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The Bear Essentials

Glenside Elementary School’s weekly newsletter, sponsored by the PTO
Volume 6, No. 14 | Week ending January 8, 2010

Upcoming Events Rainbow of Friends Kindly

Tuesday, January 12
Kicks Off the New Year
• School board meeting | 7:45 p.m., Administration
Happy New Year! Our first Rainbow of Friends
Building assembly was held on January 5. The children
Friday, January 15 learned about the character trait Kindness. Kindness
• No classes | Teachers’ in-service day is showing others they are valuable by how you treat
Monday, January 18 them. At Glenside, we will be practicing kindness in
• No classes | Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of all we do. Our children have been encouraged to
Service catch their friends being kind. We have a 100 Acts of
Tuesday, January 19 Kindness Chart in our hallway that we plan to fill
• PTO meeting | 7:30 p.m., GEM with 100 kind acts during January, the month of Dr.
Wednesday, January 20
• Early dismissal | 2:45 p.m.
Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth. Dr. King tried to
make changes using peace and kindness, and we will
try to demonstrate kindness in all we do.
Help Needed With Editing; Our community service project for January is to
Trust Us—It’s Not That Hard collect nonperishable food items for families in need
Hey, new year! But old pleas! We still need a 3rd through Philabundance. The organization’s statistics
grade parent to serve on the 4th Grade Yearbook say that one in three children in the Philadelphia
Committee. Your time commitment would be area will know hunger. One box of cereal, can of
minimal this year—you’d be on board mostly just to food, or container of juice (no glass please) will
learn the ropes for next year. And we also need a mean a lot to a hungry child.
photographer. If you have an interest in graphic arts, This is a perfect weekend to discuss kindness
scrapbooking, photography, or other creative areas, with your child. It’s also a great time to catch your
you’d be perfect for this committee. And we’re not child in the act of kindness!
just saying that because we really, really need you. —Cindy Goldberg
Though, um, we do.
Start the New Year With Service
We Paws for Linens As has become a Glenside tradition, our
If you received new sheets and towels for the students, teachers, and parents are marking Martin
holidays and don’t Luther King Day with volunteer service. If you’re
have room in your interested in helping to coordinate our project,
drawers and closets contact Diane Simms or Trish Dougherty (see back
for the old ones, well, page for their digits and e-mail addresses). Further
are you ever in luck! information will be distributed as it becomes
You can donate them available via the Google Groups e-mail list and next
to our springtime week’s issue.
collection drive for
the Philadelphia It’s More Fun Than Eating
Animal Welfare
Society. Save ’em, Right and Exercising
wash ’em, and put ’em Hey, while you’re busy not keeping your
in a bag marked resolutions—don’t worry, we’re right there with ya—
“PAWS.” Contact Mrs. don’t forget that our first PTO meeting of the year is
Boner (sboner@ 
 fast approaching. We’ll be gathering on Tuesday, for January 19, at 7:30 p.m. at the GEM. If you resolved
“Feel free to send Scooby to be more involved in 2010, this is the chance to
drop-off details. Snacks, too!”
walk the talk …
January 2010
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
4 5 6 7 8

11 12 13 14 15
School board meeting | 7:45 No school | Teachers’ in-
p.m., Administration Building service day

18 19 20 21 22
No school | MLK Day PTO meeting | 7:30 p.m., GEM Early dismissal | 2:45 p.m.
MLK Day of Service

25 26 27 28 29

It’s So Easy Being Green PTOs Present Anti-

Tips from the Glenside Going Green Committee Cyberbullying Workshop
Do you still have gifts in the wrappings or bag? Last night Tina Meier, the mother of Megan
Are your decorations still up? If so, here is your Meier, presented a workshop to district parents and
opportunity to start the new year as a GREEN families about bullying and cyberbullying. The
machine! Do you have … mission of the Megan Meier Foundation is to bring
• Used but still durable gift bags? Fold them awareness and education and promote positive
neatly and store them until next year’s change to children, parents, and educators in
holiday. response to the ongoing bullying and cyberbullying
• Wrapping paper (used)? Most paper is in our children’s daily environment. Megan was a
recyclable! Remember to put it in with your child who committed suicide because of false
home paper-recycling bin. MySpace postings. To learn more about her story,
• Wrapping paper (new)? Store it with the gift see
• A “live” Christmas tree? Township residents
can put them curbside, where the township Newsletter Contributions Wanted!
will collect them from January 11 through Anyone is welcome—you didn’t expect us to say
22. Be sure to remove all decorations before otherwise in the new year, did you?—to contribute
placing the trees at the curb. For more items to The Bear Essentials. Our deadline is 7 p.m.
information, call the Public Works on the Wednesday before each Friday’s issue.
Department at 215-887-1000, ext. 330.
Please check for your street’s specific date. Contact the editors:
• Other “live” greens? Place outside for • Jen and Tom Durso | 215-885-7501,
backyard habitats or put them in your,
outdoor compost.
• Candles (used or new)? Store and reuse for Contact the PTO Co-Presidents:
next year’s festivities. • Diane Simms | 215-884-6186,
• Trish Dougherty, 215-885-7795,
Inspire the Desire
Glenside Elementary School
8149 New Second Street, Elkins Park, PA 19027
215-881-6440 (p) | 215-886-6797 (f) Thanks to Kris Griffin for copying and distribution.

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