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The way to learn and speak Arabic

Arabic is a very holy language as it really is in this language that this Quran, the holy book in the Islam is
written. The Middle Eastern countries and also the North African countries have Persia as their official
language. Apart from this it does not take 5th most commonly spoken language worldwide which means
around 400 million people speaks this language. This language is one in every of the olden spoken
languages and possesses traces of Aramaic and Hebrew.

Learn Arabic needs to begin from learning its alphabets. Arabic has 28 alphabets inside it and is
written from directly to left. The style adopted by that language is cursive writing in addition to dots play
a prominent role on this language. In case an extra dot or missing a dot on an alphabet in a word can
even change the very meaning in the term. Arabic writing does not have any case format as upper-case
in addition to lower case. While writing that language, each alphabets needs to be modified a bit to join
the required neighboring alphabet. The Islamic people learn that language in 'Madras' or the religious
schools in a very young age. Arabic language uses exactly the same punctuation marks as most western
languages but a couple of punctuation marks are inverted, though their usages include the same.
Speaking Arabic is also prominent to find out this language as it is through vocal expression the
pronunciation of every alphabet used can be learned. Basically most sounds in Arabic language are
derived from the deep inside the throat. They manipulate the air passing from the vocal cord to produce
preferred sounds. The best manner to speak this language is to attempt to communicate with a fluent
Persia speaker. Even though there are solutions through audio and videos, person to person
communication is the obvious way to learn Arabic. It is through this technique that the slag and right
pronunciation can be learned as the person hearing you can correct the slightest mistake you commit
while speaking. Through this you can come to know How to Speak Arabic.

A few common phrases found in the language are mentioned underneath:

1. Ana: I
2. Shukhran: Thankyou.
3. Shabbat ing khair: Good morning
4. Messiah ing khair: Good evening
A few basic sentences could be:
1. Maa ismukh? What will be your name?
2. Ismiih jameela. I am Jameela.
3. Kaif aalak? How will you be?
4. Ana bikhair, shukhraan. Now I am fine, Thank you.
Arabic is very easy to find out though special efforts have to be put into pronunciations. A basic English
speaking person will discover this language really fascinating seeing that learning Arabic would sound
entirely distinctive from English be it in publishing to even speaking.

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