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The heart of an ultrasound Imaging system is the electroscoustic transducer;

a device that converts electrical signalsinto a focusedmechanicalwave and
reconverts reflected mechanical echoes from organs and tissue for real-time
image construction. Small, calibrated transducers called hydrophones are
usedto measure the acoustic outputof the transducers usedin these systems.
The first article in this issue describes a hydrophone developed by HP that
has a spot diameterof 50micrometers and a bandwidth greater than 150 MHz,
enabling it to characterize medical imaging rransducers with operating freouencies exceeding 20MHz.
The 150 -MH z-b a n d w i d t h
m e m b r a n e hydrophone
desc r i b e d on page 6.
The si g n a l is generated
by a 20-MHz f o c u sed
ult r a s ound t r a n sdu c e r
driv ing water into a nonli n e a r st at e . See page 11
to identify the parts on

Measurement accuracy for HP optical power meters and other optical

instruments is the main theme in the next article. TI?e article elso contains
an overview on the theory of measurement.
Hewlett-Packard holds severalinternal conferences each yearto sllow HP
scientists and engineers to share such things as best practices and research
activities, We have five papers from the 1997 conferencesponsored by engineers from HP's integrated circuit R&D community.

this hydrophone.

Improvements in simulation and verification toots for Ie design are the main
topics of the first two oi these 8 rticle s. The first describes the development

Volume 49 Number 3

TI,. Ilcwlen PnckD,d Journ~lls pUblisheli ~"""olly by Ihe HowlonPack.,d Comp anv to recn puize Icchnical contributions
made by Hcwlert-Packerd personnel.

- - - - - - - - - _._ - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -

- - - - -

-- - - -- - - .

The He w lettPackard Journal SteH

Advillory BOllrd

Steve Beitler, Executive Editor

Sleven A. Siano. Seruor f rlltnr
Ch.r1e, L l eoth, Mnnil Uing E~ I IO I
Susan E. Wright. P"ill,calion Produt tron M,n8ge l BadVal .l nu~ g' a tr.d Clr c ui~ B1J S!l\OSS Divmon, Foil. Colli" ;;,
WUIl,'ll1' W, Brown. In1L: llf jl!l.'rJ Cirwil BusinQ5!\ Divisl(.J H, S,Wtfl

W ashingwil

CliHO, CJlldn rrri;]

Cll ll[ Om l;\

RJlIje!h Ocui. Conlmort:i i:ll Syst'llnS- Divis)Ull, Clln e-rl ln lJ,

Renee D. Wriuht Dlsuib unnn Progr-a m Coordinator


Rogm L. Jungemlan, Mll :rowaV'] l ut:I\n!1klgV []iIJISlll n, SiHll tl

Rosa. Call1(}rom
farre~II(l'!lIen, k'l i c r ow;1V ~ TI~ C l ll 1D I f)9 v DivIs-II:.)!I, Sarrl.l Rosa.

John Nicon,n, l.i1 yuuUllIlIsl, nl,oll

Jo hn Hujj bes. W. hllla'l " '

KO\lin G, E"WIIfI, II"lHlQl iJ((!1! Sv ~tom ~ DIVh.:lcln, SunnVlJflllj,

nil ft.!cyc h!11pnuer,

Hc wlett -Puckarrl Company 199B PlIOI", in U,S.A.

C. Steven Joine r, OrJhCJd Ccm mllllll.:;tlltHi OiVIS,!(.ItI. San JD ::iU,


ClllitDtlll ii

Bornhllld ftseh",. B 8bl l r1D I ~n MadLCa' [Jlulslon, 8 tJ' brlllo(Jn ,


G ~ l ln al1V

Swee Kwaf1glfm, i\sin P ,~ nrh c;(<J l s Oi~'ls inr \ , S i n g a p u h~

Alfred M;,u [o. W:.ldhror\l\ /l.n ~ I ~ en! DI'IJ IJ;l nll, Vl)J ldlJfCllll l,

Dough,$. r.e~nt'lI(jn,

P (l nt ~d

BryOlIl Hoa9, La!ic ~ tQVC lJ S hrstnuuont D i v;~\OIl, Everett,

r, ll1L: I ~'y

Kil rdr.o nv OiVISIOII, GraiJ1cy.

8. Lee , NClDNorkcll SV~ Il.! r n "S

Litl)tjD. ( UI)Vr'iIIl{J, C.rldmrli;t

Co lClI \lIhl


Gary Oord()n, HPl aboratories, Pilla Alto, Celilermo

Andrew Mcloan. Entc rpnsu Mr.sS<;\Ulnq

Mmk Cor7j'nski , Ir"I ~l C l S\JlJ phC ~ GU5.incss Umr, Carvi3 llis. OrC'{IQ I\

, , ~ I and

MltU J. Harline, S'y''lih.:rll \ To r:11l 1oloU 'r'

DonuL MUl er, Wnrltt'...,do CIJ !-i~ .'l l n (,'/ SUllnl\ J1 Dlvr:Slr.rn. M IJIIIl 1: t1 J ~

O.'.'lsmn. f\o$c\lillll,


Ca ',I'O l llitl

XiyayasuHlwada, ....achroll Scrrnconductor T(!!t

O IVl ~ io n,

Tol yn,


MHc hell J . ~\I inar, HpEEsor OIVI$JUII. WC5 l~;) k Q vrrra;n:,

C ilI L~ l (l 1l 3

J a aau

Uf\(~r {\ I(lrt , P l r'I.'U"'lll l~l .

of a l7igl1-performance equivalence checker for gate-level simulation,

The next article describes the development of a model for estimating
cross talk between signal lines in subtnicrometer ULSI interconnects,
The modelhas an accuracy comparable to SPICE,
The last three articles from the conference cover reducing transmission
line reflections with HP's HSTL (high-speed transceiver logic) controlled
impedance I/O pads, providing low-reflection transitions and high electrical isolation in a low-cost RF multichip module packaging family, andtesting mixed-signal ASICs with the HP 9490 mixed-signal LSI tester.

Articles for th e Noverub..r L<;sII P hu-ludo

discussions Oil LED pa d mgillg lu r automotive applications, OTDH Hpplical ion
programming int orfar-cs. tlu - ,k/ Sl'llll eIl'v k-e-to- devk-e protocol. port ing at INIX'

applicarlon 10 the Window Nl''" enviro nrncnt , con necting I.f' l"lmi cal ..nul IIllw a gpnuuu infonnatlon S~"SI ellls t 01-(/'1 1)('1,' and
testi ng in ternationa lized soft warp. W(~
will also have th roe a ru c tos fro m 111 1'1'1'
Ill' in l ernal ('lI gill('('l'in g I' OU f('J'P ll l' P S .

Solutions to manufacturing andreliability problems with the epoxyresin

used to attach silicon chips to substrates are discussed in the last two
articles. First we have a description of a new casting epoxyformulation
curing condition usedfor HP surface mountLEOs. Second, we have an
analysis that was done to determine the best way to inhibit epoxybleeding, which causes yieldloss in ceramic pin grid array packaging,
C.L. Leath
Managing Editor

The Hewlett-Packard Journal is available online at:

M. Shnhid Mujraba. HPl OlbvriJ !<]f lc:'C . Palo Aha. California
Steven J. Narci$o. VXl Sy5tcm:f O i ~' i s i n l l , LovelanLl,Colorado

Dnnt'ly J , Oldfield. Dec lra nic Me,jslJrarae-n15 Di,,'\sil1n, ColQra:dc

A quick tour of our sue:


il heron' it re ach es your mailbox.

SIJII11 0):, CUI Ofildo


On:olil1i, Su flW ,H I~ Tuchnuioov Diviston, Roseville. Cilll+o rnlil

Xen Poulton. HP Lecorstories. PaloAiUl, C"lltorni.,
GiinlcrRi e:besoU,Bohlilloon lnsrnnuun'.s Oil/lsion, Bobllnpcn.

Past Issue s-e-revicw back to Febru ary Hl!J4, comp lete with links 10 oth er III' s ues .


r;~: f/1 1 il l1 V

lnrtex-i-scarc h har-k to OUI' Ilrs t issu e in HHD, ('Olllpl!'l!' with an Order Im llm l IiII'

Michael 8 . Saunders, lnrogr,iHod Clrcuil BUS'lnes.tJ D~\lJs ior\ t

Corvatlis, Otr.g<H1

issues or ankles you 'd like for yow ' Iibrury,

Philip Stltnlpl1 . HP lalJorZl lol icS' 8r;'3:10I, Bristol. England

Jim Willits, Nnrwori/ and Sysleill M -allagelTl&111 U;"" I!;'IOrl, F-o rt

Subscription Informarlon-c-guidel inos Ior U,S. a nd inrcrnuri onnl slIhs('lip t in ns ;11111

a form you can fill OUI 10 n'('l'ive an e-ma il message about up("o lllinil iss ill'S unrl
changes to our Website.

Collins, Colofodn
KoltM YlIn ngnwll. Kr,lJij 111~r I U ," 'J Ul l)~vl!i a l"\, KObo. Japan

Previews-e-contuins an ea rly lo ok at futu re a rticles,

SlOpbcl1 R. Undv. SI,.,o m, Tu<:llfluluUY 1),' ISlol1. f Nl Collins,


Bar ~ara

Zlmmol, Corpor,1tt.' Enginccrin!l, Palo AI1D, r.tllHorni"

Augus 1199S . Tho Hewle tt-Packa/ d jo urna l



Gerald L. Esch, Jr. and Robert B, Manley

Paul Lurn, Micha e l Greenstein, Edward D,

Verdonk. Charles Grossman. Jr., and
Thoma s L. Szabo
h yd rophoiu 11l0 ,lSUf('S rho h\',\111
pa nllll l' tl'I'S o ( in t rnvnsc ular ul traso und
im a gin g tr:lI ls d ll ('l ~ rS wh ich ha ve ce nter
fr('<[m 'llC:il':; ab ove :20 MIlz and beamwi d l hs hl' low 200 u ru,

, \ Il\' W

Harry D. Foster
l1'f()\1~h careful

memory management,
a high -pl'rJ'onnal\('( ' oquivalcnce checker
is Integrated into an HI' division's A..<:;IC

The Hf' ( :i\10S IIS TL (high-slH', '1! transcel vor l0l{ic-) r-ourrollcd impel!l\Iu 'l '1I0
pads r-an lu- IISl'd t,) 1'01111'01 n'lkl'liolls
on integrated circuitl/O p nd rlrivors.

i11'sign nnw,



The Hewtett-Peckerd Medical

Products Group Acoustic Output'

lewis R, Dove, Marlin l . Guth, and Dean B.


Measurement Laboratory
Samuel O. Naka~awa, Dennis M, Sylvester,
John G. McBride, and Soo-Young Oh

n t,T c
Cal bra I n 01 Op 'cal

A simpl e closcd -forru mod] 1'1)1" (' [lk ll l l\ t\ n~

cross talk 011 di-op-submicrom etcr IlLS!
interconnects has accuracy comparable
to SP((:r. for a n arb i tra ry ra l\lp inpn). nuc.

And reas Gerster

'l'lu- a ut hn r prpsl'llls all O\ 'P lv jl' \\ ' o f

l ilt , I h\'o r,v or nu -asun-nu -nt und til('
('a lihrali o ll o f lIT' po wer mot ors and
II I h.-r II p l il'a l ins tru m en ts.

t--lV' -~
t I~ '"



l ' -Cos



I '

Realizationof Electrical Units

A new RIo' multichip moduk- pack a ging

family has a lower cost I han I 1';) 1lit ioua l
hi gh-fl'<'qll f'I1(,Y pa l'ka gillg, w hile SI ill
providing low-reflection transitions and
high olecrricul isolation .

hl lp ://w\' m/hpj/ joum a III I

Matlhew M.


and Kalwanf


TIll' alll.h (ll~ rk-tuonstrat v I.hl'{'apllhiliti('s

of till' II P !lI!lO nux {'d-signal \('~l er on l,W O
milo:('dsigllill i\SlCs.

. BI_"'-

Nln~xla Tan, Kennelh H. H. Lim. Bernard

Chin. and Anthony J. Bourdillon

TIl{' author s describe how to redu ce rho

viekl loss Ihal. r(,~1I11s from epoxy 1I1 ('('di ll~.



.. _1Il!h..


The Previews sectio n co nta ins the

Iollowin g' I ll ~\\' al1id('s :
Comparison of Finite- Diffe re nc e and
sprce: Tools for Therma l M odeli n ~ of the
Effects of Nonunifo rm Power Generation
in Hj~hPowor CPUs
A Low-Complexity. FixedRate
Compression Scheme for Color Images
and Documents



Wha t's new?

g IO'lI l llftl" V $op>""',\


E-Mail Registration
II Usc-EMail Notifi ca f.lo n III n 'gisl ('r

yo ur e- mail addn'ss so I hal ~' O ll run

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pu b lis h ed.

Th e Hlr J ournal WelJsifr is I' I Y) I I' i ll !l

ra1Ihlli/-II:e iu nit liOIl I I) kN'f l up!

Koay BanKuan,leon~ Ak 'Win~, Tan

BoonChun, and Yoon~ Tze -Kwan
/\ IIt'\\' (,:I.~ I.i llg {'Pl)X~' tcnuuluu on ~l.opS
epoxy crack in g. and op lilll iza!Jo [\ of \h e
di<'-allitch r-poxv f'1Ir C' sd H'f!IlIl' sol ves
Jifl. 'd dit atl ad, alld d('l al\l inal iou


A l SO -MH z-Bandwi dth Mem brane

Hydrophone for Acoustic Fie ld
Ch aracteri zat ion




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_ 11 11

D ia",,", " c ultrasound imaging is used routinely in" growing number or

mcdical applicauons. llowlcu-Packard 1lI8nufnc1.1U'0.S

1\ range

or ull rnsOI11 id

imaging systems that. use digital beamformers for car diol ogy and multipurpose
jmaging and mechanical beam formers [or cardiology. general-purpose. and

Intravascular imaging.

At the heart of an ultrasound system is a transducer, an electroacoustic devic e

the)[, co nver ts electrical signals into a focused mechanical WiIW and u x-onvorts
reflected mechanical echoes from organs and tissue for subsequent real-lime
image construction. The transducer is a resonant device that has a bandpass

filter f requency response. Currently available transducers have a center

frequency in the range of 2 to 30 MHz, A phased :U'\'aY of individual transducers,
typically consisting of 30 to ;300 clements, L" electronically focused and st eered

to provide a beam with the rlirnensions desired


a sel ected medical

appl ication,

Current trends in imaging ace to tJ1C following higher-frequency applications:

Intravascular imaging for plaque detection in blood vessels such as the

coronary arteries
Con trast-agent -assisted harmonic' frequency im.a~ing T.O view blood flow and

perfusion in the heart

Au ~US I 1 9 g e.

Th. Hewleu-Packard Jou,nol

Sm a ll lJaI1S imaging for near-surface high-definition

oxam lnatlou of burn injuries, skin lesions, and cancers
Laparoscopic surgerv (ultrasound-guided interventional
Ocular imaging (high-resolution visualization of anorna-

parameters of the hydrophones used to measure th ese

transducers, 111e required effective spot diameter is GO um
for a hydrophone to measure a :30-Mllz IVUS I ra nsducer
with a typical f-mm aperture and a transducer-t o-hydrophone' range of les s than :2 mm, For more details 0 11 tr ansducer characterization, see the box on page S.

lips and repairs of the- eye).

Th ese tren ds pos t' c halle nges in the characterization of

the tran sducers used. By law, ultrasound imaging system
mallllracl;lIrers are required to measure the acoustic output of th eir sys tems at. the transducer, To characterize the
aco ust ic w aves o f t heso sys tem s, small calibrated transd ucers called hydrophones are used. To avoid altering the
acoustic: fields they are measuring, hydrophones must be
as nonpert urbing <IS possib le and must far exceed the
bandwidth and the spatial resolution of the transducers
being nu-asurcd, This paper describes a new membrane
hydrophone that provide s the performance ne eded for
th ese exacting applications.
The hydrophones presently used in the industry have
- ;)-(lB bandwidths of 15 in 20 !'11Hz and effective spot
SiZk'S of :>00 ~1Il1. They are appropriate for characterizing
acoustic medical imaging transducers up to about 7 MHz.
l loweve r, even tra ns d iccrs at. th ese frequ encies generate,
through nonlinear propagation effects in water, higher
ha rm oni cs that. e xt e nd in frequ ency beyond the - ~~-d13
bandwidth or till! available hydrophones. To fully characte rize a 1ra nsrluc er, detection of the fifth harmonic is
needed. Furthermore, there are new ultrasonic
modalit ies, such as intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in tJ1E'
;30-i\lIIz frequen cy range with 50-11m wavelengths. These
I ransduccrs cann o t h( ~ adequately characterized by
I G-Io-~O-MJJz-han(\wil\th hydrophon es. (NUS gives a
(Tos s-s ectional view of t.he interior of coronary art eries
to as sess coro nary athorosclerosis.)

In view of these considerauons, there is ;111 import ani need

for hydrophones capable of characterizing transducers
with frequency components in the range of 150 Ml lz an d
a spatial resolution of typically less than GO um . This is
illustrated in Figure 1, which is a plot of sensi tivity
as a function or frequency for both existing and n -quin-d
This article describes Lhe modeling, fabricati on , and initial
characterization of a membrane hydrophone capable o f
meeting these more exacting bandwidth and spal ial l'('quirements. The hydrophone is fabricated trom a 4-lllllthick film of spot-poled? PVDF-TtFE piezoel ectric polymer material. It has on-membrane elec tro nics, a - :1-d B
bandwidth in ex cess of 150 Mllz, ami a measured offe ctive spot diameter of less than 100 J.t1Yl.:1
PolinD refcrs 10 th ~ pror.~ ss oi aligning the directions 01the tenoelectnc domains ina
rerr08 1~Gtr ic material so that a net pu larizationoccurs.The pol vrne: mater;;,I IISULI fur
thehytlroplwne comes with random ferroelew ic pnlari/atiun 8y applyinganelec tric
field at an elevated temperature we can rotate the dir ctinns of 111l! IIldivirllial polilw Ji ron vectors sothai thRy are all aligner! ~ I nn g the e lSGlIIC field direction. The higllm
temperaturelowers thework req u ir~d . Wilen h!~ l1Ioteliol rsunns I II roam tempe r" tlJre
till: dom o in~ slay alignml. tnusr.reatingan ac ivare()iulI, SpOIpnliWI ispoling 1:lJ llflliUd
tosel ected areas

Figure I
Bandwidth requirements for hydrophones.


Peak pU)S(' paramel ors calc ulate d from hydrophones with

inadequate frequ ency response show large errors. Hydrophones wit.h e ffec tive spot sizes that arc too large undercstimai e I Ill' critical parameter of peak pressure because
they average U1C pressure over the hydrophone's a ctive



' 0;






Th e
and NEtv1A~ standards regulate \:JH' charactcrizat.ion of medi cal ultrasound transducers hy specifyiru; the
IEe l

o +---t---~-------f---~
Frequency (MHzl


J998 rh. Hewlett- Par ka rd )ou"",1

The control and display of acoustic output have important perIorrnance and quality implications for medica l diagnostic ultrasound equipment. Theacousti c output ofthese devices should
beoptimized to provide imagequa lity sufficient fora clinician
to make a diagnosis, while at the same time, must be limited
to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDAI approved levels.
The FDA has set limits lor acousuc ou tput. and requires reporting of ma ximumoutput levels before marketing these devices
and as partof the device labeling. Output measurements on
production units are performed to ensure manufacturing processcontrol and to establish compliance with FDA Duality
System Regu lations(GSR). Recognizing that measurement 01
acoustic output is an essenti al part of the deSign, manufacture, and marketing of this equ ipment, the HP Medical ProductsGroup (MPGl in 1985 established a dedicated. stale-ofthe-art. acoustic output measurement laboratory at Andover.

Measurement Stendsrd, the NEMA/AIUA4 Standard for RealTime Displavof Thermal and Acoustic Output Indices Oil Diagoosiic Ultrasound Equipment and International standards.
The laboratory's mission is fu urfold.
The firs t mission is to support the development of new ultrasound products, Before clinical studies. mea surements arc
performed on prototype equipment to characterize theacoustic
field, and maximum acoustic output isverified to be al or
below FDA aporoved limits for pressure and intensity. later,
after more systems are manufactured, outpu t control and
display are optimized and validated, and additional measurements me performed to establish the output variability of
newly des igned products , Finally, production test protocols
and testlimits are established.
The second mission is to col lect acoustic output data required
for regulatory labclinq. This includes co llection of data for
premarket notification and other international requirements,

n The laboratory has instruments
required to performmeasurements of acoustic pressure, intensity. Irequcncv. and power in the rangeof 1 to 20 MHz, and is
staffed by rna naqers, support engineers, and highly skilled
mea surement technicians.

The primary measurement system used to measure pressure,

intensity. an d frequency consists of a water tank, hydrophone,
motor ized prec ision positioning system. high-speed samplmg
oscilloscope, syste mcontroller. and associa ted measurement
software. The positioning system provides repeata blepos itioning of the acoustic beamre lativetothe hydrophone in the water
tank and allowsautomatic scanning of the acous tic field. The
osc illoscope captures the hydrophone output and transfers the
sampled data to the system controller for parameter comoutation Ipressure, intensity, frequency).

The lrllrd mission is to support manufacturing engineering.

Tile laboratory is responsible for addressing all aspects of
acoustic output measurement related to FDA-GMP and ISO
requirements. inclUding the establishment of production rest
procedu res and test limits and calibration and maintenance
proceduresof unique lest equipment.
Finally. the laboratory is committed to advancing ultrasonic
exposimetrv acoustic output mea surement science, and associa ted measurement standards. The laboratory provides a
real-world environment for thedeve lopment 01 new mea surement devices. such as the HP wideband hvdrophone described
in the accorn panvi nq article, and laboratory engineersare
actively involved in national and international measurement
standards committee work iNEMA, AlUM, IEC, erc.l.
To accomplish these missions, the laboratory maintainsclose,
cooperative work ing relationships with MPG 's ultrasound
product design team as well as MPG's manufac turing enqineerinqand reg ulatory staffs.

A radiation force bal ance is used to mea sure total acou stic
power. This device consists of a small sound-absorbing target
attached to one armof a microbalancesuspended ina water
co lumn. To performa power measurement. tile source transducer iscoupled to the water column and the acoustic beam
isdirected at the target. The resulting force on the target, as
measured 11Y the microba lanc e. is proport ional to the total

Charles Grossman , Jr.. Thomas L. Szabo,

Kathleen Mesch isen. and Katharine Stoh lman
Imaging Systems Divi sion

The meth odology for performing these measurementsconforms tothose specified in the NEMA UD2 Acoustic Output

The lJu."ic stru Iure 01' tI membrane hydrophone is shown

F'iglll'(I ;~

in Figure 2. Ilore, a portion of a thin membrane is shown

with an ('\('(tt'o(]p an d a trace on {'<tell side of the membru no. TIl<' center [J'(~qlH'I\CY is inversely proportional \.0
th e thickness 01' (he piezoelectric membrane. The spatial
reso lut ion of IJw hydrophone improves as the diamct cr
of tho electrode decreases, and the sensitivity and bandwidth nrr- dcrormined hy the piezoelectric coupling of the
11 ioml irano. The ;[c!.iw mea of tilt' hydrophone is determin ed by the ov erlap of the top and bottom electrodes.
In practico, ()IH~ of till ' electrodes is extended over a largo
portion or the membrane to serve as a ground plane,

(a) Hydrophone structure for 3D electrostatic modeling.

(b) Contours of constantpotential at Z= 50JI m.

-. ~
> 0








The rhicknoss-modo resonant Irequoncy, f o, of the membrane hydrophone is g-ivC'n by :








Ground Plaue






XDistance (~m~






= .i.:.-


Acoustic modeling was used to r-haractcrizo till' effects of

spot size film thickness, muss loading from the rhin-Iilm
elec trodes , and directional sensitivity (directivity), The
mnj or diln'n'IIl'l':-; ill the properties or the piczocloct ric
polymer materials between the copolymer PVDF'-l'rFE
USN) 1)('1'0 and the morr- commonly used "VOF 0.1'0 the
increased di elect ric constant, l.h0 increased effective coupling constant, and L111~ dur-rcascd electrical loss tangent
of l.he ropolymcr,



measurement range to maximize the flal.lless of lilt' s pn",j-

tivity. A -i-um film satisfies lhis 1'{'(luirCIlIl'1l1 by placing

the thickness resonance frequency a.t 1GO MHz. The t hidn('SS resonance is also all('c!J'd by the IlWSS or 111<' 111('lnl
electrodes. For a 4-~([n membrane, conventi onal :.mooA

whore c is tho acoustic velocity and t is the thickness of

(he III cmbran. Thi s n -larion COIll"'S from the requirement
that rlu- thickness dim ension of t.he membrane film must
he a hal f wavelength , In general, it is important. to have
I.hl~ thickn ess resonance or the membrane beyond the

ele ctrodes degrade the \H';l k fn'qlll ~l1cy or Illl' sr-nsltivi t v

and the fractional bandwidt h. A choi ce of loooA Ior t 11('

electrode thickness is a good compromise between a
corrosion-resistant elr-ctrode wit h ad('t!uClll' ('onduel iv it v

Figlll'<' 2

and adequate bandwidth.

Basic structure of a membrane hydrophone.



During che spot-po ling process, the applied ckx-tr lc Ik-Ids

flingl' beyond the edge of the- SPOI olectrode and can po l<'
areas of the piezoelectric polymer beyond the intended

4 ,Inl Thick

37-" nl Diameter

spot elec trode. Electrostatic field mod('lillg was usr-d I (l


model the electrical field patterns to cstimat (' Ilw l 'Xl ('lit
of the fringe field, Voltages on the three..d imensional
suuciu rc are sp ed lied and Poisson's equa tion is solve-d
iteratively. The geometry of the model is shown ill
F'igurc 3a. A ;J 7. p m - rl i aJlI e t(~ r (~ledJ'()d8 spot and Iran'


an' pun orued over a semi-infinite ground plane. These

an' Oil opposite sides of a -l-um -thick polymer film. In
Frgurc 3b, 10% incremental contour plots of the electrical potential aro shown for a central cross section in the
X-Y plane, through the trace at the top, the polymer film,
and tho hoi IoIII gr ound plane. An additional 10 um is
poled at greater than 50% of the maximum potential on
..1)(' electrode. Therefore, this model predicts a larger total
ae\ ivo diam et er of about GO ~1l1.

Figure 4
Schematic and equivalent circuit for the membrane


vTh e elfccts of spo t size and film thickness ar e s een by

app roximatin g th e electrical impedance by capacitive

rpa('la ll{'('. This rl' (\(tal\C('~ is:


- j

2rrJ" Co =

~ itD


whore I is the thickness, 0 is l1w diameter of the spot,


Figure 4 shows the schematic diagram and equivalent

ci rcuit for a membrane hydrophone with an adjacent
ampl i fi er, At tho far left of the overall equivalent circuit is
the l'qlliv,llcnt circ uit. for the piezoelectrically active area
resonator. This circuit yields two conditions for resonance.
A s('rips n 'SO) UIllCC condition exists when Ct. L], and RI
resonat e to produce an e lectri cal impedance minimum,
a nd a pa ra llel resonance condition exists when the
C I - L l - I ~ I hrunch is inductive and tunes with Cn to produce
an imp edance maximum. In the middle, Gs represents the
sl ray ('apal"itance of thl' connecting electrode. The MUacent amplifier is represented by a capacitance ell and a
real imp edan ce R". Not shown is the SO-ohm coaxial cable
Ihal ("(JIlIH' CIS Ihe amplifier output to additional electronic
circuitry. On-membrane electronics are used to avoid
('OITllpti ng Ill<' frequ ency chara cteristics ana W match a
50-oh m cable properly,

lIugusl1 998. The tlewleu-Packord Ioumal



is I he clamped di electric constant, und c is the speed of

sound in the membrane. Thus the electrical impedance

o f (11<: membrane hydrophone increases with the square
o f t Ill' membrane thickness and inversely with the square
of tho spot diam eter. For a 4-/lm-l !lick membrane with a
:l7-!1I11-dialllel er s pot, Z is LOO,OOO ohms. This high impedan ce presen ts a challenge for matching the transducer to
Ill<' :-lil-ohm impedance of the cable used 1,0 connect the
hydrophone \.0 all oscilloscope.



TIle spatial resolution of a hydrophone is determined hy

tJ1C effective spot. size. The effective spot siz is in tum

determined hy the geometric spot size and other clccl.rical

a nd acoustic radars, I r the spot size is sign ificantly larger
than the size of the acoustic beam being measured, spat ial
averaging occurs (a hydrophone me asures pre ssure, not
energy). Averaging by the hydrophone results in everest imating the size of the beam and underestimating ilw absolute pressure levels of the beam . These two 0l"[('('ls will he
illustrated and discussed later in this article for both largediameter and small-diameter hydrophone'S.


The tahrication of a membrane hydrophone Ix~gins wil .h

the raw PVDf'-TrFE film in a roll form. An evaporator is
used to deposit metal electrodes onto both sidos of tlufilm . Shadow masks establish the electrod e patterns. One
side is patterned for the act.ive spot electrode and the
Oil-membrane electroni cs <:OlUWCti OIlS . The oilu-r sido is

patterned for the ground plane. Alignment of th ground

plane relative La the spot electrode is necessary to COl"
recuy establish the overlap of the spot electrode.

,- - - - - - - - --


Figure !i
(a) Photograph of the rear side of the hydrophone. (b) Photomicrograph of the active spot, showingthe 37-llm geometric diameter.
5~Ohm Conngclo, "
On-M embrane


Top Eloclrcdc


The membrane is then mounted onto a ring support 5101"uc III its raw state, as receiv ed from tho vendor, th e
piezoelectric PVDF-TrFE film is Impaled with unaligned
flm'ode('lril; domains. To align these domains and create
the piczoelcctrk: active area, the film is spot-poled a t a
temperature of 1:30"C and all electric field strength of


A fllm thickncss of 4 um and aspol size of 37 11m result in

a device with an electrical impedance of about 100kilohrns.

Such a hydrophone is not well-matched to the 50-ohm

cabk- typically us ed to co nn ect Lhe hydrophone to a n
oscilloscope input. This substantial electrical impedance
mismatch ISsue is resolved by mounting a widehand, lowdis tortion buffer amplifier direcllv Oil the membrane. The
select ed amplifier, a surface mount device, has a Ircq.iency

l.hat is flat within 1 dB from


to 300 MHz

and an input impedance on the ord er of 450 kilohm.'>. To

avoid distorting th e aco us tic- Iield, the arnplifier is surface
mounted dircrt Iy on to I.lw membran e at a distance of
10 mill from th e spot electrode. The electronics are en
capsulate d wi th (1 nlSf backing of silicone resin that also
acts 1.0 prot ect th e fragile lj -!-lm-thi<:k film. After the hackin~ is cured , I.he hydrophone is characte riz ed .
A photograph of the rear surface of the hydrophone is
shown in Figure 5a with several of the key structures
hi ghlighl(ld. Normally the- back side of the hydrophone is
encapsulated in a silicone gel to SlIPPOlt the membrane
and prorer-tthe elec tro nics from the water environment.

The membrane is stre tc hed taut. over the GO-mill diame: cr

stainless steel support ring. The ground plan o c a ll 1)(' seell

on the bottom loft. half of the membrane. The ac tive sp ot

is at the end of I.he trace pcinting toward Lhe ("('111,(']" o f nil'
membrane. The on-membrane elec t ro n ics ar e loca ted in
the upper right portion of the photo, with the I.wo power
supply leads sho wn on the light side of I:IH~ ph oto, The
hydrophone is terminated into a standard ENe !)O-ohm
coaxial connect or. Figure 5b I:; a photomicrograph of tht'
active area. Here th e top surface elec trode is s pell on lilt'
right as it tapers duwn to a ;~7-l-J.m diam eter. Th e gro und
plane is located in the left. half of IJH~ picture, und er Il l<'
pi ezoele ctric film , j ust ov erlapping the 37-~illl-di am el er
spot. The spa tial ov erlap of th e top ele ctrode an d Ilw
ground plane defines the ac tive sp o t" o nce il has been

One of the key design goals is a - ;l-dU bandw idth of a l

least 150 MHz. Several potential methods for measuring
UIC bandwidth include cal ibrat io n against a known sta ndard hydrophone, in terferom etry, recipro ci ty, a nd th rnonlinear distortion method. The first three ar c ge nerally
accepted calibrution methods but are cHr n 'Il limit ed t o
a maximum Irequencv of i)O MHz . The nonlinea r distort io n
method, although not considered a standard method, is
capable of measurem ents aho vo lriO MJ-II:, and wax chosen

to evaluate the new hydrophone.

AU~UH 1'.t98.

The Hewlet t-Packard Journal

III tho nonlinear distortion method, a source transducer is

compressional half-cycles exhibit very fasl, ris e times,

Ils(d 10 produce nonlinear ('f[eels in th o w at er propuga1ion m edium. ]11 a fully developed shock wave, such as Ihe

while the negative rarefaction half-cycles cxhi hit slower

fall times. The higher frequencies gellcril1pd this way do

1"lIniliar on e gt'lwraled by a jet airplane, a classic N wave,

not suffer signifirun] propagauon-rclntrul atu-nuaf.i ou h('-

or N-s haped waveform, may be form ed. T he N wave gets

ils name f rom its \I( ~!"Y sleep cotuprcssi onal ris c time and
il s more gr adual rarefa ction fall time, A.s the waveform
propa gar es, a shock front develops, which generates new
I'n' IJIIl ' llt'y components no t pre sent in I,he ori ginal waveform. TIll' frequ ency s pe c truru of an ideal N-shaped shock
wavo has Ih 'qlll')H'Y ha rm onics at multiples n of U1C lundamcnral . whe re 11 = 1. 2. :3, ..., 0: . In th e classic N wave,
(',leh harmonic a mplitud e' falls off as lin. Perfect N waves
1)'(' rn n -ly achieved ill the fields of me dic al ultrasound
transduc ers because of diffraction phase effects in the

cause they arc generated right where they are detected.

The - 3dB bandwidrh can he esti mated from rl lt' sharp
compressional portion of this wav eform, From the
IOo/.,..I,o-$)()% rise time, a bandwidth of 100 Ml lz is calculaied, The related frequen cy sp ect rum is shown in
Figure 6b. The harmonics from the (undamerual at
-20 Mllz np 1:0 -800 MHz can be> socn, Th p peaks. COl"responding to the harmonics at 20-IVU [1. in te rva ls, show
the extent of the nonlinear distortion of t.Iw waveform.
Without the nonlinear distortion, most or 1"11l' pn(' rgy
would be located at the fundam en tal fr equen cy of

beam, I Inwt-ver, nonl in cur distortion methods call sti l l

providr- all

( ~x(n 'lll ely

20 MHz. At -700 MHz, the - 3dB ba ndw idth of IIw

broadband signal (,0 <lid in the cvalu-

al ion til' hydrophone bandv..- idth.

buffer amplifier limits the measured Irequeucy response

of the hydrophone. Thus, (his hvdrophone z-an d ('f('('j

An illlp('rrct"lly shaped N waveform is shown in Figure 6a.

acoustic frequency components out La at. least

T his wa veform is from a 20-MHz, 6A-tnlll-cijam0\.er transdl (('('r t ~xdi<'d ill a tone-hurst mode, as rec o rded by an
lIP :;1720i\ digital oscilloscope and an 1-1.1-' 54721A plug-in
wnplil"ip r wi til a I-Gl lz analog bandwid th, The- hydro-

son Mllz.

TI18 superior bandwidth of this mcmbraru- hydrophone

relative to hydrophones currently ill us e run be d ('Il1OIlstrared by performing comparative measurements on

acoustic lidos generated by medica l diagn os tk- ult rasound
oquipment. Comparative wavetorm measurements were
made with a Hewlett-Packard SONOS 2S00 diaguosti

piU IIH' is place d at the focal plane distance of 19 nun.In

th(' focal p lan e . the intensity is sufficient to explo it the
nonlinear propel'ti C's of' water 10 generate useful nonlinear

imaging system and a Ii-Mllz phased ar ray transducer

dist o rtion. ThL' waveform exciting the transducer is a

as tile source, Two hydrophones were used t.o me-asure

the acoustic waveform cll focus. A cali bratc.l ref t'l't 'rH'l'

sinusoidal ronc hurst. Because of til(' nonlinear

pru]Jt'11 ics of t1w water propagation medium. the positive


(a) Re ceived nonlinear weveiorm from a 20MHztransducer. (b) Spectrum of the nonlineer waveform with harmonics uo to BOD MHz,
10- 1


10- 2









10- 3





10- 6

10-7 J




lime (microseconds)



Frequency (MHz)

Figun- 7

Waveforms (insets) andspectra for fa} 500~l/m-diametrJr hydrophone and (b) new HP37~l!mdiameter hydrophone,














10-2 .J-- --





- j - -- ----lI



spot diameter on a

with Ihe new UP high-frequency membrane hydrophone

:)7-11111 ."V0 t. on a -l- um -th ick membrane. Figure 7a

sho ws the Ircquency spectrum using the 500-!J.I1l-diamNer

hydrophone, and

tlll ~

inset, shows ItI(' measured nonlinear

wuvelonn . The SJWl'1 ru m shows the Iundamontal al. 5 Ml1z

and three harmonics at 10, 15. and 20 MHz. Figure 7b
shows Ill<' rn.'QllPIH'Y Spl'I'lnu)) using the new TnJ ;l7-,umdiameter hydrophone, ami the inset shows Ihe respective
wav eform t hal. has gr l'ill CT d('l;ail and a sharper rise time
lx.rausc of IIw greal;er bandwidth. The spec! I1U.1\ SllOWS I he

lurulamr-ntal at. :j MI17.. and till" subsequent 40 harmonics

0111,10 200 Ml lz. This frequency rlara

- - - -1 - - - - - +-- - - -1I- - - I




:8 i -pnH hiek bilamlnar PVDF' nu -mbrane was compared


10-2 +--


Froquency (MHz)

membrane hydrophone with a


correlate s well with



Frequency (MHll

Although the op en-circuit voltago sew,-itivity is l hc most

direct measure of the sensitivity of II hydroph one. it is
difficult La measure with the new liP hydrophone and
its required on -membrane aruplifior, (' 0 nseq 1.Il'1II ly. I Ill'
loaded-end-of-cable sensitivity, ML (relative to 1 VIJ\'Jl'a ),
was measured and round to 1;(> - 2;3 2 dB, wit hin - 1.:''> dB
of l.he reference 500-flltl-tliall1l'I,I'r hydrophone. 'l'his romparison was done with the referenc-e hydrophone ('onligurorl with a (i-dB external amplilkr and II\!' wi doband
hydrophone driving an external 2fl--dB amplifier. In I'a('h
case rhe circuits arc optimally tuned with tho exlornul
amplifiers ill plal'!', Although sonsit ivity l'alihral ion Illl'a surcments arc nee-ded out, to I!'i(l MHz. then' is not ,V Pl a
saf.isfactory calibration procedure for 1.l1(-' required r<l llgl',

tho spcr-tr show n in Fignre 6, given the lower excitation fn'qll('IH"Y or t.ll{-' ~()NOS svsicm.

Whell the hydrophone diameter is


largl'r 111:111

the beam it measures. spatial averaging occurs, To om -

Tho sl'!1sit ivilY oln membrane hydrophone can he detormined by (wo fundamental parameters. The first is 1110
thlr-kness l"!'SOllaI1CP of tho membrane film, The second is
the response dotornuned by Ihe electrical and plezoelectrlc
properties of Ihe material. For a hvrlrophone the receive
vollag<' spl\sil,ivil,V, M, is given by the ratio of tlu- devoloped voltage 10 the iru-idcnt aco ust ic pressure, that is.
1\1 = VfP.


I.lw spatial rosolnuon or the

[-[P high-rrc'qlll'l\( 'y hydro-

phone with a reference hydrophone with a SOO-P111spot

size, 11)(' lightly for-used beam of a 20-MIIz , (iA-lllm -d ia mt>-

tcr transducer was measured by both hydrophones dO:';I'

to the fucal plane, The measured beam of this t nlllSdll( 'l'r
al its Iocal k-ngth is close to tlw id eal pn'dicl('c1 h~' 1l11'llry
provided that a sufficiently small hydrophon e is uSl'd
to make f,h(' me asurement. The 1H('<IS\U'I'(\ fi('ld can Ill'

Au{uSi 1998. Th~ Hew le tt-Packa rd Jou m ol

mod el ed to a good approximation as IJIe spatial average

o f IIII' thcore tical field

OVE')" L1w

hydrophone area .


of radia l sym met ry, th e area averaging simplifies to a run-

measurement, The resulting measured half angles, when

applied \.0 the tbooret ical model, indicat e a spot diam eter
upper bound of 100 urn for the device measured.

\ling 1IIL':111 across the "hemp-tical beam.


Measu red beamwidths for the two hydrophones arc compared

1,0 theoret ical

calculations of rhc spatlally averaged

nnd unavoragcd beamwidths in Figure 8. In Figure 8a

t 1](' data from the ;\OO-/Jnl r efer ence hydrophone is shown,

and (he comparable data [or the

HP hydrophone is given

in F igure 8b. These curves demonstrate that the referl'1\l'('

hydrophone und erestimates the on-axis pressure at

Ihe beam peak by 40% and overestimates the hearuwidth

h)<' riO'>(" w hereas the new HP high-frequency hydrophone
provid es a faithful replica of the beam shape and pressure.
Angular m easurement techniques can also be used to esti mate I he effe ctive spot size of u hydrophone. In tJH~ ,UlI,'Ular response method, the hydrophone is swept through an
arc about: the r eference transducer. In this way. directional

res ponse can he measured and used 1.0 estimate the effectiv e di am t-rer. In this method the actual beamwidths at
dB and at. - ti d B are co mpa red to those expected

- :j

from theory. From the theoretical bc amwidrh, for a given

f l'l'l)IWlI cy, I he cftcctlve hydrophone spot diamete r can
be infe rr ed from the beamwidth data. The same ~O-MHz
for -used trunsmiuer was used to perform a directivity

As an ex amp le of the application of this new hydrophone,

a 30-MHz IV(JS catheter transducer excited by all III' IVUS

system under normal system settings was charat eriz cd.

In use, a stationary sheath is used to pro 1Cl' 1 lilt' intimnl

lining of the blood vessel (one monolayer of cells thick )
from the rotating catheter and transducer. The sheath
both aucnuatcs and focuses the beam. In Figure 9a, lilt'
waveform is shown as received by the hydrophone after
a l.Il-mm path in water. The hydrophone' was carefully
placed on the axis of sound propagation. The th ick line is
the waveform with the llO-!.lIll-lhic:k poIYIT\(~r sh eath . and
the thin line is the waveform without the sheath. The
beam that is focused by the sheath arrives ai , th e hydrophone earlier. The disparity in tlu - rise and fall t l mes of
these signals is an indication that nonlinear distortion has
developed in Ole water medium, The frequ ency sp ectra of
these waveforms UI Figure 9b indicate th e presence of
nonlinear distortion both with a sh eath and without a
shea th. There are frequency componen ts or this waveIorm ou t \.0 at least 150 M1lz, which cannot be measured
by a conven tio nal 2o-MHz-bandwidth hydrophone.

Linearscansof a 20-MHz ultrasound transducerbeamwith two hydrophones: (a) a 500~llm-diameter reference hydrophone
and fb) the 37'/1 tn-dismeter HPhydrophone. In each case, the theoretical transducerbeam shape, Ihe theoretical beam
shape as spatially averaged by the hydrophone spot size, and tile discrete hydrophone measurement data are shown.

Ideal Beam ModeJ


500f1.lll Spot Sizo Modol


Dela Points






...'" 0,6

...'" 0.6







01 '




I \

E- o.s


- 2.0


E 0.5

37-,10' Spot Size Model

Oala Peints


f ' -.


X Axis (mOl)


o -:-




- 2,0



Figure D
HPmembrane hydrophone measurements ot nonlineardata from a 30~MHz IVUS catheter. (a) Iime-domsin waveforms.
(b) Frequency-domain spectra.
0.2 -



No Shealh

No Sheelh



10- 3

















With the increasing





of intravascular ultrasound imaging

transducers with operating enter frequencies exceeding

20 MlIz and bearnwidths below 200 um, smaller.. spat... size
and hif.() wr.. fre quency hydrophones are needed. Characterizing transducer acoustic pressure fields according to the
AlIJM/NEMA standards requires a hydrophone with a spot
diamet er less 1han GO Illn and a band width gr eater Ihan
1i)O Mllz. Th e hydrophone described in this mucic is a
Slt'P towards 1lI <,('t:in~ these requirem ents,

Acoustic modeling was performed 10 provide a general

~ lI i d e l i.n c

for sdedi.llg Uw m embrane thickness, electrode

diameter, electrode conducto r metal thi ckness, electrode

interconnect lead length, and placement of the amplifier.
Fabrication of the hydrophone required characteri za tlon
of the material, electrode patterning, spot poling, and
assr-mbly, The nonlinear di stortion method was used to
ev aluat e the bandwidth. Directivity m easurements were
us ed to rletcrmlnc an upp er limit for tho effective spot
diame te r. Th e substlu uiona l ructhorl was used to evaluate
the hydrophone sensitivity up to 20 MHz. As an example of
the capability of the hydrophone, t.he on-axis signal from
a :30-1\HIl, rvus rrausducer in water WHS characterized .



Frequoncy (MHzl



The result of this work is an acoustic hydrophon e Iabri . .

cared on a 4-pm-thick membrane film of PVDF-TrFE.
having an effective active spot. less than 100 'lin ill
diameter, an on-m embrane buffer amplifier within 10111111
of th act ive spot, and a load ed end...of-cable sens itivity
or - :;;3 dD relative \.0 IV1M Pa in the rangl:' 5 I () :W Ml lz.
Additional c haracte rization is needed to determ ine th e
abso lute hydrophone respons e in th e ran ge of ~O to
160 MHz, and to measure the effective s po t size 1\10rC'
accurately. Further details on this hydrophone and a more
complet e sot of re ferenc es a rc given ill ro fercu c ; ~" This
hydrophone has been licensed to an ex te rnal vendor for
commercialization, and is expected to he available ill 1lu spring or 1908.

The authors would like to a cknowledge Belinda Kendl e

for help with hydroph on e Iabricarion, Said Bol o rfo ros h
for many useful di scussions, Henry Yoshida for th e poling
system, Jerry Zawadzki for numerous flxuu 'cs. Pci c
Melton and Kate Stahlman for their COllI inual su ppo rt and
encouragement, and Paul Magnin for his couslsrent leve l
of' s upport,



Lum, ]\;1.



(iro~SIl1(Il1 _

1'rc.'t)lIC'ncy 1\II1'llIhl'(1l1(' l lydrophont-,"


Ult nisrmirs. l-i'I" IYJe)('( '/.rics, 1/')111 Frt'1J 1.II-',1J( ~.Ij C'lIldlll/. Vo l. "1:\,

M, 'II .,'I1((' III1'II I II Jli I ( :/t lll'/lrll 'ri.;: IIIi/,lll (U'/llI l'I1srJJl ;(' Fi elt]

f/s i u,lj ".11dru} J!WJII 'S

i ll. Til l ' F}, I'I}I/I '! ll'lJ RIIII/p ' 0 .;') M/{::

;11 1( 1T. Swllo. "l ligh-

!I~'/~'r; '/ rnt USII( 'I ;IIII ,~ /) /1


no . 4, .l ul y 19D1i, JlJl. G:l<i.w l.

I :; i1111.:'. 11';(, I 1O~ : !!Ill!.

Slmuill HI Fr: f)i{/ !Jllo.~li("
NEi\'L\ Si andarc!s 1'1I11\k al ioll No. l ll )
:;.I!J!I:;, National Eh-ctri cul Munutactun -rs Associatlo n, 2101 L
~ , .\t-/) I J .~ Ii ,. 0 1l1}1I11 Mi "' .~ II I"I 'IJWIII

J/il1'IIs/l 1l1/I1 I"/i'/ ;} "' " -II I ,

SI [('P I, N. \V, Washingl on ,

L-......-'".........._ _..

nr. :;O():l7.

Edward D. Verdonk

Paul Lum

Michael Greenstein

I'an l 1.111 11 is " numhor of

IIII' (,, 'h nic'...1siaff of IIII'

:-.rkha..-J Grcvnsu -ln re-

E,\ Verdonk i:,; :lII\IlIlh, 1'

l"l' iw d h i.~ Phil t1( '~ n '" in

o f till' I(,.. linic'al slar r of

('X!wti llll'lllal solid stal..

II" , :.ll1a ly l ic a l lll(, Il" '11

laboratory of Ill' . Ilk". "'r(,i"liY.i l1.~
iu ultmsouud iJuaf:ing, I h r" "" i\'I'd his 1'111 I
<! ', III physi cs ill l!J!I~ from Washin l-:llIl1

:lIlal yUr'a l u u-d ic al tubuphysi<'~

holds :111 ,\ IS d" g;n'(' i ll l~l t'('l.ait"a l ('n gh H'p l'ing

Iro m rhe l inivers uy o r Illinois

tr rbanll,C! ulll lp ai /(li in lIlfll an djn iru] III'
Labora torh -s in WS2, lie is ru r n -utl y a pl'llj " ,.\
Ill,a ll a ~('r for dh.lgn o~t k Sl..) l\.'iI)I 'S aru l oevices.

alld " 01111 11 11" 1'sdl'll<'l- frOlll II,, I :niw '!'sIIY of

Ilis wnl'\Chas I"..~nlll'd il\ II! pal('1\IS and ~(;

nI l

S:lI IIH ( 'Lilra. A n.ulv of Snll VI4u H' i~I 'C1, 1)(' is

p lIhli e a l io1\s. Bo l'll in 1 la klalld, Cal i fu l"lli " . he

rl'olnl ~ d m()1\' o IL

III:trt it ' d all d has I wo "hil<lrI'1I_


1':l1ory of li P Lahnr:,\lorips , :-"lu'l"ializing in

I1w di ('a l

:-;tlIl S II I'S , jW l ll a lol'~ .

I r:u\....chu PI',.... and

inxt runu -nt. uiou . Wilh III' sille ,' W77. 1l1'

married, 1w..; H d ~llt~llll'l'.

r;li ~( '~ hOHsai

In 't's. and Jllays Sf)('( 'PI'.

Charles Grossman,


Thomas L. Szabo

Turn S/~ I IIojoi111' d Ill' in

( 'hill'lh' ( i ro~~ll ml\ is a

lIl ~III1J'l( " tIIinl( d(" .lop-

1 ! 1~llIl\.rr I ~

1\\1'111 ('1\ ~il ll' \' r al II,,IIP

''''a1'< 'h :H'li \'ili,' ;; wi th th..


O f11~

IlIIagill g SySII -IIIS 1 1 i\'i ~ io l1 all d ~lI\ll'0n s Iht

ItS, Air F",x '(' . A sl'ni o l' 1,,1<1) (' n~lt'l 'r wit h

,\(oo lls li, ' (h lll'l1 l ,\ !" a s lln ' lIH'n l Laborat ory,

tlir- III' hna!-<in,l( Sy';I.(IlL~ Dlvlslo n , he is ill'

J 11' ,io lll" d I II' in W,!I nfl.'1' 1" 11

"0 1\' ,(\ i nl l'O.l Ils.hll't'1'a rmy rk -s lgu. beam form-

ypars in !'i n 'lIit

t1 "sl~ 1I wit It liT E, l l is tlSI-:E <I" g n ',' ( Inl.;!)) is

Ill!!, .uul a,'oll sl ie Olltput d "'I';l('h' rization ,llr-

1"1'01\1 II " , Sla l.. l 1Ili' l' ls il.y ofN, '", York a l

1'< -< '\'i\"l' d his I'hl) d" gl'l' " ill physic~ front th r{ lll ll't't~,i l.v Ill' Il nth (I i 1\) ill IIlH:l. III' hl\.~ puh-

1 ~ ll tT: d \ l . I1I~r"

ill L\1 11 11 k h. <j(nmtny. h(' (Il\joys

pi li 'I''~I'''l'h~' "11<1 11':1\'1'1.

lisl ll' d Ii;; 1" '1"'1-'; .u u l his w01'11 has I'I-,nllt 'd in

I hn"'pa(,'n,,,. A nnrivr- Il l' B nrlap,.,.', h(' is

11 1:1rrit 'd, has a SOil , and l'l\ jlly s phol ogm ph l n){

Ill "g "tilhir' " il " " :1nd gargllyh's mul I.l';,i ll ill !( s 10 d o trlc ks,

Ausm I 19\l8 . The Hewl olH' , ck", dJo urn. 1

Unh"I"Si l ~ lIf St.



LOllis ;llld j o illl'd I l l' ill UHI:l .

ha ~ :t d;llt~ h h r. :II H I {'ol llt ':'

AI II" rl a . ( 'a wll la,

Un its, Traceability, and Calibration of Optica l

Instrum en ts







1111 ] r


1111 I





, I [)

' k II I

T e increasing number of companies using quality




SY"""", s uch 'LS

rhe ISO 9000 series, explains the gro wl Ilg interest in the val idal ion

or 1111'

performance of measurement instruments, For many c.ustomers it is no

suffi clcnt to own a feature-rich instrument . These custom ers want


thai, they can test and measure ill compliance with indust rial and

I q~aJ


II(' sun-

standards. Therefore, it, is important. t.o know how il can he guarani ('('I! 1hal

a certain instrument meets specifications.

This article is intended 10 give an overview of the calibration 01' opt ical power
meters ami other optical insuumcnts at I'U~ Along with the speci llc instrmueuts,
common processes and methods will 1)(' discussed. The flrst section will I!pal

with some as pects of the theory or measurement, Theil, processes

;UH ll11(' 1hods

of calibration and traceability will he discussed. Th ese /irsl. two s('diolls gi\'('

a general and comprehensive introduction LO the syst em of units. Finally, 1IIl'

calibration procedures for cortain J IP optical instruments will LH' I!('snilwd.

ry of

Measurement has long been one or the bases of technical. economical , and
Andreas Gerster

even political development and success. Ln tho old [:;gypt ian culture, s ll r\'('~' i ll g

Alll ln'a" ( ;"1''':1< '1' n '('('lv,'d

h is jlipllll1lPhysil:N fmlll

f1 l(" I rnh'(ll'sil y orSI1Irt garl

ill J !J~ li i '-lIl,d jo iH\'d 111'1111' Sal ll(' year, An c ngi-

n<.'<,r ill 11)1' III' lH,hlin;:"1I Inst rum r-nt Divis ion

and trigonometry were important corrtrlbutors l.o their prosperit y, Heligiolls

and political lenders in these UnH.' S founded their power on . among otlu-r

things, the measurement of time s and rotary motions, which allowed

l1H'11I to

"JlI I,'al "I alll lan is Iah o ra to l'y,ll<' is n: "l'llll slbll'

ror "a Hhm l;lJl! ' ooj d,'\'('lol'11 \('nl and lUl('l!r1ainl.y
;lIlal y.'iis . I It- is a Illt'lll! " '1'of 111'(; {Physic a l

Sod .'ly of (-nun ny ). A' llln ';\" is uui rr t cd, hm.

a d'lllght l'l". .uul ('nj oy s sailillg a n d hi kin g.

predict solar and lunar eclipses as well us th(' dares of the flood seaso n ol' Ihp

Nilo OWl'. Later in hi story, weights and longtl, measurements

W(~I'P Iundmurntn!

to a variety of trading activities and to scientific progress. lmprovomr-nts in

measurement techniques, for example, allowed Keppler

setup his astronomical laws. Keppler used the measuremont res ults of his teacher Tycho Brah o, who determined
IhI' orbits of the planets in the solar system with an UI1prcccd entcd accuracy of two arc nunures.' Because of the
sfI'Ong impact o f a homogenous system of measurements,
a ll mel rolo gic ac tiviti es even today are controlled by a ut horiries in all developed countries,

Let us co ns ide r first the measurement itself Meas urement

is th e pro cess of determining the value of a certain propl'r ty of a phys ical system. The only possibility for making
s uch a determination is to compare th e unknown property
w it h a no the r sys tem for wh ich the value of the property
ill ques tion is known. POl' examp le, in a length measurenu-nt., on e co mpares a certain distance to the length of
a rul er by co unting how often the ruler fits into this distance. But what do you use as a ruler to solve such a measuremeur prohleru? The solution is a mathematical one:
one dcIiucs a set. of' axiornatic rulers and deduces the
practi cal rul ers from this set.
AI. fi rst, rulers were' deriv ed from human properties. Some
o f tilt' units used today still reflect these rulers. such as
Irx-t. miles (in Latin. mile passuum ,., 1000 double steps),
c ubits (the length of the forearm), or seconds (the lime
bel w orm tw o heartbeats is about on sec ond). As one can
imag inc. in the beginning these axiomatic rulers were anyIhing hut ge ne ra l or homogenous-c-for example. different
peo ple have diffe rent [eeL Only a few hundred years ago ,
every Fr eie Reichsstadt (free city) in the German empire
had its o wn lcngt It and mass definitions . The county of
Bad en ha d I t~ d ifferent cubits at the beginning of the
nin ete enth century, <mel the city of Frankfurt had 1'1 differ{'li t. mass units." In some citles the old axiomatic ruler was
mounte d ai, the city hall near th e marketplace and can still

he vis ite d today.

With th r- beginning of positivism, about the time of the

rcv olution in France, peopl e were looking for absolute
types of rulers that could make it easier to compare dif1"('1'('111 measur em ents at. different locations, TlIUS, in 1790,
I he mei er was defined in Paris 10 be 1/40000000 of the
le ngth of th e earth meridian through Paris. Because su ch
a nu-asurorn ent is difficult 1'.0 carry our" a physical artifa!'I was ma de out of a special alloy, and the standard
meter was bam, This procedure was established by the
illl en uuio nal I,("{'aty of tile meter i ll 187~), and although the

unit. definitions have changed, the contract is still valid

Related to this search for suitable axiomatic mien; iii the
question of how many different rul ers ar c re ally necessary
to deduce all practical units. Among oth ers , F. Gauss delivered valuable conufbuuons to the answer. He proposed
a system consisting of only three units: muss, time and
length. AJI other mechanical and ele ctrical and therefore
optical units could be deduced, As Lord Kelvin showed in
1851, the temperature is also directly related to mcchanical units. Therefore, along with the meter, two Oilier a x iomatic rulers were defined, Mass was defined by the international kilogram artifact which was intended to have
the mass of one cubic decimeter of pure water HI '1(:
(in fad it was about 0.0028 g too heavy), The definition
of lime finally W;.I-" related to the duration of a certa in
(astronomical) day of the year 1900 .

For various reasons, these definitions were not considered

suitable anymore in the second half of the 20th centu ry ,
and metrologists tried to find natural physical constants
as bases for the definition of the ax iomatic units. At fi rst
the time unit (second) and the length unit. (meter) were
defined in terms of atomic processes . The meter was related to the wavelength of the light emitted from krypton
atoms du e to certain electronic transitions. In th e case
of the time unit, a type of cesium oscillator W: L<; chosen,
The second was defined by !.l,192,G3I,770 cycles of the
radiation emitted by ele ctroni c tra ns itious betw een two
hyperfine levels of the ground state of cesium I:3~3.
These new defirritions of tile axi om atic uni ts had a 101;
of advantages over the old ones. The units of time and
length were now related to natural physical constants.
This means that everybody in the world can reproduce
these units without having to use any artifacts and the
units will be the same ai, any time ill any place.
For practical reasons, more units were add ed to the
base units of the Systeiuc International d'I Init<;s, or Int ernational System of Units (ST). Presently there are seven
base units, two supplementary units , and W de rived units
in the SJ. The base units are listed in Table I. TJH're is 110
physical necessity for the selection o f a certain se t of base
units, but only practical reasons, In fact, consideri ng III I'
dcfiniuons, only three of the base units-s-the second, k elvin, and kilogram-c-are independent, and even tho kelvin
call he derived from mechanical units.

Table I
Defiu itions q{ IIw Scne u Bas e Units of the

SJJs/ (!IIU~

lnterruiti onal d'Uuitc (Sl)


Name and Symbol



met er (Ill)

One meter is now defined 3S the distance that light travels in vacuu m during a
time interval of 11299792458 second.


kilogram ( kg)

The kilogram is defined by the mass of th e international kilogram arti fact in

Sevres, France.

second (s)


amper e (A)


A seco nd is defined by 9,192,G:1l,770 cycles of the radiation e mitted by the clcctronic transition between two hyp erfine levels of the ground sta te of ce s ium 133.
An ampere is defined as the electrical c urre nt producing a fo rce 01' :2 x 1O- 7 1ll' Wtons per meter of length between two wires of infinite len gth.


kelvin (J{)

A kelvin is defined as 1/273.16 of the temperature of th e trip le point of water.


candela (cd)

A cande la is defin ed as the luminous intensi ty of a sour ce that e mits radia tion
of 540 x 1012 hertz with an intensity of 1IGS3 watt per steradian.

Amoun t of
Subs tance

mole (1\1)

One mole is defined as tJ1C amount: of substance in a system that co ntai ns as

many elementary items as there me atoms in 0,012 kg of carb on 12.

Nevertheless, some small distortions remain. Of course,

all measurements are influenced by the definitions of the
axiomatic' units, and so the values of the fundaruental
constants in the physical view of the world, such as tile
velocity of light c, th e atomic fmc structure consta n t a,
Plank's constant h, Klitzing's constant R, and the charge
of the electron e, have to he changed whenever improvemcnt s in measu reme nt accuracy can be achieved,

This has led to the idea of relating the axiomatic units

dircctly to th ese fundamental constants of nature.i' In this
case the values of the fundamental constants don't change
anymore, The first dcflnition that was directly related to
such a fundamental constant of nature was the meter. In
Hl8:3 the be-st known measurement value for the velocity
of lighf (: \VeL'> fixed . Now, instead or changing the value fOI"
c whenever a better realization of the meter is achieved,
lIH' mo tor is defined by th o fixed value for (;, One meter is
now defined as the distance that light travels in a vacuum
during a lim p interval of 11299782458second, The next
important ~I ep in this direction could be to hold the value
o/h con stan t and define the voltage by the Josephson
i'IIed (see t lie Appendix).
Cali ratron a nd Tra c ab ili V

A('cording to all inu-ruational standard, calibration is "the

set, of operations which establish, under specified conditions, the I"elal ionship between the' values indicated by the

measuring instrument and the corresponding known

values of a measurand.?" In ocher words, calibrat ion of
an instrument ensures Ole accuracy of the ins trument.

Of course, no one can know the "rea]" value of a m easurand. Therefore, it must suffice to have a best approximation of this real value. The quality of the approximation is
expressed in terms of the uncertainty j hal is as s igned to
the apparatus that delivers the approximation or (he real
value. For calibration purposes, a measurement al ways
consists of tv....o parts: the value and the assigllld measurement uncertainty
The apparatus representing Ow real value (';111 1x- a n art ifact. or another instrument that itself is cali brated agains t
an even better one. In any case', this h('si approximation
to the real value is achieved through the con cep t of 11"1/('('a l)'iliJy. Traceability means that a certain measurem ent is
related by approp ri at e means 10 the tl4 illiti ll/l of tlu - un it
of t.he measurand under question. In other words , we trus t
in our measurement b(~cause W~, have delh uxl a unit (wh kh
is expressed through a standard, as shown late r), a nd we
made our measurement instrument conform with the dofinition of this unit (within (l certain limit of unccrt nintv).
Thus, the first step for a generally accept ed mea s ure ment
is a definition of the unit in question that is aee('p l ed by
everybody (or at leas t. by ail people who are re levan t fo r
our business), and the next step is an apparatus thai (';In

AUS"'1 1 9 9~.

The Hewlett-Packard Journal

/'1'1/ 1 i Z I' I his unit.. This apparatus is called a (primary)

s tu nt la rd . Wha cs such an apparatus look like? It simply builds th e defin ition ill I:hc real world. In the <:<L'{C of the

S('COIHI, fo r ('x:nnplc-', th e reot i zat io n /)f I:he uni t is give n

by cosium atom s in a microwave cavity, which is used to
Piecl rical oscillator. The realizati on of the secon d is the most acc urate ol' all units in the SI. Presently,
unc e rta inties of 3 x 10- 1:; are achieved.v The easiest realizati un is tluu of I he kilogra m, which is expressed by Hie
inte rn a tion al k ilogram artifact of platinum iridium alloy
in Sh'\"('s near Pari s. Th e accuracy of this realization is
l' xc clll'n l. because HIe artifact is the unit, but if the artifact changes, th e uni t also ch an ges. Unfortunately, the
mass of tho arti fac; chan ges on the ord er of 10-11 kg per
(01111"0 1 a ll

epres ntuticn and Dissemin tion

Na t io nal lah ora torios (like PTB in Germany or NIST in the

U.S,A.) a n ' responsib le for the realiz ati on of the un its in
I lu- frame work of the trcatv of the meter. Since there can
1)(' o nly oi u- l nstt ru tlon responsi b le for the real ization, the
national laborat ori es 111USt disseminate th e units to anyone
who is in rr-n -sred in accura te measurements. Most of the
n'al izillg expcrinu-nts :m' rather corupl icatcd and someti mes call he main tained for only a short time with an
appropriate accuracy. ThIlS, for the rli8.w,m i uu! ion of the
un it, an easy-to -handle rep reseu tu! i OIL of the unit is used.
TIll'S!' repre sonturions have values that are traceable 1.0

l"l'alizing f'x )H'rilllenls through 1:1"/1;1'0/;:1" me{Js1Jn?-Inenls.

Ne w dev elopm ents in metrology allow the representation
of so uu - unit as quantum standard s, so in so me case's tho
ro al iza tio n of a un it has a higher uncertainty th an its reprv seuuuio u. In the Appendix this effect is discussed for
the cx nmp le o f pl pcl r k -al unit's.

traceability, it. is only one among o the rs, Another m ethod

of providing traceability involves co mparing agai llsi nat-

ural physical constants. A crraiu pro per ly of a ph ysical

system is measured with the devi ce under l esl (D! '1') and
the reading of the device is compare d against th e known
value of this properly. For example, a w avel ength measurement instrument can be used to measure th e wavelength of th .. light emitted from a m ol ec-ule as a result of
a certain electronic transition. The re ading o r (11(' insirument can easily be compared against the listed va lues for
this transition. This method of providing trnccahilit v has
some advantages. It is nOI necessary to have in-hous e
standards, which have to he rccalibra rcd regularly, and
in principle, the physical constant is available everywhere
in the world at all times with a fixe d va lue. Ho weve r, a
fundamentnl issue is I'D detl'1lnilH' what is con sidered 10
be a natural physical constan t, Of course there are t he
well-known fundamental co ns ta nts : thu veloc ity of light,
Planck's constant, the hyperfinc const ant, L1 w triple po int
of water, and so forth, but. for cal ib ration purposes many
more values arc used. In litera tu re S O IlW rathe r co mp licared definirions can be fOlUlCI.: 1 We'll I t)' a simple defin ition hero: a natural physical constant is a prope rt y of a
physical system the value or which cither <10L'S not c ha nge
under reasonable environmental conditio ns or cha nges
only by an amount I,hal. is negligible' compared 10 l.hc
desired uncertainty of the calibration, 1 ~ L' asonal>k in this
context means mo derate tr-mp ora tures ( - GO to lOWe),
weak electromagnetic fields (order of uullitcslas), and so

Somewhat different from the two m ethod s described

above are ratio-type measurements us ing sclf-c alibrat in~
tccluiiques. An example of this t('chn iqlll' will be dpscrih('rl
in the next section.

c )Jl (,(' the represe ntation of a unit is available, th e calibra-

tion c hai n r-a n b extended. The r eprescn t.u ions call be

dup lica te d and di stribut ed to ins titutions that have a need
for such S('(OlHlary standard s. In some cases, a represen-

tation (';111 be used dire ctly to calibra t e ge neral-purp os e

licn rh instruments. In the cas e of electric al units, the reprc s cnuuio ns ar e used to ca lihrat highly sop his ticate d
calib ra t ion ins truments . which allow fully automatic calihral ion

ora dl'\"i("( ~ \lnde\" test, i.ncluc1ing j he necessary

All hough II\(' calibra l io n chain desc ribe d above is a ve ry
COlimlOI1 a nd lhl' t!los t accepled melhod of ploviding

('alii ra


of 0 JOn


I 11

In this section we describe the ca lib ratio n pro ced ures and
the related traceability concepts of som e o f t.h e OPI ical
measurement instruments produced by lIP. In contrast to
the calibration of electrical instrume nts like voltm et ers, ii,
15 nearly impossible to find turnkey solutions to r ca lib ration systems for optical instruments. Becaus e optical fiber
com11\lmications is a new ann developi ng fi t'ld , t 11(' lHl'<I'
surement needs are chMging rapidl y and orten t.he standardizal:ion cffOlts canl1ot.ket>p pa(~~.

' c I Po


e t e rs

Th o basi c insl rum en t, ill optical fiber communications is

the optical pow er meter. Like mo st commercia] power
mo tors US N ) for telecommun ications applications, the
liP HIf>: IA powe r mei er is based on semiconductor photodiodes. Its main purp os e is to measure optical power,
so ti ll' mo s t important param eter is th e optical power

accu racy.
Fi",'1.uc 1 illustrates I,he calibration chain for HP's po wer
meters. This is an example of the traceability concept of
all un bro ken chain of calibrations . It s tarts with the primary s tandard at the Physikallsch Technische Bundesans talt (Pl'B) in Germany, As discussed in the previous
section, th e c hain has to st a rt with the defini tion of the
un it, Since we want to meas ure power, the uni t is the
wa tt, wh ich is de fin ed to be I W = (l nvs )(l kgnv!i 2 ) .

Thus , the oprical power ruust be related


mechan ical

power. Normall y such a primary standard is reali zed by

an electrically ca libra ted ra diometer. The pr inciple is

sketch ed in Figure 2. The optical pow er is abs orbe d

(totally, in the ideal case) and heats up a hea l s in k, Tlu-n
the optical power is replaced by an applie d elec trical
power that is controlled so Umt the heatsi nk rem a ins at
the same temperature as with the optical flower app lied .
(The ele ctri cal power is related to mechanic al units, as
shown in the Appcndix.) In this case the dissipated electrical po wer Pel is equal to the absorbed optical power
POPI and can easily be calculated from the voltage V and
the elec tric al current I:

A.., always, in practice the meas ure me nt is milch more

compli cated. Only a few complications arc mont ioncd 111'1'(';

more details can be found in textbooks on rad iometry:r.s

r igul'!' I
The csiibrstion chain for the HP B/53A optical power meter.
This is an example of calibration against a nationalstandard (PTB). In addition, the HP working standards are calibrated at NISTin the U.S.A. Thus the calibrations carried
out with these working standards are also traceable co the
u.s. nntionelstandard. HPalso participatesin worldwide
comparisons of workii u)standards. This providesdata
about the relation between HP's standards and standards
of other laboratories in the world.

Not all light emitted by th e so ur ce to bo measu red is

absorbed by the detector (a tru e black body docs not
exis t on earth ).

The heat tran sfer from the electrical healer is not the
same as from the absorbing surface.
The lead-in wires for the heaters are electrica l resistors
and therefo re also co ntr ibute to heating the sink.

For these ami other reasons an ac cu rate meas urement

requires very careful experimental technique. The re fore ,


Figure 2

Rccallb'~l iofl

Principle of an absolute radiometer (electrically calibrated

radiometer). The radiant power is measured by generating
an equal heat by electrical power. The heat is measured
with the thermopile as an accurate temperature senso r.
The optical radiation is choppedto allow control for equal
heating of the absorber: the electrical heater is on when
the optical beamis switched off bV the chopper and vice
versa ,





Eleclric Healer

Recalibra/ion Dale

(Heal Sink) - - - -


- - - - - - -. _ - -



by their relative rcsponsivities, that is, by the dependence

Figll rl' :\

Typical wavelength dependence of common photodiodes.


: c:~ "B
,o c:















Wavelength (nrn]





for dissemination, the optical watt is normally transferred

to a secondary standard, such as a thermopile. To keep
tlu- I rausfur uncertainty low it is import ant lhat this transIer standard have a very flat wavelength dependence, because II\(' next element in 1'l1C chain-t.he photorliode-ccall also exhibit a strong wavelength dependence (see
Figure 3) .
Norma lly, absolute power is calibrated at one reference
wavel ength. and all other wavelengths are characterized

of the electrical output signal on the wavelength of an

optical input signal at constant power. Because of all the
experimental problems related (:0 trnceability from optical
to electrical (and therefore mechanical) power, an absolute power uncertainty of 1% is hard to achieve. To keep
the transfer uncertainties from PTn 10 tile lIP calibration
lab as low as possible, UP uses an ele ctrically calibra ted
radiometer as the first device in its inte rnal calibration
For the selection of a certain wavelength, a whitt' light
source in combination with a grating-based monochromator is used (see Figure 4). This solution has some advantages over a laser-based method :
A continuous spectrum is available over a very large
wavelength range (from UV to the far lR). Lasers emit
light only at discrete lines or the tuning range is limited
to a few lens of nanomet ers.

A tungsten lamp is a classical light source that exhibits

almost no coherence errecrs.
The power can be kept relatively flat over a large wavelength range.
The output beam is only weakly polarized.

Figul'<' 1
Calibration setup for absolute power calibration, The monochromator is usedto select the wavelength out of tile quasicontinuousspectrum ot the halogen lamp. The outputpower as a function of wavelangth is first measured with the working standard
and then compared with the results of the meterundertest. The deviation is usedto calculatecorrection factors t!Jat are stored
in the nonvolatile memory of the meter.
Radialion Source



Ob)UCllve tens




AUSU' 1199B' Tho Hewle tt-Park ard Jour nal

l\s always, in practice there are some disadvantages that

make a monochromator system an unusual tool:

A monochromator L" an imaging system, is, external

optics are necessary 10 bring rhe light into a fiber or onto
a lar ge-mea detecto r,
Availa ble power is rather low compared to the power
levels availabl e from teler-ommunlcations Lasers, Typic al ly 10 ftW is achieved in an open-beam application,
hili Illl' power leve l th at call be coupled into a fiber
may be 30 dB less.
Bl'(' alls (' a monochromator is a mechanical tool. a wave-

length sweep is rat her slow. This can give rise to power
sia bilhv problems.

Olton the optical co nd itio ns during calibration are quite

different trom the usual OUT's application, This leads to
high e r unrr -rta inri os, which must be determined hy an
un certainty analysis .
Thus, !'('Uing up a monochromator-based cal ibrati on sys-

tem is not, without problems, Nevertheless, for absolute

power ca libration OWl' a range of wavelengths it is the
tool o f choice. The calibration is carried out by comp ar ing
the reading of the DlJT a.1. a certain wavelength with the
readin g o f th e w orking standard at this wavelengt h. The
deviation between th two readings yields a correction
fac tor th at is written into the nonvolatile memory of the
m OT, lu th e case of tile det er-tors for the UP 8153A power
rueter th e wavelength is swept in steps of 10 nm over the
whole wa velength ran ge. The suitable wavelength range
depen ds on the detector technology For wavelengths
b <'l,W(' ('1I two ca llbra lion points, the corr ection factor is
o btai ne d by appropriate interpolation al gorithms, After
the ab solu te power ca libration is finished. the instrument
can delive r co rrect power readings at any wavelength,

i r



r y

11w p ro ce d ure described above calibrates only the wavelength axi s of the opt ical power meter. How accurate are
power measure ments at powers that do not coincid e with
th e power sele cted for th e wavelength calibration? This
quest ion is ans we re d by rho ltuearity calibration.
Sta te -of-the-ar t power meters are capable of measuring
powers with a dyn amic range as high as 100 dB or more,
Ide-ally, the readings should be accurate at each power
level. If one doubles 1he input power, the reading should
also double, A linear: Iy calibration can reveal wh ether

this is really the case . The linearity of the power meter is

directly related to the accuracy of relative po wer measuremcnts such as loss measurements.

There arc several reasons for nonlinearity in photodetcctors. At powers higher th an a bo u t I mW, th e phot od iodo
irself may become nonlinear because of sa tu rat ion eff ects,
Nonlincaritics a t lower powers are normally ca used by
the electronics that evaluate the diode signal , Int e rn a l
aruplifi ers are co mm on sources o f nonlinearity; th e ir
gains must be adjust ed properly to avo id di scont inuitlos
when switching between power ranges, Analog-to-digi tal
converte rs can also be the reason for nonlinen ritics ,
In a well-designed power meter the nonlinearities indu ced
by the clectronlr s are very 1'1ll1.l11. Thus, the nonlincaritv o r
a good instrument is neat "zero, which makes it quit o di fficult 1:0 measure with a small uncertainty, lndced, often rho
measurement un certainty exceeds the nonlinearity.
The linearity calibration ofHP power met ers is an exa mple
of a self- calibration teclllliquc H ,10 Th e nonlincarirv NL a t
a certain power leve) Px L<; defined as:
rx -

1'1'< ' "

NL = - rref


where r = DIP is the power 1110l('r's re s po ns e III a n op t lea l

stimulation, with D being the displayed po wer and P th e
incident power. The subscript ref indi cat es a rofercn rtpower lev el, whi ch (;1'111 be arbitrarily se lec te d. He placi ng
th e responsivity r by DIP, the nonlinearity can be wri tt e n
D x Prd
1 = -[). -p n -f


This can now be co mpared with the enol' for a loss mea surern ent. Loss means the ratio between two p ow e-r levels
P , and p:} Let. D, and D:!be the corresponding dis p layed
power levels, ;.lnd define th e real loss RL= PI/1':!a nd II\('
displayed loss DL = 01 /02. The loss en-or U~ is given by
the relative difference between RL and DL:
LE =




= RL - 1

D IP:!

= D2P I -


IL is evident that if one selects PI as re ference po wer, the

loss error is given by the ncnlinen rity at P, = P~ , If PI is
differ ent. from tho reference power 1' 1'( '1' the stalellH'lI 1. is
still valid to a firs t-order approximation. 111(' !JoU Ol1l line

Au ~u't

1998 -1 he He wlett-Packard Jov me l

Setup lor the self-calibrating methodof tioeemcalibration.


HP 8156A Optical Anenuators

HP81 53AOpTical Power MeIer

OUT Sensor

is rluu in rola tive power measurements like insertion loss

or bit error rate tests, linearity is the important property.
The set up for this sclf-calibrauon technique is shown in
Figure 5. First. at tenuator A is used to select a certain
pow er 1\. whi ch is guided through opt leal p'l!.l) A to the
powe r me ter under test. The corresponding power rea cling
is rerordod, Then arteuuator A is closed and tho same
po we r : L<; before is s elected with auenuator 13, resulting in
a p owe r reading Ph. Now both attcnuators are opened,
a nd the result ing reading P" should be nearly th e su m
or P" an d Ph (se c Figure 6) . AJ1Y deviation is recorded
as nonlin earity. Using I he same notation as before, the
dis plaYl'd loss DJ, is given by:

D!. = -p

Figure ()
The powers selected for the self-calibration procedure.
The entire power range is calibrated in 3-dS steps.

= -r.
[)II .

TIll' real loss RL can be calculated by adding the two first


Becau se I' n and 1311 are selected to be equal, the nonliJ H'a rity NL is:

AuguSI 1998 ' The Hewloll-PockMd Icumal

L1noarhy Steps

The las t term on th e right side expresses U1C nonlinearity

only in tr-rrns of values that are measured by the iustru!nC'1\1, und er lest. This mean s the calibration can be carri ed
out withou t a s tandard instrument, Of course, it woulel also
be possibk- 10 measu re the real loss RL with a standard
instrument th at was its elf calibrated for nonlinearity by
a national luboratory, In any case, such a se lf-calibratin g
tec hn ique has a lot of advantages, Th ere is no standard
Ilia! must be shipped for recalibration at regular intervals,
WhUSI' cl ('p( ~I\(l en c:i cs on ex te rnal influences and <Iging contri bute In lite unc ertainty of the calibration process, and
tllat.r-oulri he damaged. yielding erroneous calibrations,

ticn o Laser

Figure 7
Principle of the Michelson interferometer. A coherent beam is
split by a beam splitter and directed into two different arms.
After reflection at the fixed and movable mirrors, the superposition of tile two beams is detected by a onotoaetcctor.
Because the two beams are coherent, the superposition will
give rise to an interference term in the intensity slim. ThIlS,
moving the movable mirror will cause the intensity detected
by (he detector to exhibit minima and maxima. The distance
between rwo maxima corresponds to a displacement of A/2
of the movable mirror, where A is the wavelength of the laser
source. Messonru; the necessarydisplacement to produce,
say, ten maxima will allow a direct determination of the wavelength.


The last example will de al with cahbration against natural

physical constan ts and will be used to make some remarks
about the dorermlnat iou of un certainties. Hoving dealt
with optical power sensors we will now focus 01\ sources,
TIH' most conuuon ly used source in optical cornmunica-

rions is th e semiconductor laser diode. Only a few years

ago. the exact wavelength emitted by the lasers WLlS not
so import ant. Th re e wavelength windows were widely
us ed : a ro und 850 1\11\, 1300 nm, and 1550 nm. 850 nm
was chosen pragm atically; the first available laser diodes
enut ted at this wavelength. At. 1 ~300 nm, fiber pulse broadening is minimal ill standard fibers , allowing the highest
b..u ulwidth, and at 15:)0 nm, fiber loss is minimum. As long
as a libel' link or network operated at only one wavelengt h, as was mainly the CHSC in recent years, and all its
compon ents ex hibite d only weak wavelength dependence,
th e exact wavelength was not of great interest. An accuracy of about I nm or eve n worse was good enough. indeed,
a lo t. of laser sources are specified with an accuracy of
III mil.
Th e s ituation changed completely with the advent of
wav el en gth-division multip lexi ng (WDM). This means that
several dilfc rcnt wav elengths (i.e., colors) are transmitted
over on e link at t:he same time , allowing an increase in
bandwid th without burying new fibers. Since tlu - . .;ingle
ch annels arc s eparated by only 1.6 or 0.8 nrn, one c arl
l'asily imagine that wavelength accuracy becomes very
important. Today wavel ength accuracy Oll the order of
a few picometers ts required for WDM applications. TIle
tusk of providing such wavelength accuracy ror tunable
laser sources lik e th e HP 8lBS Series is quite challenging,

1 0-' - -=--- -===:::::--'k------:::--- - ---:i





fixed Mirror

The accuracy should be the same over th e whole

W<lV(' -

length ran ge. The first ques tio n is how wavel ongt h is

First, it. should be clear that wavelength mean s viu-uum
wavelength, which is effec tively the frequ en cy. Unfort unately, the wavelength of light va ries und er a ('hang!' or
the r efractive ind ex of the material it pas ses thro ugh.
The tools for mea suring nanomet er distances a re int e rferometers . Most of t:hf' commercially avail abl e wav r length meters are based either on th e Michelson interfc rometer or the Fabry-Perot intertoromoter. !' W(' will focus
on the Michelson technique here.
The principle of the Michelson int erferome te r is s how n
il) Figure 7, The challenge in tJ1C case of 1he Mich elso n
interferometer is to measure the shift of th e movab le
mirror. The rcqulred un cc rtainty or a few (11I1 ca nnot, 0 1'
course, be achi eved by mechanical mean s . Ins tead , the
interference pattern produced by light.w ith a known
wavelength is compared to the pattern of the un kn own

August 1998 . The Hewle tt-Packard Journal

determination of the values or the conrribuuons. For SI ;1tistical reasons, the sum is gained by a root-sum -squ a re
algorithm. This uncertainty calculation is the most important part of a calibration. TIl(' qllrllity of the ins! rum cnt 10
be calibra ted is determined by the results of thi s analysis .
In the case of a ca libration process i ll a p roducti on envirorunent, the specifications [or all instruments sold de pend
on it.

s ourc e and by co mpariso n th e unknown wavelength can

Ill' cal culnrcd. TIll' known light source is us ed here <'I S a
na tu ra l p hys ica l constant. Of course, the wavelength of
thi s S OU l'(' l' mu st be mdependom of external influences.
A st a bilized He-Nc laser is often used because the central
wavelength of its 6:3:3-1\1l\ transition is well -known and
the n' arc severa l metho ds of stabilizing lilt' laser wavel ength to an accur ac y of fractions of I pm. Thus, such an
in te rfe ro me ter-bas ed wa velength meter is the ideal tool
to cal ibra te :I laser source for wavelength accuracy

In Table IT, the uncertainty caused by influences Iroru the

source under test is considered to bE' rectangularly dis-

mentio ned a bove. eve ry measurement consists of two

par is: Ihe measurem ent va lue and the corresponding un-

tributed . Thus, the standard deviation is 1/ \ ~~ t.illl('s l.lH\

uncertainty In all other cases the standard deviati on is

cprw inlY. The unc erta inty of a specific measurement is

cst imuled by a detailed un certainty analysis. I:! As an example. Ta b le II shows a fictitious uncertainty cal culation
for measuring tilt' va cuum w ave length or a hIS("\" source
with a Mich elson interferometer in normal air. As shown,
all rele vant infl uences have r.o be listed and their individual
contri but io ns summed. The most diffl cul t part is the

known and a Ga ussian distribuuon ca n ho ass um ed, '11 I i~

leads to an uncertainty of two times th e stand ard deviation at a co nfi dence Ievel of 9 !)1)1i. The Edl en equation is
an analytical expre ssion that describes th e dep end r-ncu
of th e refractive index of air on environmental condi tions
like temperature and humidity.
W .:.velength or Frequency?

Finally, we'll consider th e relation between wavelength

and frequency. Because the definition of the m eter is
related to the definition of time and th ere fore fre qu ency
(and moreover, the frequency of light is invariant under
all ext ernal conditions) it seems that it might be better
to mea sure the frequenc y of th e light emitted by a laser
source rather than its wavelength,

Table II
E ra mple of a ll Uncertu i nttj Calcu lation

Internal Influ ences:
Uncertainty o f Reference
Align ment, Diff ra ction
Fri nge Co unt ing
Resol ution
Total 1
Atm osp heric Influences :
Co m out o r Carbon-



0.08x 10-0

0.15x 1O-(i

1.1 x lO- lJ

2.2 x to-ii

0.5 x lO-{j

1.0 X 1O-()

1.2 x 1~

2.4 x 10-6

0.17x W-D

0,34 X IO-!I

l.D5 x lO-n

d iox id e ( l/ppm)
Relative Hum idity
Air Pressu re
Temp e rat ure

5,71x 10-9

Tota l 2

2.94 X 10--8

,1.00 x IO-[l
i).70 x 10-8
1.14 x 10-,.0:;
5.88 x 10-8

Uncerta inty of Ed len

Equati on

1.15 x 10-8

2.:30 x 10-8

Ex te nsion o f Wav ele ngth

Lim its

1.15 x 10-8

2.:30 x 10-8

Influences fro m Sour ce

Unde r Test

3.11 x 10- 10 5.:18 x 10- 10

Tota l

1.2 x lQ'""li

Augu, t I998 ' Tho Ilcwlc lIPa ck" rd IOUln.1

2.88 x 10 s

It is now possible to measure a freq ue nc y of around

100 THz (10 14 Hz). About two years ago, re searchers
from PTB su cceeded in coupling th e frequency of a I,L'j l'1"
emitting at 657 mn directly to the primary time s ta nd ard
(a Cesium clock as mentioned above) which os cillates at
GH"{.,l ~l This coupler! laser is a realization of a vacuum
wavelength standard (and therefore a meter standard)
which currently has an un equaled uncert ainty of fl x 10- l:l ,


Unfortunately, this method of directly measuring the

frequency of light is very difficult, tuu e-ccnsunung, an d
expensive. so only a few laboratories in the world art' auk
to carry it om. Thus, for the time being, wa velength will
remain the parameter to be calibrarcd inste ad or fn 'qllcl\f'y,
Nevertheless, this is a good example o f how lively IJ,C
science of metrology is today.

L1. Fiber Optic


; I'

I would lik e to thank my collea gues Horst. Schweikardt

and Chris tian Hentschel for their fruitful discussions,

I. W.R. Fuch s, Bcrov tli.-' Enle s ich. bIJ 'II'cgte, Deutsche Verlags
Anstalt , Wi:)

2. W. Trapp, Klcin r Hrn nllruch dr'r MI" "Sti, Zahlen, Gcu-ichte

111/11 ti l'l" Zd 1 /'{'I'II/III uo, Bcchrcmuenx Verlag , AlI g;;burg , 109fi.

:3. l3.w. Pr-lley, Till' Fu ndn men tn! Phy,~irnl Consumts and the
Front ier ,! ( llfl'l / S II I" ' IJ/C II / , Adam Hilger, Ltd., WOG.

J-](/71til)(J(} /( .

Hewlett-Packard Comp any, pan no,

12. Gu inn 10 11,1' !~. I'[JI'f '.~." i()/, uf Uuccrtn i nt i; i ll k ll 'II S II 1'1 '11/1'11 I,
lnrernauonal Organization for Standardization L1S0 ), HJ}j;l.
\:3. II. Schnatz, n Llpphardr, ,I. Hclmcko, r Welli l" and ( i. Zhuu-r,
"Messung del' Frcqucn z Sichtharer Strahlung," J'h~J.~ iI{(/1i8('I/I'
HlIilll'7'. Vol. fll, 10U5. I). 9:!::!.

1. D. Derickson , Filw}'
HalII'TH, I nns.

Oplic Tr'.~llI/II1 l'v!1' lI SIII 'I'II Il'III ,


.1. ('fll i b 1"1I1ion I!( F i lw lc()pl i l' Power MI'I/'I ~~, lEG Standard 1315.
5. S. Gh cz ali, d tl'd by E. G. Giibl\l. -Quantmmorlnol{' irn Sf BinIWi(I'IlSy sll'II\," 1'11,l/s ikllli"(;I(( ~ Hliilfl'/', Vol. S:l, 1097. p. :Gli.

Additiona l information aboutthe HP lightwave products

describ ed in this article can be found at:

6. C" IiIJI'I1 I i n II: PhilosoJlh;lJ n ud Practice, Fluke Corporation,


7. W. Bud de, Ph lJsiml De tectors glish/HP8I 68E.htmI

({I' Opfil'll} Radiation;


Pross, ln c., Hll:l:3.

W. El'h, Editor, l.t~i!{trdl'l!. del' SjJ(lkllVI (J.lliolHl!l)ie, Springer

Verlag, HIS!). glish/HP8168F.html



!J. C.L. Sandl'los, -1\ photor ell lincarity lester," /\Jllicd O,>/'ir.s,
Vol. 1. l!J()::!, p. 207.

Ill. 1\.1 l . Stoc k (I YrB Brnunschwoig). "Calibnuion of flber op tical

l!mVl'1' 1\11:1 ('115 at I'TB." P I'IICCI'I/ i.II!J.~ qj" tlu: Iiuermulonol COI(/ I""
" 111 '1' O il O J!I icul Rill I itnnetn), Loudon, 1988.

Augusr 199B. The Hewlett-Packard JOl JrI1i'l1

Appondi:.: Roa lization of Elcr-trical Units

A lot of measurements today are carried out using electrica l sensors. Therefore, it is important to know how the electrical units are
realized and related to the mechanical quantities in the Systems
International d'Uni tes(SI). In optical fiber commu nication all power
measurements useelectrical sen sors.
Historica lly, the electrical units are represented bythe ampere
arn onp the seven SI base units. Untonunatclv it is noteasy to
build an experiment that realizes the definition of the ampere
in the SI (seeTable I on page 19). It is disseminated using standards for voltage and resistance using Ohm's law. Nevertheless,
there is a realization for the ampere(see the cu rrent balance in
Figure 1).
A coil carrying a current I exhibits a lorce Fin the axial direction
(zdirection) if it isplaced in an externa l inhomogeneous magnetic
field HIFex; ClH(z!/(Jz). The force is measured by compensating the
force with an appropriate mass on a ba lance. The uncertainty of
such a realization is around 10 - 6, the least accurate realization of
all SI base units.
A similar principle is used forthe realization of the volt, which is
not a base but a derived SI unit. For realization one uses the following relation which can be derived from the SI definition of the
vol tage If (1 volt = 1 watt /arnpere);
W = V I


v = Y':L
This expression resul ts from the energy IN that is stored in a
capacitor that carries a electrical charge l-t. In this case one measures rhe force that isnecessary to displace one capacitor plate
in the direction perpendiculartothe plate (F=i-JW/()zl. Again the
accuracy IS about 10 - 6. The approximate uncertainties in rea lization and represen tation ofsome SI units are listed in Table I.
Table I
u;;;;;taintyof realization and representation of selectedunits
of the Sfsystem. Note that [he representation of the volrage
unit has a lower uncertainty tnsn its realization.

Uncertainty of

Uncertainty of


8 x 10- 9



9xlO -


lxlO- 14

1 x10- 14


lxlO- 7

5 x l0- 1O

3 x 10-

However. in contrast to the ampere. for the volt there is a highly

accurate method of representing the unit: the Josephson effect.
TheJosephson effect is a macroscopic quantumeffect andcan be
fully understood only in terms 01 qu antumphysics. Only a brief
description will be given here.

Figll n ' I
Principle of a current balance. The force experiencedby
the inner coil is compensated by an appropriate nlBSS on
the balance.



A Josephson element consists of twosuperconrluctlnq contacts

that are separated by a small insulator. Astonishingly, there is an
electrical de current through this junction without any voltagedrop
across the junction. This is the de Josephson effect. If one now
applies an additional de voltage at the june-ion, on e observes an
add itional ae current with a frequency f that depends only on the
applied de voltage Vand the fundamental constants e (charge of
the electroo] and h(Pl anck's constant!
f = 2eV
h .

This effect can be used to reproduce a de voltage withveryhigh

accuracy. One appl ies a dc voltage Vand a microwave frequency f
al the junction and observes a superconducting mixed current with
ac and de components. For certain vo ltages, and only for these

voltages. there is a resulting de current in the time average. The

condition is:




th issetup. anaccuracy of 5 x l 0 - 10 isachievable in the representation of the voltage unit, which is aboullO.OOOtimes better then
the accuracy in realization-really a strange situation.

n = 0.1, 2. ._. .

The uncertainty in reproducing acertam vo ltage Vthus depends

only on the uncertainty of 1. As shown above, l imeand therefore
fr equency can be reproduced very accu rately. One on ly has to control the microwave oscillatorwitha Cesiu mtime standard. With

One solution would be to fix the value for e/h, similar towhat was
done for 1I1e newdefinition of the meter by holding thevalue for c
consta nt. It wouldthen be possible to replacethe ampere as an SI
base unit by thevolt and define thevolt using theJosephson effect.

A U~U $ I

199B _1 he Hewle tt-Packard Journal

Techniques for Higher-Performance Bool ean

Equivalence Ve rification
11P C, hm.n


nnl! Iq

111 I II I;


nr 1111 III

nx 18r1 '11 ~1- n If' f -nr tllll\] (Ii t-'lnp,llJ






er r :3




eqranno Bnnl . . nll r.t


rv 11 III

til:: H I nn x UI\ l"lnn's A~Ir: rJ8SI~ln fl J'vV We ri1\ F liS"


18 j

n 1965 Gordon Mow 0 bs erved 'hal 'he complexi ly ai,rl ''''n51 'y of th'

silicon chip had doubled every year since irs int roduction, and accompanying

this cycle was a proportional reduction in cost. He then boldly prcrlict orl-c-what
is now referred to as Moore's Law-s-that thi s technology trend would co ntinue,
1'110 period for this cyc le was later revised to 18 months. Ye t the pcrtoruunu-e
of simulators, the main process for verifying integrated circuit design. has not
kept pact' with this silicon density trend. In


as transistor count s con: inn o

to increase alo ng the' Moore's Law curve, and as the design pro cess transitions
from a higher-kvel RTL (Register Transfer Languag e) dcscri ption 1.0 irs gal (,Level impl ementauon, simulation performance quickly
H any D, Foster
Ila r ry

F()~I ,'r jninerl



1.11(' major

bottlen eck in the design now,

Il l' ('01)1; (' ;1: l)i\i ~i()\1 in


I.Dl-'!J ; ln C'1' 1'('('('i~;I\~

illSC S <1"",,1'" from !II('

I ll1i \'( I'~iI.Y


of Te xas,

:\ 11 ' l1gin'," 'r/s c"h,'nli sl. Ill' has her-n responsibl e

for ( ':\] ) rool I'l'S" a rl'il am \ <I,,\,.'loplI\('1\1, flllmni
\"" I'itk al illl\, I'<'SYl il hl's is , :lt lll " clork In' ,'

huildr-r, I\P I"',I',' coming 10 Ill'. Ill' worked ~l.

T I' ;I::lS

Ins l l'llll1,nls . II,' w as hlll'l\ in [k llt l'", la ,

In WOO, the IlP Convex Division


designing high performance systems that

used A..SrCs with gatl~ counts on the order of 100,000 raw gah ~s" During this

period I.h(,: HP Convex Division userl a third-party simulator


both HTL and

gale-level verification. This simulator had the distinction of being the fastest
RTL si mu lato r on t.lle market, but i( also suffered the mi sfortune


bC'ing C\l1l'

.\ l:lIy la11 c1 . ;md lik" s Irawlin g, w" iglll trnlnlng,

of (:11<' market's slowest gate-level simulators in our environment. Hence,

and inl in v s k:J1 i11g.

A Hg U ~ 1 1998 . Thr Hl' wlC'llPllCkMd


running gate-level simulations quickly became a major

bottleneck in the IlP Convex Division system design flow.
In addition, these regression simulations could not completely guarantee equivalence between the final gate-level
implementation and its original RTL specification, This
resulted in a Jack of confidence in the final design.
To address these problems, the lIP Convex Division began
researching alternative methods to regression simulation,
resulting in a high-performance equivalence checker
known as lover (LOgic VERitier).
Today, th e HP Conv ex Division is delivering high-performance sys tems built with O.35-~tm CMOS ASICs having Oil
th e order of 1.1 million raw gates. I lover has successfully
kept pace with today's silicon density growth, and has
completely eliminated the need for gate-level regression
simulations. Our very large system-level simulations are
now performed entirely at the faster HTL level when combining the various ASIC models. This hill> been made poss ible by in corporat ing our high-performance equivalence
checker into our design flow, We now have confidence
th at om gate-level implementation completely matches
its RTL description.

I 1

Our experience has be-en that last-minute hand tweaks in

t,]ll' final pla ce-and-route netlist require a quick and simple
veri fica Lion process that can hamill' a complete chip
R'Tl-to-gate comparison. Such hand tweaks, and all handgelw rall' d gates, arc where must logic l'ITOl"S are inadverten tly mS PliNI into the design. The following list of requiromonts drove Ow development of the BP Convex
Divisio n's high-performance equivalence checker:
Must suppor t RTL-to-RTL (Oat and hierarchical)
comparisons durin g the early development phase.
Must support hoth synthesizahle and nonsynthcsizable
Verilog RTL constructs for RTL-tu-gate comparisons.
Must support a sim ple one-step process for comparison

uf tIlt' com plete ch ip design (R'l'Lto-gate, gate-to-gate,

hi era rch ical-to-flat) .
Mu~1 support thl:' same Verilog constructs lind policies
defined for the entire liP Convex Division design flow
(from our cycle-based simulator to our place-and-route
tools), along with s tan da rd Verilog libraries.


Boolean equivalence verification is a technique of mathematically proving that two design models are logically
equivalent (e.g., a hierarchical RTL description and a na t
gat.e-lpve! nctli st). This is accomplished by the following
L Compile the two designs. Conve rt a higher-love! Veril og
RTL specification into a set of lower-level equations and
state points, which are represented ill some intern a l dala
structure format. For a structural or gate-level i mplem cntarion, the ])1'QCCSS includes resolving insta nc e referen ces
before generating equations.
2. Identify equivalence points. Identify a se t of controllability and observability cross-design relationships. Thes e
relationships are referred to as equivalence p oints, and
at a minimum consist.of primarv inputs, primary output s,
and register or stare boundaries.
3. Verify equivalence. Verify the logi cal equiva lenc-e
between each pair of observability points by eval uating
the following equioalence equation:

(I )

III the equivalence equation (equation I), --. is the propo-

sitional logic NOT or negation operator, v is the propositional logic OR or disjunctlon operator, EEl is th e Boo lean
XOR operator, n is the set intersection operator. m] reprcsents the logic expression (or cone of logic ") for a n observability equivalence point found in design mo del J. and
1112: is the expression for the corresponding point fou nd ill
design model 2. The' variables Xi are the COOt" S input or
controllability equivalence points for both mod els' logic
expressions. Finally, Dp(x:) is known as the don 'II'IIH' se:
for tJH' equivalence point 0, and consists of all possi ble
values of x for which tJ1C logical expressions Ill), and 1I1 ~
do not have to match. Figure 1 graphically illustrates the
process of proving equivalence between two ob ser v abilitv
equivalence points.
Another way to view Figure 1 is to obs erve th at if a co mbination of Xi Call be found that results in m 1( Xi) evalua ting
to a different value thal1111~(X:i), and Xl is no t ('ontainI'd
within the don't care set D<.>(x), then the two models an'
A cone 01 logic is tile setof ~ ~ le s or subexpressions

111 ~1

fim ,1)1 0 a SlIlllle pOOH. r~ i1 ll1 ) r a

reg'sler or an equation v <l ri~I)le

Au~us :

1998' Ibe Hewlett-Pecka rd Joum a l

Figul'l ' 1


Proving equivalence.

DBDD (ordered-reduced binary decision diagram) witll

good ordering.

Equivalence Point

"""- Equivalence Point
'0' Modol2

formal ly pro ved different by the followin g IIOIICq ll iooleuce

equu t i on :

wh ere A is th e proposirion al lo gic AND or conjunct ion
ope ra tor. Findin g a n Xi I.hat will saLis fy the non equivaknee oquat ion , equation 2, is NP-complete.* In general,
dotr-uni ning equiva lence bet ween two Boolean expressions is NP-eomplp te. This means. as Brvant- points out,
that a so lution's time comp lexity (in th e "VOI'S! case) will
gl'Ow r-xponcn tially with th s ize of th e p rob lem.

Instead of tryi ng Lo det ermine inequality by finding a value

for x tha t sa lisJi('s th e no nequi valence equation, a better
so lutio n is to det er mine the equality of m: and m 2 thro ugh
a s]wcific or un ique symbolic or graph ica l represeniauo n,
suc h as all o rtt ennt-rcdu red iJ i,IHII:1J d ecision J:i,ognJ.JfI
(OBD!) .

(a & d) I (b & c]

points i n an attempt. to mlnimize an OB DO is its el f

only necessary to fi nd a good ordering, or s imply one tha t

works, Techniques for mini mj'lin g th e s ize of a n O IlDD
will be described lat er in this p aper.
Figures 2 and 3 show two exampl es of a n OU!)\) for the
Boolean fun ction (a & d) I (b & c), where & is the Bool<>;1II
AND op erator and I is the Boolean OR operator.
Performance Tee nique

This se cti on provides details and techniques for achievi ng

high performance in the Boolean equ iva lence verifica tion
process. So me ofthe techniques can he incorp o rated into
a user's existing design flow to achieve higher pe rformance
from a commercial equivalence check e r,

Ordered Reduced Binary DeciSIon Diagram

An ordered-reduced binary decision diagra m (0 8 D O) is a

dire cte d acyclic gra ph representa tion of a Boolean fun ctio n." TIl(' uniqu e ch aracteristic of an aaDD is that it is a
canonir-al-tnrm rc prc scntatiou of a Boolean fun cti on,
wh ic h means that the two equations III I and rn:!in ow'
pre vious example will have exactly the sallie OBDD representat ion when they are equivale nt, Thi s is al ways true
if a conunon ordering of th o controlla bility equ ivalence
po in ts is usr-d to r-onstructt he OUODs for m) and 1\)2.

FIgure :3
DBDD with not-so-good ordering.


Choos ing an equiva lence point input ord ering can. in

SOl.IH ' cast' n ul'n<: (' the result ing size of the OBDD.
In a ddition , find ing an optimal ordering of equi val ence
All NP'C(llnplcle [II r.tJ NI'coll1 [lll1le problemisa rainlively intractnble problemrequiring
;111 eXIJOllenllal tillle 'or Its suluuuu See relerencs3,

Augu ,11998 ' The Hew!cU P. <k. ,d lo u' I\, 1

co-NP-comp lete problem.e-' However, for mo st cases it is

[a &dll (b& 0)

F'igll l'l' 4

Hierarchical 10 flat namemapping. (a)Hierarchical RTL andqetes. (b) Flal gate description.


When establishing an ASIC design now, it is a benefit to view the entire

now globally-i-not ju s t the process of piecing together
various CAD tools (s imulators. equivalence checkers,
pla cc-nnd-route tools, etc.). Why throw out valuable inform ation from one process in Ute design now and force
another process to reconstruct it at a significant cost in
Don't Throw Away Useful Information.

AI, th e HI' C OIl W X Division, we've designed our now surh

tha t the identificat ion of regi sters and primary inputs and
ou tpu ts is consist ent ac ross the entire flow. The same
hierarchical point in a Verilog cycle-based simulation
run can be referenced in a fiat place-and-route Verilog
notlis: withou t. ha vin g 10 derive th ese common points
computati onally
Name Mapping_ lover will map th e s tand ard cross-design
pa irs o f cont ro lla bility and observability oquivul ence
points d irei -tly as a result of the the I-1P Convex Division
now's ruuuln g conven tion. Figure 4 helps illustrate how

name mapping (' cUI be preserved between a hierarchical

RT L Vl'ri! og treo of m odules and a single flat ga te -level


To support non-name-based mapping of equiva lence

points, that is. designs that violate the I [P COJ) Vl'X Division flow naming conventions, lover will accept equivalence mapping files containing the two design s' net pair
relationships. In additio n, the user can pro vide a s pecia l
filter function, which will automate the process of res olving cross-design name mapping for spec ial cas es.
For example, let 1'1 be a special mapping functio n fo r
design model I and f;! be a special mapping fun ct ion for
design model 2. Then an equivalen ce point will br- es tabThis allows th e two models'
lisherl whenever fl(~) = f2
Verilog wire and register Hames (or strings ; ant! ~ ) II)
differ, but resolve to the same equivalence poin t throu gh


their special mapping fun ctions.

Cone Partitioning. A technique known as CU ll" part ition i;ng is nsed to minimize (J\e siz e or the OBIJDs bu ilt du ring

the verificatlon process, since smaller OBDOs req uire

significantly less processing time and cons ume m uch less
memory than larger ones. C Ol){' partit ioning is Ihe process
of taking a large con e of logic and divid ing itinto a set of
smaller sized cones, Figure 5 helps ilI11SO"tI!C' this COIl l.'1'1l1.


AUgUil 199ft. The Hewlett-Packard Journ"t

In addition, lover attempts to map th Verilog module 's

Figure i)

Cone partitioning.(aJ Large cone of logic. lb) Set of


internal wire and reg ister variable names between designs. For example, Syuopsvs will unroll the RTL Verilog
wire and register bus ranges as follows:

[0: 3 J foo;

will be synthesized into gall's with the following un roll ed

wire \foo[O).




lover recognizes Synopsys' unrolled naming COI\VellUOIl



Tho tw o designs verifi ed by lover are stored internally in a

compact and highly effici ent net/primitive relational data
struc ture. OBDDs ar e built from the relational data structu re onl y on de ma nd for th e spec ific partitioned cone of
logic being proved, and then immediately freed after their
\lSI' . This elim inares the need to optimize the specific
COl W 'S OBOD into the entire set of OBDDs for a design. In
addition to achieving higher performance during the veriIkatioll process, this ens ures that any differences found
between the partitioned cones tends to be isolared down
10 either a haurlful o f gates or a few lines of RTL code.
This greatly simplifies the engineer's debug effort,
Another adva nt..l g p of cone partitioning is that it becomes
unn ecessary to spend processing lime minimizing equa-

lion s for large cones of logic. since they arc automatically

decomp osed Into a set of smaller and simpler cones.

con es of logic arc bounded by equ i.'ual ence

J)()j I II s, wh ich cons is t of registers and ASIC input and outpill. ports. How ever, lover rakes advantage of a set of pairs
of internally cross-design equivalent relationships (e.g..
l wl s or subc xpressi ons) , which we refer to as subequiualence po ints, to partition large cones. Numerous methods
hay!' be en developed to compute a st>t of cross-circuit,
s ub equiva len ce points based on the structural infonnal ion 01' modular interfaces." Costlier ATPG (automatic
test pa tt ern generator) techniques are commonly uSNI to
idcru if y a nd map subcquivalence points between designs
l,wk ing a cons istent naming co nven tion . lover determines
su boquivale uce points directly wuhour performing any
i ntensive computat lons by raking advantage at" the consistent name mapping convention built into the the HP
Convex Di vision design flow. Numerous subequivalence
point s a re deri ved directly from the module's hierarchical

and will map these points ba ck to the origina l RTL drscription. This results in a significantly bett er cone partition than limiting the subequivnlcn ce points to on ly the
structural or module interfa ce.
The performance gains achieved through COlle partitioning
arc highly variable and dependent on a circuit's top olo gy.
Some modules' measured performance gai ns ha ve been
on the order of 20 limes, while othe r modules haw' suffcrcd a p erformance loss of 1.5 times wh en applying a
maximum cone partition. TIle performance gains tend to
increase as the proof moves higher up th e hierarchy of
modules (due t.o larger cones). III general, we 've observed
tha t cone partiLionin~ contribut es to about a 40% increas e
in performance over the entire chip. More important, cono
partitioning allows us to prove certain topologies containing large cones of logic that would be imprn ctkal to prove
using OBDDs .

oeon Input Ordering. Cone partition ing has the


al advantage of simplifying the ord ering of OBDDs by reducing the size of th o problem. lover llSCS a simple topo-

logical search through these smaller partitioned cones,

which vields an excellent variable ordering for most eases.
This search method was first proposed by Fujita," and
consists of a simple depth-first search t hrough a circuit's
various logic levels, s ta rting at its o utput and working
backwards towards its controllability equivalence points.
The equivalence points encountered first in till' se a rch are
placed at. the beginning of the OBOn variable o rdering.
Solving the False Negative Problem.

Cant' partitioning

techniques used to derive cross-circuit subequiva lcncc

points can lead to a proof condition known as njals 111'.11ali ne. This quite often forces I,he equiva le nc-e checker into
a more aggressive and costlier performance mod e to complete the proof. We have developed a mel hod of idl'nlifying
a false negalive condition while sull rumaining in l!Ie fas ter

only when nonequivalence has been det er mined bet ween



observability points.

False negative.

-I e

The algoritlun used to solve a false negative performs <I

topol ogicnl or brcarlth-Iirst search throu gh the lcvclizcd
cone of logic, removing the Iirst input. or controllability
equivalence point encountered . It then reprove's th o re sulting larg er <:(J II ( ~ . The follo steps <!('snilw Ihl' algorithrn used by lover to remove a false negative condition :

name-manniug mode thro ughout the entire verification

1. Lcvclizo the cone or logic by as signing t.!1(' ohserv abi lity

equivalence point. the number O. TIH'n, step hac k to t he
next level of logic in the cone, assigning 11 logic' h-vol num bel' to each logic primitive and net, Continue this proc ess
back through all levels of logic until reaching th e con e's


controllabill ty eqlI ival enr-e poi n ts.

One type of false lwgative can ocelli' when the RTL spccities a don'l -care dirt -ctive to the synthesis tool, and the
equivalence checke r docs not account for the don't care
se t D(.( x) in equation I.

2. Remove the lowest level of logic (01' numbered ) controllability sub equivalence point. result ing in ;I larger co ne

m,lx,. xz. x3l ~ Illt(x,. Xz, X3)

when x, "" I and Xz '"' I

Anoth er more troublesome type of false negative can occur

wh en the synthesis process recognizes a don't care optimization opp ortunity not originally specified i.n the RTL.
This can occur when the synthesis step is applied to a sub(,x].J1l'SSiOIl, which then takes an optimization advantage
over the full cone of logic (c.g., generating gates for a subexpression with th e kn owledge that a specific conrbinanon
or values on its inputs is not possible).

;}. Rclcvollzo tlw new large one

or logic,

4. Identify and order the new set of input. control la bil ity
equivalence po ints.

5. Try reproving the new larger cone partil ion with th e

new set.of controllabilirv subequivalourr- points.

6. If the new cone partition is proved noncquivalent and

we can continue removing snbequivaloncc points (L(' .. W ('
haven't reached a register or ASIC port bound ary) go


Figure 6 provides a s imple exam p le of this problem. It. is

po ssibl e that tho partitioned cone 1n2'S synthesized logic

will be optlmized WitJ1 Lhe knowledge that Xl and X2 are

always mutually e xclus ive, This can lead lo a fals e negalive proof Oil th e partitioned cones 11\1(x J , x2. xa) and
1lI~ (x 1, x ~ , x:\) for th e imp oss ible case x I = I and x~ = 1.

Fignre i
Solving the false negativeproblem.

However, if th e subequivalcnce points that induced the

false nega tive cOlldition are removed from the cone partition boundaries of III t and 1112 (c .g., )'1 and X2), till' resulting large-r ('OlH' partition m I ' (xu, X:l) is easi ly proved to be
equivalont to 1lI ~'(xo, >::1). Figure 7 helps illustrate how
the false ne gative condition can he eliminated by viewing
a larger partition of the cone.

"G '

There are numerous situations that can induce a false

Ilegal ive condition. and most are much more c-omplex
than the si mp le examp l e provided in Figure 6. lover has
ulgo rith ms built into it t.hat will detect and remove all
false negauv c conditi ons. These algorithms are invoked

Au ~ u S I

1996 ' The Hewl ett-Packard j ournal

S I ")I ~ . ( )Ihcrwise,

we are done. If step [) is proven. Il1(' two

('o lles are equiva lent..
Pr o c es s Me mory Considerations. Most hi gh-performan ce
to o ls req ui re th e ir o wn memory man ageruenr . utility to
red uce the sys te m ov erhead lime normally as sociated
w ith s c ' a r(' h i n ~ a p rocess'slarge memory allo cai ion table.
lover imp lements three methods of managing memory: (1)
n' ('yelp high-us e da ta s tru cture e leme nts duriug compllalion , (2 ) ens ure that memory is unfragmcnted wh en building OI3DDs (j. t' .. at the st art of each cone's proof), and O~)

mnint uin a nd manipul ate a single grouped structure rcpres enta tiou Ior eq uatio ns containing btL'> CS.

l Iigh- Usc Data Stru cture Recycling. The vari ous data
s tru c tu res (or C typedefs) used during the compilati on
process can 1)(' re cyc led when it becomes necessary to
tre e thc rn, lk cyding is a te chnique of linking the specifi c
SI l'l II- I Ul'l' typ es to ge ther into a f me li s/.. Later cornpilat ion sf eps call l ap into th ese li sts or high -us !' da ta suu c(urc "lemcnts and no l incur any of the system overhead
norm a lly a.s. soriarr-d with allo cat ing or freeing memory.
W" have observ ed performance ga ins in th e order of
1.2:) t imes for small design..'l and lip to 2 times for larger
d('sigll s by usin g data s tru ct ure recycling techniques.

O IlDD 1In tra gmcn ted Memory Manag ement. A blo ck of

nu -mo rv sho ul d 1)(' reserv ed for use by the OBOD memo ry managem ent utiliti es. On ce a proof is complete for a
pnrt ition od couo, its memory block C(11l be quickly reset
I II irs ori gina l unf ragm enrcd s tate by simply resetting
a fpw poi nters . Working w ith a block of uufragmentcd
1I1l'll tory i nc- reases th e chances of liU ing a con e's OBOD
into tlu - system 's cach e. 'TIle performance gains achieved
by CO Il ( ro lling 1111' fragmelltatioll of m emory are signiflcant, h ut hard to quantif y, In gene ra l, we have observ ed
t hat. tho perform ance of manipulat ing ORDOs degrades
lim-arl y as me mory Iragme n uu io n increas es.
(;roupi ng Stru ctures for Verilog Buses. Care should be
iak on 10 retai n lll!' bu ses within an equation as a single
grouped data s tru cture elem ent for as lon g as possible.
I~ x(l alld i n l{ an equation co ntaining bu s es into its in rlividua l hils too 5 0 0 11 will result in u memory ex plos ion dLU 'ill~ t ill' co mpilati o n p rocess and force unnec essary clabo ratiou o n [hI' equa tion's n ~plicated dat a struel.ur('s (i .e.,
p rol ' PSS d up lica tio n while manipula ting the individual
hil s for a bU$NI ex pression).

Au:!u, 11998. 'The H. wle ll..P.<k. rd Jou, ool

The Don'1 Care Set. As a final comment on perlonnancc

te chniques, we n eed to po int out that the Hi> Co nvex

Division design flow has a requirement of simulating tho
ATPG vector set on the RTL. T'h is helps flus h oUI an y
ATPG model library problem and provides an ad di tional
SUJlit:y check and assurance tha t Boolean oqui valenr-o veriIlcation w as performed on (he entire desi gn. An ad dit iona l
benefit of verifyi ng th e ATPG ve ctors at (h e HTL level L-; a
potential tenfold speedup in si mulation performance (' 0 111pared to a garo-lovel simulati on of the vector sot.
To support RTL sunul auon o f lilt' Al'PG vl'do r~ , Ihe Verilog control structures (e.g., case and if) must be (LIlly spccified o r defaulted to a known value. lover rakes adva ntage
of this Dow requiremen t an d makes no attemp t to ga ther
and process the don 't-care s et D('{x) in equal ion I. WI'
have developed linting tool s wit hin our now to e ns ure that
these control structures arc full y spe ci fie d. tn ad d iti on ,
lover detects violations of thi s ATP(; HTL req uirem ent .
Performanc Ga ins

This section demonstrates t.he performan ce gaius t hai ru n

be achieved thr ough te chniques described in this pape r.
TIle benchmarks for Tables I and II wen' performed 01\
an HP S-Class technical server (a lG-way symmetric 11\1I1tiprocessing machine based on the HI' PA flOOD processor
with 40 byres o f main memo I)' ). The s iuglo-thro adcd pe rforman ce times provided for lover incl ude a composi te of

the RTL and gate-level model compilat ion 1.i11l('S . as well

as the ve rification step (tU1U!<C mo st cunu ne rci al tools,
compilation and verification arc perform ed within a s ingl!'

Table Tdescribes Iour rec en tly dcsignerl O . ;15-~lm CMOS

ASICs buill for Hcwl ert-Packard 's EX('(Hplnr S- C l a~s and
X-Class technical servers. 111C5(' times represent a com parison of a full hi e rarch ic a l HTL Vorilo g mod el t.o ito;
co mp le te-chip nat gate-level netlis t,
Table II presents th e ga te -to-ga te ru n-time performa nce
for th e same four ASICs , Thes e tim es rep res ent a c omple te ch ip hierarchical ga t e-level mod el (direc tly out of
synthesis) compared to its Iinal ha nd-tweak ed n al plact' and-route nerJisL

Ta ble I
RTI.-/o -(la /r' lover Results

(kgates) Minutes GBytes

Chip Name

two threads (see reference (j for a discussion of superlinear behavior). Bach thread only coni ribut pl! a ,1% increase in the overall process memory size . This can 1w
atrributed to a single program image for fl1l' co mpiled
net. and primitive relat i on al data st ruc tures , which wonstored in globally shared memory.

Processor Interface








The following is a list of multithreaded too l design consid-

Memory Interf ace



1. ~3

Nod e-to -Nod e Interface

~l O O


erations we've Identifi ed while developing our prot ot ype

equiva lence checker :

Long Threads. To reduce the overhead incur re d wlu-n
launching threads, the Iull set of observahilitv cquivalcnce points need s to be partirioned into s imila r-sized
SubSNS or lists for eac h thread (i.e., thr eads shoul d !J('
launched to provo a list of cone s aud not a si ngh: poi nt) .
Figure 9 helps illustrate this idea.

Table II
Call'- / /)-GI/ /I' lover Result

(kgates) Minutes

Chip Name


Thread Balancing. When a thread finishes provin g ils

Processor Interface




list of obscrvability equivalence points. the remai ning

Cross bar




Memory Interface




threads should re ba la nce th eir list of unproven t-ones

to maintain maximum tool performance.

Node- to -Nod e ln terfacc





I P rforn


Thread Memory Management. Bach thread mu st haw

its own self-contain ed memor y managerucnt and OB D IJ


Th o Hewlet t-Packard Convex Division is i.n the business

of n'sl'an 'hing alld dl'vdoping symmetric multiprocessing

lugh-porfonuanc St'IV(, I'S. Historically, most vendors' CAD
tools have lagg('d behind the dosigu requirements for our

Iwxl-g rllcl'alion sys te ms . To solve the vast and escalating

problems encount ere d during the design of these systems,
till' IIP Convex Division has bl'gllll research in I he ar ea of
parallel CAD solutions.' ; A prototype multithreaded equiva lt'llt:t' che r-kcr (p-lcver) has been developed to investigate
l.lw pol l'l\tial pu rfunna nce ga ins achi evable through pa ralIPI processing.

The prot ol.ype multit hrc nded equival ence checker is based
on lover's s inglr- threadod proof engine, A front-end input
('ompikl' and d:'lw smu -turo r-mulation Pllginf' WL1~ devol-

oped to feed the parallel threads with partitioned cones of

logic for vorific.uion.
Figure 8 s ho ws tile speedup factors we obtained with
p-lover wh en laun ching tw o. four, and six threads. Note
I hI' s upc rllnea r p ertornumcc we were able to achieve with

.----------~- - - _


-- - - - - - - - - - ,

Figur(' S
Multithreaded performance.







-r-- +-- -l-- -+-- -+- - -I- - l


Number 01 Threads

Figll rp !J
Multithreaded equivalence checker.

list 01Cones

tiSl or Cones

Boolean equivalence verification, all integral process

within the liP Convex Division's ASIC design flow, Illidl-(l's
the verification gap between an ASIC's high-level HTL
used for simulation and its place-and-route gate-l evel net list, We have presented techniques in this paper that. haw
contributed to t.he development of a Boolean equivalence
checker with performance on the order or lOll umes Jaster
than many currently available commercial tools, [':V('11 a
commercial equivalence checker will benefit s ubst nntia lly
if its users understand a few of Ute te chniques we have
presented and apply them directly to their design now
(c.g., name mappl ng, subcquivalenc o points, ami cone
partitioning concepts). Finally, we have present ed data
(rom a prototype multithrr-ndcd equivalence check er to
lllusrrate "hal an even high!'!"performance level is attainable through a parallel solution.

Sysu-m Hesollrces and Locking. All VO and logging must

lx - eliminated from the individual launched threads.

(>thorwisr-, til(' locking and unlocking schemes built into

Ill(' system resource's critical sections ....'ill dramatically
degradl' tho 1001'S performance. Errors can be flagged
in internal data structures and reported after all chreads

havo Finished processing their individual lists of cquivalerux- points.

A product ion version of p-lover will require additional

rosoaroh to climinau - some of the locking requirements
necessa ry when addressing globally shared memory.
III pa rt icula r, solving the fals e negative problem in a
multithreaded environment will require some additional
thoug ht. However, the potential performance gains
ob tain ah k- through a multithreaded equivalence checker
are all met ive.

1. 1. Boning, T. Brewer, H. Foster,.r. Quigl('Y, 11. Sussman, P. Vogel.

and p~ Wells . "Physical Desi gn of O.:Yr!lm Gnte AI'J":IYs for Syrumetric. Multiprocessing Servers," I lcn -lrtt-Parkn n ! -lou !'I/II/,
Vol. 48, no. 2, April IDDi, pp . Ori-[O;~.

2. \{. Bryan t, "Graph-Based Al..l(oril.hms Io r Boolean Fun ct lou

Manipulation: IE/;;S Trtm . . actions on Com puler s, August !!lS(i,
pp. u77-(llil.

3. M. Garey and D. Johnson, Counnuer x m ul l ulruclnbil i tt] :

A G'(J,idr 10 the Tj/.Cm~!I C!rNP- C()Jll.jJld(!/ II'.~", f"n'PlIl ,U\, !!l7!1.
4. E. Cerny and C. Mauras, "Tautology Chec king I lsill g Cro ss-

Controllability and Cross-Observabllity Helaliolls," Im','r;

Trrmsact ions on Conq nttcr , January 1!l1lO. pp . :\,1:17.

5. M. l'\\iita H. Fujisawa, and N. Kawaro, "Evalua tion and lmprovements of Boolean Comparison Method OilSi'd Oil Biunr y
Decision Diagrams," 11I1"I'//11liuIIII/ Cll llj i,.,/U'(, Oil C OI I/ Jl ll r, ,/,Aided Desiqu, November HJ88, pp, 2~'5.

G. 1.. n<:11, "Putting Multi-Threaded Simulation To Worl<,"

accessible on the World Wide Web at URI.:


Augu,1 1998. Tht f1.wl. UP. ck. ,d Ioum nl

On-Chip Cross Talk Noise Model for

Deep-S brnicrometer ULSI Interconnect

mp l

no 1t J tor ril rul t I'

-j- er -s JlJlnI"I': 1p te I If1H'/connr='";


:PICF for



a ll d

_nrJ LI

fit ,r ll.-

'-Jh l ~


Ln r

"d] Il

IV I 111! 1 IIl~


~I I

J' I

a r Jf


Jt ] T.... Ir _ I (

Zi Ik 1-', til



I~ ,



1' 1 '

k ,

- mn d lld


I P ~Ir
I '

siq nal lu pc

l r 1 11 r

t r r l"1cmre II te

((l n l' ~~

LJ 1 11 1 I 1 Jr. ~,I I

11 ,1 11 I ~r II."

1111 c,llJ l ,

nterccnnect geometry in dccp-subnucrometer integr ated cir cuit I<'.-It-

nolo gies is being aggressively scaled down for wirin g density, lead ing to high
aspect ratios in metal lines, l~' For example. according 10 lh e Semiconductor

Industries Association roadmap, metal aspect ratio is exp ected to reach 2: J in

the O.25-JuTl technology generation and

~l: 1 by

the year 2004. As a result of th e

increasing metal aspect ratio, cap acitiv e coupling between neighboring signal
lines increases and more cross k"1H< nois e is generated. With in cre asin g edgp
rates and ground bounce ill advanced technologies, cross talk will hocomc a

pervasive signal integrity issue.

Traditionally, SPICE simulations have been used to estimate eross talk no ise
in the signal lines. Although accurate, these simulations are time-co nsuming.

When the number of signal lines eas ily exceeds one million


it does in ioday's

ad vanced microprocessors, SPICE simulations arc too ineffl clent to carry 0 11\
for each

IiJlC .

A rapid and ac curate cross talk noise estimat ion a lte rna tive is

needed to ensure acceptable signal integrity in a limited desi gn cycle tim e.

In referenc e 4, a closed-fo rm mod el based


RC transmission line analy sis is

presented. However, I.he driver lIlo(kling is not dis cussed and tho analys is is
limited to step response. Another model approxima tes the d river with a res istor

and a ramp voltage source/' but signal line resistance is neglf'('l r-d. 'l'hes
approaches lack the accuracy need ed in deep-submicrometer interconne c-t

A u~u ,1

1998 ' l he Hewl c u -Packar d jo u rna l

In thi s paper we pres ent a closed-form cross talk noise

mock-l with accuracv comparable to that of SPICE for an
a rb itrary ra mp input rate. Interconnect resistance, inter(" 0 11 11(' (" ( capacita nce. an d driver resistance are all taken
into account.



' - - ,-


{ T') [ e - liT:! -

e - (1- '1'r )IJ t ~ j}

[or T r ~ t, wh ere Vdll is the supply volt age. T; Is till' ri srtime at the output of the aggressor driver, and

Model for Timing-Lev I Analysis

First. we de ri ve a closed-Iorm ex pression for cross talk

IHlisl' whe n th e r ise time al rho aggressor OIlIJIIiI is known,

i\ circui t schematic of this model is



in Figure l.

III 11 I vp ical elec tronic design automation environment,

circ uit 1iming s imu la tors can provide a rnpid and accurat e
est ima te o f the signal ri Sf' lime at the output of a driver.
T hi s informal ion siglliticanUy s implifies our driver modeling. 1\11 agg ress or transistor is treated as a ramp voltage
source. V s ( =: VdtlJTr) ' A victim t ran si stor is model ed as
all l'ffcc ti vl' resistaur- e, R vrl. Thi s value is taken 1,(J he the
lin ear rosisu uu x- for rhe p- or n-channel MOSFET, dependill g 011 II I(' vict im li ne's logic: stru e. This driv er resistance
mHI th e vic-t im line resi stance, Hvi ar e lumped into a single

rpsis[uncr-, H\" Ra is t Iw UI1<' resistan ce of the aggressor.

Ca and (\. a n ' th lumped capacit ance for th o aggressor

IiI\(' and vic tim line, respectively, and C,. L" the coupling
nlpal"i la Il Cl' hr- t WP('II IIIl' lin es (Figure 2) .

[2RvR,,(Cv C(' +
t 1

eve" + c,.e

ll ) ]

== U{;j(C" + C(.) + Rv (C v + Cd +


+ (; \'(; ;0 + C"C a )!
+ Rv(C\. + Cd - 1:0]'

t .!

== [R,,(C a + C,,)

Th c pe ak voltage, Vx.max- al ways OCCllI' S wl H'II T, ~ I..

Therefore, by differentiating equation ~ wit h rcspr- r-l 10 f .
we obtain:
Vx .max ==


Based o n th e c irc ui t in Figure 1. th e cross talk noise

voll agl' V x as a Iun ction of time l is expressed as:

fo r () ~ t. ~ T r, and as:

where <PJ == exp( - TItt) - 1 and l~2 := exp] - T/\;;.:) - l.

For a sufficiently slow rise time (T; 102), Vx,lIlax approadws
the Limit of RvC"Vddrrl' Also, for a special case wh ore
R.:\ = Rv, Cil = C\' a.lH11~, == O. equation Gred uces 10 a sim ple
model presented by Sakurai:"

Figll n 'l

A circuit diagram for the cross talk models In this paper. In

the riming-level model, the aggressordriver is modeledas a
ramp input ~< (= Vdd/TrJ, and Rs is the line resistsnce of the
aggressor. In the transistor-levelmodel. VS IS the ramp input
to the aggressor driver, and Ra is the sumof aggressordriver
resistance R.l rl and the aggressor line resistance Raj. In both
models Rv is the sum of the line and driver resistances. C8
and Cv are the lumped ground capacitances for the aggressor line and victim line, respecrively, and Cc is the lumped
COl/piing capacitance.



Fi ~ure

A cross-secuonst view of two lines above ,1 groundplane

considered in this study. The coupling capacitance Cc is the
source of on-chip cross talk noise, It is 8 significant fraction
of total interccnnect capacitance in deep-sobmicrometer
interconnect lechnology,



;:::: c.


::::. C~

(interconnect' length :2. 3000 urn). Th e mod el p redi c tion

matches U1(' SPICB results ve ry well . TIl(' agreement is
also excellent in figure 4, where 1he ris e Lilli e vnri cs
over a wide range .

Figllre :J
Normalized cross talk noise voltage as a function of interconnect length. The modelprediction is represented by a
solid line and the SPICE simulations are represented by
circles. The error of the modelcompared with SPICE is less
than 10%. Cross talk noise increases sharply for line lengths
over IOODjlm beforereaching a saturation value.

Since all parameter values in equations 1 tlU'ongh 7 are

readily available from the timing an alysis tools , this mod el
forms an ex cellent basis for a Cl'()SS talk s creen ing 100 1 a t
the timing level. Th e nonproblemati c signa l lines can L)('
quickly idoutificd and filtered wit.h Ihis mod el. Only th os e
lines that potent ially violate noise margin I\('pd further
detailed simulations. The efficiency of s ignal in n-gritv
verification can be significantly improved by this SdH' II Il'.

25 -

T, = 270 ps
R.d '" lOOIl





Model for Transisto r-Le ve l Analys is

Nex t, w e co ns ide r a case in whi ch t lIP ris e li me to 111('

inpu! of the aggressor transistor is known. In this case
uie rise time at the 1J'IJ./j)1I1 of tlu- aggn ' ssor t ransis to r is
first computet! as a function o f the input. ris e time us ing a
technology dependent fun ction. Th en cquat ion () is used
to calculate the maximum cross talk noise,

/ .


0 1-





Figure 4

Line Length ("mj

Vx.ll lll X



+ C-,

:::: - : (;
' --




The accuracy of the model of Figure 1 is demonstrated

in Figure :3 and Figure 4 1'01' a roprescntatlve crosss ectional geometrv of a global line in O.2&-!J0l technologv''
To a('('oul\t (lIJProprialdy for the distributed nature of the
interconnect RC network, the lumped ground capacitances
e a and C" are scaled by it factor of 0.5 based on the Elmore
delay model .? Th e lumped co up ling capacitance en 01\
the oth er hand, is sc aled by a semi-empirical, technology
independent Iactor, ({ :::: (1- B)! eXl)( - 1'/1:0) J + ~. The
pararu [3 aCCOlU1ls for the pr esence of the victim driver
resistanc e, a nd is given hy

B= 0.5[1 + Rvd/(R\,; + Rwl)J Bis

unity for a rlevk -c-dominatorl case in which shielding rl?-

Normalized cross talk noise votteqe as a (unction of rise

time. The modelprediction is represented bV a solid lino
and the SPICE simulations ere represented by circles. The
error of tile model compared with SPICE is less thall 70%.
Cross 18lk noise is a strong function of rise time and is il
serious concern when rise time becomes less than 200 ps
in deeo-sabmicrometer technologies.


line Lenglh '" 3000 jun

R. d = lOOn



:; 15



sult ing from in terc onnec t resistance is negligible, and it

d('('['('as('s mon oton icnlly to O.S as interconnect becomes

more dominant. Tilt' scaling factor a is equal to 1:3 [or a

s lo w rise time, hut monotonically approaches unity tor a.
suffi ci ent ly fast rise time . In Figure 3 line length is varied
10 cover both th e device-dominated case (interconnect
length :5 lOOO um) and IJK' Interconnect-dominated case


__ _
Rise Time (psi



The rise I ime at the output of the aggressor transistor, 1'1',

is eXlll'I'sspd as:

whe re TJ'i ' Trw, and Trc account for the intrinsic delay,
inpu t slope, and interconnect loading dependencies,
rpslH'ct ivoly,

Figure 5

Unloaded outputrise timeas a function of inputrise time of

the aggressor driver for O.25~/m andO./81Im technologies. A
linearrelationship holds well for input rise time above 50ps.


Intrinsic Delay Dependency. Th e intrinsic delay depcn-

90 -

den cy or tlu-aggt'l'ssor output ris e time, Tn, is empirical ly


ex pre ssed <I.s:


wh ore Villi is the supply voltage, 1lI,sal is the sat ura ti on
so urc e-to-drain current. and Ci is the juncrion capacitance.





60 -





T Il(' Tri term is usually small ( -5 ps) and is independent


or Ilw aggressor input rise time . lt is also independent of


devico si ze; both IIi,s;'1 and Cj incr ease as tho driver size


increases , can celing each other. The term kj is a fitting

I iarameter, Our stu dy shows that ki = 0.4 for many different
l('duwlogy gPIII' ra t ions, The 'C'I term is important only for
the follo wing cases:
Older Ipd\llology geuerauons for which tbe RC of a
dev ice is s igni ficant





Input Rise TIme(ps)

the interconnect through tilt' aggres!;or dri ver, Sinn' the

driver goes through both the saturation and linear modes
of operation during the charging and discharging , Trc has

i\ transistor with extre mely small loads

two corresponding terrns.f

Very fas t inp ut ris e time Jij ps).

NOlie of those cases is o f pra ct ical interest UI deeps ubm icrome ter technologies.


Input Slope Dependency. Th e input slope dependency uf

the aggress or outp ut lise time, TI"I\" is a linear function of
I Ill' aggresso r in put rise ti me, T ra :

( 10)
w here I{w is a rer-hnology dependent' fitl:ing parameter and
is typically betw een 0.1 and 0.2 for decp-subrnicromcter

where C, is the interconnect capacitance, VI is 111(' threshold

voltage of the driver, and k is the' device transconductan ce .
which is given by :

l l' c hn ologi ps. Thi s lin ear relationship holds ex tr em ely


we ll for Ilw practi cal value'S ofTra ranging from r,0 ps to

GOO ps , <IS shown in Figure 5 .

This input s lope dep end ency term call be very signifi cant,
espec-ially for slower input signals and small load capacila ne('s . For inst ance, for a Lnun line with Tm = 160 ps,
Trw can 1)(' as hi gh as 30% of Tr .
Interconnect Loading Dependency. The third term in

equa lion 8 results from the charging and discharging of

Au! USI 1998 . Tho Ho.. loll,PJ<k", d )0"' ''01

The term y is all empirical e xpression !.O a CCOUII! for

capacitance shielding caused by interronnect resistance,
and is given by:

R :li

= 1[ R:li


+ R~d ,';i ,


wh ere Ha i and Had are the aggressor line resistance and

driver resistance , res pectively. The term Sis an empirical
constant ac counting for the loss due to shalt-circuit.
current and is typically equal to L2. Short-circuit current
does not serve 10 ehargl' or discharge t he line.

The first term in equ ation II describes the transient in the

saturation region, hu t is typically much smaller than the
second term because of the large CUTI'enL drive and the
small voltage swing in th e saturation region. The second
term is for the transient in the linear region, and is technology dependent only on the ratio of V,N,ld '

Figure 7
Rise time estimation error of models compared with SPICE.
Errorfor the modelin this paper is 10%. A modelbased
on reference 9 produces a significant error.




Ris e time values at the output of

the aggressor driver calculated based on equations 8
t hrough 1:3 for a wide range of interconnect lengths are
compa red with SPleB simulations in Figure 6. The model
predictions are in good agreem ent with SPICE simulations.
The mudding error co mpared with SprCE is shown to be
Benchmark of Model.







500 .





This Model

- - - Reference9




O'j-~----l-i- - - f -I --




- - tI --





- - This Model
- - - Rererence9


Comparison of rise rime estimates. The modelin this paper

is in excellent agreement with SPICE results. A model in
reference 9, which neglects T,i and Trw in equation B 8S well
as interconnect capacitance shielding and short-circuit
current In equation 11, exhibits large error over a wide
range of interconnect lengths.


less than l( )O;(,jn Figure 7.




As a comparison, Ow rise liH1C estimation based on a previously published modcl'' is also shown in Figure 6. 111is




Interconnecllenglh hllll)



model neglects Tri and Tr.v. Also , interconnect capacitance shielding and short-circuir current in '1'('( . are no!
conside red. AB a result, thi s model si gnilic.u uly und e restimates T; for short lines and overestimates Tr for long

Once the rise rime at the output of the aggressor driver is

cal culated, the corresponding peak cross talk noise ca ll
be compu ted based on equation 6. Tn Figure 8, modeled
and SPICE peak cross talk noise values are plotted as a
function of interconnect length . Our model pr ov ides a
very smooth curve and matches the SPICE result within
10% over a wide range of interconnect lengths.
The technology dependent fitting coefficienrs in pqllHtion~
fl t.hrough 11 Call be found easily by runni Ill-( SPICE for
several calibration cases. With the calibrated coeffi cien ts,
this model rapidly generates accurat e cross talk no ise
estimation for various driver sizes, intcrconncci. londs,
and rise times, The model is an attractive al ternat ive to
SPIC~~ when many transistor-level s imula tio ns for C ("(lSS
talk noise are needed, including the case of quick screening mentioned earlier.

Interconnect LengthIfUI1)


1998. The Hewlett-Packa rd J OLJrn~ l

Estimated cross talk noise voltage as a function 01 interconnect length. The modelprediction is represented bV8 solid
line and the SPICE simulations are represented by circles.
The model is accurate (less than 10% error) over 8 wide
range of interconnect lengths.

1. M. 1J0llr, S.U . Ahmed. L. Brigham, R. Chau , H. Gasser, H.

Green . W. Hargrove, E, Lel'. It Nauer, S. Thompson, 1\. Weldon ,

and S. Ynng, "A high pcrforrnu ncc (l.:\i' ltllllogit: ll'chllolo/tv
:l.VamI2.5V operation," [III C/"Illl!.iIi/JII! Elect ro n J)"/Ii rl'.~
MN'I:in.l] Technica! Di.IJI'81, l!1lH. pp, 27;:l -~i(;.


~ . 17/C Nuti rmal Tl'clwu!o!J.I) [II)/II!III (/}I F OI",.../'III irtnn! 01"111/-';,

Semiconductor Industry Association, 1004.


;-j. K. Rahrnat, O.S. Nakagawa, S.-Y. Oh, and .1. Moll, ":\ sl 'nlill g
scherne for interconner-t i.n de ep-submicron p rocess es.' 111//'1"nru ional 6lt;(:/1'D'Il Deivirn M el'loi'l/lI Techn ;f"o!lJi!/" sl , 1!)f);I ,




... 0.4






4. T. Sakurai. "Closed-form e xpress ion fo r huercoruv-c rion delay,

coupling. and Cl'OSS talk In Vl.Sls," IF:/:;g 'f'mIl81I1'li ll/Js /III
F;/'ec{.IYJII Deoices. Vol. 40, W93, pp , 118-1:!.!.




Interconnect Length hunl

- -- - ---- - - -~ - - -- - -

5. E. Sicard and A. Rubio, "Analysis of c ross ta lk inil'l'fl'l"f'lIcl'

in CMOS integrated circuits: I E!I'/~' T nIllSIII '!i II/lS /lll 1~!f'I'II'/)
nuurnetic Compat ibility, Vol. 34. H1fl2. pp. 12412[1.

M. Bohr, 5.S, Ahmed, S,U. AIIIlWd, l\t 8osl , '1: Ghan), ,I. (;rl'<Isoll.

R. Hainsey, C. Jan, P. Packan, S. Sivakurnar, S . Thompson..J. Tsa i,

and S.

Yang. A h.igh p erforman ce

O.25 f1111 lo gk l'l 'dmology

optimized f(lr I.SV o pe ra t ion: IlIltTIIIII ;UlIII!IJt:l'lrlJlI

Mqeliny Tnclinirul Diaest, 109G, pp . iH7-850.

/1(1 .';(('';

7. M . Shoji, CMOS {Jio'i,/a} Ci rrn i! rt/!1II0/ fllJ.lJ, I'rf'lll il'I'-llall.

S. N. Weste and K. Eshraghian, Prin ciple flI CMOS V/ ,,<,'I n t'si.!!//.,

[1.1 this

paper we have analyzed the accuracy and applica-

b ility of a simple clos ed-form model for calculating cross

lalk nois o on signal lines in deep-submicrometer interconned systems. With appropriate scaling and calibration of
tlw model coeffi cients, if. W;lS shown that the model is
s ufficient Iy accurate for cross talk analysis. All model
pa ramet ers and coe fficients are readily ava ilable. Therefore, Ill<' mod el is suitable for rapid cross talk estimation
and s ignal integrity verification.

A u ~u ' l

1998 . The Hewlett-Packard Journal


9. T. Sakurai and R. Newton, Alpha-powe r-law ?I'IOSFJ::T mode I

and irs applications to Cl'I'IOS inverter d olay a nt! nllll 'r rnrmn l:L'i:
IEEE Journal orSolld-State Circ uits , Vol. :!i), !!100, pp. GSl-.'1! l:L

Dennis M, Sylvester

Samuel O. Nakallawa
S:uu Nak: lga\\';l


Denn is Syl \,,( \:-;t (' I' is a

a nu-m-

grad Ua l<- ," "I1I.' nl l't'

h.. r o r Ih.. !"" hllh 'a l s lalT

or III' Lnb uratn ri es , Il l'
1'1 "'1' ;\ '1'( 1 a

I\Sl:E dl' gn '" from ' Ill' l lu ivcrsi ty

of I lli no is I ' I'h:l ll a( '11'" 11 pa igl ill I!IIi-, :11111

s('" rd " 'r al til, ( Tni "" I'",iIY

of I' '" il i fom ia a1 Bcrk,-1l'y. wOl'llin ~ 1'01' his


1'1I111': E ,I,'gn '". I'" WOI'k.s

~I S E E

'lild 1'11 111'1' i1"gn''' s [ro m Thr- PI'lIILWlvun ia Sial , I illi\ "'ls il)' ill IiIH; a ur] ID!l;J. lie'

1':111 -( inu- in III<'

Hl.Sl laburatory /If Ill' I J~ io ra to ries, III' is a
nu-mb..r of t ill' 11':1::1': a nd a uariv o fM idl:llld ,

jo inl" ! III' Lll ho r;ll ol'i,'s hi I!l U,l.

~ f itlli,;ml .

John G. McBride

Soo-Younll Oh

.lolu i ~kB rid .. is a 1111'111'

S" o-YOUi1g

lx-r o f tho I('cllnie"l sl'an

eel manager in III" l lJ ~ 1

1111)oral.Ory o f II I' l.ah. Il':t-

o f 1111' III' VI.o.;l 'lh'lulOlo.~,\'

Oil is ;, II l'oj-

" us lll m VI.o.;l d l's it(lIs . nol'll ill Vr-rnal, Uta h. 11<'

1111; ('", 11<' 1'<" '1'1\'1'" his I'h IlEr-: d" f(I'I'" Iroru
S umford Univers ity and juincd 111' in I ~ J~(J, II "

1'I 'I'\i\'o-d Il is ~l SEE d" g l'l'" ill l!IHl 1'1'0111 Strmford I !111\,,ls ily. 11.- is m nrrl ..d,h'LS Jour ("1Ii1-

"">1'(' th an Gil pa"(,J~ , Horn ill S('ool. Klln'H,I,,

( '1'111,1'. \\1'11 ill,,,1\I'lllsl 'Illalil,\' loo ls Io r

is a nu-urlx-r o f rlu- IEEE alld has I'lIl1lis h<'t1

d n'lI . ;lIlcl , 'nj o.vs wh ltc W..Ht.'J' r~l rtin1-! a nd tin -

is married , h;1.,~ 1wo ('(u)(ln ;II, "lid

kt'l'in g, wi th l' ars. Il l" is also ~wt iV f' i n hl ~

sw mu n i ll;..t and playi't~ ~n il Hr.

", ""...h alld III..

IIll,V S,'oll ls

(, I \i j)~'s

of AlIll'rica .

AugLIS1 191J 8. Th e- Hewle ttPacka rd Journ al

Theory and Design of CMOS HS-rL I/O Pads

speed I/O performance. These reflections call bo controlled by matching the

driver output impedance 1.0 that. or the' trunsmisxion line. Traditional solutions
require th e use of off-chip com ponents to implem ent matching tcrmiuntion

networks . Till" adversely impacts board density, reliability, and cost..

lntegration of the term inatlon network on-chip removes f h0. s(~

n ( ~ga l ivo

auributes while providing additional advantages.

l.n this paper, we review a solution for an on-chip impedance' matching ne-twork.
Our HSTL (high -specd transceiver logi c) family of controlled impedance VO pads
includes single-ended and differential drivers and receivers, along with com-

Gerald L. Esch, Jr.

.h-rrv Es d i i... a hardware
' !I'si j(1l eng;IH'('r wil h III"
_ _- . I

III' hl,,' gral:l.1 CU\'lut

Itu:-:iw ,....."'i Division. ~1 J(' ( ' i: lI izil1~ ill

g l ~ l p ll i<'s

ponsation circuitry Ior process, voltage, and temp erature (PVT) variations. MeasUI'Cd HSTL signal integrity in a large, complex board environment is presented.

hi,:::h ~J)tIllri

i\SI<' <I ,"."i ;:n, hi ghsp('eol ( 'M( lS I/O

plld <Il's igll , an d rc a l-tinu- 10.11'1:(; "nCOfUl1)(.

H/l m in

I\ ( an ",~.

Nl'h r:ls ka .l u n '('pj\,\ ,<! hix

IlSEE dl'g n '(' ill lll!l:! I'l'Oln Nr- w M,' xi,o

Si a i t '

IJllh" ' rsity :m,lj/lill,',I Il P ill l!l!J.I . If('

When I/O signal int egrity and speed arc

or utmost importance, many [nul

designers tum to parallel termination networks. Parallel tcnuinanou eliminates

ix n voluutvr-r whh II", Sp"C"ia) I1l y ll lp"",<.

tra nsmission line reflections. I Iowcver, parallel termination exact s a cosily toll
on power dissipation because a de component is added to power c-onsnmpl.ion.
An alternative termination approach is source series termination. In a point-

Robert B. Manley


~f"ll l ('>\,

is :, VI.SJd ,,

sigH t"ugiJll,pl"wHh rln liP

_ _ _ _ _ _, IlIl.tgrau.'t1 Circ uit H\lsin('ss

I livisi o ll. I" " ol<h


to-point environment, se-ries terminanon provides an outpu; driver with a



absorb incident waves, effectively damping any n,nc('f ions in

d(:-:n...s ill phys i,'s ( I!),', I

an<lI'i ' ' ll k al "lIgilu..r i ng ( I !17!1l. I h- jnilll,t!

III' ill 1!17!!. no m ill SOliI II Ik -nd. lnd laua.Ju - i."

ll la l'l'if' oI, h"s 1\\' 0 dlillln'l l, am) is II pil')1 lind"

("'1111)( '1;1in' rillo-:111 01 pisl/ll ShoOI" I',

Augu.;1 1998. The Hcw lcttP,ltkilfd Jour n al

the transmission lin. Matching a driver's output impedance to I hal of 1.1l<-'

hoard impedance increases signal integrity and speed while keeping POWN
dissipation to a minmuuu.

Source series terrnination is easily implemented with two

co mpo nents: a low-impedance output driver and a precision seri es resistor. To decrease factory costs and conse rv e hoard space , it is desirable 1',0 replace the printed
circuit bo ard pre cision seri es resistor wiLh a n on-chip,
Pv'l-compensaring resistor.

in the programmable resistor arra y, The NFET.., ha ve eoncorresponding to their bin ary wt' igh l l'd hit
positions in PROG[5:0j, For exa mple, if PROGIOJ contro ls a


transfer gate with conductance of (; , th en PROG[ 11 ("011-

trois a transfer gate wi th a conduc tance of2<.i . TI\(' n-sis tance of RpH<x; decreases as the binary count PROGI5:01
increases. III ('ffeet. as tho biliary co unt ill cn'1I11 1I1..... il ion '

resist ors arc ad de d in parallel in th e

The si ngl e-ended output driv er, shown in Figure 1, has
two major components : a push-pull driver and an on-chip
series termination resistor. 111(' three componen ts that
fo r m 1I11~ termination resistor are the driver NF8T resisrane e HilS, an n-well resistor H(i;SD for ESD protection,
and H I'HI)( :, a programm abl e resistor between the nodes

PRE mill POST. Controlled by on-chip calibrati on circuitry,

the programmable resistor takes 011 a range of resistances
j 0 ensure that tho driver's output i mp edanco Ro III arches
th e rrun smi ssion line imp edance ZOoThis allo ws refl ections LO b e co m pletely absorbe d in the (Inver regardless
of process, te mpe rature, and voltage fluctuations, Thus:

N 1" r'~T

ar ray,

Th e cali brati o n c ircu itry (Figure 2) is d l'si ~lll' d Lo program all IISTL output dri ver impe da nc es , HII , to match
that of an external precision resistor. }{I';XT. During no rm a l
op erati on. an en ab le signa l, CAL. causes all NFET equivalent in siz e to an HSTL ou tput dri vel' pull-li p NFET 10 (, O ll du ct, Curren t be gins to flow through the I/O pad through
Rr,XT' This current puth forms a volt age di vid er, w here :

R m o (; is tuned by turnin g Oil and off various cornbinalions of transfer NFETh with a six-bit binary word . Each
bit in the binary word, PROG[5:0], cont ro ls a transfer gate

Figlll'l '1
Single-ended output driver.







"uSu<11998. The Hcwleu-Packerd jo uma l

Figur e 2

Calibration circuitry.



- - - -W=4X

1__ -'L

.- --


- - --



W~X $~ t_ 1
~ ~ '"

















I ,






VI' :\ll

se rv es as an input to thl' inv erting te rm ina l of tho

diffl'l'('llr ial nmplifl cr, Till': noninvcrting terminal's input

vullage- is VI>I>(/~ ' This reference voltage is generated

on-chip via a vol!agp. divider, A1W diffcrenco between the
input voltage's of 011' diCCerE'nl,iLlI aruplificr is perceived as
a resi stance mismatch between R" and RJ'::\'I~ TIlt' 6. V
aust -s tlu: di tIe reu tlnl amplifi l"r's output, 10 pr ogram <In
up/do w n counter to increment or decrement its six-bit.
out pu t. l Ip nn l'l'( 'piving a clock edge, till' up/down
counter drive s a IWW six-bit binary count, PROG[5:0). This

Augu, 11998 ' The He wlcll,P,lCk"d Journal

calibration word is used by the calibration circuitry's programmublc resistor and distributed I I oth er 1lSTL driver
programmable resistors. Incremental biliary chan ges ill
PROG[5:01 cause incremental resis ta nc-e changos in IJ)(,
programmable resistor. Because Rl'lWlj is now program-

med to a new value, VI'Afl obtains a IWW analog value.

VI'A!) again ac-ts as au input 1.0 rho dilfcrential ampl i ricr
and the impedance matching process starts over, TIle callbrntion action is continuous aurl transparent 1.0 normal
chip operation,

i fa

tiill Driv r

The differen tial driver in Figure 3 is the combination of

two I1STL drivel'S. By knowing th e driv er's output res istancc, au external pa rallel rennlnation network tan set the
de operating points to comply with the HSTL differential
sp ecification. The predriver logic is responsible for keeping

the differential clock signals in conformance with th e He

The prodrlver logic also performs tw o other impo rta nt
tasks. Th e single-e uded-to-differential co nvers ion proselves the input duty cycle while minimizing transients
in the supply currents,

August 1998' The He wlett-Packard Icu ma l

Fi}.(IIJ'(' ,1

~'i g(ln'

Single ended waveform,

Overdamped signal,




- -,1-'2=---- +- -+- -1-

VDESl --1- """'--1

' '''~_"


- ,

.,. ~






-- -- -. -"




Figures 6, 7, and 8 illustrate U\l' l'I'I'('('fs of varyln g

shows a diffe rential signal after traveling down

a (;inch transmi ssion line, Vn EsT is consistently contained

wi thin 1he t ighl usn, differen t ial specifications because
or Ill(' known d ifferent ial driver output res istan ro,



Figure <I tippieI.'; a single-ended signal traversing a Ii-inch

transmission line . Vm:sT is the signal received at tho end
of tlu - line', Signal int egrity ('~UI h(~ monitored by examining
Ilu- lo('at ion or 1he inflection point Ht the driver t Vsourw,:),
An in fl ect ion point near half the high logic level (VlllJo/2
Ior lIST!.) indica1 os that the driver out put, impedance
match es L!)(' transmission line impedance.


,I 1


Measured Re sults



r---+--+--+---+--+--1~-t--+------1 "'--~"1.00nsldlv

- - 7- ~


1.11 ( '

driver's output impedanrc by chan ging Illl' (':-': 11'1'11:11 calibration resistor, I~EXT' In Figure 6 I\I':XT > Zo, ill Figure 7
Rl~XT = Zo, and in Figure 8 REXT < Z", Sign al integri ty i~
maintained when the d river output rosistan co ma u -hes I.h('
transmission line impedance.

u u re Work

One potential shortcoming of implem enting a parallel

NFET array 1.0 mimic il SOIll'{'(' se ries terminalion rosisror
is the variation in driver output resi stance Ro' Figures 9
and 10 show driver output resistance as a funci ion of
outpu: voltage Vo ' lrlcally, Ro sh: uilrl be onstant over I Ill'

Figlll'<' 7
1 VDlSl +
2 VDEST .'

- -_ .


/- ~




Critically damped signal,




\ 7'






-- .-

- - ~-- ~


"u ~ u ' l 199B. The He wlett - ~" (k,,, d jo uron l


- f---

'. 2


x. .1



- -




-- )


- - -:: ~ .,.

- ' --

-r7~ /

- -I -





2,00 ns/div

300 mV/div

750mV Olfsel

Figul'l' )o)

Underdamped signal.

Fi gilrr- 10
Ho as a lunction of Va as Va goes from a logic high (0 a
logic low.

..... ..- ...

~ . -- . ~





"'- i-,






lo- I _ r

1('"" 1






1 :2

2 Ivom I





l'<IlI g('



750mV Dffsel


Driver OUlpUIVol!age V.IVolts!

or VO ' l lowovor, R" changes with variations in ih o

values of V(:s, V ns , and the back gate voltage of the transf('1" and dr iver ~JFETs . Figure 9 show!'; the outpu t rcs istanco ('han ging as f he output voltage swings from 0.1V to
J.4V (lO'){, to 90(}1.). Figure 10 illustrates the output resis-

ranee (I :; n function of the oulput voltagr - s w ing trorn a Jogii'

high to a logic- low. Notice jJ1 Figure 9 that the point at


to help red uce variations


Ro ' 11ll' crossov er

point was shifted towards the high logiC' level o f \I" . For
IISTL I/O applications. this inherent dovi auo n in oul pur
resistan ce minimally affects signal iru egri ry, For fut uro
applicatlons, it may be> worthwhile to in vestigate al tcrn auvc series l.l'nnillati{)11 schemes for tigh ter illll H'dall('p
matching environm ents.

which H" == Z" (:'iOQ) O('(' U I'5 when V" = Vl 11l<J2 . This is
becaus e the cal ibration rirruitry tunes the programmable

r esistor with the PUll-lip portion of the output, driver at

A parallel NFBT array

V ]lli( l~,

of controll i ng a driver's output resistan ce. With an on-c hip

Wilh pl'o]1( '1' driver width ratioing, the pull-down

rlrivr -r NFET would also have R" = !) O ~ 2 at.V" = V r)()</2.

can be a simple and pfl'p('li\"(' w ay

sour ce seri es termination resistor, a chip can r-onun unicato al highel' rrC'<]uC'llCips and hoard spac(' Ihal wo uld nor-

mally runtain terminat ion 11(,t works is fn' pd.

Figll l'l' !I

lISTL pads has

Ra as 8 function DIVa as Va goes from a logic low to a logic


complex board environmonts.


1)('(' 11 pro ven


fan lily o f

to work at. 200 Ml lz in larg(',

The authors wish 1.0 fhank Gordon Motley for hi s valu able

pad design and 8SD advice, Rick Luobs for o fTNi n~ llIP


original design co ncept, Hob Martin for his Il'c1mi t'al support, RO~l Lar son and Wally Wahlen for th eir charartori za-





i.ion errort, Holly Mall ley for l\laking Ill<' papPI' rr-adnb k -


and Amy Jahnke for supplyi ng direction. We' also th ank

50 -

Gary Wotlaufr-r for his support .




Driver DUIPUI Vollage Vo (VollSl

Augu st 1998. The Hewl eh -Packa rd Journal

:l. H ,',;TL (lh,Qh-SJll!prl Tnmsceiner 1,lIil i l' ) , . mOE~ SI;lIl<lanl 1Ii.:i,

Dralt Revision :l, JEDE C Councll, .J uly I 1.. I !I!}.I.

: .

I. (i. Esch . Jr. and It Man ley. "I-lSTL CMOS I/O Pads for ZOO-MHz
I )al a Hal os." l'/'{)('( 'I'd i II.'IS (!t't.III: ].1).1)(; Heu ilett-Pnnkxrnl [)IISi!J1/,
i i 'd IllU /II.'IY t ;u/ (/ i ' I'I '//I'(' ,

pp. (i l-GS.

2. Il. ( 'anri ghl, .11'., "The Impact of Driver Imp edance upon Transmis s ioll Li m- IlllpNbull'l'." Pm(,{~I'di'llf/S of 1!l1' 441// Electronic
C'U/II / 'II /H' lI l s 1IJ11 1 Terllll ll!l/f) i/ Ci I'/lJ im !l lCc. pp, (j(j[)(j74.

AU!luSI 1996 ' rho Hcwlen-Parkard Journal

4. R. Wilson, "J EDEC ready


approve very-hi gh-speed 110 spec,"

December r,. J!)lll, p. I.

RlI!t:/.mnic BIIIJi'/11II'ri II!! 7'i1IW~,

A Low-Cost RF Multichip Module Packa~in~

Fa mily

pa~kE1 JPS

lac.kag lnq

provrd nun Il OWl' ro

11 1 '~l rl lll q ,

and II L rc Jl lllRr

uansumns and hlgl1 Ie'" 1... 01



an uarliuon 111)11 r . iuenr

Nil 18 'lull " ro II 1111 J tnw-reler 11 1) '1

orat nil

ging of RF and microwave microcircuits has tra ditiona lly bee n very

expensive. The packaging requirements arc e xtrem ely demanding: very high
electrical isolation and excellent signal integrity to frequencies of 10 GHz and

a." well as 01e ability to accommodat e GaAs l es dissip ating s ignltl cun]

amounts of heal The traditional approach has been to start with a machin ed
metal package and solder in de teedthroughs and fiF glass-to -meral sea ls
(Figure 1). Thin-film circuits on cera mic or Sapphire are then attach ed


the floor of the package using electrically conductive epoxy. Th e ch annels

machined into the package form waveguides beyond cutoff, wh ich provid e
isol ation from one circuit. section to another. Next, GaAs or Si res ar e attached
to the floor of the package in gaps b etween the thin-film circuits . win '
bonding is done to interconnect the

res and the thinfilrn ci rcuits to each other

and to the package, the RF connectors ar c s crew ed on over the RF' glass-tometal seals to form the finish ed assembly (Figure 2) .
Traditionally, beth the placement of the thin-film circuits in the microcircu it
package and the bonding to connect them hav e been done man ually. The
microcircuit typically plugs into a small bias printed circuit board that
is connected to the rest of the instrumen t through a de cabl e. whil e Hi"
connections to the instrument are made hy semirigid coaxialm icrowave
cables, which screw onto the HF connectors on the microcircuit. This solution
is capable of providing excellent elec tr ical performance ana quick turnaroun d
Limes from design to implementation. However, traditional mic ro circuits Uti
have the substantial drawbacks of being very expensive, bulky, and hea vy.

A.J~u" 199B. The

Hewleu P kard Icu mal

Figun- 1
Traditional microcircuit package with de and RFqless-tometstseals, (8) Top view. (b) Cross section.




The MTPPS modules meet: the requirements discussed

wove by providing high HF Mel microwave porformancc
ar a lower cost per function than previously available
through a new design that replaces many expensive,
traditional microwave packaging co mponents with simpler, less-expensive alternatives . The M1PPS modules
have been designed to work well up to III Gl lz, which addresses most. of the present consumer-driv en npplicat ions
where cost is critical . To be inexpensive, the IVIIPPS
modules were designed from the outset fOT rnanutacturability and to use high-yielding assembly processes. Highfrequency electrical modeling using HP's High-Frequency
Structure Simulator (HFSS) ;30 modeling tool was used
to synthesize the RF transition into tIl(' MIPPS module,
resulting in an electrical design that worked the Cirst time
it was protoryped, Leveraging the MIPPS design and
manufacturing processes Cor new ~" P PS rnicrocircuirs
continues to shorten the time needed to introduce each
succeeding MIPPS design.


Figure 2
l lntil tlu- end or the cold war, much of Hcwleu-Packard's
test an d measurement equipment WClS bought. fOT detonsc-rolat nd applications, for which performance was
often of paramount importance. Today, the- demand for
RF and microwave test and measurement instrumentalion i~ driven primarily by consumer applicatlons, such
as the satellite, wireless, or fiber-optic communications
markets, In rnese extremely competitive markets, keeping
costs down and getting good value are crucial, To lower
IIw cost: of RF and microwave instruments, tho cost of
their microci rc uits must 1)(' reduced, since this is often a
significant portion of the manufacturing cost of the instrumeal. It is important when reducing costs, however, that
Ihl' predictable performance and quick turnaround time
of the rradit ional microcircuit be preserved.

\Vt' han' deve loped a family of high-performance microcircuit packages 1.0 be used for RF and microwave applic;ltioIlS. Within HI', th e new family is called MIPPS, which
sumrls for untlt irh ip ill le.1J1 'nl -subsf.'l'oI/? PGA (pin ,gr i d
II rrlll/) l!n('krt,qf.' 1'0/'11 tion.

Finished traditional microcircuit assembly.

Reducing Cost

Figu r e :1 s ho ws an ex ploded view of 'he basic MIPPS

co nce p t. Th e ex pensive p orti ons of the traditional microci rcuit have been changed to produce a lower-cost assombl y, The firs t e xample of cost reduction is HI(' way ltw
module is electr ica lly con nected t.o the rest of th e instrumeru, All conne ct ions from the ins tru me nt to the MlPPS
module arc ma de by way of O.020-incll-ctiameter pin grid
ar ray (PGA) pills tha t cos t, pennies eac h, and are connected to th e thick-film moralllzatton on top o f the ce rami c
by a hemi sphere of solder. Tills PGA connection is inexpensive co mpared 1:0 I he filte red de reedthroughs and RF
glass-to-meta l seals us ee! in a traditional micr ocircuit.

Exploded view of the MIPPS (multichip integral-substrate

PGA package solution) sssemblv.

Top Lid

Top Ud
Epoxy Prelonn

Bohom l id


Epoxy PrelDnn

Circuit Assemblv
w ith Caps and Pin.



Bassptat a

For de conn ections, th e unwanted RF energy on the bias

lines in the MIPPS modul e ca n be strip ped off wit h lowcost s urfa ce mount components to an adequate degree
in pla ce of the coaxi al capacitor used for th e traditio na l
micro cireuit feed. The PGA pins us ed as de feeds can
either be attached to th e printed ci rc uit board by ine xpensive s ingle-con tac t so c kets , o r by soldering the pins dire ctly to th e backside of the pri nted c irc uit board. Experience
has sh own that pluggin g the MlPPS m odul e in to singlecontact so ck ets is desirable becau se it allows mu ch fas ter
assembly or replacement of Ole MJPPS assembly"
IU' coun ccuons ar c made using the same O.020-in(' hdiameter PGA pins us ed for th e de fee ds. Good RF pe rfo rmance is obtained by choosing th e diameter of th e hole in
tile basepl at e tha t the PGA pin goes th rough. The proper
hole diameter compensates for the ca pacitive dis contin uity
of 111(' metal pad on 1he top surface of the a lum ina to which
the PGA pin is soldered . Th e RF transitions can be made
ei th e r directly to the printed circuit hoard if a low-Rl--loss
printed circuit.board is being us ed. or to an SMA conn ector (either barrel or flan ge mount) if the RF s ignal is 1.0 be
sent or received through a coaxial ca ble .
Th e nex t cost s avings come fro m replacing the mul tiple
small thin-Iilm circ uits used in traditlnnal mi croci rr-uits
with a single, large , thick-film-on-ceramic circuit. A thic kmill circui t th at has both conduct ors and resistors prin[pl!
o n it generally costs onl y 10% to 25% as much as a sim ilar
thin -film circuit on ceramic, aile! additiona l savings an'
ac crue d In asse m bly. Assembly o f th e s ubstra te to th e
m etal baseplate needs to provide me ch anical rigid ity as
well as el ectrical shielding. ')\\'0 things mus t be done to
make thi s a tt achment. reliable (n o a tt a chm en t fail ure s
over temperature exc urs ions). TIl(' first is 10 minim ize th e
TeE (tempera ture o effl c len r of expans ion ) mis mat ch
be tween tJ1<.' ce ram ic and the baseplate , Typ e 416 s ta inless
steel was c hose n as th e best compromis e of raw nuu erial
cost, eas e of machinability to minim ize co s t. a nd TC I~
matching with the ceramic, which is nri% pu ri ty a lumina.
The next step to minimize tJlC stress Oil the c o uduc tivc
ep oxy joint is to cho ose a material that 1"0 1111S a somew hat
fl exible bonn be twee n th e s ubs tr ate and th o basopl au -,
Thi s helps absorb TeE mismatch indu ced s tress. !\IIP PS
modul es w ith O.SOO-hy-L 700- inch circ ui ts have hor-n
temperature cycled te n times over the - 5!)CC 1,0 + 150C
temperature ran ge with no failures.

A U ~ u ' 1 1 9 ge.

The Hewlett-Packard Jour nal

Using a s ingle large cerami c substrate instead of multiple

smaller SubS1rates as in traditional microcircuits also provides substa ntial savings during assembly. Instead of
having 10 manually place and llne up multiple circuits in
a package, a single substrate is assembled to a baseplate
that ha..o.; th e epoxy preform already tac ked onto it. The
alignmen t bet we en the thick-film circuit and the baseplate
is accomplished by using tooling, instead of "eyeballing it"
as in I radii ional micro circ ults . The problem of COnductive
ep oxy w icking up between circuits and s horti ng out the
conductive trac es to ground, a perennial issue with traditional micro circuits , is completely avoided in the lVllPPS
mod ule design.
Anothe r technique for reducing costs in die MU-'PS module
was to des ign it to take advantage of automated assembly
te r-lmiqucs . With a planar ceramic circuit tha t has all the
circuitry acc urately aligned to the other circuitry to within
ll w tolerance of the thick-film printing process, automated
die attach and automat ed wire bonding are very straigluforwar d. This is contrast ed with a traditional microcircuit
con taining s mall thin-fil m circ uits placed down inside
de ep channe ls, req uiring careful manual wire bonding.
A urobo ndl ng is significantly faster and more repeatable
than Ihe manila I bonding process typically used in RF
nucro r-irr -uits.
Mai t a in i 9 Traditional MicrocircUIt Pe ormance

Traditi on al microcircuits have good RF transitions into

and out or the package, low loss and low reflections along
trans miss ion lint'S in the package and when transitioning
between t ransmi ssion lines and les, and high isolation
bet wee II circuit functions in the package. AU of these
elements need 10 be preserved in any proposed altemativ e packaging scheme. The firsL performance challenge
lo be tackled was tJ1C RF transition into and out of the
l\HI-'I'S module. Our target for rvupps modules was to have
good RF performance up to 10 GHz. The starting point
was choos ing the diamete r of the PGA pin as 0.020 inch.
The O.020-inc h-d iam e ter pin is stan dard for connecting to
an SMA connec to r. Thus, this choice allows us to make
lW t ransi tl ons 10 the MIPPS module eit.her [rom printed
circu it board or se mirigid coaxial cable. The thickness
of 1111' bascplat e was S\ ' 1. by structural rigidity concerns at
0.0\l0 inch. The diameter of the thick-film solder pad used
for pi ll att ac h was chosen as a best com pr o mise between
mcchan k -al 1'( rc ng th and pa rasitic: c:apacitance .

Augu'l 1998 . Thr Hcwlcl!,PJdJld Inurnal

HP's High-Frequency Structure Simu lator (I IFSS) was used

to determine the hole diameter through the bas eplat e and
backside groundplane relief on the alumina circ uit that
would give the best RF transition to 10 GI Iz. These simulations eventually led to a design that. correc tly electrically
compensates the launch and giv es bette r than 'IO-d I3 return
loss up to 3 GHzand bet ter them 15-dB return loss to 10 (iIIz
for a transition from an SMA connector to a 50-ohm line
in the MIPPS module, r-u~ss was als o us ed to design the
RF' transition to the MIPPS module from an inner-layer
printed circuit. board striplinc. The HP Microwave Design
System (MDS) was then used to create a physi cally bas ed
model of the transition) shown in Figure 4 . New users of
the MJPPS module family can use this MDS mod el in ci rcuit simulations to determine how well the package will
work for their application.

After the RF signal enters into the MIPPS modul e, it needs

to be able to propagate down the transm ission line with
low loss and minimal reflections. The 0.025-inch-thick !}(j')I,)
alumina substrate used for the MIPPS modu les allows the
usc of gold conductor traces 0.024-in('h wide for flO-olun
signal lines. This is a wide enough line to have low res istivc losses for RF' signals ( < 0.6 dBlinch at to (T Hz) . y et
the substrate is thin enough that the impedance of tile
transmission line stays fairly constant from de to 10 GII7..
The next-higher-order mic ro s trip mode (ha t co u ld cause
unwanted impedance discontinuities is well above 10 GHz.
Finally, to have low loss and low reflections as an RP
signal propagates down a transmission line , th e edges
of the line must be smooth, TIle RP th ick-film process
used provides the necessary edge sm oothness for good
performance to 10 Gfu.
Many measurements need much great er than 100 dB of
dynamic range, so high isolation is an ext remely important criterion for microwave instrumentatio n packaging.
In the traditional microcircuit package, high isolation
between circuit functions is maintai ned by keepin g the
circuitry in narrow channels, which act 1"-; waveguides
beyond cutoff for the RF signals , being too narrow to pass
radiated emissions. TIl(' same function is performed in a
MIPPS module by having hundreds of conductor-tilled
vias that connect th e bottom ground plane of the circuit
with the metallization on the top . When the lid with its
machined channels and cavities is conductively epoxied
to the topside metallization, the lid is very e freClive ly

- - --

- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ,

Figllt' t' -I

Fignre 5

Electrical modelfor an SMA-connector-to-MIPPS microsuip


MIPPS connection to a printed circuit boardandSMA




Fringing Capacitance
beiweon SMA
Connector and

. rc..

Cenler Conductor Radius

OUlerConduclor RadIus = 0.95 min
LengUl~ 2.18 mill
180 ohmsl

t -

Cenler Conductor Radius = 0.25 mm
Outer Conduclor Radius = 1.20mm
0.10 mill
{9S ohmsl


= 0.2 pF

C'" 0_1 pF


~ .. ;-~.:.
~,. -- ~
~:~.~~-- .;..'.:..-,

Counterbore on Top
. - 01 Boseplate to TrAp
ucess Epoxy

Coax .
Cenler Conductor Hadius
Ouler Conductor Radius'" 1.45mm
Langill = 0.15mm

..:;; . ...-~ -


n'9p ala

Hole throu h
Cd' gE
on ucuve poxy
hi C' '(
nee rno ,rcul
to Ba~eplalc

Capacitance ot PGA
----- Pin 10 Ground Plane
on Back at Alumina

placed be tv....ecn I.Iw prin ted c irc uit board and a ha c kuu;
plate to shield the backside of the print ed circ uit hoard .

Inductance of PGA
Pin Goin9'hrough
Alu,nlna Suhslrale

Capacitanco Dr PGA
Pin Att~ch Pad nn Top
of Alumina 10 Ground

gro unded, and th e wav eguide beyond cutoff channels

in I he lirl the n provide th e needed isolation. To isolate the
de- fl'l'd lhro llghs and I~ F transitions to the printed circuit
board from s t ray RF signals, a 1ll1'1"<l1 waffle gasket is
placed between I he l\HPPS module Mel the printed cir cuit
hoard as sh o wn in Figure 5 . A similar waffl e gasket is

Early in the p roj ect a decision W ,L'; made to have all of t.hc
PCA pin s on 0.1OO-inch centers for co mpatibility w it h lowfrequency PGA pack ages . This allo ws MIPPS mod ules to
be easily tes ted at frequencies up to 20 MHz using industry-stand ard zero-insertion-force sock ets. Tlu - fi rst MI PrS
product is a 130-dB elec tron ic step attenuator used in HF
signal gen erators II up 10 4 GIl l,. Once thr [~ F perform an ce
was initially characterized. a low-sp eed ac tes t was implemerited, taking ap proxlmarely 30 seconds 10 com plet e'.
A full HF I es t is don e after tlu - part is inst al led on t ho instrument printed circui t board, with be tter than H7% yiel d
resulting. By pr oviding a quick, low-sp eed screeni ng at
the module level , duplication of a lengthy lns trumen t-level
test on the module its elf is avoided. In addition . the l\f1PPS
assembly is tcsl od be fore sealing the lid. allo wing easy
replacement of defective res. For more comp lex modu lo
designs, if a high yield at final RF test canno t Ill' ac:hic:vpl!

AUillSl 199a. The Hewlett- Packatd Journal

with a simple low-frequency module-level test, more exu-ns ive HI-' res ting can be imp lemented before lid seal to
get the desi red yield at final RF LE'St.

The firs t l\'IIPPS module designed was a O-to-130dB electroni c s tep auonuator op erating from de to 4 G1-h:. with
at tenuat io n adju s table in !'r" dB steps. This module is pictured in Figure 6. which shows (1 completely assembl ed
pad<age (top) and a view of th e atte n uato r thi ck film
att ac hed 10 th e basepl ate, The module is used in the HP
t;4IOOA Ia mil y of e le c t ro n ic signa l generators. It is baser!
on Gaas Ie 51 op at ten ua tor chips manufactured by HP.
Previous s igna l gen er ators hav e us ed mech ani call y
switche d su-p at tcn uators , which have exce ptiona lly go od
electrical performance (very low loss and low levels of
rc fkxte rl energy), bUI take approximarelv 50 milliseconds
( 0 s witch and settle from one attenuation state to t.he
IW Xl. Altho ugh UH'j' Ar c guaranteed to work for grea ter
Ihan five m illion cycl es , they will event ual ly wear out.
With till" mo re complex an d higher-speed modul arion forma ts userl in new wi reless communications pr otocols, as
well as the higher volumes of these products, mechanically



The first MIPPS module, a O-to '30-dB electronic step

ettenustor operatill[Jfrom de to 46Hz. (top) A completely

assembled package. (bottom) A view of the ettenuetor
thick film attached 10 the beseplete.

switched step auenuators wore wearing out in HP'!; Ipsl,

instrumentation at an unacceptable rate , El ect ronl cally
switc hed s tep attenuators s witc h much faster an d are
more reliabl e, butthe challenge was to pr odu ce one at n
cost similar to a me chanically switch ed step auc nuaror,
While step attenuator ch ips in surface mo unt. pal.'kag(s
mounted on printed circ uit.boar ds would be able' to meet
the cost goals for the electronically s witc hed st op attenuator, th e e lect rica l performance a t -I GIl:!. in t,NIllS of los s
and reflections would be inadequate. For this reas on, the
bare GaAs chips arc ep oxied either to the thick-film s llbstrate or onto ped estals machined inlo IJw basepl ate. With
GaAs switches that mu st h ave very high isol ation in the
off s tate , the inducta nce between th backsid e w ound of
the chip and true ground must be essent ially zero. In this
cas e, the grounding vias that go through tilt' O.02G-iru:hthick substrate to conn ect the pad und er the Ie to gro und
are too inductive. Therefore, th es e ch ips a re mounted to
a baseplate pedestal tha t pr ot rud es through a hole in I he
ce ramic substrate. This allows the c hip backsides to be
conne cted to an exce llent ground.
An additional constraint on the elect roni c step at te nua to r
des ign was that. some of the c ustomers for r.IH~ lIP E4400A
si gnal sources containing this step auenuat o r we re expected to expose it to extremely humid conditions, lIf'CP Ss ita ung that th e modules' in te rn al co mpone nts 1)(' completely shi eld ed from moisture. This was ac comp lishe d by
de veloping a process to add low-dicl ectri cons uuu . lo wRF-Ioss sili cone gE'1 to the interior o f the Mll'PS pac kage,
thereb y protecting the GaAs ICs and redu cing the risk of
molsture-induc ed metal migration [rom the s ilvo r-Ii lk-d
electrically co nduct ive epoxies within th e as sembly. With
the current design. tJ1C MlPPS module will function with out dam age even if liquid water is introduced insid e 1.1)('

The final MIPPS electron ic s tep attenuator has a som ewhat higher insertion los s than a mechanically switched



~-'"'" ~
." .~ -; .,\'C .. :

_ __


. t'\ ~

step aucnuator. How ever, th e l\UPPS oloctron ic sl<'p at..


tcnuator switches much more qui ck ly and should he a ble

to switch reliably indefinitely, sinc e there ,U'(' no moving
parts to wear out. The Ilnished assem bly w ith the MTPPS
module, the switching logic. the HF reve rse power pro te ction circuitry, and th e additional J': MI rillt' ring 011 tho
control lines is s hown in Figure 7.

AugU\ 1 1998' The Hewlell P,l ckord Journal

_ ...


An interesting addition 1.0 the sta nda rd MIPPS sl,('p aucnuator module occurred when the HP instrument division

Figure 7


Finished assembly with MIPPS module, switchinglogic,

RF reverse power protection circuitry,and additional

Cross section of 8 MIPPS module with light-emitting diodes.

using till' MIPP$ module noticed that. the output RF level

through llll' module was not completely switched and
~ l' lI l (' d in rhc 2~ microseconds necessary (or testing GSM
(a European cellular phone standard) equipment. This
problem is caused by the GaAs switches in the step attenu uto r having th e SIOIl I tui ! 'iLkc/: the initial switching takes
p lace very quickly. bu t it can take up to 10 milliseconds to
roach the final value, 11. was discovered 111at high-intensity
Light can virtually elim inate the slow tail effect in the GaAs
switches, so a printed circuit. board containing lIP's new
miniature high-intensity LEOs (one above each GaAs step
aucnuator) was incorporated on top of the JvllPPS module
as shown in Figure 8 . The low-cost method by which
these are integrated into the module also made it possible
to do this for a relatively small incremental cost, and
shows th e Ilcxihillty of designing in the MIPPS [annal.
Another MIPPS module under development is used in the
]-li> S50DX RF electronic calibration module. Previously,
most network analyzer calibration has been done using
rucr-hanical calibration standards that were screwed onto
the enrl of the network analyzer cables in a procedure that
took five minutes or longer, Although electronic calibration
modules have previously been offered by IW, they covered
a limited frequency range and were relatively expensive,
In designing the next-generation RF elecrronic calibration

products, it was imuortant to keep 1:11(' cos ts down and

provide an operating frequency range of 300 kHz to over
6 GHz. Both of these goals were achieved with tilt' In'
elect ronic calibration lVUPPS module, incorpora ti ng eight
GaAs Ie switches to switch open circuits, short circuits,
through bnes. and SO-olm1 loads ill and our, II. is possibk:
to completely calibrate a network analyzer in about
30 seconds, using only a single set of RF ('ol1n('('1 ions,

The MlPf'S module WClS a joint development. clIo!'1 he tween H1"s Microwave Technology Center (MWTC) and
HP's Colorado Springs Technology Center (CSTC). Wo'd
like to thank the manager of MWTe. Jerry Glad ston e.
for giving us the time and guidance to s tart and continue
this project. We would also like to thank Roger Gra eber
from the Microwave Instruments Division (U1e first ClI Stonier of the M [PPS technology) for his many helpful
suggestions on how to achieve ltigh isolation in small
areas, Don Estreich, who managed the project for the>
last two years at MWTC. for making sure (hat. we had
the necessary resources for the job, and Ilcidi Barnes of
MWTC for continuing the M.lprS work on new projects
and continuing to refine the concept. PI'OI1\ CSTC, we'd
like to thank Ron Baker and Vicki Foster for th eir invaluable help in assembling prototype hybrids and [~(lsa
Clayton, Rosemary Johnson, Brenda Archuleta. lind AI
Baca for the fine work they have dOIH' ill manufactnring
the thick-film substrates, We would abo like to thank Bob
Kressin, Jeff Herrle, Chris Eddleman, and Scott Cas mor
[or their continued product engineering support.


199B .1hc Hewlett -Packar d Journa l

Lewis R. Dove

Marlin l. Guth

Dean B. Nicholson

Lr-w Dove is ;)lll'H~in(l('r

M:U1.i1l (~lll h is il product

1J.' a ll NidIO ),;OIl It:!>'

sd" lI risl 011 1II"s Cul on ul


wlu-n - IH' wo rl,s

Sprill!/.< Tcclmolo gy Center,

O il I hic k-mill

pa d ' ag.,s fo r

hi/:It-fn 'IIII"tU',\' lintilk ltili m o dll l.,s, li t' ha s

IISEE all d ,\ ISEE d<'g r,'es fwm Ih(' Ilnivers ity
Ill' A Ii ZOIl'I.

I h 1:'\ m.ll'rhd iJll d lias 1\\'0 sons, aud

his hll hhil's illl' llIeI, ' l1y ing , l'lIn llillg, a nd sk iing .

e ngincor al liP's Coin

nu l.. Sp ri llgs T" d mology ("" 111 <, 1'. li p wo rked
nil IIII' IIF attenuatur hyhrld for I.he I II'
E,l/I)()A si,gnal g<' lll' nl l.n r arul th e pi n d river
IIIgi, ' hyb rid fil l' tl", Ill' 8 1:111 S!'l;"S nf n-s t
S)/s lt'lllS, lit, Itas a IlSEI '; , h'.~ I,(,1' Irom Flor iela
Atlantir I luiverslty, and he j o inr-d 111' in Wi n.
Ill' W;1."; horn in Clcvol arul . Ohin. anrl his inu -r,,:;ls ind l l(l(' phol ogral,hy, sk ii ll g, um untuiu

climhm g, clcctrunir- 11lIL.ic, am i sc uba divin g,

A u ~u s t

1098 . The Hewleu -Packard Journal

sl",nl , III '!:lsl s, " ',' II ,\'" a I'S

e1"sign a nd rk-vel o pt ne nt

~!!!!!!!:>.....,~"!'!!!'~"" ul~ignillg lIlu llc hlp

III., Jll'Odll<'I,"; lI",illg <laAs

I( ' s,

III' MilTowa\'(' T" . 'hllOlog,v

mculIII' joilll'<I 1111 '

Ilh'i ~io ll



a l"hol' ~p~lI l t1 a ',i llg fl'O m tlu- I [lli,,rs ily o f Ca lifon da 01 1 Ik -rk elr-y wi th ailS d"g n ',' in l'Il" "
Ir iC'a l,' ng illC'l' ri ng

a llt l m a " ' li: lI~ sl'i " ll<'"

(c1 011b1l' u iaj o r) . Born ill ( )m n g" . C" lif"l'I1ia,

1l(,1'I 1l is ruarri r-d with 1'0 111'chiltln -u. I f II<'
had sonll ' fn ',' l inll ', h.. would " t\io~v S'Il',','r.
ahalonp . living, a nd Iii Icing.

Testing with the HP 9'f90 Mixed-Signal

LS I Tester

rester' t(l.,tUI c inclu I..

clock nenod '. svnchrcnou


In ~r,

tlllllll(] Ill! ,:r\ Elr "I11al\l_


eranon ot ::Jrh l

r for

~. 'iti -t lr (II til

rarv WiWPTQrr S with

'llv. 1I

re p ~r to

I rstcrunn p2r(3IlH r r,

I n recent ycai's, there has been signi fi cant. th eoretica work on " ..fl nin g
a methodology for fault detection and c lass iftca u o n in analog circu its.! : '
However, because input-output relationships are


co mple x for an alog

circuits than for digital circuits, the development of a system atic, aut o mat ed
approach for dete ctin g defects in an al og circuits is far behind t he d igit al

co unterpart, For this reason, implementations of anal og tes t s trategies remain

largely functi 011 al.:i This is also the case in tho work describ ed lu-n-.
The purpose of this paper is not to further the stal e of mixed -si gnal rest th e o ry
and methodologies, but rather to share with the read er the
Mallhew M. Borf
~la lt BOl'g Is an 'lJ1 alo!-l

Ie designer with the HI'

1.....,,::!!!:!!==o=t' e=:1 1nl " !:I'llIId Circ ui t BlIsi -

nl'ss Divisio n. IIi' ho lds BSEE rIiJSi) an d

~I SEE ( 1\1110) ,1"g n ":s fro m t he 1'nivcrs ity of
( 'aJiflll'llla al I )a\'ls . I I" jnillC'd III' in JHS! I,

Sl;lt p

of mixed-signal

testing within the IlP Integrated Circuit Busin ess Division (le B O) today. We
present descriptions of the test development processes for a parti al response
maximum likelihood (PRMl,) read ch annel ASIC an d


cha rge-coupled device

(CCD) signal processor ASIC, including specifi c examples of analog res t

implementation demonstrating so me of' the capabilities of Ill(-' liP !H!JO teste r,

Ie was designed for 1{Ps DDS3 forma l DAT (digita l aud io

tape) drive, Th e ceo sign al processor is a three-channel interface c hip

The read channel


Si n ~h

rec;('in',1 his

PhI) c!" gn '(' in i'kcl rl"'l l

_:=-~-=-~.... engiltPpl'ing Iro iu H ensse-

designed for HP's s ca nne r pro d ucts , These chips contain s igllilinll\t ana log

ku-r l'o l,\'II'l' hnit' l nsritut in wn:), A ha rdw are

functionali ty, including programmable and automat ic gain control (A Ge)

d" slgn (ngh,,,, wirl: ti ll' HI' 1111"j.!l'ail"t1 Cln.'u;1

Bus iness
f! .~'j .

ll i\isio n , I"~ .ioi nl'd

Ill' S hl ;.:iII'OI'C in

lit' is i \ native o rS i,,~a p on~.

amplifiers, switc he d capacitor filters, a clo ck re covery ph as e-lo c ked loop,

mod erate- and high-resolution analog-to-riigiral converte rs (AD Cs) , and se vera l

AU2ust 1998 . The Hewl ett-Packard Journal

dig ital -to-analog COnVE-riNs (DACs). ThE' test strategy implcmeurcd for these blocks was largely functional. Many
circui ts conic! not afford the additional complexity and
parasiri cs of embedded test access. However, provisions
were made in the desi gns for accessing inputs and outputs
of Iunr-nonal bloc ks , and to allow special test modes of
o()('ra lion . The HP n.:l90 tester has sufficient analog resou rce's to officie ntly execute detailed functional testing
wit h high rcso l ul ion for det ccling subtle variatiuns in performa nce resulting from process variations and defects
(s('(' "Tes ter Des cription" 011 page GG).
The emphasis of 1his paper is primarily Oil analog test, with
sppc-i fic ex amp les given for the read channel j\ GC and
phase-lock ed loop blocks and the CDn s ignal processor
analog signal p ath .

discovered either by the customer or th e test devel op ment process. tn the case of the read channel ASIC, th e
customer provided a test harness that could be used to
power up the chip, write (0 regis ters , and vi r-w outputs
while stimulating the analog inpu ts . This pro ved to be very
useful for debug activities. How ever, there we re seve ral
cases in which the HP 9490 tester's ability to contro l th e
timing of analog inputs and capture outputs on a cycleby-cycle basis was invaluable in isola ting design hug s or

During tile final test development phase, 1.11<'. many analog

functional and debug tests were consolidat ed into I ewer,
more efficient tests. For both les, we retained th e rapability of putting the test programs in a debug mode ill which
additional data is saved ill diagnostics files and captured
waveforms are saved for viewing.

rograll1 Evolu io

TIll' I('st programs for the read channel and eGO signal
process or c hips both evolved in three dtstinct phases:
Turn -on

Performance verifi cation and debug

Consolkl auo n and production worthiness,
Tl u, t urn-on stage, typically lasting a few weeks before

and a fte r firs t sili con, involv ed pUllin g togeth er a very

bas ic scre en test con sis ting of continuity test, reference
volta ge veri flcation, digital funcrional vectors, and tests
for signs o f life fro m 1Jl(' analog blocks. Simplicity of I:he
initial anal og tests was necessary to get screened parts
int o Ih (' customer's hands quickly. We discovered that
development of complex analog tests required all intimate
kno w ledge of the roster and the overall function of the
eh ip, Ill(' main challenges bring getting tile chip into the
desired s ta le, cons tructing the COITect analog stimulus,
;111(1 syn c hronizing the anal og and digital inputs,
Th e perfo rmanc e verification and debug stage of test

dovelopme nt las ted from afte r the lnitial prototype shipnH~nls unl il artwork release for the final chip revision.
Duri ng (his stage, digital and analog static current tests
\\'(')"1 ' dp!lll gged, pad leakage WSIS were added, and any
remai ning digital functional tests were added, but the
lllq jority of tim e was sp ent adding comp lexity and refinem cn rs 10 tlu- original analog tests and creating new analog
tes ts 10 verify that all analog functions met. the required
spoc-ifi cru io ns. Often this activi ty was interrupt ed by tJ1C
need to create s pecific tests to debug unexpected behavior

The strategy used for guaranteeing th at the analo g blocks

were defect-free was first 1.0 measure the analog supply
current in both the static (power-d own) and PO\V(~I~on
states, and second, to generate functional tests that both
isolate subblocks and mimic customer use to verify all
specifications listed ill the J<.:RS. The general premise was
that a manufacturing defect would cause an individual
subblock such as an op amp or comparator or a larger
fun ctional block to produce an unexpected ou tput or
compromised performance, An unexpect ed output mi gh!

be an incorrect comparison, an incorrect. de level, l'XC CSsive offset" instability, or an unavailable mode or ope ration . Compromised performance might be rnoasured in
terms of gain, linearity, dynamic ran ge. resolution. se tt ling
time, bandwidth, acquisition range, det ecti on thres hold ,
or some other appropriate measure, Very often , indiv idual subblocks cannot be specifically isolated , but their
performance can he inferred from high er-level test s tha t
exercise the subblocks in a variety of way s.

Any auempr to assess test coverage must firs t co ns ide r

how a possible defect co uld manifest itself at one of the
observation ports, 11\e observable effect of a given type or
defect. will vary depending upon several Inct ors, including
the fun ction of the block and th e locat ion of tho defect.
Generally speaking, in a fully differential circuit su ch ;L'" thp
read channel AGe , a defect that occurs in the differential
signal path L<; likely 1.0 cause some typ e of ofl:o.:;('t, wh ereas
a defect occurring in common-mode circuitry, such as bias

Figure I

Read channelanalog signalpath with simplifiedtest access circuitry end HP9490 analogresource utilization.
Read ChannellC
ADe Reference



Differential Buffa,


circuits, or s ingle-ende d signal paths is Li kely to cause

faults such as improper de or common-mode voltages,
excessive curre nt, or reduced range of operation.
Specification limits are set based upon buth the customers
pcrtonnunce requi rem ents and the observed distribution
of the' lest parame ters during characterization testing. Test
specification windows must be set wide enough to cover
expected process variations, provided that there is adoquare p erformance margin, bui narrow enough to weed
out dert'I:ls thai cause h!;OW faults. Of course drawing the
line between process variation and soft. faults is a tricky
business, which can be miti ga ted to some extent: by multiple tes ts with overl apping coverage of potential defects.





= Transmission Gale



For a complex analog system such as a PRML read channel, it W;IS necessary to design in test access points that
allowed tJ1C inputs and outputs of Iunctional blocks to be
st imul at ed and measured as directly as possible. Such
access proved invalunble in dobugglng and verifying rhat

AnalogloDigltal Convertor
Automa(lc GainConlrol
Mllrary WavelonnGenerator


PrecisionMeasurement Unit
PrecisionVoltage Measurement
VariableGain Amplifier

til{' individual blocks met their respect ive design goals.

It was also useful for achieving a lev el of test: coverage
adequate to meet quali ty goals. The read ch ann el desi gn
includes an analog test multiplexer with progra mmable ac
and de test paths for bypassing ana log blo cks and obs erving internal nodes (Figure 1). The ac test paths are isolated from the main s ignal path hy transmission gal ps (T)
and wid ebanrl different ial buffers (13) , Two pads (TMUXOP
and TMUXON) dedicated to observing analog voltages have
a pail' of wid eband ar- buffers capabl e of driving t ho I('S( 'I"
load, including the to-kQ input. impedan ce oJ'the loU) f)l!)O
20-MH7. digitizer. Auxiliary differential input pads (TMUXIP
and TMUXIN) allow tJ1C M: C blo ck to be bypassed ;tlll) lht
ADe, preamble detector, and clock recovery b loc k input s
to be driven directly. Individual control or all uunsmission
gate's in the test path allows calibration of tho de offset or
the buffer paths, The read channel Ie also in cludes a d igital test multiplex er that directs digital outputs general ('d
by analog blocks to test pacts.

AuSu. ' 1998. The He", I. II Pack. rd Journal

Addit ional cons tra ints placed on the design of the analog
blocks were that (1) they need ed to he individually powered down to a state in which th ey drew no current from
the a na log s upply, (2) analog outputs were tristated (in a
high-imp edan ce stat e), and (;3) digital outputs were driven
to th e rails, Al so, th e curre nt drawn by any block from the
an alo g supply was require d to be proportional 1.0 a referenc e current set by an on-chip bandgap reference and an
exte rnal precision resistor,

th e Read C h nn el A Ge

The 1\(1(' bloc k, pictured in Figure 2, is one of the most,

complex an alog systems tested on the ICBO HP 0490
Ic's INS. It incl udes a fully dilfe re ntial four-stage vari abl egain amplifier (VGA) with a gain range of 12 dB to ;32 dB ,
a tlx orl-gal n lin ear outp ut. amplifie r, contin uo us-time
glob al offse t cancellation, a peak follow er for amplitu de
de tection, a progra mma ble operational transcon ductance
amplifi e r (0 '1'1\) for multi ple loop hand width se lec tio n, a
7-bit DAC for output amplitude setting, and circuitry thai
adapt ivcly eliminates th e gain step tha t oc curs at the DAT
prca m b lc-rlatu boundary.

Figure :2

Read channel AGe (automatic gain coatrol) blockdiagram.



Gain Step

OAe = DigltalloAnalogConverte,
OlA = Programmahlo Operational TransconduclanceAmplilier
VGA = Variable-Gain Amplilier

The specifications uSNI to design this block were used as

a guide for developing the test routines for debu g and perforrnancc verification and finally for production screening
tests. The three test input ports for the A(iC block arc the
VGA input, the gain control input, and the digital input to
the reference DAC. The test output p OI1S includ e the am plifier chain output, the peak follower output. the DAC
output, the loop filter output, and 1he o u tpu t of Ill!'
step adaption co mpara tor; Needl ess to say, this leaves
many internal circuit nodes th at can only be observed
through their interaction with the 0I 1t1)\1IS of maj or s ubblocks.
The AGC block test is separat ed into several subt ests
which individually target. the am p lifie r chain including
offset cancellat ion, th e peak det ector, the AGC loop, the
gain step adapuon circuit, <UH!1.he DAC. In many n lSf'S, a
subtest will exercise a large portion of the AGe sys te m to
produce the stimulus needed to extrac t the per forman ce
measure of a particular subblock, This r esult s ill an overlap in coverage, which increases overall test coverage .
The amplifier chain Is test ed hy allowing the AGe loop
to lock separately to three different - 2-MHz sin e wan'.'>
with input amplitudes covering the extre mes an d cnrcr
of the VGA input dynamic range. The amplifi er ou tp ut
is digitized for the three different inputs hy an HP D:.J nO
20-lVlllz digitizer through I he analog tes t multipl ex er output pads. A fast Fourier transform (F FT) is performed on
the three sets of digitized data 1.0 ex tra ct I he out pUI amplitude, offset, total harmonic distort ion (THD), and sig nalto-noise ratio (SNR), which arc all compared a~ain st
pass/fail limits. Additional ruoasuromonts aro mad e of
the amplifier output co mmon-mode leve l and of th e te st
buffer path offset for corre ct ion of the amplifier chai n
offset measurements. This series or tests provides wide
coverage of potential defects in th e amplifier chain and
the rest or the AGe loop.
TIle decay rate of the peak follower output is an important. parameter because it determines how the AG -. loop
win respond to the varied and som etimes sparse peaks of
digital audio tape (OAT) data. For this reason, a specific
test was written to extract the decay ra te [rom a digHized
peak follower output with 111<' AGe loop locked to a
i-MHz sine wave . Another key paramet er for the lJAT
read channel is the accuracy of the AGe loop bandwidth

scuings, especi ally in t he low-bandwidth mode, which is

th o primary 1II0de of operation during a read cycle, The
loop bandwidth is Ill OSI. easily measured by monitoring
tho Vti A control voltage when a s te p in input amplitude is
appl ied 10 IIII' V<;A inp ut, A low-frequency (lM1[~), high-

input-impedance Cl-M Q) digitizer was used [or this task.

Sine'l' th e i\(iC loop handw ldrh is din~c(,ly proportional LO

tlu : gain rontrol s e ns itivity of the VGA, the measurement

was performr-d I,hree ri mes wit h mlnimum, nominal, and
mnxlmum Vt i/\ input amplitudes, Th e input signal chos en
was a fJ-IVlI.lz sin e wav > (same fr equency as the DDS;1 1'01'mar preambl e) wit h

it ~-d B

ampli tude step after the loop

was init ially settl ed. Figure 3 shows the dif'lerentlally

digitized I-(ain co ntro l volta ge during an input step, as
dl splu yed by th e III' !l4!)() waveform editor, Also plotted
is th e exponential curve fit extracted from the digitized
c1ata by a simp le C routine ill til(' l est program. The CLU"Ve
lit is performed to approximate tilt' loop time constant
and hence I he loop bandwidth.
As previously ment ion ed, the AGe 1(0 bandwidth is programmahk by s electi on of difforent values of transconchJ('lH1H'(' of 1he loop I ran sconducrance amplifier, The
fast er-bandwidth modes are selected by on-chip state rnachin es .u tlu - b e~inl1in g of each track read when the AGe

Figun ': l

Measured AGe gain control voltage during a 2-dBstep in

input amplitude.

must quickly acquire lock from th e absence of signal to a

preamble segment at the beginning of ('(1eh I rac- k, :\ (('51

was writt en that simulates this condition by dri ving the
VGA input with a low-amplitude noise signal foll owed by
a maximum-amplitnde preamble signal wit h all ox pon ontial t11m -OIl envelope. This is the most: ta xin g si tu at ion
for the A(;C loop bec au se it, must go from a condit io n in
which the VGA gain co ntro l is ra iled to Iwing sell led in
the minimum-gain condition in a short. perio d o f 1ime

(before the end of t he preamble) . Th e prcumblo delecto r

block and on-chip state m achines are e na b led during I his
test so that tJ)C loop bandwidth switchin g OCClIl'S as it
does in normal use. TI le gain control vo ltage' is d i gil i zl ~d
and then processed by C code to veri ry t hal lIlt' gain has
settled 10 with in th e acceptahle limit bcforr - I lip P ll d o f the
minimum length preamble.
Additl onal Iests arc lmpl em cnnxl th at. fully oxorciso Ill('
reference DAC, the gain st ep atlap t io n comparat o r, and
the analog signal path from Ill(' VGA through tI\(, oll-I'hip


t e

n I Ph



The read channellC includes a mix ed analog and dig iiul

phase-locked loop block, whi ch recovers Il w cl oc k signal
from the DDS-foInwt data stream. Th e re covered cloc k
period is quantized in increments of one -sixt een th t he'
external sys tem dock The ph ase-locked loop mutn ruins
the phase relationship between the recovered d ock and
the darn stream hy int erspersing short (!G/)(i ) O!' long
(17/16) clock periods wiU\ nominal dock periods , Tak ing
advantage of the capabilities of th e HP !l4!-)() 1im ing in terval analyzer, a test was written thaI nu-usu res II I(' lwr ill d


of each recovered clock cycle with the pha se-locked lo op

locked to a sinr- wave having a period :Ui% s ho rt er Ihall

-8() -


~ -too,

the nominal data period, Figure 4 shows th e resul t ing

histogram of rr-covored dock periods (as di splayed ill tIl('


l l P H4!JOwaveform ('l1il,or). Th e overall nu -un dod, flN iod

is cal culated to verify thatthe recovered clod , fr equen cy
is 2.!i% hi gher than the SYS1.em dock t'n'qIlPlwy. T I\( stanrlard deviation of the short cloc k periods is tested against






Q -140"

Curve Fil

pass/fail limits

a" a measure of 1,lw uniformit y or 1Iw dr'(;ly

elements of' the Hi-tap analog delay line wit hin Ihe d od ,
recovery block. Additional tests were writ t en t ha f ( l ,l inrli'I


vitlually verily the thresholds of Ilw

: l~

corupurur ors in

the phase-locked loop ph ase sampler; (L!) verify I hal Ihe

phase-locked loop can acquire lock 1.0 sln o wavt-s wil h I Ill'


AU ~ " ' f

1998 . The HewlclfPa, kard JOll rn,,1

T( stet" Desc 'ipti ui

At the HP Integrated Circuit Business Division. HP9490 mixedsignal testers are nominally eq uipped with the following

One precision voltage measurement unit

One precision voltage source
Two fixed and one mul tiplexed universal de precision
measurement units(PM UI

Two 128-MHz dual-channel 12-bit arbitrarywaveform


Fourdual-output OUTpower supplies(DPS).

Two l- MHzdual-channel 18-bit AWG s

Tile test head includes 128 pinswith per-pin dc function control. The maximum digital test frequency IS 64 MHz (1 28 MHz
with pin multiplexing) withedge and format changing on the
fly. Vector depth is 4M bytesper pin. The digital test subsystem includesdebugg ing tools such as shmoo plots, sequence
debugger with fail mapping, and digital waveformdisplay.
Especial ly useful for testing of ADCs is thedigital data capture
capability with 500K-byte depth and special hardware for highspeed digital signa l processing.

Two 20-MHzdua l-input 12bit digitizers

Two l -MHz dual-input 16-bit digitizers
Two l -GHz-bandwidth. l -MHz-rate samplers
One multiplexable dual-channel time measurement unit
One multiplexable dual-channel timing intervalanalyzer

max imum expected frequency offse t. and (3) measure the

accuracy of th e phase-locked loop phase offset.setting by
examining th e phase at which the on-chip ADC samples a
sine wave to which the phase-locked loop is locked.

Figure 4
Histogram of 2000 recoveredclock periods.




Clock I












80 -

0 -J-++++l-I-H+++H+H-H-H+t+f+H++++++HttH I /I /1111I II 11+


ClockPeriod 148.83psJdiv.)
26.04 ns

A u ~ u' l

1998 . 1ho HowlollPacl,,,,d Jou rnal

27.78 ns


st Su


The final read channel production test is composed of

22 analog subtests, a digital scan subtcst, 18 function a!
digital subtests, and three additional sub tests [or continuity, pad leakage, and static curre nt, The overall test exe CIItiOIl time is just under 7.5 second s, with approxlnuu oly
5.f) seconds for th e analog tests, 0.5 second for the digital
tests, and 1.5 seconds for the remainder.

280 .l





.. I Pr c

The CeD signal processor is a CMOS-based monolit hi c Ie

that interfaces color (RGB) signal outputs from a ceo to
a main ASIC.~ The major components o r this Ie an' t11l'('I~
switched-capacitor 8-bit programmable gain amplifiers
(PGAs) , a In-bit successi ve approximation An C, and a
6-hit utility DAC (Figure 5, DAC not sho wn ). The three
PGA,; perform 8-bit programmable offset compensation
and 8-bit programmable amplifi cation o n til<' co rrelated
double-sampled CCD signal. The ADC digitizes eac h of
the PGA outputs in sequence, alit! I lie lO-hitcollv{'lkd
codes for the RGB signals are serially output on UlI"e1' UO
pins. The correlated double sampling an d amplifl cat ion
stage call be pinelined with ADC conversion and scrinl
data output to maximize throughput.

Theory of Sinusoidal Test. The interested reader is


Briefly, the quantization noise of an ADC with a truly ran dom input can be shown to have a mean sqn are variance
(or noise power) of {\Z/12, wh er e !:l is the least-sig nifi can t
bit. By selecting a sine wave frequency that is not harmonically related to the samp ling frequen cy, we ca n ac hie ve
quasirandom sampling over s everal cycl es of th e si ne
wave, and th e .we quantization noise po w er will ap proximate ~~/l2, We also assume that the s ine wave exercises
the full ADC range, that. is, its peak amplitude is 2 1\'iV~,
where N is the number o f hits. 11H':n:

CCD (charge-coupled device) processorsignal path

block diagram.



Digil31 Timing Signals



Programmoblo-Gain Amplifier

A typical CeD s ignal sa mpling sequence with this Ie is as

follows. Th e R (or G or B) signal is first held hy the cel)
at its black level, corresponding to the voltage output
from ilu- ee l) pixel un der nu illumination. Then the eCI)
outputs transition to t he video level, corresponding to
th e integrated illumination on that pixel. This complete
single -pixel output cycle is initi ated by the START pulse
from till' main coni roll er IC.
To perform corr e late d double sampling, the black level
from eac h pixel is sampled and subtracted from the sampled video level by th e IC. The positions of the black sample point and the video sample point are 8-bit programmable in terms of th e number of cycle s from the end of
the START pulse. The difference between the black and
video levels for eac h pixel is amplified by the PGAs and
th en sampled and converted by the ADC.




x ~2



~ } RGB

Signa! Power
Noise Power




terred to seve ral excellent pu blications on ADC t('sting.I;"!O


Becaus e of lest lime limitations, we employed simplified

versions of ramp and sinusoidal tests to test the IC signal
path . W(' will describe the sinusoidal test here. It is assumed that. the reader is familiar with concepts of ADC
qunntiza: ion noise.




SNR (dB) = G.02N


The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) provides a quantitative

measure of the performance of the ADe. For exampl e, an
ideal quantization noise limited l O-bit ADC should yield
an SN R of 61.06 dB. 11'e practi cal Ie s ignal path , how ever,
will have its SNR limited by impairments such as ra ndo m
noise (fundamental and circuit-induced), dist orti on (from
device nonlinearities), component mism at ch es, sampl ing
time jitter, and so on . A m easure of th e actual p er for mance of the Ie signal path Call be derive-d by cal culat in g
the effective number of bits (ENOB) from the measured
signal-tel-noise + distortion ratio (SNDR) as foll ows:

ENOB = SNDH (<113) - 1.76



Alternatively, the ENOB can also be ca lc ulate d by comparing the measured noise + distortion p ower, NDll lP : L,; , to
its ideal value, Nid e:,l = 6 2/12:



IOg2( ND
mp:l'-; ).
N u1p:

This method is chosen for calculating ENOB because it

does not require IJH~ signal path to be driv en over its full
range, eliminating the possibility thai th e PGA and AD C
migh overdriven and dipped, yielding an iuacc urarrSNDR

Augu,! 1998.7 he Hewl ett -Packard Jou rnal

II bits. The noise input power of 1'.111' AW(J was sulumct t-d
from the measured signal path noise power ( 0 yield I he
effective measured noise power ND lI1 ('a" . which wa s 111('1\
used to calculat e th e ENOB. We ass ume d Iha l IIII' AWe;
noise was independent of the signal palII noise.

Figure G
Sinusoidal test AWG (arbitrary waveform generator)

4.4 ."...--=,....- - -'- - ,.",...- - - - .....",.....- - - ....

Various low-pass filters (up 10 1:32 [I'll lz )


ava ilab le

j ()

improve the SNR of the AWe; output wav eform, but they
were not used in this test b ecause of the sharp Iransitlons
required between bla ck and vid eo leve ls . Figure 6 illustrates the l -kl-lz waveform c reated for t he AWe;, wh ile
Figure 7 shows the detalls or the wa veform nc ar its start.
The difference between th e black level (.:lAV) and tilt' sine
wave envelope co nsti tutes th e inpu t s inusoida l s ign a l.
The maximum rate of change or this wav efo rm is about
8,6V/50 ns= 172V/l-Is, which is well within th e slew rar e of
the AWG (600V/,IS).tl
Test and Data Analysis. Th e START pul se, whi ch initiates

the CGO signal processor conversion ('yelp ,

AWG Points


Test Signal Generation. II is assumed rhat the black and

video sampling po sitions are chosen such that all transi en ts associated with the black and video level transiI io ns are seu.hxl. As sur-h, the signal path is lnsensltlvr- Co
th e frequency of the input signal (up to the Nyquist rate) .
A 128-1\'lI lz 12-bil arbitrary waveform gen erator (AWG)
was used to gl'ncra t(' a sine wave created from data points
gel1er al pd by a custom program. The AWG rate and the
di gi tal clock wore st' l 10 ~O MH~, and a s ine w ave of about
1 kl lz w as used . The number of points digitally captured
was limited to 1021 to reduce test execution time . This
num ber mu st lx- a power 01':2 to use the I-1P iNDO's built-in
I'Tr routines effe ctively

Figure 7
Zoomed-in sinusoidal testAWG waveform.
/ - Blacklevel


\... Video level

1\W<; wuvetorru and found that its ENOB was nearly

1996. The Hewlett-Packard Journal

-4.2 +--

srages o f rest development, we monitored the SNDR or

A U~ U\I


started at the same time as the firs! START pulse, anti

subsequent. START pulses must be svncliro nizcd with th o
beginning of each black level in the AWe; waveform. Tile
I-IP H4!lO tester allows synchronizat ion bcl.wceu the AWG,
the digital patrern generator, and o ther mixed-s ignal

The 1C's s ignal path ran ge is 0 to 2.5V (ac coupled), while

I he AWG ra nge is - 4.4V to + 4.4V. To maximize the resolui ion of Ih(' AW(; wavctonu , lJw sine wave was generated
0\'('1' th e fu ll AV,.' G output range, with IJ\C AWG internal
nn ouuat or S (' j I n -IO.9a dB. This n -sul ts in a maximumres o lution AWG signal tha; is within the input range. However. to avoid iuadvcrtent clipping, which may result from
P(;A o r AI)(' gain errors or offs ets, WC' limited the sine
wave ampli tud e to !)!) % of the full AWG range. In the initial


synchronized to 11,e AWG waveform. Th e A\V(; must be

- 4.2 +----~-------:~----~-_l


- - - - .- - - - - - - - - - ------1I
AWG Poinls


resources to wit hin 1 ns when one master clock is used.

This resolut ion limit increases to rhe master clock period
(7.8 ns) when two master clocks arc required to implement the te st. 111is synchronization feature is fully exploited in th e rest. 'l'he serial data output of the Ie is read
into the I-IP f14HOdigital capture memory and retrieved
into the test workstation memory for analysis. A typical
re trieved wavetorm and its Fourier spectrum are shown
in Figure So
Fourier analysis of tile retrieved waveform is performed
hy buill -in dlgttal signa l processing CDSP) algorithms.
Th e fundamental amplit tide. phase, de offset, SNDR, total
harmonic dis toni on enID), second-harmonic distortion
(21-ID), and third-hanuonk - distor tion (3HD) are extracted
by customized routines that call upon built-in discrete
Fourier transform (OFT) routines using FIT methods. It
is llol.lll'Cessary to cap ture an integral number of cycles,
since the cu stom routine has a built-in Hanning window-

ing function."
The total noise + dist o rtion power is calculated from {he
Iundameutal amplitude and SNDR value, and is corrected
for th e noise power of th e AWG. 111e ENOB is calculated
using equation G. The ENOB for the case shown in Figure 8
is approximat ely SA bits . corresponding to a PGA and ADe

SNDR of about 52.3 dB . The TI-JD measured is - :);U dB ,

while the 2HD is - (j().6 dB (Figure 8). This particu la r
[C's PGA and ADe performance is thus dis rort lon-Ilmlted.
Although THD, 2110. and :mo are not tested para meters,
they provided invaluubl insight into the so urce o f SNlm
limitations during Ow debug phase. The integra l nonlincarity ONL) error profile can be obtained by s ubtra c ting
the retrieved wave form from th e fundamental, and the
maximum and root mean square INL erro r can be deri ved.
A I,V)licalINL error profile is shown UI Figure 9. Wf~ d id
not test all of the 1024 ADG codes. Differential nonlinearity
(DNL) e rro rs can be calculated from simil ar INL profiles
obtained from high-resolution ramp tests.
The parameters tested in th e sinusoidal production Ipsl
are fundamental amplitude. ENOB , and maximum lNL
011'01'. 111C de offset. THO, 21-10, and 3HD am used for debugging purposes only, and are saved into diagnosl i<.: lilt's
during nonproduction debug modes together with fundamental amplitude, ENOB , maximum INL error, and the
various waveforms illustrated here (e.g., Figures 8 and H).
Th e HP H490 mixed-signal tester allows optimizat io n
(minimization) of test time by pipelining digital patt ern
execution tim es with data analysis. 111e bene lit.of do ing
this in our case was minimal, since pattern execul ion

Figure S
Figure 9

A waveform retrieved from theAOC andits spectrum.

SinusoidElltestlNL (integral nonlinearity) error.


ADC Sample











Fourier Componont



- 2.0 .1---

-'--- - - - - - - - - - 1
ADC Sample

Au!u" 199B' The Hew lett -Packard jour na l

tim es were ex tre m ely fast compared to data analysis

tim es . The total production test time olthis IC on 111e
HP 94f,l O tester was ab ou t two seconds.

1. R.l1arjani and B. Vlnakota, -Analog Circ uit Observer Block s ,"

Circu its u ntl S,l/S/ I IIIS. Vol. 11, no. :1.

If'.'!~B TmJl SIlI:!iIJII S II Il

March WD7, pp . IS4)(J;3.

Mixe d-s igna l tc sr is a developing field within ICBD with

many interesting chal lenges and room for advances in
theo ry, me th odologies, and standardization. The lIP !1490
1es l er has been proven \0 be a very capable pial form for
testing co mp lex analog circuitry as d emonstrated by both
th e PRML read cha nne l and CCD signal processor projects,
Pro vis io ns made for controllability and obs ervabillty of
analog s igna ls during the design process can yield highly
t ('s la bl!' designs. Howev er, the d evelopment of mix ed signal te s ts continu es to be a custom process requiring
d e ta iled kn o wled ge of both the tes ter and the circuit
under tes t.



The au thors would like to acknowledge Tom Schmerge

a nd Hal Coo k for th eir help in lest, implemen tation and
debug, the read channel team in Corvallis, Fort Collins,
and Bristo l, particu larly Charles Moore, Rob 'Marling, and
Chris Williams, for th eir help with test strategy, and the
1'011 Collins manufacturing engineers, technicians, and
operators for providing HP 9490 support,

2. M. Slamani and 3 . Kaminska, "Fault. Clhselvn hili ly Analysis of

Anfllog Ci rc ui ts in Frequency Domain ," IJ~'F:H Tm nsn rt ians /111
Circui t (J.ndSy:;lems, Vol. '13 , 1I0. ~ , Febru ary HJ!l(i, pp, I:J4-I:l!J.
:). M. Sachdcv, "A Reulisric Def( ~t'I Oriented Testahi lity Mr-rhorlol ogy for Analog Circuits," J /JI!,'I'lwl ~(I:.'I('(1 1'r1ll if' '/i.~1i 11,1/. Vol. (i,
no. 3, June 1995, pp . 2(jG-27G.
'I. ,J. Machado Da Silva. e( nl, "MLxNI CUI,,('nl!Vo!wgl' Obsorvarton
Towards Effective Testing of Analog an d Mixed Signal Circ uits ,"
.]01l1"11lI1 I!( EWC/.'I'O'ni c Ti!slil~!J, Vol. D, no. 1/2, AugllsI!O c lo!ll'l'
WOo, pp . 71)88.

5. CCD Siqna! PIYJI:essl!1" Externat Refererm:

(111' In ternal Docu ment).

.':,'/ Wf'lJiml il)JI

0, J. Doerrnborg ct. al, "Full Speed Test ing o f ,VD Conve rters,"
lEF:F: .!oI/1"IUJI q/ Sol1,(l -$ lo lc Oi rcui ts, Vol. SC W, no. Ii, DpcClllbcr

1984, pp, 820827,

7. Dylwmi.c: Performance Tesf:i,u.q

oJ A

/0 J) Cm uic rt ors,

HP Product Note ;IISOA2.

S. 13. Peetz, et al, "Measuring Waveform [{e\:onler Perforn uuu:e."
Hri'l/!.P(l.lika:rd .JO'II1'IIIII. Vol. ;l:1. no. I I , Nov. 1982, pp. 2 12D.
9. M. Gordon, "Analog to Digital Convert ers." Ii/ w Ill!! 11 1111 iH i.rct!
Conference Digest, H:l95, pp. 2G. I-25.7.

8 'ignal

10. 13. Razavi,



J)a/II CIJII I'I:I:~i()/1 S.ll.~ /f'/ll J)('"iyll ,

mEl: f'!'l'SS.

TPL MfI.1!1Ull.

More information about HP semiconductor test products

can be found at:

Au:!u, ' 1 99 ~. The HowlcllPackard Jo urna l


Re liability Enhancement of Surface Mount

Li ght-Emitti ng Diodes for Automotive
Applica ion s

'u I

11 d hillel 'lll J\III



to n e 10

) '-

I .


r 1L Ilul.] ,1\



r flal


J. r l


If' I r

Il1L-lll lilt

h 111(!

I (



W ('

t n-



sail J I JlJe s

sun l epo. y torrm







n unbl n

T e current direction of the automotive hghting industry is

'0 increase the

use of printed circuit board surface area and to improve reliability to {'xc('('/I
that. of tJ1C conventional light bulb. The two major categories of llght-emitt lug
diodes (LEOs) used in the automotive industry are ex teri or and interior.
For interior USI:', HP's surface mount HSl\1x-Tnnn LEDs (36 products. e.g..

HSMA-T<125) had application pot ential, but their reliahillty need ed to 1)('

enhanced to better snit, the increasingly stringent automotive a pplications. In

particular, 1J1e HP products had to conform to the European Cenelec EI('C't roni
Components Committee (CECC) standard.!


Introduced in ltl00, the surface mount HP HSM.x-Tnnn LEOs (sec Figure 1)

occasionally exp eri enced broken sf itch bonds and epo xv-load tra mc

delamination when soldered. In September 1995,a second-generation product

was re leas ed, This product,resolved Ihe broken sti tch bond proble ms an d

improved the failure rate in temperature tests from an average of 120 ppm 10

o ppm



temperature cycles. Ext ended temp erature cyclin g betw een

- 40nC and 85(: for 20 cycles showed a significant improvemen t, fro m an

average of 4500 ppm to 0 ppm.
On the downside, the product became somewhat mort' sensitive 10 moisture

absorption and was not able to meet automotive market rcq uirc monts for

thermal performance (the

C~CC standard).

J E:DEC standard (test method A112).;1To simulat e Ihe

JEDEC level 1 stand ard, all the ox porim ental units were
subjected to 85C/85% RH for 168 hours of precondit ionin g
followed by two iterations of CECC m so ldering and extended temperature cyc ling between - 55C and 100(; or
thermal shock from -10"C to llooe. The c racked l']l OXY
problem was solved by the new ep oxy for mul atio n, and
the lifted die-attach and delamina tion problem s were
solved by optimizing the die- atta ch epo xy cure schedule.
These enha ncements significantly improved the robust ness
of the de vice and it was qualified by a major au to mo tive

Figll n ' l

HP HSMx-Tnnn surfacemountLEDs.

supp li er,
Hig -Temperatuee Epoxy Ene psul tio n Cure

In fra red (IH) sold er ing per the CECC s pecifications (the
upper tem pe ratu re constraint of 260C may be exceeded
for a max imum of 10 :';(' (,OIHls) res ulte d in failures after
I(is hours of p reconditioning at. 85Q C and 85% rel a tive
hu mid ity ( RH) . Th e failu res included broken stltch hands,
lilted die-attach, epoxy c rac king, and epoxy-leadframc de-lam inati on. There fore, an aggressive program was planned
for till' third generation of thi s surfa ce mount lED to bring
its qua lity to wo rld-class automotive standards.
Th i I Ge

r, t ion Sur4ace Moun


Th e effec ts of moi sture absorption by IC packages leading

to l'Il'('t ril"al failures have been wcll-documented .? Delam ination and package cracks during IR solder re fle w are
thl' pred om inant failure modes. Prebaking of packages to
dri ve the mois ture a way b efore soldering and the use of
mois tu re ba rri er b ags are common practices but arc not
well-accept ed by customers .
For the t hird-gencrarion HS1vLx-Tnnn products, significant
effort was p UI into unders tanding th e fa ilure mechanisms
and the lin kages to manufacturing processes and into
ra w marerial op timization. Implementatlon of pr eencapsulnrion drying solve d the bro ken stitch bond problems
and reduced incons istent reliability performance.
A 11( 'IV casting epo xy formul ati on and curing conditions
furt her enhan ced th e qual ity and reliability, improving the
moisrm e scns iuvity from levcl d to level 1 of the ,llJpJicabJe

Augu<1 1998 ' Th. Hew lettP' t k", d Jou IM I

Th e epoxy cure schedule was s et at 125(; for eight hours

based on the original product rel ease qu alifi c a rion tes ts .
However, aft er further dis cussion with the ep oxy vendor,
it was realized that a higher epo xy cure temperature could
be used La improve the performance,
A 22 full factorial experiment was des igned with on e factor
being the cure temperature at two ll'vels- 12()OC and
150C-and the other factor being th e c ure tim e at two
leve ls-2 hours ann 8 hou rs. The resp on se was th e failure
rate after m soldering followed by repea ted th ermal
shocks between - 40C ann + llO QC, with 30 minutes
dwell lim e and zero transfer tim e. The full set of dat a is
shown in Table I for 500 units per cell.

Table I
Datafrom. E]lo;( I/ Curl! Temperature Erperi nunt

125C, 2 hr
125C. 8 hr
150C, 2 hr
150C, 8 hr

Failure Rate 1%)
after 200 Cycles


The raw data showed that the 150C cures gave very lo w
fai lure rates co mpare d to th e 125C cures. No fact or was
sta t isti ca lly different. Repeating thi s expe rime nt gave
similar results without highlighting any signifi can t factor,
It. was suspected that other Iactors were influ en cing the
behavior of the product,

o sture Removal

The hous ing material. which is fiber-filled polyphthalamide,

11a." a high a ffini ty for m oisture. I Water molecules from
the ambi e nt a ir form hydro gen b onds to polyamide. linkage's. Th is pl asti ci zes the continuou s matrix and ca uses
dim en sional changes, lea ding to increased mechanical
stn's sl's within the package over time.
To quantify the effe ct of m ois ture

OIl the ov erall package

perfonuan r-o subsequent to epo xy encapsulation. an experime n t was carried out by pre co nd ition ing the housing
material ( 4~ lu' at 85"C/85%RH) before the casting process.
One 101' Was used as tilt' control cdl. After the encapsula..ion cure, entrap pe d a ir bubbles were detected on th e
eva luation cell (Figure 2) but not on (he control cell.
Th e curing temperature was 136C for 8 hours. The e lltrapped <IiI' bubbles may have been the result of moisture
tn rn ing into st eam during thl' gelat ion pro<:css,ii.l;

II was fOW1d that the glass transition temperature of the

casting e poxy for th ce ll und er eval ua tion was llfioe
vers us 1:l9C for the control cell.
The wa te r mol ecules from the hou sing material can tak e
part in ring-opening reactions with anh ydride molecules
competing wiui th e -01 1 groups from DGEBA (diglycidyl
e ther of his phen ol A), t as illus tra ted ill Figure 3. Thi s
results in a lower cross link den sity in (J1l~ polymer matrix.

Entrapped air bubbles during the epoxygelationprocess.

The mois ture content in th e housing material (polyphtha lamide ) is in con sistent and depends on th e degree o f exposure 1.0 the mo isture in th e amb ient air. The re for e, dryi ng
or baking the housing material befo re cas t ing is very
To co nfirm th e ab ove hypothes is , a n experiment was
carried out w ith three factors: precondition ing att or wirebonding for 48 hours, drying after pr econditioning. iUHI
different eas t epoxy cure temperatures. The various ce lls
and the c umul ative failure rates are shown in Table II .
When there was no preconditioning aft er win >bond ing,
epoxy curing at I (-lOoe gave an almost. zero fa ilure rai l'.
When th ere was preconditioning after wire bonding.
epo xy curing a t 150(: still gave a lower Iailure rai l' than
epoxy CLUing at 125C. With no drying aft e r prccondii ion ing, the failure rat es were gre ate r than 80')(,. Wh en t1WI"l '
was preconditioning after w ire bonding, no mat ter wh nt
drying condition was used the failu re rate was not zero,
The precoudiuoning after wire bo nding was hypot hes ized
to be too severe and a more re alisti c experiment that siruulated I,he pr oduction floor environme nt was done, After
wir e bonding, uni ts were left exp osed for GO hours in a n
open environmen t where the room ternporat ure reac hed
:37C and the relative humidity was between liO'Jfi and 80%.
Having established th at a 150C epo xy cure temperat ure
is superior, it was kept co nst an t in th e s ubseque nt :2:11'1111
fac torial experiment, wh ich is s ummarized in Table III.
The analysis of variance revealed leadfram o drying 10 Ill'
the biggest factor, The other fa ctors had less than nn e
tenth the signifi canc e of leadframe drying, so th ev W NP
grouped together as residuals and a no the r analysi s o f
vari an ce was done. This showerl lcadframe dryi ng befo re
dispensing to be sign ifican t at a 1)i)'){'l'onfi d pIIC(' level.
Even though the oven ramp rate did 110 1. show up as a
si gnificant factor, th e- raw data indi cat e d that th e fas t
ramp gave fewer failures. Th e same can be said for II\('
inline position of the magazine. This is proba bly du e to
better air circularion an d better te mpe ra ture co ntr o l ill
th e bo x oven.
Physical anal ysis s howed th at. th e mai n failure mo de for
undri ed lead fram es is broken s titch bonds. In those cells
with dri ed leadfrnmes, stitch bon d failures were elimi na ted
and reliability performance beca me co ns istent .

Au~U, 1 1998

- The. Hewlet t-Packard Journal

Figure :3
Schematic diagram shDwing water molecules(a) diffusing into the polymermstrix housingand (b)turning to water vapor during
the cast epoxycuring process.





0 -





















Moisture lromhydrogen bonding wilh -l-NHCD-I- reduces degree 01 cryslalinilV.



During curing at high temperatures. hydrogen

bonds dlssceiate and meisture diffuses into
tho OPOKY mixture,

Table II
F ailu re Ra tes uritl: nnd uri thou! M ois lu'I'p. Precotuli tionimq (nu l Dryiug

Preconditioning at
85C/85% RH after
Wire Bonding

Drying after

Epoxy Cure
Temperature (OCl

Cumulative Failure Rate

after 200 Temperature
Cycles (%!















80 .0

1 hr a l 145"C
1 hr at 145C


2:3. 1








4 hr at. 145C




4 hr at. 145C




AlJglJ.1 1998 ' The Hewl ett-Packard Joul o" l


Table III
2 .'1Full Fact oria ! Experim entul Design tnul Res ults

Leadframe Baked
before Dispensing Epoxy

Ramp Rate

Position of Magazine
in Oven"







Broadsid e








Fas t

Broads ide


Cumulative Failure Rate

after 300 Cycles*"* (%)

.) -


Sla v.'







Fas t




Fas t

Inli nc


Twoovens were used. Onewas sei up with a slow temperature ramp \OS 'C/minule) in Ihe healing profileand the n her with a fast lamp (S"C/rnililuel to a stable
npelBlin\! temperature of 150" C.
The positions ot thn rnaqazlrm where the leadflames were storedduring tho curecyclc were SIIch that the airtlnw was hlocked b'l the side plate (blflailsic!c! and the
airflow was over the teadlrarnes [inline].
Inrnperatur e c\,c ling between - 55"C and + IOO'C.

Cast E


Mill Ratio Considerations

An obj ectiv e of this project was to make the produce insensitive to mo isture, thereby giving It unlimited shelf life
for automotive app lications . The previous produ ct, if
exp os ed to ambi ent conditi ons for more than a month,
would typically fail after soldering, with severe epoxy
crac ks and de lamination. Therefore, strengthening of the
cast e po xy was crucia l for this project.

FiglirP .\

Graph showing glass transition temperature at different

mix retios of resin to hardener.

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) sho wed that when

the resin conten t is incre as ed th e therma l sta bility of tile
epoxy system also improves (F igu r e 5). The op timum
range of resin ratios is 1.1 to 1.5 and is a comp ro mise
between the rma l st a bility an d dimens ional s tabi lity,






Epoxy Mix Ratio Optimization

I Curront Mix Rnllo






I- 0.6


- I - --l-1.0

The cast epoxy mix ratio recommended by th e vendor is

one part of resin to one part of harden er by weigh t. However, Tc: (glass tran sition temperature data indi catos that
the optimum dimensional s tability [or th e ep oxy system
used fall'! in a range of resin ratios of 1.2 to 1.:3 (F igu re 4) .
The recommended mix ratio of 1.0 has aT g fr om II (Joe
to 120C. This is also the upper temperature ex pe rience d
by the device during thermal cycling stress tests. Ideally.
it is most desirable to have the material retain its g1<L<;Slike behavior at a temperature much higher than t!\(' upper temperature extreme of U1e stress test (110 C for
thermal shoc k).

----J,- 1.4



Mix Ratio(Partsof ResintD 1 Part of Hardener!

- l

A first pass experi ment was done to dl'termine if the package performance could be further opt imized by mod ifying
the ep oxy resin-to -hardener mix rat io. Evaluation un its
wer e built using three different. res ln-to- harde nor ra tio s
of 1.0,1.2, a nd 1.8 and then cured at lfiOC a nd 12i)(; .
Th e results after the preconditioning and sl r (' 5 S tests are
as shown in Table IV.

AU~U 5t

1998 . The Hew lett-Packa rd Journal



Graph showing thermal stability at different mix ratios of resin

to hardener.

A resin ratio of 1.8 is too h.igh and lead s to brlulcn ess as

evidenced by vertical cracks ob served during the leadIorming operation (Figure 7) , This shows thnt th ermal
stability alone is insufficient and mechanical sta bility is
also needed to maintain package in1pgrily.


~ 350
e., JOO



It is po ssible that altering the mix ratio lead s 10 a greater

degree of cr oss-linking density in the epoxy matrlx and
results in higher Tg and increased m od ul us atte mpera tures above Tg, both commonly known effects th at. wo uld
enhance the dim en sional stability of the epo xy wit h respect to temperature and th ere by eliminate spi der crack s.









Currenl Rallo



the cast epoxy causing it to become rubbery. TIl<' top of a

gold wire loop will act. as a s tre ss initiator and a crack will
propagate as a result of repeated temperature cycling.

MI. Ralio (Part. or Resin 10 1 Part 01 Hardoner\


T IH' resin rati o of 1.2 cured at 1GOC gave a zero failure

ra te in all of the test s.
Spider cracks, as shown in Figure 6 at the top of the wire

loop, a re ca used by moisture introduced during precon d itloning. Th ese are 5 ('('1\ in the control cell but not.
in t 1)(' cell thai has a resin ratio of 1.2. " Then the epoxy
is s atu rn! pl! wit h mo isture, spider cra c ks arc normally
o bse rved after so lderi ng. Cra c king in epoxy resin induced
by wa ter absorption is a very well-known effect. s During
I he s older ing process , th e temperature exceeds the Tg of

Another advantage of a higher resin content in epoxyanhydride systems is the reduction o f th e co ncentra tio n
of -COOlI and -COO- hygroscopic linkages (Fjgure 8).
This, coupled wHJI higher cross-lin k dcnsltv, redu ces II \('
moisture uptake capability, making the properti es of the
material less susceptible to change wh en exposed to
A fine-tunin g otthe resin ratio was dono by usin g c uring
ratios of 1.0 through 1.4 at. 150(; an d c heckin g th e reliability through thermal shock and thermal cyc ling aft er
108 how's orprecondluoning (Figure 9 ). Again, Ih( '
results showed that using an epoxy m ix ratio of 1.2 gave
the best overall performance in thermal S ] ress tests .

Table IV
~l l i/1e Fa ilu r e Ra tesfo r Different. EpO.171 Resin-to-Hardener Mi RaNDs

Cracked aher % Cracked after

Preconditioning Preconditioning Failure Rate (%)
after 300
Thermal Shock Thermal Cycling Thermal Shocks

Mix Ratio


% Cracked
during Forming















Augu, 11998 .

Th ~

He.wlol1-P,)(k", d 10u", . 1

Failure Rate (%)
aher 300
Thermal Cycles

1 ,)















;1 0


, ~

l"i glll"(' (;

Spider cracks.


Epo V


Ratio and Cure 1i mperatu re

After t.lll' exp erimental noise had been eliminated, another

ex periment was run to cheek the significant factors. A 22
full fac tor ial exper iment was designed using two ovens.
Each oven was s rnbll lzerl at 011(' temp erature and the

magazines of leadfrarues were load ed such tha t th (emperature rise time was minimized . All til(' un its wore proencapsulation dried at the stipulated te mperature' and
rim e. Th e results are summ arized in Table V. The results
proved beyond a doubt tha t the high cure ie mpcra tunwith a fast ramp and a 1.2 mix ratio is ind eed the bettor

[o'igllre 7

Vertical epoxy crack after the lead forming operation.

F'igmc S
Anhydride esterification reaction with the oxirene ring,
Formalion 01 Monoester


+ [



0 -




Formalion01 Diester
COOR + &Hz - CH -R'




CHz -




h ugu, 1199R. The H ~"I ~I1 Pa ,k .,d Journal

I"igurt' !l

Epoxy mix ratio optimization reHabiliry performance. All parts werepreconditioned for 48 hr at 85C/85% RH.
(a) Th ermal shock, - 40C to ITO~C. ib] Thermal cycling. - 55C to TODoC.












so x



.. 20 ><
~, 50 X
11 100><



~ 10




.'., ,

Number 01 Cyctos

t,. 20 x



Number01 Cycles


" \q\\ \

5 .




o -1--

Mil( Ratio (Pans 01 Resin 10 1Pan of Hardener]





-j-- - --l:-- --+.-- ----=--4-- - --1:

MixRalio (Pans 01 Resin ID 1 Pan 01 Hardener)


D ie-A t t ach Silver EpoJrY

Table V

Failu re Ratesfor Vm 'i ous Epo:t'/} Mi Rat io and

GIL re 'I'em p era (.11:]'('."
Failure Rate (%)
after 500 Temperature Cycles

Epoxy Mix
Ratio (Resin
to Hardener)

Temperature (OC)

\. 0







\. 0







AUl llS\ 1998 . The Hewlett-Packard )ou,nol

'l'he pr edominant failure mod e of this su rfa ce mount

package after solder re flow is lifted die-attach. There is a
visible delamination between tho leadfrnnu - and IIH ~ silve r
epoxy die-attach ma teri al, caus ing a ll electrical dis con tinuity. Hence, there a need to investi gate the die-attach
process ami improve adhes ion o f the di p to the leadfra me
using t.he current s ilver epo xy.
The Tg of the silver epoxy w as measured as a function of
cure time and temperature as shown in Pigure 10. Using
th e cu rrent cur e profile, a sli ght vari ati ou in Ill<' t imr- or
temperature of the c ur e will result in a high variat ion of
T ~ val ues. However, for this pac kage there is a limit OI l
the tim e and temperature of heal ex pos ure tW CHU SI' th e
hou s ing material is prone to oxidation (color changes),

Figu("(' 10

Figure II

Glass transition tempe rature Tg for die-attach epoxycured

at different timesandtemperatures.

Third-generation productperformance after preconditioning,

IF! soldering, and 1000 temperature cycles.
















': " - - Currenl Process Window

(45 min at 160el-High Variation










2nd Generation
3rd Genorotion

Thermal Shock

Thermal Cyc li ng


Cure Time Ihr)

Idea lly, th e '1'1: s hould he as high as possible and in the

stable region or the c urve. As in the case of cast epoxy,
the silver dip-attach ep oxy will be weak and rubbery jf
insufficion t Iy cured. A high er CU I'C cond ition will yield a
high er T:? that gives a stro nge r and more stable adhesion .

To prove the benefits of high temp erature and long c url"

time , a 2:! factorial exp erim ent wa s designed with thermal
cyc ling rel iability taken as the response , Die height was
chosen as one factor be ca use of a possible interaction
between f he die form fac to r and epoxy adhesion, The other
facto r was the c ure conditio n, and the conditions investigated wen' 45 minutes a t IGOC and 200 minutes at. lSOC.
TIl<' latter curo conditio n is known to discolor the housing
material but is recommend ed by the vendor as optimum. II)
111<' oxp orim ental res ults showed that th e cure condition

is more s igniflciuu than th e di e height and that a high er

cure te mperature and a lon ger time will yield a higher T g
0 \: == 114"C for a cu re of 200 minutes ill. ISOC) ,U1d better
temperature cycle reliability However, the high temperature a nd long rim e require d for cnring will oxidize th e
housing material. Curing in an inert atmosphere such as
nitrogen will prevent th e oxidation bur. is not cos t-effective
fo r th is product. Characrerlza uon of tJ\e discoloration
with differe nt tempe ra ture s and times showed that tile
highest ('me co ndi t ion possible is 160C for 90 minutes
and represen ts the best compromise between silver epoxy
T;.: reqnl rom ents and pa ck age cosmetics,

TIle reli ability of HP's s ur face mount HSMx-Tmm LEOs

was enhanced to bcuer snit the incH'ilsi llgly s1J; n ~W Il1 au tomoave applications. The pre en capsulation dry ing of till'
package. hel ped el im in a te broken stitch bonds . A n ew
cas ti ng epo xy formulation wit.h new curing coudit ions
improved the moisture sens itivity of th e package , th ereby
eliruiu ating l' [l OXY crac king "u1<1 ra is ing the pac kaging
standard from Ievel S 10 level 1 of the rel e va nt .m DEC
standard. Optimi zation of the die-artnch P[lOXY cu re
sc hedule eliminated the lined die- att ach and dclaruination problems. With th ese changes, the final tes t comparison showed that the third generation produc t is as much
as ~4 times mo re reliable tha n the second generatio n
product (Figure 11).

The authors wis h to thank th eir management, es pec ia lly

Bill Majkut, Steve Paolini , and Chec k Sw ee Beng, for supporting us throughout this project, Sp ecial th an ks to Lim
Chye Bee and Azlida Ahmad for coordination o f th e qua lifica rion and reliability builds . We are also gra teful to Chris
Togamt, Cheng Qui Lin, and Nnyan Ashar for ve ndor
liai son . Finally, we wish to th ank Marin a Chan , Teo h
King Long, Lim Guat See, Ha tijah Ah mad , and all of IIH'
production personnel, who have contributed greally to
the s uccess of this project.

Augu'11 998 ' Tho Ifowloll-Pack",d Jou rna l

8. T,S. Elli es and F:F.:. Karasz, "InI erar I ion of Epoxy Resi ns w ith
Wai N ; tIll' Depression o f (; I:lss Trnnsitkm '[( ' m pl'ralll l'l ' ."
Poly m m: Vol. 25, 1984, pp, {)(it-GGD.

I. ( 'pne!l'C E I,'c! ro ni c Co mponents Committe e, Melhod for Ihe

.....j JI'I'U"il'lI li (JI/ 1!t'SIII:!il('C M IJ/I/Ilill l/ eMII/WII Cll ls (SMDs) of
Assessl'd Ollll / i lll, J,~I c'd i l i oll, CECC 00802. WHO,

n. II, Lee and I<.

Nevill e, /fll llll/w ol;

Hill. W67, pp, 46.

2. (' ,R Totten. -M a n al-.>in ~ Moistnre-Seusitive Devices," Circuit

10. Ablelun n! 84-J1mfS Tcrhnicol

:lssl'lIIhl /l, Sepl P III 111'1' 1!l!l(j,

(~ n'I )II.I '!/


Resill , Md ;l'aw-

Sh ('1'1 , Abk-s tik . A ugus:


<3. Te sl 1\kt hod A112, Mois tu re-In duced S t l'l!05S S eJlsUi vallfo'l'
Pillsi il' SII/:!ill'I' M Oil /II Derirrs , JEDEC Sf:Ul (!;U'<! JESD22-A 112,
1'; 1('('1rnuic hulus: des Associatlo n. April 19tH .


PJ~\ Hesi n 1: II.lJill ccr i ng ])010. Amoco, Rcfrrcn ce

A1\I-F-500()O, W!lO, pp. 1, 1- 15.

--I, Auuidrt

More information about HPLEDs for automotive

applications can be found at:

5. Ae ros pac Polymer Te c-hnology-c-Epoxies,

hi I p:I! WWW. C(HTOsion .comJad val \< :e([/cpOldcs,hl'm I otive

(,. (' ,S. Leech, .l r., " Rem ovin g Moi sture fro m Electronic Compouonts and Assemb lies.' Ci rcu it ilSSCl/tlJI,I/, May 1094, pp . 34;}7.
T, X. Sl'dlen'k and .J. Kah ovcc, C rossedl ! liked f;jJo,r i es,
Ill' Grytcr, J!l8D. p. 117.

Leon~ Ak-Win~

Koay Ban-Kuan


Bnn-Kua n gradu-

./r_ "':., 1 all:,) in WHO 1'1'I )1)l lh,.

Universit ! Sa ills Malays ia

w it h a !3.:\ pp ,:;;(', lk'gn ",', H.. joinl'd HP Malay-

s ia ill

J!J! I ~ ;'IS '111 P ll ~il h" ' r.

lI .. I1:L, It-d ;1I1l1

JIlin ici pah 'd i It va rious LI::!.l prujl'l.'IS :m is

cur re ntly

I(' m li ll~

II\(' l-'ITons 10 make the lIP

I I S ~l xTIlIII\ 1.Ells 111" 1'1 a lll.oll\ oliw


Prior 10 his l",c" -'1I1 de!';!r

an Hl..~ D

1111'1' fro m II P, Ta n 1I01ln -

a prq jt' c'l I"ad e l' for nut nmor ivc " xll' nOr l " nl p~
and Ior illlpmli llf: til l' I'l'lIahU ily of 1Jl(' III'

HSl\1x-Tnnn surf ace iuon III lamp s. ~dlOO loo


Kuala I.UIIlI)1I1" :; Tcchnil'al (' ollt'~(' i n radio

l' n~it ll' rli n ~,

JI I'I' n ti,," an d l)t'si~1l Sod ely ) :UIlJ ,'xp ec'ls \11

he h ik es lip hills han -foo t.

h,' [olned HI' in l\l7:1. Il l'

enjo ys rp~l(Hn~ and ~ rrlC"n i ng, Fo r exe n.:iw.

(om plt'l .. his Sllldi" s for th e i\lll A tlt'gr('(' lh i5

Yoong Tze-Kwan
)'oong Tze-Kw an gra(lu-

alNI tro m thc {Jnh'l'I-sily

1I11111;nglla m, 11K wilh


(''''<:I1il'~ 1 on -

!!in"t>ll nll in ]!lSI;. Ill' joi n ,', 1 Ill " Malaysia in

H ~~ I]

anti has wtJ l'k,,"d on I l fOt' t'~"\

~ ' Il HhH' e rjng

for 1.~:Ds and hil-(hp ill-' 1lI1111 henu cric res.

I lis ho hhll's inc lude t ro pical fish. avi ati on,
:1I1l1ph "l "~ l"a phy. Tze-Kwnn n -ro ru ly 1('1\ Iii'.

Augu111998. th e Hcwleu-Pack.nd Journ al

wit h

1,0,','" fo r med in 1991 . li p h;l.~ been

anti TV

l!!lo"{! '!!"!"""",,,'U

l' l\gilll~ t.r

........_ ... IW Ma laysia sinco Ih.,

d epart men t

rcquiu -men ts am) tolcrut .. high 'l1lois lIln' co nd itiu ns . II,> is a m e m b e r 111' i\HND S (i\Ial'ly:;j;t11

ailS" degn>I' in clcrtro nlrs all d

Tan Boon-Chun

LeOUI: All-Wing has hpen

Ch u n was a ~(,ll i o l' Pl1gj .

m-er a t Il l) ~hllay:,\ja

SJ){i{'ia l i zi H ~

in ('poxy on -

"apsulalio n ma l,li als . 1h- was wnrklnj; 0 11 a

projpCI to dc \' t'l o p a ll .'pox)' Ioruuilat 1011 rh at

h i ~h hont re s ist anc(' and ~o()d w('af h(\rin ~


p rl>p ,'rlil's fo r LEIl a p p li<-a llo lls . 110 011-( 'hun

l-(l':l!llIalc d frm u Ih, l.1 ni\'I'I\<ili Sa ins

mnjorUlg ill polvnu -r l(c h nolo g.I'.

~ I alaysla

Engineerin~ Surfaces in Ceramic Pin Grid

Array Packa~ing to Inhibit Epoxy Bleeding

Bleedl nCj of epoxy Ie in around surfaces underqomq bo nding during electronic
Kenne,lh H,'H. Lim

packaging assembl y has long caused sporadic vield loss Previously It was

ilought that vacu um bak lny I educed the yield loss res ulting frcrn surface
J. Bourdillon
- -

conra.r inants. AllllrlUgh vacuurr baking inhib its epoxy

r8 SIIl




I rorluces coatings of hvdrocarbnns, which affect urface wettabi lit and surfar C!
energy. Surfactant coating results III a surface chemistry similar to vacuumbaked ubstrates hut is a better alternative because of its cant otlab uitv

Epoxy bleeding is commonly observed in electronic pa ckage, aro und

silicon chips at rache d with epoxy resin to su bstrat es having gold or other metal
surfaces. In severe cases , the bleeding contaminat es the wire bond pads ,
causing failure. The effects of bll"l'c1ing arc often crit ical in advanced packaging
components such as ceramic pin grid array (C PGA) su bstrates, In pa rti cular,
when there is very little cleara nce betw een a bond linger tier and the die, minor
res in hlcerlout can interfere with wire bondability.
During the time that. CPGA technology has been used he re at HP's Integrated
Circuit Business Division in Singap ore, we have experienced s porad ic yield
loss caused by epoxy bleeding. 'ntis is known to be an industry-wide problem,

For several years the cause of th e yield loss was unresolved. With inc reas ing
pin coun t. and decreasing clearance between rhe die and the substrat e cavity.
resolving the problem has become more urgent.
Earlier stu dies ! led us to resort to coun termeasures like vacuu m bakin g (0
reduce yield losses. However, the studies wer e not compreh ensive en ou gh to
verify the effec tivenes s of vacuum baking, and yield los ses have con tinued


occur from time to time for no apparent reason . We had not vet inv esti gatod the
po ssibility that surface contamin ati o n, resulting [rom vacuum baking. can have

AU ~U ' 1 1 99B'

The Hewlett-Packard )0"",.1

Figure 1

Schematic diagram of a CPGA substrate w;rhsilicon chip

mounted on the die attach pad, which is the centralportion
of the heat slug, Tile epoxy bleeding occurs on the AI10J
walls near the silicon chip_


l" -,


Die SIChip

a silicon surface.


SIChip ~




!, - - - -- --- -; -

composition of the OULer at om ic layer of a solid ma terial

(see "Auger Analysis" 011 page 83). Examining 1:11<:' e lemental composition of surface conta minants on a solid
is one application of this technique. Our analysis was
performed on a ..TEOL JAMP- 7100E Auger analyzer. The
accelerating voltage was 5 kV, and the probe cu rren t W it';
1.52 x 10 -- 7 A. Argon ion e tc h ing was ap p lied wit h all
etching speed estimated a t 1.25 \1111 every 10 s econds on

(-1.2 I'm)

\~~.~~'-- (-lOpln)

CU-W~ '{/~

the pos itive effec t o f re ducing epoxy bleeding during die

In this article we describe how w e US0d surface an alysis
anti co ntact an gle measurements to inves tigate 1J1C effects
o f vacuum ba king on yield loss caused by epoxy bleeding.
Th e same analysis techniques were employed to investigate the possibility of using surfactant-coated substrates
1.0 re du ce epoxy ble eding.

The analysis was carried out on substrates prepared for

die attachment, Figure 2 shows the dis coloration caused
by bleeding around a bonding pad. Auger spectra wen'
recorded from the di e' attach pads (heat. slugs) , whi ch
consist of Cu electroplated with Ni and Au. Comparisons
were made between samples in it vacuum at two stages
during the process: before baking a nd alter bak ing.
The purpose of this was to monitor the contaminat ion
that results from baking. The samples consist ed of th e
A raw CP<3A substrate

A CPGA substrate that was baked at. 235C for six hours
in a conventional vacuum oven at. a pressure of 0.1 mbar
A CPGA substrate that was baked in all all' convection
oven at 235C for six hours.

For our analys is we used a CPGA (ceramic pin grid array)

Figure 2

subs! rat e~ fro m one of our typical applications (sec

Photographic image of the die showing attBclledwires and

edge discoloration (see arrow) caused by epoxybleeding.

Figure 1). It cons iste d of a Cu-W heat slug onto which

was elec troplate d a rum of Ni (10 urn thick) followed by
Au (typically 1.2 11m thick). The surface was cleaned and
va por (hied with isopropyl alcohol. When the thickness of
th e s ur face go ld film was varied from 1 urn to 2 11m on
d ifferen t sp ecimens, the wettability was found to be independent of the gold thickness. 111('> schematic in Figure 1
shows 111(' substrate after die attachment but before wire
bo nding.
A nalvsis of Va cuum-Baked Substrates

Inves tigations in to U1C effects of vacuum baking focused

on two areas: Auger analysis and wettability,
Auger Analysis. Auger analysis is an analytical technique

! hat. uses e lec tro n spectro scopy to examine th e elemental

Augu, 11998 ' Tho Howloll,PJc k" d Journal


Au ger (pronounced o-jav] ana lysis is a widely used electron
spectroscopicmethodthat is capable of providing information
about the elemental composition of the outermost atomic layer
ofa solid. This techn ique examines thesurface chemistry and
interactions of elements on the surface of materials such as
metals. ceramics, and organic matter. Auger analysis is named
after its discoverer Pierre Auger.

The Auger process involves using a finely focused electron

beamto bombard atoms on the surface of the sample being
analyzed. Whenan atom on the sampl e is struck by a highenergy electron, there isa probabilitythat a core-level electron
will be emitted (Figure la ). This collision puts the atominto an
energetic ionicstate with an electron missing from the core
level. The atomcan relax into a lower-energy state when another electron fromthe same atomfall s from a higher-energy
level to fill thecore-level hole. releasing enough energy to eject
asecond electron- theAuger electron(Figure 1b). The state
shown in Figure le isstill excited and decay continues radiatively by anotherAugerprocess. Augerelectronswill have an
energy characteristicof the paren t element. An energy spectrum of detected electrons shows peaks assignable to the
elements present in the sampl e.

Surfac ani
Some chemical materials have a special propensity to locate
(adsorb) at interfaces or to form colloidal aggregates in solution at verylow molar concentrations. Such materialsare called
surface-active agents. or surtactan ts. Surtactants are used to
modify the wettability of solid surfaces.
When a drop of liquid is placed on a soli d surface. the liquid
either spreads toforma thin film on the surfaceas in Figures
2a and 2e. or remains a discrete drop as in Figure 2b . The
measure of the degree of wetting is the contact angle (see
Figure 2a). The contact angle is the angle made by the tangent
to a droplet at the solid surface interface. High wettability is
indicated by a small angle(Figure 2c). The extreme case of no
wellability is shown in Figure 2b.

f igure 2
Contact angles. (a) Partial wetting. (b) No wetting.
[c} Close to complete wetting.



Figure 1
An illustration of the Augerprocess.




= rlcos A + rLS

Solid Surface





L Incident Electron



The ratios of the intensities of Aug er electro n peaks can providequantitative information about the surfacecomposition of
a sample (forexample, see Figure 3 of the main article),

A = 15




Augu>! 1998 . The Hewlett-Packard Journal

M eaxuroruen ts were taken from several specimens of

dipole component,

ouc h IYIlP and fo und to IJ ' cons ist en I.. For comparison ,
add itio nal m easurem ents w ere taken from a second specimen (s porl me n B in Table I) which was subj ect ed to
evacuati on at room temp erature, without baking.

ponent, r~. These components an' related to th e con tact

face cont act angl cm ct cr, model CA-A from Kyowa interface Sci enc e Compa ny.

Med ia used for calc ulati ng surface energies wore deionized

water and meth ylene iodide. Contact angle m easurements
were performed on raw substrat es and Oil substrates after
vacuum bak ing. To measure contact angles, the die pad
ar pa of a package w as separated from th e correspondi ng
cer am ic substrate by chipp ing away th e side walls. A horizonral pro file proj ect or, at 20x magnifi cation, was used to
measure I he equil ibri um contact angle.

the su rf ace dispers ion com-

angle H by the formula:

1 + (cos 8)1'1

Wettability. Contact Angle, and Surface Energy. A liquid

11111 spreads easi ly on a solid because of high surface

I'I1l'rgy has high we rtability. This is quantified by measuring
I Ill' angle that til l' liquid surfa ce makes at. (he interface
wit h the solid surface. Such w etrabili ty contact an gles
w ere measured through Ihe sessi le drop method:':on a

r~, and


r ei I'd
I I.

( r~


+ r~

I'll I'll
I.. S

( 1)


where 1'1. is th e surface tensi on of th e liquid us ed in

W I'I -

Ling and consists of the sum of th e disp ersion and polar

components. If all of th e compone nts o f r L are kn own for

rwo liquids, then two corre spo nding measurements of the
contact angle will make it possible to solve for r~ , r~,

and so on hy solving th e quadratic equa tion deri ved fro m

equation l.
Preliminary Results

Our quantitative analysis fo cus ed a ll Auge r analys is as

well as contact angl e measu rem ent and sur face energy
computation .
Auger Analysis. Figure 3a sho ws typ ical Au ger spectra

taken from a raw substrate. Th e etching rimes w ere zero

Repeate d m easu rem ents from several specimens of each

seconds and five seconds. The elements detected on the

Iypl' o f su bstra te w er e found 10 be consistent to within

surface were Au, S, C, and N. Alter five second s of etc hi ng

(Figure 3b), two of the contaminants, C and N, disap peared. A trace of S on th e subsurface w as esl im ated to
be at a mean depth of 1.25 run below the original s urface.

three degrees. Th e computation for th e surface energy, r::;,

is based on 1he met hod described by Wu and Brzozowski.4
Th e sUrl~'1C I' energy of the solid is the


of the surface

Figll!'!' :3

Auger spectra generatedfrom the die attach pad of a raw CPGA substrateafter etching timesof (B) 0 seconds and (b) 5 seconds.




. - .'.~




: Au /

Etching 0 s






- -+1000

Kinetic Energy leV)


A U ~lJ SI 1998 '


I he HewlelHJckord l oornal



Kinetic Energy (eV)


Figur e Ij
Auger spectra generatedfrom (he die attach pad of a CPGA
substrate after vacuum baking and after etching times of
(a) 0 seconds, (b) 10 seconds, and (e) 20seconds.

\'"1 ",., 1'-\, 1~.)"'Wi~




Etching 0 s

- Au

- 2000 -'---t--+--+---+-

-+-- -+-- +--li--I-- -t-1000


Kinetic Energy leV)


Auger spectra wore taken on the su bs trat e an N ba king in

a ir only. Et ching times of zero, five, and tun seconds W('I'\'
applied (S0(, Figure 5). Notice th at after five seconds of
etching, C contamination was gone. 1'1)(' C conraminat ion
level is comparable with spectra (or th e raw su bstra te
shown in Figure 3b . Although they were e tc hed aw ay
before the plot in Figure 5b was mad e, traces of Ni and U
were detected on the surface. Th es e traces appare ntly
result Irom diffusi on of subsurface Ni during ba king and
From its oxidation by air .

Table I lists the results of 1111' quantirativ e analys i, Tho

. ' r:


I .

results from specimen 2 show that evac uat ion at ro OI11

temperature is not contamin ating by its elf. Som e of the
contami na tion COllies from a dyn am ic process in w hic h a
cold specimen is immers ed in a ho t OV('11 containing hackstream oil vapor.


/Au II

L\ u

Contact Angle Measurement and Surface Energy Compu-

Elchlng 10 s

- 5000 -



Kinellc Energy leVI




~ ~V '"



tation . The measurem ent a nd com putnrion a l resul ts ! fro m

a raw substrate before vacuum baking and afte r vacuum
baking are listed in Table 1.1. In these m easurem ents, po ssib le va riations related to surface morpho logy W PI'( ' minimized by comparing measurem en ts from speci mens of
(he same lot.. Furthermore, go ld-plated s urfu ces an' su fficiently dense to allow us to ignore surface morphology

AJ3 descri bed earli er, a sigrutlcanr in crease in I he carbon

signal is observed af ter baking. At the sa me time. the solirl
surface energy decreases, es pecially' polar co mponent.
The observed decrease in s urface energy is co nsist e nt
with known surface energies from typical hydr ocarbon s ,
pa raffln tetr ad ecano (26.0 rnilli.Io ulos 1)('1' square
meter, or mJ/m 2 ) , so that. the surface energy of the contaminated surface (;l~-l,G m.Tltn 2) lies bet ween that va lue
ancl the surface energy of th e raw surface C-l- J. I m.JJm 2 ).
Thus, the e ffec ti ve p olarity of the subs tr a te is red uced
by th e s eparatio n 'from th e liquid drop p rov ide d by I he
insulating hydrocarbon film . Thi s is al so consistent with
the knowledge t hat hyd rocarbons preve nt tl\(' sp reading




Etching 20s



Figure 4 shows the Auger spectra taken on a substrate

aft er vacuum baking. E:l ching tim es of ze ro sec on ds , t en
seconds, and tw enty seconds were us ed . Not ice th a t,
compared wiIJ1 th e raw substrates, th e C conta mination
is mu ch greater. Even after a :20-s ccond \' 1c hing I imo
(equivalent to an etching depth of about Gnm ) , C continues 1:0 be observed, showing that th e 1hic kness or flH'
carbon film L" greatly increas ed by the baking proced ur e.


K1nellc Energy leV)

AU!u,119 9B ' I he Hewlett -Pa cka rd Jou rnal

Figure G

Auger spectra generatedfrom the die sttscb pad of a CPGA substrateafter baking only in air andafter etching times of (a) 0 seconds
and (b) 5 seconds. After etching for 10 seconds, Ihe spectrum was similar [0 (b).



'II ' -\I.' ,V,"'

'\I'I ,1...".





- 2000

iNJI., \10.

,~.'Io'-J)f/I ....




Au I








Elchillg 0 S



Elching5 s, 10s




Ki061lc Energy (eVI


Kinetic Energy l eV~



Table I
Elem entul.A na ujsis of CPGA Surfacef rom AI/gel"Sp ectra







Chemical Concentration (Atomic %)



Specimen A

Haw Subs tr ate


Vacuu m Baked

Baked in Air






_') .0








f> 1









Specimen 8

Raw Substrate

Ambient Evacuat ed








Aull u.11998' The HewlollP,1Ck3,d Icurnal







Table II
Measu red Eq u ilibr i um. Con /act A ngles and Comp u ted Surface Enerq ies

Surface Energv (mJ/m2l*

Contact Angle(Degrees)
CPGA Substrate














3 1.7





Methylene Iodide

Raw substrate



Vacuum baked


Su rfac tant coa ted



, The surtaceenergy r~ is the sumni thediscersloncomponent r~ and !he polar component ~ .

' Til esurface polarity isequal 10 :11e !alia I'~I rs '

of water on gold, " even at a coverage of one monolayer.

The surfa ce ene rgy, as measured, is much less than the
known surface energy of Au (1510 mJ/m Z).6 The very high
su rf ace energy of gold demonstrates (he importance of the
s urface tihn on wett ability, Clearly, the polar interaction
of the gold s urface is reduced by atmospheric contamination (water vapor and organics). With baking, the nonpolar
oil vapor furth er reduces the polar interaction.

The Auger results discussed above show that carbon contamination increa ses dramatically after standard procedures of vacuum baking. Typically, oil from the rotary
vacuum pump backstreams to th e oven and diffuses pore
con tam inant s in the process . The samples are placed in a
hot oven , which is then pumped down to create a vacuum .
Because of therm al gradients, hydrocarbon vapor can then
preferentially condense on co ld substrate surfaces. This
likelihood is cons is te nt with the Auger ana lysis data on
s ubstra tes that have been vacuum baked. In confirmation,
surfaces that are only exposed to a high vacuum at room
tempe rature , but without ba king (tha t is, without thermal
gradi ents) show an ins ignifican t increase in contamination dep osition.
Since hydrocarbon contamination inhibits epoxy bleeding, it is not necessarily advantageous to eliminate surface contamination . Hydrocarbon films, deposited on
subs trates during vacuum baking, have reduced surface
ene rgies (Table II) co mpa red with clean Au surfaces.
Surface en ergy and co n tact angle are related as in the
Yeung-Dupre equat ion:r.s

where r LS is the interfacial tension. When the surface

energy is reduced, cos e is corres pond ingly rerlu c >d.
resulting in high contact angles. A high contact.angle implies a less wettable surface and therefore inhib its s prea ding phenomena when an adhesive material is appli ed (0
the solid surface. Consequently, the resin bleeding, ca use d
hy epoxy applied for die attachment in electroni c packa ging substrates, will be inhibited by the coatings. Since lhe
electroplated Au surfaces have natural porosity, any degradation In adhesion caused by the coaling is not cr itica l.
(Further discussion of this adhesion is given later.) Also,
the dependence of the coating on vari ous vacuum systems
is discussed in reference 9.
The coating on vacuum-baked substrates, wheth er caus ed
by oil backstreaming or by substrate conraminating residue, cannot be con trolled . Neither the source of co nta mination nor the deposition condit ions can be prec isel y
determined, Inconsistency in surface quality explains
why the sensitive effects of the contamination result in
sporadic yield losses. A technique is ne ed ed that is co mpatible with other required properties, s uch as adhes ion
strength, that will re sult in hydrocarbon film coatings
with near optimum contact angle.
n c-C


A substrate was coated with a surfactant and subjec ted to

the same Auger and contact angle charact e rizatio n used
on vacuum-baked substrates.
Auger Analysis. Figure 6 shows the presence of carbo n
on the gold-plated layer. Initially, the carbon concentration is greater than in the vacuum-baked specimen sh own
in Figure 4. NrCI' 10 seconds of e tching (Figure 6 b) ,

AUiU'11996. The Hewlett-Packard Icurnal

FigU l"t>


Auger spectra generatedfrom a surfactant-coatedCPGA substrate after etching times of (a) 0 seconds and (b) 70 seconds.





'..., * '


Elcl\lng 0 s

Etch ing 10s

- 2000

- 2000

- 4lI00 -'------+-1000





KinOlic Energy (eVI

t -- t- - + 2000

Kinollc Energy (eV)

of less than 2 percent was about five tim es lower than

was observed ill vacuum-baked substrates <mel illustrates
the satisfactory controllability o f th e s ur facta nt coal ing

I hen ' is sr ill a considerabl e am ount of surface ca rbo n,

s ho wing thal the film thickness of the hydrocarbon contaminants is great er than 1.2 11m.

As mentioned earlie r, vacuum baiting inhibits epoxy

blee ding be cause of the hydrocarbon contamination it.
lea ves on the surface of the substrate. Surfactant coating
is also meant to contaminate a substrate's surface with a
hydrocarbon film. From th e results given in Figures 4
and () il would seem that there is no difference between
these I wo pro cess es. However, from our study the shortcoming of t II(' vacuum-baking process is that the hydrocarb on s o urce is not. contr olled because of the oil backstre aming Irom the vacuum pump. On the other hand,
surfac ta nt coating can be controlled by mixing th e right
concenrra rion of surfactant with water, forming the hydrocarb on film in till' solution.

The coating stability was also invest igat ed in two ways:

by exposure to solvents and by exposure to air, After subjecting the coated substrate to typi cal cleaning pro cesses ,
such as soaking ill deionized water for 72 hours, Auger
analysis showed no significant difference between substrates soaked 72 hours and substrates not soaked at alt.
Secondly, the contact angl e was monitored in coale d substrates exposed to a normal air-condi tioned enviro nment.
With exposures of lip to six months, no c ha nge was ob served. However, at longer exposures. a small reduct ion
in the contact angle was observed (for example, G" aft er
nine months). Thus. lJ1C surfactant coa ling process is
compatible with production n eeds.

Wettability Contact Angle and Surface Energy. Equilib-

riu m contac t angl es and computed surface energies on a

surfactant-coa ted substrate are shown in Table II (last
out ry ). The su rface energy is consid erably reduced from
th e raw su bs tra te state and is close to the value calculat cd from the vac uum-ba ked substrate.

Discussi on

The coating consist en cy was evaluated by comparing contact angles of deioniz ed water on 25 substrates sampled
fro m live differen t lots. For all average measurement of
9SoC the standard deviation was 1.9 percent. This deviation

AugU111 998 . The Hewlcll' P,l Cka,d Journal


Surfactant coating results in a surface chemlsuv similar

(:0 vacuum-baked subs trates, but with the be nefi t or controllability What effect do surfacrants have on adhesion'?
The adhesion was tested by e xpe rime nts involving die
shear strength, Adhesive strengths grea ter than 20 kg/ern"
were measured, consistent with U.S. military sp ecifi ca uons.l" Thus, although low weuability is generally C\CCOJl\'
panied by reduced adhesion, we found that the reduct ion


was not critica l and w ithin pro cess margins. In these

s ubs trates, ca pillary eff ects , .hcmical bonding, and other
factors ens ure that the surfaces retain suffici ently strong
adhes ion. eve n whe n 1he s ur face s are al tered by the contam in ai ion w e measured .


We arc grateful to N.K. Chong, C.Y.S. Ta n. and N.II. Lee

for faci litati ng th e project and to Y.C. Chong, J. Foo, a nd
M. Dhaliwa for pro cure ment su pport.

Similar jests were performed invo lving wire bond pull

stren gt h. In sp ite of Ihe surface modification resulting
from pro cessi ng , pull st reu gth s grea ter than 6 g for

l u teru u l io un l Jo n rnnljor l1 y lJ/"id Mic rcetectron irs . Vol. ii. no. 1.

l .z-jn u-dia mc tc r gold wires w ere measured. Thus, the


coated films were thin enough to have an insignificant

effect Oil wire bo nd stre ngth. The s urfa cta nt coa te d substrates passed He wlett-Packa rd's general sem iconduct or
qual ificati on sp eci fi cat ion.

2. N.X. Tan. A..J. Y. Leo, A..1. Bourdillon, a nd C.Y.S. Tan, "Orientation Anomalies in Pla t ing Thickness Measurements from
Advanced Pacl<aging Substrates ." Sen: ie ll/III II I'I II/" SC i /' III'I'
mill Tecllll % .IJY. Vol. 17, IDfJ(i. p, 4:37.

Finally, I he s urface tension is different in various adhesivcs, inc ludi ng various types of epoxy, polyimides, and
simil ar mate rials. The se lection of LUI adhesiv e depends
on I ru d e-o ffs betw ee n adh esion strength, curing times,
mois t ure absorpt ion, a nd oth er pa ra me ters. We have
detu onst rated Ihat: wet (abilit y can, in actual practice, be
contro lled.

I. .J .E. Ireland. " Epoxy Illecd oui in Ceram ic Chip Carri er s ,"

:3. G.A. Mill('r and P. Neogi. / nt el:!ill :i ll l

1/1111 D l/I III/Il

l'IIf' JI/JlII I/w ; 1~lJ l( i li li ri l( /(/

ic Effects, Marce l Dekker, New York. WHO, pp . 51-8:3.

4. S. Wu and IU . Brzozowski , "Surfac e Free' Energy and Polarity

of Orga nic Pigments," .10 11 ruu l of Colloi d II li t! In Icrface Sci/'III (~.
Vol. 37. I(l7 1, p. 686.
5. V.A. Pars ogiun, G.Il. Wl'iss . li nd 711~. Schrader, "Macroscopic
Continuum Mod el in Influence of Hyd rocurb on Contamina nts on
Forces Causing Well ing of Gold by Water," ./0 111"1 11I1 o fCollo ltl
aud lntcrfucc S'/'iI 'Il I 'C, Vol. GI, l!Ji 7, p. :l51j,
6. W.R. TYson and W.A. Miller. "Surface Fr e e En ergies of Solid

This study illu st rat es (he degree of cleanliness appropriate

in processing of elect ronic packages . We had been striving
for very d ea n ce ramic s urfaces, but that degree of cleanliIleSS produces high surface energies that arc s usceptible
fa epoxy bleedin g. It is not necessary to provide very dean
su bstrates, On1!1(' contrary, it is pr eferable to engin eer surfaces by t reatment with a film of high wettability. Vacuum
ba king is not suffi cientl y co ntrollable an d is therefore not
dTcel ivo. A 1.>('(.\('1' altcrn at ive is an effective, controllable,
simple, and reliable s urfactan t coating.

Metals: Est iuuuion from Liquid Surface Tension

Su rfa c Sci ence. Vol. <i2, HJ77, p. 267.

1\1('lIS\II' {'lII l II\ S ,'

7. AW. Adamson. Ptuis icu! C/w /IIi.>t/".IJ o.r Sin:l fl('PS, seco nd
edit ion, \Viley lruors ci cncc, WG7.
S. J.J . Bi k erm an. Physi cll i Si /l:r(l('/~~ , Academi c Press, \fliO.

fl. N,X. Tan, K.I I.I I. Lilli , and A.J, BOl1l'dillo ll ,"All:lly sis or Coal ings Which Inhib it Epoxy Bleeding in Electron ic Packaging."
Jourrutl ofMu teriul St:i(')II'(': Al(J I(~J ill /.~ i ll EiI'cll'lJIl i cs , Vol. S.
H)f)7, p . 17:l.
IO. Te.~ 1 Me th ods (I lid Pro cerl n res for ;1!i I:rt w/('I"II'IJll i cs.
Mil-Sld-8R:m, Method 20 W.i3, W!J:1.

AU~ u" 199B' The Hewlett-Packard Journal

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Technical lnformali on from the Hewlett-Packard Company


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