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ISSN 1820-340X

ISSN 0352-2385


Annual Report for 2005


Editorial Board

Corresponding Member Vidojko Jovi

Academician Ivan Gutman
Corresponding Member Nikola Tuci
Academician Dragutin Drai
Academician Veselinka ui
Corresponding Member Aleksandar Loma
Corresponding Member aslav Oci
Corresponding Member Momilo Spremi
Academician Radomir Relji
Corresponding Member Vidojko Jovi
Academician Nikola Tasi
Translation and editing
Lynne Katsikas
Vera Gligorijevi
Kranislav Vrani
Press Expres, Belgrade


Editors Note
Interdepartmental Committees
Interacademic Cooperation
Interdepartmental Committees
Interacademic Cooperation
Interdepartmental Committee
Interacademic Committee


In 2005, the Scientic Research Fund of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and
Arts (SASA) provided and allocated the funds for scientic research, publishing activity,
interacademic and international cooperation, for the participation of SASA members
and their associates in scientic meetings in the country and abroad, for the acquisition
of scientic literature and for other SASA scientic research needs.
In 2005, the scientic research programme of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and
Arts, including its Branch in Novi Sad and the Centres in Ni and Kragujevac, was carried
out through 65 projects in the eld of natural sciences and mathematics, 16 projects in
the eld of technical sciences, 20 projects in the eld of medical sciences, 21 projects in
the eld of language and literature, 8 projects in the eld of social sciences, 42 projects in
the eld of historical sciences and 5 projects in the eld of ne arts and music.
The work results were published in scientic and professional journals and
monographs, or were presented at scientic meetings.
In 2005, 34 publications were published in the SASA editions. The total number of
copies was 17,098. In these SASA editions, 366 authors published 276 works.
In the course of 2005, 79 members and associates of the SASA made study trips
or participated in scientic meetings in the country and abroad. In addition, some
60 scientists visited the SASA either under bilateral agreements on free exchange of
researchers, or as participants in scientic meetings, lecturers and members of ocial
In 2005, the Academy organized 18 scientic meetings, 2 round tables, 9 lectures
and 2 commemorative gatherings.
The resources allocated by the Fund for the acquisition of professional literature in
2005, were mainly used for a subscription to foreign journals and the acquisition of other
foreign scientic publications according to the needs of the specied committees, research
teams and individuals, whose projects are carried out under the Academys scientic
research programmes. A portion of these resources was also used for the acquisition of
domestic scientic publications.


Department of Mathematics, Physics and Geo Sciences Department of

Mathematics, Physics and Geo Scie
(Corresponding Member Marko Ercegovac)
1. The historical and geological evolution of Serbia in the Phanerozoic
The complex study of Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments of Serbia from
palaeontologic, biostratigraphic and palaeoecological aspects was continued in 2005. It
included two main themes: The Devonian in the Carpatho-Balkanides of eastern Serbia
and geodynamics and the palaeoclimate as the basis of the development of Middle
Cretaceous land vegetation in the Central Tethys.
2. Investigation of fossil ora and fauna of Serbia
The study of the palaeontologic and biostratigraphic characteristics of green algae
(Dasycladacean from the Upper Turonian of NW Serbia), rudists (evolution, phylogeny,
biostratigraphy and taxonomy of the Senonian rudist genus Pseudopolyconites), echinoids
(the Eocene), conodonts (the Triassic of Serbia and Hungary), radiolarians (the Jurassic),
ostracodes (the Miocene and Pliocene), palynomorphs (the Permian-Triassic of the
Carpatho-Balkanides and Dinarides, the Middle and Upper Cretaceous of Vojvodina,
the Miocene of the Pannonian Basin) and mammals from Tertiary sedimentary basins of
Serbia was continued.
(Corresponding Member Marko Ercegovac)
Palaeontological and geological investigations of Devonian deposits in the area
of the Carpatho-Balkanides in eastern Serbia (in several large Alpine geotectonic units)
were nished. Investigations of palynomorphs from Upper Permian and Lower Triassic
sediments in Stara Planina (Carpatho-Balkanides) and the Poensko Lake Durmitor
(Dinarides) were continued.
Krsti B., Maslarevi Lj., Ercegovac M., Sudar M., Djaji S., 2004: Devonian in the Carpatho-Balkanides of Eastern Serbia. Bulletin T. CXXVIII de l`Academie serbe des sciences at
des arts, Science naturelles, 42, 7-16.
(Academician Stevan Karamata)
1. Terranes of Serbia and neighbouring areas (Academician Stevan Karamata)
The determination of the boundaries of the terranes in eastern Serbia continued.
The study of the olistostrome melange at the north of the Moraka Kapa (northern
Montenegro) is on-going.

Krsti B., Maslarevi Lj., Sudar M., 2005: On the Graptolitic Schists Formation (Silurian
- Lower Devonian) in the Carpatho-Balkanides of the Eastern Serbia. Annales gologiques de la
peninsule Balkanique, 66, 1-8, Beograd.

2. Movement of blocks and plates (Professor Dr Milorad Dimitrijevi)

The movements of blocks and units situated recently to the south of Tissia were
analysed and the formation of the geologic framework of the Balkan Peninsula was
explained. The study is in print by the Royal Society of London.
3. Ophiolitic belts of the Balkan Peninsula and the evolution of oceanic realms
(Academician Stevan Karamata)
The western belt of the Vardar Zone, as the youngest (the oceanic realm was
closed during the Early Maastrichtian) and therefore of special interest, was studied in
Karamata S., Sladi-Trifunovi M., Cvetkovi V., Milovanovi D., ari K., Oluji J., Vujnovi
L., 2005: The western belt of the Vardar Zone with special emphasis to the ophiolites of Podkozarje
the youngest ophiolitic rocks of the Balkan Peninsula. Bulletin CXXX de lAcademie Serbe des
Sciences et des Arts, Classe des Sciences mathematiques et naturelles, 43, 85-96, Beograd.

The unique occurrence of alkali basalts in the Dinaride ophiolite belt, as a ow inbetween the olistostrome units, indicates a more complex development of this oceanic
realm as was previously assumed.
Popevi A., Memovi E., Zakariadze G., Milovanovi D., Karamata S., 2005: The basalts of
Podpe (near Priboj, SW Serbia), the youngest (?) basaltic rocks of the Dinaridic ophiolitic basin.
Geologica Balcanica, vol. 34 (for 2004), No. 3-4, Soa.

4. Cherts: the inuence of the geologic environment on their properties

(Academician Stevan Karamata)
The study of the cherts of Uzlomac with extensions to the East (Nemila) and to
the West (eastern Kozara) was continued. The analytical work on new samples is in
5. The rift-magmatism of the Dinarides (Professor Dr Vera KneeviDjordjevi)
The meta-basalts of Dudin Kr, which represent the easternmost volcanics of this
magmatism, were investigated and the results published. A review of this volcanism is in
Memovi E., Cvetkovi V., Kneevi V., Zakariadze G., 2004: The Triassic metabasalts of
Dudin Kr, near Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia. Annales gologiques de la peninsule Balkanique,
65, 85-91, Beograd.

6. The post-collisional magmatism in the axial part of the Balkan Peninsula

(Professor Dr Vera Kneevi-Djordjevi)
The study of selected Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary granitic rocks continued
and was extended to the Variscan granitic rocks of eastern Serbia.
7. Metamorphism related to the emplacement of ophiolite complexes
(Academician Stevan Karamata)
The age determination obtained by the K-Ar and Ar-Ar of amphibolites from the
metamorphic rocks beneath ultramac rocks from middle Bosnia through western Serbia,
Albania and western Greece (up to southern Pindos) are almost identical, irrespective of

the applied method. This means that the results obtained by either of these methods are
reliable, probably because of the absence of signicant heating after the metamorphism.
The ultramacs were examined to determine whether their provenience was from
a subcontinent or a sub-oceanic mantle. The ultramacs from Ozren and Bistrica belong
to the rst group, i.e., they originated in the early rifting phase, whereas the Zlatibor
ultramacs belong to the second group, i.e., they originated during the formation of the
oceanic crust.
.., ., ., 2005:
. ( )

, 19-21, , . , .

8. The metamorphism in the area of Gora (South of Prizren) (Professor Dr

Vera Kneevi-Djordjevi)
The synthesis of metamorphism and magmatism of the Gora region is in preparation
by Dr G. Zakariadze and Professor Dr V. Cvetkovi.
9. The Neogene of Serbia (Dr Nadeda Krsti)
The rst international symposium on the Neogene of central and south-eastern
Europe was organized at Fruka Gora 25-27th May, 2005.
Krsti N., Semenenko V., Velitzelos E., Safak U., 2005: Lacustrine Upper Pliocene in the
southern and middle Europe. Bulletin CXXX de lAcademie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts,
Classe des Sciences mathematiques et naturelles, 43, 107-121, Beograd.

10. Rocks formed under high pressure - eclogites (Academician Stevan

Based on the chemistry of the co-existing minerals, the metamorphic evolution of
eclogites in the Serbo-Macedonian composite terrane was elaborated. On the basis of the
U-Pb age of zircons from the eclogites, the metamorphism occurred 455 6 Ma.
Korikovski S.P., Karamata S., Kotov A.B., Salnikova E.B., 2005: Caledonian kyanite-zoisite
eclogites of the Serbo-macedonian units: phase relations, reaction textures of exhumation stage
and U-Pb zircon age. 7th International Eclogite Conference, Mitteilungen der sterreichischen
Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, B. 150, p. 72, Wien.


(Academician Stevan Karamata)
The geomorphological map sheets: Vlasotince 3, Leskovac 2 and Uice 4 were
nished and are ready for printing.
In 2006, the work on the geomorphological map sheets: Vlasotince 4, Leskovac 3
and Sjenica 1 will begin.


(Academician Zoran Maksimovi)
1. The geochemistry of the upper mantle and the igneous rocks of the Earths

Investigation of basaltic rocks from Dinaric ophiolitic melange continued.

Geochemical analyses of major and trace elements using modern analytical methods

(XRF, ICP-MS) were performed at the University of Mainz (Germany). The obtained
results will be presented at the Congress of the Carpatho-Balkan Geological Association,
which will be held next year in Belgrade.
Prelevi D., 2005: Mediterranean Tertiary lamproites: a review of their origin, geodynamic
signicance and the relation with contemporaneous volcanism. Bulletin Academie Serbe des
Sciences et des Arts, Tome CXXX, Classe des sciences mathematiques et naturelles, Sciences
naturelles, No. 43, 57-85.
Prelevi D., Foley S.F., 2005: The origin of high-Mg olivines and Cr-rich spinel inclusions
from Mediterranean Tertiary lamproites: the case study from Vera, Spain. AGU Fall Meeting, San
Prelevi D., Foley S.F., Romer R.L., Cvetkovi V., Downes H., 2005: Tertiary Ultrapotassic
Volcanism in Serbia: Constraints on Petrogenesis and Mantle Source Characteristics. Journal of
Petrology, 46, 1443-1487.
Cvetkovi V., Hck V., Prelevi D., Lazarov M., Downes H., 2005: Mac alkaline
metasomatism in East Serbian mantle xenoliths: Evidence of Paleogene igneous processes in the
lithosphere. 7th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies, Opatija, 29.09-01.10.2005, Abstract
Book, 19-20.
Cvetkovi V., Hck V., Prelevi D., Downes H., Lazarov M., 2005: Pre-Paleogene evolution
of the lithospheric mantle beneath East Serbia: Evidence from peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths
and xenocrysts. GEOITALIA 2005, Spoleto 20-23. 09. 2005, 244.
Cvetkovi V., Hck V., Prelevi D., 2005: Mantle source characteristics of the Paleogene
mac alkaline rocks of the East Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides. MinPet 2005, Schladming, 25-29.
09. 2005. Mitteilungen sterreichische Geselschaft, 151.

2. Geochemistry of the rock alteration

The study of hydrothermally altered ultramac rocks in the western slopes of
the eljin Mt. (Serbia) continued. The results showed that a part of the hydrothermally
metasomatised ultramacs are really true listvenites, composed of Fe-magnesite
(breunnerite), Cr-illite and some quartz, with secondary spinel and traces of pyrite.
However, the major part of the veins in the locality of uti Kr are rich in breunnerite
and quartz but without visible Cr-illite. Instead Cr-bearing smectite appeared, replacing
the Cr-bearing illite. It seems that K-metasomatism was not, in this case, a widespread
process and lacking K, other Cr-bearing phylosilicates were formed. This is also the case
in the locality Rudnjak, where Cr-smectite and Cr-halloysite were the major alteration
products with silica masses and some sulphide minerals, including pyrite and galena.
The lithium (Li) status and intake of the inhabitants of Serbia were studied. The
conducted estimations in arable soils (n = 951) showed that the available Li ranges from
10 to 80 mg/kg. The obtained mean value for Li in the soils of Serbia (32.6 mg/kg) was
comparable with data for reference soils of the USA (33 mg/kg) and China (35 mg/kg).
The measurements of the Li content in mineral waters of Serbia showed that it ranges
from 80 to 300 g/L, while in humus and clay its content was 2000 times higher. The
water from Gornja Trepa has one of the highest Li concentrations, while one of the most
popular, Knjaz Milo, has 210 g/L. The amount of Li in a daily diet was determined
on the basis of 7 day duplicate diet analyses. In this study 63 adult volunteers (32 males
and 31 females) from dierent regions of Serbia participated. The daily Li intake ranged
from 184 to 1616 g (mean value 456 g). The serum levels of Li analysed in adults from
randomly selected males (n = 59) and females (n = 61) ranged from 6 to 30 g/L, while
the scalp hair levels of Li ranged from 8 to 217 g/kg. The obtained values were slightly
higher for females than for males, and lower in smokers and alcohol consumers than in
non-smokers and non-alcohol consumers.

There are many resorts with therapeutical muds in Serbia. They are located in
various parts of Serbia and are characterized by dierent geological settings. The mineral
composition of the therapeutical mud from Gamzigradska Banja is: quartz, feldspar,
calcite and clay minerals (illite, smectite, and kaolinite). The therapeutical mud from
Soko Banja contains calcite, quartz, feldspar and clay minerals (mostly smectite; illite and
kaolinite are less abundant). Mud from Bujanovaka Banja consists of feldspars, quartz,
calcite and clay minerals (mostly smectite). All muds are used as packs in treatment of
There are some therapeutical clays on the Serbian market. The mineral composition
of clay for internal use is as follows: kaolinite, illite and illite-smectite. Clay for external
use contains illite, kaolinite, and smectite. Another clay from the Belgrade area (clay
of Miocene age) is used in an external and internal manner. It consists of almost pure
smectite. Medical paste made from clay is composed of illite, kaolinite, quartz and
The chemical composition of therapeutical muds and clays from Serbia is in
accordance with their mineral composition. All the studied samples are characterized by
a prevalence of trivalent iron and calcium in relation to divalent iron and magnesium.
The highest concentrations of Cr and Ni were found in clay from Mirijevo, and of Zn, Pb
and Cu in therapeutical mud from Gamzigradska Banja.
Maksimovi Z.J., Jovi V., 2005: Rare earth elements in the karstic bauxites of Nikika
upa, Montenegro, and their importance. Bulletin Academie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts,
Tome CXXX, Classe des sciences mathematiques et naturelles, Sciences naturelles, No. 43,

Maksimovi Z.J., Jovanovi T., Rumovi M., 2005: Waters issuing from ultramac
rocks of Zlatibor Mountain and their eects on health. Bulletin Academie Serbe des
Sciences et des Arts, Tome CXXX, Classe des sciences mathematiques et naturelles,
Sciences naturelles, No. 43, 13-23.

Jovi V., 2005: Using of therapeutical muds and clays in Serbia return to the Earth.
, 8-11 2005, , , 280-285.
Djuji I., Jovi V., Brkovi V., 2005: Lithium status and intake estimations in Serbia. Satellite Symposium on Lithium, October, 12th 2005, Proceedings, Athens (Greece), 125-135. (www.

3. Mineralogy
The Neolithic ceramic fragments were investigated by the following mineralogical,
chemical and physical methods: optical polarizing and electron scanning microscopy,
as well as XRF analysis, X-ray diraction, and visible and infrared spectroscopy. In this
way, the mineral composition, microstructure and colour origin of the ornaments of
ten Neolithic specimens of ceramics from the following localities: Davidovac (Motel
Slatina), Starevo, Stragari and Lepenski Vir were determined. Additionally, a possible
raw material for the manufacture of ceramics was analysed (sonda Zipp III). Attention
was focused on the ceramics from the locality Motel Slatina with the intention of
investigation its similarity with the mineral composition of the possible raw material.
As this kind of investigation was applied for the rst time in Serbia, specimens from
the other localities were included as references in order to gain a more complete picture
about the mineral composition, microstructure, production and decorative techniques
in the Neolithic period. The objective of these investigations was to ascertain eventual

dierences in the raw materials and production techniques among the specimens and
thus make a contribution to the archaeological view on social and cultural development
in the Neolithic period.
The connection between the appearance of a specic mineral structure of serpentine
and its geological circumstances was studied. A vein of serpentine mineral from Crni
Kamen (Kaanik), which has a polygonal morphology and a clinochrysotile, 2Mc1,
structure was investigated. Parallel grooves (striations) on the surface of the mineral are a
consequence of shearing stress caused by intensive tectonic movement. Having assumed
that shearing stress had had a signicant inuence on the arrangement of the bres,
sections parallel with and perpendicular to the striation were cut. The surface of both
ion - thinned slices were examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission
electron microscopy (TEM).
All four carbonate samples from the Rujevac hill (village Ba, Serbia) were composed
of calcite, with about 99 % being CaCO3. The ne-grained limestone and marble contain
traces of Ni, Mg, Fe and Cr. The very low contents of these elements did not aect the
crystal structure, hence neither dierences in the cell parameters nor in the IR spectra
was observed. Calcite from the edge veins had primarily crystallised as aragonite, and
not even traces of Mg or Ni were detected. Yellow carbonate is also calcite but with rather
high concentrations of Mg (0.82 %) and Ni (0.29 %). Isomorphous substitution of Ca
with Mg and Ni reects on the cell dimensions, and decreases and shifts the IR band from
712 cm-1 to 718 cm-1.
The mineral composition and paragenetic relations of the occurrence of antimony
and tungsten in the ore from Osanica in eastern Serbia were investigated. In addition to
common minerals (barite, realgar, auripigment) in this unique locality, rare minerals,
such as coloradoite, were also studied.
Logar M., Peri S., Poharc-Logar V., Mellini ., 2004: Mineral composition,
microstructure and colour of Neolithic pottery with an insight into production technology.
Monography The Neolithic in the Middle Morava Valley, Archaeological Institute
Belgrade, Regional Museum Jagodina, Regional Museum Parain, 49-69, Belgrade.




(Academician Bogoljub Stankovi)

The examination of mathematical models in the space of generalized functions

was continued in the year 2005. The obtained results were reported during the
PROBLEMS IN MECHANICS, 11-14 September 2005. Another goal in the year 2005
was to examine fractional derivatives and integrals and their applications to mathematical
models in mechanics. Hence, an expansion formula for fractional derivatives, given in the
form of a series involving the function and moments of its k-th derivative, was derived.
Atanackovi T.M., Stankovi B., 2005: An expansion formula for fractional
derivatives and its pplication. International Symposium on Nonconservative and
Dissipative Problems in Mechanics, 11-14 IX 2005, Novi Sad.
(Academician Mileva Prvanovi)

Using the holomorphic curvature tensor of an almost Hermitian, an almost paraHermitian, an almost product manifold and an almost complex manifold with Norden
metric, the conformal invariant tensors were obtained.
The product conformal at locally decomposable Riemannian manifolds, the
curvature tensor of which can be expressed in the terms of the Ricci tensor only, were
investigated. Three such cases exist, each of which is a product quasi-Einstein.
Prvanovi M., 2005: Some applications of the holomorphic curvature tensor. Tensor, 66,
Prvanovi M., 2005: On some product conformally at locally decomposable Riemannian
manifolds. Bulletin CXXXI de lAcademie serbe des sciences et des arts, Classe des sciences
mathmatiques et naturelles, Sciences mathmatiques, 30, 61-75.


(Academician Olga Hadi)
In paper 1, t-norms (a special class of semi-groups in the interval [0.1]), which
are important in the xed point theory in probabilistic metric spaces, were investigated.
In addition to the class of t-norms of h-type (which was introduced by O. Hadi in
the paper Some theorems on the xed point in probabilistic metric and random normed
space, Boll. Unione Mat. Ital., 1982, 381-391), which are used by many mathematicians
in the xed point theory, tit was also proved in this paper that geometrically convergent
t-norms (this notion was introduced by the authors) can be used as a tool for the proofs
of many existing xed point theorems in probabilistic metric spaces. Some applications
in the theory of stochastic operator equations were given.
In paper 2, using some results of Lojasiewicz concerning the existence of a solution
to some classes of iterative functional equations, a generalization of the Tardi xed point

theorem in probabilistic metric spaces (R.M. Tardi, Contraction maps on probabilistic

metric spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 165, 1992, 517-523) was proved.
1. Hadi O., Pap E., 2005: Triangular norms in probabilistic metric spaces and xed point
theory. In: E.P. Klement, R. Mesiar (editors), Logical, Algebraic, Analytical and Probabilistic
Aspects of Triangular Norms, Elsevier, 443-472.
2. Hadi O., Pap E., Budinevi M., 2005: A generalization of Tardi s xed point theorem
in probabilistic metric spaces and applications to random equations. Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
156, 124-134.


(Academician Drago Cvetkovi)

Investigations in graph theory supported by the programming packages GRAPH

and newGRAPH are among the important activities in this project. These packages
accelerate the process of posing, verifying and disproving conjectures in graph theory.
Paper [1] contains a comprehensive survey of the results obtained by GRAPH during the
period 1982 - 2001.
Combinatorial optimisation, a long term area of investigation within this project,
was presented in paper [2] in 2005. Motivated by an auxiliary task related to the travelling
salesman problem, the set of Hamiltonian circuits of a complete graph was studied.
Hamiltonian circuits are classied by the eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix belonging
to the second largest eigenvalue.
Several strategies for the hybridisation of dierent metaheuristic methods (Variable
Neighbourhood Search, Genetic Algorithm and Tabu Search) were proposed. The main
idea was to improve the performance of each particular method. The obtained hybrid
methods were tested on the Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem with Communication
1. Cvetkovi D., Simi S., 2005: Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system Graph - an extended survey. Graphs and Discovery, ed. S. Fajtlowicz, P. Fowler, P.
Hansen, M. Janowitz, F. Roberts, DIMACS Series in Discrete Math. and Theor. Comp. Sci., Amer.
Math. Soc., 39-70.
2. Cvetkovi D., angalovi M., Kovaevi-Vuji V., 2005: Counting Hamiltonian
circuits with the same eigenvector for the second largest eigenvalue. In: J. Vuleta, M. Backovi
(ed.), Zbornik radova XXXII Simpozijuma o operacionim istraivanjima, SYM-OP-IS 2005,
Vrnjaka Banja, 27-30. 9. 2005, Centar za izdavaku delatnost Ekonomskog fakulteta u Beogradu,
3. Davidovi T., 2005: Hybridization of metaheuristic methods for multiprocessor scheduling. Proceedings Symposium on information technology, YUINFO 2005 (on CD130.pdf),
Kopaonik, March 7-11, 2005. (in Serbian).


(Academician Aleksandar Ivi)

The main eld of research in 2005 was on the Riemann zeta-function (s), including
power moments, Mellin transforms, as well as a class of identities. In addition to this,
work was done on a problem of Erds involving the largest prime factor of an integer.
In papers [1] and [2], the connections between the mean value of the Riemann
zeta-function and the classical divisor problem were discussed.
Paper [3] deals with a problem of Erds involving the largest prime factor of an
integer and the related Smarandache function.

Paper [4] furnishes the analytic continuation of the Mellin transform of |( + it)|2
to the whole complex plane, with the precise location of the poles.
Paper [5] gives several new identities for the Riemann zeta-function by using
properties of the integral transforms related to it.
In April 2005, A. Ivi gave an oral presentation at a conference in St. Petersburg
dedicated to the 90th birthday of the great mathematician Yu.V. Linnik. In September
2005, he was a guest of honour at the 36th Mathematical Congress of Iran in Yazd, where
he gave a plenary lecture on integral transforms of the Riemann zeta-function.
1. Ivi A., 2004: The Riemann zeta-function and the divisor problem. Workshop Report,
46, 39-41, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach.
2. Ivi A., 2005: On the Riemann zeta function and the divisor problem II. Central
European Journal of Mathematics, 3 (2), 203-214.
3. Ivi A., 2005: On a problem of Erds involving the largest prime factor of n. Monatshefte
fr Mathematik, Wien, 145, 35-46.
4. Ivi A., 2005: The Mellin transform of the square of Riemanns zeta-function. International
Journal of Number Theory, 1, 65-73.
5. Ivi A., 2005: Several identities for the Riemann zeta-function II. Facta Universitatis,
Ni, 20, 1-8.

(Academician Vojislav Mari)

Two kinds of problems were studied: 1) problems related to the approximation of

solutions in the boundary layer of some non-linear dierential equations; 2) asymptotic
equivalence of solutions to linear and non-linear dierential equations of second and
third order.
Adi N., Ovcin Z., 2004: Orthogonal series approximation for boundary layers, The First
International Conference on Computational Mechanics, Belgrade, November 15-17, 2004,
Mari V., 2005: On Asymptotic Equivalence for Nonlinear ODE with Applications. The 2005
International Conference on Dierential Equations and Mathematical Physics, Birmingham,
Alabama, March 29-April 2, 2005, 13.
Mari V., 2005: An Asymptotic Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear ODE of the Third Order.
The Symposium on Nonconservative and Dissipative Problems in Mechanics, Novi Sad, September 11-14, 2005.


(Academician Boidar D. Vujanovi)

During the year 2005, research on the Project was realized in accordance to the
general Plan, the outlines of which were described in the Project Proposal.
The main eort during the year was devoted to the study of linear and non-linear
rheonomic oscillatory dynamical problems by means of the Hamilton-Jacobi method. In
addition to nding the Hamiltonian (classical) function, nding the Hamilton principal
function for the aforementioned problems was considered.
The preliminary results were presented at the 25th Yugoslav Congress of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics, held in Novi Sad (June 1-3, 2005).

Bali B.S., Vujanovi B.D., 2005: The Field Method for Arbitrary Rheo-linear dynamical
systems. 25th Yugoslav Congress on heoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 1-3, 2005, Novi
Sad, The Book of Abstracts, 24.


(Corresponding Member Stevan Pilipovi)

As a result of the work within this project, two papers were published. The rst
paper is related to generalized function algebras and their extensions. By means of
generalised complex functions, new classes of generalised functions were dened and
examined. The second paper deals with the ne resolution of a vector eld important in
the theory of complex dierential manifolds.
Pilipovi S., 2005: Generalized hyperfunctions and algebra of megafunctions. Tokyo Journal of Mathematics, 28, 1-12.
Milenkovi O., Pilipovi S., 2004: Fine resolution of the sheaf of germs of holomorphic
projective vector elds. Revue Roumaine de Mathmatiques Pures et Appliques (Romanian
Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics), 49, 481-499.


(Academician Fedor Herbut)

The research was conned to the oce with ample use of the World Wide Web.
Field of research: distant correlations, quantum information theory and the theory
of quantum communication.
The primitive concept of quantum coherence was studied as a special relation
between variable and state, and a denition of a simultaneous measure of coherence
and of incompatibility of these two entities was given. A number of properties of these
measures was proved. Continuing this research, it was shown that quantum discord the
known measure of the quantum part of bipartite correlations is always the dierence
between two sets of coherence information, the global and the local ones.
Herbut F., 2005: A quantum measure of coherence and incompatibility. Journal of Physics
A: Mathematical and General, 38, 2959-2974.
Herbut F., 2005: Mutual information of bipartite states and quantum discord in terms of
coherence information. International Journal of Quantum Information, 3, 1-38.
Herbut F., 2005: The fundamentals of quantum mechanics today. Inaugural lecture 2004.
Bulletin T. CXXX de lAcademie serbe des sciences et des arts, Classe des Sciences mathematiques et naturelles, Science naturelles, No 43, 129-137.



(Academician Fedor Mesinger)

Activities in 2005, as before within this project, were aimed at further renement
of the Eta model, and also at applications of the model for regional weather and climate
purposes. In this general sense, a major event in 2005 was a workshop, the second in
a sequel, Design and Use of Regional Weather Prediction Models, organized at the
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, 11-19 April.
At the workshop tutorial lectures were given on various features of the Eta model, most of
which are now available now on the ICTP web site (
display.php?smr=0&ida=a04186). In the lab, an updated version of the Eta model was
prepared, which included a number of features which were earlier tested as part of the
work on the project. Among them was rened Eta discretisation, via the introduction of
sloping steps, most work on which was done in 2004. The discretisation was improved
in 2005 and additional real data cases were run (Jovi, Lazi, ivkovi). The as-developed
renement is an add-on to the traditional step-topography eta code. Its robustness was
conrmed in real-time running by ivkovi.
One task worked on in 2005 was initialisation of the model for weather prediction
purposes using a modied form of the so-called super-Matsuno scheme. Focus was
on applications in a forward-only, as opposed to a backward-forward use. Prospects of
using the forward-only alternative along with a simple data assimilation scheme look
promising (Lazi).
Another sub-project addressed the eects of the release of contaminants into the
atmosphere above Serbia (Lazi).
Maintenance of kinetic energy in long term Eta model integrations is a topic
on which work was commenced in 2005 (Veljovi, Lazi, Mesinger). This is a topic of
considerable interest in view of the fact that some results indicate that some limited area
models experience diculties in this respect when run in the regional climate mode.
As a result, numerous authors resort to nudging of large scales in such integrations,
a practice in some conict with the mathematical nature of the problem. It is expected
that the Eta model, due to its lateral boundary scheme, and perhaps also discretisation
methods, might perform better in maintaining its largest scales; a number of results
support this expectation. Understanding the issues involved was the goal of this work. A
master thesis was completed in 2005 (Veljovi).
Lazi L., 2005: Initialization using an iterative Matsuno style scheme in the Eta Model adjustment stage. Spring Colloquium on the Physics of Weather and Climate: Regional Weather
Prediction Modelling and Predictability, 11-22 April 2005, ICTP, Trieste. Available at
Mesinger F., 2005: Regional NWP modeling and predictability, introduction. The Eta Model
numerical design: Lateral boundary conditions, time dierencing. Lecture notes, Workshop on
Design and Use of Regional Weather Prediction Models, The Abdus Salam International
Centre for Theoretical Physics, Miramare, Trieste, Italy, 11-19 April 2005, 45 pp. Available at
Mesinger F., 2005: The Eta Model numerical design: Vertical coordinate. Lecture notes,
Workshop on Design and Use of Regional Weather Prediction Models, The Abdus Salam
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Miramare, Trieste, Italy, 11-19 April 2005, 41 pp.
Available at
Mesinger F., 2005: Eta Model at NCEP: Challenges overcome and lessons learned. Lecture
notes, Workshop on Design and Use of Regional Weather Prediction Models, The Abdus
Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Miramare, Trieste, Italy, 11-19 April 2005, 42
pp. Available at
Mesinger F., 2005: Numerical methods in weather and climate modeling: From Milankovitch
to the present, and beyond. Proceedings, Milutin Milankovitch Anniversary Symposium:
Paleoclimate and the Earth Climate System, A. Berger, M. Ercegovac, F. Mesinger, Eds.,
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 43-54.
Miji Z., Lazi L., Raji S., Tasi M., Novakovi V., 2005: Air-Back Trajectories analysis for
High PM Concentration Episodes. The Changing Chemical Climate of the Atmosphere, First
Accent Symposium, Urbino, September 12-16, 2005, Book of Abstracts, 42.
Raji S., Miji Z., Lazi L., Tasi M., Novakovi V., 2005: Analysis of PM10 and PM2.5
Air Pollution Episodes in Belgrade. The Sixth European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry
(EMEC6), Belgrade, December 6-10, 2005, The Book of Abstracts, 276.
Veljovi K., 2005: Impact of the boundary conditions to long term integrations of the
Eta Model. Mr. Sc. Theses (in Serbian). Department of Meteorology, University of Belgrade.


(Corresponding Member Zavia Janji)

The general objective of the project was to develop a physical and numerical model
of the atmosphere which could be used for the simulation and forecasting of meso scale
atmospheric processes, as well as for studies of environmental problems on meso scales.
Work on the validation and further improvements of the model, pre-processing, postprocessing and computer graphics systems continued in 2005. Several improvements
of the planetary boundary layer parameterisation were introduced. Among others, the
contribution of sub-grid scale moist convection to the production of turbulent kinetic
energy was added. The issue of heat exchange between the surface and the atmosphere
under very stable conditions was re-addressed in the surface layer parameterisation.
New prognostic parameters were added to the output list of the model. Preparatory work
aimed at the application of model data for the estimation of climatologic parameters
which are poorly observed, or not observed at all, was commenced.

Gopalakrishnan S.G., Surgi N., Tuleya R., Jovic D., Black T., Michalakes
J., Janjic Z. I., 2005: NMM-WRF Nesting. Extended abstract, Joint WRF/MM5 Users

Workshop, NCAR, June 27 30, 2005, Boulder, Colorado, 3 pp.

Janjic Z., 2005: A unied model approach from meso to global scales. Preprints, European
Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2005, April 24 29, 2005, Vienna, Austria.
Janjic Z., Black T., Pyle M., Rogers E., Chuang H., DiMego G., 2005: Hazardous weather
prediction using the WRF NMM. (solicited) Preprints, European Geosciences Union, General
Assembly 2005, April 24 29, 2005, Vienna, Austria.
Janjic Z., Black T., 2005: From global to meso scales with a unied model. Extended
abstract, 21st Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/17th Conference on Numerical
Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, July 31 August 5, 2005, Washington,
DC, 4 pp.
Janjic Z., Black T., Pyle M., Rogers E., Chuang H.-Y., DiMego G., 2005: High resolution
applications of the WRF NMM. Extended abstract, 21st Conference on Weather Analysis and
Forecasting/17th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, July 31 August 5, 2005, Washington, DC, 21 pp.

Janjic Z., Black T., Pyle M., Chuang H-Y., Rogers E., DiMego G., 2005:
The NCEP WRF Core. Extended abstract, Joint WRF/MM5 Users Workshop, NCAR, June

27 30, 2005, Boulder, Colorado, 3 pp.

Purser J.R., Janjic Z.I., Black T.L., 2005: A bi-cylindrical Yin-Yang global grid geometry
applied to the NCEP Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model. Abstract, 21st Conference on Weather
Analysis and Forecasting/17th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society, July 31 August 5, 2005, Washington, DC.


(Academicians Boidar D. Vujanovi and Fedor Mesinger)
Topic: Chaos and stability in the motion of small solar system bodies
(Principal Investigator: Dr Zoran Kneevi)

The examination of the fullment of conditions for the application of the

Nekhoroshev theorem to real dynamical systems was successfully completed. The
region in the phase space of orbital elements occupied by the Veritas asteroid family was
mapped in terms of the 3jet condition. It was found that the theorem can be applied
to the dynamics in the Veritas family, since the 3-jet condition is satised in the stable
region, and not satised in the chaotic zone associated with the (5,2,2) three body
mean motion resonance JupiterSaturn-asteroid. Thus the dynamics in the former region
appears to be in the Nekhoroshev regime, while in the latter it is in the chaotically diusive
Chirikov regime.
A study of the motion of the asteroids in the Veritas family region and the
determination of the corresponding coecients of diusion was also completed. The
age of this family was estimated by means of two independent methods, one based on
the convergence of the nodal longitudes of the orbits of the family members with stable
motion, and the other based on the modied chaotic chronology method applied to the
family members with chaotic motion. Both methods indicate that the family might be
My old, which makes it one of the youngest in the solar system.
An original method to compute asteroid preliminary orbits, which enables a
reduction in real time of any amount of data contemporary observational techniques can
produce, was introduced. An algorithm was developed to link two short observational
series by means of an attributable (two positions and two angular velocities at the mean
epoch of observations), and to nd the third associated series, thus providing for a reliable
identication of objects and an accurate determination of their orbits. The procedures
were tested with large simulations of observation runs and it was found that they ensure
a high reliability and degree of completeness of identications, being simultaneously
ecient enough to cope with the expected amount of output of the next generation of
all-sky surveys.
Topic: The motion of major planets and their satellites
(Principal Investigator: Vojislava ProtiBeniek, MA)

CCD observations of the major planets Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, as well as of the
satellites of Uranus, were performed. A preliminary reduction of the data was completed,
while the nal results will be submitted to the Minor Planet Center, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Final results of the analysis of the transits of Mercury (from 2003) and of Venus (from
2004) were prepared for publishing.

Corrections of proper motions were computed for a number of stars of the

HIPPARCOS catalogue determined from satellite observations, for which a long series
of ground-based observations were also available. The obtained results were compared
with those of other authors and good agreement (within observational errors) was found.
In this way, a contribution was made to improvements of the International Celestial
Reference Frame, which is represented by the HIPPARCOS catalogue in the optical part
of the spectrum.
Milani A., Kneevi Z., 2005: From Astrometry to Celestial Mechanics: Orbit Determination with Very Short Arcs. In: A Comparison of the Dynamical Evolution of Planetary Systems. The Heinrich Eichhorn Lecture, R. Dvorak and S. Ferraz-Mello, Eds., Springer, Dordrecht,
Milani A., Gronchi G.F., Kneevi Z., Sansaturio M.E., Arratia O., 2005: Orbit determination
with very short arcs. II Identications. Icarus, 179, 350374.
Kneevi Z., Gronchi G.F., 2005: Orbit determination from very short arcs: attributable
orbital elements and their uncertainty. Abstracts Book, IAU Symposium 229 Asteroids,
Comets, Meteors 2005, 102103.
Kneevi Z., Tsiganis K., Varvoglis H., 2005: Chaotic diusion in the Veritas asteroid family
region. Fourth Meeting on Celestial Mechanics, CELMEC IV, Abstracts, 14.
Kneevi Z., Tsiganis K., Varvoglis H., 2005: Age of the Veritas asteroid family from two
independent estimates. 14th National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia and Montenegro,
Book of Abstracts, 19.
Pavlovi R., 2005: Applicability of the Nekhoroshev theorem in Veritas family chaotic
region. Abstracts Book, IAU Symposium 229 Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2005, 80.
Pavlovi R., 2005: Applicability of Nekhoroshevs theorem in some selected chaotic regions.
14th National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia and Montenegro, Book of Abstracts, 20.
Benishek V., Protitch-Benishek V., 2005: CCD Observations of Solar System Bodies from
Belgrade Astronomical Observatory. Proceedings of the IV SerbianBulgarian Conference,
Damljanovi G., Vondrak J., 2005: Improved proper motions in declination of some
HIPPARCOS stars derived from observations of latitude. Proc. of Journes 2004 Systmes de
Rfrence Spatio Temporels Fundamental Astronomy: New concepts and models for high
accuracy observations, Ed. N. Capitaine, Obs. de Paris, 230231.
Damljanovi G., 2005: Method of calculation to improve proper motions in declination
of HIPPARCOS stars observed with Photographic Zenith Tubes. Book of Abstracts of Journes
2005 Systmes de Rfrence Spatio Temporels Earth dynamics and reference systems: ve
years after the adoption of the IAU 2000 Resolutions, 1921 September 2005, Warsaw, Obs. de
Paris and Polish Academy of Sciences, 78.
Damljanovi G., Pejovi N., 2005: Groundbased latitude data and the improved reference frame. 14th National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia and Montenegro, Book of
Abstracts, 42.

(Corresponding Member Nikola Konjevi)

The results of a Doppler spectroscopic study of the hydrogen Balmer alpha line
in an abnormal glow discharge operated in pure hydrogen conrmed the presence of
excessive broadening in the low electric eld region of a negative glow. This eect is
related to the collisions of fast hydrogen atoms with molecular hydrogen. The collision
model also enabled an estimation of the eective cross section data from the decay curves
of the Balmer alpha axial intensity.
A Doppler spectroscopic study of the hydrogen and deuterium Balmer lines in a
stainless steel and copper hollow cathode glow discharge, operated in pure hydrogen,

deuterium and mixtures of inert gases with hydrogen also showed excessively broad
line wings for all the gases and gas mixtures. By changing the mode of operation of the
glow discharge, the Doppler broadened line proles in a helium-hydrogen mixture were
recorded parallel to the discharge electric eld. If the direction of the electric eld was
changed, the excessively broadened part of the line prole was shifted towards blue or red
wavelengths, which is in agreement with the predictions of the collision model.
A comparative study of the shapes of the hydrogen H alpha line in titanium and
stainless steel hollow cathode discharges run with hydrogen or an argon-hydrogen
mixture demonstrated the possibility of using the excessively broadened part of the line
prole for monitoring the heavy particle-cathode surface interaction.
The results of an experimental study along the carbon isoelectronic sequence of
analogous spectral lines of singly ionised nitrogen and doubly ionised oxygen in a plasma
of pulsed capillary discharge show diculties during the electron temperature scaling of
the Stark broadening data along the sequence. The same results explain the erroneous
conclusions of an earlier experiment. Theoretical calculations of the plasma broadened
line widths of the N II and O III ions demonstrate the high reliability of a modied
semi-empirical formula, which compares very well with the experimental results and
sophisticated semi-classical calculations.
A study of the shapes of the neon line in a pulsed capillary plasma and an
estimation of the contribution of ion broadening to the line width indicated cause of
possible systematic errors in another experiment and conrmed the validity of earlier
theoretical results based on the quasistatic ion approximation.
Cvetanovi N., Kuraica M.M., Konjevi N., 2005: Excessive Balmer line broadening in a
plane cathode abnormal glow discharge in hydrogen. Journal of Applied Physics, 97, 033302-8.
iovi N.M., Majstorovi G.Lj., Konjevi N., 2005: Excessive hydrogen and deuterium
Balmer lines broadening in a hollow cathode glow discharges. European Physics Journal D, 32,
Ivkovi M., Ben Nessib N., Konjevi N., 2005: Stark broadening of 3s3P0-3p3D and 3p3D3 0
3d F transitions along carbon isoelectronic sequences of ions revisted. Journal of Physics B:
Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics, 38, 715-728.
Jovievi S., Ivkovi M., iki R., Konjevi N., 2005: On the Stark broadening of Ne I lines
and quasistatic versus impact approximation. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular, Optical
Physics, 38, 1249-1259.
Konjevi N., Majstorovi G.Lj., iovi N.M., 2005: Excessive broadening of hydrogen
Balmer lines for discharge-surface interaction monitoring. Applied Physics Letters, 86, 251502,
three pages.


(Corresponding Member Djordje ijaki)

The covering of the ane symmetry group, a semi-direct product of translations

and special linear transformations, in D greater than or equal to 3 dimensional spacetime was considered. Innite dimensional spinorial representations on states and elds
are presented. A Dirac-like ane equation, with innite matrices generalizing the gamma
matrices, was constructed.
Embedding of a bosonic and/or fermionic p-brane into a generic curved Ddimensional space-time was considered. In contradistinction to the bosonic p-brane case,
when there are no constraints whatsoever on generic curving, the usual superbrane can

be embedded into a curved space-time of a restricted curviture only. A generic curving is

achieved by extending the odd sector of a superbrane as to transform w.r.t. SL (D,R), i.e.
Di (D,R) innite-component spinorial representations. Relevant constructions in the
D=3 case were considered.
ijaki Dj., 2005: Ane Particles and Fields. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 2, 159-188.
ijaki Dj., 2005: Superbranes and Generic Curved Spacetime. 3rd Summer School in
Modern Mathematical Physics, SFIN, 18, No. A1, 337-348.

Interdepartmental Committee:
(Academician Zoran Maksimovi)

All aerobic organisms had to develop an anti-oxidative defence system (AODS)

against reactive oxygen species (ROS), especially from extremely reactive free radicals
(FR), which are naturally formed and may damage the biosystem with their reactivity.
Mammals developed a multi-level organization of defence from various dangerous eects
of ROS production. An AODS has its own capacity for redox scavenging (and also repair
from injuries), which includes various specic proteins and non-proteins, enzymatic
defenders, vitamins, essential trace elements, the engagements of which depend on the
specicity of the species and individual. Exposure of a living system to endogenous
and/or exogenous hazardous agents may force it to the excessive production of ROS,
thus overwhelming the capacity of the AODS. Depleting or incapacitating the AODS
for defence results in damage to biosystems by uncontrolled ROS and the appearance of
oxidative stress. Nowadays, it is known that the state of oxidative stress can be directly or
indirectly implicated in a number of disorders and disease states.
The essential trace element selenium (Se) is necessary for a living system to function
and is an important part of the AODS as selenoproteins and enzymes with antioxidant
properties. Blood and tissue levels of Se are related to dietary intake. There is a lot of
evidence that a deciency of Se in soil and consequently in the food chain of animals and
humans, can, by decreasing tolerance to oxidative damage, enhance the susceptibility of
the living system to oxidative stress and hence associated disorders.
In this study, on an in vivo animal model, the eects of elevating the Se level in
Wister albino rats, from a deciency state to optimal, by supplementation with Se in
the form of the protein-bound element in selenous yeast, on the capability of the AODS
in blood to counteract articially induced oxidative stress was investigated. Radiation
induced stress was achieved by whole body exposition to gamma rays irradiation while
chemical stress was induced by application the cytostatic drugs adriamicin, cytosine
arabinoside or uorouracil. The animals were exposed to stress after one month of Se
supplementation. Alterations in red blood cells (RBC) and the components of the AODS
(GSH, GSSG and Se levels, GSHPx and CAT activity) and oxidative stress indicators
(MDA level and ratio GSH/GSSG) in the blood plasma (Pl) of rats exposed to stress were
The results showed that daily supplementation with Se in the form of Se-enriched
brewery yeast, which is very similar natural dietary Se sources, represents a suitable form
for to overcome Se deciency and, for long-time supplementation, can be administered
without any indications of accumulation or toxic eects.

Radiation stress by exposition to 4.2 Gy (60Co source) gamma rays caused a decrease
in the Se and GSH levels in RBC, as well as of GSH-Px activity in RBC and Pl, and an
increase in oxidative stress indicators, MDA and GSSG levels, in the rst 7 days after
irradiation. An increased Se level in the organism, achieved through supplementation,
generally exhibited a protective eect against whole body irradiation, reducing the
engagement of AODS components, also monitoring the components of the AODS for a
longer period of time after radiation stress (up to 240 days after irradiation).
Exposition to chemical stress by application of cytostatics in doses corresponding to
those employed in human therapy showed that these chemicals greatly aected the AODS
capacity and indicators of oxidative stress in Se-decient animals. Se supplementation to
the optimal level had a protective eect in the cases all three chemical stress inducers,
decreasing the alterations in the engagement of AODS compounds. These results suggest
people who have to be exposed to this kind of stress should receive Se-supplementation
for better protection.
The activity of the antioxidant defence enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD),
catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and
glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were studied. The
mussels were collected in winter and in spring at two localities in the Adriatic Sea. It
could be concluded that seasonal variations should be incorporated into interpretations
of biomonitoring studies with mussels.
The activities of CuZn SOD, CAT, GSH-Px, GR and GST in the blood of familal
amyotrophyc lateral sclerosis patients with Leu144Phe mutation (FALS), asymptomatic
carriers with Leu144Phe mutation and controls were studied. The obtained results suggest
that oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of FALS.
The eect of Cd on the antioxidant defence system (AOS) in the hearts of rats
was analysed. It can be concluded that coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is involved in mechanisms
including its modulation of gene expression.
The eects of Cd, CoQ10 and Cd+CoQ10 of the AOS in rats were established. The
obtained results revealed that CoQ10 partially reversed Cd-induced changes of the AOS
in the kidney.
The mechanism by which selenium (Se) decreases Cd toxicity in rats seems to be
the main factor in the protection of the enzyme systems in the liver, kidneys and heart of
rats, possibly by forming non-toxic Cd selenide.
Nitro-glycerine induced oxidative stress in rat reticulocytes, as well as inhibition
of the activities of Mn SOD and glutathione-dependent antioxidant enzymes was
The results obtained in our study of spinycheek craysh showed a strong tissue
specity of the AOS in hepatopancreas, gills and muscle, which is accompanied with its
dierent metabolic activity.
Interactions between nitric oxide donors, reactive oxygen species and AOS were
studied in isolated uterine smooth muscle during spontaneous rhythmic activity.
Djuji I., Jozanov-Stankov O., Proti S., Krivokapi Z., 2005: Eects of supplements with
selenomethionine on the oxidative stress status in selenium decient subjects. 4th International
Meeting, Dietary Antioxidants: Trace elements, vitamins and polyphenols Functional and
clinical aspects in humans, Monastir, Tunisia, Proceedings, O2.9, 84-89.
Djuji I., Jozanov-Stankov O., Proti S., Krivokapi Z., 2005: Eects of supplements
with selenomethionine on trace element status in selenium decient subjects. 4th International

Meeting, Dietary Antioxidants: Trace elements, vitamins and polyphenols Functional and
clinical aspects in humans, Monastir, Tunisia, Proceedings, O2.11, 96-99.
Djuji I., Demajo M., Jozanov Stankov O., Markovi Lj., 2005: Health benets of consuming
selenium-enriched quail eggs. 5th International Symposium on Trace Elements in Human: New
Perspectives, Athens Greece, Proceedings, 622-635 (
Djuji I.S., Jozanov Stankov O.N., Demajo M.A., Markovi Lj.U., uni S.S., 2005: Increased
human and animal intake of selenium by diet composed of crops foliary enriched with selenium.
12th International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals (TEMA 12), Coleraine,
Northern Ireland, Abstracts, 134 (;
Djuji I., Demajo M., Jozanov-Stankov O., Markovi Lj., 2005: Human Health protection by
the optimisation of selenium content in poultry eggs. Conference on Environment and Human
Health with international participation, Ed.: L. Jovanovi, Beograd, Abstracts, 164-166.
Borkovi S.S., aponji J.S., Pavlovi S.Z., Blagojevi D.P., Miloevi S.M., Kovaevi
.B., Radojii R.M., Spasi M.B., iki .V., Saii Z.S., 2005: The activity of antioxidant defence
enzymes in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the Adriatic Sea, Comparative Biochemistry
and Physiology, Part C, Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 141, 366-374.
Pavlovi S.Z., Ognjanovi B.I., tajn A.., iki R.V., Radojii R.M., Saii Z.S., 2005: A
possible protective role of coenzyme Q10 on antioxidant defense enzyme activties in kidneys of rats
treated with cadmium. Iugoslave Physiologica Pharmacologica Acta, 41, 13-20.
Ognjanovi B.I., Markovi S.D., Pavlovi S.Z., iki R.V., tajn A.., Petrovi V.M., Saii
Z.S., 2005: Eect of chronic cadmium exposure on glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-Stransferase activities in rat: the role of selenium. The First Congress of Physiological Sciences of
Serbia and Montenegro with International Participation, Molecular, Cellular and Integrative
Basis of Health, Disease and Therapy, Belgrade, November 9-12, 2005, Abstract Book, 202.
Markovi S.D., Ognjanovi B.I., iki R.V., tajn A.., Saii Z.S., Spasi M.B., 2005:
Nitroglycerininduced oxidative stress and alteration of antioxidant enzyme activities in
reticulocytes of rats. The First Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia and Montenegro
with International Participation, Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Basis of Health, Disease
and Therapy, Belgrade, November 9-12, 2005, Abstract Book, 214.
Borkovi S.S., Miloevi S.M., Kovaevi T.B., Pavlovi S.Z., tajn A.., iki R.V.,
Maksimovi-Kosanovi K., Saii Z.S., 2005: Activities of antioxidant defense enzyme in some
tissues of spinyscheek craysh (Orconectes Limosus Ranesque) from Serbian part of Danube
river. The First Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia and Montenegro with International
Participation, Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Basis of Health, Disease and Therapy,
Belgrade, November 9-12, 2005, Abstract Book, 219.
Slavi M., Appiah I., Nikoli-Koki A., Radojii R., Jones D.R., Spasi M.B., Milovanovi
S., Blagojevi D., 2005: The anti-oxidative defence system in the isolated rat uterus during spontaneous rhythmic activity. The First Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia and Montenegro with International Participation Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Basis of Health,
Disease and Therapy, November 9-12, 2005, Belgrade, Abstract Book, 224.


(Academician Stevan Karamata)
The morphological typology of karstic springs on the northern side of the Svrljike
Mts. was established. Middle Palaeolithic beds were discovered in the cave Velika Balanica
in Sievo.
The exploration of the cave Crvena Stijena (Montenegro), one of the best known
Palaeolithic sites in south-eastern Europe, continued in cooperation with the Michigan
State University.



(Corresponding Member Marko Ercegovac)

Marine sedimentary rocks of the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic are found
in dierent parts of the Dinarides. Biostratigraphic and palaeoecological investigations
of palynomorphs from Upper Permian and Lower Triassic carbonate rocks, connected
with a Permian epiplatform, in the Poensko lake and Nikika upa (Dinarides) were
(Corresponding Member Vidojko Jovi)

During 2005, a eld investigation in the open pit of bauxite deposit at Novi Zagrad
(Nikika upa, Montenegro) was nished. On several proles, samples of bauxites from
the lowest parts of the deposit were taken. These samples will be used for the extraction
of light lanthanides and an estimation of the feasibility of the bauxites as sources for
(Corresponding Member Vidojko Jovi)

A study of ultrapotassic rocks from the Balkan Peninsula, started last year, was
continued. A eld investigation in Macedonia was partly nished. XRF and ICP-MS
spectroscopy, as well as analyses for Hf, Sr, Nd and Pb of thin sections were nished at
the University of Mainz (Germany). The obtained results will be presented at the IAVCE
Congress which is being held in China in 2006.





(Academician Paula Putanov)

Design of polymer properties, especially the relation between tensile and dynamic
moduli in terms of chain conformational statistics was considered. Data on new elastomer
blends with gradient properties enabling mixing on the molecular level were analysed in
parallel to classical commodity materials.
A new model describing the rheological behaviour of immobilized biopolymers
was developed and tested on the alginate system.
Enzyme immobilization in polymer networks was considered, particularly the
dynamic properties of the polymer, which are directly related to transport processes.
Scaling relations between rheological parameters and structure were analysed as a
function of the catalytic activity of biopolymers.
Plavi M., Paji-Lijakovi I., Putanov P., 2005: Chain conformational statistics and mechanical properties of elastomer blends. The Chapter in: New Polymeric Materials (eds. Lj.
Korugi-Karasz, W. Mac-Knight and E. Maruscelli), Oxford University Press and ACS, Oxford,
Plavi M. B., Paji-Lijakovi J., Putanov P., 2005: Dynamical properties of polymer materials for enzyme immobilization. YUCOMAT International Conference, Herceg Novi, September
2005, Book af Abstracts, 172.


(Academician Paula Putanov)

The subproject Catalytic isomerization of straight-chain C5-C7 parans deals with

the problem of the octane number in a gasoline pool adapted to strong environmental
restrictions. Investigation of the activity of unloaded and Pt-loaded HY- and ZSM-5
based catalysts in n-hexane cracking and isomerization was carried out. The cracking rate
constants indicate high dierences in the acidity of unloaded zeolites: ZSM-5>HY>ZSM5-A. Introduction of Pt to the zeolites changed the isomerization mechanism, resulting
in a ve times higher yield of isomers, with the order of the isomerization quality of the
catalysts being Pt HY > Pt-ZSM-5-A > Pt-ZSM-5.
The subproject 45 Years of the Belgrade School of Catalysis summarizes the
experience and the results of long-term, theoretical investigations devoted to the
development of industrial catalysis.
Bokovi G., Putanov P., 2005: Acidity or metal functions a key factor determining
izomerization activity of zeolites. X Congresso Mediterrneo de Ingenieria Quimica, Barcelona,
2005, T01-005.
45 Years of the Belgrade School of Catalysis, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Belgrade, 2005.
Putanov P.: Scientic work; International scientic cooperation; Cooperation with domestic

industry; Teaching in the eld of catalysis, 10-47.

Moi A: Catalysis in the petroleum rening industry, 48-53.
Pavlovi P.: Cooperation between the petroleum industry of Serbia (PIS) the Petroleum
Renery in Novi Sad and BSC, 54-58.
Nei B.: Cooperation between the Mining and Smelting Basin in Bor and BSC, 59-62.
Milanovi Lj.: Catalysis and catalyst analysis in the Fertilizer Company HIP-Azotara (HIPNitrogen works) in Panevo, 63-68.
Dingova E.: Applications of existing catalytic systems for propylene polymerization: Cooperation with the BSC, 69-81.


(Corresponding Member Miljenko Peri)

In the framework of this project, a theoretical ab initio approach to magnetic

hyperne coupling in degenerate electronic states of triatomic and tetra-atomic
molecules was developed. Special attention was paid to the calculation of the vibronically
averaged components of the anisotropic hyperne tensor. Calculations of vibronic, spinorbit and hyperne structure in the electronic ground states of the CCCH, HCCS and
NCO radicals was carried out. These investigations have contributed to the elucidation
of several new experimental results. The results of the calculations were published in the
papers listed below, and some of them were reported in the framework of invited lectures
at the 43rd Conference of Serbian Chemists and at the scientic meeting Inuence of
Physics on the Development of Scientic Ideas in Natural Sciences, Medicine, Technology,
Sociology and Culture (SASA, November 9th, 2005).
Mladenovi M., Peri M., Jerosimi S., Engels B., 2004: An ab initio study of the hyperne
structure in the X2 electronic state of HCCS. Molecular Physics, 102, 2623-2634.
Mladenovi M., Peri M., Engels B., 2004: An ab initio study of the anisotropic hyperne
coupling constants in the low-lying vibronic levels of the X2 electronic state of CCCH. Journal
of Chemical Physics, 121, 12361-12370.
Mladenovi M., Peri M., Rankovi R., Engels B., 2005: An ab initio study of the hyperne
structure in the X2 electronic state of HCCS-calculation of vibronically averaged components of
the anisotropic hyperne tensor. Molecular Physics, 103, 587-598.
Jerosimi S., Krmar M., Radi-Peri J., Peri M., 2005: Theoretical investigation of the
hyperne structure in spatially and spin degenerate electronic states of triatomic and tetra-atomic
molecules. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society, 70, 423-439.
Parac M., Etinski M., Peri M., Grimme S., 2005: A theoretical investigation of the geometries and binding energies of molecular tweezer and clip host-guest systems. Journal of
Chemical Theory and Computation, 1, 1110-1118.




(Academician Milutin Stefanovi)

Parthenolide, a biologically active sesquiterpene lactone found in signicant

amount in Tanacetum parthenium (feverfew), has been indirectly linked to the antimigraine action of feverfew preparations. T. larvatum collected throughout Montenegro
contains a high level of parthenolide, comparable to that in feverfew. The chemical
composition of the essential oil in the aerial parts of the plant was investigated with the
aim of exploring the possibility of applying the extract from this plant as a remedy for the
same purposes as feverfew.
The compositions of essential oils of T. larvatum originating from four dierent
locations were examined. The samples from three locations were similar regarding the
qualitative pattern, but displayed some quantitative dierences.Dominantwereoxygenated
monoterpenes, followed by monoterpene hydrocarbons, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons
and oxygenated sesquiterpenes. The toxic oxygenated monoterpene sabinyl acetate was
found to be the dominant component, which may be a limiting factor for the medical
application of T. larvatum originating from these locations. The essential oil composition
from the fourth location diered signicantly from the other three. In this sample,
monoterpene hydrocarbons were dominant, followed by oxygenated sesquiterpenes and
sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. Sabinyl acetate, which was the dominant component in the
other three samples, was detected only in traces in this one.
Trifunovi S., Aljani I., Vajs V., Macura S., Milosavljevi S., 2005: Sesquiterpene lactones
and avones from Achillea depressa. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 33, 317-323.


(Academician Dragomir Vitorovi)

Environmental and organic geochemical investigations aimed at the elucidation of

the structure of kerogens, the characterization of domestic coals and crude oils, the design
of new petroleum maturation parameters based on the abundance and distribution of
saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons and their interpretation based on modern statistical
methods, dening the early diagenesis processes in peat and coal deposits and dening
the interactions between surface water micro-organisms and petroleum type pollutants
were carried out.
Dragojlovi V., Ambls A., Bajc S., Vitorovi D., 2005: Ether and ester moieties in Messel
shale kerogen examined by hydrolysis/ruthenium tetroxide oxidation/hydrolysis. Organic Geochemistry, 36 (1), 1-12.
Djurka D., Pfendt P., Jovanievi B., Cvetkovi O., Wehner H., 2005: Natural bitumens
versus oil pollution in the Vlasina lake peat. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 3 (1), 39-42.
Golovko A.K., Gorbunova L.V., Jovanievi B., Kamyanov V.F., Stojanovi K., 2005:
Composition and structural characteristics of Cenozoic crude oils from Pannonian basin

(Yugoslavia). Petroleum Chemistry (Neftehimiya), 45 (3), 156-167.

Jovanievi B., Anti A., olevi T., Vrvi M., Kronimus A., Schwarzbauer J., 2005:
Investigation of interactions between surface water and petroleum type pollutant. Environmental
Science & Pollution Research, 12, 205-212.
olevi T., Stojanovi K., Jovanievi B., Kronimus A., Schwarzbauer J., 2005: Multivariate
statistical methods applied to interpretation of saturated biomarkers (Velebit oil eld, Pannonian
Basin, Serbia). 22th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry: Challenges for the 21st
Century, Seville, Spain, September 12-16, 2005, Book of Abstracts, Vol. 1, 253-254.
Stojanovi K., Jovanievi B., Vitorovi D., Golovko J., Pevneva G., Golovko A., 2005:
New approach to maturity investigation of Banat depression crude oils (Southeastern part of the
Pannonian Basin, Serbia) based on distribution of naphthalene and phenanthrene isomers. 22nd
International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry: Challenges for the 21st Century, Seville,
Spain, September 12-16, 2005, Book of Abstracts, Vol. 1, 255-256.
ivoti D., Wehner H., Cvetkovi O., Jovanievi B., Greti I., Hiltman W., Scheeder G.,
Vidal A., ajnovi A., 2005: Organic geochemistry and coal petrology of Tertiary brown coal in the
Soko mine, Soko Banja basin, Serbia and Montenegro. 22nd International Meeting on Organic
Geochemistry: Challenges for the 21st Century, Seville, Spain, September 12-16, 2005, Book of
Abstracts, Vol. 1, 569-570.
Ercegovac M., Aleksi B.R., Cvetkovi O., Aleksi B.D., ivoti D., Vitorovi D., 2005:
Micropetrographic characteristics of solid residues after catalytic hydrogenation of the Serbian
low rank coals. 57th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic
Petrology - ICCP, Patras, Greece, September 18-23, 2005, Abstracts Book, 38.
Ercegovac M., ivoti D., Aleksi B.R., Aleksi B.D., Cvetkovi O., Markovi B., Vitorovi
D., 2005: Brown coals of Serbia: A review of properties, uses and future perspectives. 6th European
Coal Conference, Belgrade, September 26-29, 2005, Book of Abstracts, 5.
Mrki S., Pfendt P., Jovanievi B., Vrvi M., Nikoli P., 2005: Xylene degradation in
the clays of an alluvial aquifer. 6th European Meeting of Environmental Chemistry, Belgrade,
December 6-10, 2005, Book of Abstracts, 164.
Anti M., Jovanievi B., Ili M., Vrvi M.M., Schwarzbauer J., 2005: Degradation of
petroleum pollutant by surface water microorganisms - Phormidium foveolarum and Achanthes
minutissima. 6th European Meeting of Environmental Chemistry, Belgrade, December 6-10,
2005, Book of Abstracts, 241.


(Academician Milutin Stefanovi)

Previously, several deoxycholic tetraoxane derivatives having various amide

substituents at C (24) were successfully prepared. Theseriesofnewtetraoxaneswasscreened
against chloroquine-resistant and chloroquine-susceptible Plasmodium falciparum
strains, W2 and D6, respectively. The compounds exhibited in vitro activity within a
10340 nM range, with the 12-acetoxy-5-cholan-24- amide-3-spiro-6-(1,2,4,5tetraoxacyclohexane)-3-spiro-1-((4R)-alkyl) cyclohexane series being remarkably
more active than the epimeric (4S)-congeners. Some of tetraoxane deoxycholic acid
derivatives showed remarkably high antiproliferative activity in a panel of 60 cancer cell
lines, totally inhibiting cell proliferation of Colon cancers at concentrations as low as 20
and 19 nM (COLO205 and M14, respectively).
Young S., Yang Y.S, Anova L.D., Terzi N., olaja B.A., Diaz D.D., Forte R.B., Smith P.L., Ditusa C.A., Smith K.S., 2005: Metabolic Proling of Steroidal Mixed Tetraoxane Antimalarial Drug
Candidates. 53rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, June 5-9, 2005,
San Antonio, Texas. The Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 16 (5S):
Bhattacharjee A.K, Carvalho K.A., Opsenica D., olaja B.A., 2005: Structure-activity
relationship study of steroidal 1,2,4,5-tetraoxane antimalarials using computational procedures.

Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 70, 329-345.

olaja B.A., Terzi N., Smith K.S., Opsenica D.M., Smith P.L., Milhous W.K., 2005: Reductive
cleavage of 1,2,4,5-tetraoxane antimalarials. 230th ACS National Meeting, American Chemical
Society, August 28 - September 1, 2005, Washington, DC. Abstracts of papers, MEDI 191.
Bogdan Solaja, Belgrade (YU); Dejan M. Opsenica, Veljka (YU); Gabriella Pocsfalvi, Napoli (IT); Wilbur K. Milhous, Germantown, MD (US); Dennis E. Kyle, (US): Mixed steroidal
1,2,4,5-tetraoxane compounds and methods of making and using thereof. US 6,906,098 B2, Date
of Patent: June 14, 2005.

(Academician Miroslav J. Gai)

Chemical and biological modication of the glycolytic enzyme hexokinase with

avarone and its derivatives was performed. These biologically active compounds were
found to react with the lysine residues in the enzyme.
Hydroquinone -glucoside and hydroquinone -maltoside were synthesized using
-glucosidase from bakers yeast and the enzymatic synthesis was optimised.
A-ring aromatised and conduritol-like steroidal compounds were synthesized and
their antiproliferative activity was determined.
Mili D., Kop T., Jurani Z., Gai M.J., Tinant B., Pocsfalvi G., olaja B., 2005: Synthesis
and antiproliferative activity of A-ring aromatised and conduritol-like steroidal compounds. Steroids, 70, 922-932.
Prodanovi R.M., Milosavi N.B., Sladi D., irkovi-Velikovi T., Vuji Z., 2005:
Synthesis of hydroquinone -glucoside by -glucosidease from bakers yeast. Biotechnology
Letters, 27, 551-554.
Prodanovi R.M., Milosavi N.B., Sladi D., Zlatovi M., Boi B., irkovi-Velikovi
T., Vuji Z., 2005: Transglycosylation of hydroquinone catalysed by -glucosidase from bakers
yeast. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 35, 142-146.


(Academician Ivan Gutman)

In the plan for the year 2005, four main directions of intended research were
indicated. Here, only those results which were published in 2005 or in late 2004 are
(a) The papers 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 21, 22, 29 and 30 are concerned with the
distribution of electron density and energy in the rings of polycyclic (mainly benzenoid)
compounds. Other works 3, 5, 6, 24 and 27 are related to the electron properties of
benzenoid compounds, whereas 20 is a review of the research performed in the last 30
years. The total -electron energy was reported in papers 7, 28 and 35, whereas papers 25
and 34 are reviews.
(b) Paper 4 is concerned with bond orders.
(c) Various graph invariants, especially those of interest in chemistry, were
investigated in 1, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 31. A novel type of molecular graphs is elaborated in
the papers 13, 14 and 26, whereas a specic kind of QSPR method is dealt with in paper
(d) Papers 2, 32, 33 and, in part, 7 and 35 are contributions to the spectral theory
of graphs.

1. Gutman I., Hansen P., Mlot H., 2005: Variable neighborhood search for extremal
graphs 10. Comparison of irregularity indices for chemical trees. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 45, 222-230.
2. Fiorini S., Gutman I., Sciriha I., 2005: Trees with maximum nullity. Linear Algebra
and Its Applications, 397, 245-251.
3. Salem K., Gutman I., 2005: The unxed subgraph of a catacondensed hexagonal system
obtained by xing an alternating set. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 38, 503-510.
4. Gutman I., Radenkovi S., Furtula B., Hosoya H., 2005: Some properties of the
topological bond order. Chemical Physics Letters, 407, 73-77.
5. Gutman I., Gojak S., Furtula B., 2005: Clar theory and resonance energy. Chemical
Physics Letters, 413, 396-399.
6. Salem K., Zheng M., Gutman I., 2005: Pair-wise resonance in catacondensed hexagonal
systems. Chemical Physics Letters, 416, 38-41.
7. Ramane H.S., Walikar H.B., Rao S.B., Acharya B.D., Hampiholi P.R., Jog S.R., Gutman
I., 2005: Spectra and energies of iterated line graphs of regular graphs. Applied Mathematics
Letters, 18, 679-682.
8. Gutman I., Balaban A.T., Randi M., Kiss-Toth C., 2005: Partitioning of -electrons in
rings of bonacenes. Zeitschrift fr Naturforschung, 60a, 171-176.
9. Gutman I., Furtula B., Turkovi N., 2005: Electron and energy contents of hexagons in
benzenoid hydrocarbons. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 25, 87-94.
10. Gutman I., Randi M., Balaban A.T., Furtula B., Vukovi V., 2005: -Electron contents
of rings in the double-hexagonal-chain homologous series (pyrene, anthanthrene, ...). Polycyclic
Aromatic Compounds, 25, 215-226.
11. Gutman I., Stojanovi G., Bokovi Z., Radulovi N., Rai P., 2005: Comparing
the Randi-Balaban and the Clar models for partitioning of -electrons in rings of benzenoid
hydrocarbons. The case of phenes and starphenes. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 25, 345355.
12. Gutman I., Gojak S., Turkovi N., Furtula B., 2005: Polanskys benzenoid character
and the electron content of rings of benzenoid hydrocarbons. MATCH Communications in
Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 53, 139-145.
13. Gutman I., Toropov A.A., Toropova A.P., 2005: The graph of atomic orbitals and its
basic properties. 1. Wiener index. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer
Chemistry, 53, 215-224.
14. Gutman I., Furtula B.,. Toropov A.A., Toropova A.P., 2005: The graph of atomic orbitals
and its basic properties. 2. Zagreb indices. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in
Computer Chemistry, 53, 225-230.
15. Hansen P., Mlot H., Gutman I., 2005: Variable neighborhood search for extremal
graphs 12. A note on the variance of bounded degrees in graphs. MATCH Communications in
Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 54, 221-232.
16. Zhou B., Gutman I., 2005: Further properties of Zagreb indices. MATCH
Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 54, 233-239.
17. Li X., Zhao H., Gutman I., 2005: On the Merrield-Simmons index of trees. MATCH
Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 54, 389-402.
18. Hu Y., Li X., Shi Y., Xu T., Gutman I., 2005: On molecular graphs with smallest and
greatest zeroth-order general Randi index. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in
Computer Chemistry, 54, 425-434.
19. Gutman I., Turkovi N., 2005: On the distribution of -electrons into rings of conjugated
hydrocarbons containing a linear polyacene fragment. Monatshefte fr Chemie, 136, 713-717.
20. Gutman I., 2005: Cyclic conjugation energy eects in polycyclic -electron systems.
Monatshefte fr Chemie, 136, 1055-1069.
21. Furtula B. Gutman I., Turkovi N., 2005: Relation between electron and energy contents
of hexagons in catacondensed benzenoid hydrocarbons. Indian Journal of Chemistry, 44A, 912.
22. Gutman I., Milosavljevi S., Furtula B., Cmiljanovi N., 2005: Relation between electron
and energy contents of hexagons in pericondensed benzenoid hydrocarbons. Indian Journal of
Chemistry, 44A, 13-17.
23. Toropov A.A., Toropova A.P., Mukhamedzhanova D.V., Gutman I., 2005: Simplied

molecular input line entry system (SMILES) as an alternative for constructing quantitative
structure-property relationships (QSPR). Indian Journal of Chemistry, 44A, 1545-1552.
24. Gutman I., Stankovi S., Kovaevi R., Djurdjevi J., Furtula B., 2005: Anomalous cyclic
conjugation in benzenoid molecules with a small number of Kekul structures. Indian Journal of
Chemistry, 44A, 1751-1755.
25. Gutman I., 2005: Topology and stability of conjugated hydrocarbons. The dependence
of total -electron energy on molecular topology. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 70,
26. Toropov A.A., Gutman I., Furtula B., 2005: Graph of atomic orbitals and molecular
structure-descriptors based on it. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 70, 669-674.
27. Gutman I., Furtula B., Djurdjevi J., Kovaevi R., Stankovi S., 2005: Annelated
perylenes: Benzenoid molecules violating the Kekul-structure-based cyclic conjugation models.
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 70, 1023-1031.
28. Trker L., Gutman I., 2005: Iterative estimation of total -electron energy. Journal of
the Serbian Chemical Society, 70, 1193-1197.
29. Gutman I., Furtula B., Jeremi S., Turkovi N., 2005: Electron content of rings of fully
benzenoid hydrocarbons. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 70, 1199-1205.
30. Gutman I., Furtula B., Vukovi V., Arsi B., Randjelovi M., 2005: Partition of electrons in rings of double linear hexagonal chains. Bulletin T. CXXX de l`Academie serbe des
sciences et des arts, Sciences naturelles, 43, 97-105.
31. Gutman I., 2005: Some relations between distance-based polynomials of trees. Bulletin
de lAcadmie Serbe des Sciences at des Arts (Cl. Math. Natur.), 131, 1-7.
32. Petrovi M., Gutman I., Guo S., 2005: On the spectral radius of bicyclic graphs. Bulletin
de lAcadmie Serbe des Sciences at des Arts (Cl. Math. Natur.), 131, 93-99.
33. Gutman I., 2004: A spectral property of regular and semiregular graphs. Bulletin of
Mathematicians of Banja Luka, 11, 1-4.
34. Gutman I., 2005: What chemists could not see without mathematics Dependence of
total -electron energy on molecular structure. Kragujevac Journal of Science, 27, 57-66.
35. Ramane H.S., Gutman I., Walikar H.B., Halkarni S.B., 2005: Equienergetic complement
graphs. Kragujevac Journal of Science, 27, 67-74.


(Corresponding Member ivorad ekovi)

The research for this project was realised in the laboratories of the Faculty of
Chemistry. Taxine B was isolated from the needles of yew trees and then reactions leading
to the construction of the oxetane ring D and the introduction of a hydroxyl group at
position 4 of the taxine B molecule were investigated. In the next steps, fragmentation
reactions of the hydroxyl derivatives were investigated in order to construct an eightmembered cyclic ether ring. In these investigations, a large number of intermediates
possessing the taxoid skeleton were prepared, the pharmaceutical activities of which were
also studied.
The chiral synthesis of (-)-cytoxazone and its epimer was also realised.
Ferjani Z., Matovi R., ekovi ., Snyder J.P., Saii R.N., 2005: Synthesis, biological
evaluation and modeling of a C,D-seco-taxoid. Tetrahedron Letters, 46, 5049.
Toki-Vujoevi Z., Petrovi G., Raki B., Matovi R., Saii R.N., 2005: Synthesis of (-)Cytoxazone and (+)-epi-Cytoxazone: The Chiral Pool Approach. Synthetic Communications,
35, 435.
ekovi ., 2005: Reactions of carbon radicals generated by 1,5-transposition of reactive
centers. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 70, 287-318.



(Academician Vojislav M. Petrovi)

The inuence of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism on the activity of key

enzymes of the antioxidant defence system (AOS) as well as of the catecholaminedegrading enzyme monoamino oxidase (MAO) and uncoupling protein 1 (UCP 1) in rat
brown fat (BF) were studied. The results showed that AOS, MAO and UCP 1 are notably
aected by the thyroid hormone.
Cviji G., Petrovi N., Djordjevi J., Davidovi V., Petrovi V.M., 2004: Eect of cold exposure on serum DBH and interscapular brown adipose tissue MAO in hypothyroid T3 and T4
treated rats. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, 1018, 214-219.
Koko V., Djordjevi J., Cviji G., Davidovi V., 2004: Eect of acute heat stress on rat
adrenal glands. Morphological and stereological study. Journal of Experimental Biology, 207,
Petrovi N., Cviji G., Djordjevi J., Davidovi V., 2005: The Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes and Monoamine Oxidase and Uncoupling Protein 1 Content in Brown Fat of Hypo and
Hyperthyroid Rats. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, 1040, 1-5.


(Academician Dragoslav Marinkovi)

The study of gene-allozyme control of the phosphor-sugar metabolic system in

Drosophila suggests a clear evolutionary origin of allelogenes determined at ve loci in
the third chromosomes. A tendency that more polymorphic loci and genotypes originate
from monomorphic seems to be evident. The tness of the observed genotypes is based
on a balance between their frequency and their allelic polymorphism. Evolutionary
development of adaptive complexity of a gene-metabolic system is based both on a gradual
increase of its allelic polymorphism, and on an increase of its functional eciency and
homogeneity at the individual and at the populational level.
Genetic studies of human inhabitants exposed to specic environmental agents
were continued.
Marinkovi D., 2005: The scopes and limits of adaptive variation. Bulletin CXXX de
lAcademie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Classe des sciences mathmatiques et naturelles,
Sciences naturelles, No. 43, 139-150.
Miloevi-Djordjevi O., Grujii D., Arsenijevi S., Marinkovi D., 2005: Monitoring of
micronuclei among newborns in central Serbia before and after contamination.Tohoku Journal
of Experimental Medicine, 205, 1-9.
Cvjetianin S., Marinkovi D., 2005: Genetic variability in the group of patients with
congenital hip dislocation. Russian Journal of Genetics, 41 (8), 1142-1146.
Cvjetianin S., Marinkovi D., 2005: Genetic variability and frequencies of ABO blood
types among dierent samples of patients from Serbia. Korean Journal of Genetics, 27 (1), 3540.
Marinkovi D., Cvjetianin S., 2005: Population-genetic properties of Balkan endemic nephropathy. BANTAO 7th Congress of Balkan Cities Association of Nephrology, Ohrid, 8-11
September 2005, Proceedings, 41-42.



(Corresponding Member Dragan kori)

Higher fatty acids and tocopherols are the main components determining oil
Three groups of inbred sunower lines were used in this project. The rst and
second consisted of four lines each, while the third contained six lines.
A comparative trial was carried out under eld conditions using the inbreeds, F1s
and F2s, and backcrosses with both parents (F1BCp1 and F1BCp2). Just before owering,
all of the plants were isolated with natron isolators to prevent cross pollination. During
harvesting, all the plants were individually picked and numbered.
The materials will be analysed for their higher fatty acid and tocopherol contents
in the rst half of 2006. The results will then be processed and published in a scientic
Rybrids in 2005
Recognized sunower hybrids in the country:
1/ Sremac
(Decision No. 320-09-39/13/5)
2/ Vitalko
(Decision No. 320-09-39/13/2)
3/ umadinac
(Decision No. 320-09-39/13/3)
4/ Somborac
(Decision No. 320-09-39/13/20)
5/ Baa
(Decision No. 320-09-39/13/7)
B Recognized sunower hybrids abroad:
Novi Sad hybrids: Rimisol, Zlatibor, Meridian, Seran, Hors, Kongo, Vranac
Joint hybrids: Imperator, Kanjon
Promising hybrids: rava, Kosovo, Monarh, Pesma, Saa, Akcent, Terminator, Kongres,
Other countries
Rimisol (Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey)
NS-H-01 (Bulgaria)
ndrej (Russia)
Joint hybrids with SOLTIS Company
Radar (Fr), Centauro, Dedalo (Sp), Animo (It)
Novi Sad hybrids: Strial, Kernal, Lactal

(Corresponding Member Marko Andjelkovi)

Ecological-genetic studies of Drosophila subobscura populations were continued

with the analysis of the frequencies of inversion polymorphism entities in natural

populations from several localities close to or further from the river bank in the upper
region of the Danube in Serbia. Evidence for interpopulation dierences was reected in
the frequencies of particular arrangements. The range of dierence among dierent gene
pools correlated positively with the degree of variability of the ecological specicities of
the habitats of these populations. The obtained results and the analysis of the phenomena
of rigidity or exibility of inversion polymorphism of D. subobscura, indicate their relative
signicance depending on the degree of complexity of the genetic systems which were
used to estimate the association between the variabilities of the genetic and ecological
An inbreeding procedure was used to analyse interpopulation dierences between
two ecologically dierent habitats, at the level of inversion polymorphism of D. subobscura,
i.e. gene complexes within certain gene arrangements. These results were linked with the
analysis of the developmental stability under inbreeding conditions. The obtained results
showed, to a certain degree, the existence of dierent co-adaptive complexes within the
same gene arrangements from dierent habitats. In addition to laboratory studies, eld
studies were continued with the aim of monitoring the eective size of the populations of
D. subobscura at dierent localities.
Stamenkovi-Radak M., Savi T., Vienti M., Andjelkovi M., 2005: Antigenotoxic eects
of royal jelly in the sex linked recessive lethal test with Drosophila melanogaster. Acta Veterinaria,
55 (4), 301-306.
Stamenkovi-Radak M., Rai G., Andjelkovi M., 2005: Interpopulation dierences in
inversion polymorphism and developmental stability of Drosophila subobscura in inbreeding
conditions. II Congress of Croatian Geneticists, Supetar, Book of Abstracts, PI-17.
Stanimirovi Z., Stevanovi J., Andjelkovi M., 2005: Chromosomal diversity in Apies
melifera carnica from Serbia. Apidologie, 36, 31-42.


(Corresponding Member Nikola Tuci)

The goal of the present project is the elucidation of the relative contribution of
additive genetic, non-additive genetic (dominance and epitasis), and maternal eects to
the dierences in longevity in lines of the bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus) exposed
to selection for reproduction early and late in life. A signicant level of dominance of the
genetic eect on lifespan was found. It was also shown that epitasis increased the lifespan
when the beetles developed on a, for this insect, novel host plant (chickpea seeds) species.
Since there was an indication that the additive component of the genetic architecture of
the analysed traits also changes with change of rearing host, the present study suggests
that components of genetic variation are not xed entities that can be considered isolated
from one another as done until very recently in almost all evolutionary discussions.




(Corresponding Member Dragan kori)

In 2005, the Committee held two meetings as well as one with the participants in
the preparation of the monograph Vegetation of Serbia 2.
The manuscript of Vegetation of Serbia 2 was reviewed and is now being adjusted
to the reviewers comments. The manuscript will be submitted for printing at the
beginning of next year.
The proposal for the monograph on herbaceous vegetation in Serbia, Vegetation
of Serbia 3, was prepared.
The manuscript of Flora of Serbia 2 is being prepared in electronic form and will
be ready for publication at the end of February next year.


(Corresponding Member Marko Andjelkovi)

During 2005, some members and associates of the Interdepartmental Committee

for the Study of the Fauna of Serbia from faculties and institutes of Belgrade University
were involved in research projects which are directly or indirectly related to the study
of the animal world of Serbia, which were nanced by the Ministry of Science and
Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia. In addition to describing new taxons,
the infra-specic taxonomy of selected species of the genus Aceria associated with invasive
weed species of the family Asteraceae was studied. The long-term faunistic, taxonomic
and biogeographic study of wasp ies (Diptera: Syrphidae) was continued. Biodiversity,
variability and protection of amphibians and reptiles of the Balkan Peninsula were also
the focus of study in the previous year.
Within the project, a particular activity A Study of sh parasitic fauna of the
Danube River was performed. The project was realized within a collaboration of the
Serbian Academy of Science and Arts and the Bulgarian Academy of Science. Project
leader from the SASA was academician Zlatibor Petrovi. During eld research on the
Danube and in the vicinity of Smederevo, positive parasitological results on exo- and
endoparasites was found in 36 sh individuals from the families: Cyprinidae, Pericidae
and Esoxidae. Determination of the parasites is in progress.
Donol M., Duki G., Kalezi M.L., 2005: Eects of widespread sh introductions in Europe on paedomorphic newts. Conservation Biology, 19, 162-170.
Duki G., irovi R., Donol M., Kalezi M.L., 2005: Fish introduction is a major cause of
paedomorphosis exinction in European newts (Triturus spp). Froglog, 69, 3-4.
Duki G., Bekov V., Sidorovska V., Cogalniceanu D., Kalezi M.L., 2005: Acta zoologica
cracoviensia, 48A, 1-9.
Malandraki E.G., Petanovi R.U., Emmanouel N.G., 2005: Descriptions of two new species
of eriophid mites (Acari:Prostigmata:Eriophydae) common in Greece and Serbia. Annals of the
Entomological Society of America, 97, 877-881.


(Academician Zlatibor Petrovi and Professor Dr Iglika Nedeva)

The project is based on cooperation between the Serbian Academy of Sciences and
Arts and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The leader of the project on the Serbian side
is Academician Zlatibor Petrovi with his associate Dr Predrag Caki, scientic associate
at the Sinia Stankovi Institute for Biological Research of Belgrade University. In
cooperation with the colleagues from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, eld research
was carried out in the Danube, in the vicinity of Smederevo. The occurrence of ectoand endoparasites was conrmed in 36 samples of the shes belonging to the families
Cyprinidae, Pericidae and Esoxidae. The determination of these parasites is underway.
Paunovi M., Miljanovi B., Simi V., Caki P., Djikanovi V., Jakovev-Todorovi D.,
Stojanovi B. Veljkovi A., 2005: Distribution of non-indigenous Tubicid worm Branchiura Sowerbyi (Beddard, 1892) in Serbia. Biotechnology, Technological equipment, General & applied
genetics, Diagnosis press, 3/2005/19, 91-97.
Caki P., Nedeva I., Lenhardt M., Kolarevi J., Radev V., Karaivanova E., Atanasov G., 2005:
The frst record of parasitic trematodes Metagonimus Yokgway (Katsurada, 1912) from the Serbian
part of the Danube river. Proceedings 7th National Conference of Parasitology, with international participation, 28, Soa.




(Academician Momilo M. Risti)

Sintering kinetics of real systems from the viewpoint of the theory of activated
volume was investigated. A phenomenological equation was dened and applied for the
analysis the sintering of iron powder.
The kinetics of non-isothermal sintering of a mechanically activated ZnO and TiO2
powder system was investigated in detail. The activation energy and process mechanism
were determined.
A mixture of ZnO and TiO2 powder was mechanically activated in a high-energy
ball mill. X-Ray analysis established that zinc-orthotitanate and zinc-metatitanate could
be synthesized in this manner.
The principles of the Frenkel sintering theory from the viewpoint of the advanced
physics of sintering, i.e. the synthesis-structure-properties relationship, were analysed.
The properties of sintered NiO were investigated by photo-acoustic spectroscopy.
It was established that TiO2 nanopowder synthesised using laser induced pyrolysis
had the anatase structure.
Obradovi N., Labus N., Srekovi T., Risti M.M., 2005: Kinetics and Mechanism of
Mechanochemical Synthesis of Zn2TiO4. YUCOMAT 2005, 71.

Nikoli M.V., Labus N., Risti M.M., 2005: A Phenomenological Analysis of Sintering Kinetics from the Viewpoint of Activated Volume. Science of Sintering, 37, 19-25.
Obradovi N., Labus N., Srekovi T., Risti M.M., 2005: Reaction Sintering of ZnO-2TiO2
System. Fitem 05: Physics and Technology of Materials, 42.
Labus N., Obradovi N., Srekovi T., Risti M.M., 2005: Mchanochemical Synthesis of
the ZnO-TiO2 System. Fitem 05: Physics and Technology of Materials, 44.
Nikoli M.V., Pavlovi V.P., Pavlovi V.B., Risti M.M., 2005: Analysis of Early-Stage
Sintering Mechanisms of Mechanically Activated BaTiO3. Fitem05: Physics and Technology of
Materials, 50.
epanovi M., Dohevi-Mitrovi Z.D., Hini I., Gruji-Brojin M., Stanii G., Popovi
Z.V., 2005: Photoluminescence of Laser-Synthesized Anatase Titanium Dioxide Nanopowders.
Materials Science Forum, 494, 265-270.


(Academician Aleksandar Despi)

The result of long-standing work on this research project is the publishing of the
monograph in Serbian.
Despi ., 2005: Electrochemical Techniques and Technologies (Elektrohemijske tehnike
i tehnologije), Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, editor Rade Stevanovi, I + 378 pages.
Introduction, 1
Basic Electrochemical Terms, 5
Methods of Investigating Electrochemical Systems, 12
Electrode Processes of Special Relevance, 79
Electrochemical Power Sources, 173
Electrochemical Metal Plating Electroplating, 221
Electrochemistry in Industry, 256
Electrochemical Engineering, 307
Electrochemical Machining, 325
Electroanalytical Chemistry, 331
Electrochemical Methods of Corrosion Protection, 358


(Academician Dragutin Drai)

Metallic chromium in acidic solutions exhibits a not well understood behaviour,

in that, in addition to electrochemical corrosion, as is well known for many other metals,
it undergoes a simultaneous corrosion by a direct, non-electrochemical reaction of
the chromium with water molecules from the solution, at a rate much higher than the
electrochemical reaction. This peculiar reaction was studied in deaerated 0.5 M sodium
sulphate solution with sulphuric acid added to obtain a pH in the range 0.5 3.
Special attention was paid during the last year to the eect of crystallographic
orientation of the metallic surfaces studied. The studied samples were: a Merck
sample having two crystal orientations (111) and (110), a Goodfellow sample which
was dominantly (111), and an electrochemically deposited Cr. On the Merck sample,
a distinctly faster dissolution was observed on the (110) surface, while the dierences
between the (111) surfaces of the three studied samples indicated that there are also
some other structural properties which aect the electrochemical activity. No distinct
dierences in the rate of the chemical dissolution of Cr were observed between the three
studied samples.

Drai D.M., Popi J.P., 2005: Anomalous Dissolution of Metals and Chemical Corrosion.
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 70, 489511.


(Academician Pantelija M. Nikoli)

During 2005, the following studies were carried out:

1. The characterization of isotropic and anisotropic opto-electronic materials, such
as GaSe, Ga doped with Cr, using the photo-acoustic method was continued.
2. The investigation of the properties of PbTe doped with Ni was continued.
3. The synthesis of NiO and the characterization of its thermal diusivity were
4. The optical properties of these materials in the far infrared range were
investigated in Thessalonica, in cooperation with Professor K. Paraskevopoulos, and in
the Max Planck Institute, in cooperation with Dr J. Kuhl and W. Knig.
Vasiljevi-Radovi D., Nikoli P.M., Radulovi K.T., Bojii A.I., Lukovi D., Savi S.,
Vujatovi S., Blagojevi V., Luki L., Uroevi D., 2005: Photoacoustic Investigations of Thermal
and Electronic Properties of Single Crystal Ge Doped With Cr. Journal of Physics IV France, 125,
Nikoli P.M., Vasiljevi-Radovi D., Radulovi K.T., Bojii A.I., Lukovi D., Savi S.,
Blagojevi V., Vujatovi S., Luki L., Uroevi D., 2005: Anisotropy in Thermal and Electronic
Properties of Single Crystal GaSe Determined By Photoacoustic Method. Journal of Physics IV
France, 125, 427-429.
Nikoli P.M., Lukovi D., Savi S., Vasiljevi-Radovi D., Radulovi K., Vujatovi S., Luki
L., Djuri S., Nikoli M.V., Bojii A.I., 2005: Photoacoustic Properties of Single Crystal NiO. Journal of Physics IV France, 125, 439-442.




(Academician Duan T. Kanazir)

In order to examine if dierences in the activity and inducibility of anti-oxidative

enzymes in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of the rat underlie their dierent
sensitivity to radiation, four-day old female Wister rats (n=8) were exposed to cranial
radiation -rays (3 Gy). After isolation of the hippocampus and cortex 1h or 24h following
exposure, the activities of copper-zinc super oxide disputes (Cussed), manganese super
oxide disputes (Mused) and catalyse (CAT) were measured by spectrophotometric assays
(according to Misra and Fridovich, 1972; Geller and Winge, 1983; and Beutler, 1982),
and compared to unirradiated controls. The MnSOD protein levels were determined by
SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis. The results showed that the CuZnSOD activity

in the hippocampus and cortex was signicantly decreased 1h and 24h after irradiation
with 3 Gy of -rays. The MnSOD activity in both brain regions was also decreased 1h
after irradiation. However, 24h following exposure, the manganese SOD activity in the
hippocampus had almost achieved control values, while in the cortex it signicantly
exceeded the activity of the relevant controls. The CAT activity in the hippocampus and
cortex remained stable 1h, as well as 24h after irradiation with 3 Gy of -rays. The MnSOD
protein level in the hippocampus and cortex was decreased 1h after irradiation with 3 Gy
of -rays. However, the MnSOD protein level in the cortex was similar to control values
24h after exposure, while in the hippocampus it was still signicantly decreased. It can
be concluded that the regional dierences in the MnSOD radioinducibility are regulated
on the level of protein synthesis, and that they represent one of the main reasons for the
region-specic radiosensitivity of the brain.
Pajovi S.B., Peji S., Stojiljkovi V., Gavrilovi Lj., Dronjak S., Kanazir D.T., 2005: Alterations in hippocampal antioxidant enzyme activities and sympatho-adrenomedullary system of
rats in response to dierent stress models. Physiological Research (PubMed PMID 16238459).


(Academician Vojislav M. Petrovi)
Biotransformation of nitric oxide in the cerebrospinal uid (CSF) of sporadic
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (SALS) was analysed. The concentrations of uric acid and
thiolgroup-containing molecules in the cerebrospinal uid of SALS patients were
signicantly higher compared to controls. Also, an increased CuZn SOD activity in the
CFS, which reacts with nitroxyl forming NO., was found.
A peroxynitrite induced nitration of the tyrosine residue in Mn SOD, which causes
enzyme inactivation, is well established. This led to suggestions that Mn SOD nitration
and inactivation in vivo, detected in various diseases associated with oxidative stress and
overproduction of NO., may represent a novel mechanism by which Mn SOD protects
cells from deleterious eects associated with an overproduction of NO.
The eect of dietary zinc on the distribution of fatty acids in blood plasma
chylomicrons was studied in male Mongolian gerbils. A signicantly higher amount of
chylomicrons in blood plasma was observed in the group with a saturated zinc diet in
comparison to the group with a low zinc diet. The obtained results suggest that dietary
zinc inuences the quantity of fatty acids absorption, but not its distribution in the
The eect of thyroxin on the activities of antioxidant enzymes and the content of
GSH in the brain (cortex and rest of the brain) of dierent matured rats (30, 60 and 90
days) was studied. Thyroxin treatment decreased the activities of Mn SOD, Cozen SOD
and the same trend was observed in the rest of the brain for the activities of CAT and
GSH-Pox in comparison with control rats. A signicant decrease in the GSH content
in the rest of the brain of 30-day-old rats was detected, while the activity remained
unchanged in 60- and 90-day-old rats.
Cadmium-induced changes in the haemato-biochemical parameters, lipid
peroxidation and GSH content was investigated. Treatment with Cd increased the
concentrations of glucose, LP, GSH, as well as the activities of alanine aminotransaminase

and aspartate aminotransaminase. The obtained results suggested that Cd induced

oxidative stress in the blood of rats.
The Danube River was the focus of investigation. The concentrations of Vitamin
E and the sulphydryl group in the hepatopancreas, gills and muscles of three craysh
species were determined. The concentrations of the examined parameters in the
investigated tissues are good markers for the biomonitoring of environmental conditions.
The dierences between the investigated parameters are the consequence of species and
tissues specity.
The aim of another study was to investigate the inuence of L-arginine and sodium
nitroprusside on the renal and mesentheric arteries of normotensive and hypertensive
rats. The results showed a strong antagonistic eect of normotensive to hypertensive.
Nikoli Koki A., Stevi Z., Stojanovi S., Blagojevi P.D., Jones D.R., Pavlovi S., Niketi
V., Apostolski S., Spasi M.B., 2005: Biotransformation of nitric oxide in the cerebrospinal uid of
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Redox Report, 10 (5), 265-270.
Stojanovi S., Stani, D., Nikoli M., Raievi S., Spasi M., Niketi V., 2005: anganese
superoxide dismutase (Mn SOD) catalyzes NO-dependent residue nitration. Journal of the
Serbian Chemical Society, 70, 601-608.
Cerovi A., Mileti I., Blagojevi D., obaji S., oli M., Vasiljevska M., Poznani M.,
2005: The Eect Of Zinc Diet On Distribution Of Fatty Acid In Blood Plasma Chylomicrons.
Jugoslovenska Medicinska Biohemija, 24, 15-20.
Saii Z.S., Mijalkovi D.N., Nikoli A.L., Blagojevi D.P., Spasi M.B., 2005: Eect of
thyroxine on antioxidant defense enzyme activities and glutathione content in brain of dierent
maturated rats. Iugoslave Physiologica Pharmacologica Acta, 41, 1-12.
Ognjanovi B.I., Markovi S.D., Pavlovi S.Z., iki R.V., tajn A.., Saii Z.S., 2005:
Cadmium-induced changes in haemato-biochemical parameters, lipid peroxidation and
glutathione content in blood of rats. Iugoslave Physiologica Pharmacologica Acta, 41, 55-63.
Kovaevi T.B., Miloevi S.M., Pavlovi S.Z., Borkovi S.S., Radojii R.M., iki R.V.,
Saii Z.S., 2005: Concentration of Vitamin E and sulphydryl group in some tissues of freshwater
craysh species. The First Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia and Montenegro with
International Participation, Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Basis of Health, Disease and
Therapy, Belgrade, November 912, Abstract Book, 190.
Oreanin Z., Milovanovi, S., Spasi M., 2005: L-arginine-sodium nitroprusside interaction studied on renal and mesenteric arteries of normotensive and hypertensive rats. The First
Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia and Montenegro with International Participation Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Basis of Health, Disease and Therapy, November
912, Belgrade, Abstract Book, 109.


(Academician Ljubia Raki)

1. Cerebellum and synaptic marker proteins

The expression of synaptic marker proteins, synaptophysin and the growthassociated protein-43 (GAP-43) following a severe lesion of the nigrostriatal system by 6OHDA were investigated in the cerebellum and cortex. The results demonstrated a high
increase of GAP-43 protein expression in the cerebellum while that of synaptophysin
was decreased. These results suggest that neurotoxic lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway
dierentially aects the expression of two synaptic proteins in the cerebellum.
2. Glial scarring and kainate-induced cerebellar lesion
The pattern of reactive astrogliosis after kainate-induced cerebellar lesion was
investigated. It was found that following intravermian injection of kainic acid to adult

rats, the cerebellum lesion site was not surrounded by a glial scar during a 30-day recovery
3. NTPDase activity in development and aging
The developmental prole of NTPDase 1 activity, its kinetic properties and the
enzyme protein abundance in the synaptic plasma membranes from rat cerebral cortex
was characterized. It was found that the enzyme activity increased from birth to day 30;
afterwards it decreased and remained unchanged from adulthood (90 days) to senescence
(365 days). A kinetic analysis revealed that the relation Vmax/Km was unchanged for each
age in spite of dierences in the apparent anity, while the maximum enzyme abundance
was registered at day 15 during ontogeny.
4. Neuroblastoma and purine analogues
The anticancer properties of three purine analogues (sulphinosine, 8-Cl-cAMP
and 8-Cl-adenosine) were demonstrated in neuroblastoma cell lines. The treatment
of neuroblastoma cells with increasing concentrations of these compounds led to a
signicant inhibition of cell proliferation and a decrease of cell viability in a time and
dose-dependent manner at micromolar levels of concentration. However, treatment with
a combination of sulphinosine and 8-Cl-cAMP resulted in synergistic eects on growth
inhibition, cell cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis.
5. The eect of nucleoside analogues on behavioural activity and recovery after
CNS damage
The eect of the nucleoside analogue ribavirin on locomotor and stereotypic
activities was investigated. The obtained results indicated that diverse regions in the basal
ganglia have dierent susceptibilities to ribavirin. In addition, these ndings indicated
that ribavirin has the ability to modulate in a dierent way the central regulation of
locomotor and stereotypic activities, possibly through activation of central A1 adenosine
The eect of ribavirin on the process of glial scarring after ablation of the
sensorimotor cortex of adult rats was also examined. It was shown that lesion performed
on adult rats was accompanied by intensive glial scarring, while after neonatal lesion, a
lack of gliotic scar was seen until 30 days post surgery. Consecutive administration of
ribavirin for 5, and more eectively for 10 days, considerably reduced gliotic response,
and postponed glial scar formation in adult rats. The eect of combined treatment with
two nucleoside analogues, tiazofurin and ribavirin, on the development of experimental
autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) was investigated. The obtained results indicated
a synergistic action of these drugs in the attenuation of clinical signs of disease, and
recommended this combination of nucleoside analogues for future therapy of multiple
Milenkovic I., Nedeljkovi N., Filipovic R., Pekovic S., Culic M., Rakic ., Stojiljkovic M.,
2005: Pattern of glial brillary acidic protein expression following kainate-induced cerebellar lesion in rats. Neurochemical Research, 30 (2), 207-213.
Nedeljkovi N., Banjac A., Horvat A., Stojiljkovic M., Nikezic G., 2005: Developmental
prole of NTPDase activity in synaptic plasma membranes isolated from rat cerebral cortex.
International Journal of Neuroscience, 23 (1), 45-51.
Jana B., Pei V., Pekovi S., Raki Lj., Stojiljkovi M., 2005: The time course of ribavirin-provoked changes of basal and AMPH-induced motor activities in rats. Experimental Brain
Research, 165, 402-406.

Jana B., Pei V., Pekovi S., Raki Lj., Stojiljkovi M., 2005: Dierent Eects of Adenosine
A1 Agonist Ribavirin on AMPH-Induced Total Locomotor and Stereotypic Activities in Rats. Annals of Academy of Sciences New York, 1048, 396-399.
Pekovic S., Filipovic R., ubai S., Lavrnja I., Stojkov D., Nedeljkovi N., Raki Lj.,
Stojiljkovi M., 2005: Downregulation of Glial Scarring After Brain Injury: The Eect of Purine
Nucleoside Analogue Ribavirin. Annals of Academy of Sciences New York, 1048, 296-310.
Lavrnja I., Stojkov D., Pekovi S., ubai S., Mostarica-Stojkovi M., Stoi-Grujii
S., Nedeljkovi N., Medi-Mijaevi Lj., Raki Lj., Stojiljkovi M., 2005: Combination of
Nucleoside Analogues, Tiazofurin and Ribavirin, Down-Regulates Experimental Autoimmune
Encephalomyelitis. Annals of Academy of Sciences New York, 1048, 392-395.
Perovi M., Mladenovi A., Raki Lj., Rudiji S., Kanazir S., 2005: Increase of GAP-43
in the Rat Cerebellum Following Unilateral Striatal 6-OHDA Lesion. SYNAPSE 11, 56 (3), 170174.
Ruzdijic S., Perovic M., Mladenovic A., Milanovic D., Rakic Lj., Petanceska S., Kanazir S.,
2005: The impact of aging, dietery restriction, and glucocorticoids on ApoE gene expression in rat
brain. Annals of Academy of Sciences New York, 1053, 231-233.
Petrovi M., Markovi I., Isakovi A., epanovi Lj., Rosi G., Mitrovi D., 2005:
Parameters of purine and pyrimidine nucleoside uptake into cardiac tissue. The rst congress of
physiological sciences of Serbia and Montenegro with international participation, Belgrade,
November 9-12, 2005, 38.
Petrovi M., Isakovi A., Rosi G., epanovi Lj., Mitrovi D., 2005: Transport of 3deazaguanine in isolated perfused guinea pig heart. The rst congress of physiological sciences
of Serbia and Montenegro with international participation, Belgrade, November 9-12, 2005,
Isakovi A., Misirli Deni S., Popadi D., Redi Z., 2005: Eux of nucleosides through
the choroid plexus epithelium in vitro. The rst congress of physiological sciences of Serbia and
Montenegro with international participation, Belgrade, November 9-12, 2005, 42.
Markovi I., Redi Z., Gai J., Raki Lj., 2005: Transport of nucleic acid precursors in the
isolated perfused sheep choroid plexus. The rst congress of physiological sciences of Serbia
and Montenegro with international participation, Belgrade, November 9-12, 2005, 43.
Stojiljkovi M., Jokanovi M., 2005: Aum Shinrikyo and terrorist use of nerve agents in
Japan. In: Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Terrorism Chemical terrorism and
traumatism, Editors A. Monov, C. Dishovski, Publishing House of the Union of Scientists in
Bulgaria, Soa, 101-116.
Jokanovi M., Stojiljkovi M.P., 2005: Biochemical mechanisms of biotransformation of
organophosphorus compounds. In: Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Terrorism
Chemical terrorism and traumatism, Editors A. Monov, C. Dishovski, Publishing House of the
Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Soa, 247-270.

(Academician Vojin ulovi)

In cooperation with our associates from the United States (R.M. Moore and D.
Marinac-Dabi), who are also the members od our interdepartmental committees (for
human reproduction biology and AIDS), long-standing research on the biological impact
of prenatal ultrasound was completed.
During the previous year, research was conducted in several directions. The
poor response of the ovaries to ovuluation stimulation was investigated. There are the
studies which indicate that the poor response to ovulation stimulation is associated with
amenorrhea and other menstrual irregularities within a period of ve years. Premature
ovarian insuciency (POI) is a condition which is characterized by the absence of
menstruation, reduced level of estrogen and increased level of gondatrophin before the

age of 40. It has been concluded that the prognostic indicators of the success of ovulation
stimulation are most frequently the age of female patients and the level of follicle
stimulating hormones (FSH).
Apart from the classical indicators, the investigation of inhibin B and antimullerian
hormone (AMH) as the stimulation predictors, primarily in reproduction technology,
was also introduced.
Special attention was devoted to the possibilities of investigating the morphological
disorders of the fetus congenital anomalies, by applying physical technologies. The
reliability of specied diagnostic procedures was investigated. Diagnostic and treatment
protocols relating to the procedures on the fetus with congenital anomalies, coupled with
consultation-based examinations, were prepared. In deciding on the possible therapeutic
procedures, all complex medical, ethical, emotional, social and legal factors were taken
into account. It should be pointed out that, over the past years, a special eld so-called
fetal medicine, which also includes fetal surgery has been developed.
The research on immunological factors in the treatment of sterility and high risk
pregnancies, which had started in the previous years, was continued. Special attention was
devoted to autoimmune phenomena and the presence of antiphospholipid, antinuclear
and other antibodies.
An analysis of the cardiovascular and functional responses of the fetus to the
antenatal administration of corticosteroids was also made.
Moore R.M., Marinac-Dabi D., ulovi V., 2005: Health Care and the Quality of Life in
the United States (Zdravstvena zatita i kvalitet ivota u Sjedinjenim Amerikim Dravama). In:
Medicine and Life Quality, Eds. V. ulovi and Dj. Jakovljevi, Serbian Academy of Sciences and
Arts, Belgrade, 9-19.
Marinac-Dabi D., ulovi V., Moore R.M., 2005: Epidemiologic Studies of Bioeects
Associated with Prenatal Ultrasound (Epidemioloka istraivanja biolokog delovanja prenatalnog
ultazvuka). In: Medicine and Life Quality, Eds. V. ulovi and Dj. Jakovljevi, Serbian Academy
of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 19-39.
Popovi J., ulovi V., Vueti D., 2005: Laparoscopy treatment of adnexal sterility. Clinical
and Experimental Obstestrics and Gynecology, XXXII, 1, 31.
Babovi I., Opali J., Plesinac S., ulovi V., Plea D., Cetkovi M., Ljubi A., 2005: Inuence
of direct fetal corticotherapy of the venous velocity in high risk pregnancies. 20th Congress Fetus
as a Patient, St. Stefan, 36.
Ljubi A., 2005: Prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies - what if we are wrong? 1st
South East European Congress in Perinatal Medicine, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Ljubi A., 2005: Contemporary Fetal Surveillance, what is Reality? East European Society
of Perinatal Medicine Fetal Medicine Perinatal Diagnosis, Antalya, Turkey.
Jeremi K., Ili M., Gojni M., Dukanac J., Ljubi A., Stojni J., 2005: Comparison of the
therapeutic protocols in patients with antiphospholipids antibodies and recurent miscariages. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 62 (6), 198.


(Academician Sveto Sua)

In 20 patients with endemic nephropathy, in various phases of the disease, the eect
of proinammatory cytokines was investigated. The results point out that inammatory
changes are predominant in glomeruli and that they are accompanied by changes in
the interstitium to varying degrees, which is in compliance with the results of earlier

In addition, the electrophoresis of urine proteins in one group of patients,

monitored in relation to the previous concentration of urine proteins, has shown that it
is the question of glomerular proteinuria.
The results of monitoring the condition of patients with endemic nephropathy by
means of X-rays, isotopes and echography point to a gradual evolution in most patients
in dierent disease-endemic areas, which depends primarily on the phase of the disease.
The hitherto research on the incidence of endemic nephropathy shows that there is
a slight increase of this disease but, for the time being, it is still below that in the previous
decades, which poses a new challenge for researchers to nd out what has happened.


(Corresponding Member Marko Andjelkovi)

The Committee played an active role in actions aimed at the protection of the Mokra
Gora region. The President and several members of the Committee actively participated
in many meetings organised by other institutions, dedicated to current issues related to
the action programme of the Committee. The activities of the Committee included the
organisation and realisation of a lecture entitled Novel methods in the diagnostics of
diseases, therapy, and drug production aimed at human and environmental protection.
The professional activities related to the objectives of the Committee, members and
associates were carried out in the respective research institutions.
The main activity of the Committee in 2005 was the organization and realisation
of a scientic meeting entitled Biodiversity at the beginning of the new millennium.
The meeting was held on the 24th November, 2005, followed by a publication of the same



(Academician Aleksandar Despi)

In the year 2005, measurements of possible energy gains in sun-tracking solar

converters were continued. The results based on theoretical considerations and
measurement were analysed.
The new prototype which rotates only by azimuth was produced. Namely, during
the work on this project, it became evident that rotation by azimuth is much more ecient
than rotation by elevation. Such an appliance would be much simpler and cheaper.

Also, a technical solution was produced that would enable rotation of the appliance
by elevation, but it would be manual and not automatic. In this case, the appliance had
to be manually rotated by elevation several times a year, depending on the height of the
sun over the horizon in the particular season. According to all experience to date, such a
solution would result in the most ecient, optimal and economically rewarding results.
Measurements of the solar power received by collector with reectors were made
and compared with the power received by a xed collector.
While working on this project, the economic eciency of solar collectors and
PV systems was calculated using cost-benet analysis and some elements of a validity
Pucar M., Despi A., 2005: The Eect of Diuse/Indirect Light on the Energy Gain of Solar
Thermal Collectors. Renewable Energy, 30, 1749-1758.
Nenkovi M., Pucar M., 2005: Substitution of Traditional Energy Sources Using Geothermal Resources and Biowaste Energy in Serbias Spas. Medjunarodni nauni skup: KGH (Klimatizacija, grejanje, hladjenje), Beograd, decembar 2005, 129-138.


(Academician Pantelija M. Nikoli)

Research on changes in the properties of superconducting materials (Y,B,CuO7-x)

with ageing was continued.


(Academician Vladan Djordjevi)

In 2005, the manuscripts for Volume X of the edition Lives and Work of Serbian
Scientists (ivot i delo srpskih naunika) were prepared for publication (including
reviewing, editing, translation of the summaries into English, arrangement of bibliographic
units, etc.). The book came out and it contains the contributions of the following 13
1. RIHARD BURIJAN (1871-1954), Pavle Jovi, 1-24.
2. DIMITRIJE SAVI (1898-1981), Miodrag Mesarovi, 27-52.
3. DJORDJE LAZAREVI (1903-1993), Mirko Ai, 55-125.
4. BRANISLAV MILOVANOVI (1908-1979), Aleksandar Grubi, 129-185.
5. BRANKO EELj (1910-1995), Boko Petrovi, 187-236.
6. DANILO RAKOVI (1910-1985), Katica Hedrih, Milovan Studovi, 239-268.
7. RADIVOJ MILIN (1912-1996), Dragia Popovi, 271-309.
8. IZIDOR PAPO (1913-1996), Jovan Jablanov, 313-357.
9. SLAVKO BOROJEVI (1919-1999), Ivan Mihaljev, Stevan Petrovi, 361-408.
10. DRAGO RADENKOVI (1920-1991), Nataa Naerlovi- -Veljkovi, 411-434.
11. SLOBODAN ALJANI (1922-1993), Duan Adamovi, Dragan Arandjelovi, 437473.
12. MILOJE R. SARI (1925-2002), Rudolf Kastori, Borivoj Krsti, 477-533.13. ZORAN
ZARI (1929-1985), Naim Afgan, 537-563.


(Academician Paula Putanov)
In 2005, the gathering of historical material was focussed on the following:
1. The SASA contribution to the development of chemistry in Serbia: historical
background, activities, projects, committees, institutes, bibliography;
2. The preparation of the list of the relevant research and educational
3. The data on specied institutions;
4. Bibliographic data a survey of the most important publications of institutions
and professional organizations.
The participants included the heads of the mentioned institutions or their auhorized
associates, as well as older associates who were not employed any more. All contributions
are author-edited and approved.




(Academician Paula Putanov)

In addition to other permanent activities, in 2005, the Committee prepared two

Monographs for publishing:
1. 45 Years of the Belgrade School of Catalysis presented as part of the project:
Theoretical investigations oriented towards the development of industrial catalysis.
2. New Challenges in Catalysis IV: The fourth monograph in the series published
by this Committee is devoted to design, preparation, perfection and application of new
New Challenges in Catalysis IV, SASA, Branch in Novi Sad, Belgrade, 2005.
Putanov P.: Catalyiss from Aristotle to present days, 11-17.
Delmon B.: Some challenges for catalyst preparation, 19-31.
Baerns M., uki T., Grubert G., Holea M., Rodeemerck U.: Mathematical tools in the
optimisation of catalyst compositions by high-throughput experimentation, 33-41.
Guezi L., Pet D., Frey K., Beck A., Darczi C.S.: CO oxidation over Au/SiO2/Si(100) model
nanosystem, 41-48.
Kiennemann A., wierczyski D., Courson C.: Hydrogen-Rich gas production from
biomass gasication, 49-71.
Gerwak W., Malato S., Blanco J., Alarcn D.D., Maldonado M.I., Fernndez-Ibaez P.:
Solar photocatalytic water detoxication. Technology and application examples at pilot-plant
scale, 73-97.
Damyanova S., Bueno J.M.C., Petrov L.: Catalysis and production of hydrogen, 99-121.
Aksenov D.G., Klimov O.V., Kikhtyanin O.V., Echevsky G.V.: Scientic base and technology
of BIMF, 123-139.

Plavi M.B.: New catalytic systems based on immobilized enzymes and some fundamental
issues of enzyme catalysis, 141-167.
Skala D., Orlovi A., Jovanovi D., Oci O.: Mathematical model of reactor for
hydrodesulfurization of light gas oil, 169-199.
Avramov Ivi M.L., Petrovi S.D.: Electrocatalysis of the oxidation and of the reduction of
some antibiotics and antitumor drugs, 201-211.
Jovanovi S., Vico-Stevanovi M., Ugljei-Kilibarda D.: Integrated approach for
development of phase transfer catalysis processes in active pharmaceutical ingredients production,
Jovanovi D., Stankovi M., Guzina D., Markovi B., Miljani S.: Low-trans catalyst: a new
trend in the development of the edible oil hydrogenation catalyst, 227-238.
Zenkovets G.A, Kryukova G.N., Tsybulya S.V., Gavrilov V.Yu.: Nanostructured V2O5/TiO2
(anatase) catalysts: Synthesis, characterization, catalytic properties, 239-254.
de Bruyn L., Jaki G.: Employing improved chevron catalysts to meet new renery product
specications without equipment modications, 255-268.
Weyda H., Khler E.: Modern rening concepts an update on naphtha-isomerization to
modern gasoline manufacture, 269-280.


(Academician Miroslav J. Gai)

An HPLC method for the determination of the logP values of quinones and
hydroquinones which are sparingly soluble in water, such as avarone and avarol, was
The chemical composition of a number of green and brown algae from the South
Adriatic was determined, with a particular accent on the sterol fraction.
A sensitive, reproducible and quantitative method for the detection of leucyl
aminopeptidases in native polyacrylamide gels (after electrophoresis) using leucine pnitroanilide as the substrate was developed. By this method, isoenzymes can be detected
using other aminoacyl p-nitroanilides as substrates.
Boi N., Vuji Z., 2005: Detection and quantication of leucyl aminopeptidase after native electrophoresis using leucine-p-nitroanilide. Electrophoresis, 26, 2476-2480.

(Academicians Dragoslav Marinkovi, Goran Karaman, Ju. Gerasimov)

According to the planned activities for 2005, analysis and publication of the
obtained data were realised. In order to perceive the conditions for the commencement
of studies on the aquaculture potentials of the Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser nacarii), a
eld study in the Sasko Lake region was conducted in May. Furthermore, in November,
one specimen of this species was transported to the aquaculture facility situated in
Negotin (eastern Serbia). Currently its acclimatization on captivity conditions, as well
as experiment planning concerning ecophysiological characteristics and aquaculture
potentials are in progress.

Activities on ecophysiological studies concerning investigations of the functional

characteristics of the eye of sh with pronounced aquaculture signicance (Oncorhynchus mykiss,
Anguilla anguilla) continued. The inuence of the intensity and duration of the stimulus on
electroretinogram properties under photopic conditions were investigated by implementation of
incremental photo-stimulus and intermittent stimulation of constant duration.

Damjanovi I., Byzov A.L., Bowmaker J.K., Gai Z., Utina I.A., Maximova E.M., Mikovi
B., Andjus R.K., 2005: Photopic vision in eels evidences of color discrimination. Annals of New
York Academy of Science, 1048, 69-84.
Hegedi A., Kalauzi A., Mikovi B., Nikevi M., Andjus R.K., 2005: Modeling of the
migration of the European glass eel. Annals of New York Academy of Science, 1048, 85-91.
Gai Z., Damjanovi I., Konjevi Dj., Baji A., Miloevi M., Andjus R.K., Mikovi B.,
2005: Inuence of photopic environment on the form of sh electroretinogram. Annals of New
York Academy of Science, 1048, 437-440.



(Professor Dr Slobodan Milosavljevi, Academician Miroslav J. Gai)

In continuation of investigations of secondary metabolites of wild-growing plant

species of Serbia and Montenegro, members of the following families were examined:
1. ASTERACEAE: genera, Anthemis, Amphoricarpos and Achillea
2. GENTIANACEAE: genus, Gentianella
From the aerial parts of the examined species belonging to the family Asteraceae
several sesquiterpene lactones and avonoids were isolated. In addition, a GC/MS analysis
of essential oils of Anthemis ruthenica and A. arvensis was carried out. All the isolated
compounds were identied by spectroscopic methods.
In the aerial parts and roots of the endemic species Gentianella crispata, G.
albanica, G. bulgarica and G. austriaca, three classes of compounds of chemotaxonomic
signicance, such as secoiridoids, C-glucoavones and xanthones, were identied. In
addition, these groups of compounds usually exhibit various biological activities.
Trifunovi S., Aljani I., Vajs V., Macura S., Milosavljevi S., 2005: Sesquiterpene lactones
and avones from Achillea depressa. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 33, 317-323.
Jankovi T., Krsti D., Aljani I., avikin-Fodulovi K., Menkovi N., Vajs V., Milosavljevi
S., 2005: Xanthones and C-glucosides from the aerial parts of four species of Gentianella from
Serbia and Montenegro. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 33, 729-735.
Kapetanovi R., Sladi D., Popov S., Zlatovi M., Kljaji Z., Gai M.J., 2005: Sterol composition of the Adriatic Sea algae Ulva lactuca, Codium ichotomum, Cystoseira adriatica and Fucus
virsoides. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 70 (12), 1395-1400.



(Academician Nikola Hajdin)

The subproject Elasto-plastic behaviour of metal plates, plate and box girders
deals with box-girders with wide anges subjected to bending and torsion and plate
girders subjected to centric and eccentric patch loading. Experimental and theoretical
investigations of the stability and ultimate load were carried out.
The subproject Dynamics of structures is directed primarily at bridges. The
research included problems of impact and noise structure-borne sound and bridges as
its source.
The subproject Composite structures of steel and concrete deals with the analysis
of composite structures according to the theory of elasticity and concrete deals with the
analysis of composite structures according to the theory of elasticity and the theory of
plasticity, as well as with the theoretical analysis of the inuence of the deformability of
connectors on the behaviour of composite beams.
Research was continued on all subprojects. The results were presented at
international and domestic conferences, in an international journal and in one doctoral
Markovi N., Hajdin N., 2005: Longitudinally Stiened Plate Girders - Inuence of the
Patch Load Length on the Carrying Capacity. 4th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Eurosteel 2005, Proceedings, Vol. A (Edited by Homeister, B., Hechler,
O.), Maastricht, p. 1.4-167-174.
Lui D., epanovi B., 2005: I-girders under eccentric patch loading - Experimental and
theoretical analysis. 4th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Eurosteel
2005, Proceedings, Vol. A (Edited by Homeister, B., Hechler, O.), Maastricht, p.l.4-105112.
Hajdin N., 2005: Destruction and Reconstruction of the Sloboda Bridge in Novi Sad.
Structural Engineer, Journal of the Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Skopje,
7, 431-438.
Hajdin N., Stipani B., Krawczyk J., Wachalski K., 2005: Konstrukcja mostu
podwieszonego przez rzeke Wisle jako cze glowna drogowej przeprawy mostowej w Plocku.
Mosty podwieszone i wiszace, Seminarium, Wroclaw, 154-161.
Hajdin N., Stipani B., 2005: Reconstruction of cable-stayed bridge (Sloboda Bridge)
across the Danube in Novi Sad. Mosty podwieszone i wiszace, Seminarium, Wroclaw, 334341.


(Academician Petar Miljani)

During 2005, work on the project Experimental and laboratory research on the
models of ship equipment was continued with a study and evaluation the application
of the electric propulsion of ships for smaller and larger naval units on interior naval
routes. A study of a solar power supply as a renewable source of energy and supply in
an emergency on the Floating Dock on the Sava River, owned by the River Police of
the Ministry of Interior Aairs of the Republic of Serbia, was made. A new solution for
the protection from corrosion of naval, stationary and rarely-moved objects on the river
was also proposed. Supported by the JP Elektrodistribucija Beograd Company, work on
the electrication of the Chilandar Monasterys Treasury and accompanying systems was
nalized and the project was readjusted accordingly and handed over. A lecture on The
Reconstruction and Electrication of the Chilandar Monasterys Treasury was held in
the Library of the City of Belgrade.
The design of a boat of approximately 12/4m with an electric drive for closed
aquatorials was commenced within the project Ship resistance and propulsion study.
The ship is meant to transport 60 passengers and have minimal draft and, therefore, two
propelling wheels with blades were chosen for the propulsion system. There are two
main concepts for cargo transportation on our rivers: self-propelled boats, mostly on
the River Rein, and pushing boats and barges. It is possible to signicantly improve the
characteristics of both concepts by use of diesel-electric drive and reversible navigation.
Within this project, the solution of a contemporary bi-propeller container river boat was
made in 3D modelling. Naval routes and river information system were considered. An
elaborate study of the naval routes on the Rivers Rein, Danube and Sava was made. Cargo
routes on the River Danube, as well as the lake ecosystems of Serbia were considered.
From the point of electric propulsion, the occurrence of cavitations in the diesel motors
of ships was considered in a published article.
Within the project Study in contemporary shipbuilding for Bagersko Brodarsko
Preduzece, studies for the reconstructions of the Gruzanka and Nisava elevators were
performed. An increase in the capacity and eciency of the unloading of barges was
achieved using a new construction design, especially for the second elevator which was
also signicantly electried through a land connection. A program for drawing standard
steel elements in 3D and calculating the quantity of each prole used in the design was
made in AutoCAD. After studying the problems of the exhaust system of main propelling
motors, the optimal solution and a project for the adaptation of the boat Avala, owned
by Hidrozavod Company, will be made. The realisation is expected next year.
Laji Z., Leo A., Tiano A., Tomi M., 2005: Improving Inland Waterway Transport Eciency by a New Approach to Vessel Design. Proceedings of the European Inland Waterway
Navigation Conference, Szeged, Hungary, 215-235.



(Academician Momilo M. Risti)

The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility

of amorphous Co80Ni20 powder compacts was investigated under isothermal and nonisothermal conditions. The inuence of structural relaxation and crystallization on the
magnetic properties was investigated using the thermomagnetic relaxation method.
During structural relaxation, the magnetic moment of the investigated samples increased
as a consequence of ne interatomic movement.
A systematic investigation of problems of amorphisation and relaxation of
amorphous alloys based on iron was performed.
The activation of bentonite with hydrochloric acid was investigated, whereby it was
established that dehydroxylation of montmorillonite and formation of an amorphous
layer of silicon dioxide can be realized.
The inuence of tribophysical activation and sintering on the evolution of blue clay
was investigated.
The synthesis of TiO2 nanopowder by laser induced pyrolysis using
isopropanedioxide as the precursor was investigated.
Marii A.M., Risti M.M., 2005: The Correlation of Processes of Crystallization and
Changes of Free Electron Density of Alloy Powders. Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering,
2, 1, 57-63.
Vlasova M., Leon G., Kakazey N., Enriquez Mendez Y., Nikoli N., Nikoli M.V., Risti
M.M., 2005: Acid Activation of Bentonite Clay in Conditions of Water Deciency. Sillicates
Industriels, 70, 5/6, 85-91.
Stanii G.M., Dohevi-Mitrovi Z., Joksimovi D., Risti M.M., 2005: Characteristic
Structural Development of Blue Clay Trough Tribomechanical Activation and Sintering. Physics
and Technology of Materials, FITEM 05, Book of Abstracts, 47.
Gruji-Brojin M., epanovi M.J., Dohevi-Mitrovi Z.D., Hini I., Matovi B., Stanii
G., Popovi Z.V., 2005: Infrared Study of Laser Synthesized Anatase TiO2 Nanopowders. Journal
of Physics D: Applied Physics, 38, 1415-1420.


(Academician Pantelija M. Nikoli)

Investigations of thermal properties of NTC thick lms sintered on alumina

substrata were continued.
NTC sensors for air ow were made and their characteristics were measured.
Photoacoustic properties of semiconducting superlatices produced in cooperation
with Dr M. Henini from the Department of Physics, Nottingham, were investigated.
Aleksi O.S., Nikoli P.M., Lukovi D., Savi S., Vasiljevi Radovi D., Radulovi K., Luki
L., Bojii A., Uroevi D., 2005: Investigation of the thermal diusivity of thick lm NTC layers
obtained with the photoacoustic method. Journal of Physics IV France, 125, 431-433.
Savi S.M., Aleksi O.S., Nikoli P.M., Lukovi D.T., 2005: Geometrical and electrical properties of NTC polycrystalline thermistors vs. changes of sintering parameters. The Book of Abstracts of the VI Scientic Meeting Physics and Technology of Materials, FITEM 05, aak,
August 1-3, 2005, 40.



(Academician Petar Miljani)

Using the modied denitions of rms and average values the characteristics of the
ac power standard were obtained. It has been shown that the standard deviations of the
performed measurements are due primarily to the instability of the voltage and current
sources. The accuracy of the performed measurement is estimated to 20W/W.
The hunting of the generators at the power plant Djerdap II was observed measuring
the voltage, active and reactive power. The measuring equipment included: 16 channels
16 bits AD converter, the conversion board for obtaining signals of plus-minus 10 V
from the outputs of the current and voltage transformers in the plant, Labview program
to record the sampling data, Visual Basic program for the implementation of the new
modied denition of ac quantities and Excel program for obtaining the diagrams. The
frequency of hunting is 2 Hz; the amplitude of voltage change is 0.1%, of active and
reactive power 2%.
(Academician Djordje Zlokovi)

The group supermatrix procedure, developed in the books by Zlokovi: Group

theory and G-vector spaces in structural analysis: vibration, stability and statics
(Horwood/John Wiley) and Group supermatrices in nite element analysis (Horwood/
Prentice Hall), was implemented in nite element analysis in mechanics and applied to
large complex structures in architectural, civil and mechanical engineering. Based on
previous derivation of stiness matrices by the group supermatrix procedure, the modular
system of the group supermatrix procedure was created and presented in the papers:
(1) Zlokovi Dj., Group supermatrix modular structure developed on properties
and relations of symmetry groups C2, D2, and D2h
(2) Zlokovi Dj., Group supermatrix modular structuring by symmetry groups D2
and D2h (both in print in the Bulletin of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts).
The group supermatrix modular structure was developed from relations of the
symmetry groups C2, D2, D2h. The cumulative relationship of their character tables,
elements (symmetry operations), shape functions and boundary conditions in coordinate
planes are also present in their group supermatrices in normal and diagonal forms, in
all of which a common modular pattern is displayed. The group supermatrix modular
structure is shown in stiness matrices of the rectangular plate in exure, as well as in
arbitrary non-symmetrical quadrilateral and hexahedral nite elements.
In the group supermatrix procedure, the directions of nodal displacements
and rotations parallel to coordinate axes are in agreement with the symmetry types of
particular G-invariant subspaces of the space of the object. Each subspace possesses its
own set of positive directions in quadrants or octants, which diers from the respective
sets of positive directions in other subspaces.
Nodal displacements and rotations are obtained by summing the respective
displacements and rotations of simple symmetry adapted unit cases of loads in the shape
of groups of vectors of forces or moments in particular subspaces. A quarter of the object
in the rst quadrant, or an eighth of the object in the rst octant is used, where such a

part has a boundary condition in coordinate planes in accordance with the symmetry
type of the subspace. The system of equations which determines nodal displacements
and rotations has a stiness matrix in block diagonal form with submatrices for each
subspace independently.
An alternative way to obtain nodal displacements and rotations is the utilization
of known load members for particular bars, where, instead of the stiness matrix of
the object, its inverse matrix is formed in the shape of the basis transformation TDT-1,
where T is the group transformation matrix and D the block diagonal matrix with load
members as its elements. Nodal displacements and rotations are obtained by summing
the respective displacements and rotations from the subspaces.
In comparison with the conventional utilization of symmetry properties in nite
element analysis, group supermatrix modular structuring provides sets of independent
systems of equations with much smaller matrices, which provides for large reductions in
the formulation and the amount of computation.
(Academician Dragutin Draai)

Zn alloys (Zn-Ni, Zn-Co and Zn-Fe) were galvanostatically deposited on steel

using dierent current densities in order to improve the corrosion stability of steel.
For the same reason, in addition to the Zn alloys, layers of polyaniline (PANI) were
also galvanostatically plated onto steel. Such protective layers were combined with
cataphoretically deposited epoxy coatings. The corrosion stabilities of such combined
coatings were tested in a 3 % NaCl solution. Modication of the steel surface by the
alloys and PANI layers had a considerable eect on the electrochemical and sorption
characteristics of the studied samples. The best results were obtained with the PANI layer,
then with Zn-Ni and Zn-Co alloys, while Zn-Fe alloy was the least eective. The pull-of
method was used to study the adhesion properties of the formed protective layers and the
eect of corrosive action on it. In the preliminary studies, the eects of the experimental
conditions (type of glue, rate of pulling, drying conditions, etc.) on the reproducibility of
the measurements were studied.
Popovi M.M., Grgur B.N., Mikovi-Stankovi V.B., 2005: Corrosion Studies on Electrochemically Deposited PANI and PANI/Epoxy Coatings on Mild Steel in Acid Sulfate Solution.
Progress in Organic Coatings, 52, 359-365.

(Academician Miomir Vukobratovi)

During 2005, within the framework of the project, a generalized approach to the
modelling of human and humanoid motion was developed. Instead of the usual inductive
approach, which commences from the analysis of dierent forms of real motion (such
as, bipedal gait and running; playing tennis, soccer, or volleyball; oor gymnastics or
the use of some gymnastic apparatus; etc.) and attempting to make a generalization, the
considered deductive approach commenced with the formulation of a completely general
problem from which dierent real situations were derived as special cases. The concept
and the software realisation were veried by comparing the results with the ones obtained
using classical software for one well-known particular problem biped walk. The

applicability and possibilities of the proposed method were demonstrated by simulation

of selected examples. The simulated motion included: landing on one foot (after a jump),
the impact, a dynamically balanced, single-support phase, and the falling down after loss
of balance. It was shown that the same methodology and the same software can cover all
these phases.
Vukobratovic M., Potkonjak V., 2005: A Generalized Approach to Modeling Dynamic of
Human and Humanoid Motion. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, January issue,
Vol. 2, No 1, 24-45.
Vukobratovic M., Borovac B., Babkovic K., 2005: Contribution to the Study of
Anthropomorphism of Humanoid Robots. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics,
January issue, Vol. 2, No 3, 361-387.
Potkonjak V., Vukobratovi M., Babkovic K., Borovac B., 2005: General Model of Dynamics
of Human and Humanoid Motion, accepted for publishing in International Journal of Humanoid
Robotics, December issue, 2005.
Zivanovic M., Vukobratovic M., 2005: Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots. Research Monograph, Springer.


(Academician Vladan Djordjevi)

During 2005, the work on the Project was focused mainly on uid ow in microchannels, and on the ow of gas-particle mixtures in uidised beds.
In the study of ow in micro-channels when the uid slips over the walls of the
channel (for example, due to the gas rarefaction, or due to the porosity of the channel
walls), particular attention was paid to the modelling of the slip boundary conditions.
In the study of ow of gas-particle mixtures in uidised beds, the research was
directed towards the study of the interaction between the uidised bed dynamics and
pressure uctuations in the air supply system.
Stevanovi N.D., Djordjevi V.D., 2005: On the simultaneous eects of gas rarefaction,
wall porosity, and inertia in microchannel ows. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ZAMM), 85, 7, 516-522.
Djordjevi V.D., 2005: Circular Couette ow between porous cylinders. Journal of
Mechanical Engineering Science, 219, No. C8, 743-747.
Stevanovi N., 2005: Friction Pressure Loss in Microchannel Rareed Gas Flows. Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering Transactions, 33, No.2, 65-72.
ai S., 2005: Fluid Dynamics of Fluidized Bed Reactors: Experiments and Simulations
with System Interactions. PhD Dissertation, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, ISBN
ai, S., Leckner, B., Johnsson, F., 2005: Parametric modelling of time series of pressure
uctuations in gas-solid uidized beds. Chemical Engineering Science, 60, 5069-5077.
Van Ommen J.R., ai S., van der Schaaf J., Gheorghiu S., Coppens M.O., Schouten J.,
Leckner B., Johnsson F., 2005: Revisiting the analysis methods for pressure uctuation signals
measured in uidized beds. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Circulating
Fluidized Beds, Hangzhou, China, 950-967.



(Academician Duan Milovi)

The raft foundation soil foundation interaction problem is very particular for
grain elevator structures because of the non-uniform loading and unloading during the
entire period of exploitation. In order to establish the eect of this variation of the applied
load, a computer program NONUNIF was developed. By means of this program it was
possible to determine the vertical distortional component of the displacement of the raft
foundation, its bending moments, torque, shear forces and contact stresses in any point
of the raft, for any relative rigidity of the raft, and for any type of loading.
In civil engineering practice, numerous cases of severely damaged collapsed
structures were noticed. For the study of the interaction problem and the corresponding
behaviour of grain elevator structures under non-uniform loading of the raft foundation,
three characteristic cases were chosen. In the rst case, the soil foundation collapsed at the
beginning of the exploitation period. In the second case, the measured settlements of the
structure were remarkably great, but the dierential settlements were situated between
the acceptable limits. In the third case, the measured settlements were excessive, with a
considerable amount of dierential settlements, which were, without doubt, responsible
for the damage to the structure and degradation of its serviceability.
Using the above mentioned program, for the rst grain elevator, the values of
settlement, bending moments, torque, shear forces and contact stresses were calculated,
using various values of relative rigidity of the raft foundation. The load was assumed to
be uniformly distributed over the entire raft or, alternatively, the raft was non-uniformly
Milovic D., Djogo M., 2005: A pile loaded by horizontal force and moment theoretical
and eld load test results. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics
and Foundation Engineering, Osaka, Japan, Vol. 4, 20232026.


(Academician Aleksandar Marini)

In connection with the planned work for 2005, three themes have been covered:
- Development of a new method for measurements of photodiodes in infrared
range of wavelengths. Special apparatus have been made for coupling of the source LED
and photodetector. Computer program has been developed for obtaining ve parameters
from a set of measured currents and voltages in the inverse range of bias. MATCAD
curve tting method has been used and very good results are obtained.
- Work has been continued on the application of standard H.264/AVC in mobile
communications; in another work performance and complexity of standard H.264/AVC
is investigated.
- The inuence of solar radiation and surface reectivity on background received
power in laser systems operating at laser wavelength 1064 nm is analyzed. The level of
received background signal, in the eld of view of receiver, is inuenced by suns radiation,
atmosphere transmission and reectivity of objects and its surroundings. It is estimated
that the level of the received background signal variaes approximately 127 dB.
Marini A., Milovanovi B., 2005: Modeling of Photodiode and Measurements of Device
Parameters. International Conference TELSIKS 2005, Ni.

Milovanovi D., Bojkovi Z., 2005: Advanced video coding standard H.264/AVC:
Performance vs. Complexity. WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Issue 1, Vol. 4, 1-6,
January 2005.
Milievi Z., Milovanovi D., Bojkovi Z., 2005: H264/AVC standard in mobile videocommunications. Proc. TELFOR 2005, November 2005, Belgrade.


(Corresponding Member Zoran Petrovi)

The goal of the research in this project is to investigate integration of analytic, numeric
and Monte Carlo codes with calculation of space charge eects in modelling of collisional
low-temperature plasmas. Also the goal is to provide critically evaluated data for plasma
models, cross sections and rate coecients in particular. Activities on this project were
supported by the activities on project 1478 of the Ministry of Science of Serbia.
During 2005 the main objectives of our studies were to provide a basic set of
benchmark tests for heat ux tensor calculation within the framework of uid models
of non-equilibrium plasmas and to continue calculations of transport data relevant for
plasma processing in microelectronic industry such as HBr and BF3. In addition we have
opened new directions of plasma applications in our laboratory involving microdischarges
and biomedical application of plasmas so modelling of these systems was considered from
the point of view of transport and collision data and modelling. Studies of the afterglow
charging and discharging of airborne particles were completed and the tests of modelling
of negative ion transport and evaluation of the available data have commenced. Modeling
of fast neutral sources from collisional plasmas was extended by intergating the calcualtion
of neutralization with a PIC plasma model providing actual ion energy distribution
Stojkovi A., Radmilovi-Radjenovi M., Petrovi Z.Lj., 2005: Neutralization of Ion Beams
for Reduction of Charging Damage in Plasma Etching. Materials Science Forum, 494, 297-302.
Buckman S.J., Brunger M.J., Campbell L., Jelisavi M., Petrovi Z.Lj., 2005: Electron
Collisions in our Atmosphere - How the Microscopic Drives the Macroscopic. Invited lecture,
Joint Meeting of 14th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled
Nuclear Fusion (ITC14) and 4th International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and
Their Applications (ICAMDATA 2004), Tokio, Japan, American Institute of Physics, Conference
Proceedings, 771, 91-100.
Radmilovi-Radjenovi M., Petrovi Z.Lj., 2005: Modeling of rf and dc breakdown. 14th
International Symposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms, Campinas, Brasil, July
2005, 31.
Petrovi Z.Lj., Malovi G., Pua N., Djulgerova R., Makabe T., 2005: Laser Diagnostics Of
Low Temperature Plasmas And Gas Discharges, IV International Symposium on Laser Technologies and Lasers, Plovdiv, October 8-11, 2005, 50 (abstract) (invited lecture).





(Corresponding Member Ninoslav Stojadinovi)

A set of MIS capacitor samples of dierent gate area, with a Ta2O5 dielectric layer
grown at various temperatures, was prepared.
Also, software for automatic measurement and data acquisition was developed and
implemented on the present system for precise measurements of the characteristics of a
device in the low current regime.
Finally, optimisation criteria of a technology (RF sputtering) for the deposition of
Hf doped Ta2O5 , in terms of high dielectric constant, low leakage currents and abrupt
interfaces at two electrodes, ( C-V, I-V and XPS measurements), were determined.




(Academician Vladimir Kanjuh)

With 25 multidisciplinary associates (from Serbia and abroad), in 2005, 44 scientic

works (including 10 abroad), 16 in extenso, 13 abstracts and 15 only presentations, were
The following topics were investigated: ventricular myocardium as an open
myocardial band Torrent Guasps heart; the morphology and epidemiology of coronary
arteriosclerosis and its association with diabetes mellitus; the pathology of the venous
and arterial aorta coronary bypass grafts; resynchronisation therapy of heart failure;
pulmonary hypertension in congenital heart disease; aortic dissection; angiogenesis in
the central nervous system; tumours of the heart, pericardium and nasopharynx.
Kanjuh V., Koica M.J., Lakovi V., TeolovskiParapid G., Corno A.F., Carreras Costa
F., 2005: TorrentGuasps heart (helical ventricular myocardial band) phylogeny and ontogeny
of form and function. XVIII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, Belgrade,
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, June 5-8, 2005, Abstract Book, 9495.

Koica M.J., Kanjuh V., Lakovi V., TeolovskiParapid G., Corno A.F., Carreras
Costa F., TorrentGuasp F, 2005: TorrentGuasps heart (helical ventricular myocardial
band) form and function. XVIII International Symposium on Morphological
Sciences, Belgrade, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, June 5-8, 2005, Abstract
Book, 102.

Vrane M.R., Koica M.J., Kanjuh V., Lakovi V., TeolovskiParapid G., Corno A.F.,
CarrerasCosta F., Komeda M., 2005: TorrentGuasps heart (helical ventricular myocardial
band) clinical implications. XVIII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences,
Belgrade, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, June 5-8, 2005, Abstract Book, 256.
Koica M.., Kanjuh V., 2005: Ventricular myocardium as the opened muscular band
between the pulmonary artery and the aorta TorrentGuasps heart structure and function.
The Proceedings of the First Congress of the Republic of Srpska Society of Cardiology, Banja
Luka, October 28-30, 2005, Scripta Medica, 36, 1 (1 Suppl), 13.
Kanjuh V., Koica M.., eerov D., Lazarevi A.M., uevi D., Tati V., Gojkovi Bukarica Lj., Radak V., 2005: TorrentGuasps heart in the light of the evolution and phylogeny of
cardiovascular system, ontogeny of human heart and its clinical implications. The Proceedings of
the First Congress of the Republic of Srpska Society of Cardiology, Banja Luka, October 28-30,
2005, Scripta Medica, 36, 1 (1 Suppl), 37.

Kanjuh V., Ostoji M., TeolovskiParapid G., Lakovi V., Tati V., Koica M., 2005: Conceptions about the evolution of morphological lesions in coronary atherosclerosis in 2005. (General Review). XVIII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, Belgrade, Serbian
Academy of Sciences and Arts, June 58, 2005, Abstract Book, 8889.
Nedeljkovi S., Ostoji M., Stojanovi G., Gruji M., MajkiSingh N., iki Lj., Kanjuh
V., Nedeljkovi R., Kromhout D., Menotti A., Blackburn H., 2005: Epidemiology of coronary
heart disease. Seven countries study revisited after 40 years. XVIII International Symposium
on Morphological Sciences, Belgrade, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, June 58, 2005,
Abstract Book, 152.
Tati V., Kanjuh V., Koica M., Rafajlovski S., Kosti K., uevi D., 2005: Histopathological,
immunohistochemical and electron microscopic changes of the saphenous veinous coronary
grafts in situ, after surgical harvesting, on reoperation and autopsy. The Proceedings of the
First Congress of the Republic of Srpska Society of Cardiology, Banja Luka, October 2830,
2005, Scripta Medica, 36, 1(1 Suppl), 79.
Nedeljkovi S., Ostoji M., Gruji M., Stojanovi G., MajkiSingh N., Kanjuh V., Blackburn
H., Menotti A., Kromhout D., Vanschuren M., Hommerson P., Boshuizen H.C., Panagiotakos
D.P., 2005: Epidemiology of atherosclerosis. Seven countries study founded by Ansel B. Keys in
late fties of the XX century. XV kongres kardiologa Srbije i Crne Gore sa medjunarodnim
ueem, Herceg Novi, 2528. septembar 2005, Kardiologija (Beograd), 26 (Supl.1), Zbornik
saetaka, 40.
Stojni N., Gojkovi-Bukarica Lj., Peri M., Djukanovi B., Saji Z., Simi T., Kanjuh V.,
2005: Modulation of spontaneous myogenic activity and vascular tone of human radial artery by
pinacidil. XV Congress of the Cardiology Society of Serbia and Montenegro with international
participation, Herceg Novi, September 2528, 2005, Cardiology (Beograd), 26 (Supl.1), Abstract
Book, 96.
Stojni N., GojkoviBukarica Lj., Peri M., Kanjuh V., 2005: The eects of potassium
channel opener pinacidil on human radial artery. 75th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis
Society, 2326 April 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, Atherosclerosis, Suppl. 6 (1), 169.
Kanjuh V., Lali N.M., Ostoji M., Zamaklar M., Joti A., Kanjuh S., Luki Lj., Milii T.,
Rajkovi N., 2005: Reccurency of myocardial infarction in type 2 diabetes: The role of metabolic
and brinolytic factors. 75th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society, 2326 April
2005, Prague, Czech Republic, Atherosclerosis, Suppl. 6 (1), 2223.
GojkoviBukarica Lj., Novakovi A., Beleslinoki B., Peri M., Kanjuh V., 2005: The
eects of new potassium channel opener P1075 on the isolated human internal mammary artery
and saphenous vein. Abstracts der wissenschaftlichen Beitrge zur Jahrestagung der Deutschen
Gesellschaft fr Arterioskleroseforschung, 1012.03. 2005, Blaubeuren, Kreislauferkrankungen
in Klinik und Praxis, 18 (2), 78.
Djordjevi P.B., Kanjuh V., DimitrijeviSrekovi V., Ostoji M., Popovi S., Canovi F.,
Gostiljac D., Srekovi B., Mili G., Obrenovi R., olak E., 2005: Is IGT a disease? Metabolic
parametars of atherosclerosis and thrombogenesis in macroangiopathy which already exist.
1st International Congress on Prediabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome. Epidemilology,
Management and Prevention of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Berlin, Germany, April
1316, 2005, Book of Abstracts, 109.
StoiDivjak S., Kanjuh V., Djuki V., Rai A., Nei V., Basari D., 2005: New viewpoint
to histological classication of malignant epithelial tumours of nasopharynx. Acta Chirurgica
Iugoslavica, 12, LII (3), 6975.
emerliAdi N., Mesaro P., Benc D., Srdi S., Adi O., Kanjuh V., Cvejin B., Vukovi
D., 2005: Autopsy diagnoses in aortic dissection: how often are clinical diagnoses incorrect? 17th
Annual Meeting of the Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery,
Portoro, Slovenija, Septembar 22-24, 2005, Slovenska kardiologija (Book of Abstracts), II (suppl
1), 65.
Seferovi P., Risti A.D., Simeunovi D., Maksimovi R., Kanjuh V., Ostoji M., 2005: Triangular percutaneous balloon pericardiotomy: reduction of pericardial eusion recurrence rate
and mortality due to tamponade in malignant pericardial disease. European Society of Cardiology Congress, Stockholm Sweden, 37 September, Abstracts Book, 2411.



(Academician Vladimir Kanjuh)

The objective of the project was to write individual bio-bibliographies of 131

physicians members of the SASA (including foreign and non-resident members).
In 2005, 13 scientic works, 8 in extenso and 5 as presentations, were published.
An analysis was made of Serbian physicians in Serbia and in the Diaspora.
Biographic data of 11 physicians academician and 4 prominent medical doctor
were written, as well as for Professor F. Torrent Guasp, academician V. Djordjevi and
corresponding member M. Djordjevi.
Kanjuh V., 2005: Prolost i sadanjost srpskih lekara u matici i rasejanju negovanje tradicije i saradnje / Serbian physicians in Serbia and in the diaspora past and present fostering tradition and cooperation. In: M. Milanovi: Biographical Lexicon. Eminent Serbian Phyisicians.
Beograd, Toronto, 17- 21.
Kanjuh V., 2005: Popovi Neboja, 690-691; Stevanovi Gordana, 800; Stevanovi Milan,
801-802; Tucakovi Gordana, 861. In: M. Milanovi: Biographical Lexicon. Eminent Serbian
Phyisicians. Beograd, Toronto.
Milanovi M., 2005: Kanjuh Vladimir, 357-358. In: M. Milanovi: Biographical Lexicon.
Eminent Serbian Phyisicians. Beograd, Toronto.
Kanjuh V, Koica M.J., 2005: In memoriam. Professor Francisco (Paco) Torrent-Guasp
(1931-2005) discoverer of the helical ventricular myocardial band (TorrentGuasps heart).
XVIII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, Belgrade, Serbian Academy of
Sciences and Arts, June 58, 2005, Abstract Book, 90 93.


(Academician Vojin ulovi)

The survey of The Eect of Thyroid Diseases on the Reproductive Ability of

Women, conducted at the Institute for Thyroid and Metabolism Diseases on Mt Zlatibor
since 2004, was nished. Its results will be presented at the Sixth Scientic Meeting
entitled Medicine and the Quality of Life and will be published as a SASA monograph
(its authors are Vojin ulovi and Dragan Mici).
(Academician ivojin Bumbairevi)

In 2005, the investigation was focused on the application of contemporary surgical

and microsurgical techniques in reconstructive management of injured extremities.
An analysis of the surgical techniques for the replacement of large bone and soft tissue
defects was performed. It was shown that free microvascular grafts are superior to other
conventional techniques.
In addition to microvascular grafting, an analysis of the most benecial methods
for the management of complex injuries of the knee and trauma related sepsis was
Bumbairevi M., Lei A., Filipovi B., 2005: Duplication of the radial artery in the radial
forearm ap. Clinical Anatomy, 18, 305-307.
Bumbasirevic M., Lesic A., 2005: Acute injuries of the extensor mechanism of the knee.
Current Orthopaedics, 19, 49-58.

Bumbasirevic V., Karamarkovic A., Lesic A., Bumbasirevic M., 2005: Trauma-related
sepsis and multiple organ failure: Current concepts in the diagnosis and management. Current
Orthopaedics, 19, 314-321.
Stojnic N., Gojkovic Bukarica Lj., Peric M., Bumbasirevic M., Lesic A., Markovic-Lipkovski J., Heinle H., 2006: Analysis of Vasoractivity of Isolated Human Radial Artery. Journal of
Pharmacological Science, 100, 34-40.


(Academician Sveto Sua)

In 43 patients with various forms of glomerulopathy cytokines were determined.

The results point to a signicant correlation with pathohistological changes in the
bioptic kidney tissue. The electrophoretic curve of urine proteins in these patients is
also in correlation with the previous ndings.
In addition, the results of investigating antioxidant activity in patients with
chronic renal insuciency, caused by various renal diseases, point to their correlation
regardless of the etiological factor.
A correlation between progressive renal insuciency and anemia or, in other
words, the impact of the applied recombined human erythroprotein on anemia, the
quality of life and complications, such as arterial hypertension, in particular, was
investigated in the same group of patients. The results of these investigations refuted
the earlier fears that a correlation between anemia and increased hematocrits would
accelerate renal insuciency. It was observed, however, that the correction of anemia
did not slow down the progression of renal insuciency more signicantly, but that
it did improve the quality of life more signicantly.
It is also known that glomerulopathies result in terminal renal insuciency in
a great number of cases, which is an important fact, because the diseases occur most
frequently in the age when the diseased are especially useful to their families and
In addition, it is known that all forms of glomerulopathy are not equally
progressive, which could be observed in a great number of our patients, and that there
are also other factors, not only immunological ones, which inuence the progress of
the disease and the occurrence of renal brosis and terminal uremia.
Our research on the treatment by using steroids, cytostatics in large doses,
as well as Sandimun and an ACE inhibitor, show that they have a very favourable
eect on the progress of the disease in some forms of glomerulopathy and that they
postpone dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) and kidney transplantation
for a shorter or longer period. In such cases, it is very important to detect the early
forms of glomerulopathy when it is possible to inuence the progress and prognosis
of the disease most successfully.
The results of research also show that the exocrine kidney function accompanies
the insuciency of endocrine functions, but it cannot be said that there is a sucient
correlation between these disorders.



(Academician Sveto Sua)

In 2005, the number of the examined SASA members exceeded last years
examination to a considerable extent, both in terms of the number of patients and
in qualitative terms. In addition to numerous laboratory analyses, made in the
laboratories of the Beanijska Kosa Clinical and Hospital Centre, a great number of
electrographic recordings was made in the SASA Polyclinic.
In more serious cases, a certain number of the SASA members was examined
and treated in the Beanijska Kosa Clinical and Hospital Centre.
Although its acquisition has been planned for years and although its price is
not high (about 20,000 euros), the ultrasound apparatus has not been purchased to
the present day. It would be very useful for the health condition follow-up of the
SASA members, especially for the early detection of malignant diseases. In such
cases, timely interventions would have a great effect.
(Academician Veselinka ui)

In 2005, the investigations were focused on the examination of convulsive

activities of dierent substances in dierent-aged rats. Convulsive sensitivity was tested
on the metaphit-induced audiogenic model. It was found that convulsive sensitivity
is age dependent and is at its highest in neonatal days 12-15. Further eorts will be
focused on the development of new animal models of seizures/epilepsy. Practically
all known antagonists of excitatory amino acids exhibit anticonvulsant action, acting
mostly on NMDA receptors. By blocking dierent loci on the NMDA receptor complex
(ifenprodil + L 70,324; NBQX and MK-801) it might be possible to understand better
the mechanisms involved in the generation and propagation of seizure and epilepsy.
ivanovi D., Stanojlovi O., Mirkovi S., ui V., 2005: Ontogenic study of metaphit-induced audiogenic seizures in rats. Developmental Brain Research, 155, 42-48.
Stanojlovi O.P., ivanovi D.P., Mirkovi S.D., Mikhaleva I.I., 2005: Antiepileptic activity
of delta sleep inducing peptide and its analoue in metaphit-provoked sizures in rats. Seizures, 14,

Jankovi S., Soki D., Vojvodi N., Risti A., Petrovi I., 2005:. Dierent types of
epilepsy and the structure of sleep in patients with and without antiepileptic therapy.
Epilepsia, 26th International Epilepsy Congress, Paris, 2005, 128.

Risti A., Jankovi S., Annesi G., Carrideo S., Gambardella A., Petrovi I., Vojvodi N.,
Soki D., 2005: Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus: clinical and genetic analysis in
three serbian families. Epilepsia, 26th International Epilepsy Congress, Paris, 2005, 253.
Petrovi I., Risti A., Vojvodi N., Jankovi S., Soki D., 2005: Ecacy and tolerability of
Valproate-Lamotrigine combination therapy in refractory seizures. Epilepsia, 26th International
Epilepsy Congress, Paris, 2005, 279.
Vojvodi N., Risti A., Soki D., Petrovi I., Jankovi S., 2005: Clinical factors that contribute
to diagnosis delay of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Epilepsia, 26th International Epilepsy Congress,
Paris, 2005, 298.
Ili A., Risti A., Vojvodi N., Petrovi I., Jankovi S., Soki D., 2005: Placebo induction
benets and clinical features assessment in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsia, 26th International Epilepsy Congress, Paris, 2005, 344.

Jankovi J., Gavrilovi J., Lei-Toevski D., Dimi S., ui V., olovi O., PejoviMilovanevi M., Priebe S., 2005: Posttraumatic stress and quality of life. Psihijatrija danas
(2004), 36, 1, 39-55.
Stanojlovi O., Hrni D., ivanovi D., ui V., 2005: Blocking eects of sodium valproate
in metaphits model of audiogenic seizures in rats. VIII kongres klinike ziologije Srbije i Crne
Gore sa medjunarodnim ueem, Beograd, Zbornik radova i saetaka, 51.
Stanojlovi O., Hrni D., ivanovi D., Rai A., ui V., 2005: Valproate and Deltasleep peptide display high ecacy against metaphit-induced audiogenic seizure in rat. The rst
congress of physiological sciences of Serbia and Montenegro with international participation,
Belgrade, Abstract book, 49.
Hrni D., Stanojlovi O., ivanovi D., Rai A., ui V., 2005: Benecal interaction
between valproate and DSIP against seizures induced by metaphit in ras. The rst congress of
physiological sciences of Serbia and Montenegro with international participation, Belgrade,
Abstract book, 50.
Marson A.A., Jacoby A., Johnson A., Kim L., Gamble C., Chadwick D., on behalf of the
Medical Research Council MESS Study Group (International study group S.M. Jankovic, coauthor in multicentric study Medical Research Council MESS Study Group). Immediate versus
deferred antiepileptic drug treatment for early epilepsy and single seizures: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 365, 2007-2013, 2005.


(Academician Vladimir Bonjakovi)

The work on the development of new original designs of universal imaging

instrumentation for nuclear medicine capable of performing planar, SPECT and PET
studies was continued in 2005.
Two novelties in the design of a scintillation camera (SC) type of detector were
presented. Firstly, since thick layers (6/8) of the known sodium iodide NaI(Tl), and
the newly developed scintillation crystal lanthanum bromide LaBr3(Cr3+) were used in
order to increase sensitivity, the trade-o for the preservation of the spatial resolution was
achieved by using a glass light guide which had a greater refraction index (RI) than the
crystal used. Thus, by increasing the solid angle of scintillation light distribution towards
a local PMT array, the design, which we named General Purpose Scintillation Camera
GPSC, improves the performance characteristics of the instrument, compared to those
with a conventional scintillation camera design. Secondly, the novelty was initiated in
the domain of theoretical principles of design and evaluation of SC type of detector.
In addition to submitting a Serbia and Montenegro Patent application, the design was
presented at the European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Istanbul, Turkey,
The work on other subtopics during the realization of the project in 2005 referred
mostly to clinical and methodological investigations by evaluating the diagnostic
signicance of nuclear medicine techniques. These investigations included problems of
nuclear cardiology, nuclear gastro-entero-hepatology, nuclear haematology and detection
of infection. The papers on these investigations were published in the Glas SANU,
Department of Medical Sciences, 2005.


Bosnjakovic V., 2005: A new detector design for the general purpose scintillation camera
system. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 32 (1), S261.
Todorovic-Tirnanic M., Pavlovi S., Obradovic V., Sobic-Saranovic D., Bosnjakovic V.,
2005: How important is the choice of optimal value for red cell mass? European Journal of
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 32 (1), S94.


(Academician Zoran Kovaevi)

The aim of the project is investigation of the specicity of energy metabolism in

tumor cells and signal transduction pathways in carcinogenesis, as well as protection of
normal cells from antineoplastics toxicity by natural antioxidants and glutamine.
Bajin-Kati K., Kovaevi Z., Stankov K., 2005: Pyruvate kinase activity in colon, stomach
and breast tissue as a marker of malignancy. Eurpean Journal of Cancer (Suppl.), 3, 69.
Bajin-Kati K., Stankov K., Kovaevi Z., Milenkovi I., Mijatovi V., 2005: The eects of
5-uorouracil on proliferative capacity of enterocytes in experimental animals. FEBS Journal
(Suppl.), 272, 422.
Kovaevi Z., Balti V., 2005: Introductory remarks proceedings of the symposium Genomic and Proteomic in experimental and clinical oncology. Archive of Oncology (Suppl.), 13,


(Academician Miodrag Ostoji)

In the year 2004, invasive and non-invasive measurement of the coronary ow

reserve (CFR), was commenced by a pressure wire during coronary angiography (RADI
system) and interventions and by trans thoracic echocardiography (TTE) by using a
Doppler probe, respectively, was commenced. At the beginning, the CFR was investigated
by Doppler TTE only in the mid-distal, left anterior, descending artery by studying the
relationship between the extent of myocardial viability and the coronary ow reserve
after stenting in patients with previous myocardial infarction.
Background: After myocardial infarction, the preservation of microvasculature is
a prerequisite for myocardial viability. Demonstration of intact microvascular channels
does not imply the functional integrity of these vessels after myocardial infarction.
The aim of the study was to compare coronary ow reserve (CFR) before and after
stenting of the infarct related artery with wall motion recovery at follow-up in patients
with previous myocardial infarction.
Method: Twenty three patients with previous (>1 month) anterior and/or
anteroseptal infarction (WMSI 1.42 0.24) underwent the dipyridamole test for CFR
measurements by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography, prior to coronary stenting.
The CFR was measured again the rst day after percutaneous coronary intervention
(PCI) and at the rst and third month. The CFR was dened as the ratio of the peak
hyperaemic to the basal averaged peak velocity in the distal LAD. The criterion for
myocardial viability was an improvement in the resting WMSI >0.20 at the third month
follow-up compared to values before PCI.


Results: According to the presence of a viable myocardium, patients were divided

into two groups: group I with a viable (n=16) and group II without a viable myocardium
(n=7). No dierences were observed in the CFR between these two groups before PCI.
The CFR was 1.54 0.32 in group I and 1.60 0.28 in group II, p=ns.
The CFR had increased signicantly on the rst day after PCI, in group I up to 2.85
0.68, p<0.001 vs. the CFR before intervention. In group II, the CFR increase slightly but
not signicantly after PCI, 1.95 0, 16, p=0.054 vs. the CFR before intervention. In group
I, a constant increase in the CFR was observed, rst day (2.9 0.7) and third month (3.1
0. 82), p=ns vs. the CFR on the rst day after PCI. In group II, the CFR did not change
during follow-up (2.1 0.11 on day 1 and 1.95 0.16 at 3 months), p=ns vs. the CFR
before intervention and the CFR at the rst day.
Conclusion: An increase in the CFR on day one after PCI in the infarct related
artery reects a favourable recovery of the left ventricle and preserved microvascular
function in the infarction zones. The CFR remained impaired in patients with a nonviable myocardium, despite agiographic success after coronary artery stenting.
Ostoji M., Vukevi V., Picano E., 2005: Stress echo in percutaneous coronary interventions-should anything be changed in the drug-eluting stent era? Clombos Tips and Tricks with
Drug-eluting Stents, II edition (Editors C. Antonio, G. Stankovi), Taylor & Francis, London,
Milisavljevi J., Ostoji M., Marinkovi J., 2005: Dipyridamole-Dobutamine Stress
Echocardiography in Hypertension. Herz, 30, 215-222.
Aanin M., Perunii J., Mrdovi I., Mati M., Vujisi-Tei B., Arandjelovi A., Vasiljevi
Z., Ostoji M., 2005: Prognostic signicance of new atrial brillation and its relation to heart
failure following acute myocardial infarction. European Journal Heart Failure, 7 (4), 671-676.
Andreass M., Cioppa A., Botto N., Joksi G., Manfredi S., Federici C., Ostoji M., Rubino
P., Picano E., 2005: Somatic DNA damage in interventional cardiologists: a case-control study.
Faseb Journal, 19 (8), 998-999.
Hommerson P., Nedeljkovi S., Klungel O., Boer A., Ostoji M., Gruji M., Vojvodi N.,
Bloemberg B., Kromhout D., 2005: Cardiovascular drug use and dierences in the incidence of
cardiovascular mortality in elderly Serbian men. Pharmacy World and Science, 27, 124-128.
Giga V., Ostoji M., Vujisi-Tei B., Djordjevi-Diki A., Stepanovi J., Beleslin B.,
Petrovi M., Nedeljkovi M., Nedeljkovi I., Mili N., 2005: Exercise-induced changes in mitral
regurgitation in patients with prior myocardial infarction and left ventricular dysfunction: relation
to mitral deformation and left ventricular function and shape. European Heart Journal, 26, 18601865.
.. -2: ..,
.., .., .., .., .., - .,
., .., .., .., 2005:
() 2. , 4, 3-10.
Radosavljevi-Radovanovi M., Pokraji Z., Radovanovi N., Beleslin B., Marinkovi J.,
Stankovi G., Kosti J., Mitrovi P., Stefanovi B., Karadi A., Ostoji M., 2005: Predictive value
of biphasic response during dipyridamole echocardiography test in the low-risk group of patients
after acute myocardial infarction. Journal of American Society Echocardiography, 18 (12),
Nedeljkovi I., Ostoji M., Beleslin B., Djordjevi Diki A., Stepanovi J., Stojkovi S.,
Nedeljkovi M., Giga V., Petrainovi Z., Stankovi G.., 2005: Can we predict amount of myocardial
dysfunction by myocardial jeopardy score in patients with previous myocardial infarction.
European Journal of Heart Failure, 4 (Suppl 1), 155.
Nedeljkovi I., Ostoji M., Beleslin B., Djordjevi Diki A., Mili N., Stepanovi J.,
Nedeljkovi M., Stojkovi S., Giga V., Petrainovi Z., 2005: Prediction of future cardiac events by
myocardial jeopardy score. European Journal of Heart Failure, 4 (Suppl 1), 155.

Beleslin B., Ostoji M., Stojkovi G.., Djordjevi-Diki A., Nedeljkovi M., aponjski J.,
Vukevi V., Orli D., 2005: Evaluation of fractional ow reserve, coronary ow reserve and index
of microvascular resistance during coronary angioplasty in patients with previous myocardial infarction. European Heart Journal, 26 (Abstr. Suppl), 36.
Giga V., Ostoji M., Vujisi-Tei B., Djordjevi-Diki A., Stepanovi J., Beleslin B.,
Nedeljkovi I., Nedeljkovi M., 2005: Determinants of exercise-induced changes in mitral
regrugitation in patients with mitral valve prolapse. European Heart Journal, 26 (Abstr. Suppl),
Seferovi P., Risti A., Simeunovi D., Maksimovic R., Kanjuh V., Ostoji M., 2005:
Triangular percutaneous ballon pericardiotomy: Reduction of pericardial eusion recurrence rate
and mortality due to tamponade in malignant pericardial diseas. European Heart Journal, 26
(Abstr. Suppl), 395.
Nedeljkovi I., Ostoji M., Beleslin B., Djordjevi-Diki A., Mili N., Stepanovi J.,
Nedeljkovi M., Giga V., 2005: Does myocardial jeopardy add more prognostic information to
stress echo in prediction of future cardiac events in patients with natural progression of coronary
artery disease. European Heart Journal, 26 (Abstr. Suppl), 461.
Vukevi V., Vavuranakis M., Toutouzas K., Spanos V., Mitrovi P., Stefanadis C., Ostoji
M., 2005: Inuence of atherosclerotic plaque growing pattern on coronary artery remodellingplaque angle as index of coronary artery remodelling. European Heart Journal, 26 (Abstr. Suppl),
Orli D., Ostoji M., Diki-Djordjevi A., Nedeljkovi I., Beleslin B., Stepanovi J., Stojkovi
S., Nedeljkovi M., 2005: Chronotropic incompetence is an independent predictor of repeat
revascularisation after the rst peructaneous coronary intervention. European Heart Journal, 26
(Abstr. Suppl), 536.
Milosavljevi J., Ostoji M., Mili N., 2005: Udaljena prognostika vrednost dipiridamolatropin stres ehokardiograje kod bolesnika sa hipertenzijom. Scripta Medica, 1 (Suppl 1), 6162.
Petrainovi Z., Ostoji M., Beleslin B., Djordjevi-Diki A., obi-aranovi D.,
Nedeljkovi M., Nedeljkovi I., Giga V., 2005: Comparison of low-dose dipyridamole radionuclide
ventriculography and low-dose dipyridamole stress echocardiography for identication of
myocardial viability. European Journal of Echocardiography, 6 (Abstracts Supplement), S13.
Giga V., Ostoji M., Vujisi-Tei B., Beleslin B., Petrovi M., Djordjevi-Diki A., Stepanovi
J., Nedeljkovi I., 2005: Correlation between vena contracta and PISA for the estimation of exerciseinduced changes in mitral regurgitation in patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation and mitral
valve prolapse. European Journal of Echocardiography, 6 (Abstracts Supplement), S121.
Popovi D., Brki P., Mazi S., Dekleva M., Djordjevi-Diki A., Velkovski S., Mitrovi D.,
Ostoji M., 2005: Echocardiographic assessment of cardiac morphology and function in elite male
basketball players. European Journal of Echocardiography, 6 (Abstracts Supplement), S166.
Giga V., Ostoji M., Polovina M., Potpara T., Beleslin B., Djordjevi-Diki A., Stojkovi S.,
Radojkovi B., 2005: Endothelial dysfunction in patients with idiopathic atrial brillation as assessed
by ow-mediated vasodilation of brachial artery. European Journal of Echocardiography, 6
(Abstracts Supplement), S143.
Nedeljkovi I., Ostoji M., Beleslin B., Djordjevi-Diki A., Stepanovi J., Nedeljkovi M.,
Stojkovi S., Giga V., 2005: Myocardial jeopardy score: a bridge from anatomy to pathophysiology
of coronary artery stenosis? European Journal of Echocardiography, 6 (Abstracts Supplement),
Djordjevi-Diki A., Ostoji M., Beleslin B., Stepanovi J., Giga V., Vujisi-Tei B.,
Nedeljkovi I., Petrovi M., 2005: Relationship between extent of myocardial viability and coronary
ow reserve after stenting in patients with previous myocardial infarction: transthoracic Doppler
echocardiography study. European Journal of Echocardiography, 6 (Abstracts Supplement),
Vukevi V., Ostoji M., Stepanovi J., Diki-Djordjevi A., Nedeljkovi I., Beleslin B., Giga
V., Stojkovi S., 2005: The safety of exercise stress-echocardiographic test after drug eluting stent
implantation. European Journal of Echocardiography, 6 (Abstracts Supplement), S185.
Nedeljkovi S., Ostoji M., Gruji M., Kromhout D., 2005: Seven Countries study. Mediterranean diet in focus. Kardiologija, 26 (Supl 1), 3.


Nedeljkovi S., Ostoji M., Gruji M., Stojanovi G., Majki-Singh N., Kanjuh V., Blackburn H., Menotti A., Kromhaut D., Vanschuren M., Hommerson P., Boshuizen H., Panagiotakos
D., 2005: Epidemiology of atherosclerosis. Seven countries study founded by Ancel B. Keys in late
fties of the XX Century. Kardiologija, 26 (Supl 1), 40.
Aanin M., Perunii J., Mrdovi I., Mati M., Vujisi-Tei B., Arandjelovi A., Vojvodi
A., Vasiljevi Z., Ostoji M., 2005: New atrial brillation following acute myocardial infarction in
the elderly. Kardiologija, 26 (Supl 1), 58.
Orli D., Ostoji M., Stankovi G., Djordjevi Diki A., Stepanovi J., Nedeljkovi I.,
Stojkovi S., Beleslin B., aponjski J., Vukevi V., Nedeljkovi M., 2005: Chronotropic incompetence is an independent predictor of repeat revascularization in patients after the rst percutaneus
coronary intervention. Kardiologija, 26 (Supl 1), 68.


(Corresponding Member Bogdan Djurii)

In the year 2005, techniques for the quantication of the number of apoptotic
cells in early stages of apoptosis were further developed using ow cytometry as well as
confocal microscopy, recently introduced at the School of Medicine, Belgrade.
Specically, an embryonic nerve cell culture was further developed. Biochemical
changes in the blood cells in Hodgkins disease patients were studied. Primary
astrocytoma cell culture was established and studies on nucleoside analogues and their
transport in astrocytes were initiated. Studies on the eects of beta-amyloid phagocytosis
on macrophages isolated from the blood of Alzheimers disease patients are of particular
Jankovic D., Pesic M., Markovic J., Kanazir S., Markovic I., Rakic L., Ruzdijic S., 2005: The
combination of sulnosine and 8-Cl-cAMP induces synergistic cell growth inhibition of the human neuroblastoma cell line in vitro. Invest New Drugs, 2005 Nov 8; [Epub ahead of print]
Djordjevic P.B., Lalic N., Bumbasirevic V., Jotic A., Paunovic I., Colovic R., Lalic K.,
Raketic N., Nikolic D., Zamaklar M., Rajkovic N., Lukic L., Dimitrijevi-Sreckovic V., Dragasevic
M., Popovic S., Gostiljac D., Canovic F., Markovic I., 2005: Human fetal islet transplantation in
type 1 diabetics: comparison of immunological eects between multiple implantation regimens.
Transplant Proceedings, 37 (10), 4440-5.
Kravi T., Rajkovi M., Djurii B., Bumbairevi V., 2005: The involvement of caspases in
apoptosis of isolated thymocytes induced by microtubular poisons. 18. International symposium
on morphological sciences, Beograd, 5-8.6.2005.
Miri A., Brajukovi G., Djurii B., Bumbairevi V., 2005: Comparison of cell death
morphology of c6 glioma cells treated with topoisomerase inhibitors and microtubular poisons.
18. International symposium on morphological sciences, Beograd, 5-8.6.2005.


(Corresponding Member Vladimir S. Kosti)

During 2005 activities on investigation of the genetic basis of Parkinsons disease,

particularly the gene coding for alpha-synuclein (PARK1) and parkin (PARK2), as well
as of genetic basis of paroxysmal nonkinesiogenic dystonia. In relation to this topic, and
in collaboration with Lubeck researchers, six papers and one letter were published in
international journals. Papers relating to this topic were presented at ve international
and several domestic meetings (published as abstracts and not cited in this report). One

masters thesis and one doctoral dissertation were defended in the area of the topic. The
project head delivered ve invited plenary lectures at international meetings.
Gispert S., Trenkwalder C., Mota-Vieira L., Kosti V.S., Auburger G., 2005: Failure to nd
alpha-syneclein gene dosage changes in 190 patients with familial Parkinson disease. Archives of
Neurology, 62, 96-98.
Keckarevi M., Savi D., Svetel M., Kosti V.S., Vukosavi S., Romac S., 2005: Yugoslav HD
phenocopies analyzed on the presence of mutations in PrP, Ferritin, and Jp-3 genes. Internationa
Journal of Neuroscience, 115, 299-301.
Zidverc-Trajkovi J., Pavlovi A.M., Mijajlovi M., Jovanovi Z., terni N., Kosti V.S.,
2005: Cluster headache and paroxysmal hemicrania: dierntial diagnosis. Cephalalgia, 25, 244248.
Hedrich K., Pramstaller P.P., Stubke K., Hiller A., Kabakci K., Purmann S., Kasten M.,
Scaglione C., Schwinger E., Volkmann J., Kosti V.S., Vieregge P., Martinelli P., Abbruzzese G.,
Klein C., Zuhlke C., 2005: Premutations in the FMR1 gene as a modifyng factor in parkinassociated Parkinsons disease. Movement Disorders, 20, 1060-1062.
Berg D., Niwar M., Maass S., Zimprich A., Moller J.C., Wuelnerr U., Schmitz-Hubsch .,
Klein C., Tan E.K., Schols L., Marsh L., Dawson T.M., Janetzky B., Muller T., Woitalla D., Kosti
V., Pramstaller P.P., Oertel W.H., Bauer P., Krueger R., Gasser T., Riess O., 2005: Alpha-synuclein
and parkinsons disease: implications from the screening of more than 1900 patients. Movement
Disorders, 13, 1191-1194.
Semnic R., Svetel M., Dragaevi N., Petrovi I., Kozi D., Marinkovi J., Kosti V.S., Sener
R.N., 2005: Magnetic resonance imaging morphometry of the midbrain in patients with Wilson`s
disease. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 29, 880-883.
Kosti V.S., 2005: Reply: Bilateral chorea-ballism associated with hyperthyroidism.
Movement Disorders, 20, 512. [Letter]
Djarmati A., Svetel M., Momilovi D., Kosti V.S., Klein C., 2005: Signicance of recurrent mutations in the myobrillogenesis regulator 1 gene. Archives of Neurology, 62, 1641.


(Corresponding Member Vladimir Bumbairevi)

In 2005, the investigations of the molecular mechanisms leading to apoptosis

induced by microtubule disassembly in isolated thymocytes and several cell lines in
vitro were continued. In addition to the morphological studies by light and electron
microscopy, immunocytochemical staining of number of proteins engaged in apoptosis
execution was performed in order to detect both caspase-dependent and independent
apoptotic pathways.
Additionally, mechanisms of the spontaneous apoptosis in neoplastic myeloid
disorders were studied.
Djordjevic P.B., Lalic N., Bumbasirevic V., Jotic A., Paunovic I., Colovic R., Lalic K., Raketic N., Nikolic D., Zamaklar M., Rajkovic N., Lukic L., Dimitrijevi-Sreckovic V., Dragasevic M.,
Popovic S., Gostiljac D., Canovic F., Markovic I., 2005: Human fetal islet transplantation in type 1
diabetics: comparison of immunological eects between multiple implantation regimens. Transplant Proceedings, 37 (10), 4440-5.
Miri A., Brajukovi G., Djurii B., Bumbairevi V., 2005: Comparison of cell death
morphology of C6 glioma cells treated with topoisomerase inhibitors and microtubular poisons.
XVIII International symposium on morphological sciences, Book of Abstracts, Beograd,
SANU, 124.
Kravi T., Rajkovi M., Djurii B., Bumbairevi V., 2005: The involvement of caspses in
apoptosis of isolated thymocytes induced by microtubular poisons. XVIII International symposium on morphological sciences, Book of Abstracts, Beograd, SANU, 88.


Savin ., Bumbasirevic V., Petronic V., 2005: Podocyte PARPp89+ and TUNEL+ tubuli
markers of the early Balkan endemic nephropathy. XVIII International symposium on morphological sciences, Book of Abstracts, Beograd, SANU, 188.
Bogdanovi A., Trpinac D., emeriki Martinovi V., olovi M., Bokovi D., Bumbairevi
V., 2005: Spontaneous apoptosis in neoplastic myeloid disorders. XVIII International symposium on morphological sciences, Book of Abstracts, Beograd, SANU, 17.


(Corresponding Member Miodrag oli)

In 2005, the research work on dendritic cells (DC) in health and diseases, started
in 2004, has been continued with the aim to delineate phenotypic and functional
properties of inammatory DC and generation of DC in vitro from monocytes for
therapy. Using experimental models in rats (experimental autoimmune myocarditis and
subcutaneous implantation of polyvinyl sponges) it was shown that DC at the site of
chronic inammation acquire tolerogenic capabilities by producing immunoregulatory
cytokines, IL-10 and TGF-. In the eld of human pathology it has been demonstrated
that the potential of peritoneal macrophages in patients on chronic peritoneal dialysis was
signicantly impaired. In collaboration with researchers from the Faculty of Dentistry,
University of Belgrade, the conditions for isolation and cultivation of inammatory cells
from periapical dental lesions were established and the protocol for characterization of
DC from these lesions by ow cytometry and immunocytochemistry was described.
The signicant part of research has been concerned to the generation of "Fast DC".
It was found that the potential of human monocytes to dierentiate into fast DC depends
on the initial production of IL-6 in culture. In addition, the work on the eect of IL-17
and aspirin analogues, started in 2004, has been continued.
Jandri D., Pavii Lj., Gai S., Vuevi D., Vasilev S., Medi-Mijaevi Lj., Raki Lj., oli
M., 2005: 7-thia-8-oxoguanosine stimulates human monocytes in vitro. Clinical Application of
Immunology, 4, 441-446.
Pavlovi B., Mojsilovi S., Majstorovi I., Vasiliji S., Bufan B., Jankovi S., oli M., 2005:
The potential of human monocytes to dierentiate into fast-dendritic cells correlates with early
production of IL-6 in culture. Clinical Application of Immunology, 4, 447-453.
Vasiliji S., Savi D., Vasilev S., Vuevi D., Gai S., Majstorovi I., Jankovi S., oli
M., 2005: Dendritic cells acquire tolerogenic properties at the site of sterile granulomatous
inammation. Cellular Immunology, 233, 148-157.
Vuevi D., Vuievi D., Majstorovi S., Gai S., Vasiliji S., oli M., 2005: Functional
and phenotypic characterization of regulatory thymocyte subpopulation generated by rat thymic
nurse cell line in vitro. International Conference: Clinical application of regulatory T cells,
Horsham, UK, April 7-8, 2005, Programme and Abstract Booklet, P5, 25.
Vasiliji S., Vasilev S., Vuevi D., Majstorovi I., Savi D., Gai S., Jankovi S., oli M.,
2005: Rat inammatory dendritic cells show tolerogenic characteristics in chronic inammation.
Germinal Centre Conference, Proceedings (poster and lecture-abstract) of the 15th International
conference on lymphatic tissues and germinal centres in immune reactions, Potsdam, Germany,
April 20-24, 2005.
Vasiliji S., Maksi Dj., Vuevi D., Majstorovi I., oli M., 2005: Tolerogenic capability
of human peritoneal macrophage derived dendritic cells in patients on peritoneal dialysis. XLII
Congress of the European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association
(ERA-EDTA), Istanbul, Turkey, June 4-7, 2005, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Vol 20,
Suppl 5, 2005, Abstract MP043, 216.
oli M., Vasiliji S., Vuevi D., Gai S., Majstorovi I., 2005: Tolerogenic properties of
dendritic cells at the site of sterile granulomatous inammation. 19th Meeting of the European
Macrophage and Dendritic Cell Society (EMDS), Amsterdam, 6-8 October 2005.

Mojsilovi S., Bufan B., Majstorovi I., Pavlovi B., Vuevi D., Vasiliji S., Jovi G., Bugarski D., Milenkovi P., oli M., 2005: In vitro eect of IL-17 on dierentiation and maturation of
human monocyte-derived dendritic cells. The rst congress of physiological sciences of Serbia
and Montenegro with international participation, Molecular, cellular and integrative basis
of health, disease and therapy, Belgrade, November 9-12, 2005, Abstract book, 148.
Bufan B., Mojsilovi S., Majstorovi I., Vuevi D., Vuievi D., Vasiliji S., Vasilev S., oli
M., 2005: Phenotypical and functional characteristics of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells
treated in vitro with aspirin and its nitric oxide (NO) derivates. The rst congress of physiological
sciences of Serbia and Montenegro with international participation, Molecular, cellular and
integrative basis of health, disease and therapy, Belgrade, November 9-12, 2005, Abstract
book, 149.
Vuevi D., Gai S., Vasiliji S., Vuievi D., Majstorovi I., oli M., 2005: Dierent signal
transduction pathways regulate adhesion and emperiopolesis of thymocytes by rat thymic nurse
cell line. The rst congress of physiological sciences of Serbia and Montenegro with international participation, Molecular, cellular and integrative basis of health, disease and therapy,
Belgrade, November 9-12, 2005, Abstract book, 152.Pavlovi B., Mojsilovi S., Majstorovi I.,
Vasiliji S., Bufan B., Jankovi S., oli M., 2005: The potential of human monocytes to dierentiate into fast-dendritic cells correlates with early production of IL-6 in culture. The rst congress
of physiological sciences of Serbia and Montenegro with international participation, Molecular, cellular and integrative basis of health, disease and therapy, Belgrade, November 9-12,
2005, Abstract book, 153.

(Corresponding Member Vladisav Stefanovi)

In 2005, the research was focused on the study of molecular mechanisms of

insulin resistance and its role in the development of diabetic nephropathy, coronary
artery disease and cerebrovascular disease. K121Q polymorphism was studied in obese
diabetics (BMI>30), and obese healthy population, with the high prevalence of K121Q
Tasic I., Lovic B., Stefanovic V., et al., 2005: The metabolic syndrome is associated with an
increased risk of cardiovascular disease in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy.
Journal of Hypertension, 23, S335-S335 Suppl.
Stefanovic V., Djordjevic V., Ivic M., et al., 2005: Lymphocyte PC-1 activity in patients on maintenance haemodialysis treated with human erythropoetin and 1-alpha-D3.
Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 42, 55-60.



(Academician Vojin ulovi)

On 22 April 2005, the Committee organized, in cooperation with the Gynaecological

and Obstetrical Section of the Serbian Medical Society and the Sremska Kamenica
Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, the scientic meeting entitled Medicine and the
Quality of Life with international participation.
Moore R.M., Marinac-Dabi D., ulovi V., 2005: Health Care and the Quality o Life in
the United States (Zdravstvena zatita i kvalitet ivota u Sjedinjenim Amerikim Dravama). In:
Medicine and the Quality of Life, Eds. V. ulovi and Dj. Jakovljevi, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 9-19.
Marinac-Dabi D., ulovi V., Moore R.M., 2005: Epidemiologic Studies of Bioeects Associated with Prenatal Ultrasound (Epidemioloka istraivanja biolokog delovanja prenatalnog
ultazvuka). In: Medicine and the Quality of Life, Eds. V. ulovi and Dj. Jakovljevi, Serbian
Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 19-39.


(Academician Vojin ulovi)

On 2 December 2005, the Committee organized, in cooperation with the Youth

Association Against AIDS JAZAS, the scientic meeting entitled AIDS Interventions
and Programmes for Especially Vulnerable Groups, with international participation, on
the SASA premises.
Marinac-Dabi D., Moore R.M., ulovi V., 2005: Epidemiology on HIV/AIDS in
women in United States. A Woman and HIV, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Belgrade, 33.


(Academician Sveto Sua)

Last year, the Committee was expanded by ve new members.

In the course of the year, much time was devoted to the organization of research
work, especially in south-eastern Serbia.
The members of the Committee participated actively in all four research projects,
- Kidney as an Endocrine Organ Committee on Biomedical Investigations;
- Health Condition Follow-up of the SASA Members Committee on Kidney
- Research on Endemic Nephropathy in South-Eastern Serbia Scientic Research
Centre in Ni; and

- tiopathogenesis, Incidence and Treatment of Various Forms of Glomerulopathy

SASA Department of Medical Sciences.
Last year, the Committee on Kidney Diseases was concerned with the examination
and treatment of the SASA members. Special attention was devoted to the best possible
organization of the specialist service in the SASA Polyclinic, not only with respect to
treatment, but also with respect to the early detection of various diseases, laying particular
emphasis on the early detection of malignant diseases, especially the malignant prostate
In order to prevent its incidence, most SASA members were vaccinated against u.
Apart from standard laboratory analyses, the PSA (Prostate Specic Antigen) test was
also performed on a number of SASA members for the purpose of early detection of the
malignant prostate tumor. In the course of the year, this test will also be performed on
other SASA members.
It was also planned to acquire the coagulometer for measuring prothrombin time,
which is of utmost signicance for the prevention of thrombosis, especially cerebral
and coronary one, as well as other diseases. It would enable the timely medicamental
intervention and, thus prevent the possible lethal outcome.
An attempt was also made to raise the examination and treatment of the SASA
members to a higher level. Among other things, the card register was established and the
cards should be introduced for the SASA members who still do not have them.
Last year, the Committee members participated in numerous scientic meetings
with their papers both in the country and abroad.


(Academician Vladimir Kanjuh)

The survey in 2005 showed that nancial funds for medical scientic projects are
small and not adequate, especially in the SASA. The evaluation of 85 years of achievements
of the University of Belgrade School of Medicine is very positive and well presented by
3 important monographs: (1) University of Belgrade School of Medicine 1905. 1920.
2005. (B. Djurii), (2) The Preclinical and Institutes of the Faculty of the School of
Medicine (R.B. olovi), and (3) Internal Medicine of the Belgrade School of Medicine.
Chair, Clinics and Institutes 1922 2005 (J.V. Mii and D.D. Mici).
A further survey considered the matter of collaboration of the SASA with the
Universities of Ni and Kragujevac, the Serbian Medical Society and its Academy of
Medical Sciences, international cooperation (including R. Srpska), and a list of the
winners of awards for medicine in 2005.
Taking into consideration our medical tradition, a tribute was paid to academician
Vladan Djordjevi (Scientic Meeting in the SASA on October 24, 2005), Niko Miljani,

J. Subboti, M. Jovanovi Batut, and academician J. Tucakov. In the Biographical Lexicon

Eminent Serbian Physicians, Belgrade Toronto, 2005 (M. Milanovi), the biographical
data of 1500 persons were given. The timescale encompasses the period from 1730, i.e.
from Dr J. Apostolovi the rst Serb PhD, up to 2005, with the foreword Serbian
Physicians in Serbia and the Diaspora Past and Present Fostering Tradition and
Cooperation (V. Kanjuh).


(Academician Vladimir Kanjuh)

Under the auspices of the Committee (27 members), the following projects were
worked on (in addition to the four projects in the SASA):
1. Preventive prospective study of cardiovascular diseases in seven countries of the
world (S. Nedeljkovi, M. Ostoji and associates).
2. Yugoslav study of precursors of atherosclerosis in children (S. Nedeljkovi, S.
Simeunovi, M. Vukoti, V. Kanjuh, M. Ostoji and associates).
The following scientic conferences were held with the Committee as the
1. XVIII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences. Belgrade, the
SASA, June 5-8, 2005 (G. Teolovski-Parapid).
2. Joint Symposium of the Cardiological Society of S&, the SASA and the
MASA Atherosclerosis 2005. (M. Ostoji, V. Kanjuh) within the XV Congress of the
Cardiological Society of S& with international participation. Herceg Novi, September
25 28, 2005.
3. Thrombosis in Cardiology and Surgery Causes, Prevention and Therapy.
Belgrade, the SASA, October 25, 2005 (R. olovi, M. olovi, V. Kanjuh).
4. 1st Cardiological Congress of the Republic Srpska. Banja Luka, October 28 30.
2005 (M. Ostoji, V. Kanjuh).
5. 10th Symposium of the Health Houses of S& with international participation.
Belgrade, Sava Center, November 2, 2005 (M. Vukoti, S. Nedeljkovi).
6. 4th Congress of Cardiovascular Surgery of S&, Belgrade, November 5, 2005
(D. Velimirovi).
7. Meeting on Myocardial Infarction. Beej, November 18, 2005 (Dj. Stoji).
8. Twenty years of the MONICA project in Novi Sad and the Annual Academy of
the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases in Sremska Kamenica. December 23, 2005 (N.
Radovanovi, Dj. Jakovljevi, Z. Kovaevi, V. Kanjuh).
The members of the Committee (V. Kanjuh, M. Koica, V. Lakovi, G. TeolovskiParapid, Lj. Gojkovi-Bukarica and associates) paid great attention to investigations of
morphological and clinical aspects of the TorrentGuasps heart a new revolutionary
discovery in cardiology.



(Corresponding Member Miodrag oli)

The most signicant activity of the Committee in 2005 was the organization of
two scientic meetings. The rst one Immunotherapy of tumors, held in the SASA May
11th, 2005, was dedicated to the memory of academician Ivan Spui, former secretary of
Department of Medical Sciences SASA and president of the Committee on Immunology
and Allergology. The second meeting National consensus on alergen-specic
immunotherapy held in the SASA June 9th, 2005, concerned new guidelines of clinical
application of alergens and their standardisation. The members of the Committee were
involved in dierent elds of immunological and allergological research. The president of
the Committee (M. oli) was engaged, together with his collaborators in SASA project
Immunobiology of Dendritic Cells in Health and Disease with specic emphasis on
dendritic cells in chronic inammation and generation of dendritic cells in vitro from
monocytes for therapeutic procedures.



(Corresponding Member Aleksandar Loma)
(Corresponding Member Aleksandar Loma)

This years eld work lasted 70 days, of which 40 were spent in the Bujanovac
region (Tatjana Trajkovi), 20 in the Grlika reka valley (Jaka Dini) and 10 in Valjevska
Tamnava (Dragana Radovanovi, MA). In 2004, written onomastic material was not
submitted. In 2005, it was planned to spend 300 days in eld research and submit 25,000
slips with onomastic material. The plan was realized with the available funds which, as
usual, were considerably smaller than necessary. This year they were spent exclusively
on ocial travel. According to the plan for 2005, special attention was devoted to the
collection of material from the Bujanovac region.
The collected material from Zaplanje was found in the legacy of the late Vilotije
Vukadinovi and will be handed over to the Committee.
Volume XVII of nomatological Contributions (Onomatoloki prilozi) came
out, Volume XVIII is being made up and the contributions to Volume XIX are being
(Academician Nika Stipevi)

The Committee carried out its work in the unchanged composition.

According to the work plan for 2005, the critical edition of Chronicles (Hronike)
by Djordje Brankovi was prepared. Like in the previous years, this task was entrusted to
Dr Anna Kretschmer, Docent at Bochum University in Germany.
To this end, Dr Anna Kretschmer stayed in Belgrade from 5 to 25 August and from
6 September to 6 October 2005.
According to her report, the rst book (Volumes 1-3 of the manuscript of
Chronicles) was prepared and should be submitted on tracing paper at the beginning
of 2006.



(Corresponding Member Milosav Tei)

1) During 2005, the Committee was concerned with the completion of all preprinting activities relating to Volume XVII of the SASA Dictionary, which was its most
important task, since it obliged itself to full this task by the end of the current year.
On the basis of the Activity Report for 2005, which was prepared by the relevant
services of the Serbian Language Institute, it can be stated as follows:
In mid-October of the current year, the complete text was entered into the
computer; the rst proofreading of the complete text was done (this job was performed
by the basic editors of the SASA Dictionary, which helped to eliminate any errors or other
defects); thereafter, the text was made up and submitted for revision, which will certainly
be nished by the end of the year.
All this means that the complete text could be transferred onto tracing paper at the
beginning of next year already.
At the same time, on the basis of the nal activity reports of its associates, the
Committee will gain complete insight into all sections of the subsequent volumes of
the Dictionary. Thanks to complete insight into the further progress of work, it will be
possible to convene a constructive meeting of the Committee for the SASA Dictionary.
(Without complete and accurate reports, this meeting would be just a formality. This is
why it was not convened at the end of this year).
2) During the rst months of 2005, the onomastic material for the Dictionary,
which was kept in the basement of the Serbian Language Institute and was either mixed
with other material or scattered all over the basement, after the moving of the Institute
out of the SASA premises, was organized with the Committees nancial support. All that
material was singled out, examined by experts and alphabetized, thus becoming usable.
This work was done by two lexicographers, who are full-time employees of the Serbian
Language Institute: Nedjo Jei, MA, and Nenad Ivanovi.
The same collaborators were also entrusted with the preparation of complete sources
for the SASA Dictionary and their abbreviations, which had to be done considering the
abundance of new material for the Dictionary. (It is anticipated to publish the newly
prepared, complete text with those data as an addendum to Volume XVII of the SASA
Dictionary.) This work is nearing completion and it can be expected that it will be done
by the end of this year.
Since the Editorial Board of the SASA Dictionary remained without its technical
editor and, in the meantime, nothing was done to engage the new one for such a responsible
position, it was forced to engage one of its members for the nal phase of preparing
the SASA Dictionary for publishing. This task and its management were entrusted to
Ljiljana Nogo, MA. It is almost certain that the complete text for Volume XVII of the
SASA Dictionary will be ready for publishing by the end of the year.



(Academician Predrag Palavestra)
Academician Predrag Palavestra continued his work on the project Serbian
Literature of the 20th Century (Srpska knjievnost XX veka) and, from the manuscript
of History of Serbian Literary Criticism (Istorija srpske knjievne kritike), published
several contributions on postwar critics and authors. He participated in the international
scientic meeting convened by the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the
Polish Academy of Science entitled The Balkan View of the World (Balkanska slika
sveta), whereby he presented the paper Foreign Country and Solitude in the Balkan
World of Culture (Tudjina i usamljenost u balkanskom svetu kulture).
He prepared and edited In Memory od Danilo Ki: On the 70th Anniversary of
His Birth (Spomenica Danila Kia: povodom 70-godinjice rodjenja), 791 pages.
He edited Glas 21/2005 of the SASA Department of Language and Literature and
two volumes of the Collected Works of Branko Lazarevi: Essays. Our Highest Values
(Ogledi. Nae najvie vrednosti), Vol. II, 552 pages, and Questions and Wonders (Pitanja
i udjenja), Vol. VI, 450 pages. He also published the book of critical essays Krlea in
Belgrade and Other Essays (Krlea u Beogradu i drugi ogledi), 260 pages.
Academician Radovan Vukovi published the study Modern Novel of the 20th
Century (Moderni roman XX veka), East Sarajevo 2005, 700 pages, and several papers,
such as: Tainted Blood by Borisav Stankovi (Neista krv Borisava Stankovia), Literary
History (Knjievna istorija), 2005, 125/126, pp. 173-187; Monograph on the Muslim
Nation and Literature (Monograja o muslimanskoj naciji i knjievnosti), Volumes of
the Ivo Andri Foundation (Sveske zadubine Ive Andria), 2005, 22, pp. 487-497; Novels
of Dobrica osi (Romani Dobrice osia), Knjievne novine, 2005, 1117, pp. 4-5; Andri
in Belgrade (Andri u Beogradu), Knjievne novine, 2005, 1119-1120, p. 4.
Scientic advisor Dr Stania Tutnjevi published the following papers: 1. Modernism
as a Form of Western Cultural Globalization (Modernizam kao oblik zapadne kulturne
globalizacije), Tradition and Modernity (Tradicija i savremenost), Scientic Meetings,
Book V, Vol. I, Proceedings, Philosophical Faculty, Banja Luka 2004, pp. 219-231; 2.
The Function of Light in the Poem The Pit by Ivan Goran Kovai (Funkcija svjetlosti
u poemi Jama Ivana Gorana Kovaia), Knjievna istorija, XXXVI, 2004, 124, pp.
421-435; 3. Real and Literary Stimuli in the Poetry of Aleksa anti (Stvarnosni i literarni
podsticaji u poeziji Alekse antia), Scientic Meeting anti 80 Years Later (anti
80 godina poslije), Proceedings, Assembly of the Nevesinje Municipality, Serbian
Cultural and Educational Society Prosvjeta, Nevesinje, 2005, pp. 135-143; 4. In Search of
a Modernist Paradigm The Stories The Mouse by A.G. Mato and Septimae by Lazar
Popovi (Na tragu jedne modernistike paradigme pripovjetke Mi A.G. Matoa i
Septime Lazara Popovia), Knjievna istorija, XXXVII, 2005, 125-126, pp. 109-131; 5.
The Andri View of the World and Muslim/Bosniak Literature (Andrievska slika svijeta
i muslimanska/bonjaka knjievnost), Volumes of the Ivo Andri Foundation, 22/
2005, pp. 441-450; 6. Desanka Maksimovi: I Seek Clemency, Integral Critical Edition
(Desanka Maksimovi: Traim pomilovanje, integralno kritiko izdanje), Desanka
Maksimovi Foundation, National Library of Serbia, igoja tampa, 2005; 7. Collected
Poems of Jakov anti (Sabrane pjesme Jakova antia), Scientic edition, Literary and
Art Institute, Svet knjige, Belgrade 2005.

Scientic advisor Dr Mirjana Deteli worked for the SASA Balkanological Institute
on the preparation of Lexicon of Epic Cities (Leksikon epskih gradova) and, together
with Marija Ili, on the monograph White Town Urbis Alba (Beli grad urbis alba).
Together with Dragan Bokovi, MA, she was in charge of a series of lectures on Misuse
of History in Serbian Literature 1945-2000 (Zloupotreba istorije u srpskoj knjievnosti
1945-2000) held in the Vuk Karadi National Library in Kragujevac, in cooperation
with the SASA Centre and the University of Kragujevac, in the Vuk Karadi National
Library in Kragujevac. She published the following papers: Home, Village and City in
Oral Epic (Private Life in the Serbian Lands in the Dawn of the Modern Era) (Kua,
selo i grad u usmenoj epici) (Privatni ivot u srpskim zemljama u osvit modernog doba),
Aleksandar Foti (ed.), Clio, Blgrade 2005, pp. 115-141; The Place of the Symbolic City
in the Construction of National Imagery (A Case of Balkan Folklore: Two Models of Epic
City), Balcanica XXXV/2004, pp. 171-184. She was on a study trip in Prague from 25
September to 15 October.
(Academician Aleksandar Mladenovi)
Member of the SASA Old Slavonic Committee Radomir Petrovi, painterconservationist and art historian, worked on a very signicant project in Graanica
monastery with his 4-member team. They copied the Cyrillic records and inscriptions
scratched on the at surfaces (primarily on the walls) dating from the earlier centuries,
which contain very important data not only for the history of Graanica monastery,
but also for the history of one part of our people in that region. Immediately after the
completion of the rst part of his eld work, Radomir Petrovi undertook to organize
collected material and prepare it for publishing.
(Corresponding Member Aleksandar Loma)
(Corresponding Member Aleksandar Loma)

The work plan for 2005 was realized only in part. The Second Volume of the EDSL
is in the nal phase of preparation and will be submitted for printing early in 2006. Its
scope was narrowed from BA-BJ to BA-BD, so that it will have 659 complete entries.
This is a little more than in the First Volume and corresponds to the size of a standard
volume of a dictionary. Such a decision was based on the evaluation that this would be
the maximum amount of work that could be done in the given time period and still
maintain the necessary work quality, as well as on the hope that the work on the Third
Volume would be done much faster, since the preliminary activities were already nished.
In 2005, the work on the Second Volume included as follows:
Excerption of material from the dialect and other sources (all collaborators).
Determination of the new entries and supplementation of the rst parts of the
existing ones by segment.
Etymological processing (the writing of the second and third parts of the entries)
by segment.

Editing of the specied segments.

Editing of the volume.
On 8 September 2005, Brno hosted the meeting of the Etymology Commission
of the International Slavist Committee, in which the representatives of Serbia and
Montenegro also participated - A. Loma, as the Chairman of the Commission, and J.
Vlaji-Popovi and M. Bjeleti as its members. On that occasion, it was decided, inter
alia, to organize the international scientic meeting on Slavic etymology in Belgrade,
in the autumn of 2006. At the 7th Meeting of the SASA Department of Language and
Literature, held on 20 September 2005, and at the session of the Scientic Council of
the SASA Serbian Language Institute, held on 4 October 2005, it was agreed that the
aforementioned meeting should be jointly organized by the SASA and the Institute.
Milka Ivi, full member of SASA, Nika Stipevi, full member of SASA, Ivan Klajn,
full member of SASA, Aleksandar Loma, corresponding member of SASA, Professor Dr
Gordana Jovanovi, Dr Jasna Vlaji-Popovi, Dr Marta Bjeleti, Dr Stana Risti and Dr
Soja Miloradovi were elected the members of the Organizing Committee.
The EDSL Project was entered for the contest of the Ministry of Science and
Environmental Protection for nancing over a period of ve years. In ranking the
proposed projects in the eld of language and literature, the competent commission of
the Ministry placed this project near the very top of the list.
The associates of the Committee continued work on their individual projects
relating to the Etymological Dictionary. One doctoral thesis was written (Sneana
Petrovi, MA) and its defence is expected at the beginning of next year.
., 2005: . . ,
; ; . , LI/4, , 2004 [2005], 67-73.
- ., 2005: . :
? ( . , . ).
, LI/4, , 2004 [2005], 83-88.
., 2005: : . ,
, . , LI/4, , 2004
[2005], 89-94.
., 2005: *-ynji
. , LI/4, , 2004, 101-108.
., 2005: . *glaz
. , LI/2004, 4, 5-10.
Bjeleti M., Loma A., 2005: The Contribution of Pavle Ivi to Etymology and Onomastics.
The Life and Work of Academician Pavle Ivi (Doprinos Pavla Ivia etimologiji i onomastici.
ivot i delo akademika Pavla Ivia). Subotica Novi Sad Belgrade, 2004 [2005], 131-140.
Bjeleti, M., 2005: . . ,
; ; . , LI/4, Soa 2004 [2005], 67-73.
Vlaji-Popovi J., Petrovi, S., 2005: Some Methodological Problems in the Preparation of
the First Volume of the Etymological Dictionary of the Serbian Language. The Life and Work of
Pavle Ivi (Neki metodoloki problemi u izradi prve sveske Etimolokog renika srpskog jezika.
ivot i delo Pavla Ivia), Proceedings of the Third International Scientic Meeting held on 17-19
September 2001, Subotica Novi Sad Belgrade, 2004 [2005], 141-148.
Vlaji-Popovi J., 2005: . :
? ( . , . ). ,
LI/4, Soa 2004 [2005], 83-88.
Petrovi S., 2005: : . ,
, . , LI/4, Soa 2004
[2005], 89-94.


Loma ., 2005: At the Onomatological Sources. A Survey of the New Editions of Medieval Diplomatic Sources (Na imenoslovnim vrelima. Osvrt na nova izdanja srednjovekovnih
diplomatikih izvora), Onomatological Contributions (Onomatoloki prilozi), 17/2004 [2005],
Loma ., 2004: Protoslavic Lexicon and Culture in the Indo-European Context (Praslovenska
leksika i kultura u indoevropskom kontekstu), Lectures on the History of Language = Linguistic
Volumes (Predavanja iz istorije jezika = Lingvistike sveske), 4, Novi Sad, Philosophical Faculty,
Loma A., 2005: From the Historical Toponymy of the Pljevlja Region (Iz istorijske
toponimije pljevaljskog kraja), Glasnik zaviajnog muzeja, 4/2005, Pljevlja, 9-15, with English
Loma A., 2005: A Falkon on the Fortress, Sparrows in the Field (Soko na gradu, vrapci u
polju), Onomatological Journey Through the Past of Belgrade (Imenoslovni presek kroz prolost
Beograda), Danica for 2006, 462-480.
Loma A., 2005: Six reviews in the journal Onomatological Contributions (Onomatoloki
prilozi), 17/2004 [2005], 479-498.


(Corresponding Member Nada Miloevi-Djordjevi)

Of the six topics dealt with by the Committee members, the voluminous monograph
by Dr Mirjana Deteli Epic Cities (Epski gradovi) was completed. Enclosed with the
book is the already released CD-ROM bearing the same title.
Underway is the preparation of the following works:
- Academician Miroslav Panti, The Collection of Valtazar Bogiis Oldest Records
of Folk Poems (Zbirka najstarijih zapisa narodnih pesama Valtazara Bogiia) (its
preparation for publishing is nearing completion);
- Dr Nenad Ljubinkovi, Guslar Singing in the Context of Balkan Folklore (Guslarsko
pevanje u balkanskom folklornom kontekstu) (the oldest known records relative to
contemporary eld research);
- Dr Miodrag Maticki, Heroic Lyrical Folk Poem (Junaka lirska narodna pesma)
(the epic characteristics of the poems in the regions where singing to the accompaniment
of the gusle in the decasyllable metre is not dominant);
- Corresponding Member Nada Miloevi-Djordjevi, A Survey and Classication
of Historical and Cultural-Historical Traditions According to Personalities, Events and
Territory (Pregled i razvrstavanje istorijskih i kulturnoistorijskih predanja prema
linostima, dogadjajima i teritoriji (a comparative and poetic analysis within the types
and subtypes);
- Professor Dr Sneana Samardija, Sources of ajkanovis Collection (Izvori
ajkanovieve zbirke) (the processing of specied manuscript collections that served as
the sources to ajkanovi).
The electronic processing and digitalization of the Ethnographic Collection of the
SASA Archives have started.



(Corresponding Member Predrag Piper)

According to its plan for 2005, the Committee worked on the preparation of the
proceedings entitled Cognitive-Linguistic Studies of the Serbian Language (Kognitivnolingvistika prouavanja srpskog jezika).
The letters of invitation, with the explanation of the aim and concept of the
proceedings, were sent to thirty domestic and foreign linguists dealing with the Serbian
language in the light of cognitive linguistics. Most linguists to whom the letter of invitation
had been sent, conrmed their participation in the proceedings. Some already sent their
contributions before the end of 2005. The letters of reminder were also sent so as to
ensure receiving all announced contributions on time. The deadline for their submission
was 1 January 2006.



(Academician Miroslav Panti)

The responsible for the project established the Cabinet for Dubrovnik Studies
within the SASA. The Cabinet will keep all hitherto studies and extracts from domestic
and foreign archives and libraries relating to the authors and their works from old
Dubrovnik, the Bay of Kotor and Dalmatia, dating from the 16th, 17th and 18th
centuries, as well as scientic writings and works of that time and those literary epochs,
and will make them available to scholars. All this abundant material is being bound in
hundreds of large volumes by the well-known bookbinder Petkovi from Belgrade and
the resources allocated for this project in the SASA Scientic Research Fund were spent
for that purpose.
(Academician Nika Stipevi)

All funds earmarked for this project were spent on the acquisition of necessary
books, which have been processed and stored in the SASA Library.
Within this research project, its leader published the following papers::
Mazzini and Serbian Liberals (Macini i srpski liberali); in: Mazzini 2005, Proceedings of
the Round Table Marking the 200th Birth Anniversary of Giuseppe Mazzini, Belgrade, 25 May
2005, Novi Sad, Platoneum, 2005, 17-45.
Angelo Tambora. SASA Almanac for 2004, 2005, 795-797.
Vittore Branca. SASA Almanac for 2004, 2005, 791-792.



(Academician Predrag Palavestra)

Academician Predrag Palavestra continued work on his individual project Serbian

Literature of the 20th Century (Srpska knjievnost XX veka). From the manuscript
of History of Serbian Literary Criticism (Istorija srpske knjievne kritike), he published
several studies of the postwar critics and authors: Dragan M. Jeremi, Milo I. Bandi,
Petar Dadi, Pavle Zori, Dragia Vitoevi, Borislav Peki, Danilo Ki and Slobodan
He participated in the international scientic meeting organized by the Macedonian
Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Polish Academy of Sciences entitled The Balkan
View of the World and presented his paper Foreign Country and Solitude in the Balkan
World of Culture (Tudjina i samoa u balkanskom svetu kulture).
He published the book of critical essays Krlea in Belgrade and Other Essays
(Krlea u Beogradu i drugi eseji), 260 pages.
He prepared and edited In Memory of Danilo Ki: On the 70th Anniversary of
His Birth (Spomenica Danila Kia: povodom 70-godinjice rodjenja), 791 pages.
He edited Glas 21/2005 of the SASA Department of Language and Literature and
two volumes of the Collected Works of Branko Lazarevi: Essays. Our Highest Values
(Ogledi. Nae najvie vrednosti) (Vol. II, 552 pages) and Questions and Wonders (Pitanja
u udjenja) (Vol. VI, 450 pages).
He also published 12 scientic and critical papers in domestic and foreign print
(Academician Aleksandar Mladenovi)

In 2005, within his individual project History of the Serbian Literary Language
and Vernaculars (from the Beginnings of Serbian Literacy Until the Middle of the 19th
Century) (Istorija srpskog narodnog i knjievnog jezika od poetka srpske pismenosti
pa zakljuno s prvom polovinom XIX veka), academician Aleksandar Mladenovi
published the following works:
1) A Contribution to the Meaning of the 2425th Verse in The Mountain Wreath The
Petrovi Njego Dynasty (Jedan prilog znaenju 2425. stiha u Gorskom vijencu Dinastija
Petrovi Njego), Podgorica (Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts and the University of
Montenegro, Scientic Meetings, Vol. 60), 2002, 159-162.
2) A Contribution to the Explanation of Some Language Characteristics of Marys
Four Gospels Proceedings of Matica srpska for Philology and Linguistics (Marijinsko
etvorojevandjelje Zbornik Matice srpske za lologiju i lingvistiku), Novi Sad 2003, Book 46,
Vol. 2, pp. 7-21 (also published in the journal Archaeographic Contributions (Arheografski
prilozi), Belgrade, 2003, Vol. 25, 11-32).
3) Twenty Five Years of Archaeographic Contributions - Archaeographic Contributions,
Belgrade (National Library of Serbia, Archaeographic Department), 2003, Vol. 25, 5-7.
4. Emperor Stefan Duans Chrysobull to the Monastery of the Holy Archangels Michael and
Gabriel near Prizren (Janko afariks transcript scans) Archaeographic Contributions, Belgrade
(National Library of Serbia, Archaeographic Department), 2003, 39-142 (in co-authorship with
Jasmina Nedeljkovi).


5) The Signicance of Ivis Research on the Development of the Phonological System of the
Serbian Language The Life and Work of Academician Pavle Ivi (Znaaj Ivievih prouavanja
razvitka fonolokog sistema srpskog jezika ivot i delo akademika Pavla Ivia) Subotica
Novi Sad Belgrade (City Library in Subotica, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Philosophical Faculty in Novi Sad, National Library of Serbia, Matica srpska and the Serbian Language
Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts), 2004, 51-56.


(Corresponding Member Predrag Piper)

In 2005, within his research project Syntactic and Semantic Investigations of the
Contemporary Serbian Language (Sintaksiko-semantika ispitivanja savremenog srpskog
jezika), Predrag Piper published the following works:
1.Syntax of the Contemporary Serbian Language (Sintaksa savremenoga srpskog jezika),
Predrag Piper, Ivana Antoni, Vladislava Rui, Sreto Tanasi and Ljudmila Popovi; edited by
Academician Milka Ivi. Novi Sad - Matica srpska; Belgrade Beogradska knjiga, Serbian Language Institute, 2005, 1168 pages.
// - :
7-9 2005 ., : : 1, Minsk, 2005, 18-20.

At the International Scientic Conference Slavic Syntaxes, Novi Sad, Matica

srpska, 27-29 October 2005, he presented the paper Anaphora in the Serbian Simple
Sentence (Anafora u srpskoj prostoj reenici). He was also the Chairman of its
Organizing Committee.


(Academician Miroslav Panti)

Due to insucient funds for editing the pastoral drama Ljubica by Marin Gizarovi
(Venice, 1623), whose only complete copy, which had been unknown for centuries, was
unexpectedly found in Belgrade, in the Perii familys library, and is now kept in the
SASA Library thanks to the bequest of Corresponding Member of SASA Vlastimir Perii,
this book was prepared for publishing as a SASA edition, but has not yet been printed. It
will be a reprint of the complete old edition, including the modern transcription of the
text, extensive critical notes and explanations, as well as the essay on the author and his
work at the end of the book.


(Academician Aleksandar Mladenovi)

The exclusive activity of the Committee is the preparation of dialectological

atlases, that is, the work on the Serbian Dialectological Atlas (SDA) and our section of the
Atlas of the European Languages (ALE) and Slavic Linguistic Atlas (OLA). At one time,
the Committee founded the ALE, OLA, OKDA and SDA Boards so as to ensure more
ecient work on these projects.

Atlas of the uropean Languages

Due to the visa problem, Corresponding Member of SASA Aleksandar Loma,
President of the ALE-SCG Board, could not attend the 38th Meeting of the Editorial
Board of the Atlas of the European Languages, which was convened in Brno, on 1922 May 2005. At this meeting, the top of the Editorial Board was replaced, so that the
ALE Central Secretariat and Archives were moved to Bucharest. It was anticipated to
publish Volume I 7 and submit Volume I 8 for printing. Comments on some maps
for the subsequent volumes (I 9 and I 10), as well as the improved version of the ALE
digitalization programme were also presented.
Slavic Linguistic Atlas
In September 2005, Cracow hosted the regular annual meeting of the International
Commission and the International Working Group of OLA within the International
Slavist Committee. As usual, the work in Cracow was carried out in the sections (Lexical,
Phonetic, Morphophonological, Computer) and at plenary sessions of the International
Commission. Our representatives did not participate in this meeting, since the organizers
did not change its date on time, as well as due to the visa problem. At the Commissions
plenary session, M. Markovi presented Volume 4 b of the OLA series, the joint edition
of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the SASA. The OLA international
sta welcomed the resumption of work on the OLA project by the Bulgarian national
commission after many years of absence. The work in the sections was concentrated on
the specic issues relating to the work on the subsequent volumes. The new, improved
version of the computer program for OLA material processing was presented and the
establishment of the joint system of ZRCola-type cartographic signs was considered.
The joint international working session of the sta working on the rst OLA
morphological volume Pronouns (Zamenice) was held in Belgrade, from 28 March to
1 April 2005. The material for 15 representative questions, as the basis for the discussion,
was reviewed and it was decided that the volume Pronouns should be based on 110
questions from the OLA Questionnaire; that this material should be divided into two parts
and that, as previously agreed, the work on the volume should be carried out jointly by
two commissions (Macedonian and Serbian-Montenegrin). In addition, all maps for this
volume would be drawn by the members of these two commissions, while the electronic
processing of the material would be assigned to the Areal Linguistics Research Centre of
the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Our national commission prepared the
material based on the mentioned 15 questions.
Serbian Dialectological Atlas
More than two years ago, the SASA Department of Language and Literature
accepted the proposal of the SASA Serbian Language Institute and the leadership of the
project Dialectological Studies of the Serbian Language Area that the work in the eld of
linguistic geography and onomastics should be done jointly by these two institutions.
In 2005, six new permanent collaborators on this project, led by Professor Dr Slobodan
Remeti, were engaged. Thus, after several decades, the conditions were created for the
preparation of the Serbian Dialectological Atlas (SDA) the most urgent task of Serbian
dialectology and the core activity of the collaborators on this project of the Institute. In the
course of the year, the material for the rst SDA volume from some 400 surveyed points
was prepared. The material for the rst volume was collected. Also, the considerable part
of the material for the rst four volumes from 109 new points was collected.

In the rst quarter of 2005 two working sessions of the operative team of the
Commission for the Serbian Dialectological Atlas were held. On that occasion, the
network of its points, including their sequence (which will undergo some more changes),
and the text of phonetic transcription were determined; the nal list of the questions for
the rst four lexical volumes was prepared; the organization of work in each research
centre (Belgrade, Novi Sad, Ni and Banjaluka) was agreed and the priorities in eld work
were set.




(Academician Aleksandar Fira)

In 2005, the work of the Committee on the Sources of Serbian Law was successfully
continued. Otherwise, its work was revived in the previous year. After seven years two
publications came out:
1. Emperor Stefan Duans Code The 650th Anniversary of Its Promulgation,
the proceedings of the meeting bearing the same name, which was held in November
2000, and
2. cademician Sima irkovi, Latin Transcript of the Mining Legal Code of
Despot Stefan Lazarevi, critical edition.
The preparation of the manuscripts of the following two works is also nearing
1. Corresponding Member ilo Blagojevi, Agricultural Legal Code, critical
edition of the Serbian version, and
2. Dr Biljana Markovi, The So-Called Code of Emperor Justinian, critical
edition, Volume I.
It is expected that both works will be published in 2006.
Professor Dr Tatjana Subotin continued to translate the complete Syntagm of
Matija Vlastar, based on the Kruedol transcript. It is expected that the translation work
will be nished in the rst half of 2006, coupled with the appropriate explanations and
notes, and, probably, the introduction. Thereafter, the expert editing of the translation
will be done.
Last year, the preparation of the fourth volume containing the remaining twelve
transcripts of the more recent redaction of Duans Code also began. Unfortunately, the
Committee encountered great diculties. Namely, when microlms were digitalized,
it turned out that the quality of manuscript scans was so poor that they could not be
published as a facsimile, but had to be scanned again. Since four manuscripts the
Studenica, Zagreb (Patrovii), Grabalj and Bogii (Dalmatian) manuscripts are in
Croatia, the SASA asked the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts to have its library
technical service scan these manuscripts for the appropriate fee. So far, no answer has
been received, which can indicate that the Croatian Academy does not want to provide
even such a routine service to us. We then turned to the Matica Srpska Library, in which
ve such manuscripts are kept. We immediately received the answer that its technical
service would scan the manuscripts for the appropriate fee. At our request, the City
Museum in Vrac approved that our experts could examine and scan the manuscript kept
in its archives. There are still two manuscripts to be scanned, one in the National Library
of Serbia and the other in the Patriarchate Archives.

Our next activity was to decode the manuscripts. This work is carried out by
Viktor Savi. So far, he has decoded the Kovilj, Bordjo and Stratimirovi manuscripts.
Thereafter, these manuscripts will be typed in Microsoft Word by using the appropriate
font, in Old Slavonic, that is, Church Slavonic.
According to the proposed concept of the fourth volume of the edition of Duans
Code, it would be necessary to prepare the following four studies, in addition to the
facsimile, reconstructed text and translation into the modern language:
1. Historical background and description of each manuscript;
2. Language characteristics of the manuscripts;
3. More recent redaction of Duans Code and
4. From the tripartite to bipartite corpus.
The study relating to the more recent manuscripts of Duans Code is already being
prepared by Academician Sima irkovi, while Academician Aleksandar Mladenovi and
Dr Jasmina Nedeljkovi-Kovaevi are preparing the study of the language characteristics
of twelve manuscripts belonging to a more recent redaction, whereby she will write the
study and Academician Aleksandar Mladenovi will do expert editing.
It is expected that the fourth volume of the transcript of Duans Code will have
443-500 pages of the facsimile, or 800-1000 pages altogether.
The work, which was also carried out in 2005 and is now nearing completion, is
the preparation of the extensive Bibliography of Works on Duans Code (Bibliograja
radova o Duanovom zakoniku). This task was entrusted to Gordana Radoji-Kosti
who, inter alia, uses the data that have already been collected by Academician Nikola
Radoji and Tomica Nikevi. To this end, engineer Branislav Tomi developed the
appropriate program for the bibliographic database.
Since we intend to publish the facsimiles of all complete manuscripts in 2005, the
Chilandar manuscript was scanned, together with the complete collection of various
texts, including the agricultural legal code.
At its session of 17 October 2005, the Committee on the Sources of Serbian Law
accepted the proposal of Academician Aleksandar Fira to launch the multidisciplinary
project entitled Two Centuries of Serbian Constitutionality (Dva veka ustavnosti Srbije).
Thereafter, the expert working team was set up, including Academician Aleksandar Fira,
Corresponding Member aslav Oci, Professor Dr Dragoljub Popovi, Professor Dr
Ljubomirka Krklju, Dr Djurica Krsti and Miroslav Svirevi, MA, as the secretary of
this working group.
At the proposal of the Committee on the Sources of Serbian Law, Professor Dr
Gordana Jovanovi and Professor Dr Mirjana Stefanovski were appointed new Committee


(Academician Mihailo Markovi)

In 2005, the Committee on Philosophy and Social Theory carried out its work
in the following composition: President, Academician Mihailo Markovi, members:
Academicians: Kosta Mihailovi, Ivan Maksimovi and Ljubomir Tadi, and Professors:
Dr Dragan Simeunovi, Dr Mirko Zurovac and Dr Svetozar Stojanovi.

Within the project Social Thought in Serbia in the 19th and 20th Centuries
(Drutvena misao u Srbiji u XIX i XX veku), the proceedings Social and Political
Thought of Jovan Cviji (Drutvena i politika misao Jovana Cvijia) were published
(Belgrade, Vojska Newspaper Publishing Centre, 2005, 300 pages). They included the
papers presented at the scientic meeting devoted to Social and Political Thought of
Petar II Petrovi Njego (Drutvena i politika misao Petra II Petrovia Njegoa), which
was held in the SASA on 20 and 21 November 2003. These papers were collected, prepared
for printing, reviewed and accepted for printing.
The 11th Scientic Meeting within this project, Social and Political Thought of
Vuk Karadi (Drutvena i politika misao Vuka Karadia), was held on 16 and 17
November 2005. On that occasion, 33 papers on the ethical, political and legal views
of Vuk Karadi were presented, in addition to his historical and ethnological writings,
social consequences of his linguistic reform, as well as his relationship towards other
Balkan peoples.
In addition, Academician Mihailo Markovi is about to nish his in-debth study
entitled The Time of Change (Vreme preokreta). Academician Ljubomir Tadi began to
work on the study Fascist Rhetoric (Faistika retorika). Despite being sick, Academician
Ivan Maksimovi continued work on his project Property Under Conditions of Social
Change (Svojina u uslovima drutvenih promena).
Professor Mirko Zurovac nished his project Treatises on Beautiful (Rasprave
o lepom) and published his voluminous work Three Faces of Beauty (Tri lica lepote)
(Belgrade, Slubeni glasnik, 2005, 618 pages).
Professor Dragan Simeunovi nished the second volume of his work The New
Centurys Serb Political Ideas (Novovekovne politike ideje u Srba), about 500 pages.
The rst volume having over 500 pages has already been published in Belgrade and
Banjaluka. He also prepared the 15-part series Serb Political Ideas for Channel I of TV
Serbia, which will be extended for ten more episodes at the viewers request.


(Academician Milo Macura)


At the end of 2002, the SASA Committee for the Study of Population accepted the
concept of the research project entitled Evolution of Population Policy in Serbia 19452004 (Evolucija populacione politike u Srbiji 1945-2004). Under the project, the areas
in which the population policy measures should be investigated are as follows:
- Constitutional and legal documents;
- Labour and labour relations;
- Employment and the rights of unemployed persons;
- Social security;
- Old-age pension and disability insurance;
- Social child care;
- Health care and health insurance, and
- Tax policy.

This research was entrusted to the authors team, including Dr Luka Todorovi,
Dr Ana Gavrilovi, Professor Dr Milo Banievi, Dr Djordje Pavlovi and Professor Dr
Emil Kamenov.
Dr Ana Gavrilovi was appointed project coordinator.
At the end of 2004, the Committee for the Study of Population accepted the Research
Progress Report and decided to organize a round table, which would be followed by the
preparation of the contributions that would be published in the SASA Demographic
The round table on the Evolution of Population Policy in Serbia 1945-2004 was
held on 15 December 2004.
After this round table, the project authors team continued its work on the
preparation of their contributions for publishing, in direct cooperation with Academician
Milo Macura. During this work and in an attempt to present the evolution of Serbias
population policy in greater detail, the following authors were invited to contribute
their papers on specied topics being of relevance for population policy and population
development: Academician Milo Macura, Evolution of Population Policy in Serbia
1945-2004 (Razvitak populacione politike u Srbiji 1945-2004); Goran Penev, MA,
Population Development in the World, Europe and Serbia from 1945 to 2004 (Razvitak
stanovnitva sveta, Evrope i Srbije od 1945. do 2004); Dr Nevenka Petri, Evolution
of the Family Planning Movement in Serbia 1945-2004 (Razvoj pokreta za planiranje
porodice u Srbiji 1945-2004); Dr Mirjana Raevi, Reproductive Health of the Serbian
Population (Reproduktivno zdravlje stanovnitva Srbije); Professor Dr Nila KaporStanulovi and Artur Bjelica, Parentage Between Individual and Social (Roditeljstvo
izmedju individualnog i drutvenog), Goran Bai, MA, Demography and the Policy
of Multiculturalism (Demograja i politika multikulturalnosti) and Duka VrhovacPantovi, The Non-governmental Sector and Family and Population Development
Issues (Nevladin sektor i problemi porodice i razvoja stanovnitva).
The round-table discussions were also prepared for publication.
These papers were reviewed and edited by Academician Milo Macura.
All papers were also read and edited by Dr Ana Gavrilovi as the project coordinator
and one of the editors of the Demographic Proceedings.
All papers were also examined and reviewed by Corresponding Member of SASA
Vojislav Stanovi.
The SASA Department of Social Sciences accepted the report of the reviewers and,
in September 2005, brought the decision to publish the 7th Demographic Proceedings.
The Committee for the Study of Population accepted the proposal, which had been
advanced by Milo Macura, to hold the round table devoted to the publishing of these
proceedings in the second half of February 2006, whose programme would be determined
later on.



(Corresponding Member aslav Oci)

In 2005, three shorter studies were prepared as the basis for the round table
discussion on The Strategy of Serbias Economic Development (Strategija privrednog
razvoja Srbije). It is planned to hold this discussion in the rst quarter od 2006.


(Academician Mihailo Djuri)

This years work on the project entered its decisive phase, since the Philosophical
Research Group, which was led by Academician Mihailo Djuri for six years, completed
its work at the end of the previous year. The time has come for an in-debth analysis of the
hitherto progress and critical review of its results, all the more so because something in
the group work has remained unnished and unelaborated. It was necessary to provide a
new, strong impetus to the gaining of a deep insight, because global civilization is not just
a historical phenomenon. It is primarily a philosophical problem. Its abrupt breakthrough
and irresistible spread initiated the far-reaching process of dissolving traditional cultures
as unique wholes and introverted forms of life, as well as of preserving the broken-o
parts of those cultures with their changed function in the new scientic and technological
environment. And this means that it is not sucient to give only a realistic description of
the current global historical situation, but is also necessary to give the value-normative
explanation of its deeper meaning and nal consequences.
It seems that today the only chance of mankind lies in the eective linking of
tradition and progress, that is, old and new, ones own and alien, inherited and unwilling,
that is, destined. If there is any sense at all in deceiving oneself that such an act is our real
historical chance.


(Academician Ljubomir Tadi)

In 2005, the Commission was making preparations for holding the scientic
meeting entitled Identity, Language and Culture of the Roma in Serbia (Identitet, jezik
i kultura Roma u Srbiji) but, unfortunately, the necessary funds were not provided.
Otherwise, the topics and contents of the discussion were determined and the likely
participants were proposed, including a number of foreign colleagues.
It is proposed to hold this meeting (which was planned as early as 2004) in the rst
half of 2006 and invite only three foreign participants: Dr Eben Friedman, Professor Dr
Marcel Cortiade and Professor Dr Andrzej Mirga. ther foreign participants will bear
their travelling expenses, while the organizer will cover the accommodation expenses
of all participants. The scientic meeting would be held at the end of June and would
be nanced out of the SASA funds earmarked for the organization of such meetings.

It should be noted that all decisions relating to this scientic meeting were brought
both by the SASA Department of Social Sciences and the Executive Board of the SASA
Presidency, so that the Department should include it in the list of its scientic meetings
planned for 2006.
Next year, it would be necessary to publish the proceedings Social Sciences on the
Roma in Serbia (Drutvene nauke o Romima u Srbiji).


(Corresponding Member Vojislav Stanovi)

In 2005, the founder of this Committee and its long-time President, Academician
Milo Macura, passed away.
In the course of the year, the Committee held three sessions.
The Interdepartmental Committee was concerned with the monitoring and study
of the status of minorities and human rights, with particular emphasis on the status,
rights and freedoms of our compatriots in the neighbouring countries and the former
Yugoslav republics, as well as of national minorities in Serbia.
In November 2005, the proceeedings devoted to The Status and Identity of the
Serb Minority in South-Eastern and Central Europe (Poloaj i identitet srpske manjine
u jugoistonoj i centralnoj Evropi (Belgrade, SASA, 2005, 553 pages) came out. They are
the product of the scientic meeting which was organized by the SASA, Ethnographic
Institute and the Ethnicity Research Centre and was held in the SASA from 26 to 29
November 2003.
Since 2003, it was worked on the preparation of the international scientic meeting
The Status of National Minorities in the Republic of Serbia (Poloaj nacionalnih manjina
u Republici Srbiji) with the aim to analyze the status ten years after the rst conference
(1995), in view of the progress made in developing the legal system of the Republic of
Serbia, as well as to analyze the way of regulating the status of minorities and its results
in the neighbouring and other European countries following the implementation of the
European Framework Convention, international agreements and agreements between
the interesting neighbouring countries. The international scientic meeting The
Status of National Minorities in the Republic of Serbia was held in the SASA, on 24-26
November 2005, and some 60 papers were presented. This scientic meeting was attended
by two academicians from the SASA, two corresponding members from the SASA, one
academician from the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 21 university professors, another
17 holders of a doctorate, including two directors of the SASA institutes, 5 holders of a
masters degree and 9 colleagues without an academic degree, but who are preparing
themselves to earn one and, at the request of the Organizing Committee, selected the
topics dealing with the theoretical and empirical problems in specied scientic elds.
In addition, there were several high government ocials and deputies charged with
the monitoring of the status and rights of national minorities. Among the mentioned
participants there were also 7 associates of the Ethnographic Institute and 5 associates of
the Balkanological Institute.

In 2005, there were no study trips, which had been planned under a free-exchange
arrangement with Hungary and Romania.
The Interdepartmental Committee for Studying the Minorities and Human
Rights - in cooperation with the Serbian Self-Government in Hungary organized the
presentation of the Ethnographic Proceedings on the Serbs in Hungary in the SASA,
on 24 and 25 February 2005. On that occasion, the Vujii Ensemble staged a concert
performing the works of Bla Bartk and Tihomir Vujii, based on Serbian folk poems;
the Serbian Theatre from Budapest gave a performance and there were some other events
as well. The funds for this cooperation were provided by the Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Serbia.
Within the project relating to the status of Serbs in the neighbouring countries,
the Interdepartmental Committee for Studying the Minorities and Human Rights
supports its associates in their research on the past and cultural and spiritual legacy,
as well as on the present status of the Serb national minority in Romania or, in other
words, their work on the following: Bibliography on the Serbs in Romania (Bibliograja
o Srbima u Rumuniji); Old Serbian Records and Inscriptions in Romania (Stari srpski
zapisi i natpisi u Rumuniji) (Bosa Rosi); The Serbs in Romanian Historical Sources (Srbi
u rumunskim istorijskim izvorima) (Stevan Bugarski); Serbian-Romanian Cultural and
Artistic Ties Based on Archival Material (Srpsko-rumunske kulturne i umetnike veze
na osnovu arhivske gradje) (Dr Miodrag Jovanovi); Ethnological Studies of the Serbs in
Romania (Etnoloka istraivanja Srba u Rumuniji) (Dr Mirjana Maluckov); Political and
Legal Aspects of the Status of Minorities in Hungary, Romania and the Former Yugoslav
Republics (Politikoloko-pravni aspekti poloaja manjina u Madjarskoj, Rumuniji i u
bivim jugoslovenskim republikama) (Goran Bai, MA); and Identity of the Serbs in
Romania (Identitet Srba u Rumuniji) (Dr Miodrag Milin). The funds for these researches
are very modest, so that it is counted mainly on free exchange.
In 2005, together with other associates, the President of the Committee,
Corresponding Member of SASA Vojislav Stanovi worked as an editor and prepared
the following book, which was published:
Vojislav Stanovi (ed.), The Status and Identity of the Serb Minority in SouthEastern and Central Europe (Poloaj i identitet srpske manjine u jugoistonoj i centralnoj
Evropi), Proceedings of the Scientic Meeting, held on 26-29 November 2003, Belgrade,
SASA, 2005, 553 pages.
Stanovis paper The Protection of Minorities as the Basis for Care About the
Diaspora (Zatita manjina kao osnova za brigu o dijaspori) was also published in
the Proceedings The Status and Identity of the Serb Minority in South-Eastern and
Central Europe, Belgrade, SASA, 2005, pp. 31-64.
He also contributed to the edition of the Romanian Academy of Sciences: Vojislav
Stanovi, Democracy and the Rule of Law in Multiethnic Societies, Penser lEurope:
Sminaire international, troisime dition,Bucuresti, Academia Romana, Monitorul
Ocial, 2004, pp. 127-154, whose summary was presented at the conference organized
by the Romanian Academy of Sciences in September 2004, in which he participated
pursuant to the decision of the SASA Executive Board. The book was published at the
end of 2005.
On 17 February 2005, the book Cultural Policy and Cultural Diversity Serbia
(Kulturna politika i kulturna raznovrsnost Srbija) was presented at the Institute for

Cultural Development. It was the result of the research project which was carried out
in cooperation with the Council of Europe and was published in Serbian and English.
The book contains the papers of three authors, but the text entitled Mapping Cultural
Diversity (written in English and published on pp. 8-46), or Slika kulturne raznolikosti,
as translated by someone into Serbian (pp. 8-42), was written by Vojislav Stanovi.
Although it is written in the book that it was published in 2004, it actually came out in
The Contribution of Milo Macura to the Study of Minorities in the Balkans
(Doprinos Miloa Macure prouavanju manjina na Balkanu), published in Glas of the
SASA Department of Social Sciences, CDII, Vol. 30, 2005, pp. 193-201, represents the
speech of Vojislav Stanovi at the SASA commemorative session devoted to the deceased
Academician Milo Macura.
On 3, 5 and 6 September 2005, Vojislav Stanovi delivered lectures on The
Explosion of Identities, Divided Societies: Legal and Political Frames and What
Identity Rights Include at the International Summer School of Political Science for
junior teachers and researchers in Budva (which is organized by the Political Science
As the President of the Management Board of the SASA Ethnographic Institute,
he performed a number of duties, including the reviewing of various papers on ethnic
groups and national minorities, as well as the designing of the new long-term (20062010) project entitled Ethnicity: Contemporary Processes in Serbia, the Neighbouring
Countries and the Diaspora (Etnicitet: savremeni procesi u Srbiji, susednim zemljama i
dijaspori), which was entered for the contest of the Ministry of Science and Environmental
Protection. The project was evaluated very favourably by the Commission ranking
the proposed research projects as well as by foreign reviewers, and was selected by the
Ministry for nancing.
Goran Bai, the Secretary of the Committee and PhD candidate at the Faculty of
Political Science, with the thesis falling within the Committees area of research, worked
on the following: The Status of the Serb National Minority in the Neighbouring Countries
(Poloaj srpske nacionalne manjine u susednim zemljama) and The Status of Minorities in
Central and South-Eastern Europe (Poloaj manjina u centralnoj i jugoistonoj Evropi).



(Academician Nikola Tasi)

In 2005, the Committee held two meetings at which it was discussed about the
allocation of funds and their reallocation within the Committee.
In the course of the year, the Committee was especially engaged in the preparation
of the Commemorative Monograph dedicated to Academician Milutin Garaanin.
(Academician Nikola Tasi)

Since the storage space for the documentation (drawings, photographs, plans,
etc.) was provided, in the course of the year it was worked on the organization and
processing of abundant material, especially that from Milutin Garaanins legacy relating
to the projects led by him in the Committee such as, for example, drawings within the
documentary material gathered for the Corpus of Hoards. A considerable part of that
material was digitalized and is now stored in the database that will be made accessible to
all Committee members.
One part of the material, which was collected while working on the topic
Hummocks in Vojvodina (Humke u Vojvodini), is kept in the SASA Branch in Novi
(Corresponding Member Borislav Jovanovi)

The ndings from the Neolithic settlement at Padina were processed. Special
emphasis was laid on the dwellings and the industry of bone tools and weapons in sectors
I and II, for the rst volume of the monograph on this stratied archaeological site in the
Upper Djerdap Gorge.
Jovanovic B., 2005: Mining and metal in the earliest cooper metallurgy of Central and
East Balkans. Metalurgy in Southeast Europe from ancient times till the end of 19th century,
Proceedings of the Symposium Metalurgy in , Sozopol 2005, Soa, 7-10.


(Academician Slobodan Duani)

During 2005, work was continued on the Inscriptions de la Msie Superieure

vol. III/1 (Inscriptions of the Iron Gates, in preparation, to be published by the Centre
dtudes pigraphiques et numismatiques Fanoula Papazoglou) (S. Duani and his

collaborators). An important part of the historical and purely epigraphical problems

was solved. The emphasis of the research in 2005 was placed on the naval aspects of
Roman military life along the Upper Moesian Danube, notably upon the epigraphical
and archaeological evidence concerning the Danubian eets and ports (e.g. Diana) in the
period of Trajans Dacian Wars.
To collate the inscriptions already published, view the newlydiscovered
monuments and make the necessary squeezes and/or photographs, three days were at
Karata (Diana) and all the major sites of the Iron Gates were visited (September 2325, 2005). This was possible thanks to the nancial support of the Serbian Academy
of Sciences and Arts. The manifold help provided by two French institutions Anne
pigraphique and the Fondation Maison des Sciences de lHomme enabled work in the
libraries of Paris upon a number of important historico-epigraphical problems centred
on the Inscriptions de la Msie Suprieure III/1to be realized (S. Duani, July, 2005).
(Academician Slobodan Duani)

In 2005, three campaigns of archaeological excavations were organized:

1. Spring campaign in April and May;
2. Summer campaign in July and August; and
3. Autumn campaign in September and October.
1. During the spring campaign, the aim of archaeological excavations was to trim
the southern side of the thermae sector, that is, along the explored southern faade of
the structure, up to the level of Galeriuss phase of construction. Three squares (sq. F25;
G 25 and H 25), 4 x 4 m in size, as well as the eastern part of square 25 were opened.
Excavations were carried out in cultural horizons. They conrmed the already ascertained
stratigraphy of the layers in the thermae sector (excavations in the period 2000-2004). A
number of portable objects found in the explored layers enable the dating of the specied
phases of life in Romuliana. Those are the horizons from the late 4th to the late 6th
century, as well as the layers from the 9th11th century.
2. During the summer campaign excavations were continued in squares J K 23
24 and L 22 23. Squares L 24 and M 24, as well as squares 22 and 23 were also
opened. In squares L 23, beneath the layers from the late 4th century, the channels
running from the thermae were ascertained. One of them is older than the thermae and
belongs to Galeriuss earlier phase. Those excavations revealed that beneath Galeriuss
rst phase there are also older structures, which date from the 3rd century. In squares L
24 and M 22 24, beneath the medieval layer (dwellings), there is the Early Byzantine
horizon with the remains of the premises where metallurgical activity was performed.
Beneath this horizon lies the older Early Byzantine horizon, with a large metallurgical
centre (the extension of the structure discovered in 2004). Excavations were suspended
at the beginning of the horizon from the mid-5th century.
3. During the autumn campaign, archaeological excavations were carried out
within international cooperation with the Rmisch-Germanische Kommission from
Frankfurt on the Main. Geophysical and geoelectrical investigations were carried out
in the area outside the fortication. The structure, which had been ascertained by such
investigations in 2004, was also excavated. It represents a built tomb, 3.80 x 3.80 m in
size, with the grave of the cremated corpse in the centre. The tomb yielded a cross97

shaped gold bula and fragments of military gear. It can be dated back to the end of
the 3rd century and the beginning of the 4th century. South-west of tower 15, probe
2 was opened so as to verify the geophysical survey indicating a trench in front of the
southern fortication. Excavations ascertained that is was really the question of a trench.
At present, it is dicult to date this trench. On the basis of portable objects, it can be
dated back to the 6th century, as well as to the 10th-11th century.
The Proceedings of the scientic meeting which was held in Zajear so as to observe
the 50th anniversary of the excavations at Gamzigrad, were prepared for publishing.
Excavations were not carried out at this site, but the relevant monograph was
published: Tomovi, I. Popovi, B. Bori-Brekovi, T. Cvjetianin, S. Stevanovi and
A. Popovi, arkamen [Eastern Serbia]: A Tetrarchic Imperial Palace, the Memorial
Complex, Belgrade 2005 (Archaeological Institute, Monographs, No. 45).
(Academician Slobodan Duani)

During 2005, research on (a) the history of Macedonia in the light of epigraphical
documents (centred on the fourth century BC), and (b) the mines, coins and economy
of the Roman province of Macedonia was continued (S. Duani). Concerning (a),
the work was focused on Macedons relations with Boeotia and Athens (cf. S. Duani,
Theban Politics and the Socratic Dialogues, The Ancient World, 36.1, 2005, 107122).
Concerning (b), an article on a numismatic problem which can be connected with, and
explained by, an entry of Hunts Pridianum, was prepared.
Political aspects of the anthroponymy of ancient Macedonia as reected in the
inscriptions and narrative sources (mostly the names of the rulers of the Temenid and
Antigonid dynasties) were studied (with the participation of Mr. Mirko Obradovi,
assistant of the Philosophical Faculty, Belgrade).
As soon as the material and other conditions permit, work on the collation of northMacedonian epigraphic documents, which are preserved locally and/or in the museums
of Macedonia, will be commenced (S. Duani, M. Obradovi and their Macedonian
(Corresponding Member Borislav Jovanovi)

The reconnaissance of old mines at the site of Kormaro near Bor was carried out,
including the preliminary mapping of ndings, which point to the Late Bronze/Early
Iron Age. Cooperation with the Museum of Mining and Metallurgy in Bor was also
The basic record of copper artifacts found on Serbian soil was made for the
publication Axes from the Eneolithic Period in Serbia (Sekire eneolitskog perioda u
Srbiji), for the international series Prhistorische Bronzefunde /PBF/ (Prehistoric Bronze
Findings); the coauthor is Dr Dragana Antonovi, Archaeological Institute.



(Academician Bogdan Brukner)

Associate and responsible for project realisation: Rifat Kulenovi, the curator of
the Museum of Science and Technology of the SASA
The reconnaissance of the terrain with objects of so-called industrial archaeology
in Serbia will be continued in accordance with the nancial possibilities.
The reconnaissance of a part of the south Banat territory will be continued within
the cooperation between the Archaeological Board of the SASA (Industrial Archaeology in
Serbia Project) and the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments in Panevo.
Continuation of the processing and compilation of photo-documentation from
the reconnaissance is also planned. The Provincial Secretariat for Education and Culture
in Novi Sad are nancing the eld research.
The exchange of data with Arge Donaulnder-Kulturstrasse Donau-Technische
Denkmale, Interregnum IIIB IIIc is planned to be continued.
Brukner B., Land-Our Heritage; Mining in the Teritory of the Present Serbia, Miodrag
Tomovic & Rifat Kulenovic, The Ministry od Culture of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, 2005.


(Academician Vojislav Kora)

The processing of the earlier architectural surveys, coupled with the study of
current literature, was continued. Due to extremely modest funds, eld work was not
carried out.
(Academician Bogdan Brukner)

Associates on the archaeological map of Vojvodina: Dragan Andjeli, curatorarchaeologist (realization of the work) and the group of programmers from Geo-statik
in Belgrade.
Facts about 960 localities with all the relevant details have been incorporated into
an electronic data base. This, together with the help of the programmers from the rm
Geo-statik in Belgrade, enabled a connection to be made between the data base and the
geographical map of Srem. The map, which includes located archaeological localities, and
the data base were created using the Microsoft Access programme. The geographical map
of Srem was made with the help of ArcReader, which can be downloaded free from the
Internet. The work on the archaeological map of Srem will be completed by the end of the
year. A meeting at which the results of the work on the making of the archaeological map
will be presented is planned for next year.
Associates on the archaeological map of Serbia are: Dr Miloje Vasi, director
of the Archaeological Institute and Julka Kuzmanovi from the National Museum in
Prokuplje. Reconnaissance data for the data base in the Archaeological Institute have
been processed. Reconnaissance was conducted in the vicinity of Kurumlija (Julka
Kuzmanovi, curator).


The data were not published and no presentations were given at scientic
The Provincial Institute and the Archaeological Institute of the SASA submitted a
nancial report directly to the Fund for Scientic Research of the SASA.
The reports were made by Dragan Andjeli, the curator of the Provincial Institute
for Protection of Cultural Monuments in Novi Sad, and Dr Miloje Vasi, the director of
the Archaeological Institute of the SASA in Belgrade, in December of 2005.


(Academician Vojislav Kora)

The members of the Committee work on individual projects.

Academician Dejan Medakovi prepared the next volume of Selected Serbian
Topics (Izabrane srpske teme) and the second volume of his book Joseph II and the
Serbs (Josif II i Srbi), which should be published in 2006.
Academician Vojislav Kora continued his study of the monumental Serbian
architecture of the 14th century under the project Monuments and Topics of 14th
Century Serbian Architecture (Spomenici i teme srpske arhitekture XIV veka),
with special emphasis on the edices built by King Milutin. He prepared his part of the
monograph on Banjska monastery for publication. Two papers in national institutions
and one paper for the next issue of the Almanac of the Christian Archaeological Society
in Athens are being printed.
Academician Gojko Suboti worked on the project of the Byzanthological Institute
Corpus of the Founders Inscriptions on Frescoes (the 12th and 13th centuries)
(Korpus ktitorskih natpisa na freskama (XIIXIII vek)). He continued his research on
The Monastery of St John the Forerunner in Jaunja, in cooperation with Okayama

(Academician Vojislav Kora)

The Committee was concerned with the preparation of papers for the new volume
of Chilandar Proceedings (Hilandarski zbornik). The processing of the existing documents
in the Committee was also continued.
The Committee holds that it is necessary to provide funds for the preparation of
materials for publishing the Greek Acts of Chilandar Monastery, that is, for their French
translation. The author is scientic advisor Mirjana ivojinovi.



(Corresponding Member Dinko Davidov)

Academician Slavko Gavrilovi studied archival material in the Hungarian State

Archives, which he then published in his book Sources on the Serbs in Hungary in the
Early 18th Century (Izvori o Srbima u Ugarskoj poetkom 18. veka).
Corresponding Member Dinko Davidov continued his research in the archives of
the Buda Eparchy in Szentendre, that is, in the library of the Church of the Annunciation
in Budapest.
Dr Dimitrije Stefanovi continued to study the inscriptions on the epitaphs in the
Serbian Church in Budapest.
Custodian Kosta Vukovi studied painted decoration in the church of Grabovac
monastery dating from the 18th century.


(Academician Slavko Gavrilovi)

On the initiative of Academician Milorad Ekmei, research was conducted in the

Swedish State Archives in Stockholm (which produced very signicant results), the SASA
Archives in Sremski Karlovci and the Vojvodina Archives in Novi Sad, in addition to the
archival material of the Serbian Metropolitanate and certain parishes and eparchies.
Research on the First and Second Uprisings, with special emphasis on their echoes
among the Orthodox people outside rebelling Serbia (Austria, Bosnia and Bulgaria, as
well as the ties with Russia and other European countries), was continued.
The members of the Committee published over 20 papers, primarily in the Proceedings
of Matica srpska for History (Zbornik za istoriju Matice srpske), Vols. 67-70, and in the journals
in a number of places in the interior of Serbia.
Two books by Academician Vladimir Stojanevi were also published: Serbia and the Serbian People at the Time of the First Uprising (Srbija i srpski narod u vreme Prvog ustanka),
Matica srpska, Novi Sad 2005, and Intelligence Service in Serbia in the Time of Karadjordje and
Milo (Obavetajna sluba u Karadjordjevoj i Miloevoj Srbiji), Belgrade 2005, 190 pages.


(Academician Slavko Gavrilovi)

Researches were conducted in the SASA Archives in Sremski Karlovci, Vojvodina

Archives in Novi Sad, Manuscript Department of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad, SASA
Archives in Belgrade and the Museum of Vojvodina. Emphasis was laid on economic and
socio-political history, religious-political issues, cultural history (painting, in particular),
the attitude of the Court of Vienna towards the Serbs in the Habsburg Monarchy,
customshouses and Balkan merchants in Hungary, the Triune Kingdom and Austria.
Some twenty papers on the above topics were published, primarily in the Proceedings of
Matica srpska for History (Zbornik Matice srpske za istoriju), Vols. 67-68 and 69-70 (Novi Sad

Special edition: Slavko Gavrilovi, Sources on the Serbs in Hungary at the End of the
17th Century and the Beginning of the 18th Century (Izvori o Srbima u Ugarskoj s kraja XVII i
poetkom XVIII veka), Vol. IV, SASA, Belgrade 2005, 432 pages.
Dejan Medakovi, Slavko Gavrilovi and Dinko Davidov presented their papers at the scientic meeting on The Layers of Fruka Gora Cultures (Slojevi kultura Fruke Gore), organized by the Vuk Foundation.


(Academician Vasilije Kresti)

Proceedings on the Serbs in Croatia (Zbornik o Srbima u Hrvatskoj), No. 6,

were submitted for printing, while the next volume, No. 7, is being prepared and several
contributions have already been received.


OF SERBIA 1903-1914
(Academician Vasilije Kresti)

The editor of Book II, Dr Ljiljana Aleksi-Pejkovi, prepared the supplements to

Volumes 2 and 4 relating to the documents on the Serbian organization in Old Serbia and
Macedonia for publishing. Volumes 1 and 2 for 2006 were submitted for printing.
Dr Ljiljana Aleksi-Pejakovi and Dr Kliment Dambazovski are preparing the
documents from 1911, for Volumes 3 and 4, Book IV, for printing.
The editors of Books I and III, Dr Andrija Radeni and Professor Dr Mihailo
Vojvodi, continued work on their books.


(Academician edomir Popov)

The Committees overall activity was geared to the organization of the scientic
meeting entitled Milan Obrenovi from Vassal to King (Milan Obrenovi od vazala
do kralja). At this meeting, held on 13 and 14 October, 30 papers were presented, stirring
up a lively discussion. The members of the Committee continued their research without
spending the Funds resources.
Academician Vladimir Stojanevi, a Committee member, published two books: From the
Historical Past of Old Raka Treatises, Articles, Essays (Iz istorijske prolosti Stare Rake
Rasprave, lanci, ogledi), Prijepolje 2005, and Serbias Balkan Policy for the Liberation of the
Serbian People in Turkey, 1804-1878 (Balkanska politika Srbije za oslobodjenje srpskog naroda
u Turskoj, 1804-1878), Leskovac 2005, as well as ten or so articles and treatises.



(Academician Nikola Tasi)
Last years work on Balkanological Topics (Balkanoloke teme) included the
collection of texts for the commemorative monograph on Academician Milutin
Garaanin. Most of his works dealt with the archaeology of the Balkans (that is, SouthEastern Europe in a broader sense). On the invitation to renowned experts in this eld, 50
positive answers were received, while 30 papers from Germany, Austria, Italy, Romania,
Hungary, Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia, Croatia, etc. were already received. The list of
participants will be concluded at the end of January 2006 and the Proceedings will be
submitted for printing. It is expected that they will come out by May 2006, after which
the encounter with the authors and the presentation of the book will be organized in
Belgrade and Skopje. The project is carried out within the interacademic cooperation of
the SASA and the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Apart from the work on the monograph, the digitalization of the documents from
the legacies of M. Vasi and M. Garaanin was also continued.
Group of projects: BYZANTINE TOPICS
(Corresponding Member Ljubomir Maksimovi)
Project: Corps of the Founders Inscriptions on Frescoes, vol. I (12th/13th Centuries)
(Academician Gojko Suboti)

The project has reached its nal phase and was practically nished at the end of
2005. Only the introduction to the corresponding volume and some details concerning
the drawings will be completed during the beginning of 2006.
Project: Greek Acts of the Chilandar Monastery, vol. II (14th Century)
(Dr Mirjana ivojinovi)

In collaboration with a group of colleagues from the Collge de France, the project
is a part of the famous edition Archives de lAthos, which should contain charters and other
documents from all the monasteries on Mount Athos. Having nished vol. II, almost the
whole of vol. III was prepared.
Project: Byzantine Sources for History of the Peoples of Yugoslavia, vol. V
(13th Century)
(Professor Dr Ninoslava Radoevi)

The volume, which is going to be completed by the spring 2006, will contain
mainly the writings (translated into Serbian with comments) of archbishop Demetrios
Chomatenos and historian George Akropolites.
Project: Transformation of the Byzantine Empire from the 10th to the 12th Century
(Corresponding Member Ljubomir Maksimovi)

The project contains several studies, monographs or dissertations concerning

various aspects of changes in the Empire. As some of them have already been published,
the main eort in 2005 was concentrated on the preparation of the dissertations on
Byzantine administration during the 11th century (B. Krsmanovi) and On the rulers
ideology and political theory of the Comnenian period (V. Stankovi). The latter one was
defended in December 2005.

Maksimovi Lj., 2005: La Serbie et les contres voisines avant et aprs la IVe croisade, in:
Urbs capta: The Fourth Crusade and its Consequences; la IVe croisade et ses consequences,
Paris, 269-282.


(Academician Vladimir Stojanevi)

In 2005, research on the history and culture of the Serbs on the territory of presentday Macedonia was continued. Vardar Proceedings (Vardarski zbornik), No. 4, 191 pages,
were edited and published. (The contributors to this volume were Mihailo Vojvodi, Mili
F. Petrovi, Vladimir Bovan, Miodrag Spiri, Vladimir Ili, Zoran T. Jovanovi, Borislava
Lili, Predrag Puzovi, Aleksandar A. Miljkovi and Stania Vojinovi.)
The fth volume is being prepared for printing and the preparations for printing
the sixth one also started.
Vardar Proceedings, Vol. 4, SASA, Belgrade 2005, 191 pages.
Vladimir Stojanevi, Scientic Research of Serbian and Yugoslav Scientists and Institutions
Relating to the Historical Problems of Pre-War Southern Serbia, 1919-1941 (Nauna istraivanja
srpskih i jugoslovenskih naunika i ustanova istorijske problematike predratne June Srbije, 19191941), Vardar Proceedings, Vol. 4, Belgrade 2005, 35-50.
Vladimir Stojanevi, Notes on Stevan Tanovi-Djevdjelijanac (Beleke o Stevanu TanoviuDjevdjelijancu), Vardar Proceedings, Vol. 4, Belgrade 2005, 187-191.


(Academician Milorad Ekmei)

In 2005, the fth volume of the Proceedings for the History of Bosnia and
Herzegovina (Zbornik za istoriju Bosne i Hercegovine) was prepared, since the fourth
volume was already published. The work on this fth volume is still underway.


(Academician Slavko Gavrilovi)

During 2005, the archival material on the Military Frontier in the 19th century
was prepared for publication. The work focussed on the preparation of the rst volume of
archival material on the Varadin Generalate, that is, on the Serbs in Croatian Krajina, as
the third volume of Material for the History of the Military Frontier (Gradja za istoriju
vojne granice).
In addition, research on the past of the Military Frontier, with special emphasis on
the ajka Batallion, was continued in the domestic archives.
Research was conducted in the SASA Archives in Sremski Karlovci, the Vojvodina
Archives (documents of the Illyrian Court Deputation), in addition to using xerox copies
from the Vienna, Budapest and Zagreb Archives.

Volume III for the history of the Military Frontier, Varadin Generalate, 1595-1809
(Varadinski generalat 1595-1809) was prepared and submitted to the SASA for printing.
In Spomenik of the SASA Department of Historical Sciences, No. 13, three papers on the
above topic were published: The Rakovis Old Vlach Princes and Imperial Ocers (Rakovii
starovlaki knezovi i esarski ociri), pp. 7-66; Material for the History of the ajka Batallion,
18th-19th Centuries (Gradja za istoriju ajkakog bataljona, XVIII-XIX vek), pp. 95149, and A
Dispute Between the Serbs in Sjeniak and the Croats in iljavi in the 18th Century (Spor izmedju
Srba u Sjeniaku i Hrvata u iljaviu u XVIII veku), pp. 151-168, as well as:
S. Gavrilovi, New Military Frontiers in Srem and the Tisa and Mori Basins as the Primary
Regions of Migrations to the Russian Empire in the 18th Century (Nove vojne granice u Sremu,
Potisju i Pomoriju kao primarne oblasti migracija u Rusko carstvo XVIII veka), Proceedings
The Migration of Serbs to the Russian Empire in the Mid-18th Century (Seoba Srba u Rusko
carstvo polovinom XVIII veka), Novi Sad 2005, pp. 19-26, 526-28.


(Academician Vasilije Kresti)

During 2005, the book Bishop Strossmeyer A Croat, a Greater Croat or

a Yugoslav (Biskup trosmajer Hrvat, Velikohrvat ili Jugosloven) was written and
prepared for publishing.
Individual Project: BOURGEOIS EUROPE 18711914
(Academician edomir Popov)

During 2005, the bibliography of the published material and literature for this
project was compiled, laying special emphasis on the latest editions. Also, the chapter
entitled International Relations in the Epoch of Imperialism (Medjunarodni odnosi u
epohi imperijalizma) was prepared and typed (150 pages). It now needs denite editing.
Only one review of the used, latest book by Sava ivanov, Russia and the Rift in Europe
1878-1914 (Rusija i raskol Evrope 1874-1914), Belgrade 2005, Letopis Matice srpske,
November 2005, pp. 979-981, was published.
(Academician Nikola Tasi)

The work on this project was carried out in two directions. It was continued (a)
with the gathering of the relevant material and writing of the papers on Vojvodina in the
Bronze and Iron Ages for the monograph entitled Prehistoric and Protohistoric Cultures
of Vojvodina (Preistorijske i protoistorijske kulture Vojvodine), which is being prepared
by the SASA Branch; and b) the preparation of a detailed study relating to the publishing
of the Romanian-Serbian multivolume monograph Prehistoric and Protohistoric
Cultures of Banat (Praistorijske i protoistorijske kulture Banata), including both on the
Serbian and Romanian sides. The SASA Branch and the Museum in Timioara organized
two meetings of the editors working on this project (one in Timioara and the other
in Novi Sad). On that occasion it was decided who would be responsible for the entire
project (editors N. Tasi and G. Lazarovicu) and who would edit individual volumes (B.
Brukner, B. Jovanovi and F. Drasovean).
The project leader attended two expert meetings: the expert meeting in Sremski
Karlovci, in October 2005, which was devoted to the memory of Miodrag Grbi and at

which the paper Miodrag Grbi as a Museologist and the Initiator of Archaeological
Excavations in Serbia (Miodrag Grbi kao muzealac i inicijator arheolokih istraivanja
u Srbiji) was presented, and the Round Table in Novi Sad, which was devoted to Regional,
International and Interacademic Cooperation Within the Danube-Kris-Moris-Tisza
Euro-Region (Regionalna, medjunarodna i medjuakademijska saradnja u okviru Euroregije Dunav-Kri-Mori-Tisa), Novi Sad, 15-17 December 2005.
Tasic N., 2005: Historical picture of development of Early Iron Age in the Serbian DanubeBasin. Balcanica, XXXV, 5-23, Beograd.
Tasic N., 2004/5: Nalazita i kulture eneolitskog perioda (Eneolithic Cultures and Sites in
the Bor Area and ins Environs). Bor i okolina u praistoriji, antici i srednjem veku (The Bor Area
in Prehistory, Antiquity and Midde Ages, Bor-Beograd (BorBelgrade), 57-100.


(Academician Slobodan Duani)

Research on (a) the political thought of the Greeks in the classical period and (b)
the history of Roman institutions and society under the Empire was continued.
The works published in 2005 include: (a 1) Theban Politics and the Socratic
Dialogues, The Ancient World 36.1 (Montreal 2005) 107122; (b 1) The Princeps
Municipii Dardanorum and the Metalla Municipii Dardanorum, iva Antika 54 (Skopje
20042005) 532; (b 2) Notes on a Severan Document, AlthistorischEpigraphische
Studien 5(2005) 237245; and (b 3) Ad RMD, IV, 205, in: M: Corbier ed., LAnne
pigraphique 2002 (Paris 2005) 686 no. 1771. Several other papers are forthcoming.
During 2005, as well as previous years, S. Duani was the director of the Centre
for Ancient Epigraphy and Numismatics Fanoula Papazoglou (Faculty of Philosophy,
Belgrade) and the head of several projects concerning ancient history, epigraphy, and
related disciplines (the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; the Faculty of Philosophy,
Belgrade). His study of Roman history and epigraphy focused on the preparation of vol.
III/1 (inscriptions of the Iron Gates) of the Inscriptions de la Msie Suprieure (series
edited by the Centre Fanoula Papazoglou). Financial support of the Serbian Academy
of Sciences and Arts and two French institutions, enabled study in the libraries of Paris,
especially that of the Anne pigraphique, during July, 2005, and a visit to the sites of the
Iron Gates, in September 2005.
(Corresponding Member Jovanka Kali)

During 2005, research was focussed on the political, economic and cultural relations
of medieval Serbia with the western world. The central topic is the Serbian-Hungarian
relations at the state level, as well as at the local one (border regions in the Sava basin and
Srem). The author studied the regional and other names (Marchia, Marka, Francavilla)
and historical documents on the oldest monasteries (Premonstrants, Benedictines, etc.).
Research on the relations with Italy, especially with the papacy, also forms part of the
The Medieval Millenium. The Belgrade City Museum, Belgrade, 2005, 5356.
La Serbie et lItalie au XIIe sicle. Glas SANU, Odeljenje istorijskih nauka, 2005.



(Academician Bogdan Brukner)

Work plan: In the course of 2006, the systematisation of the extremely large
technical documentation of house entities from three Vina group settlements is going to
be completed. This enormous project, which has been worked on for several years, will
be integrated into a manuscript.
The nancial resources with which this project has hitherto been provided were far
below the average allocated to individual projects.
(Corresponding Member Dinko Davidov)

Corresponding Member Dinko Davidov conducted his research in the Buda

Eparchy Archives for 14 days (3-13 July 2005). He examined and wrote down the archival
material of the Serbian Orthodox Church of St George in Budapest. In this Church, he
also studied the iconostasis painted by Caroly Sterio (18201862) and the icons by Stefan
Tenecki and Arsenije Teodorovi from a historical and artistic aspect.
Professor Dr Dimitrije Stefanovi completed his research in Grabovac monastery.
Custodian Kosta Vukovi continued his research in Grabovac monastery.
(Corresponding Member Milo Blagojevi)

The results of this research project were presented in the following publications:
. Blagojevi, Terminology of Duans Code and Contemporary Language, Code of Emperor Stefan Duan (Terminologija Duanovog zakonika i savremeni jezik, Zakonik cara Stefana
Duana), SASA, Proceedings, Scientic Meetings, Vol. CVIII, Department of Social Sciences, Vol.
24 (2005), 3-20.
Ibid., Byzantine Hierarchy of Rulers in the Light of Serbian Sources, 12th-14th Centuries
(Vizantijska hijerarhija vladara u svetlosti srpskih izvora, XIIXV vek), The Bulgarians and Serbs
in the Context of Byzantine Civilization (
), Proceedings of the Bulgarian-Serbian Symposium (
- ), 1416 September 2003, Soa 2005, 47-80.
Ibid., The Drina Basin Between the Serbian Medieval States (Podrinje izmedju srpskih
srednjovekovnih drava), Drina, Institute for School Books and Teaching Aids, Srpsko Sarajevo
2005, 29-67.
Ibid., Vlach Princes, Premiuri and elnici in the States of Nemanjis and Kotromanis,
13-th-14th Centuries (Vlaki knezovi, premiuri i elnici u dravi Nemanjia i Kotromania, XIIIXIV vek), Commemorative Volume (Spomenica) of Milan Vasi, Republic of Srpska Academy
of Arts and Sciences, Spomenica, Vol. II, Department of Social Sciences, Vol. 14, Banja Luka 2005,


(Academician Vladimir Stojanevi)

In 2005, the study of Serbo-Bulgarian Relations in Western Bulgaria 1804-1914

(Srpsko-bugarski odnosi u zapadnoj Bugarskoj 1804-1914), Belgrade 2005, 184 pages,
was nished and published as a supplementary study of the above topic. The topic of its
rst part is contained in the title of this project. The details of the above topic are presented

in a number of treatises and articles, included the bibliography of the Committee for the
History of the Serbian Revolution of 1804-1830.
(Academician Desanka Kovaevi-Koji)

During 2005, the focus of the research was based on craftwork activities, especially
on the activities of Ragusian and domestic craftsmen.
Kovaevi-Koji D., 2005: Les Catalans dans les aairea de la compagnie Caboga (1426
1433). Acta Mediaevalia homenatjara la gura de la Dra. Carme Batlle, Barcelona.
Kovaevi-Koji D., 2005: Izgled Srebrenice u dubrovakim izvorima (13521460).
Spomenica Milana Vasia, ANURS, Spomenica, knj. II, Odeljenje drutvenih nauka, knj. 14,
Banja Luka, 79-98.


(Corresponding Member Momilo Spremi)

In continuation of the work on this individual project, research at the State Archives
of Venice (Archivio di Statto di Venezia) from the 14th to the 18th May 2005 was realised.
Documents concerning Serbian 15th-century history were read and written down. In
particular work on the circumstances in Zeta, where the rule of Venice slowly but steadily
spread, was done. Considerable attention was paid to the life of Kantakuzina (Katarina)
Brankovi, who lived in the West and maintained relationships with ocial Venice.
(Corresponding Member Borislav Jovanovi)

The systematic processing of the groups of graves in the old Celtic necropolis at
Peine near Viminacium was continued. The detailed site plans of separate groups of
graves at this site were completed.
Underway is the preparation of the monograph on the La Tne period in Vojvodina,
within the series Prehistory of Vojvodina (Praistorija Vojvodine), in cooperation with
the SASA Branch in Novi Sad.
Popovi P., Jovanovi B., 2005: La spulture 1-3/378 de la necropole de Peine de Kostolac.
Balcanica, XXV, 23-24.


(Corresponding Member Ljubomir Maksimovi)

In 2005, work was commenced, under the provisory title State and Society in
Byzantium, on an examination, in a synthetic way, of sources I had been collecting and
analysing for a long period of time. The collected data concerned dierent aspects of
Byzantine civilization, including the structure and functioning of the institutions, as well
as economic and social phenomena and the nature of every-day life. The data are not
available in one and the same measure, hence that they have to be examined in dierent
phases. The rst one the structures of the State and society occupies the whole project
at this moment.


In this framework, the so-called constitutional factors emperor, senate, army and
populous are to be examined, including their physiognomy and evolution as well as the
structure and evolution of the state administration. The development of the Byzantine
society was also included. Faith and Church are the basis, making the transition from
the Roman to the medieval state of aairs. A treatment of the described whole has been
shaping some parts of the project as future chapters of a book, which is supposed to be
the nal result of the research. At the moment, these chapters are in dierent stages of
completion. Thus, in the course of 2005, the structure of the book started to achieve its
general form.


(Academician Stevan Karamata)

As for the plan of its activities in 2005, the Committee did not succeed in organizing
the exhibition devoted to Kosovo and Metohija in the SASA Gallery.
The third volume of the Kosovo and Metohija Proceedings should come out
Through its President, Academician Stevan Karamata, and on the recommendation
of the Executive Board of the SASA Presidency, the Committee agreed to participate in
the organization of the scientic meeting entitled The Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,
whose initiator and main organizer was the Pritina University seated in Kosovska
Mitrovica. The meeting was held in Mitrovica and Zvean, on 27-28 May 2005, in the
organization of the Rectorate of the Pritina University and its Rector, Professor Dr
Radivoje Papovi.
At the request of the Jovan Cviji Geographic Institute from Belgrade, the
Committee accepted to be one of the publishers of the new edition of the book by Professor
Dr Milovan Radovanovi, Kosovo and Metohija in Serbia in the Balkans (Kosovo i
Metohija u Srbiji na Balkanu), dealing with the ethnic phenomena and processes in that
part of the Republic of Serbia.
The Committee received documentary material from the Museum of Kosovo and
Metohija from Pritina, which had been moved to Belgrade (Ethnographic Museum),
and the Mnemosyne Institute from Belgrade, which organized a successful exhibition
in Bari, in Italy, from 17 to 31 March 2005, including the photographs, large-scale map,
copies of frescoes and the poster for the exhibition, with the colour photograph of the
fresco portrait of Queen Simonida from Graanica monastery, as well as the catalogue
for the exhibition Kosovo Medieval Serbian Orthodox Monasteries Before and After
the War of 1999. This material is now kept in the Committees archive as the valuable
documentary evidence of the destruction of the Serbian cultural monuments and
acquainting the Italian public with the extent of inicted damage and annihilation of
cultural history, which is not only Serbian Orthodox history, but is also Christian history
in general, which was created on that soil for more than a thousand years.
The long-standing work on the supplemjentation of the data and texts about the
settlements and historical landmarks of the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija

In the course of the year, the Committee received, free of charge, the issues of the
journal Hvosno carrying the articles and photographs about current events in Metohija
(Hvosno) and, partly, in Kosovo. The journal is published in Leposavi.
The Committee also received free of charge the issues of Pravoslavlje, the ocial
publication of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade.


(Corresponding Member Borislav Jovanovi)

The long-standing investigations at the site of Vina, Belo Brdo, were continued
with a view to achieving two basic aims: to protect this archaeological site and ensure the
scientic, that is, media presentation of the project.
The rst aim implies the protection of the site against ground waters and the
collapse of the cultural layer in the unprotected part of the river bank. The author of
the site protection study is Professor Dr Duan Sunari, head of the Department of
Engineering Geology of the Faculty of Mining and Geology in Belgrade; Gordana Karovi,
senior expert associate, appears as the representative of the Republican Institute for the
Protection of Cultural Monuments in Belgrade, which is responsible for the monuments
of utmost importance.
Two relevant publications are being prepared: the rst is intended for the
symposium devoted to Professor M. Garaanin and the second is the jubilee monograph,
which is published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the excavations at Vina,
Belo Brdo (1908 2008).
Archaeological excavations at Vina were led by Professor Dr Nenad Tasi. Field
work in sectors I and II lasted much longer than in the previous years (from 1 August to
15 September and from 3 October to 18 October 2005).
The work was carried out according to the unit system, which produced remarkable
results. It provided a clear picture about the change of the settlement horizons belonging
to the nal Vina culture, in addition to linking the results of the excavations in the
periods 1978-1986 and 1998-2004.
Portable items (3000 objects) include pottery, dressed and polished stone tools
and weapons, as well as bone tools. The samples were taken for physical and chemical
analyses; the documentation gives the precise topography of the nd and unearthed
layers, coupled with copious photo and video material. The three-dimensional model of
a large ceramic oven, which had been excavated in situ, was also made.
The excavations, which were carried out in September, were included in the
European Heritage Day event (the topic was Earth Secrets). The project was intended
for the general public and its aim was to enhance the knowledge about the exploration and
protection of cultural heritage and arouse the public interest in archaeological projects.
In August 2005, one more international archaeological school was organized. It
was attended by ten domestic and three Greek students. The team involved in the Vina
research project took an active part in the project of the Nikola Tesla Elementary School
in Vina Revealing the Past, Shaping the Present, Creating the Future (Otkrivamo
prolost, oblikujemo sadanjost, stvaramo budunost). A special programme for the
introduction of archaeology into the school curriculum was anticipated.



(Academician Dejan Despi)

The funds earmarked for the project were spent on audio and video cassettes
for recording folk music in the eld. In July, eld work consisted in interviewing and
audio and video recording Dobrilo ivi from abari near Topola, who plays folk wind
instruments - shepherds ute and gajdenica. The recording was done in Belgrade, in July.
The complete programme of the Festival Yellow Bedstraw The Guardian of Traditions
of the Autochthonous Vojvodina Serbs, held in Sivac (Baka) in July, as well as the
programme of this years Serbian Folk Music Festival in Topola, held in October, were
also recorded. Both events were recorded by Jelena Jovanovi.
(Academician Dejan Despi)

The funds earmarked for this year were spent on the preparation of the audio
edition (CD) of Traditional Singing and Playing in Gornja Jasenica (Narodno pevanje
i sviranje u Gornjoj Jasenici) by Jelena Jovanovi. The third and last instalment of the
fee was paid to the recording engineer Vladan Lazarevi for the computer processing of
sound recordings and the preparation of sound masters. The fee to Nenad Kneevi, the
translator of the accompanying text into English, was also paid.
The remaining amount of money was earmarked for printing Collected Works
of Kornelije Stankovi (Sabrana dela Kornelija Stankovia), which are published by the
SASA Musicological Institute, and was paid into the account of Excelsior Printing House
in Belgrade.
At the end of November, Belgrade was visited by Lubomir Tillner, Director of
the Ethnological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. As the
ocial guest of the SASA, he spent several days with the collaborators on the project
(the associates of the Musicological Institute). The guest acquainted them with the
technical possibilities of the sound studio of the Czech Academy and its publishing
activity, especially in the eld of ethnomusicology, and proposed cooperation between
the two institutions (the Ethnological Institute in Prague and the Musicological Institute
in Belgrade) in the production of audio editions with Serbias archival material recorded
in the eld. The proposed cooperation would provide a very good opportunity for the
promotion of Serbian musical heritage in Europe.



(Academician Dejan Despi)

Last year, the members of the research team celebrated two anniversaries:
The Faculty of Musical Art in Belgrade celebrated the 75th birth anniversary of its
professor Roksanda Pejovi by holding the appropriate symposium with 50 domestic and
foreign participants. To that end, the Faculty published her collection of bibliographies,
The Written Word on Music in Serbia Books and Articles (1945-2003) (Pisana re o
muzici u Srbiji knjige i lanci (1945-2003).
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Milica Zajcevs work as a ballet critic,
the Association of Ballet Dancers of Serbia organized the appropriate event at the National
Theatre in Belgrade, at which the speeches were delivered by dance experts, renowned
ballet dancers, coreographers, TV editors and representatives of the ballet ensembles
from Belgrade and Novi Sad. On this occasion, Milica Zajcev received recognition for
her life achievement by the Association of Ballet Dancers of Serbia. Within its edition
From the History of the National Theatre in Belgrade (Iz istorije Narodnog pozorita
u Beogradu), the National Theatre published the book Dance that Means Life 2 (Igra
to ivot znai 2) the new records on Belgrades ballet dancers: Anica Preli, Jasmina
Puljo, Tamara Polonska, Mira Suji Vitorovi, Magdalena Janeva, Vladimir Logunov,
Jelena anti, Marija Jankovi, Sonja Lapatanov, Vesna Starevi Lei, Sonja Vukievi,
Aleksandar Izrailovski, Krunislav Simi, Ranko Tomanovi, Milica Bijeli, Nenad Jeremi,
Konstantin Teea, Duka Dragievi, Svetozar Toza Adamovi, Konstantin Kostjukov,
Denis Kasatkin and Ahen Ataljanc.
ther associates studied the specics of the Serbian musical scene, participated
in domestic and foreign symposia and published their papers. They also prepared the
material for entries for the Serbian opera and ballet music lexicon.
Jelena Dubljevi, a postgraduate student at the Musical Teaching Department of
the Faculty of Musical Art and the scholarship holder of the Ministry of Science and
Environmental Protection, scanned the complete manuscript of the score for Petar
Konjovis opera Milos Wedding (enidba Miloeva).
Nadeda Mosusova presented the paper entitled From the History of Serbian
Ballet (Iz istorije srpskog baleta) at the Sixth Annual Conference of the Department
of Musicology and Ethnomusicology at the Faculty of Musical Art in Belgrade, which
was devoted to the 75th Birth Anniversary of Professor Dr Roksanda Pejovi (7-9 April
She also participated in the gathering devoted to Josip Slavenski in Belgrade, with
the paper The Work of Josip Slavenski and His Scenic Music for Panovis Drama Migrant
Workers) (Stvaralatvo Josipa Slavenskog i njegova scenska muzika za Panovievu dramu
Pealbari) Authors Music Rights Protection Organization (SOKOJ) - MIC (Music
Information Centre, 8-11 November 2005).
She also presented her paper The Slavic Soul and Greek Blood Zorba the Ballet at
the CID-UNESCO meeting devoted to dance, Much More than Movement, which was
held in Cyprus (Larnaca, 9-13 November 2005).
On 28 December 2005, Nadeda Mosusova delivered a public lecture on Theatre
Life and Russian Emigrants in Belgrade in the Inter-War Period (Pozorini ivot i ruska
emigracija u Beogradu izmedju dva svetska rata), within the Old Belgrade series, at the



(Corresponding Member Todor Stevanovi)

In 2005, the work on this project was geared to the completion of the corpus of
texts for Volume I of the Dictionary. To this end, 150 new articles for the entries, which
had not been included in the rst six letters of the Alphabet (A-Dj), were ordered from
external collaborators. In this way, the work on the gathering of material for Volume I
was completed. Underway are extensive editing activities, including the scanning and
production of accompanying illustrations, so that the rst volume could be denitely
prepared for printing in the coming period. Some funds were also earmarked for the
acquisition of new professional literature for the Committee, so that 15 books were
In the course of the year, the Committee composition was changed a few times:
its two long-time members, Professor Dr Ranko Radovi and Academician Ivan Anti,
passed away and Corresponding Member of SASA Todor Stevanovi resigned from
the post of its President in October. The Department of Fine Arts and Music elected
architect Milan Lojanica, Corresponding Member of SASA, as the new President of the


(Academician Dimitrije Stefanovi)

Like in the previous several years, very modest funds received by this Committee
precluded any organized eld or research work.
According to the work plan, it was anticipated to remodel another room in the
monastery of Velika Remeta for housing the exhibition Old Serbian Music. Due to slow
and large-scale reconstruction work in the monastery, the room was nished only at the
end of this year, so that it will be ready for the exhibition in the spring.
The funds were spent on the re-recording of old tapes containing mostly our
traditional church music, whose useful life expired. The recordings were transferred onto
compact disks in two copies each. The following compact disks were produced: Spiritual
Songs from Various Monasteries (Duhovne pesme iz raznih manastira).





(Dr Miloje Vasi)


(Dr Miloje Vasi)

Systematic archaeological excavations carried out at Mediana in 2005 represent

the continuation of the research project relating to the construction of the Archaeological
Park. The project is led by the SASA Archaeological Institute, while archaeological
investigations are conducted in cooperation with the National Museum in Ni and the
Monument Protection Institute in Ni.
Archaeological excavations lasted from 23 September to 27 October 2005 and were
directed towards:
1. The excavation of the north-west corner of the villa with peristyle, where probes
45-47 were opened in 2004; and
2. The footpath in the east-west direction, between the villa and the new road:
- Completion of work in probes 48-51, which were opened in 2004;
- Opening of new probes between them (probes 52-55).
The processing of the documentation from the site of Jagodina Mala was continued.
This refers especially to the architecture and decoration of tombs. This documentation
is processed in AutoCad. The digitalization of the plans of Mediana and processing in
AutoCad were also continued.
The work on the manuscript of Jagodina Mala in Ni A Late Antique Necropolis
(Jagodin mala u Niu kasnoantika nekropola) continued (its authors are S. Dra, S.
Golubovi and G. Jeremi).
Popovi M., Gabeli S., Cvetkovi B. and Popovi B., 2005: The Church of St Nicholas in
Stanienje (Crkva Svetog Nikole u Stanienju). Archaeological Institute, Belgrade.

From 23 to 30 July 2005, the aerial survey of the conserved mosaics on the east
porch of the villa with peristyle in Mediana (Brzi Brod) near Ni was made in the
organization of the Centre for Scientic Research of the SASA and Ni University, under
the International Cooperation Agreement concluded between the Ni University and the
Polytechnical University from Milan.



(Professor Dr Nedeljko Bogdanovi)


(Professor Dr Slobodan Remeti)

1. Three papers on The Verb System (Glagolski sistem) were prepared:

rina Jurii: Second Person Aorist in Speech in Pinja (Drugo lice aorista u
govoru Pinje);
ilan Djordjevi: The Construction of da + Present in Speech in South-Eastern
Serbia (Konstrukcija da + prezent u govorima u jugoistonoj Srbiji);
Nedeljko Bogdanovi: Constructions with budem / bie (Konstrukcije sa budem
/ bie).
2. At the scientic meeting in Timioara (11-14 November 2005), Nedeljko
Bogdanovi presented the paper Vlach-Romanic Elements in Speech in Eastern Serbia
(Vlahoromanski elementi u govorima istone Srbije).
The Section for Serbian Language is included in the realization of this large and
signicant project. So far, the following activities have been carried out:
1. The material from 89 points was prepared for the rst two volumes of the
2. Thirteen points from the territory of south-eastern Serbia were processed.
In the course of 2005, due to the work on the project Serbian Dialectological Atlas,
the work on the project The Dictionary of Crna Trava Kalna (Renik crnotravske Kalne)
was temporarily reduced.


(Professor Dr Miroljub Stojanovi)

(Professor Dr Miroljub Stojanovi)

In cooperation with the Study Group for the Russian Language and Literature of
the Philosophical Faculty in Ni, the international scientic meeting entitled Literature
and History VII Transposition of Historical Events and Personages in Slavic Tragedy
(Knjievnost i istorija VII Transpozicija istorijskih dogadjaja i linosti u tragediji kod
Slovena) was organized. It was held at the University, on 27 and 28 October 2005, with 28
participants from Serbia, Russia, Bulgaria and Macedonia.
(Professor Dr Miroljub Stojanovi)

This project, which is nanced from the funds granted at the contest of the Council
for Culture of the City of Ni, is carried out ny using the modern methodology for the
preparation of encyclopedic editions. The questionnaries for each cultural eld and the
working version of some 1000 alphabetized entries covering all important facts about the
cultural history of Ni were prepared. The collaborators on the project come from various

cultural and research institutions in Ni (Modern Fine Art Gallery, Ni Cultural Centre,
Prosveta Publishing House, National Museum, National Theatre, Historical Archives,
University Library, National Library, Faculty of Arts and Philosophical Faculty).
Literature and History VI Transposition of Historical Events and Personages in the
Slavic Short Story (Knjievnost i istorija VI Transpozicija istorijskih dogadjaja i linosti u propoveci kod Slovena) (the Proceedings of the Scientic Meeting held in Ni, on 21 and 22 November
2003). The Centre for Scientic Research of the SASA and Ni University and the Study Group for
the Serbian Language and Literature of the Philosophical Faculty in Ni, Ni, 2005, 186 pages.
Professor Dr Sava Peni Life and Work (Professor Dr Sava Peni ivot i delo) (the
Proceedings of the Round Table, which was held in Ni on 3 December 2004). The Centre for
Scientic Research of the SASA and Ni University, Slavist Society of Serbia, Study Groups for the
Russian and Serbian Languages and Literature of the Philosophical Faculty in Ni, Ni, 2005, 148


(Professor Dr Dragan uni)


(Professor Dr Dragan uni)

On 2 December 2005, the Section organized the symposium on Traditional

Aesthetic Culture in South-Eastern Serbia: The Aesthetic Dimension of the
House (Traditionalna estetska kultura u jugoistinoj Srbiji: estetska dimenzija kue)
with international participation. The papers were presented by 14 participants from
the University of Ni, SASA Ethnographic Institute, SASA Archeological Institute,
Ethnographic Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Cyril and Methodius
University of Veliko Trnovo, Monument Protection Institute from Ni and Studentski
Grad Cultural Centre from Belgrade. The papers presented at this symposium will be
published in special proceedings.


(Professor Dr Vojin Savi)


(Academician Sveto Sua)

In 2005, research was carried out mostly in the eld so as to detect new cases of
endemic nephropathy. It covered a number of villages and its results revealed that in
several villages endemic nephropathy was not on the increase or, more precisely, that
new cases were detected much more seldom than before. There is no doubt that these
investigations are not quite meritory, because it is known that in other disease-endemic
areas there is a mild upward tendency. In addition, one must bear in mind that during
this decade-long research in disease-endemic areas some mistrust towards it was aroused,
so that the families being suspected of having the members suering from endemic
nephropathy are reluctant to be examined.


(Professor Dr Tomislav Pavlovi)


(Professor Dr Tomislav Pavlovi)

In accordance with the programme of work on this project, the appropriate

premises on the fth oor and the roof of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Ni
were prepared; the prototypes of hybrid collectors were installed and the equipment for
measuring the thermal properties of collectors, for measuring the electrical properties
of hybrid collectors, for measuring the meteorological parameters, as well as for data
acquisition and processing was acquired. Software programs for measuring the thermal
eciency of collectors were also developed and applied.
This equipment enabled more thorough investigations into the thermal and
electrical properties of hybrid collectors with monocrystal and amorphous silicon solar
cells. The results of these investigations show that the thermal and electrical eciency of
the hybrid collector with monocrystal solar cells is much higher than that of the hybrid
collector with amorphous silicon solar cells.




In 2005, the Centre carried out its work programme through scientic research
projects within its sections, through publishing activity and, nally, through a series of
lectures on various topics, which have become very popular in Kragujevac. The Centre
disposed of modest funds for such an ambitious programme, but they still satised
the needs thanks to additional nancial support from the Ministry of Science and
Environmental Protection and other sources.
In the course of 2005, the Centre worked intensively on the preparation and
publishing of the books being the result of its long-standing research and work on its
projects. The following publications came out: History of the National Library in
Kragujevac (Istorija Narodne biblioteke u Kragujevcu) by Dr Mila Stefanovi; Kragujevac
Theatre 1951-1984 (Kragujevako pozorite 1951-1984) by Rajko Stojadinovi; Mila
Stojadinovi The Poet of Acting (Mila Stojadinovi pesnik glume) by Dr Duan
Mihajlovi and Mihailo Kandi, and English-Serbian Encyclopedic Dictionary
(Englesko-srpski enciklopedijski renik) by Professor Dr Duan Simi. Also, the
proceedings Life in the Enclave (ivot u enklavi), edited by Dr Biljana Sikimi, were
published in the Liceum edition. They contain the texts from the series of lectures bearing
the same name, which was organized in Kragujevac from October 2003 to May 2004.
The Centre also participated in the organization of a series of 5 lectures in the eld
of literature and a series of 5 lectures in the eld of history of science.


(Corresponding Member Milo Blagojevi)

Early in 2005, the second edition of the monograph Grivac Settlements of

Protostarevo and Vina Cultures (Grivac naselja protostarevake i vinanske
kulture) by Dr Milenko Bogdanovi came out. Its reviewers were Academician Bogdan
Brukner and Academician Borislav Jovanovi. The monograph is the result of 12-year
work on the project, which was initiated and led by Academician Dragoslav Srejovi.
The book also contains the contributions by Dr Dubravka Nikoli, scientic associate
at the Centre for Archaeological Research of the Philosophical Faculty of Belgrade, Dr
Dragana Antonovi, scientic associate at the Archaeological Institute in Belgrade, Vera
Bogosavljevi-Petrovi, MA, advisor at the National Museum in Kraljevo, Branka Zorbi,

custodian of the National Museum in Kragujevac, and Rista Drakovi, expert associate
at the Centre for Archaeological Research of the Philosophical Faculty in Belgrade.
At the beginning of 2005, the following lectures from the series History of Serbian
Science In Search of Lost Time were given: Corresponding Member of SASA Vidojko
Jovi: Serbian Geology of the 19th Century (Srpska geologija 19. veka); Dr Aleksandar
Grubi: Atanasije Stojkovis Physics (Fisika Atanasija Stojkovia); Dr Boidar uri: Josif
Pani, and Djordje Djuri, MA: Jovan ujovi. The collection of texts from these lectures
will be published within the Liceum edition under the same title in 2006. The coordinator
of the series is Dr Aleksandar Petrovi, President of the Serbian Society for the History
of Science.


(Professor Dr Ljubinko Radenkovi)

The work on the project Ethnological Characteristics of umadija and Pomoravlje

in the Entire Balkan Area (Etnoloke osobenosti umadije i Pomoravlja u ukupnom
Balkanskom prostoru) continued. In 2005, it was devoted to three topics:
- Beliefs and customs, whereby the work of ethnologist Mile Nedeljkovi on
gathering the material for the third volume of Notes on umadija (Zapisi o umadiji)
- The book The Village of Koriani near Kragujevac (Selo Koriani kod
Kragujevca) by Milivoje Milosavljevi was prepared. At present, the book is undergoing
technical editing.
- The monograph City Costumes of umadija (Gradske nonje umadije) by the
project collaborator Dobrila Vlajkovi was nished and published.


(Dr Mirjana Deteli)

The series of lectures entitled (Mis)uses of History in Serbian Literature (19452000) ((Zlo)upotrebe istorije u srpskoj knjievnosti (1945-2000)) was organized. The
coordinators of this series are Dr Mirjana Deteli and Dragan Bokovi, MA. The
following lectures were delivered each week, from 15 November to 12 December 2005:
Misuse of Literature in the Serbian History After World War II (Zloupotreba knjievnosti
u srpskoj istoriji posle II svetskog rata), lecturer: Dr Novica Mili, Philological Faculty,
Belgrade; New History of Basaras Rumour About Cyclists (Nova istorija Basarine Fame o
biciklistima), lecturer: Igor Perii, MA, Institute for Language and Literature, Belgrade;
History and Hysteria: Female Picaresque Novel (Istorija i histerija: enski pikarski roman),
lecturer: Dr Vladislava Gordi-Petkovi, Philological Faculty, Novi Sad; New Sensibility:
Socio-Political Perception of the Reality of Generation R (Novi senzibilitet: Socijalnopolitika percepcija realnosti generacije R), lecturer: Isidora Janji, Institute of Philosophy
and Social Theory; Belgrade; The Time of Literary and Political Illusions: 1990-2000 (Doba
knjievno-politikih iluzija: 1990-2000), lecturer: Saa Ili, author.

The proceedings bearing the same name will be published in the Liceum edition
next year.
The monograph History of the National Library in Kragujevac (Istorija Narodne
biblioteke u Kragujevcu) by Dr Mila Stefanovi came out. Financial support was provided
by the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection and the City Assembly of
Kragujevac. Its presentation was organized in Kragujevac and Belgrade.
The mnograph Mila Stojadinovi The Poet of Acting (Mila Stojadinovi pesnik glume) by Professor Dr Duan Mihajlovi and journalist Mihailo Kandi, and
the monograph Kragujevac Theatre 1951-1984 (Kragujevako pozorite 1951-1984) by
Rajko Stojadinovi were published at the beginning of 2005. Financial support for the
publishing of these books was provided by the Ministry of Science and Environmental
Protection and the City Assembly of Kragujevac. The presentation of the monograph
Kragujevac Theatre 1951-1984 was organized in cooperation with the Joakim Vuji
Theatre from Kragujevac.


(Professor Dr Aleksa Marii)


(Professor Dr Aleksa Marii)

In 2005, the impact of relaxation and crystallization processes on the magnetic

properties of amorphous iron and cobalt alloys, in the form of strips and powders, was
It was shown that the magnetic susceptibility of amorphous alloy Fe89Ni1,5Si1,5B3C0,5
increases by about 20% after the structural relaxation process, in the temperature range
up to 700K. After the crystallisation process, the magnetic susceptibility of the alloy
decreases by about 50% relative to its non-relaxed state and by 64% relative to its relaxed
A signicant part of this research was devoted to the process of sintering
amorphous metal powders. It was shown that amorphous Ni-Co alloy powders retain
their amorphous structure up to 700K.
Any further heating of power will have a negative eect on its magnetic and
electrical properties.
The problem is solved by cold sintering, coupled wih minor changes in pressure
The investigations into the structural changes of various absorbents during the
hydrogen absorption and desorption process were continued.
It was revealed that the electrical resistance of slightly pressed cobalt powder
increases during the isothermic hydrogen absorption and that it decreases during
An increase in electrical resistance during the absorption process is caused by the capture
of one electron from the conducting zone of the absorbent, whereby the absorbed hydrogen atom
becomes H - ion.

Marii ., Mini D.M., Zak T., 2004: Inuence of the Changes of Free Electron Density
on Electrical and Magnetic Properties of the Co70Fe5Si10B15 Amorphous Alloy. Science of Sintering, Vol. 36, No. 3, 197-203.
Marii ., Rafailovi L., Spasojevi M., Risti M.M., 2005: Correlation between the
crystallization process and change in electron density of states in amorphous powder of the
Ni80Co20 alloy. FITEM 05, aak, 12.
Marii ., uki B., Mitrovi N., Jordovi B., 2005: The inuence of the heating on the
changes of free electron density of metastable Zr88Co12 alloy prepared by copper-mould casting.
FITEM 05, aak, 7.
Nikoli S., Golubovi A., Radojevi V., Vali A., Jordovi B., 2004: The inuence of the
Interface Shape on the Plane-to-cellular-to-dendritic Transition in Superalloy Based of Nickel.
Metalurgija Journal of Metallurgy, No. 3, Vol. 10, 289-293.
Mitrovi N., uki B., Jordovi B., Marii ., Nedeljkovi B., 2005: Thermal and
microstructure characterization of metastable ZrTiCuNiAl alloy prepared by copper-mold casting.
9th International Research/Expert Conference TMT 2005, Antalya, Turkey, 26-30 September
2005, 849-852.
Nedeljkovi D.N., Talijan N.M., Jordovi B.A., Radojevi V.J., Aleksi R.R., 2005: Some results
of research of sensors based on optical bers with composite coating polymer magnetic powder. 9th
International Research/Expert Conference TMT 2005, Antalya, Turkey, 26-30 September 2005,
Simeunovi R., Petrovi P., 2005: Changes of electromagnetic properties of cold sintered
cobalt during temperature releasing. Russian Physics Journal, N2, 11-15.
Mitrovi N., Roth S., Djuki S., Eckert J., 2005: Magnetic Softenning of Metallic Glasses
by Current Annealing Technique. Properties and Applications of Nanocrystalline Alloys from
Amorphous Precursors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 331-344.
Kane S. N., Mitrovi N. S., Gupta A., Roth S., Mazalayrat F., Eckert J., 2005: Inuence of Nb
Addition on Structural and Magnetic Properties of FeNbAlGaPCB Metallic Glasses. Journal of
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 290-291 (2), 1461-1464.
Mitrovi N., uki B., Obradovi N., Nedeljkovi B., 2005: Thermal Stability and Kinetics of
Crystallization Process of Metastable ZrTiCuNiAl Alloy Prepared by Cooper-mould Casting. The
Book of Abstacts, 25, FITEM05.
Mitrovi N., uki B., Jordovi B., Marii ., Nedeljkovi B., 2005: Thermal and Microstructure Characterization of of Metastable ZrTiCuNiAl Alloy Prepared by Cooper-mold Casting.
Proceedings of the 9th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in Development of
Machinery and Associated Technology, TMT2005, 849-852, 26-30. September, Antalya, Turkey.


(Professor Dr Miroslav Demi)

In 2005, the following activities were performed:

1.Transmission of Accidental Vibrations Forward and Backward Through the
Human Body in a Sitting Position
These activities started in 2004. The greater part of the research project was
completed in the course of 2004, while the entire research project was completed in
the rst half of the current year. The investigations were mostly fundamental and
experimental in character. The available data show that, in a dynamic sense, man behaves
like a nonlinear oscillatory system, which is especially signicant for its modelling, that
is, for the optimization of the oscillatory parameters of the vehicle.
2. New Concepts of Semiactive and Active Vehicle Suspension Systems


Suspension systems have a very great eect on vehicle performance, especially

on oscillatory comfort and travel behaviour. Classical suspension systems cannot meet
the mentioned requirements in all operating conditions. Thus, the need has arisen for
the incorporation of new concepts into more expensive vehicles of the worlds largest
manufacturers. Bearing all this in mind, the investigations were conducted in two
directions so as to ensure the application of new concepts to domestic-make vehicles in
the foreseeable future. Namely, the new semiactive and active suspension systems have
been developed and presented, in part, to the scientic and professional community.
At the same time, the procedures for an optimal choice of their parameters have also
been developed. Underway are preparations for the experimental verication of their
possibilities for practical applications and incorporation into a Zastava vehicle.
Publishing Activity
In 2005, the English-Serbian Encyclopedic Dictionary by Professor Dr Duan
Simi was published. This Dictionary is a monumental work in this area.
Demi M., Luki J. Diligenski Dj.: A Seat Investigation to Improve Vibrational Aspect of
Ride Comfort, International Congress CONAT, Brashov, 20-22, October, 2004, CD.
Demi M., Luki J., Diligenski Dj.: Investigations of Transmission of Random Fore and Aft
Vibration Trough the Seated Human Body, Universitatea di Pitesti, Buletin Scientic, 10, No 14,
Diligenski Dj., Demi, M., akota .: Bus Passenger Vibrational Comfort, MVM
Monograph, 2005.
Demi M., Luki J., akota ., Diligenski Dj.: Some aspects of research of fore and aft
vibration of trucks, European Automotive Congress Belgrade 2005 (EAEC05YU-AT05), CD,
Demi M., Diligenski Dj., Demi I., Demi M.: A contribution to analysis of special
purpose trucks active suspension system wthout feedback lters, XXXVI Meeting of bus and
Coach Experts and Congress on Comercial Vehicles, Budapest, Hungary, 29-31, August, 2005,
Demi M., Diligenski Dj., Demi I., Demi M.: A contribution to design of semiactive
vehicle suspension system, CAR 2005. International Congress Automotive and Environment,
Pitesti, Romania, CAR20051013, CD.
Demi M. Luki J., Diligenski Dj.: Investigation of Fore and Aft Vibration for Vehcle Seat
Design. MECCA (Journal of Middle European Construction and Design of Cars), 2/2005.


(Dr Desimir Kneevi)


(Dr Desimir Kneevi)

In the course of the year, the polymorphism of genes controlling the synthesis of
protein molecules in wheat was investigated. The analyses covered 25 new varieties of
wheat. So far, the following gliadin alleles have been identied: Gli-A1a, Gli-A1b, Gli-A1c,
Gli-A1f, Gli-A1m, Gli-A1l, Gli-B1b, Gli-B1l, Gli-B1g, Gli-B1f, Gli-B1e, Gli-B1k, Gli-B1m,
Gli-D1a, Gli-D1b, Gli-D1f, Gli-D1k, Gli-D1g, Gli-A2e, Gli-A2b, Gli-A2g, Gli-A2f, Gli-A2h,
Gli-A2o, Gli-A2p, Gli-A2q, Gli-A2m, Gli-B2b, Gli-B2h, Gli-B2p, Gli-B2c, Gli-B2e, Gli-B2g,
Gli-B2j, Gli-B2m, Gli-B2o, Gli-B2s, Gli-B2v, Gli-D2a, Gli-D2b, Gli-D2m, Gli-D2j, Gli-D2e,
Gli-D2i, Gli-D2g, Gli-D2k, Gli-D2r and glutenin alleles Glu-A1a, Glu-A1b, Glu-A1c, Glu122

A1d, Glu-B1a, Glu-B1b, Glu-B1d, Glu-B1h, Glu-B1c, Glu-B1i, Glu-B1f, Glu-B1k, GluD1a, Glu-D1c and Glu-D1d.
In the new, analyzed varieties of wheat the hitherto known Gli-lleles were identied,
but in dierent combinations, in addition to one new Glu-1 llele. The investigations
revealed that a total of 59 alleles was identied: 47 Gli lleles with 6 Gli locus and 13
alleles with 3 Glu-1 locus.
The phenotypic and quantitative properties of the lines and varieties of wheat,
which create the basis in genome cartography, were investigated. The investigations
also covered the relationship between the expression and gene control of quantitative
properties, including the components of grain fertility and quality.
Mianovi D., Zeevi V., Kneevi D., Pavlovi M., Uroevi D., 2005: Inuence of diazotrophs on some physiological parameters of wheat. Balkan scientic conference, Karnobat, Bulgaria, Proceedings Breeding and Cultural practices of the crops, 1, 521-524.
Kneevi D., Lookhart G., Zeevi V., Mianovi D., Djuki N., Pavlovi, M., Menkovska
M., urlan-Momirovi G., 2005: Relationships between Glu-1 alleles and technological quality
properties in 18 kragujevacs wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.). 4. International Conference
TEMPO HP 2005. Traktori i maine, 2, 86-93.
Zeevi V., Kneevi D., Mianovi D., 2005: Genetic and phenotypic variability of
productive tillering in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Balkan scientic conference, Karnobat,
Bulgaria, Proceedings Breeding and cultural practices of the crops, 1, 211-214.
Pei A., Kneevi D., Paunovi A., Madi M., 2005: Variability of morphological and
productive traits in two wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L). International Conference of
Agricultural faculties, Cacak, Proceedings, 275-282.
Zeevi V., Kneevi D., Mianovi D., 2005: Bread making quality of wheat-triticale our
blends. asopis Jugoslovenskog drutva za pogonske maine, traktore i odravanje - Traktori i
maine, 2, 448-453.
Mianovi D., Zeevi V., Raievi V., Kneevi, D., Dimitrijevi B., 2005: Nitrogenase
activity of isolates from rhizosphere of wheat. Proceedings of International Congress Rhizosphere 2004 - In: A. Hartmann, M. Schmid, W. Wenzel & Ph. Hinsinger (eds) Perspectives
and Challenges - A Tribute to Lorenz Hiltner, Mnchen, Germany, 142-143.
Dimitrijevi B., Petri, D., Ignjatovi-upina A., Kneevi, D., Mianovi D., Zeevi V.,
2005: Inuence of meteorological factors on the appearance and dynamics of development of cereal
leaf beetle. International Conference on sustainable agriculture and European integration
processes. In: Contemporary agriculture, Novi Sad, Special issue, 3-4, 125-129.
Mianovi D., Hirsch P., Curnow Ph., Zeevi V., Raievi V., Kneevi D., 2005: Wheat
colonization by determinate bacteria. International Conference on sustainable agriculture and
European integration processes. In: Contemporary agriculture, Novi Sad, Special issue, 3-4, 312-317.
Zeevi V., Kneevi, D., Mianovi D., Dimitrijevi B., 2005: Wheat mineral nutrition
and quality. International Conference on sustainable agriculture and European integration
processes. In: Contemporary agriculture, Novi Sad, Special issue, 3-4, 613-618.
Zeevi V., Kneevi D., Mianovi D., Pavlovi M., Uroevi D., 2005: The inheritance of
plant height in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Genetika, 37, 173-179.
Madi M., Paunovi A., Djurovi D., Kraljevi-Balali M., Kneevi D., 2005: The analysis
of gene eect in the inheritance of kernel number per spike in barley hybrid. Genetika, 37 (3),
Mianovi D., Kneevi, D., Zeevi V., 2005: The eect of diazotrophs on grain yield of
spring wheat. Kragujevac Journal of Sciences, 27 139-142.
Zeevi V., Kneevi, D., Mianovi D., Dimitrijevi B., 2005: The investigation of some
quality parameters of wheat grain in dierent maturity stages wheat. Kragujevac Journal of
Sciences, 27 143-146.
Djuki N., Kneevi D., Glii R., Mati G., 2005: Sastav aminokiselina u semenu domaih
sorti jema. Aminoacid contents in common barley cultivars. Knjiga abstrakta 16. Simpozijum
drutva za ziologiju biljaka SCG, 12 / 16th Symposium Society of Plant Physiology SCG, 11,
Bajina Bata .

Jeli M., Milivojevi J., Dugali G., Kneevi D., 2005: Uticaj mineralne ishrane na prinos
zrna i sadraj proteina u zrnu razliitih genotipova ozime penice. Eect of mineral nutrition on
grain yield and protein content in grain dierent genotypes of winter wheat. Knjiga abstrakta 16.
Simpozijum drutva za ziologiju biljaka SCG, 14 / 16th Symposium Society of Plant Physiology SCG, 14, Bajina Bata.


(Professor Dr Branimir abri)

At the end of 2005, a series of lectures was organized under the title: Annus
mirabilis Miraculous Year (Annus mirabilis udesna godina), and the subtitle
Einsteins Modernization Achievement (Ajntajnov modernizacijski podvig), which
was devoted to the World Year of Physics. The moderator of this series of lectures was
Professor Dr Vukota Babovi. Its aim was to address those topics which would popularize
Einsteins researches. Each week, from 15 November until the end of 2005, ve lectures
were delivered at the Student Cultural Centre. The lecturers were university professors,
directors and research associates.
Dr Miljana Stojanovi-Milosavljevi worked on the project The State of
the Environment in the Kosovska Mitrovica Enclave and the Proposed Measures
for Its Protection, Improvement and Development (Stanje ivotne sredine u
kosovskomitrovakoj enklavi i predlog mera za njeno ouvanje, poboljavanje i
In 2005, it was continued with eld and laboratory research on the quality of air and
aero-sediments, surface and ground waters, industrial waste disposal sites, the presence
of lead and accompanying metals in soil and dust, as well as the level of lead in humans.
Air quality and the state of aero-sediments did not change more signicantly relative to
the previous year. Insofar as water is concerned, the reduced pH value was recorded at
the Mokra Gora source, i.e. 5.4-6.7, and in two wells in the Ibar alluvial plain, on the right
terrace in the village of Donji Jasenovik, i.e. pH 5.82-6.65. Water phenomenon: the sources
at Iskueniki izvor and Sveta vodica near Crna Rijeka monastery - pH 7.08 and pH 7.05
(measured 15 hours after sampling). Water phenomenon recorded in the eld: Vua pH
10.20-11.35, Crvena bara (Rogozna, Rudine) iron 0.82 mg/l and Mn 0.125 mg/l.
Lead and acccompanying heavy metals in the soil (a total of 15), dust and at
industrial waste disposal sites were measured by the uorescence method with X-rays
and high values were found. In household dust in Kosovska Mitrovica: Pb 2229 ppm, in
itkovac: Pb 200.6 ppm, s 21.5 ppm, Hg < 1.9 ppm, Cu 23.4 ppm, Co 1905 ppm. In
the dust from the roof of the balloon hall at itkovac (the particle size is smaller than 125
m): Pb 26.9 ppm, As 1907 ppm, Cu 1492 ppm, Mn 1893 ppm, Cr 698.9 ppm, Ni 1124
ppm, Zn 8640 ppm, Hg < 324.0 ppm.
Lead and accompanying heavy metals at industrial waste disposal sites in Gornje
polje, itkovac, Zvean and Bostanite and Krnjin (Leposavi): Pb 1420 5581 ppm, As
1561 ppm 42.5 ppm, but most frequently 2641- 6868 ppm.
Field research has revealed the presence of lead in the teeth of the Roma living in
refugee camps; it was measured in their capillary blood on the LCA CARE ANALYZER,
the measuring range being 0-650 g/l; 3 % of the blood samples taken from 104 persons

had the value below 650 g/l, which was conrmed during their hospital treatment in the
Mother and Child Institute in Belgrade. The presence of lead of 110 mg (natural value is
below 1) was ascertained in the hair samples taken on 23 October 2005. The lead edge on
the teeth and gums was identied morphologically and visually. The same results were
conrmed at the Institute for Functional Medicine and Environmental Medicine (Institut
fr Functional Medizin und Umweltmedizin) in Bad Emstal, in Germany. This nding
was given signicant media coverage both in the country and abroad.
Research Programme: BIOENGINEERING
The Bioengineering Research Programme involves several sections of the Centre
and has been continuously carried out since 1997. In 2005, the Programme was expanded
by the transfer of the activities of the Supercomputing Centre of the SASA and the
University of Kragujevac and by concluding the agreement with the City of Kragujevac
about the realization of this programme in the Centre of the SASA and the University.
. Projects
1. Developing lung: Bioengineering approach (MAE - Blood Flow in
MicroAngiEctasias, Blood Flow CFD, Modeling of Airow and Particle Deposition in
the Alveolar System); under the Agreement with the Harvard University, USA. Project
objectives (for the part carried out in Kragujevac): Developing the methods of modeling
and simulation for areas of blood ow through micro blood vessels, through large blood
vessels, modeling of air ow through the alveolar system and particle deposition deep in
the lungs.
2. Projects with the Hong Kong Polytechnical University, Hong Kong, China:
Projects: ) PAK program; b) Mechanistic Damage Modeling of Skeletal Muscles Using
Hybrid Segment-Superelement Technique. The PAK software package has been installed
for applications in biomechanics. The second project includes the development of the
model of fatigue in muscles and its application to concrete muscle systems, coupled
with experimental verication. The project results are the new muscle models and the
publishing of the relevant papers.
3. Project with the Jaroslav erni Institute for Water Management, Belgrade:
Developing the Method and Software for Determining Fluid Flow Through Porous
Media, with Their Specic Application in the Modelling of Absorbing Wells. The project
objective is to develop the method of modelling and simulation for areas of groundwater
ow with the transmission of contaminants and applications in the modelling of absorbing
wells. Project results: software for practical applications in the design of the water supply
system with Renney wells.
4. Project: Developing the Method and Software for Modelling the Circulation
of the Blood in Veins by Applying Compression Therapy; under the Agreement with
Integrated Microsystems Austria. Project objectives (for the part which is carried out
in Kragujevac): developing the method of modelling and simulation for areas of bloood
ow through veins, with the application of compression therapy. Project results: software
which is used for an analysis of blood ow through the veins of the leg with their
deformation due to compression therapy. The results are used in designing the system for
compression therapy.
5. Project: MAF Multimod Application Framework Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli,
Bologna. Project objectives (for the part which is carried out in Kragujevac): Developing

the software for modelling and simulation of orthopedic surgery. Project results: Software
library that will form part of the complex MAF working environment for planning the
surgical procedures at Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli in Bologna.
6. Project: Developing the Computer Methods and Software for Modelling and
Simulation in the Field of General and Biomedical Engineering. The collaborators on
the project are also the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Natural
Science and Mathematics in Kragujevac. The project objectives are to develop the
method in computational mechanics and software in the eld of general and biomedical
7. Project: Bilateral Programme of Scientic and Technological Cooperation Between
Serbia and Greece; Development of an Anatomic Model for Simulation of Spreading
Excitations in the Complex System of Electro-cardio-biomechanics. The collaborators
on the project are the Unviersity of Kragujevac and Ioannina University in Greece. The
project was initiated in 2005 and its result is the software program intended for better
understanding of electro-cardio-biomechanics.
Kojic M., Bathe K. J., 2005: Inelastic Analysis of Solids and Structures. Springer.
Tang C. Y., Stojanovic B., Tsui C. P., Kojic M., 2005: Modeling of muscle fatigue using Hills
model. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 5.
Koji M., Filipovi N., Butler J.P., Vlastelica I., Ivanovi M., Stojanovi B., Rankovi V., Tsuda
A., 2005: Airow Irreversibility within the Pulmonary Acinus due to Hysteresis of Surfactant and
Tissue. Experimental Biology Conference, San Diego.
Filipovic N., Kojic M., Tsuda A., 2005: Computer simulation of platelet deposition in
experimental blood ow between parallel plate. European Society for Articial Organs XXXII
Congress, International Federation for Articial Organs I Congress, Bologna.
Miljkovi O., Tuba M., Stojanovi B., 2005: Contour Detection of Medical Image Objects
for Finite Element Mesh Generation. PAMM Conference PC-147-148, Balaton-Almadi, Hungary,
May 26-29, 2005.
Miljkovi O., Tuba M., Stojanovi B., 2005: Edges and Medial-lines Detection of Medical
Image Objects for Finite Element Mesh. III Congress of Mathematicians of Macedonia, Struga,
Macedonia, 29.09.-02.10. 2005.
Rosi G., Lazarevi Z., Pantovi S., Rosi M., 2005: Phenylethyamine eects on histamineinduced contraction of insolated guinea/pig trachea rings. Jugoslov Med Biohem., 24(1), 1-3.
Rosi M., Rosi G., Lazarevi Z., Pantovi S., Lazarevi R., 2005: Eects of phenylethyamine
on insolated uterus in rats treated with estrogen. Jugoslav Med Biohem., 24(4).


(Professor Dr Radovan Vukadinovi)

The research project initiated within this Section is The Process of Accession
to the European Union from a Demographic, Legal and Economic Aspect (Proces
pridruivanja Evropskoj uniji sa demografskog, pravnog i ekonomskog aspekta). The
project is led by Professor Dr Radovan Vukadinovi. It is also planned to organize a
series of lectures on this topic.



In 2005, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts organized 18 scientic meetings,
two round tables, nine lectures and two commemorative gatherings.
Scientic Meetings
The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Interdepartmental Committee on
Human Reproduction Biology, organized in cooperation with the Sremska Kamenica
Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, the 5th Scientic Meeting entitled Medicine and
the Quality of Life (22 April 2005, six papers) with international participation.
The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Department of Medical Sciences
and the Committee on Immunology and Allergology organized the scientic meeting
entitled Tumor Immunotherapy, dedicated to the late Academician Ivan Spui (11 May
2005, 17 papers).
The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Italian Cultural Institute, the
National Committee for Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth Giuseppe
Mazzini, the Dante Allighieri Society and the Italian Embassy organized the round table
entitled MAZZINI 2005 on 25 May 2005.
The one-day scientic meeting entitled National Consensus on Allergen-Specic
Immunotherapy, organized by the Department of Medical Sciences and the Committee
on Immunology and Allergology, was held in the SASA, on 9 June 2005 (12 papers).
The consensus conference on SMS Whats Next was organized by the Serbian
Medical Society (SMS), Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Medical Faculty in
Belgrade and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia in the SASA on 25 May
The 18th International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, which was jointly
organised by the SASA Committee on Cardiovascular Pathology, Medical Faculty in
Belgrade, Anatomical Society of Serbia, Atherosclerosis Society of Serbia and Montenegro
and the Yugoslav Microscopy Society, was held in the SASA (5-8 June 2005).
On the occasion of the World Year of Physics, the Serbian Academy of Sciences
and Arts, the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences, and the Institute
for Physics organized the scientic meeting entitled Theory of Relativity 2005, which
was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the special theory of relativity and the 90th
anniversary of the general theory of relativity (27 June 2005, 12 papers).
The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Engineering Faculty in aak,
the Centre for Solid State Physics and New Materials of the Institute for Physics and
the SASA Institute of Technical Sciences organized the 6th Scientic Meeting entitled

Physics and Technology of Materials FITEM 05 with international participation. It

was held in aak, from 31 July to 3 August, on which occasion 74 papers within ve
sections were presented.
The International Symposium dedicated to the 75th birth anniversary of Boidar
Vujanovi, entitled Non-conservative and Dissipative Problems in Mechanics, was
held in the Novi Sad Branch of the SASA, from 11 to 14 September 2005. The meeting
was jointly organized by the SASA Branch and the Institute for Applied Mechanics of
Novi Sad University.
The SASA Branch in Novi Sad and the Vojvodina Branch of the Academy of Medical
Sciences organized the International Scientic Symposium on Genomics, Proteomics in
Experimental and Clinical Oncology (30 September 2005, 14 papers).
On the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of King Milan Obrenovi, the
SASA Department of Historical Sciences organized the scientic meeting entitled Milan
Obrenovi from Vassal to King (13-15 October 2005, 32 participants).
On the occasion of the 75th death anniversary of Academician Vladan Djordjevi,
the SASA Department of Medical Sciences and the Serbian Medical Society organized
the one-day scientic meeting entitled The Life and Work of Academician Vladan
Djordjevi (24 October 2005, seven authors).
The SASA Committee on Cardiovascular Pathology and the SMS Academy of
Medical Sciences organized the scientic meeting entitled Thrombosis in Cardiology
and Surgery Causes, Prevention and Treatment (25 October 2005, 17 papers).
On the occasion of the World Year of Physics, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and
Arts organized the scientic meeting entitled The Inuence of Physics on the Evolution
of Scientic Thought in Natural Sciences, Medicine, Chemical Engineering, Sociology
and Culture. It was held on 9 November 2005 and the best papers selected at the Contest
of the Committee on Physics were presented. That same day, the concert entitled Albert
Einstein and the Violin was staged in the SASA Gallery.
The Committee on Philosophy and Social Theory and the Department of Social
Sciences of the SASA organized the scientic meeting entitled The Social and Political
Thought of Vuk Karadi (16 and 17 November 2005, 35 papers).
The SASA Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences and the
Interdepartmental Committee on Man and Environment organized the scientic
meeting entitled Biodiversity at the Beginning of the New Millenium (24 November
2005, seven papers).
The SASA Interdepartmental Committee on Studying National Minorities and
Human Rights organized the international scientic meeting entitled The Status of
National Minorities in Serbia (24-26 November 2005).
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Frenkels theory of sintering, the
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts organized the scientic meeting entitled Sintering
Physics and Phenomenology with international participation (30 November 2005, 16
The SASA Interdepartmental Committee on AIDS and the Youth Association
Against AIDS - JAZAS organized the scientic meeting with international participation so
as to observe 1 December the World AIDS Day, which was entitled AIDS Interventions
and Programmes for Especially Vulnerable Groups (2 December 2005, 14 papers).


The SASA Branch and the Museum of Vojvodina organized the round table on
Regional, International, Interacademic Cooperation and Inter-museum Cooperation
Within the Danube-Kris-Moris-Tisza Euro-Region in Novi Sad (15-17 December
Dr Gerold Prauss, Professor Eeritus at the University of Freiburg, Germany,
delivered the lecture On the Systematization of Morale and Law in Kant, at the invitation
of the SASA Department of Social Sciences, on 10 May 2005.
Dr Nenad Kosti, Professor at the Iowa State University, USA, and nonresident
member of the SASA, delivered the lecture on Metal Complexes as Articial Enzymes for
the Selective Dissolution of Peptides and Proteins, at the invitation of the SASA Department
of Chemical and Biological Sciences, on 12 May 2005.
Dr iodrag Grbi, Professor at the West Ontario University, Canada, delivered
the lecture on Molecular Regulation of the Embryology of Arthropoda, at the invitation of
the SASA Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences, on 18 May 2005.
Dr nuel Cardona, long-time Director of the Max Plank Institut fr Festkrper
Forschung, Sttutgart, Germany, delivered the lecture on Einsteins Contribution to Solid
State Physics, at the invitation of the SASA Department of Technical Sciences, on 15 June
Dr Veljko Vlaisavljevi, Professor at the Medical Faculty of Ljubljana University,
and foreign member of the SASA, delivered the lecture on Reproductive Medicine as the
Method of Solving Demographic Problems, at the invitation of the SASA Department of
Medical Sciences, on 27 June 2005.
Dr Juan Mezzich, President of the World Psychiatric Association and Professor at
the International Mental Health Center of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New
York, delivered the lecture on Psychiatry and the Quality of Life, at the invitation of the
SASA Department of Medical Sciences, on 30 June 2005.
Dr rnesto Carafoli, Professor at the Department of Biochemistry of the University
of Padova, Italy, delivered the lecture on Transduction of Cellular Signals at the scientic
meeting entitled Genomics, Proteomics in Experimental and Clinical Oncology, at the
invitation of the Department of Medical Sciences, on 30 September 2005. The lecture was
delivered in the SASA Branch in Novi Sad.
Dr Walter Ehlert, Director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Jllich Research
Centre, Germany, delivered the lecture on Experiments with the Production of Antimatter
Atoms Why and How, on 25 November 2005. The lecture was jointly organized by the
SASA and Belgrade University.
Dr Gaetano Tiene, Professor of Cardiovascular Pathology and Director of the
Institute for Pathological Anatomy, the Medical Faculty of the University of Padova, Italy,
President of the European Society for Cardiovascular Pathology and foreign member
of the SASA, delivered the lecture on Sudden Cardiac Death Accident-Related ot
Predestined?, on 25 November 2005.
Dr Vesna Jevtovi-Todorovi, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Department
of Anesthesiology, the Virginia State University in Charlottesville (USA), delivered
the lecture on Molecular Mechanisms of Induced Neuroapoptosis Caused by Human
Anesthetics During Early Postnatal Development, 14 December 2005, at the inivitation of
the Department of Medical Sciences of the SASA.



Almanac CXI for 2004
Bulletin of the Scientic Research Fund, No. 30
Bulletin of Scientic Research Annual Report for 2004
The First Serbian Uprising. Two Hundred Years Later.
Cviji and Karst. Cviji et karst. Bulletin CXXXI, Classe des sciences mathmatiques et
naturelles. Sciences mathmatiques, 30 Scientic Meetings, Vol. CX, Book 4, Milutin Milankovich
Anniversary Symposium: Paleoclimate and the Earth Climate System.
Bulletin CXXX, Classe des sciences mathmatiques et naturelles. Sciences naturelles, 43. Scientic
Meetings, Vol. CXI, Book 2, Biodiversity at the Beginning of the New Millenium, Proceedings of
the Scientic Meeting held on 24 November 2005.
Biographies and Bibliographies IX, II Department, Committee for Research on the Lives and
Work of Serbian Scientists and Scientists of Serbian Origin, Vol. 10, Lives and Work of Serbian
Glas CCCXCIX, Vol. 48


nomathological Contributions, Vol. XVII Library 22 Editions, Catalogue of SASA Photo
Library 1948/2000. Edited by Joana Pavkovi
Glas CDI, Vol. 21 Special Editions DCLX, Vol. 57, In Memory of Danilo Ki Serbian
Dialectological Proceedings LII.
Serbian Ethnographic Proceedings CI. Settlements and the Origin of the Population, Vol. 47,
Nedjeljko-Nedjo Paovica, Zavodje, Anthropogeographic Studies.
Scientic Meetings CVIII, Vol. 24. Emperor Stefan Duans Code, Proceedings of the Scientic
Meeting, held on 3 October 2000 on the occasion of the 650th anniversary of its promulgation.
Sources of Serbian Law XI. Latin Transcript of the Mining Legal Code of Despot Stefan
Lazarevi. Introduction, Text, Translation and Comments. Edited by Sima M. irkovi.
Scientic Meetings CIX, Vol. 25. Interdepartmental Committee on Studying National Minorities
and Human Rights. The Status and Identity of the Serb Minority in South-Eastern and Central

Demographic Proceedings VII. volution of Population Policy in Serbia 19452004.

Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, The First Serbian Rising and the Restoration
of the Serbian State.
Proceedings for the History of Bosnia and Herzegovina 4
Spomenik CXXXIX. Vol. 13
Greater Serbia. Truth, isconception, Misuses.
Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 104
The First Serbian Uprising and the Restoration of the Serbian State.
Vardar Proceedings 4
Proceedings for the History, Language and Literature of the Serbian People,
II Department, Vol. XXXVII. Slavko Gavrilovi, Sources on the Serbs in Hungary at the End of
the 17th Century and the Beginning of the 18th Century, Vol. IV.
Special Editions DCLIX. Vol. 27. Duko ivanovi, Dubrovnik Architecture Studies. Forms and
Proceedings for the History, Language and Literature of the Serbian People,
II Department, Monuments in Foreign Languages, Vol. XXXVIII. Slavko Gavrilovi, Sources on
the Serbs in Hungary in the Early 18th Century.
Vol. V. Extracts, Transcripts and Translations from the Period of Rkczis Uprising (17031711).
Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 106
ilorad Bata Mihailovi
Glas CD, Vol. 8
Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 107

Benefactors of Belgrade University

Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 108
laden Srbinovi. Ljubomir Simovi, Dejan Medakovi,
dor Stevanovi.


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