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* A direct support mission of churches of Christ S Christian

* churches

Your ^ifts may be deducted from your income tax,

* A non-profit religious corporation of the State of Indiana.

* Mrs. Carol Couchman, Forwarding Secretary . pH: (812)346-2639.

To know where we are at the present a look

backward is as important as a look forward.

My great grandfather, Asa Maxey (1792-1879)

was an active evangelist in the restoration move

ment in Bath County, Kentucky for 51 years.

grandson, R. Tibbs Maxey, was a pioneer preacher of
the same gospel in the mid-west and far west also

for 51 years. He and his wife, Maude B. Maxey,

had nine children, six of whom survive,all active

in Christian service. I was the 6th Maxey child.

I began to preach 40 years ago (June,1937)

at the Church of Christ, Madelia, Minnesota. The
Truman Church of Christ, also in Minn, ordained

me to the Christian ministry in January, 1940.

Pauline Pethtel of Mind Ridge, Penna. came
to Cincinnati Bible College to prepare to be a
missionary. We were married there, Dec. 29, 1941.

We have had eight children. Five survive: PAULA,

wife of Kiyoto Vanaginwto, mother of four child

ren - Edmonton, Canada: WALTER, husband of Mary,

father of two children, missionary and co-worker

in Kagoshima Prefecture; GREGORY, husband of Bev

erly, both public school teachers in Cincinnati,

Ohio; FAITH, public school teacher & wife of Paul
Axton, graduate student In Lincoln Christian Sem


inary and HOPE, student In Milligan College.

We served the Christian church at North

Vernon, Indiana from 1941-44 followed by a five

year tour as a U.S. Anny Chaplain. A part of this
tour was served In occupied Japan at the end of
World War II. It was an introduction to that nat

ion and its people which was unforgettable. We re

signed from the army in August, >949 to establish

the Kyushu Christian Mission and arrived in Japan

a year later, August, 1950.

Our goal was to find a place in i^ushu

where nobody had gone or was likely to go and

begin there. Meanwhile a letter of Invitation

had come from a group of believers meeting in

the city of Kanoya at the southern tip of Kyu
shu. Chaplain Paul Cook had taught and baptized
there. We accepted this invitation as the Lord's

leading and went Immediately to Kanoya on a jour

ney of faith - without knowing the land, the people
nor the language,,Our faith has been rewarded by a
family of Christians there and now all over Japan.



Though the Haxeys were pioneer missionaries In Osumi Peninsula of Kagoshima they were certainly not the first
missionaries in the prefecture. In fact, the first mission
ary to Japan, the Intrepid Jesuit, Frances Xavier. landed 1n
Kagoshima City, August 15, 1549 over 400 years ago. A good
beginning ended 88 years later in persecution to the death
by the Tokugawa government. The effects of that persecution
linger with us even today.
As a result of Comnodore Perry's visit to Japan in
1853,a treaty of commerce between Japan and the U.S. went
Into effect July 4, 195S. allowing Americans to live and
work in Japan. Missionaries began arriving the same year.
The total results of all their labors in all Japan was ten
converts by the year 1872. That year the first church began

in Yokohama. The New testament was published in Japanese in '

April, 1880 and the entire Bible in 1888.

In a real sense then, the evangelism of Japan did

not began until 1860. only 120 years ago. It still contin
ues with most of the work yet to be done. There 1s wide
acceptance of Christian ideals and practices but there is
great resistance to personal acceptance of Christ as Lord
and Saviour. We face little open hostility or outright per
secution but the resistance is still there.

One reason is the nature of the country Itself. It

is small (about the size of California) and Isolated (com-

pletely surrounded by the sea) so the people learned to get

along without the outside world. Because of the great mass

of people (now 120 million) packed together, Japanese soc

iety developed rules
mony. group activity

which gave the highest virtue to har

and building up the group rather

than the individual. The greatest evil was to break the

group harmony and act independently. To become a Christ

ian is to break the unity and to invite the disapproval of
family and society. No one wishes for that.

The country is barren, two-thirds mountains. Very

few natural resources. Early on the Japanese learned to
be frugal and self-sufficient. Later they learned to Import
raw materials and make things to sell to the world. The
world agrees, sometimes in pain, that they have done very
well at it. But the Japanese still think in terms of hav-

sofnething to offer to the world but not to receive.

This includes Christianity which is often considered to be

a foreigner's religion, interesting but,not needed.
The Japanese have a culture at least 2000 years old
and maybe older. Over the centuries, they have made distinc
tive borrowings and adaptations from the Asian mainland.
This ancient culture still determines how Japanese life is
carried on today. The Japanese feel it Is equal to ' ' not

superior, to other cultures. They feel no ne^ to

Mission House


or to add on another culture, the Christian or Wes


Not the least of Japanese culture is its dis


language (the world's most difficult); Its long histo.. or"

learning and its impressive array of social, medical and
governmental systems which work perfectly well for them.Thus
the missionary can never approach the Japanese with a suoerior view of teaching them how to read & write & heal their

diseases. One exception is the English language which the

Japanese are eager to learn but find difficult to master.
There is no nation without religion. Either they
have accepted the one taught in the Bible or they have
developed one of their own. The Japanese have done the lat
ter. Shinto, the oldest, Is basically animism but it is also
the carrier of the Emporer system, the syirbol of the Japan
ese race unbroken from time inwiemortal. Buddhism

was eag

erly received from China in the seventh century. It

line Speaking

formed a base for the arts, education and culture. It

also provided an ethical system and a way of death. Con
fucianism also came from China. It established the rel-

ationships between people and loyalty to the government.

From the 17th century onward this was the basis for a
strong warrior system and later a fanatical army.
So the best the missionary can hope for is to

approach Japan on the basis of equality in regard to

culture, education, social customs and technology. On

the matter of religion, the Christian missionary comes
out of a strong conviction that Christ THE way. THE
truth and THE life. That Christ alone has the answer

to man's sins and the promise of life everlasting. Of

course, that is the very thing about which the Japanese
must be convinced. How does one do that?

Permanence is one factor .Me came to Japan to be
partakers not tasters of Japanese society and culture.
That is to appreciate the culture, enjoy it, use it and
to become a part of it for a lifetime. Permanence demon
strates cotimittment in Japanese society. Youth has its

strengths but maturity also has its merits in terms of

respect and the opportunities to be heard and followed.
Rearing one's family in Japan is always a plus

factor. Our children have always opened doors and made

contacts we could not have made ourselves. The demon
stration of a Christian family in action, the love of

husband and wife, the respect of children for parents

and the faith in God of all is a witness beyond reck
oning. The return of our oldest son. Walter, as a mis
sionary is tremendous statement of family influence. I
give the highest praise to my wife, Pauline, for the won

derful way she has conducted our home, reared and taught
our children and imparted her deep faith to them and
to others. Nothing that I have accomplished, could have
been done without her. She is a partner of whom I am
proud. She has had a trenendous witness as a teacher

and speaker in women's gatherings and teacher training

in addition to her vital role S example as homemaker.
Preaching, that is, sharing the Good News about
Jesus with a view to persuading hearers to believe Him
and obey Him

must always be at the center of the mis

sionary's- thinking. preparation and activity. The word

"missionary" itself is a distinctive word wnich says that

he is sent out to do just that. Sunday by Sunday and
night by night, this is the center of our activity.
This must be followed by teaching, that is the

training of believers in Christian living & practice.

This is also a vital part of our activity carried out
through regular Bible classes & courses on a scheduled
basis. Also by means of expository preaching of the
Bible, verse by verse and chapter by chapter rather
than topical and popular preaching.
(CUT BZRS s use this as a label to ^et in touch with us)



//ew Camp Buildinq

Kagoshina CAureh

One method of teaching that we have emphasized from

our very first days in Japan 1s tha^writing, publishing &

distribution of Christian tracts^ booklets and books. We

have also encouraged &assisted others to write & to get

their writings into print. Me have a Christian bookstore

Bibles i Christian materials are distributed to local customers &all over the nation by mail. Financiany. it Is a


in connection with our Christian Center in Kanoya by which

deficit operation. But It is a plus operation in carrying

out one of our missionary objectives - to teach the Word.
The missionary must never think that he Is the only
one who can preach and teach the Good News or that he Is
the only one who will. So to think S so to act Is to fall.


So training leadership has always been a vital Interest.


This means seeing leadership possibilities 1n others, encouraging them to choose Christian service, fi providing
leadership training both at the local level and at Osaka

Bible Seminary where I have served as trustee for many


years.Since our very first year, we have always had stu-

dents there. They are active in the churches throughout

Japan both as Christians and as leaders. All but one of

our Kagoshima preachers was trained at Osaka Bible Sem-

inary &returned to serve in this isolated area.

To me, the ultimate test of the missionary's service
Is whether he has been able to establish churches &encour-



aged others to establish local churches that will survive


him. These must be churches that will not only support them-

selves but will also carry out their own programs of teachIng & preaching, evangelizing S starting other churches -

that is. Indigenous churches. We have five such churches

with their own ministers. We have three churches without


regular ministers but served on a regular basis. These 3

churches are holding out but not reaching out. In addition
Walter has established a new church and preaching points
In his area. We can state with assurance that we have


churches here which will not only survive but also grow.


maintain themselves.


All churches have their own land &buildings which they

WAY DOWN HERE - Relive 20 years
of the missslonary life of Mark &

Pauline Haxey In Japan



The background of direct


missions.Important history



FIELDS - A Japan Viewpoint $2.50


Hen, Methods and Japan.






(1) As long as the Lord gives us strength, we will con-

tinue our witness in Japan; work with present ministers and

churches and carry on our preaching, teaching and Christian

literature ministries.




TzTThe Lord and His people both in the USA S Japan have n
given us a $50,000 camp ground. Now with $10,000 In Improve- S
ments it is fully operational for 40 people. Our next goal Is

an additional building so we can serve 80-100 campers. We want S*

to have a planned program of year-round activities and teach- *'

ing there. Already it Is being very well used.

(3) New leadership is an imnediate need. Extension Bible 2.
teaching is one answer. We will work with Osaka Bible Sem1nar78
as they put their courses on video tape which can be mailed to 3-

us.These with teaching guides will give us the quality train-

Find outlVou can be one too $2.00

ing we need. Several video tape players at $1100 each needed. S

MISSI0NS:MY STORY - How I came to


center my 1l/e on this.



CHRISTIAN LIFE in Japanese i

lish. Read it & share it.





LINKlETTER-a Personal.mailed report of the Haxey's dally life and

witness In Japan. Per year



Writings of Maude Haxey .mother of


Or order direct from: GO YE BOOKS


Please send check with your order


MAY 2 "
A Monthly Report By The Mark G. Maxey Family


As a result ot extensive

medical tests during May,


Kanoya, Kagoshima 893, Japan Box 417, North Vernon, Indiana 47265

Pauline will enter the

hospital late June 1,

have neurological tests
June 2 and early June 2
have a spinal fusion of
3 lower vertebrae.PLACE:



\ Dutchmans Ln, Louisville

N<Y 40207.PH:502-346-3177
Dear Christian friends,

Continuing the announcement above, among other problems


Pauline has endured in

creasing back pain the last four years. Hence the major operation. She will be in the hospit
al about ten days followed by two months of recuperation if all goes well. Meanwhile Faith
and Paul Axton will move into our Louisville home since she will be teaching herein the fall.

Paul will be at Chaplains School, Ft. Dix, NJ six weeks from mid-June. Hope will be home from
college. So she and Faith will take care of Pauline at home while she recovers. I will finish
two months of speaking in the wests rejoin Pauline and we will go to Japan as soon as she is
able to travel. We can continue to receive mail then at our Louisville address till mid-Aug
ust: PO Box 58128, Louisville KY 40258 . Please remember Pauline when you pray.

It has been good to have Pauline traveling with me this year. Mostly on former

furloughs I have traveled alone while Pauline kept the home for our children still in school.
Pauline has been a much-appreciated part of our program at each place. She was a featured

speaker at the Georgia Missionary Rally, Atlanta and the Missionary Convention at Nebraska
Christian College. She is the only person I know of that can talk for two hours straight and
have no one look at their watches.


Our travels have taken us west to Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota and
South to South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee. North to Canada, Man

itoba and Alberta; back through Idaho, Nebraska, Iowa, Indiana and Ohio.A swing East by

myself to Virginia, Maryland, New York City and Pennsylvania - a total of 40 churches. In
addition we have taught classes and spoken in chapel at 12 Bible Colleges: Central College
of the Bible, Orlando; Atlanta Christian College, Johnson Bible College, Immanuel School

of Religion, Milligan College (last three in Tenn.), Eastern Christian College, Bel Air,Md.,
Cincinnati Bible College, Kentucky Christian College, Boise Bible College, Platte Valley
Bible, Scottsbluff, Neb., Nebraska Christian College and Minnesota Bible College.

At the Alumni Banquet held during the annual Mid-Winter Conference at Minnesota
Bible College, Rochester, Minn., I was given the Distinguished Alumni Award. Pauline stood
with me as co-recipient as the citation was read and handsome plaque presented. March 24 was
Mark Maxey Day at Shively Christian Church, Louisville, where we have our membership. They
honored us with a plaque for 30 years of missionary service and had a reception for us at
night. A very nice day.Thanks to ministers Dave Cordrey and Mark Johnson
As we have traveled it has been our joy to meet the finest Christian people in
in the world. To listen to, to talk with, and to be received by these people in a loving,

gracious way in their homes is a taste of heaven indeed. To see the breadth of beauty of
this land has been a joy. Also an eye-opener: a land where every other yard and garage is
for sale; where you can buy a Cadillac pick up truck in Phoenix for $30,000.(For the man who
has everything, something to carry it in); wonderful roads going endlessly into lost hori
zons where the trucks go 70, the state police 62 and the rest at 58;home of the bumper

sticker (On a camper in Florida, "We are living on our children's inheritance."); huge plasttic bulls in front of steak houses - they look so lonely - as genuine idols they at least
deserve fresh flowers laid between their front feet daily; USA, land of handsome young people
who will lead us into the future without an adequate knowedge of the past - at one college

English class I taught, not a single student knew Lincoln's Gettysburg Address; America, a

land some say is in hopeless moral decay but which has more preachers, churches and people
in Sunday School than all the rest of the world together."God Shed His Grace on Thee!"

We have not forgotten to smell the daisies along the way. We have seen Christian
friends from our days as an army chaplain
in Japan, Ft. Meade, Md and Ft. Custer, Mich. We
have spent time with our children - visiting Hope twice at Milligan College. She was home for

break for a week. Over Easter, we were able to spend 8 days with Paula and Kiyoto

(gimoto at their farm home at Millet, 30 miles south of Edmonton. We had a happy time
{tting re-acquainted with our grandchildren: Megumi, Temujin, Takanobu and Tamon. We visited
heir school and met their teachers and friends. They wanted us to stay a month. We have prom
ised to see them one more time as we return to Japan. In the Wed., Feb 13 issue of the Wetas-

in Times featuring Valentine messages from children, Tem Yanagimoto (9) had this poem for us:

"Being with you is like something new. I know you're kind and gentle, too.
There's only one thing that's left to do...Give you a card and say, "I love you."
Thanks Tem! We spent a week with Faith and Paul in Lima, Ohio speaking that week
end with Bryan and Kathryn Maxey in Defiance, Ohio. In the west, the Missionary Convention at
Nebraska Christian College, Norfolk not only was the finest college gathering we have attend
ed but a family reunion as well. Ora and Lee Townsend of Onawa arranged a room for us along
side :theirs at the Holiday Inn so v/e could have that time together. Ken and Bessie Kawami came
up from Omaha bringing some delicious Japanese food and two beautiful ceramic plaques she had
made. Big sister, Isabel Dittemore,just back from Thailand, was on the program, too. Little
sister, Mary Ellen and her husband Alvin Giese, came over from Storm Lake for the convention
and took-usHDack for a wonderful weekend

with them and the church there.

We can only mention a few of the memorable gatherings we have attended: The lov
ing welcome of the black congregation of Wash. Shores church, Orlando, FL: the bubbling en
thusiasm of the young church in Winnipeg, Manitoba and the outstanding evening with the multi
national Greenpoint church in New York City, keeping the faith in spite of great difficutlies.
The super group
at Erranmet, Idaho. Minster, Fred Bittner,thoroughly prepared for our coming
and the congregation responded . The five days spent preaching at Pierre, SD, encouraged by
the faith, love and prayers of that congregation and the hospitality of Ed and Kay Hoist who
for the fourth time have seen that we have reliable and comfortable furlough transportation.
Our car left there revived for further travels courtesy Hoist Motors, Bill Holst^proprietor.
The southern hospitality of Macedonia church, Bonneau, South Carolina where minister, Larry
Bradberry has done a consistency fine work year after year. The Georgia Christian Missionary
Rally, in Atlanta, the finest of its kind in the USA - all the area churches involved.The two
days spent at the Incorporators and Trustees meeting at the College of the Scriptures, Louis
ville. founder Tibbs Maxey and wife, Norma attending. Greatly impressed with the college
leadership and the intellectual and spiritual calibre of the black trustees. Fine men of God.
Our apologies to to all the other fine churches and firm friends, as precious to us as our
own kin, who have made our furlough day so great but whom we can not list here.

In Japan, Walter and Mary, hold down the fort as well as carrying on their own
work. Walter has found an purchased for us a used mid-size car, diesel engine, 18000 miles

for $5400. So we will have a"gospel chariot" waiting for us to use on return. A number of
Kagoshima Christians, led by Koichi Homori, minister of the Kagoshima church, made a tour
of California churches and sights in late April. We were sorry^nolr^to be able to go see
them there. After a long delay, our new book, "The Church Begins: 35 Lessons in the Book
of Acts " has been published in Japan. It is a study course with English and Japanese in
parallel columns on each page and every paragraph numbered. It represents about three years
of writing, rewriting, correcting and numerous publishing difficulties. Special thanks to

son Walter

for seeing it through to completion in oi^ a^ence. Must close for this time.

God bless you all.



Monthly Publication of




Box 417
North Vernon, Indiana 47265



Return Requested





AUG 2 7 1980
A Monthly Report By The Mark G. Maxey Family


Kanoya, Kagoshjma 893, Japan Box 417, North Vernon, Indiana 47265


AUGUST, 1980

Dear Christian friends,


Greetings from Portland, Oregon where five of the Maxey children were born and where
I spent a good many youthful years. Going through on the train the other day, I spent the wait
ing time going through the grand old station. I remembered it with awe when I left there as a
boy on the way to Boise, Idaho. I am spending a week here both speaking and to buy and pack
the things we want to take back to Japan. Howard and Joy Harris are helping me mightily.
I left Pauline in Louisville, June 13, in the good hands of daughters Faith and Hope.
The doctors assure us that the operation was successful and that she should have complete recov
ery within a year. Meanwhile her pain and weakness are very real. Two operations were performed.
One to relieve the compression on her nerves. The other to fuse the three lower vertebrae. This
also involved on operation on the hip to remove enough bone to use in the fusion. Afterwards
Pauline was in the recovery room over five hours - they said the longest anybody ever remained
in the recovery room of that hospital. Complications I So we feel very keenly that the prayers
you offered for the success of the operation and for her recovery have been heard. Her first
five weeks were very, very painful and did not give her much encouragement for the future. But

now the corner, has been turned and she is gaining strength day by day. She spends a lot of time
walking. She has already thanked you but I will add mine also to all those who have written,
phoned, visited and prayed on her behalf. " Like a mighty army (prays) the church of God."
My first speaking dates heading west were at the churches at Ancona, 111. and Truman,
Minn, where I spoke at women's retreats. They had agreed to accept me in lieu of Pauline, not
that that can be done, so I just talked about Pauline, of her life and Christian witness. Then
closed with a tape she had made for them from her hospital bed. So I got safely through and left
her blessing with those that heard.

Preaching at Streator, 111. June 15 and at Madelia, Minn. June 17. There were five
people present who heard me preach my first sermon. Hardy souls!. On that 1st day Mrs. Nichtern
said to me as she went out, "I felt very sorry for you today." To which I replied, " I felt
sorry for myself, too." All night with sister, Mary Ellen, and husband ,Alvin Giese, at Storm
Lake, Iowa. Each farewell tinged with a tear ef parting and possibility of not seeing each other
again on this earth. Next stop at Pierre, the center of South Dakota and the geographical center
of North America. Always a home for me there with Ed and Kay Hoist. I had brought a car full of
boxes so drove up to United Parcel Service and let them haul them the rest of the way West.
Left the car for Walter and Mary to use on furlough next year. The Hoists will use it and care

for it meanwhile.

An enjoyable picnic

with the good folks of Pierre on the banks of the Mis


Onward by air. Sunday, June 22, with the

Tibbs and now ministered by my nephew, Brian Giese
miles an hour while not preaching. Up to Rushmore
visited spot in the U.S. Well worth a visit for a

church at Rapid
and his lovely,
memorial in the
meditative look

City, SD, started by my bro.,

Sylvia. Exhanging ideas a 100
Black Hills, the second most
at four great men of the past.

We need some more like them. Vote your Christian convictions this fall.

To Denver for a night with M/M Dick Tice. Dick was a flying officer in an Air Force
Unit i served in Palwan, P.I. Now, after long missionary service in Chile, teaching missions

at his Baptist seminary. We talked missions - theory, method, practice and committment - on into
the night. Grand Junction, Colorado will be the center of both the shale oil industry and syn
thetic fuel. Bill and Thelma Gardner took care of me while preaching at Clifton church there.

After speaking at Montrose, CO Ron and Leta Secat and her parents took me up into the Rockies
for a swim in a naturally heated pool and a picnic in the crystal air, peaks, pines and moun
tain streams. Wanted to stay and look a few more years. A ten-seater piano bounced me over the

of the Rockies and down into Salt Lake City. Guy Pethtel and wife served me the biggest Tbone steak I ever saw. I'll dream about it later in Japan. Neighbor,Arlo Jones drove us up

to the Kennicot mine, the biggest man-made hole in the eaj;th, now over 50 years deep.
In Los Angeles, visited Schuler's Crystal Cathedral. Looks like a gi^nt l^nd-^lgcked
battleship made of glass - 17 million dollars worth. They will take an offering for missions
on dedication day in September. Saturday night supper meeting with the Parkcrest church mission

meeting at the Kesslers in Long Beach. Preaching at the a.m. service. Roger Beard leading a
growing, glowing church. Sunday night at First Church, Long Beach, Thursday at the chuirch in
Mission Viejo. Guest of college classmates,Kenneth & Gertrude Hanson, Also M/M Bob JCnight,
He was an airmen at Kanoya immediately after the war. Now a minister working with Califoirnia
Japanese with the Christian and Missionary Alliance, he rejoices that we are serving in Kan
oya. He took me through Little Tokyo in L.A., - nostalgia plus a longing for home. At San
ClemenlEwith John and Linda Baker. He was in Pauline's SS class in North Vernon when he Wc^s

a little boy. Now son. Miles, sends out my GO YE BOOKS. July 4 with Bob Desbrow, faithful
friend since his days as a naval advisor in Kanoya almost 20 years ago,

Sunday, July 6, was a great day at Southside church, Lebanon, Clarence and Jean Miller
drove me down from Portland. Wy and Loni Summers took good care of me

and drove me to Albany

to catch the train for Seattle. First train ride in the US. Not bad. Saw some of the devasta

tion of Mt. St. Helens along the right of way.

Frank and Helen Ginger were my- perfect hosts

for the North American Christian Convention. M/M Herbs Works showed us slides of their visit

to Okinawa and Kanoya. Homesick again. The convention was good. Relaxed, western style.Tibbs
cuid Bryan and families were there. We had a meal together. Met hundreds of people at the mis
sion booth. Exhilirating and exhausting,too. Was asked to participate in three workships. En
joyed that. Visited with Peter Suen, formerly worked with Isabel in Taiwan, Now in Seattle
and translating for her radio programs there. Spent some time with a delegation from Korea
cind a group of Oregon brethren. Sleep was something I longed for and got little of. The conv
ention had something for everyone. It ended with a rousing Baptist sermon complete with every
head bowed and every eye closed.

Preached at Lumby in beautiful British Columbia July 14. Then preached and taught at
Family Camp at 2-VM Ranch nearby. Every family cooked their own meals. Paula drove 540 miles
to be there with the four grandchildren. So I enjoyed her good cooking and being with them. On
the last day I baptized grandaughter, Megumi, 12,in a pool fed by a moutain stream. Chillingly
cold and yet wonderfully warm. Don Lewis took me trout fishing. Caught three. Tasted great.
Non-stop to Alaska via Wien Alaska airlines. All day Sunday with the church at Kenai.

Bob and Sheila-DeVold serve this congregation of young families, great in faith, overflowing
with hospitality and concerned about missions. They took me trout fishing but I failed. Did
better at Homer where the men of the Christian Home there took me out in the bay. Caught two
fine halibut, one 35 pounder. Preached at Homer church and at Palmer church, too, with Ed and
Jane story. All day Sunday, July 27 with Fred and Jan Green and the Southglen church, our 3rd
visit with them. And each one better than the last. Keen interest and participation in missions.

LeftT for the "outHde^HviYh regret. Big, beautiful Alaska" - "Where every prospect please and
only(mein's junk piles)are vile." Noboru Tsukahara of Japan Air Lines sent a frozen salmon
aboard the aircraft as a parting present. It will make the long trip to Louisville, Ky, i will
return there to Pauline August 11, leave a week later, visit our Canadian family and depart
San Francisco o/a Sept 7 on the freighter, TYSON LIKES, of Lykes Lines, It has an elevator so
Pauline will not have to climb the ships' ladders. She will be able to rest, exejrcise and add

to her recovery as we return home. Our last address before sailing will be %HcHne*^oF Peace
4700 Daisy, Oakland CA 94619. Thanks for helping us return to Japan. IN HIS SERVICE



Monthly Publication of




Box 417

North Vernon, Indiana 47265

Return Requested

IN 'K'O*"'


A Monthly Report By The Mark G. Maxey Family






Kanoya, Kagoshima 893, Japan - Box 417, North Vernon, Indiana 47265

246 -


Dear Christian friends,

I talked to you 3 months and 15000 miles ago front Portland, Oregon. With the
energetic help of Howard Harris and his trusty VW Kombi, we got our buying and packing
done by Friday night. Spoke at Somerset church near Portland and Woodland, Wash, during
the same week. Sunday was a great day at Kern Park Christian in Portland. My father
preached there before I was born. Sister, Isabel, was baptized there. One lady told me
my father baptized her. Another that her brother had been named after him.The good we
do lasts into eternity. I was glad to speak a good word there for Ben and Nobuko Hirotaka, their missionaries at the northern end of Kyushu.
The greatest missionary meeting in the USA, bar none, is held the first week
of August every y^r at Cdn^"Wi"Ne Ma, near Clbverdale, Oregon.Over 1000 people regis
tered. Five missionaries and one Bible lecturer make up the program. They keep you busy.
At the end of the week you are wrung out and spoke out. Also wound up and ready to get

back to your task. Thi-;is_the fifth time I've finished-a-furlough at Wi Ne Ma. What a

sep^^ff.I Thanks to the committee for the hard work and planning it took to make it go.
Down the cool, beautiful Oregon coast to Florence, Oregon for Sunday morning,
August 10, my birthday. Across into the hot central plain to the capital city of Salem

for Sunday night. Kenneth and Ruth Fowler fed me and took me to Portland. All night to
Chicago. Arrived at Louisville at 10 AM. Family waiting to see me. Wonderful to hold
Pauline in my arms again after a two month's absence. Thrilled at the recovery she had
already made. Greg and Bev, Paul and Faith and Hope in the welcoming committee^ too. They
baked the much-travelled Alaskan salmon & they had a belated birthday party for Pauline

DATES; Leave Cal. July 21

Return Cal. Aug. 4 (5)
VISIT;by bus & train: Nara
Kyoto, Osaka, Tokyo, Korea,
Christian sites in Kyushu,
ATTEND;All-Japan Christian

Convention^ in


July 24-28.Mark & Pauline

Maxeys' 30th Anniversary
in Japan to be remembered
at Jpn. & English conv's.
PRICE; $1800 per person
Includes all
expenses except noon meal

while traveling in Orient.

LIMIT;40 persons(one bus
load) Convention hotel wi].l

hold 400 people only so we

must reserve space for our
tour group very soon.
COMING? Send name,address,
phone no. and $100 each to
reserve hotel space.(Fully
returnable t i l l Mar.31,'8]J

to me:

Box 14, Kanoya

Kagoshima 893, JAPAN

and I. A week to wind things up and give brief farewells at Shively, Clifton and Lyndon
churches in Louisville.

The sadness of parting again on Monday, August 18 as we leave for Edmonton, Al

berta. Pauline's hardest day. Canada is great but their airports offer long distance
hall walks and repeated flights of stairs for the handicapped. All's well that ends well.
Our Canadian family, Kiyoto and Paula; Temujin, Takanobu, Tamon and Megumi, met us and
drove us to their farm home 35 miles south near the town of Millet. We had a great ten
days together - talked a lot, laughed a lot, walked a lot, rested a lot and ate a lot.
Went with them to the Farmer's market at Wetaskiwin where the people lined up to buy
Kiyoto's super vegetables. Spoke to the youth at Camp Christian, Red Deer; at Cambrian
Heights Church, Calgary and at King Edward Park church in Edmonton, Paula and Kiyoto's
home church. A warm and hearty welcome everywhere.

&: Wee KOf Missions!



Japan is calling! Thursday, August 28 we flew to Portland. Wy and Loni Sum

mers took us to Lebanon for the week-end. Shopped at Summer's Cent-Wise Drug Store for

medicines to take back to Japan.

Wonderful fellowship at Southside church. Spoke to

Wy's SS class on "Faith Vs. Feeling." The bell rang before we got started. (That was my
feeling.) Back to Portland and down to San Francisco that night. Thank you Wy and Loni
for your special efforts on our behalf. A week at the Home of Peace in Oakland, an 1890

Mansion built specifically to cake care of missionaries en route overseas.They have taken
care of us many times since 1950. Their welcome does not wear out. Our room looked like

the "home of pieces" as we packed and re-packed our last minute purchases. We spoke VJed.
night at Green Valley Christian, San Jose, a church vitally interested in Orient missions.




visited San Jose Bible College Thurs a.m. on the way back. Had a good visit with A1 Hammond, former missionary in
Kagoshima. Saturday, Don and Pat Bean came from Santa Rosa to get us. We had many things to talk about as we drove
and had a meal together. All night with senior saints, Alan and Lois Stiles. Minister, Ted Smith, welcomed us at
First Christian church, Santa Rosa, Sunday morning, September 7. It was non-stop - preaching to two services,showing
slides at Bible school in between. Couldn't ask for a

finer audience. Russell and Lois Davis, friends since we were

chaplain's together in the Philippines, came up from San Diego to see us. They drove us to Alta Vista church in S.
San Francisco for Sunday night. Reunion with Diego Romulo and wife. Longtime friend and minister in Manila, cominister with Vyron Fender of a Filipino-American congregation. Warmly welcomed by this international church. Our
hearts and faith were one -

never mind the rest.

Tuesday noon, boarding time for the SS TYSON LYKES, one of four ships in the US Merchant Marine that has

a landing ramp built into the stern that lets down onto the pier. Rugged fork lifts carrying giant containers sidewise go directly into the ship and deposit their loads in the lower decks.The entire vessel can be loaded in a mefetur
of hours. Unfortunately, since we were at a freight pier, no one could see us off. Also, unfortunately, the chief
engineer had a heart attack just before sailing time so our departure was delayed until midnight while another one
was found. Up the Pacific coast for a Thursday evening arrival at Seattle.Beautifulsailing down the Puget Sound. We
had a fine evening together with Howard and Joy Harris who drove up from Portland for the occasion. Frank and Helen
Ginger of Seattle whose home has been hospitality center for countless missionaries shared Friday with us. We parted
with prayer in our cabin just before the ship sailed at 10 p.m.

Thankfully the Pacific was fairly 'pacific' as we sailed the great circle route to Japan. After four days
of fog, it lifted and we were able to see the Aleutian islands passing by - Seguam, Amlia, Atka, Great Sitkin, Adak,
Kanaga, Tanga, Amatignak. It was a rare sight. Because of the weather they are visible only 50 days of the year.
Many of the ship's crew had never seen them. We are averaging 20-23 knots (nautical miles per hour) 24 hours a day.
We have 5940 nautical miles to go. Because of the distance traveled one hour is added to the clock every day during
the night, suddenly, we pay these hours back and more as we cross th'* International Date Line and lose Thursday com
pletely. The ship has six cabins , three on each side joined by a comfortable and spacious lounge. We held church
services there the two Sundays we were at sea. Passenger, Troy Alexander, accompanied us with his guitar. We had lots
of time to sing and talk about Japan afterward. There were 12 passengers, a congenial group. We enjoyed each others
company, the meal times, the walks on deck and the never ending vista of the sea. Lee Alley from Culver, in eastern
Oregon joined us in Seattle with 54 beef cattle he was to take care of all the way to Japan. Since they were on the
forward deck and we were aft, We always had some good old American smell blowing our way when we walked. It didn't
make me homesick.

I broke my little toe walking across the cabin in the dark. The first mate said the best he could do was
tape it back into place alongside the next toe. So he did and so it stayed for the next three weeks. In a solemn
ceremony, the passengers presented me with "The Order of the Wayward Toe" complete with hand knit sock and a life-like
toe carved from ivory soap hanging thereon. As memorable an award as I ever expect to get, Pauline did nicely, The
beds were comfortable. She took time to rest, read and write. An elevator tooks us to meals two decks below,Pron5>tly
at 8 a.m. Monday, September 21 we tied up at Yokohama. Makoto Motoyoshi, wife and two sons,one of them named for me
were on the pier to greet us. VERY NICE. Walter & Harold Sims were there to help us move from ship to shore.Walter
took Pauline on south by coastal ferry. I had to stay over to take care of the freight & paper work. Spent the next
day with Harold and Lois Sims. We had lots to talk about. All day Wednesday in Yokohama customs.All day Thursday in

Kobe customs house. Tedious but necessary. By air to Kagoshima on Friday and a joyous reunion

with Kalter and Mary^

Shelley and Trent. Preached for Yoshino church where Walter and Mary are on Sunday, Japanese coming out o.k. At 4,30

Sunday afternoon, Sept. 28 we drive into our driveway at Kanoya. Christians were there to greet us. Bro. I^^ii offerred a prayer of thanks. We ate supper with them.

USA was great but'hocnelis better. God bless. IN


2 Whom





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