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Government Procurement Card 2 Introduction 1

Annual Report 2004

“GPC Visa is, in every sense, a success. It

reduces bureaucracy and saves money
while it opens up the government market
to new opportunities and new suppliers”
John Oughton, Chief Executive, Office of Government Commerce, 2004

Delivering efficiency
savings across the This year we can celebrate the milestone
of over £1 billion cumulative spend on
Environmental benefits are generated as a
result of using less paper – 330 tonnes of

UK Public Sector the Government Procurement Card (GPC

Visa), by more than 62,000 users, in
over 420 public sector programmes.
paper has already been removed from the
purchase to pay process. The number of card
users is on the increase, and it is estimated
that GPC Visa is now responsible for saving
This achievement is not just a good example over 2 million pieces of A4 paper per month.
of efficiency working, but also one of
collaboration succeeding as OGCbuying. So GPC Visa is, in every sense, a success.
solutions (OGCb.s) has worked with It reduces bureaucracy and saves money
Visa Europe and a consortium of seven while it opens up the Government market
banks to make this initiative a reality. In to new opportunities and new suppliers.
achieving such a significant success, The card has already been adopted by
GPC Visa has shown that the public and many areas of Central Government and
private sectors can work in partnership. the wider public sector. I would urge every
public sector organisation to make full
Effective partnership is not the only initiative use of GPC Visa; it really is an easy way to
which is being demonstrated here. GPC reduce their administration and maximise
Visa is also a key component in the National their potential for efficiency savings.
e-Procurement Strategy, assisting public
sector organisations to fulfil both their John Oughton
efficiency targets and their e-targets as well Chief Executive, OGC
as meeting prompt payment legislation.

In turn, prompt payment and reduced

administration have another beneficial
effect – enabling small and medium sized
enterprises to conduct business with a
wide range of public sector organisations.
2 This year’s progress 3
“The total amount of spend placed
through GPC Visa since the first card was
issued is now over one billion pounds”.

1200m 50%



200m — Monthly spend
— Monthly number of transactions
0m 0%
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Total spend (cumulative) Monthly growth comparing 2003 and 2004
Source: UK banks Source: UK banks

Seventh year results A good indication of card usage is to look at

both the amount of spend and the number
This, the seventh year of the card, has been of transactions. Comparing the figures for
the most successful to date. The total amount spend and transactions for individual months
of spend on GPC Visa since the first card was between 2003 and 2004 shows monthly
issued is now more than one billion pounds. increases in both spend and transactions
This is an increase in spend of £405 million across the twelve months. When comparing
in the last year, which represents more than spend, the lowest rate of increase between
a 56% increase overall. The use of GPC Visa months across the year is 18% between
is accelerating fast, with over 60% of the January 2003 and January 2004, whilst a 50%
£1bn total spend occurring since the launch rate of increase is found between December
of the second contract in February 2003. 2003 and December 2004. Comparing the
number of transactions per month between
40m 2003 to 2004 demonstrates similar rates of
increase. Growth is clearly both consistent
35m and regular, and there is no expectation
that it will slow in the immediate future.



Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Monthly spend, 2004

Source: UK banks

The pattern of monthly spend increase

continues to reflect that of previous years.
Again there were slowdowns in spend
during April and December, which can be
attributed to spring allocation of budgets and
Christmas holidays respectively. The trend
was upwards growth throughout the year.
This year’s progress 5
“GPC Visa is becoming a standard form of
payment for the public sector”

This year’s progress cont.

Turnover has also increased, with this year’s 150m

amounting to 45% of the total since the

programme started in 1997. The reason for 100m
this very strong growth can be attributed
to the number of card programmes, which
has grown from 277 in 2003 to 424 this year, 50m

representing an increase of 53% in 2004. This

is the largest percentage increase in the last 0m
three years. 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Total cumulative savings

For the first time the number of transactions Source: UK banks

per programme is less than the previous

year. However, with such significant growth Environmental
in the number of programmes, this is not
unexpected and as new initiatives mature Increased usage of the GPC Visa card
we expect to see a significant increase in the also has a positive environmental impact.
number of transactions per programme for the Visa estimates that 23 million pieces of
coming year. paper were saved last year** by using
the card, an increase of 53% on the
Such strong growth clearly demonstrates previous year. This amount of paper is an
that GPC Visa is becoming a standard equivalent saving of 2,015 trees this year
form of payment for the public sector. Card alone, with a cumulative saving of 5,804
programmes are rapidly extending beyond trees during the whole programme.
Central Civil Government departments and
into all areas of the public sector. For example With approximately 35% of all landfill in the UK
Bristol City Council are using 170 virtual being made up from waste paper, we can see
cards in 160 schools to improve the efficiency that the GPC is having a positive effect, both
of their procurement, whilst the Ministry in terms of reducing the consumption of paper
of Defence have over 14,000 cards in their and reducing our dependency on landfill. Also
programme. In both cases the purpose is the by reducing paper usage we reduce the use
same: increased efficiency. of printer inks, energy use for print runs and
therefore positively reduce CO2 emissions.
As the use of the card has increased, so have
*Calculated using the NAO approved figure of £28 saving per transaction.
the savings figures. The annual savings figure ** Paper savings based upon 10 pieces of A4 paper saved per transaction
for calendar year 2004 is £64,875,216* which
represents 35% of the £187m cumulative
savings for the entire programme.
The challenges 7
“Potential usage for GPC Visa outweighs
the current success and demands still
further growth”

Challenges for the future Advice to organisations which wish

to extend a GPC Visa programme:
Whilst the GPC Visa programme has been
highly successful this year, there is a great Increase the number of cards
deal of potential for increasing the usage Cards are commonly distributed
of GPC Visa across the public sector. Total within departments and are allocated
Government expenditure for 2004 was to employees according to their grade
£488bn*. Industry expertise indicates that or function. Can cards be used in more
GPC Visa is an appropriate payment tool for departments and by more employees?
5% to 8% of any institutional turnover. At
current spend levels GPC Visa occupies less Increase the amount that can be
than 0.1% of last year’s annual expenditure spent on the cards in issue
(£405m of £488bn). Five per cent is an Where employees are using a mix of
aspirational target, but even using the card both paper transactions and GPC
for 0.25% of annual expenditure would Visa transactions, consider allowing
require an annual spend of £1.2bn, more than GPC Visa users to make higher value
a two fold increase on this year’s spend. purchases, thereby reducing the
number of invoices still further.
Industry estimates place over 60% of invoices
raised in the public sector at less than £500, Let suppliers know that you
all of which could be paid using GPC Visa. prefer to pay by GPC Visa
There is no estimate for the total number of The transactional efficiencies available
public sector invoices, but given the total from using GPC Visa can benefit
value of spend it is reasonable to assume that suppliers as well as public sector bodies.
GPC Visa is used to pay fewer than 5% of For more details see page 11.
all of the public sector’s sub £500 invoices.
This indicates that the potential usage for Use ‘virtual’ cards
GPC Visa outweighs the current success ‘Virtual’ or ‘embedded’ cards allow multiple
and demands still further growth. Several users to make use of a single card. A
programmes have mandated the use of GPC card can be applied to a single office,
Visa for all transactions below £5,000, which supplier or business function. For example,
generally accounts for 90% of invoices. virtual cards are successfully used by
staff in the Scottish Executive, through
OGCb.s’ aspirational target of £4.5bn total their Oracle e-Procurement System.
expenditure by December 2008 will require
the public sector to use GPC Visa for a further Use the card to pay and gain
£3.4bn of spend before the deadline. This savings for prompt payment
increase in total spend will require a year on Suppliers are often prepared to give better
year increase of 43% per annum over the next terms for prompt payment, above and beyond
four years. Last year’s percentile increase any charge they incur for accepting GPC Visa
in spend was 53%, so an increase of 43% payments. Work with your suppliers to gain
per annum is clearly achievable, not least better price savings or better service terms.
because the potential for use is so much
greater. However, increases of this amount Conduct an annual review of spending
represent a significant challenge for the public to assess areas within the business that
sector, not only to create new programmes, could utilise GPC Visa as a payment tool
but also to extend the existing programmes. Link this work to the requirement to publish
an annual efficiency statement, to ensure
your plans are directly linked to your
organisation’s work on the Efficiency Review.
* Treasury financial statement and budget report, March 2004
The Efficiency Review 9
“It is, therefore, very likely that the demands
of the Efficiency Review will increase both
the number of GPC Visa programmes
and increase the spend being delivered
through existing card programmes”

OGC was asked by the Chancellor to conduct of efficiency savings solely from the use
a review of efficiency across the entire public of the GPC Visa framework contract.
sector. The outcome of this review was
a target of £20bn in annual savings to be Below are some Key Performance
made by 2008. Savings are to be achieved Indicators that may be used to measure
through the streamlining and consolidation efficiency from the use of GPC Visa
of support processes, better procurement,
and encouraging the take-up of online GPC Visa provides, as a minimum, the
Government services. All public sector bodies following (level 1) data for every transaction:
are now working on detailed plans to meet card number, transaction date, merchant
their efficiency targets so that they can push details, currency of transaction and amount.
investment back into the front-line services. The Management Information reports
driven by this data enable organisations
The review will encourage the public sector to assess cost saving per transaction,
to reassess the prices they pay to suppliers number of transactions, compliance to
and the methods they use to procure contract and paper savings (provided
goods and services. GPC Visa is proven that an assessment of paper use per
to deliver improved price and process transaction has already been conducted).
efficiencies. It is, therefore, very likely that
the demands of the Efficiency Review will As a headline figure for efficiency gains,
increase both the number of GPC Visa this report utilises the NAO’s 1999 figure
programmes and increase the spend being of £28 of efficiency savings per GPC Visa
delivered through existing programmes. transaction. This is a figure that will provide
a baseline figure for savings available in
OGCb.s has set an aspirational target of individual organisations. It is recommended
£4.5bn of cumulative spend before the that organisations identify their own figures
contract expires in 2008. Meeting this target for savings by using the benchmarking
would mean delivering at least £747m tool at

Baseline Efficiency saving

The cost saving per GPC Visa Cost of transaction without using Reduction in cost from the use of
transaction GPC Visa GPC Visa

Number of transactions Number of GPC Visa Number of GPC Visa

transactions in previous financial transactions multiplied by cost
year saving per transaction

Price savings Price of goods / services bought The reduction in price of goods
from supplier(s) in previous year / services bought from supplier
following introduction of GPC

Compliance to contract Estimated amount of ‘off- The increased compliance to

contract’ spend in previous year contract following introduction of
GPC Visa

Paper savings Amount of paper used to Reduction in the amount of

complete a purchase without paper used in a GPC Visa
GPC Visa transaction
Suppliers 11
“Suppliers and Government agencies can
be seen to be working in partnership to
improve their efficiency and effectiveness”

Recruiting new suppliers to GPC Visa • Empowers SMEs to do business with

can initially represent a challenge for major corporates and Government
procurement professionals, as suppliers • Improves relationship with
may be unsure of the benefits of becoming buying organisation
a Visa merchant. Conversely, some existing
suppliers are so sure of the benefits of Significantly, GPC Visa allows public sector
accepting payment by GPC Visa that bodies to trade effectively with small and
they now offer discounts to users. medium enterprises (SMEs) which are
essential to the economic vitality of a locality
As part of the procurement negotiation, it is or region. Increasing use of e-procurement
important to engage with suppliers to ensure solutions by the public sector is sometimes
that the benefits of using and accepting GPC seen as a threat to SME suppliers. However,
Visa (detailed below) are fully understood. making Visa payments through an e-
In proposing that a supplier becomes a Visa procurement system is no different from
merchant, the cost to the supplier needs to paying for goods online using a supplier
be weighed against the operational cost of website. Suppliers taking Visa payments
managing a payment through a traditional, are therefore more able to engage with an
paper payment method. organisation’s e-procurement solution.
Again this is mutually beneficial because the
Suppliers need to cost the effort of managing buyer receives greater control and spend
the traditional method of payment against the compliance, whilst the supplier can retain
following benefits: their trade with the Government organisation
by trading electronically.
• Prompt payment
• Cost savings through process reduction Suppliers can also benchmark their current
• Credit control function diminishes processes at
• Invoice queries diminish and create a business case for accepting
• Duplicate invoice requests diminish GPC Visa.

Common tasks for suppliers using a traditional payment method compared to GPC Visa:

Paper GPC Visa

Input into sales ledger Can be done automatically with integration from
bank to sales ledger

Print invoice Not necessary (with enhanced data)

Pack and post invoice Not necessary (with enhanced data)

Chase payment - frequent task Not necessary

Send duplicate information - frequent task Not necessary

Receive cheque Not necessary

Update sales ledger Not necessary

Take cheque to bank and pay-in Not necessary

Issue customer monthly statement Can be done electronically, significantly reducing

administrative tasks
Conclusion 13
“To meet the challenge of the Efficiency
Review, it will be necessary to set up
programmes where there are currently
none, and to maximise usage in
existing programmes”

The Efficiency Review has understandably offering, working with suppliers and
increased awareness of GPC Visa and is a promoting best practice use of GPC Visa,
likely factor in the increasing number of card again at no cost to the user. OGCb.s and
programmes this year. The card is a low cost Visa have also produced a number of
solution where the needs for organisational implementation guides for use by public
change and training, whilst important, are sector bodies, which are available on the
significantly less than other e-procurement OGCb.s website,
solutions. Efficiencies can also be recovered
relatively quickly. The increase in card
programmes is likely to continue for many OGCb.s has continued to work with suppliers
more years to come. It is anticipated that to negotiate point of sale discounts with high
as existing programmes mature, the use of street retailers and other suppliers. Further
GPC Visa will become further embedded work is being done with common suppliers
into organisations and be seen as a tool for to move them from providing standard data
recovering efficiencies in the long term as well to enhanced data. The partnership is also
as the short term. committed to advancing the technology
available to GPC Visa users. Visa and OGCb.s
The challenges of the Efficiency Review are continue to promote best practice in card use.
significant and should not be underestimated. Team members regularly attend events such
GPC Visa is a key mechanism for delivering as National e-Procurement Project workshops
efficiency in public sector procurement to deliver specific messages that are tailored
and can be used to a much greater for the specific sector.
degree by public sector bodies. To meet
the challenge of the Efficiency Review, it Upcoming events
will be necessary to set up programmes
where there are currently none, and to 18th / 19th May 2005
maximise usage in existing programmes. International Government Services
Conference, Singapore
GPC Visa also demonstrates the value of
partnership between the public and private 21st / 22nd June 2005
sectors. The partnership working between Public Sector Expo, London
Visa Europe, the issuing banks and
OGCb.s has delivered a successful product Additionally there are ongoing knowledge
that is proven to be beneficial to each, but forums and User Groups regionally across the
primarily the solution is beneficial to the UK, details of which can be found in the GPC
cardholders and users. This is evidenced Visa newsletter and on the OGCb.s website
by the fact that Visa supports OGCb.s User
Groups and sponsors tools such as www. and makes them
available to GPC Visa users at no cost.
OGCb.s provides users with a dedicated
support team, committed to advancing
the use of the card, improving the product
Why GPC Visa? 15

GPC Visa is a partnership agreement 4. Every card and programme is fully bespoke
between the Visa issuing banks and the and can be used with any existing system.
UK Government. It is seen as an exemplar It does not have to be a physical card but
programme because of the level of support can also be a virtual card embedded as an
and advice that is on offer to GPC Visa users, account number.
and the significant uptake has been achieved
without needing to mandate its use. 5. Management Information can be delivered
in a variety of ways including the Internet. It
In summary, the programme benefits are is tailored to suit the requirements of each
highlighted in the following list, reproduced individual organisation.
from the first GPC Visa newsletter.
6. Seven different member banks offer
10 things you ought to know about a GPC Visa solution promoting choice
GPC VISA and competition and providing a range of
alternative functionality. All have to adhere
1. GPC Visa is the first choice for UK to a set of KPIs monitored by OGCbuying.
Government and UK public sector solutions.
organisations. OGC awarded the contract to
Visa and a consortium of its member banks 7. GPC Visa replaces bureaucracy and is a
following a fully EU compliant tender process. simple to use payment system which can
It provides tailored public sector payment have appropriate levels of control added.
systems that deliver proven savings in time,
money and paperwork. 8. GPC Visa plays an important role in helping
organisations migrate to e-government,
2. Established in 1994, GPC Visa is a proven including the 2005 e-government target.
solution and has been selected and endorsed
by the UK Government and market tested on 9. The GPC Visa contract provides for both
two occasions by them. procurement and travel & subsistence cards,
responding to the needs of the public
3. GPC Visa empowers end users while sector community.
utilising appropriate levels of control.
Accountability is key with centralised 10. Suppliers can benefit from guaranteed
electronic reports producing a clear audit payment within 4 working days and reduced
trail identifying exactly who has made each invoice queries.
Contacts 17

Barclaycard Business The Royal Bank of Scotland

Dept. CJ Commercial Cards
1234 Pavilion Drive 7th Floor
Northampton. NN4 7SG 2½ Devonshire Square
London. EC2M 4BA
Terry Noble
T: 01604 254 661 Paul Mindham
E: T: 020 7672 5204
The Co-operative Bank plc
P.O. Box 101 Ulster Bank Ltd
1 Balloon Street Ulster Bank Direct
Manchester. M60 4EP 11-16 Donegall Square East
Belfast. BT1 5UB
Partnership Healthcare Environment Education Steve McMylor
T: 07710 865 239 David Holmes
E: T: 0845 366 0666
HSBC Bank plc
Commercial Cards
HSBC Bank plc 5th Floor
8 Canada Square Royal Liver Building
London. E14 5HQ Pier Head
Liverpool. L3 1PE
Bhupinder Kahlon
T: 020 7992 5001 Neil Kitchen
E: T: 0870 268 2222
Lloyds TSB Bank plc
LloydsTSB Bank plc Jim Parkinson
Great Surrey House T: 0870 268 2222
203 Blackfriars Road E:
Police and crime Suppliers Emergency services Community Services London. SE1 8NH
Visa Europe
Simon Kimberley Government Services Team
T: 020 7463 1042 Commercial Solutions
E: PO Box 39662
London. W2 6WH
Commercial Cards Iain Currie
7th Floor T: 020 7795 5783
2½ Devonshire Square E:
London. EC2M 4BA
David Harrison
Paul Mindham T: 020 7795 5085
T: 020 7672 5204 E:
The data to compile this study was provided by Andrew Watson
various Departments and Banks and has not been T: 020 7795 5369
audited by Ticon. Ticon accept no responsibility for
the accuracy of this data. Ticon UK Ltd
87 – 88 Turnmill St.
This document has been printed on paper London. EC1M 5QU
produced from sustainable, managed forests.
Ian Makgill
Produced by Ticon UK Ltd.
T: 020 7253 6464 E:
© Copyright Visa 2005

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