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Contact hours: 42
Pre-requisites: SBC 111
Purpose: To introduce learner to the concepts and terminologies of e- commerce.
Provides learner with knowledge and skills for effectively participation in e- business
Expected Learning Outcomes of the Course
By the end of the course unit the learners should be able to:i)
Trace the evolution of e- commerce systems and models
Explain the requirements for stating up and operating and e-commerce
Design, maintain and administer an E-business sites
Describe the relationship between marketing,
demographics, business models and e-business
Explain the legal and regulatory policy issues in e-commerce
Create a simple shopping application.
Course Content
Introduction to electronic commerce basics; definition of terms, seller and buyer
perspectives of commerce, advantages and disadvantages of e- commerce, ecommerce, factors affecting e- commerce in Kenya; Business Models for ecommerce; business to consumer, business to business, consumer to consumer,
business to government and vice versa; Enabling technologies of the World Wide
Web, internet and client server, applications, networks and internets, internet
standards and specifications, internet standards and specifications, broadband
technologies; Electronic Marketing vs. traditional marketing, online marketing,
various means of advertising, e-branding, marketing strategy on the internet;
Electronic security, network and website security risks, e-business risks
management issues, enforcing security issues; firewalls; Electronic payment
systems, digital payment requirements, online payment categories, classification of
new payment systems, properties of electronic cash, designing d- payment system,
e-payment security issues, digital signatures, certificate and authorities; Electronic
supply chain management; Mobile Commerce; Customer Effective Web Design;
Legal and ethical issues in e- business
Teaching / Learning Methodologies: Lectures and tutorials; group discussion;
demonstration; Individual assignment; Case studies
Instructional Materials and Equipment: Projector; test
catalogues; computer laboratory; design software; simulators



Course Assessment
Examination - 70%; Continuous Assessment Test (CATS) - 20%; Assignments - 10%;
Total - 100%
Recommended Text Books:
Ward Hanson, (2007), Principles of Internet Marketing, South-Western College

Text Books for further Reading:

Raj Kumar (2009), Computer Applications In Business, Tata Mgraw Hill
N Kumar Versha Mehta (2003), Computer Applications In Business
Management, Anmol Publications Pvt

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