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Essential Feng Shui Online Practitioner Training Workbook 14 of 14

The Heart of Pro-Motion:

Marketing know-how based on
the Wisdom of the I Ching
Books, websites, and classes on marketing strategies are plentiful. We
focus on the I Chings right action directives, which can be applied to
every aspect of our lives, including creating and sustaining a successful
Each of the I Chings 8 basic trigrams is comprised of three stacked lines
that are either solid or broken.
A solid line depicts Yang/Giving Chi
A broken line depicts Yin/Receiving Chi
The top line = The Inner, Unseen, Invisible World; Feelings, Thoughts,
Heaven, Cosmos, Cellular Intelligence, and Unseen Helpers
The middle line = Human Beings blending the Inner and Outer worlds
The bottom line = The Outer, Seen, Visible World; Body, Earth, Nature,
People, Places, and Things
Each trigram depicts a particular Yin and Yang movement of Chi between
the inner, human, and outer worlds. Because the middle line of each
trigram represents humans, it provides us with our primary directive for
sustaining the optimal Chi flow in our lives.
The four trigrams that have solid middle lines suggest giving, while the four
that have middle broken lines suggest receiving. Each trigram has its
opposite, creating four complementary pairs, as seen in the Fu Hsi
Arrangement of the trigrams (in notebook on the second page of Day 4).

1996-2012 Western School of Feng Shui

760-633-3388 PO Box 232416, Encinitas, CA 92023

Essential Feng Shui Online Practitioner Training Workbook 14 of 14

1996-2012 Western School of Feng Shui

760-633-3388 PO Box 232416, Encinitas, CA 92023

Essential Feng Shui Online Practitioner Training Workbook 14 of 14

Chien and Kun

the Complementary Pair of
Help & Love
Chien - Helpful People and Travel
I Give My Help
___ (Giving)
___ (Giving)
___ (Giving)

Kun - Love & Marriage

I Receive Love
_ _ (Receiving)
_ _ (Receiving)
_ _ (Receiving)

As a helpful person, I purposefully express my True Self. The harmonious

partnership of my inner and outer worlds shows in all my thoughts, words,
and actions. The more I express my True Self, the more helpful I am to my
clients and the more I receive their loving support and endorsement.
My services encourage, inspire, uplift, support, strengthen, and nourish my
clients. I pay close attention to the quality and clarity of my marketing
materials including my business name, logo, information packet,
brochure, business card, and client handouts. These are all ways that I
extend a heartfelt helping hand to my clients. I use clear, positive language
in all my communications.
I maintain a steadfast heart connection with and gratefully receive help and
direction from my inner and outer worlds. I am helpful and loving to myself
and ask for help and direction whenever I need it, knowing that I do nothing
I maintain a heavenly practice by saying Yes to who and what makes my
heart sing, and No to who and what does not. I follow my inner truth and
honor my true feelings.
I know Im on track when I receive positive I love you! feedback and
referrals. I help my clients and they love me; I love my clients and they help

1996-2012 Western School of Feng Shui

760-633-3388 PO Box 232416, Encinitas, CA 92023

Essential Feng Shui Online Practitioner Training Workbook 14 of 14

Kan and Li
the Complementary Pair of
Unique Gifts & Recognition
Kan Career
I Give My Unique Gifts
_ _ (Receiving)
___ (Giving)
_ _ (Receiving)

Li - Fame & Reputation

I Receive Recognition
___ (Giving)
_ _ (Receiving)

My unique combination of skills, talents, and passions are the gifts I offer
the world. They are evident in everything I love to do or be, the activities I
enjoy, my emotional strengths, where I excel without effort, and in what
people complement me on. The more I express them, the brighter & more
illuminated my life becomes.
By expressing my unique gifts, I fulfill my destiny, which is fluid and always
transforming. My gifts are equal, not inferior or superior, to those of all seen
and unseen Beings, from animals to humans to angels. We all have our
part to play in the circle of life.
I incorporate my unique gifts into my business plan so that my practice is
an accurate reflection of who I am. I honor my gifts and preferences in the
way I promote myself, give presentations, teach classes, write articles, and
handle all publicity.
I keep my promises to myself and to my clients. I know Im on track when I
maintain an impeccable reputation in my work, am perceived as a bright
light in the world, and am recognized for my professional experiences. As
I illuminate the path for others, my unique gifts continue to evolve and
develop in brilliant ways.

1996-2012 Western School of Feng Shui

760-633-3388 PO Box 232416, Encinitas, CA 92023

Essential Feng Shui Online Practitioner Training Workbook 14 of 14

Tui and Ken

the Complementary Pair of
Joy & Wisdom
Children & Creativity
I Give My Joy
_ _ (Receiving)
___ (Giving)
___ (Giving)

Knowledge & Self-Cultivation
I Receive Wisdom
___ (Giving)
_ _ (Receiving)
_ _ (Receiving)

My ideal clients are people who are a joy for me to work with. I identify the
types of clients that bring me joy and focus on offering my services to them.
We enjoy working together, create innovative solutions to their challenges,
celebrate their successes, and learn from each other.
I joyfully express my creative genius in my practice. The more I take the
time to express my creativity and tap into my own inner wisdom, the more
fulfilled I am. The more I encourage my clients to take the time to express
their creative genius and tap into their own inner wisdom, the more fulfilled
they are.
I am inspired to create products and services that enhance my clients
lives. As I share my creative genius with the world, I receive more and
more inspiration. I follow my bliss.
I gain in wisdom and sustain my inner peace by spending time each day
being still and connecting with my inner world. I know Im on track when I
receive guidance, encouragement, and constant support in this way.

1996-2012 Western School of Feng Shui

760-633-3388 PO Box 232416, Encinitas, CA 92023

Essential Feng Shui Online Practitioner Training Workbook 14 of 14

Sun and Chen

the Complementary Pair of
Gratitude & Nourishment
Sun - Wealth & Prosperity
I Give My Thanks
___ (Giving)
___ (Giving)
_ _ (Receiving)

Chen - Health & Family

I Receive Nourishment
_ _ (Receiving)
_ _ (Receiving)
___ (Giving)

I take time every day to appreciate and give thanks for all the blessings in
my life. The more I express my gratitude, the more strength and
nourishment I receive from the people, places, and things in my life.
I express my gratitude to and maintain strong nurturing relationships with
my clients in many ways. I let them know how much I appreciate them with
my heartfelt thoughts, words, and actions. I keep in touch with them on a
regular basis via cards, newsletters, phone calls, emails, events, etc.
I set a fee structure for my services that is fair to me and to my clients. I am
generous with my clients and I set healthy boundaries so that everyone is
I express my gratitude to my body by honoring its natural needs and
rhythms and scheduling my work accordingly. To maintain a strong inner
and outer foundation, I walk my talk as a Feng Shui practitioner and live a
healthy lifestyle that includes an optimal balance of work, rest and play. I
model this for my clients and help them make healthy lifestyle choices.
I establish and maintain strong nurturing relationships with colleagues and
people with complementary skills in my professional family. I create
strategic alliances and partnerships, knowing that I am blessed and
strengthened through cooperative collaboration.
I know Im on track when I feel abundantly grateful for and nourished by my

1996-2012 Western School of Feng Shui

760-633-3388 PO Box 232416, Encinitas, CA 92023

Essential Feng Shui Online Practitioner Training Workbook 14 of 14

Helpful Person Exercise Sheet

As a Helpful Person,
I express the purpose and unique gifts of my True Self
with joy and gratitude.
I am blessed with love, recognition, wisdom, and
1) As a helpful person, my purpose is:

List six or more of 2) My unique gifts that I love to express:

3) Who and what brings me joy:

4) Who and what I am grateful for:

5) A description of my ideal workday: (including my work hours, type of

clients, and the feelings Id like to have about my work)

1996-2012 Western School of Feng Shui

760-633-3388 PO Box 232416, Encinitas, CA 92023

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