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ac/content.htm - Procurement Key
CONFIG: Define Costing Variants:
IMG> Controlling> Product Cost Controlling> Product Cost Planning> Material Cost
Estimate with Quantity Structure> Define Costing Variants (OKKN)
Choose appropriate Costing Variant. On Additive costs tab, choose Include additive
costs in the field Additive Cost Comps. Also, flag Include additive costs with stock
transfers option.

1. Create an Additive Cost Estimate using an Item Category (Variable Item). Follow
menu path: Accounting> Controlling> Product Cost Controlling> Product Cost
Planning> Material Costing> Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure> Additive
Costs> Create (CK74N)
2. Create a new Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure to automatically
include the Additive Cost Estimate created in Step 2. Use menu path: Accounting>
Controlling> Product Cost Controlling> Product Cost Planning> Material Costing>
Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure> Create (CK11N)
The new Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure will have automatically
pulled in the Additive Cost Estimate that you created in Step 1.
When you want to add certain costs to your standard cost estimation like freight
costs when transferring from one plant to another and royalty etc. we use T.code
CK74n and enter the additional costs. This should be done before standard cost


configuration --> the valuation variant (OKK4) Material valuation tab, a check
mark for Additive cost need to be set.

If you want to view the Additive Cost Estimate use menu path: Costs> Additive
Costs (CK13N) within the Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure display
Check at OKTZ for your cost component structure check settings of update to additive costs

Additive costs: Report

Do we have any report which shows all the Additive costs for set of materials ?, right now we can see for each
material in CK76N.and also in CK76N can we include additional field which can show additive costs

You can look at tables KEKO and KEPH.

For a particular material if you assign special procurement key 40 for that plant (e.g. 0001) that plant becomes
receiving plant and the plant mention in OMD9 for plant 1000 SPK 40, BP01 will become planning plant.
In the example below 0001 is receiving plant BP01 is planning/supplying plant.

Special proc.key 40 will be used if the material is purchased from another plant.
Required settings:
1. Material A to be maintained in two plants ex, 1000 & 1100
2. Procurement type F and spc. pro.key 40 to be maintained in plant 1000 for material A.
3. In plant 1100 normal settings required for material A
4. Create PIR in plant 1000.
5. Run MRP in plant 1000
6. P.R generated in plant 1000.
7. Convert into Purchase order.
8. Do MIGO against that P.O
9. Material A may be produced in inhouse or external procurement based on material master settings In plant 1100.
10. SPRO: For plant 1000, maintain alt plant 1100 in Define spl. Procurement key 40.

Check the following path:

SPRO->Materials Management->Consumption-Based Planning->Master Data->Define Special Procurement Types
1. Go to OMD9
2. Click on New entries: Enter your Plant = Plant 2 (receiver plant) "SP Pr Type" = Z1 and Proc Type = F;
3. under Special Procurement Section
Enter U as special procurement and Plant 1 in the Plant Field (Transferring plant)
4. Save this entry, and in Mat Master of Plant 2, specify F as Proc Type and Z1 as Special proc key
5. Run CK11N in Plant 2... And release from CK24
If PRD is JUST NOT required, then Price Control V is the only option... You can use V in the receiving Plant if the
Material is not manufactured in that Plant
With t-Code MB1B and movement type 301 transfer material from one plant to other plant

I am transferring finished goods "X" from plant A and plant B.

The finished goods have standard price control S and in both the plants say material is having value 1000 in material
I am occurring freight charges of 100 for transferring finished goods from plant A to B.
The freight cost is captured in a condition type (FRB1) IN STO.
I use movement type 351 to transfer this finished goods.
The accounting entries I think should be
Finished Goods X issuing plant (BSX) - 1000 Credit
Finished Goods X receiving plant (BSX) - 1000 Debit
Freight Clearing (FR1) - 100 Credit
Gain/loss from stock transfer (AUM) - 100 Debit
I think the account that will be used in AUM should be P/L account. FI consultant wants account for AUM which PL
and have cost element.

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