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Aldrick Daven M. Mendoza
Juris Doctor
College of Law
University of the Philippines Diliman


The Students Legal Aid and Assistance Committee (SLAAC) is a Special Standing
Committee of the University Student Council aimed at advocating the rights and
welfare of the student body with a particular thrust in pursuing such through the legal
perspective. The Committee aims to address socio-political issues and policies within
the University, as well as those outside the University but still directly affecting the
concerns of the student body, through the use of the legal system. The Committee most
especially aims to advocate for the protection of human rights and provide adequate
legal assistance to further pursue advocacy work necessary to promote social justice.
1. To advocate for students rights and address their concerns through the use of
the legal perspective;
2. To extend needed legal knowledge and assistance to the USC, the LCC, and
members of the universitys college councils;
3. To pursue activities that would engage the student body in debate and discourse
regarding relevant and prevalent socio-political and legal issues in the country;
4. To enhance the coordination of the UP College of Law with the rest of the
student body in the University, and if possible, to other UP units;
5. To provide a Legal Help Desk that would facilitate necessary legal/paralegal aid
and services to the rest of the University;
6. To pursue connections with Governmental and Non-governmental
instrumentalities in the country in order to establish partnerships in furtherance
of advocacy work within the bounds of the legal framework; and
7. Any such other activities directly connected to the functions and projects of the
Committee, as well as activities necessarily implied therefrom.

Adopted from the SLAAC project proposal of College of Law Representatives Tina Reyes (AY 12-13) and

JP Rotap (AY 13-14), and outgoing College of Law Representative Keila Garcia (AY 14-15)


Deputy Secretary for
Internal Affairs &


Legal Seminar


Deputy Secretary for

External Affairs &


A. The SLAAC Chairperson shall:

1. Preside meetings and oversee the coordination and implementation of the
projects of the committee.
2. Submit and present during regular meetings the Committee report including
performance reports of each committee member.
3. Perform such other functions germane to the function, purpose and objective of
the committee.
B. The SLAAC Secretary shall:
1. Keep the minutes and records of the committee;
2. Maintain all documents and important correspondences of the committee with
the third parties;
3. Assist the SLAAC Chairperson in performing tasks which the latter may validly
delegate to it.
4. Perform such other functions as may be assigned or delegated by the SLAAC
C. The SLAAC Deputy Secretary for Internal Affairs & Logistics shall:
1. Be in charge of contacting the participants for the scheduled projects (i.e.
communicate with local councils to establish partnerships or local legal desks);
2. Ensure that the venue, equipment and necessary materials are available for each
activity or seminar;
3. Perform such other functions as may be assigned or delegated by the SLAAC
D. The SLAAC Legal Seminar Head shall:
1. Coordinate with SLAAC Chairperson on the planning and progress of legal

2. Consolidate the creation of materials necessary for the legal/training seminars to

be conducted;
3. Perform such other functions as may be assigned or delegated by the SLAAC
E. The SLAAC Deputy Secretary for External Affairs & Publications shall:
1. Be in charge of coordinating with agencies, private entities, NGOs, LGUs,
organizations and etc. that could take part in the proposed projects of the
committee, or those who would like to propose other projects;
2. Perform such other functions as may be assigned or delegated by the SLAAC


A. Legal Training for Student Leaders2
To provide Paralegal trainings to members of the USC, SLAAC officers and
volunteers, and other students who may be interested.
o Target Date: August 2015 and January 2015
To partner with the USC, the LCC, the OSR, College Councils, and student
organizations within the university in facilitating forums and symposiums
regarding relevant socio-political issues affecting the country.
o Target Date: Year-Round Project, Depending on Necessity
To partner with the UP LSG, and the College of Law in providing
symposiums to review and assess recent Supreme Court decisions (such as
Belgica v. Executive Secretary or the PDAF case), and relevant Statutes
(such as Cybercrime Law, RH Law, etc.), in order to foster the spirit of open
and progressive discourse
o Target Date: Year-Round Project, Depending on Necessity
B. 2016 National Election Education and Registration
To provide students the opportunity to register in the upcoming 2016
National Elections.
To provide students the avenue to voice out their concerns, inquiries and
suggestions to the political parties and candidates via the conduct of a series
of discussions, debates and other forms as the students may prefer.
o Target Date: August 2015 February 2016
C. CLAUSE Year 43: A Taste of Malcolm Experience
(College of Law Assistance for Undergraduates Empowerment)
In coordination with the Bar Operations Commission, the LSG Externals VicePresident, and the Association of College of Law Organizations, it is the aim
of this project to open to undergraduate students a chance to get a taste of
what it feels like to be a law student by providing opportunities to volunteer
for the BOC during one of the 4 weeks of the Bar, through an incentive
system that would also provide these law student hopefuls several LAE
review sessions, LAE review materials, and other such similar services.

Project carried over (with slight modifications) from the SLAAC project proposal of College of Law

Representatives Tina Reyes (AY 12-13) and JP Rotap (AY 13-14), and outgoing College of Law
Representative Keila Garcia (AY 14-15)

Project carried over (with slight modifications) from the SLAAC project proposal of College of Law

Representatives Tina Reyes (AY 12-13) and JP Rotap (AY 13-14), and outgoing College of Law
Representative Keila Garcia (AY 14-15)

o Target Date for the LAE review sessions: October 2015 December
o Target Date for BarOps: November 2015
D. Magna Carta for Students Rights4
This project aims to create a legal instrument that would consolidate all the
basic students rights in order to provide much needed protection from
various forms of abuses within the university
This shall be in partnership with the LCC and all college councils, the STRAW
Committee, as well as student organizations and formations within the
This shall be forwarded and lobbied to the Board of Regents, through
coordination with the Office of the Student Regent
o Target Dates: Currently dependent on the Magna Carta Drafting Team
E. Community Legal Aid
To provide basic and general legal aid and education to different
To be implemented with the help the LSG Externals Vice-President, and the
Association of College of Law Organizations and several volunteer UP
College of Law students and alumna.
o Target Dates: December 2015 and April 2015

Project carried over (with slight modifications) from the SLAAC project proposal of College of Law

Representatives Tina Reyes (AY 12-13) and JP Rotap (AY 13-14), and outgoing College of Law
Representative Keila Garcia (AY 14-15)

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