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Applied to an aspect which is computed backward, against the order of the Signs; in
which the aspected body is elevated above the aspecting body. If this appears opposite to what
you sense it should be, remember that Ptolemy, who originated the term, knew only apparent
motion - that of the daily motion of the heavens because of the Earth's rotation; therefore the one
ahead, was on the right hand - dexter; and the one behind, was on the left hand - sinister. There
is some controversy as to which are the stronger, although the ancients gave preference to the
dexter. Today, some differentiation can be had by application of the Doppler effect noted in
spectroscopy, wherein the ray from a body whose position is becoming increasingly distant is
displaced toward the red end of the spectrum, while with lessening distance the displacement is
toward the violet end. Since the dexter aspect is forming as the result of increasing distance it
would show a displacement toward the red end, which would tend to introduce into the aspect a
measure of Mars energy; while the sinister aspect, forming as the result of decreasing distance,
would show a displacement toward the violet end, which would tend to introduce into the aspect
a measure of Venus or Jupiter geniality. From this one might infer that the relative desirability of
a dexter and sinister aspect is somewhat dependent upon the nature of the planets that are
Dhanus. The ninth. The Hindu name for the sign Sagittarius.
Dichotome, or Dicotome. (Gr. cut in half.) Applied to that phase of the lunar orb, or of an
inferior planet, in which only half of its disk appears illuminated, i.e. the First and Third
Quarters, in which the body is assuming the shape of a half-moon, and in which the Moon is said
to be oriental.
Dignities and Debilities. Conditions of placement wherein a planet's influence is
strengthened, are termed Dignities; if weakened they are termed Debilities. These are of two
varieties: Essential and Accidental.

Part One of this article.

A planet in a Sign in which it is strengthened, is in one of its Essential Dignities; in a House

in which it is strengthened, in its Accidental Dignity.

The Essential Dignities are: (1) when a planet is in a Sign of which it is the Ruler, when it is
said to be in its own Sign, or in its Domal Dignity. It is ambiguous and confusing to call this
its House-position. If the Sign which a planet rules is on the cusp of the House in which the
planet is posited, the planet may be described as the Lord of the House: but the strength as
such depends upon its Essential Dignity by virtue of its Sign placement. Some authorities
deem that placement in any other Sign of the same element as that of which it is the Ruler

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