GODS Chi Process Long

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Golden Orb of Divine Solar Chi

~ "GODS Chi" ~
Activation and Development Process
Long Version with Energy Art Images

All energy art images mentioned in the text appear at the end of this ebooklet, one per page, so you can print them easily for reference and use
them with this process.

Begin with the Heart-Breathing Process, breathing slowly and

rhythmically in and out through your heart.


Continue this process for 1-3 minutes.


Now move to breathing in through your heart and out through your solar


Continue this process for 1-3 minutes.


Now keep breathing using this rhythm to the best of your ability as we


Visualize a golden tetrahedron of superliminal light.


You can use Energy Art Image #1 as an attunement.


At the apex is the supremely radiant form of the Christic Solar Sun Spirit
and Archangel Arhaiel which both reside within our Higher Solar Logos.


Take a moment to breathe in the radiant capstone energies and to

move more deeply into Core Energy Resonance with them.


These capstone energies flowing out of our Higher Solar Logos

originate from the Blue Star Rigel.


Take a moment to move into resonance with the Blue Star energy.


You can use Energy Art Image #2 as an attunement.


Arhaiel emerged from our Christic Sun Spirit. The original merging of the
copyright 2011 Cosmic Nexus or as otherwise indicated ~ all rights reserved

Blue Star energy within our Sun formed the energy envelope for our
Christic Sun Spirit to dwell within.

You can use Energy Art Image #3 as an attunement.


Then there was a frequency shift that occurred as this inter-stellar

merging completed and these two energies formed one new energy and
birthed our Christic Sun Spirit which Archangel Arhaiel then was able to
later emerge from.


You can use Energy Art Image #4 as an attunement.


Take a few a moments to get a sense of these energies and find

resonance with them now.


Archangel Arhaiel should now be very present with you.


You can further strengthen your connection with Archangel Arhaiel.


You can use Energy Art Image #5 as an attunement.


Meditate on this image of Archangel Arhaiel's Shield.


Now that you have established an inner alignment and resonance with
Archangel Arhaiel and the Christic Sun-Spirit, you can complete the
building of your Divine Solar Temple of activation.


Each of the three points at the base of your Golden Pyramid are being
held by your right brain, your left brain and your heart.


You as a being of pure energy, consciousness and love, are positioned

dead center at the base of your pyramid.


There is a brilliant Solar Energy Beam moving down the tachyon column
of your pyramid.


This core beam originates from Archangel Arhaiel and the Christic SunSpirit at its upper most apex and moves down through you and its base.


You can use Energy Art Image #6 as an attunement.


This Solar Ray continues on through and below you moving into and
through another inverted mirror image of your pyramid.


The Solar energy beam passes through the inverted pyramid's lowest
apex into the center of the Earth, her Holy of Holies.
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Feel this powerful core Solar Ray passing through you as part of this
superliminal cosmic circuitry.


Breath the energy of the Solar Archangel Arhaiel and the Christic Sun
Spirit in through your heart chakra, and out through your solar plexus
chakra for 1-3 minutes.


Now shift and breath this energy in through your heart chakra and out
through your sacral or second chakra for 1-3 minutes.


Now shift again, and breath this higher Solar Logos energy from
Archangel Arhaiel in through your crown chakra and out through a point
directly between your solar plexus and your sacral or second chakra for
1-3 minutes.


As you breathe in the sacred harmonics and energies of the Higher

Solar Logos and Archangel Arhaiel, try to get a sense of a Golden Orb
forming around the 2nd and 3rd chakras.


You can use Energy Art Image #7 as an attunement.


This is your Golden Orb of Divine Solar Chi.


Move your conscious awareness as fully into its center as possible.


Draw all of your attention, awareness and energy into your Golden Orb
of Divine Solar Chi.


Allow your own energy system, intuition and inner guidance to now
direct you how to breathe in and out to further build Solar Chi power in
your Golden Orb.


Work with this until you feel it is complete.


Notice now that your Solar Chi Orb has energy spirals of light extending
up and down from it as part of the vertical flow of energy in your spine's
sushumnic channel.


Take a moment to play with the energy in these spirals of light.


Watch for pulses of light moving through them as you create intentions
and feel the energy they represent pulsing in your body.


Intentional mental energy tends to be seen pulsing in the upper spiral

and the associated feeling energy, which is the real power behind the
copyright 2011 Cosmic Nexus or as otherwise indicated ~ all rights reserved

intention, is usually seen pulsing in the lower spiral.


Play with this energy for a short bit and get a sense of these two energy
spirals working in full integration and perfect synchrony, harmony and
balance with each other and your Golden Orb of Divine Solar Chi.


There is also another powerful effect associated with your Golden Orb
of Divine Solar Chi that we can explore now.


Notice how if you stay centered in your orb with your awareness and
consciousness, when any external energy touches your field, the
Golden Orb will shoot out another energy spiral to interact with it.


Meanwhile your core energy, consciousness and awareness stay

centered within your Golden Orb of Divine Solar Chi.


Remaining within your Golden Orb of Divine Solar Chi is where you
remain centered in your own true inner power.


From this place within your Golden Orb you will also instantly and easily
know what level of resonance you have with anything and everything
that you encounter.


You will therefore also know very clearly what is appropriate for you in
terms of engagement, if any.


From this place of power in your Golden Orb you have the power to
KNOW your own energy and resonance very clearly.


With your awareness centered within this orb of Higher Solar power
vibrating within you, you will not have any need of judgement as a
mechanism to try and stay clear of, or to correct anything that may not
be right for you.


Take a moment to feel this beautiful smooth humming awesome Solar

Chi power within you. It is YOUR power. It is the core of your own
energy and resonance. It is your Divine Solar beingness.


Honor it, address it as you would an illumined being, you are addressing
the REAL YOU here.


Take a minute or two to interact intimately with this energy.


Become aware now of how various thoughts may cause you to wander
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out from the center of your Golden Orb of Divine Solar Chi.

Notice how when this happens it does not feel as good as staying
withing solidly centered with your awareness in your Golden Orb.


Notice how "going out" causes you to lose the keen sense of your true
inner power, clarity, core resonance, all of that good stuff...


Allow this heightened awareness and sensitivity to entrain you to a new

way of being and responding to life and everything and everyone in it.
This new way is to stay within your Golden Orb, always...


Take a minute or two to get a sense of living life from this place within
your Golden Orb of Divine Solar Chi and what that truly means.


In the future anytime anything approaches you, energetically or

otherwise, check to make sure you are in the center of your Golden Orb
of Divine Solar Chi, GODS Chi, your Higher Christ Self in form.


Then just allow a spiral of light to effortlessly shoot out from you to
interact, while your mind and feelings remain centered in your Golden
Orb of Divine Solar Chi.


Take a few minutes to play some more with these energy dynamics and
get more familiar with them.


Express your gratitude for the Solar Archangel Arhaiel's assistance in

helping you to activate and further develop your Golden Orb of Divine
Solar Chi.


Keep Arhaiel's energy in the forefront of your awareness, and stay

focused within your Golden Orb, and your GODS Chi will grow stronger
very quickly wherein it can liberate you from anything that holds you
back currently.

copyright 2011 Cosmic Nexus or as otherwise indicated ~ all rights reserved


Energy Art Image#1

copyright 2011 Cosmic Nexus

Energy Art Image #2

by Maia Nartoomid
copyright 2011
Spirit Heart Sanctuary

Energy Art Image #3

copyright 2011 Cosmic Nexus

Energy Art Image #4

copyright 2011 Cosmic Nexus

Energy Art Image #5

by Maia Nartoomid
copyright 2011
Spirit Heart Sanctuary

copyright 2011 Cosmic Nexus

Energy Art Image #6

copyright 2011 Cosmic Nexus

Energy Art Image #7

copyright 2011 Cosmic Nexus

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