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Script Site Map:

1. Login
- 1.1 login page
- 1.2 forgot your password

2. Signup
step-after-step based

2.1 Personal Information

2.2 Account Information
2.3 Payment Information
2.4 Account Signup Verification
2.5 Success Page

3. Investor’s account

3.1 Account Overview

3.2 Account Profile
3.3 Change Payment Options
3.4 Account Transactions
3.5 Invest Online
3.6 Withdraw Money
3.7 Referrals Center
3.8 Investment Calculator
3.9 News
3.10 LOG-OUT

4. Admin

4.1 System Settings

4.2 Edit User
4.3 Mass E-Mail
4.4 Deposit List
4.5 Approve Deposits
4.6 Create Deposit Manually
4.7 Transfer Log
4.8 Create Fund
4.9 Edit Fund
4.10 Delete Fund
4.11 Approve Withdrawals
4.12 Create Withdrawal Manually
4.13 Register Account Transfer
4.14 Future interest rates
4.15 Admin account access

Script consecution:
An admin creates mutual fund plans and setup the company settings.
Investor registers an account.
Investor makes a deposit and get corporate bank details.
Investor has awaiting activation deposit.
An admin check bank account few days later and if the money are received.
An admin approve or reject the deposit depends if the money reached the corporate bank
An admin sends regularly mass email to all investors.
Investor can check all transaction histories in his account – like deposits, withdraws , interest ,
referral commissions.
Investor can refer friends and get commission based on percentage of his referral investments.
Investor can withdraw money credited for interest of investment or referral commission or
principal investment after the investment lock-in period end.
Admincan approve or reject withdrawals. Admin can also create manually deposit in one of
the funds or can make account transfer + / - $$$.
Investor can change his account details and payment details.
Investor is asked PIN code when he withdraw. The pin code is filled during the registration
and later can not be changed by the investor but only by admin.
Admin can setup future interest rates for the mutual funds depends if they are weekly /
monthly / annually.
The script must credit the investors who have active deposit depending on the rates set by the
admin every week / month / year.
Admin must be asked for username and password in order to login.
Investor must be asked for account access too.

Script functionalities:
1. Investors can register. Investors can deposit money in different
investment funds/ products and earn variable interest. They can refer
their friends and receive commissions for that. Investors can
withdraw money. Investors can change account details. Investors can
check detailed transactions history. They can log-out their accounts.
2. admin –refer to all 4 points.

Script Site Map ------------------

1. Login Page where investors can login their accounts

1.1 Login
Virtual keyboard icon and small window to show like the one here:
Keyboard-Interface-Screenshots-28536.html so users can enter their data secured


Could be Captcha

Forgot your password?

Script Must check if such username, exist or not.

If password is right or not
If turing is right or not.

1.2 Forgot your password 1 page:

If someone forgot his username or password can fill username , email and temporary code
will be send to his email.

Lost Password - Please provide us the username you're registered with and you'll soon receive
an e-mail containing your login information.

Script Must check if such username, email exist or not.

If the email is the one on file for this account – username.
If turing is right or not.

1.2 Forgot your password 2 page:

After clicking email must be to send to the email with temporary password.

After clicking change password investor must be redirected to page 2 where must enter the
temporary password and must fill new password:

Change Your Password

Temporary Password:
New Password: Virtual keyboard
Confirm Password: Virtual keyboard

Email template for the temporary password:

Password change request
Someone (possibly you) has requested password change for your account at
We have generated a temporary password (valid only 24 hours) which is used to change your
permanent password. In order to do so, use the following information:
Password Change Address: (this is the 2-nd page
where investor can fill temporary password and new password.
Username: ….
Temporary Password: c01cebf16a9743e7

2. Investor SIGNUP Page

2.1 Personal Information

Personal Information
Title: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address: *
City: *
ZIP: *
Country: *
Phone: *
How did you hear about us?
Next / Reset button / Back

2.2 Account Information

Username: *
Password: * Virtual keyboard
Confirm Password: * Virtual keyboard
Email: *
Confirm Email: *
Next / Reset button / Back

2.3 Payment Information


Payment Information
Debit Card Withdraw:
Bank Name:

Correspondent Bank Name:

Correspondent Swift / ABA # :

Both options to can be marked. At least one must be filled. The additional
information/special instructions , Correspondent bank name, Correspondent Swift Code /
Routing # and bank full address fields could be left blank.

Next / Reset button / Back

2.4 Account Signup Verification


All data displayed as visible only – not changeable

So investors can confirm that all is filled right.

Could be Capcha

Register / Reset button / Back

A cookies bot must be created to remember entered data and if investor click back or close the
browser and try to signup later the data to be filled in the fields.

2.5 Success Page

The account was created …. Link to login

3. Investor Account

3.1 Account Overview

After investor login his/her account he/she must be shown this overview
Investor ID: (username)
Welcome to Your Account (Title) First name Last Name.
Display this if share contact details is Marked in the
Your current account balance is: 0.00 $ . sponsor account in referral center. 3.7 Referral Cent
You have active investments for: 0.00 $ .
Your Sponsor
Total interest earned: $ 0.00 (Credits)
Username: (username)
Total Referral commissions: $ 0.00 (Credits)
Name: (First – Last name)
pending withdrawal: $ 0.00 (Debits)
Email: (Email)
withdrawn amount: $ 0.00 (Debits)
Phone: (Phone number)

My Investments

No. Fund Code Holding amount Profit Latest interest Unlock date

Last Access from IP:

Last Login Date : Day / Month / Year / Hour / Minutes /
Your Current IP:
Current Server Time:

Title , last name must be taken from the account database. Total interest earned must be the
total interest credited to this account. Referral commissions is the amount of total referral
commissions credited to this account. Withdraw amount is the amount processed “marked as
paid”. Pending withdrawal is the amount of the pending payments.
Last login date is clear too.
Account balance is the money earned from the investment which can be withdrawn at
No. of investment,
Mutual Fund code,
The amount invested,
Profit earned from this investment so far.
% of the latest interest credited.
Unlock date – the date when the investment will be able to be withdrawn back.

Your sponsor:
This is the person who referred this account holder.
If this person have in his account show contact details to referrals in his referral center page
then the info must be displayed. If not the Your Sponsor data must not show.

3.2 Account Profile

Change your personal information

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address: *
City: *
ZIP: *
Country: *
Phone: *

Change your password

Current Password: * Virtual keyboard
New Password: * Virtual keyboard
Retype New Password: * Virtual keyboard
PIN: *

3.3 Change Payment Options

Change Payment Information

Debit Card Withdraw:
Bank Account:

Correspondent Bank Name:

Correspondent Swift / ABA # :

*Account Details PIN

Enter the PIN for authentication!

Both options to can be marked. At least one must be filled. The additional
information/special instructions , Correspondent bank name, Correspondent Swift Code /
Routing # and bank full address fields could be left blank.

3.4 Account Transactions

Deposit History

Transcation Date --
Deposit Deposit
Fund Code Holding amount Status | Unlock date | Deposit Method | Next Payment
No. time

Total deposits: (overall) : $ 0.00 Deposits (for the selected period) : $ 0.00
No. an unique identification number given for each deposit.
Fund Code – short name “code” of one of the 6 mutual funds available for investing.
Holding amount – the amount deposited – invested in the fund
Deposit time- the time of the deposit
Status – pending , frozen or active - after investor make deposit via bank wire the deposit is
pending – from admin panel we active it after we receive the money. We make it frozen if
there is some problem or if it’s fake deposit.
Unlock Date – the date when we release the deposit so the investor can withdraw it. It’s
different period for each mutual fund.
Next Payment – the script calculate when the next interest will be credited. If it’s weekly fund
and interest is credited every week and the investor deposit between Monday – Friday – for
next payment date the investor will see Friday Night.

Withdrawal History - Debits

Withdrawal Date

No. Amount $ Fee $ Received $ Withdrawal time Status

Total withdrawals: (overall) : $ 0.00 Total withdrawals (for the selected period) : $ 0.00

No. an unique identification number given for each withdraw.

Amount $ - the amount withdrawn
Fee $ the fee debited from the withdraw amount as processing fee.
Received $ - total amount withdraw minus – the fee.
Withdrawal time – the time when the withdraw was made
Status - Pending , Frozen or Processed - after investor make withdraw the withdraw is
pending – from admin panel we process the withdraw within some period of time. When we
send the money to the investor we make the withdraw – Processed. We make it frozen if there
is some problem or if it’s fake withdraw.

Referral History

Date --

Investor ID Deposit Amount $ Date Your comm $ Referral Level

Total commissions (overall) : $ 0.00 Total commissions (for the selected period) : $ 0.00

Investor ID – the username of the investor who deposited money

Deposit amount – is clear
Date – clear
Your commission – the money credited to this account because of the referral deposit.
2 commissions will be credited. For first level referrals x% and for second level referrals x%
That’s why there is Referral Level
For direct referrals will be shown:
Level 1
For indirect – referrals of your referrals – Level 2

Interests History

Date --

Interest % Fund Code Date Interest Credited

Total commissions (overall) : $ 0.00 Total commissions (for the selected period) : $ 0.00
Interest % – the interest credited for the week / month depends on the admin panel
configuration and interest rate setup.
Fund Code – short name “code” of one of the 6 mutual funds available for investing.
Date – when the interest was credited
Interest Credited in $ - amount.

3.5 Invest Online

Make an Investment – Step 1

Please choose the proper options to complete the form below:
Deposit funds
* Deposit by Drop down menu
* Fund Code Interest Credited:
Mutual Fund DetailsLock-in Period:
Minimum Investment:
Weekly Yield as high as: **%
Last Interest Paid: **% refer to 4.14 Future Interest Rates
Yield for 2007: ***%
More about the funds
AUM* as of last audit: *** million $
Risk Profile: Low
*Amount to Deposit USD + $ 15 Incoming wire transfer bank fee

Deposit by – Drop down menu with the only one option for now – Bank Wire
Fund Code – drop down menu with the 6 funds which an admin will create from 4.8 Create
fund then they will be displayed here as options.
When investor choose the fund automatically mutual fund details must be displayed. The data
must be taken from what is set for the fund from the database after an admin has set the fund
details in the create fund admin page.
The field Last Interest Paid must be taken from the database for the last interest rate for this
fund. refer to 4.14 Future Interest Rates
All other details we set from the admin panel where we create the fund details.

Bank Account Details – Step 2

Once the investor come on this page a special deposit No. is created for the deposit and the
deposit is added to the investor’s account as status “Pending” We change the status when we
receive the money in our bank account.

Deposit Details
Deposit Amount: 500.00 $
Fee: 15.00 $
Total Amount: 515.00 $
Username: test123
Deposit No. 7

Deposit Amount is the amount which the investor filled on Step 1.

Fee is set from admin panel. It’s fixed amount of money.
Total Amount – is the amount which the investor must send – wire to our bank account. It’s
the sum of the Deposit Amount + Fee
Username: is the investor username
Deposit ID: it’s the unique deposit identification generated by the system automatically so
investors can use it as reference in future contacts with our company.

Corporate Bank Details (For USD transfers only)!!!

Account Holder
Beneficiary Account # (IBAN)
Beneficiary Address
Beneficiary Bank
Bank Name
Bank Full Address
Reference / Description / Note Test123 #7
Correspondent Bank
Correspondent Swift / ABA #

All data will be set in the admin area.

Only Reference / Description / Note will be automatically created, it will be the combination
of Username + Product and # of deposit.
So if the investor username is test123, and his deposit number is 7, then there must be shown:
Test123 #7

3.6 Withdraw Money

All withdrawal requests will be processed manually after being checked by admin and
Option 1 - Profit
- When click Principal – option 2 see below
Withdraw interest

*Active balance $ 0.00

*Amount to withdraw (USD) (Minimum : $ 100)
Withdrawal Fee (USD) (Rate:0%; calculate automatically)
Amount to be received (USD) (Calculate automatically)
*Withdrawal PIN ---
Enter the PIN for authentication!
Payment Method Drop down menu or Link
Active balance – available for withdraw
Amount to withdraw – minimum $1
We must be able to set Withdraw fee from admin panel - % . The fee must be calculated
automatically after you enter amount to withdraw.
Amount to be received must be calculated automatically.
Drop down menu with options 1. Debit Card and the number of the card. Example
the # is taken from the debit card field in the database for that
account if debit card number was filled. 2. Bank Wire and IBAN Example:
IBAN must be taken from the IBAN field in the database for
this account if Bank Wire info is filled.
If neither option 1 nor option 2 was filled the user must see instead of drop down menu with
these 2 option , Cick Here link which redirects to Change Payment Options page to fill payment

Option 2

Withdraw principal

NO. Fund Code Amount $

Payment Method Drop down menu or Link – same like from option 1
*Withdrawal PIN - - -
Enter the PIN for authentication! Accept payment account

When investment expire it must be shown here. (when lock period of fund pass)
When the investment / deposit expire the investor can withdraw the initial – expired
investment. The investment expire when the lock-in period ends. Each lock-in period is
different for each fund.

3.7 Referrals Center

Referral Link :
When investor provide this url to friend and his friend register and deposit the investor must
receive referral commission.

Referral Center
Total referrals: 0
Active referrals: 0
Total commissions: $ 0.00
Referral Commission Level
first Second
X% x%
Show Contact details to Referrals

Number of total referrals

Active referrals – referrals who deposited not just registered and stay as not active investors
Total commissions: - clear
First and Second level must be settable from admin panel
Show contact details to Referrals: if yes …the contact details will be displayed to referrals in
their 3.1 Account Overview pages.

And same table which is from account transactions

Referral History

Date --

Investor ID Deposit Amount $ Date Your comm $ Referral Level

Total commissions (overall) : $ 0.00 Total commissions (for the selected period) : $ 0.00

3.8 Investment Calculator

Nothing to code here

3.9 News

Nothing to code

3.10 LOG-OUT - End session

4. Admin Panel
4.1 System Settings

Outgoing E-Mail Address: when user register account or do other things where email must
be automatically sent from our site- system this will be the displayed used email in the header.

Minimum Withdrawal: the minimum amount to withdraw, if less the investor’s can’t
process the withdraw. This amount must automatically display in the 3.6 Withdraw Money

1st Lvl Referral Commission - the % which investor will be credited if refer friend/s and
they deposit. Example, we set here 2%. If investor test123 refer friend and his friend deposit
10,000 the investor test123 must get 200 USD commission credited to his account balance.
2nd Lvl Referral Commission – again % based commission but for the referrals of the
investor’s direct referrals. The direct referrals are these from Level 1.

Bank Wire Settings – from here we set the details in the Bank Account Details – Step 2 to
be shown. – the Corporate Bank Details, also Incoming bank fee which is shown in the
step 1 and step 2 pages.

4.2 Edit User

A list with all investors must be shown 100 per page.

Username Name E-Mail Select
When click Select must get page where to edit the investor account details:
All fields must be changeable
If admin mark account locked the account to be locked and the investor to not be able
to login.
Referral Id: the investor username who referred this account holder.

4.3 Mass E-Mail

From Name: From E-Mail: Subject:

Use the following templates:
@@username@@ - for recepient's username;
@@firstName@@ - for recepient's first name;
@@lastName@@ - for recepient's last name;
@@email@@ - for recepient's e-mail address;

When I fill all that to send email to all investors emails.

4.4 Deposit List

Status – drop menu with few options to search for deposits- active, expired, pending, frozen

Status: Drop down menu

From Date:
To Date:

Deposit List
Deposit Investor Fund Amount Activation Last Interest
Status Payment
Id / # username Code USD Date Credited
1 admin aa Frozen - 15.00 %
Feb 05, 2008
2 admin aa Expired 0.00 %
Mar 13, 2008
4 vijeta bb Active 1.00 %
5 test123 cc Pending - 1.00 %
Apr 09, 2008
6 test123 ee Active 1.00 %
7 test123 ee Pending - 1.00 %
Total amount of the 00.00
displayed: USD
To display in such format
All usernames “admin” , “test123” must be clickable and redirect to the edit account
page for the Investors

4.5 Approve Deposits

All news deposits get status awaiting approval in investors account they are pending

4.6 Create Deposit Manually

A list with all investors must be shown 100 per page.

Username Name E-Mail Select
When click Select must get page where to add manually deposit:
Fund aa and bb …. After admin create the fund plans from the 4.8 Create fund then they will
be displayed here.

4.7 Transfer Log

Investor username: Principal Back | Withdrawal History | Referral

Commissions | Interest History

We fill username and click one of the 4 options to show detailed.

Principal Back
When we put investor username and click Principal Back to show all investments that expired (with
ended lock-in period). Only these who expired but are not withdrawn. On the same page data.

Username – must be clickable and redirect to edin account.

Total amount must be the total amount of all principals displayed on that page.

Withdrawal History:

Must display all withdrawals for the searched investor.

Username must be again clickable
Date of the withdraw
Status – awaiting approval, if we process it from Approve Withdrawals the status will be processed.
Comment if the investor entered comment in the withdraw page.
Additional Information – payment details link – when click to display in small popup the payment
details on file (database for the investor) . Close to close the popup.
Total amount is the amount of all displayed withdrawals on the page.
Referral Commissions

Transfer Log

Username | Date | Type | Amount |

Test123 Apr 10,2008 Level 1 $ 30

Total Amount: 0.00 USD

Must display all referral commission for the searched investor.

Type – level 1 or level 2 depends if the referral is direct or referral of your direct (indirect).
Amount the referral commission credited

Interest History

Transfer Log
User Date Type Amount Comment
Feb 13, Interest Regular fund interest
admin 5.00 USD Deposit Id: 2
2008 History
Total Amount: 5.00 USD
Must display all interests credited for the specified – searched investor.
Deposit ID is clear. Amount is the amount of the interest credited.
Username must be clickable.

4.8 Create Fund

Create fund details - These funds which are options to the investors in the page 3.5
Invest Online

Fund Code:
Interest Credited Drop down menu
Lock-in Period weeks / months / years
Minimum Investment USD
Weekly Yield as high as %
Last Interest Paid %
Yield for 2007 %
AUM* as of last audit USD
Risk Profile
Fund Type Weekly / monthly/ yearly

Interest Credited – drop down menu with options: Weekly / Monthly / Аnnually
Lock-in Period: - how many weeks, months or years the fund will be in lock-in period (not
available for withdrawn).
Minimum investment the minimum amount allowed to invest.
Weekly Yield as high as: % - such field to fill it. Nothing to do with the script.
Last Interest Paid: **% - to be taken from the database for the last week / month … / year
credited interest.
Yield for 2007: ***% - we fill it nothing to do with the script.
AUM* as of last audit: *** $ - we fill how much money we manage in this fund – nothing to
do with the script.
Risk Profile: we fill it , nothing to do with the script.
Fund Type – refer to 4.14 Future Interest Rates
These fields and data must be displayed in the 3.5 invest online page when investor choose
specific fund.
If the investor put less amount than the minimum investment for the fund in the 3.5 invest
online page then he must get error that he must enter a higher amount as the minimum is

4.9 Edit Fund

Select Fund:
When click select to redirect to page where to edit the plan details – these details who are in
the 4.8 page.

4.10 Delete Fund

Select Fund:
When click select to delete it. To show all funds in the drop down menu.

4.11 Approve Withdrawals

Date Username Amount Comment Payment Details
Pay Link
Debit card or bank wire
Debit card number or
Apr 10,
4.00 bank wire details which
6 2008 test123
USD are in database for the

Total Amount: 4.00 USD
Approve selected button | Reject selected button. | Mark All button

Withdraw No. an unique identification number given for each withdraw.

Date of the withdraw
Username – of the investor who made it.
Comment if such.
Payment details field – Pay Link – we click it if we want to process the withdraw and if we click the
Debit Card or Bank Wire field appear in popup and we see the payment details of the investor so we
can send wire or debit card transfer. There is also close button. (This is same like 4.7 Transfer log -
Withdrawal History)
Total amount of all displayed withdraws on the page.
We mark in the beginning the box and then choose wether to approve it(process it). Whether to reject
it – frozen it.
Mark all button to mark all withdraws
4.12 Create Withdrawal Manually

An option where admin can create withdraw for the investor if the investor can’t do it himself

List shown with the investors – we choose the one we want to create withdraw for by clicking select

Username Name E-Mail Select

nick NickolaS B Select
test123 Fname Lname Select
100 per page , when click select must redirect to page where to fill the

Current Account Balance: 500.00 USD
Minimum Withdrawal Amount: 100.00 USD
Withdrawal Details
Amount: USD
Payment Information
Drop down menu

Amount to withdraw …
Drop down menu with options 1. Debit Card and the number of the card. Example
the # is taken from the debit card field in the database for that
account if debit card number was filled. 2. Bank Wire and IBAN Example:
IBAN must be taken from the IBAN field in the database for
this account if Bank Wire info is filled.
If neither debit card nor bank wire was filled there must be message “ no data”

When click next must create the withdraw which then will also be shown in the investor’s history and
the admin panel – approve withdrawals

4.13 Register Account Transfer

Username Name E-Mail Select

nick NickolaS B Select
test123 Fname Lname Select

100 per page , when click select must redirect to page where to fill the

Current Account Balance: ***.00 USD
Transfer Details
Amount: USD

Must show current investor account balance.

When fill amount and comment must debit or credit the account:
If it’s 500 USD then must credit
If it’s -500 must debit the account.
When click next must process and show that the transfer was finished.

4.14 Future interest rates

Table to set future intere rates from admin panel.

The script must credit to investor accounts variable rates depends on what we set.
If investor “test123” has investment for 10,000 usd and the rate for the fund where the
investor has 10k is 2.53% then the investor will receive $253 interest at Friday. The script
must be set to credit interest every Friday 6 PM server time.

We want to be able to set the future rates for each fund from the admin panel. It will be a table
where we fill the rate in the fields.

After we create 6 funds from the Create Fund in the admin panel , in the future interest rates
must display a table with total 6 fields.

Fund 1 Fund 2 Fund 3 Fund 4 Fund 5 Fund 6

5.31 % 10.51%
Below we must have a Box where to set at what time to credit it:

Let’s imagine Fund 1 is weekly fund and pays Weekly Interest: (we have 1 field empty.
Admin set the % for each week. The interest must be credited weekly according to the % set
for the week. The script is set to credit at 6 PM Friday server time, when the interest must be
automatically credited. If investor put $1000 in this FUND 1 and the interest for the week is
5.31% then 53.1 USD must be credited to his account balance at Friday 6 PM.

If fund 2 is set to be monthly fund from the “Create Fund” then here when we set 10.51% it
will be interest which will be credited at the end of the month at 6 PM (last Friday of the

If fund 6 is annually then the interest is credited at the end of the year last Friday.
So basically the script must credit interest to the investors Friday, if there is something filled
in the separate field.

We want option to set date as if Friday is holiday we could set Thursday or other day as credit

We must not be required to fill all fields. If the field is empty then nothing happens.
If there is rate then it will be credited at the date set.

Every interest rate credited by the system to investors or not credited if there aren’t investors
in the fund must be imported in a database table so it can be easily shown on the website
pages by exporting it from the database. Example: Friday 18 April the system credit 1.55%
interest for Fund 1. This rate 1.55% must be saved as the week interest rate for 18 April 2008
so it can be easily show somewhere.
We need this so in pages like : 3.5 Invest Online where there is info : Last Interest Paid for
the separate plan to show this rate. Example, if investor go to “Invest online” at 19 April
he/she must see for Last Interest Paid – 1.55% , if he/she go at 26 April , it’s the next week
Saturday , he/she must see the rate for the passed week (new rate) not 1.55% …

The same will be for all funds , no matter if it’s weekly / monthly / yearly.

4.15 Admin account access

The admin account access must be limited to a separate IP range and must require username
and password. The username and password could be set in a file which is not visible and is
hidden in the hosting. We must be able to change the IP from the hosting.

A separate css files must be created for every page so we can edit every page style easily!
You must also provide script integration to design.
You must code the script in such way so that later changes can be easily done from other
programmers if you are not available to support it and code it.

The script must be written in a secure way so it’s super hard for hackers and other to get
into the system.

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