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Interview with Coco Chanel

From being a deprived girl to one of the most successful women in the whole world, Coco
Chanel revolutionized womens fashion from corsets and frills to looser, more comfortable
So Coco could you please introduce yourself to our viewers?

I am Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel but people know me by the name Coco Chanel. Im
the designer that invented trademark suits and black little dresses for women. Through
my unique design, I have created an image that soon became a revered icon. However,
everything was not perfect and I was not Miss perfect back in those times. Everyone
has his or her beginnings and mine started during the time I was still an orphan. There
where nuns that taught me how to sew and during that time I didnt know that what I
was good at could one day lead me to where I am now.

1,What made you want to revolutionize womens fashion?


I never had in mind to revolutionize womens fashion. I just created something I felt
comfortable wearing, with the material I had of course.
During the World War One I moved to the resort town of Deauvile where I came to
know a young military officer. Because of the circumstances I became his mistress and
appreciated his help, textile heir to Eteinne Balsan became mine in 1908. It was here
that I started designing and creating hats as a change that later turned into a
commercial venture.
However, my marriage did not last long and we separated. After my first marriage I
started a relationship with a wealthy English Industrialist called Arthur Edward 'Boy'
Capel who I came to know through my ex-husband. He got me a Parisian apartment
and even financed the opening of my first shops.
During the 1920s, I became the first designer to create loose women's jerseys with
material that were traditionally used in men's underwear creating a relaxed style for
women. My idea of dressing in inconvenient and uncomfortable clothing was like
wearing something with spikes. I think that luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it
is not luxury!
My designs soon became very popular with the post-war generation of women that
thought the corseted restricted clothing were both unfashionable and unfeasible.
However, that did not end my reputations, designers and art I created later on became
also a part of my history. In addition all of my unique
Elegant designs turn me into an icon, a designer that creates historical pieces in
fashion industry.

3. Can you tell me how your business fared? Any reflections on the designs that you created?

How does it go with the business and can you give us a small reflection of your designers?

The business goes well, where new designers create every year but the foundation is
still there. It is very fascinating to see that almost every clothes that are designed for
women is inspired of my creations.
Back in time women did not wear trousers and even during the society beach party at
Deauville, the women prefer wearing swimming costume to look more feminine.
However, I did not want to expose myself and tried to avoid by wearing sailors pants.
After the incidents, the style spread quickly and the most widely used garments
women wear are trouser, trouser that I once put on to avoid exposing.
Back in those time women did not wear trouser and even at beach parties women
preferred wearing feminine swimming costumes. However, I did not want to expose
myself and wore sailors pants. After that incident, the trousers became a hit and were
more widely used by women all over. It is hilarious to think that pants I wore to avoid
exposing myself is so common today
It is not just the trousers that I created that became a trend but also the color black for
women, material jersey, perfume that smelt deliberately artificial, the golden brown
suntan and the design that represent Coco Chanel, Chanel suit.
Every woman in the society today owns some garments that were originally created by
me. While I made clothes that represented me as a person, I think that the reason many
women felt delight in my creations because they wanted to build an influence in a
male-dominated world.
My designs signified the rebel I was in the fashion industry but I also wanted to show
gender equality through fashion. In that way I want to channel that I am proud of
independent women for knowing what they want.

Why did you choose to do a research about this historical person/event? What does
he/she/this event mean to you? Clarify, explain and reflect.
I have been interested in fashion since I was young, and like many fashion enthusiast, I feel
that clothing represent what type of person I am. I feel that fashion is is an extension of my
personality and mood. I can show through my choice of clothing if I am happy or if I feel like
lazing around.
I think that fashion is art. I personally love this way of expressing creativity. Not everyone
likes poetry, not everyone likes looking at paintings, but fashion is one of the art forms which

everyone in the world takes part of. I dont think many realize it, but by wearing clothes of
your choice; you create your own style, your own fashion.
I believe that our choices of clothing represent inner desires and emotions, which we
sometimes wants to show or hide. Fashion is everywhere, and everyone is part of it, but it is
as diverse as human beings.
My love for fashion led to my fascination for Coco Channel. It is not only about who she is
but also what she did. By designing her own clothes to express her inner desires she not only
did herself a favor but she also helped inspire other people to be themselves and wear what
they want.
I will be honest; I love her clothes, her fashion, how clean everything is but mostly how
beautiful and independent her clothing was. Originally it was my interest to her creations that
led to my research about her, but I can now say that I learned about by reading about her.
Channel can have a very big ego and being a bitch sometimes but her toughness and her
courage brought her success. Bottom up, I think we should all be brave, independent and
believe in ourselves. Only you can change your destiny and bring success into your life.

Kllhnvisning: 2015-05-21,28804,2110513_2110512_2110737,0

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