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Name: Tasheika King

Theme: Human Rights

Teacher: Miss Grant

A mothers Love, tells the story of a Mary Jane, a 15 year old child who was
sold into prostitution. The highlights how dehumanizing it is for individuals
who being in human trafficking. Thus, the purpose of the creative piece is to
increase the awareness of human trafficking, so that the number of persons
fighting against human trafficking can increase.
The story is addressed to teenage females and parents. Hence, individuals of
the age group of about 12-35 years old.
The main victims of human trafficking are female teenagers. Therefore, the
creative piece is addressed to parent and teenagers. This way more people
can become aware of human trafficking, thus they will be able to protect and
their family from becoming a victim of human trafficking.
The creative piece will be presented on the television program, on TVJ, at
8:30pm. All Angles is a television program where the issues facing Jamaica
are discussed. The reason All Angle is a perfect program to use is because
human trafficking is an issue in Jamaica, therefore appropriate to present the
creative piece here. Also, since the program begins at 8:30 pm it is effective
that the story will be presented that time, because most students and
parents will be at home this time and will be more likely to watch the

A Mothers Love
Mary Jane felt like a stranger in own her room, it has been three years
now since her abduction and she has been in her room. She escaped from
the place they called ELH, three days ago. From the day she escaped from
the damn place she hasnt slept because she is afraid that when she reopen
her eyes she might wake up back in EHL, not to mention the nightmares
that wakes her whenever she drifts off to sleep.
In her dreams she would wake with a pounding headache, sore joints
and bounded hands and feet. She was in a moving van, she would scream
but her screams were barely audible through the cloth banding her mouth.
The van would stop and she would always wake at that moment. The
nightmares were like a curse compelling her to relive that dreadful day over
and over.
MJ? Mary was brought from her thoughts by the lovely sound
of her mothers voice and she thought to herself, mi cyaa get tyad a deh
voice deh.
Um. Mary responded. If it wasnt for her hope to see her
mother again Mary knew she wouldnt have survive a day at that place.
Yuh safe now yuh hear, no worry yuh self.
Safe. Mary never thought she would not every feel that way again.
Suddenly she was back in ElH, it was her first day there, her heart
was racing, her knees weak and her entire body shaking with fear. Looking
around her she saw eleven other girls who were as terrified she was.
Chicas, welcome to the Evening Ladies Haven. The skinny
white woman standing before them said in a Spanish accent. You will all be
given a new life here and you will not try to escape. If you do you will be
punished! Comprehende?
One that day they were given new names that was tattooed on their
necks, she was given the name Angel. Damn, she hate that name.
The comforting arms of her mother pulling her in an embrace brought
Mary back to the present and she sunk in her mothers warmth and just cry.
Cried because she was so happy, cried because shes so scared, angry and
cried because she could simple do nothing else.

About an hour later her mother came back in Marys room.

Eat summu, caus yuh mus hungry. Mary took the plate of
lovely smelling food though she did not have an appetite. Mi soon come mi
ago fi something fi yuh drink." Pauline, Marys mother said, not looking her
daughter in her face as if the grotesques and filthy sight of her unnerves her
and Mary replied with a nod of her head, staring down at the food in front of
After she forced and eat her food, Mary took off the filthy rags she was
wearing and threw them in the garbage. She padded towards the mirror on
the cold tile in the bathroom. She stared back at the person staring at her in
the mirror. The person looks like her but those eyes werent hers, they were
cold and hating. They were the eyes of someone who has seen their fair
share of horrors. Mary traced her index finger over the scar on her upper lip
and a shiver ran down her spine as she remember how she got the scar.
She was screaming and kicking, trying to fight off the strong man who
was taking her to the room where he could do all the nasty stuffs to her the
other girls told her about.
Shut up! Mary screamed harder. Shut yuh raas up! He said
and silenced her with a punch.
Mary pulled her hands away from her face and clenched them into fists
as she went into the shower. Scrubbing her skin as if trying to scrub away all
the hands that had touched her Mary watched as the brownish colour water
slowly swirl in the drain and she wished that the memories could fade as

Pauline walked into the kitchen, took up her phone and dialled the
number she dialled three years ago. Looking over her shoulder she put the
phone to her ears and said in a low voice, shes here.

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