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Experiential Learning Activity

Theme: A step to help the needy people with the most Basic necessity
of life.


Principles of Management
MAN 401


Spring 2014


Baber Saad Khairi


Group Members:

Muhammad Ali
Kamran Hassan
Syed Salman
Fahad Ahmed




This report discusses about our Experiential Learning Activity for our Principles
of Management Course. We have arranged a lunch distribution activity at
Edhi Center and among the needy peoples at the streets, it helped us to
transform ourselves from a group to a team and enhanced our managerial and
team-working skills. This activity includes brainstorming, planning and
execution of our planning, through arranging funds, purchasing and
distribution. This activity works as a link between the 'higher' people and the
'lower' people and recognizing them as being of equal value as human

Executive Summary
This ELA is led by a vision to help the needy peoples with food, in order to
achieve our goal we have planned a series of activities, arrangement of
financial resources, purchasing items, complete the packaging and dispatched
at Edhi Centre for distribution among needy people, The essential learning
part of ELA is group formation; informal friendly behavioral group possessing
strong cohesiveness and social norms that led to goals completion, The ELA
was led by Referent power in a consideration method, effective relation
oriented leadership style in democratic way, while motivated through path goal
strategy, to achieve the desired goals.

Table of Contents
Abstract...................................................................................................................... 2
Executive Summary.................................................................................................... 3
Introduction................................................................................................................ 6
Vision..................................................................................................................... 6
Provisioning the basics of life...............................................................................6
Mission................................................................................................................... 6
Goals...................................................................................................................... 6
Activities............................................................................................................... 6
Group formation......................................................................................................... 7
Team Structure..................................................................................................... 7
Group Tasks and Responsibilities.....................................................................7
Group operation................................................................................................... 7
Inputs................................................................................................................... 8
Process................................................................................................................. 8
Output ---group into a team.................................................................................8
Work Group Behavior........................................................................................... 8
Initiation of ELA.......................................................................................................... 9
Brain Storming..................................................................................................... 9
Resource Collection............................................................................................. 9
Purchasing............................................................................................................ 9
Resource Allocation............................................................................................. 9
Leadership................................................................................................................ 10
Source of power---Referent power..................................................................10
Leadership Models---Behavioral--Consideration..........................................10
Rating the consideration of leader.....................................................................10
Transformational Leader..................................................................................10
Fiedlers Model ---situation characteristics..................................................10
Leader-member relationship --- Good.................................................................11
Task Structure --- Low......................................................................................... 11
Position power ---weak....................................................................................... 11
Fiedlers Contingency Model...............................................................................11
Contingency model............................................................................................ 11

Motivation................................................................................................................. 12
Motivated with path goal.................................................................................12
Conclusion of ELA..................................................................................................... 13
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 14

Our ELA begins with a vision of a leader, specifying the theme, mission and
goals by group members, plan the activities to achieve goals and then leading
the mission a step forward towards the vision. Experiential Learning is a
prominent and proficient learning method for students, which not only involved
learning theories, statements and laws, it also conjure the student to apply
these theories practically and make them understand forever. Asst. Prof. Baber
Khairi is one of the pioneer for teaching in this methodology in our institute.
Under his privilege students get the opportunity to apply the learned concepts
in the real world.

Our ELA for management is based on a vision. Which states as,
Provisioning the basics of life
Believing and owning the vision, we are destined to help those who are under
held with even the basic necessities of life that is food, shelter and clothing.
Our mission and vision is to help them to our extents.

To help the needy peoples for their most basic requirement, so to provide them
with quality food is our mission.

Ensuing our vision we specify our goals and decide our lines and targets that
we have to achieve in our ELA. We then stipulate our vision to cater hunger
issues and extends our services to help in this cause. We decided to
contribution by ourselves first. Our objective is to understand a sense of wellbeing. To work as a team and create a team-man within us. Secondly to ensure
that we all with common taste, preference, liking, and attitude of working
together to accomplish a common goal. Our project will work as a link between
the 'higher' people and the 'lower' people and recognizing them as being of
equal value as human beings. To apply our course knowledge on something
practical and get a better understanding of what we have learned in our
principles of management Course.

In order to achieve goals, we have planned several activities which collectively
results our goals, the following activities we plan to carry out.

Brain storming for a properly planned activity in an organized way.

Arrangement of funds and purchasing of items.
Combining the collection then sorting and packing.

Selecting the NGO for resource allocation and provided them with lunch for

Group formation
One of the major task in our ELA was group formation, we made an informal
group which eventually transformed into friendly group consisting on a
Team Leader, Ali Khalid, Team Coordinators (Operations) Fahad Ahmed and
Kamran Hassan, and a Team Coordinator (marketing), Syed Salman. Following
are the details of our group formation, task division and designation.

Team Structure
Friendly Group


Team Leader



Group Tasks and Responsibilities


Informal Group


Ali Khalid

Team Leader



Team Coordinator

Executing Backup Plans

Fahad Ahmed

Team Coordinator




Team Coordinator

Executing Backup Plans
Resource Collector, Monitoring

Group operation
Group was operated and controlled centrally from group Leader, all the team
coordinators were assigned task and responsibilities and were operating their
tasks and decisions in their domains with mutual cooperation. Out of four
members three were privately employed group members, hence all task were
democratically handled in a team work.
All group members were explained briefly about the goals, activities and their
responsibilities and their working domains were defined to them.
One property for the group process is group norms, our group possess a social
and informal behavior and all of us enjoy our piece of task in ELA, we were lead
in a way that increase and motivated us being social and accomplishing our
task with full of interaction and interest.
Another property of our group process was Group cohesiveness, we all were
self-motivated as being friends and understanding colleagues, so there was a
lot of understanding between our group members. It seems obvious that many
a time we all used to go for a singly ask, we all enjoy in job by being together
in group and never mind if one is absent or missing.
Output ---group into a team
This ELA has transformed our group into a team, we have found our character
resemblance, tolerance for each others view and a healthy environment,
apart from achieving our goal , we have learn to convert a group into a team,
and understand the team work.
Work Group Behavior


Explain Motive
Task Allocation
Role Defining


Norm: Social
functional Behaviour
Group converted
Cohesive, attracted into team
and understanding
Task completion
Healthy and

ation of ELA
Brain Storming
We initiated our ELA by conducting two meetings in discussing and planning
the approaches to be followed, we design our plan of action, program our
availability and decide our activities. After calculating all the measure and ins
and outs of the activities, we started with resource collection.

Resource Collection
The most important factor in doing this activity is financial strength. We have
decided to do it on our own abilities and strength. We have to provide as many
peoples as we can with quality food. So not any of our group member
hesitated to contribute, all of us have contributed whatever we can in order to
accomplish our goal.
After collecting the funds, we went to purchase Biryani from Mateen Foods
(North Nazimabad) by analyzing the hygienic factor and quality with some
delightful taste, then we purchased fruits, Juices and prepared lunch Boxes at
the same time.

Resource Allocation
Our ELA leads to completion by allocating our collected resource to an NGO,
we have selected EDHI Centre (F.B Area) for resource allocation, we provided
them our lunch boxes and explaining them the cause for which we did, they

further told us to extend hands with us. Moreover they thanked for our support
and expect more. Then we also distribute some lunch boxes to the needy
peoples at the streets.

Our group for this ELA was led by Ali Khalid, he possess a referent power,
made a behavioral model and apply consideration method (employee
centered) structure. He bears good leader-member relation with low task
structure and weak position power, and holds relation-oriented leadership
style. Our leader is a democratic transformational leader he motivated all the
team members with path goal to achieve the desired targets.

Source of power---Referent power

Leader for our ELA holds and uses the Referent power for our group, because
he understands the situation of other members that they must be busy in their
other courses also, so he always coordinate and explain in easy and concern
way, he gives time, make, see and understand plan of action and co-ordinate
or follow up for its progress, he listen to everyone and give them time, so that
ELA should not be feel like a burden, he bears respect, loyalty and admiration
due to his character in the group.

Leadership Models---Behavioral--Consideration
In our ELA the leader edifice behavioral model, he understands the behavior of
every group member, and designate the task same wise. He has always been
seen in care and supportive for time managing in the group, all these trends
tends the group to drive to the goal automatically.
Rating the consideration of leader





Make fun to be a group 4


Advance notice for changes

Willing to make change `

as 4

Friendly, Approachable




*Rate for leader, from 1 (never does) to 5 (always does)

Transformational Leader
The leading role of our ELA reflects the transformational leadership, as the
leader share all the information to all group members, our leader conducted
several meetings and conference calls for proper coordination, most of the

time it has been observed that our leader blend our concern in the activity
hence he engage the members with all the matters and will.

Fiedlers Model ---situation characteristics

In accordance with Fiedlers model our leader lie in the situation characteristics
region, he leads, switch to various plans and take decision according to
situation. He fits in everyones concern in his decision and initializes the plan.
For example during our ELA there was an external issue that some of the
people were keeping an eye over our daily movement and activities, as soon
as the leader and group members identifies them, leader decide to change our
location for collection and minimize the activity for some time, as soon as the
thugs lost confidence from us, we started our campaign again, so this was a
good situational decision.
Leader-member relationship --- Good
Our group adores a good leader-member relationship; all members trust the
leader and have faith and confidence in his plan and strategy that under his
leadership we will achieve our goals.
Task Structure --- Low
Most of the time it has been experienced in our group that due to good friendly
group, all members are going with each other for single task, it reflects the
attitude that for our leader task structure was not high and he prefer social
interaction and healthy relationship overtask structure. Hence we can sum
up that our leader has low task structure.
Position power ---weak
As all of our group members were clear regarding vision and goals, hence our
leader emphasize more on to motivate and to manage the activities. So he
interacted weak position power in ELA.

Fiedlers Contingency Model

Contingency model
According to the characteristics of leadership our leader lies in the fourth kind
of leadership, moreover he bears an effective Relationship-oriented managerial

All our group members were self-motivated and interested in the ELA activities,
group members and leaders have a good compatibility and everyone is aware
of the fact to complete the ELA in the targeted time. It was a fortunate that the
group was motivated themselves and somewhat moral was being catered by
the leader related the understanding.

Motivated with path goal

The only method that our leader uses to motivate the members was the path
goal theory in our ELA, our leader clarify all the hurdles and challenges of goals
and activities. In this way the members can see their targets easily and move
in motivated and speedy way to achieve them.

Conclusion of ELA
ELA has enabled us to experience the management theories. We achieve our
goal by practicing these theories and also by acknowledging the theories we
are implementing, started from a group, led by a vision, planned activities,
controlled and managed tasks toward goals; arrangement of funds, finding the
right shops for purchasing, purchase it and submit them at Edhi Centre for
distribution and also distribute it among less privileged people, we again then
organize ourselves into a team of friends to continue our vision.
Experiential Learning activity enhances us the sense of working in a group to
achieve specified goals. It has developed the skills of leadership and
enlightened us the importance of motivation to get any work done. In a nutshell, group managing techniques, leadership style, and motivation and
managing the group process has made the group of 4 peoples who belong to
different backgrounds directed to achieve common goals which has developed
the group into a team.


Kathryn Bartol, 3rd Edition, Management - A Pacific Rim Focus: Leadership

Kathryn Bartol, 3rd Edition, Management - A Pacific Rim Focus: Motivation
Stephen Robbins and Mary Coulter, 11th Edition, Principles of Management:

Managers as Decision Makers.

Stephen Robbins and Mary Coulter, 11th Edition, Principles of Management:

Managing Teams
Stephen Robbins and Mary Coulter, 11th Edition, Principles of Management:
Understanding Individuals

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