Am I A Sheep or A Wolf?

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Am I a sheep or a wolf ?

Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ our Savior, to all the
servants of God who are frustrated and weary fighting against the
devils of this world, be happy and joyous because Jesus the good
shepherd looks after His flock. No matter how difficult life seems to
be, He can turn it around and set things in order only if we act like a
sheep not like a wolf.
Let our conscience answer this question Are we sheep or wolf? Do
we hunt others or humble ourselves?
The Bible gives us so many examples to humble ourselves as Christ
our Savior humbled Himself (Phil. 2:8). But the Scribes, Pharisees
and the religious leaders who thought of themselves to be pious
hunted Christ wherever He went. They spied on Him and tried to find
flaw to trap Him but they failed in all their efforts to convict Him as a
law breaker. On the contrary, Christ was busy to serve the
community to heal people from different diseases and sicknesses.
Christ did not pay attention to the Scribes, Pharisees or the religious
leaders, He did not fight back but they condemned Christ first and
Christ showed them who they really are in Matthew 23. Our Lord
Jesus Christ did not spend much time arguing with the Scribes or
Pharisees though His wisdom was beyond their understandings
which is immeasurable. But He diligently continued the noble work
that His Father bestowed on Him. Christ never hunted anyone but
people who thought of themselves better than Christ tried to hunt
Him down. Christ knew all their thoughts but never stopped to rebel
against them; He knew His mission and devoted Himself to
accomplish it. Today the difference between Christ and His followers
is huge.
I was picking up weeds from a paddy field in BASC and it was
difficult for me to discern tares from the paddies. Because they both
look almost same to me, but after many days I went to clean
another paddy field and I noticed the tares grew taller than all other
paddies and now it is easier to separate them. The story goes same
with the parable recorded in the Bible in Matt.13:24-30; they teach
the same lesson the wicked may prosper but not for long for as
quick as they prosper the quicker is their destruction.

There are both tares and wheat, wolves and sheep in our churches
today. But can a sheep fight and win against a wolf without its
master? But when the master is with the sheep the wolf can never
harm the sheep without taking over the master first. We have
nothing to worry because Jesus Christ is our master and the good
shepherd. In our own strength we can never defeat the devils of this
world but only with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ and the
assistance of the Holy Spirit can bring victory.
Followers of Christ never fight a literal fight either physical, political,
or ethnical by their own authority rather they devote themselves to
spread the gospel and introduce Christ our Lord to others to save as
many as possible. And Christ looks after His followers just as a good
shepherd takes good care of his flock (John 10: 11-14). We are not to
fight with our adversaries, God is there to deal with this; because
the Bible speaks, Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give
place to wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,
says the Lord. (Romans 12:19)
But if you humble yourself giving God full control of your life then
know this; He will direct your path no matter how impossible or
difficult the way seems to be.
But yet if anyone troubles you a lot that you cant tolerate and if you
are a true servant of the living God then hear what Christ our Savior
said, And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and
night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will
avenge them speedily. (Luke 18:7, 8)
We are no one to take revenge even if they are our enemies, leave it
to God. Christ will collect the sheep not the wolves when he comes
again. Which of these two animals nature is hunting? Arent the
wolves hunt and the sheep run to the master seeking refuge? So as
to the sheep of this world I say, Do not fight back but run to the
Master our Lord Jesus Christ and He will fight for you. Let us stop
hunting each other and humble ourselves to one another as Christ
humbled himself to God and human. May the love, joy and peace of
our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all who are patiently enduring all
sufferings be strengthen in the power of our Almighty God Who sees
what His servants are doing on earth and rewards accordingly.

Winson Sam Falia

Student, Religion Department
Final Year, 2014
Holy Bible

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