense as the orgasm approaches.
Finally the climax is reached. According to Dr. Sari Locker, the
average male orgasm lasts 15 seconds and for women the
average is around 30 seconds.
Pleasure Center Lovemaking is NOT about stimulation. It's about
sensation. The difference is incredible just as the results are. I'll
go into depth about the instructions later but instead of tense
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Understanding the Importance of Sex
muscles and heavy breathing it involves relaxing and normal
breathing. You control the level of sexual sensation you
experience and this allows you to postpone and even avoid
orgasming altogether. Hence, this relaxed sex technique allows
intercourse for any length of time you and your partner chose.

Why I'm Qualified to Teach You Pleasure Center Sex

I'm Sam Cook and I've been around about half of a century. I had
trouble with sex in my youth. Women tried to get me to have sex
with them when I was as young as 12 but I freaked out. My
friends were having sex in junior high school but not me. I was
lame with women in my youth.
As a young man, I had an early business partner that had a gift
for picking women up. He was a pick up artist and taught me his
tricks. Suddenly it was easy for me to pick up women. I dated
some of them and had one nightstands with a few. I became
convinced that was the life for me and that I would never
commit to a long term relationship.
Until I met an incredible women at a singles event. No more than
15 minutes into our first conversation, I was convinced that I'd
marry this women. That was more than two decades ago and
we're still married and extremely happy.
Like most married couples, over the years, our sex life became
routine and even mundane to some extend. It had once been
thrilling and more than satisfying. I wanted that back.
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Understanding the Importance of Sex
I started studying Tantric, Daoist, and Karezza sex. It changed
You too
can have a

my entire approach to sex for the better. Today, my wife and I

have sex almost every day and intercourse lasts for between half
an hour and an hour. Our life together has always been good but
now it keeps getting better and better every day.
I make no secret of what we do and how we do it. Sam Cook is a
pen name. I'm a rather well known person and although
discussing sex doesn't bother me, there are people in my other
businesses and life. Some other people that I know disagree with
my opinion about openly discussing sex. I don't want to offend
them so I use a pen name.
One last fact about my qualifications. I moderate one of the
larger online forums for people with sex problems. If I haven't
personally experienced something, I've consulted with experts on
the subject. Usually several times.
With that out of the way, let's take a look at some of the key
draw backs with traditional highly stimulating sex...

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You May See Yourself Here

You May See Yourself Here

Do you want to grow old as soul mates or arguing evermore? Keep
with the traditional type of sex and there are chemical reasons
in your body that may
dictate that you have less
sex and more arguments. Use
the Pleasure Center
techniques and you'll almost
certainly become closer and
happier with each other as
time goes by.

Three Versions of Sex

For millions of years the primary reason for having sex has been
procreation. This is the mating drive version of sex. Today, there
are some seven billion of us humans on the planet. However, as
recent as during the Roman Empire it's estimated that there
were as few as 50 million of us. Mating sex has certainly done its
job and shortly we'll look at the very long term effect this has on
how the male brain deals with sex. It's something called the
Coolidge Effect.
Another of the three types of sex we engage in is recreational
sex. There are many versions of this. A few include the
anticipated weekly Saturday night sex with your regular partner,
men seeking out prostitutes, masturbation, and more recently in
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You May See Yourself Here
the human experience - internet porn. Internet porn addiction
has become a big problem that we'll deal with shortly.
It's a new Finally, what we are mainly dealing with in this course is spiritual
experience sex. Spiritual sex is different from procreation and recreational
that you
sex in the fact that ending in an orgasm is Not the goal. Instead,
must try

the journey is more important than the destination.

What Internet Porn is Doing to Some Men

Men can easily become addicted to internet porn. This can have
I hope this
isn't you
but if it is,
you simply
must stop
to truly
enjoy sex

devastating consequences to your sex life. I've known men that

can't get up and go to work without masturbating to internet
porn first. And then they get in trouble at work because they're
using their employer's resources to view porn instead of doing
their work.
Internet porn addiction is progressive. Eventually, heterosexual
sex scenes are no longer enough to get some men hard so they
can masturbate. They turn to fetish sex, homosexual sex, and
other variations of sex they never thought about before.
And that's not even the worst of it...
When an internet porn addition gets bad enough, a man can't
have sex with his woman any more. He develops a self-induced
erectile dysfunction. A real woman no longer does anything for

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You May See Yourself Here
Internet porn is different from the dirty magazines your father
and grandfather used to hide in their sock drawer. The truth is,
until a few years ago most men were never exposed to anywhere
near the amount of porn in a lifetime that they can view in a
single evening today.
It's about the Coolidge Effect and the Chaser Effect. First the
Chaser Effect and internet porn. The Chaser Effect is caused by
the hormone dopamine. This hormone tells your brain it wants
another orgasm. It's where the word "dope" comes from to
describe a drug addict. Dopamine brings on the Chaser Effect, a
strong desire for another orgasm.
As more and more porn is viewed, the dopamine hardwires your
brain. It creates a nerve circuit that is very easy for the
dopamine to flow through. That's what causes the addiction.
With the old fashion Playboy magazines, men might have 20
pictures of nude women to look at each month. With internet
porn, they can easily see ten times that much or more, in a
single viewing. The dopamine starts gushing through their brains.
It might be
time to
make a
change in
your life

If internet porn is a problem that you suffer from and you can't
have sex with a real women, Pleasure Center Sex can help you.
But first you have to completely stop viewing porn for a couple
of weeks. Following what you will learn in this course will
replace that dopamine with the "love hormone" Oxytocin and you
will feel soooo much better.
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You May See Yourself Here
Next is what you need to know about the Coolidge Effect...

The Coolidge Effect

The Coolidge Effect is also known as the Mating Drive. It comes
from our primitive (caveman) past as the way men spread their
seed to produce as many healthy children as possible. The
Coolidge Effect is not limited to humans. It has been observed in
every mammal species that has been studied. And it has been
studied a lot.
The most frequent study has been with mice. What has been
observed is that a male mouse introduced to a willing female will
copulate several times but will then become tired of the same
female and stop although the female encourages him to continue.
However, when repeatedly introduced to new females, the same
mouse will copulate until exhaustion. This is the primitive male
brain at work. He stops having sex with the same mate when he
is reasonably sure that she should be pregnant. He repeatedly
has sex with multiple partners with the intent of spreading his
seed to have as many children as possible.
Effect in

The Coolidge Effect shows up in many scientific studies. For

instance, many sex therapists treating men and couples for
erectile dysfunction state that it's not uncommon for the man to
secretly reveal to the therapist that although he suffers erectile
dysfunction with his long term partner, he has a mistress on the
side and ED is not a problem with her.
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You May See Yourself Here
The Coolidge Effect received it's name in a peculiar manner. The
name came from a joke once
told by former president
Calvin Coolidge. It seems the
President and his wife were
on a tour of an experimental
government farm. Each was
being shown around by
separate guides. Mrs.
Coolidge came across a
chicken yard where a rooster
was heatedly engaged in sex with the many different hens
available. She asked the chicken yard attendant how often this
took place. The reply was dozens of times every day. Mrs.
Coolidge commented that the attendant should be certain to
point this out to the president when he visited the chicken yard.
The attendant obliged the first lady. Upon being told, the
President asked, Same hen every time? The reply was, Oh, no,
Mr. President, a different hen every time. The President
replied: Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge.
The reason I bring up the Coolidge Effect is that erectile
More good dysfunction is more often a mental state than a physical state in
news about
Pleasure long term relationships. The good new is that Pleasure Center
Lovemaking often overcomes erectile dysfunction.

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You May See Yourself Here
Another almost universal symptom of orgasm-based sex is the
Passion Cycle.

The Passion Cycle

You might be intrigued by the words the Passion Cycle but you
won't be as soon as you understand it. The Passion Cycle is about
chemicals released in the brain during orgasm that cause both
men and women to lose interest in sex after orgasm.
The truth is that orgasms leaves us mentally unhappy. The first
sign of the passion cycle is when the man rolls over and goes to
sleep following orgasm or gets up and leaves. Clearly, he is done
with his current partner.
Another sign of the passion cycle is the fact that most men can't
get another erection after orgasming with a long term partner.
Yet, the same man can immediately obtain a new erection if
another woman comes on the scene.
Typically, the passion cycle lasts about one week for men and
can last close to two weeks for women. During this time, long
term partners can become moody towards each other and
generally don't want to spend much time together. It lasts up to
two weeks in women because that is about how long it takes her
primitive brain to determine if she is pregnant from that
particular man.
Orgasms lead couples to be more distant from each other
because the physical contact is so short and the emotional
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You May See Yourself Here
communication is almost nonexistent. Most women will attest to
this because many are always looking for a stronger emotional
Your love attachment in the relationship. While men don't often admit
life is about their need for a more emotional relationship, you want it and
to become
you won't want to live without it after practicing what you learn

in this course.

If you have ever had a confusing sexual relationship, it was more

than likely caused by orgasms.
The chemical dopamine is released in the brain during the lead
up to orgasm. Dopamine is also called the "feel good" hormone.
With orgasmic sex, dopamine tells the brain that it wants and
needs another orgasm.
Dopamine conflicts with the passion cycle that drives couples
apart. It's this conflict and confusion that brings long term
couples together for there ritual "once a week" orgasmic sex - as
brief as it is.
Are you
ready for

You no longer need to settle for sex that creates drama and
tension in your long term relationship. Pleasure Center
Lovemaking minimizes the dopamine by replacing it with the
"love hormone" - Oxytocin.

What Pleasure Center Lovemaking Does for You

Pleasure Center Lovemaking is about raising the levels of
oxytocin in your body. Oxytocin is mainly produced by the
posterior pituitary and secreted into the blood. Oxytocin is also
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You May See Yourself Here
secreted within the brain and from a
few other tissues, including the
ovaries and testicles.
Increased levels of oxytocin have been
found to produce many positive
benefits. It was originally found to be
released in pregnant women in large
quantities to naturally ease the birth
process. It was soon found to increase
the bonding between mother and
child as a result of breast feeding.
On going studies have found that it amplifies the bonding for
both men and women. In adult relationships it has been found to:
Only a few
of the many
benefits keep

Dramatically increase passion resulting in soul mating sex.

Stops the repulsion that comes from the passion cycle.
Creates deep feelings.
The very deepest love and passion any human can have.

Why Sex is So Important to Us

As a man, your sex drive makes you a hunter. Women are
different. Their sex drive makes them to want to create a home
out of a cave.
Men love sex and we are very forward about getting what we
want. Most of us feel that we don't get enough - that dopamine
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You May See Yourself Here
feel good hormone at work but
in conflict with the passion
cycle. The truth is most of us
don't get as much as we want.
As Sigmund Freud would say,
not getting enough sex flows
over into all of the other
Soon you
will feel
you are
plenty of
sex and
have plenty
in your life

aspects of our lives. It makes us

want toys and electronics and
other stuff. We never feel like
we have enough of anything. As
long as we are not sexually fulfilled, we want more of everything.
You can have a perfectly good woman and still want a different
What you are learning is that the ancient eastern sex techniques
fulfill your sex needs. You'll soon be having as much sex as you
want and your desires will be fulfilled. You can still have your
toys and maybe even become wealthy but you will feel that you
already have plenty and you won't do it out of greed.
The personal qualities that you develop from Pleasure Center Sex
will attract women, wealth, and other things you want in your

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You May See Yourself Here
With Pleasure Center Sex, you decide when and how much sex
you want. You decide how long the sex goes on - half an hour, an
hour, an hour and a half. It's no more complicated or difficult to
do than it is deciding what you want for lunch or dinner. The
decision is completely up to you. Make a plan and enjoy.

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Enjoy Sex As Often and For As Long As You Want

Enjoy Sex As Often and For As Long As You Want

Most people's knowledge of sex is limited to what they learned
when they when through puberty. Sex education teaches kids
about the mechanics of sex, encourages safe sex, and tries to
tell them to wait until they are older to have sex. And if they are
going to have sex to use a condom.
Of course, most teenage boys know more about the internet than
their parents so they can
easily access online porn
even if their parents try
to prevent it.
And 13 year old boys
learn about sex from
other 13 year old boys or
the much more
experienced 14 year
From masturbation and intercourse, we learn how to achieve a
very short burst of pleasure as a climax or orgasm that ends the
sex session in mere minutes.
Bottom line is society does a terrible job educating us about
something so important to the human experience as sexual
enjoyment. Internet porn, Hollywood movies, sex education, and
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Enjoy Sex As Often and For As Long As You Want
We've had other teenage boys do nothing to teach us how to best enjoy sex.

the answers
Yet it's been handed down to us in the teachings of ancient
of years

Enjoying Conscious Sex Whenever You Want

Sex is like everything else in the world. You can learn about it
and become better at it. You can learn what the masters of
Tantra and Daoism learned and pasted along.
Conscious sex is what Daoist, Tantric, and Karezza sex is all
about. It's about learning how to best enjoy sex, managing it and
mastering it. Instead of 15 seconds of orgasm, you can have
minutes and hours of the best pleasure you will ever enjoy.
Pleasure Center Sex brings you:
The ability to stay hard much longer.
More pleasure in your life.
Solves issues with premature ejaculation.
Solves issues with not being able to come.
Solves multiple issues with erectile dysfunction
If you can't get hard.
If you can't sty hard.
If you don't get hard enough.

It will be a complete break through for you. Never lack for sexual
pleasure again. No more wanting or needing.
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Enjoy Sex As Often and For As Long As You Want

Your Brain on Sex

Neurochemical changes take place primarily in the limbic system,
a very old part of the brain with circuitry that is common to all
mammals. These ancient limbic circuits control almost all bodily
functions. The limbic system's job is to keep you alive and
reproducing. It does this by avoiding pain and repeating what is
pleasurable. The limbic system is the seat of emotions, drives,
impulses, and desires including sexual impulses.
The lowest part of your brain controls your best pleasure. This
mating type of sex ramps up your breathing and tightens your
muscles and accelerates your heart rate and sends your entire
body pushing towards an orgasm. Immediately after the orgasm,
the tension releases and you feel spent.
you rather

All that tension actually blocks you from having all the pleasure
that you are capable of.
It doesn't need to be like that and shouldn't be like that. You can
become aroused and relaxed at the same time. This is the key to
Pleasure Center Sex.
Don't think you can have an erection while relaxed? Think about
when you wake up in the morning with an erection. You're so
relaxed that you aren't even conscious when you get those

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Enjoy Sex As Often and For As Long As You Want

Pleasure Center Lovemaking Technique

You don't have to take up the entire Tantra Philosophy to have
better sex. The philosophy helps but since we're not dealing with
the entire philosophy is the reason I use the name Pleasure
Center Lovemaking. Another name for it is Karezza. Here we are
only dealing with the technique and touching a little on the
Don't miss

You are going to learn how to focus and even meditate on a

specific part of your penis that you may not even be aware of.
It's the root. Not all of the penis is outside you body. Your
pubococcygeus muscle or PC muscle is between your testicles
and rectum goes from your pubic bone to your tailbone. You can
feel it by squeezing the muscle as if you are stopping the urine
flow from your penis.
The PC muscle or root of your penis is the heart and soul of
Pleasure Center Lovemaking .
There are not a bunch of complicated steps or tricky maneuvers
involved with this. The entire way to better sex is by being able
relax the root of your penis. I don't mean just have a mental
image of it relaxed, I mean actually relaxing it during intercourse.
It's not difficult but it does take some practice and you'll get
better at it over time.

Time to
My suggestion is that you begin practicing relaxing your PC
take action

muscle several days before first trying Pleasure Center

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Enjoy Sex As Often and For As Long As You Want
Lovemaking. Learn how to meditate with the root of your penis
as the center of your meditation. Relax, relax, relax.
When you master relaxing that muscle, you delay orgasm. When
you delay orgasm, you obtain a higher level of arousal for longer
periods of time.

Never Getting to 10
You want to feel as if time has slowed down. You don't want to
stimulate yourself into an orgasm.
Your woman may have several
orgasms but you need to avoid one.
One thing you can do to help
control an orgasm is think of a
scale from 1 to 10. One being no
sexual arousal at all and ten being
an orgasm.
Your goal is staying around 5 or 6
and occasionally rising to a 7. Try not to get up to 8 or near 9.
Getting up to 8 or 9 and trying to back down is hard to do. If you
do, it becomes too easy to spill over into an orgasm. Getting up
to 8 or 9 is called Edging.
More than likely you will fail to stop from having an orgasm the
first couple of times you try. Just remember the sex is over when
you do and you'll have to wait awhile to try again. However, just

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Enjoy Sex As Often and For As Long As You Want
by trying you'll quickly see how
much better Pleasure Center
Lovemaking is than orgasmic.
Now you
know the

By staying relaxed, focused on the

root of your penis, and staying
around 5, 6, or 7, will bring you
more pleasure for longer than you
have ever experienced before.

Starting Slow and Staying

We'll go into this more in the next
chapter but non-orgasmic
intercourse is about going slow. There will be some movement
but not enough to stimulate you into orgasm. Remember orgasms
are about fast swift stimulations. Pleasure Center Lovemaking is
about much slower sensation that goes on much longer.

What to Expect
Never be

You can do this with a full erection, semi erect, or flaccid. It

may seem strange to you right now but sometimes it's best when
it's flaccid.
You are not going to have to learn how to control your
ejaculation. This is much simpler and you stay relaxed.
You can have an orgasm at the end if you want to but with
Pleasure Center Lovemaking you can prolong the pleasure of sex
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Enjoy Sex As Often and For As Long As You Want
before having an orgasm.
You can have sex every day or several times a day. You won't
grow tired of it. It won't become routine. Every experience will
be a new one.

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Practicing By Yourself

Practicing By Yourself
You will want to practice by yourself before engaging with your
woman. You practice meditating on relaxing the root of your
penis several times a day and for several minutes. Learn how to
really relax that muscle.
You also want to strengthen the same muscle.

Kegels Make Your Sex Life Better

Dr. Arnold Kegel first published how to do these exercises in 1948.
The exercises strengthen the muscles on the pelvic floor. Besides
improving Pleasure Center Sex, these exercises have several
other uses:
Reduce urinary incontinence
Reduce urinary incontinence after childbirth
Reduce or eliminate premature ejaculation
Increase the size and intensity of erections
It's easy to
do with

Your pubococcygeus muscle or PC muscle can be found by

contracting them to control your flow of urine. It's same muscle
that controls the flow of semen. It also determines the firmness
of your penis during an erection and the strength of your
Doing Kegel exercises will not only provide you with more sexual
pleasure but doing the exercises will help continue having
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Practicing By Yourself
erections well into your advanced years.
Staying healthy means exercising your muscles. Having sex takes
muscles and you need to exercise
your PC muscle if you want to
improve your sex life.
Once you find your PC muscles, you
need to practice knowing exactly
where they are. If you have weak PC
muscles, you are likely to over
compensate by exercising your
abdominal, buttocks, or thighs
instead. Those muscles need to stay
relaxed while you exercise your PC
You can perform Kegel exercises anytime and anywhere without
Easy to
instructions drawing ay attention to yourself. All you need to do is squeeze or
and easy to clench these muscles rapidly and hold.

Kegel Exercise Session 1 (week 1)

Set 1
Number of repetitions - 5
Quickly squeeze and release repeatedly for 10 seconds for each
Take a 10-second break between repetitions.
Set 2
Number of repetitions - 10
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Practicing By Yourself
Quickly squeeze and release repeatedly for 5 seconds for each
Take a 5-second break between repetitions.
Set 3
Number of repetitions - 5
Tighten and hold your PC muscle for 30 seconds for each set
Take a 30-second break between repetitions
That's all there is to it. Do these every day for one week.

Kegel Exercise Session 2 (week 2)

Set 1
Number of repetitions - 10
Squeeze and hold your PC muscles for 5 seconds
Release and repeat without a break
Set 2
Number of repetitions - 3
Rapidly squeeze and release 10 times
Release and repeat without a break
Set 3
Number of repetitions - 3
Squeeze and release 10 times. Alternate between squeezing for
10 seconds and 5 seconds.
Set 4
Number of repetitions - 1
Tighten your PC muscle and hold as long as you can. You goal is
holding it for 2 minutes.
Do these every day for two weeks using session 1 exercises the
first week and graduating up to week 2 exercises the second
week. If at the end of week 2 you can squeeze and hold your PC
muscle for about two minutes, your PC muscle is strengthened to

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Practicing By Yourself
the point you can expect success with Pleasure Center
Once you strengthen your PC muscles, you want to keep them in
shape. Use the exercises
from week two to do
this. Perform these
exercises three times a
week to aid you in
controlling your
ejaculation and help
your maintain a firm
erection well into old
Take it to a For ultimate Pleasure Center Sex, continue strengthening your
whole new
PC muscles until the time you can squeeze and release everyday

to the point you can perform 100 squeezes continuously without

a break.

When You Know the Kegel Exercises are Working

Both you and your lover will know the Kegel exercises are
working because your penis will be harder and you will have
better control of your penis, ejaculation, and orgasm. If you've
previously had trouble with premature ejaculation, you will
notice it becoming much less of a problem. I recommend these
exercises before seeing a doctor about a little blue pill or any
other remedy.
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Practicing By Yourself

Don't Over Do the Kegel Exercises

Remember, you're strengthening these muscles. It can be
tempting to want to strengthen as fast as you can when the goal
is improving your sex life. But your PC is like any other muscle.
It's important to give it a rest so it can heal between sessions.
How quickly your PC muscles get into shape is a personal
question depending what shape it is in when you begin. The
number of sets and how long you hold the muscle clenched are
only recommendations. If it's too much for you in the beginning,
do less for less time. It may take some time before you notice a
marked difference.
If you're already in good shape you might be able to start out
with the exercises from week 2 right away.
If you're really not in shape at all, you may want to consult with
a medical professional to be sure you can start these exercises at
One thing that is important is to not exercise any other muscles
when you are exercising your PC muscle. Especially if your PC
muscle is weak. If it is weak, it can be difficult to isolate it. If
you are contacting other muscles, you need to stop the session
and start again with all other muscles relaxed.

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Practicing With Your Woman

Practicing With Your Woman

After you've been doing the Kegel exercises for a while and can
do them easily, you know you are physically ready to begin
Pleasure Center Lovemaking with your woman. But be sure you're
mentally just as prepared and can focus on relaxing the root of
your penis.

Get Your Woman Involved

Women can improve their sex life with Kegel exercises as well.
Try this test
to see if
your PC
muscle is

One way to gauge progress right from the beginning is by getting

her involved. You can test your beginning point by putting your
erect penis into her vagina. Without thrusting or moving, both of
you squeeze your PC muscles. How hard she contracts around
your penis and how hard your erection becomes is your starting
point. It also stimulates her G-spot and tickles you. Repeat this
test over the coming weeks to determine how much progress is
being made.
When she begins doing Kegel exercise and strengthens her PC
muscles, she will begin having more intense orgasms and be able
to squeeze your penis while it is inside her. Sex for both of you
becomes much better.
Remember, the PC is your Pleasure Center. During Pleasure
Center Lovemaking, this is where you focus all of your attention
and you want to learn how to keep the PC muscles relaxed to
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Practicing With Your Woman
avoid orgasm. The more you practice the Kegel exercises, the
faster you'll be able to focus your mind on this muscle.

Relaxing and Focusing

When you begin the Kegel exercises, don't forget to take time to
only focus on the root of your penis without doing the exercises.
You need to do both but do them separately. Make it part of your
Kegel routine by starting your routine, not doing the Kegel
exercises but by focusing on the root of your penis and making it
Then do your Kegel exercises. At the end of the exercise routine,
again take a moment to focus and relax the root of your penis.
Doing both of these will have you enjoying Pleasure Center
Lovemaking very quickly.

Root -v- Tip

I get the question all of the time about why you need to focus on
the root instead of the tip. After all, it's the tip that gives you
most of the pleasure
when in engage in
orgasmic sex. It's the tip
of the penis that
becomes over stimulated
until you orgasm. We are
working to get you away
from stimulation and
into sensation. That
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Practicing With Your Woman
means taking the focus off the tip and redirecting it to the root
where you will begin both experiencing sensations and
generating sensations in your woman. It all centers around the
Instead of only experiencing brief stimulation from the tip, you
will begin sending sensations out to your entire body.
tip to

When this starts happening, it's important to keep your mind

focused on the root of your penis. If you try to shift your focus to
the sensations going to your body, they will stop until you direct
your focus back to the root of your penis.
It will take some time for you to get good at this because there is
always a big temptation to give into the short-lived pleasure of
orgasm. That's why it's important for you to practice focusing and
relaxing the root at least a few days if not a full week before
having Pleasure Center Lovemaking with your woman. It will take
a little time but you will get better at Pleasure Center
Lovemaking. It's your business if you decide to end your sex
session with an orgasm or not. What I can tell you is you will get
better at Pleasure Center Lovemaking faster if you avoid the
orgasms all together.

Practicing With Your Woman

Now comes the moment of truth. You are about to begin having
sex in a much different way that will bring you to new levels of
arousal that last much longer.
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The fun
begins here

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Practicing With Your Woman
First, don't engage in much if any foreplay. If you regularly try to
please your woman this is where it probably begins. So, no oral
sex or stimulating her genitals. That's all about stimulating an
orgasm. A little gentle touching of the breasts is usually okay.
When you start with Pleasure Center Lovemaking you may not
even have an erection and she may be too dry for you to enter
her. Use lubricant to help get started. There are dozens of
personal lubes on the market. And several kitchen products that
work. You can use coco butter or olive oil.
You can apply the lubricant to your penis or to the lips of her
vagina. Then you decide what position you want to be in and she
begins entering your penis into her vagina - flaccid or erect.
Once in your woman, dwell there. Limit the amount of motion
involved. Over time, you will learn how much motion is right.
You need to be focused on your Pleasure Center. She should
focus on her breasts.
The goal is enough
stimulation to reach
and stay in the 5, 6,
or 7 range on a scale
to 10.
The first few times,
your woman may
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Practicing With Your Woman
encourage you to go fast and furious. This is especially true if
that is how you've done it in the past and that is how she has
reached orgasm. Keep it slow to slowly bring it up to a 6 or 7.
Now you need a signal or to talk to each other about staying at
that point. She may start over stimulating you and you need to
tell her to slow down.
good tip

Don't use rhythmic thrusting motions that are used for orgasmic
sex. That's all about stimulation. Use non-rhythmic motions to
get to the level you are seeking.
While focusing on your Pleasure Center, wait for the sensations
to grow in intensity. Remember not to shift your focus to the
sensations because that causes it to stop.
It can take a little time and a few sessions before the sensations
become truly intense. We have become desensitized by porn and
Hollywood style sex.

What to Try
If your woman has been using a vibrator a lot, it can take a few
months before she fully regains her sensitivity. If she needs it,
you might want to give her some clitoral stimulation in the
beginning but this should be reduced over time as she regains her
sensitivity. Ultimately, she wants to replace the clitoral
generated orgasm with sensations generated from her breasts
and vagina. You can position yourself so that your penis provides
some clitoral stimulation but keep the motion to a minimum.
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Practicing With Your Woman
You can also try different positions. The missionary position
works and you might want to try beginning there. Another
common one is to spoon and enter her from behind. The cowgirl
and reverse cowgirl also work.
You are
getting all
of the
you need to
your sex
life for the

However, a favorite of people that practice Pleasure Center

Lovemaking is the scissors position.
In the scissors position, the man has his head down towards the
woman's feet and he wraps both of his legs around one of the
woman's legs. She is in the same position. She now has his legs up
towards her head and her legs wrapped loosely around one of his
If you've practiced your meditation, you should have no trouble
focusing your attention on your Pleasure Center after you enter
your woman. Stay focused on the root of your penis, keep it
relaxed, and keep motion to a minimum.
All this time, you want to be kissing, tasting, stroking her gently,
and massaging her. Caress her breasts. However, be sure to stay
focus and relaxed in your Pleasure Center.
Your erections will come and go. You are not likely to have a
hard erection the entire time. But you can make love this way
for a long time, An hour or more is not unreasonable.
As you become more practiced, experiment with different
amounts of motion. Keeping the motion non-rhythmic allows
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Practicing With Your Woman
more motion without edging or orgasming. A little motion should
help you maintain an erection most of the time. Remember, your
goal is to stay at 5, 6, or 7 on the scale of 10 without edging
toward 8 or 9.
She may start working herself up towards an orgasm. You
probably want to have a talk before the sex starts. Let her know
you don't plan to have an orgasm. Let her know that if she starts
over stimulating you that you will ask her to stop or back down.

What Happens Next

You can still have the orgasm. You can enjoy Pleasure Center
Lovemaking for an hour and then finish with an orgasm at the
end. Just remember, you're going to have issues with the passion
As you practice and find what works for you, you'll start sensing
pleasure throughout your entire body. The magic begins after
you've been in her for a while. For a lot of people the real
pleasure doesn't begin for about half an hour.
It's difficult to explain but I call these periods of the most
pleasure "Valley Orgasms" or "Otherworld Orgasms". These can go
on for a long time and you will have multiple of them during
each sexual encounter.

Karezza Is Not Selfish

Some people think this type of sex is selfish because it focuses on
themselves rather than their partner. The logic is that one
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Practicing With Your Woman
person gives the other an orgasm during hot sex. The truth is we
don't give each other orgasms. We give ourselves orgasms. Either
your partner is going to have an orgasm or she isn't, it doesn't
have as much to do with you as you might think.
With Pleasure Center Lovemaking, you're just being more honest
with yourself. From a selfishness point of view, Pleasure Center
Sex is about the same as hot sex. You both keep each other
aroused. The big difference is that when you stay in your
pleasure zone together for a lot longer, you become much more
connected spiritually. You keep each other aroused with kisses,
touching, etc. But at the same time, you stay focused on your
pleasure center.
Don't worry, you are going to make a much stronger connection
than you've ever had before. Neither of you will ever resent the
other again. Because you are not trying to stimulated her into
orgasm, you're actually experiencing her in a much more natural

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If There Are Problems, There Are Answers

If There Are Problems, There Are Answers

Pleasure Center Sex practices have been around for centuries
and today still solve many of the problems people commonly
have in the bedroom. There is no
better known way of maximizing trust
and intimacy between couples.
Besides maximizing your enjoyment
of lovemaking, Pleasure Center Sex
solves other problems and brings you
and your partner benefits beyond the
Still, you need to show some patience
when beginning Pleasure Center Sex.
Here are some common issues you
want to be aware of so that you can
easily correct them.

Not Lasting as Long as You Want

One problem is coming too soon. This isn't referring to premature
working on
ejaculation but rather not lasting an hour or more as I've told you
it, it's
worth it
is easily possible. If you are only lasting 10, 15 or 20 minutes

before you orgasm and ejaculate, you need to slow things down.
Your need to fully understand this is about a different type of
orgasm. The type I call "Valley Orgasms" or Otherworld Orgasms".

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If There Are Problems, There Are Answers
It takes practice to get to 5, 6, or 7 on the orgasm scale of 10.
Remember you do this by focusing and relaxing the root of your
penis. Your entire body should be relaxed and your breathing
slow and normal. This is very different from traditional orgasmic
sex and does take practice.
But when you accomplish it, your orgasms are greatly enhanced
and intensified. You will last much longer and the orgasms will
blow your mind because your mind is exactly what is in control.
As you gain more mental control, the orgasm spreads from your
genitalia to your entire body and enraptures your very being by
sharing it with your soul through your spirit.

Becoming Connected
It's all about connecting your thoughts with your physical body.
Here is
Your thoughts are then
what is
happening connected to your spirit

and your soul. Practicing

Pleasure Center
Lovemaking enables you to
open your mind to sexual
adventure and freedom.
When you learn to open
your mind and heart to
love, you become an energy within the universe itself.

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If There Are Problems, There Are Answers
To capture the entire experience
you might want to consider
studying the mediation and holistic
principles of the entire Tantra or
Karezza philosophies. Granted,
Pleasure Center Lovemaking may
be the best vehicle for
experiencing the profound benefits
of the Tantra approach to life.
However, Tantra is a multi-faceted
approach to achieving a better life

Overcoming Low Libido

Another sexual health problem that
Pleasure Center Sex often helps
men (and women) overcome is a
low libido. Low libido is often
caused by imbalances in parts of
your life other than your sex life. Stress is a common problem in
those suffering from low libido. With Pleasure Center Sex, you
are encouraged to separate the stress from your sex life. No
more tensed up muscles and rapid breathing in a rush to achieve
a 10-second orgasm.
Instead, Pleasure Center Sex encourages relaxation and learning
how to accept the gift of love and pleasure from your partner.
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If There Are Problems, There Are Answers
The expectation of giving your woman an orgasm or three or four

expectations is gone. Nothing is expected of either of you other than to

thoroughly open yourself mentally and spiritually and sexually to

your woman.

The Problem of Not Coming At All

Some men have a problem that prevents them from obtaining an
orgasm when they are inside a woman during hot tense sex. Once
both of them are physically exhausted from the sex act, he will
sometimes masturbate to orgasm.
Sorry but
that porn is
not doing
you any
good even if
you think it

Pleasure Center Sex does overcome this but the problem is often
rooted in porn and/or fantasizing about a movie star or other
woman. Porn has become a major problem for some men to the
point of being an addiction interfering with many aspects of their
life. If this is you, I strongly recommend that you stop viewing
porn for several weeks or a month before engaging in Pleasure
Center Sex. If you don't stop the porn, chances are you will not
experience the pleasures it offers, just like you can't orgasm
while inside a woman.

Focus On Yourself
A problem that comes up with Pleasure Center Lovemaking is
when you focus on your partner's arousal rather than your own.
It's natural to want to escalate your partner's arousal during
lovemaking. After all, that's what hot, tense sex is all about. And
she wants to do the same for you. Our ingrained way of having
sex is to stimulate ourselves and our partner to orgasm.
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If There Are Problems, There Are Answers
Men naturally go about life setting goals to be achieved and
many involve doing things for our women. Your Pleasure Center
Lovemaking goal needs to change from your old orgasm goal.
You need to change from a
stimulation based goal to a
Here's how sensation based goal. Instead of
it's done
focusing on her arousal, focus on

your pleasure center. By doing

this, you will both get where you
want to be.
Pleasure Center Lovemaking is
about making a cosmic
connection with your partner.
The two of you should strive to
become one as an energy, a
sexual energy. You need to understand that sex and sexual
energy is an integral part of life meant to be enjoyed.
Pleasure Center Lovemaking is able to solve many bedroom
difficulties that may have plagued you for years. But you need to
change the way you approach sex. It's essential that you focus on
your pleasure center and relax.
This is about enjoying all of the pleasures of life and realizing
that you have plenty of everything including all the pleasure that
sex has to offer you and your woman. But first you must fully
open your mind to new possibilities of enjoyment and exploration.
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If There Are Problems, There Are Answers
When you get Pleasure Center Lovemaking correct it relieves you
of any guilt feelings you may have even if you never realized
they were dwelling subconsciously.
If one or both of you is still focusing on arousing the other
towards orgasm you need to establish a signal to tell the other
that is not what you want. It's all about staying in that 5, 6, or 7
zone. If you want to orgasm after a long Pleasure Center
Lovemaking session, you can also establish a signal for that as
well. I don't encourage this but it is your sex life.

More Benefits and Problems Pleasure Center

Lovemaking Solves
and more

Lots of eye contact, touching, and synchronizing your breathing

further enhances your Pleasure Center lovemaking. With that
Problem Solving. Exploring the possibilities of long
lovemaking sessions without orgasm requires trying new
positions and techniques. It requires talking to each other
during sex - something not many people normally do. This
all enhances your problem solving skill.
Deep Connections. Many couples say Pleasure Center
Lovemaking brings them much closer together. It dissolves
away issues they had for years. It takes the relationship to
another level.
Creativity. Once you start exploring Pleasure Center
Lovemaking it will open your mind to other possibilities in
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If There Are Problems, There Are Answers
your life. While you'll realize you have plenty of everything,
you'll learn what other goals will bring more pleasure into
your life.
Patients. Learning how to hold back your orgasm and
relaxing during sex develops the important skill of patience
that follows you into other aspects of your life.
Selflessness. Although you do focus on your own out of
body experience, the long term spiritual connection that
results manifests itself in wanting to do things for your
woman out of the bedroom. And she'll do the same for you.
You'll stop feeling resentful about doing chores around the
home and she'll stop nagging you.
Empowerment. This not about having more power in the
work place and certainly not about having more power in
your relationship. This is about the enlightenment that
comes from learning how to express your deepest fears and
greatest loves to your soul mate. It's what comes after you
strip away the pretenses and artificial ego.
Trust me on this one, there are many other benefits and
problems solved outside of the bedroom that come from
practicing Pleasure Center Lovemaking. You need to experience
them yourself to realize the difference it makes in your entire

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Other Things to Know About Pleasure Center Lovemaking

Other Things to Know About

Pleasure Center Lovemaking
In our culture and throughout most western cultures, it's common
for couples to stumble through a relationship blindly without any
direction. If you are lucky enough to find someone you are highly
compatible with you
might find some low
level of long term
pleasure. If not, you
likely stumble on to
another relationship. I
think this is a big reason
for our high divorce rate.
Most people just don't
work on their

Good Relationships
Don't just Happen
A good relationship takes time, patience, and two people that
really want to be together. When the relationship, especially the
sexual aspect of it, isn't going well most people don't make a
major effort to fix it. They might skim through a few sex articles
to change things up a little and light a few candles in the
bedroom but that's about it.

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Other Things to Know About Pleasure Center Lovemaking
One thing you must realize is we weren't born knowing how to
have good sex. And our society doesn't teach nor encourage
people in relationships to find the best way they can to have the
best pleasure possible together in the bedroom.
At best, we teach young people about safe sex in school and
there is plenty of controversy around that even. Then we send
them out into adulthood to find a partner and expect them to be
happy sexually ever after.
Hollywood cranks out one romantic movie after another and the
porn industry is thriving. Clearly, our society puts a high dollar
value on sex and relationships. Why in the world shouldn't we
make information about romantic sex
making easily available?
We'd probably have a lot more college
graduates if the first year all students
were required to take "Intimacy 101".
Intimacy 205 could be about Karezza sex.
If that happened, I think we'd see many
more marriages stay together along with
having more college grads.

Pleasure Center Sex Could Make

Society Better
I appreciate you reading this book for
many reasons. One is that you will
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Other Things to Know About Pleasure Center Lovemaking
become a better person by practicing Pleasure Center
Lovemaking. You'll be happier, more confident, feel more secure
in the person you are, and many others things that have been
mention and even more that haven't. Overall, we'll have one
better person in society. I think if there was a groundswell of
people practicing Pleasure Center Lovemaking, we would even
see a reduction in the crime rate, certainly a reduction in
domestic violence.

Your Needs Don't Have to Match All That Closely

Some people say opposites attract and others think a hand glove
match is best. I don't think it matters either way. It probably
matters more with hot orgasmic sex when you are both trying to
get to the orgasm and hopelessly striving for a simultaneous
orgasm. If your partner wants something different, it often
means you have to do without something you want - at least
occasionally. That type of relationship can't be good.
On the other hand, Pleasure Center Lovemaking does not require
both partners to strive for the same thing. It's much more about
the journey together. You can have completely different
experiences and still end up at the same euphoric place.
Through Pleasure Center Lovemaking, a deep and intense
intimacy develops between couples. You come to completely
trust each other. A sex becomes sacred. And it's through that
bond that makes outer peace possible.

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Other Things to Know About Pleasure Center Lovemaking

The Many Aspects of Karezza

Other things that I believe weaken relationships today are stress
and financial worries. Life should be full of pleasure at least as
much as we can obtain. Personally, I won't work in the corporate
world because it stresses everyone out. Too many people build
their entire lives around stress, money, and material trappings.
And none of it even makes them happy.
Oh, they might be happy for a few minutes out on some $100,000
yacht they work 80-hour weeks to make the payment on.
Personally, I'd spend those 80-hour weeks being as happy as I can
all of the time.
Even if you feel you have to stay with a stressful job, you can
find blissful happiness in life pursuing Pleasure Center
Lovemaking. Pleasure Center
Lovemaking has many affects.
It affects

At the emotional level it's a type of

sexual praying that brings a lasting
calmness to the emotions and mind.
It leaves you in a peaceful state from
which you are better prepared to
solve problems. The fewer problems
in your life the better the quality of
your life.

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Other Things to Know About Pleasure Center Lovemaking
At the spiritual level, people say it blends the body and spirit
together. The pleasure the body is able to obtain is best
described as unbound by time and space.
At the physical level it Pleasure Center Lovemaking has an
intense healing effect. It corrects erectile dysfunctions,
premature ejaculation, low libido, and other problems men and
women have with sexual intimacy.
The hormone induced temporary insanity orgasm that passes for
romantic sex today is eclipsed by spiritualistic experiences that
come from Pleasure Center Lovemaking .

The Practice of Injaculation

In ancient studies of human sexuality, a determination was made
that ejaculation depletes a man's energy. We've already looked
at this from the perspective of the passion cycle that begins
when a man rolls over after intercourse that ends with
ejaculation and orgasm.
Because of this tendency, followers of Tantra, Daoism, and more
recently Karezza believe men must abstain from ejaculation
except for the purpose of procreation. They believed it goes
much beyond the need for a short nap after ejaculation. The
belief is this life giving fluid is vital to the long term survival of a
In the Daoism version, bodily fluids are believed to provide bodily
energy that are vital to survival. Western culture knows how vital
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Other Things to Know About Pleasure Center Lovemaking
water is to our survival. However, the eastern philosophies
content there is a limited amount of bodily fluids and once they
are gone we will perish. In Daoism, the energy contained in our
bodily fluids is called Jing.
The bodily fluid containing the most Jing is believed to be semen.
Hence, the belief that ejaculating robs men of their life energy.
Many many years ago, this led a quest for a way that men could
obtain orgasm without ejaculating.
Additionally, some believed that a woman radiates energy to the
man during orgasm.
Therefore, women
are/were encouraged to
orgasm as often as possible.
Because women become
more energetic after
orgasm, contrary to men
becoming lethargic, orgasm
is/was seen as a good thing.
To put this in perspective,
you need to understand a little about the important concept of
Yin and Yang. In general, Yin refers to the male gender and Yang
to the female. More importantly, Yin and Yang refer to heaven
and earth. The thought is that heaven and earth were once
connected in a manner similar to intercourse, but became
separated. More generally, yin-yang refers to opposites. Not in a
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Other Things to Know About Pleasure Center Lovemaking
positive and negative way.
More like sun light and darkness
where the two must come
together to make a whole. The
symbol to the right represents
Obviously, there is much more
to each of the philosophies
briefly touched on in this book.
This brief part is intended to
explain why it is not only important for men not to ejaculate but
they increase energy when the woman orgasms.
The overall concept of injaculation includes a belief that when a
man orgasms without ejaculating, Jing (energy) of the semen is
absorbed into the blood to further increases his energy level.
Well established is that male orgasm without ejaculation is
different from hot sex orgasm. With injaculation, one of the
clear benefits is the retention and absorption of Jing allows the
sex and orgasm to go on for a long time creating a sense of
heavenly and earthly connection between the man and woman.
There are many versions to these ancient beliefs but you don't
need to fully understand the philosophies or believe them to
benefit from the learnings which is the reason I call it Pleasure
Center Sex or Lovemaking.
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Other Things to Know About Pleasure Center Lovemaking
Key benefits to not ejaculating include:
Retaining sexual energy and drive.
Intercourse can go on for a long time.
Intercourse can be repeated almost immediately and over
and over again.
The body does not release post ejaculation hormones that
cause tiredness and lethargy.
Blood circulation is increased in a way that leaves you
refreshed and rejuvenated.
Endomorphines and oxytocin are released making you feel
amazingly good!

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Pleasure Center Lovemaking for Couples

Pleasure Center Lovemaking for Couples

Pleasure Center Lovemaking serves many purposes. One is when
the sizzle has gone out of your marriage or long term relationship.
You may be tempted to
try fetish types of sexual
behavior you find in
women's magazines or
porn type magazines.
This may work for some
people but it is almost
always a temporary
solution rather than a
permanent one.

A Wonderful Enriching Bonding Experience

For most couples, exploring Pleasure Center Lovemaking
together is a truly rewarding experience that does permanently
solve sexual problems. Many couples have a narrow view of sex
that doesn't go much beyond once or twice a week sex for 10
minutes in the missionary position. Unfortunately, for others,
sexual intimacy no longer exists at all.
Sexual intimacy goes well beyond physical intimacy. It involves
sharing reactions to the physical intimacy, sharing thoughts and
emotions during physical intimacy, and exploring what each
other totally has to offer sexually. You can't cram all of these
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Pleasure Center Lovemaking for Couples
human experiences into a 10 minute missionary orgasmic sex

Before Having Pleasure Center Lovemaking

Here is something else you should be doing after you have taken
Back to the

care of any porn addiction issues and are reframing from

masturbation and while you are both working on the Kegel
exercises for a week or so. You want to start building up oxytocin
in both of your bodies.
You do this with lots of touching, kissing, and hugging. Hug
whenever you walk past each other. Hug and kiss hello and
goodbye every time one of you comes or goes from the home.
Get out of the recliner to cuddle on the couch while watching TV.
Spend a half hour in bed in the morning or before going to sleep
cuddling each other.
Do all of this hugging, kissing, and cuddling while reframing from
sex. This will build up the "love Hormone", oxytocin in your

Setting the Tone

Schedule your Pleasure Center Lovemaking session. Yes, you
should regularly schedule sex the same way you have a set time
for dinner or any other important activity. Plan for at least and
hour to an hour and a half when there won't be an distractions at

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Pleasure Center Lovemaking for Couples
Tantric sex is about brewing passion... slowwwly. It begins by
creating an atmosphere conducive to a long passionate love
session. Before the appointed time, set the right environment in
your bedroom or whichever room you will be making love in.
Here's a suggestion, create a little more excitement around this
by having you, as the man, set up the room in a way that pleases
both of you.
Start by removing any distractions. If your car keys and wallet
are on the dresser, put them somewhere else so they don't
remind you of your daily obligations. No telephones. Unplug or
turn off any that you might hear. Same thing with newspapers,
the alarm clock, and anything else that has the potential to
distract you from your lovemaking.
Next, add things that give you pleasure. Maybe bring in a couple
of glasses of red wine.
But don't drink so much
that it interferes with
the experiences you are
about to embark on.
Bring in fragrant candles
like sandalwood, musk,
Lavender, Rose, and
Jasmine. You can also
bring in some scented oils for massaging.

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Pleasure Center Lovemaking for Couples
Bring in some music but make it soothing and something that
stays in the background. I don't recommend rock and roll or
modern country or rap, or anything that will take your attention
from your lover.
Feeding each other finger foods is also a good way of starting out
for some people. Or maybe it involves getting a new set of
sensual sheets for bed. The whole idea is transforming your
bedroom into a pleasure and lovemaking room.
Some people enjoy starting wearing sexy clothing. Remember,
Pleasure Center Lovemaking has no rules. Everything you do is
about bringing pleasure to each other.

When Everything Is Ready

Do this anyway you want but to get you started, I'll make a few
suggestions. Sit down cross-legged from each other and have a
good laugh or giggle that you
are actually doing this. Relax
and make yourself comfortable
in the surroundings that you
have created.
Begin by gazing into each
other's eyes in the soft
candlelight. Pleasure Center
Lovemaking is best enjoyed
with your eyes open. If your
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Pleasure Center Lovemaking for Couples
used to sex with your eyes closed, this might take a little getting
used to.
Not getting into any heavy foreplay, begin touching your partner.
I suggest you don't both do this at the same time. One can lightly
touch the other with your fingertips or the palm of your hand.
The one being touched needs to relax and enjoy. You can go
close to the genital area but don't touch there. Touching breasts
is usually fine. After a few minutes change roles. You need to
make a judgment call about how heated this makes both of you.
Touching, caressing, and kissing are used in Pleasure Center
Lovemaking to bring on sensation. Learn how to stop or slow
down before it becomes stimulation.
This stroking and touching before beginning intercourse is
intended to bring your nerve endings to a heightened sense of
Here is another idea if you want to further arouse each other
before beginning intercourse. Sit back to back with your backs
touching. Sway in unison forward and backward while thinking
about your deepest Pleasure Lovemaking sexual desires.
At some point, you will both know you are ready for Pleasure
Center intercourse. I now return you to what you learned in the
chapter about Practicing With Your Woman. Enjoy this and many
more Pleasure Center Lovemaking sessions to come.

Copyright 2012 Calworth Glenford LLC.


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