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The following checklist is intended as an aid to primary cementing success. Not all elements
will be applicable to every cement job. Some good practices may be precluded under certain
well conditions.
A. Planning the Job
Accurate temperature information?
Accurate pressure information?
Formation characteristics that affect job considered?
Weak zones
Highly permeable and sub-normally pressured sands
Is multi-stage cementing needed?
Will external casing packer be used?
Plastic salts, sloughing shales, or unconsolidated formation
Special zones such as fresh water aquifers or secondary pay zones
Planned annular clearance adequate for cementing
B. Slurry Design and Testing
Slurry properties meet Chevron criteria?
Thickening Time
Fluid Loss
Free Water
Compressive Strength
Transition Time (critical flow potential wells)
C. Blending Cement and Additives
Chevron blending procedures followed
Blend samples tested and compared to pilot test results?
D. Before the Job
Service company informed of job?
Adequate directions to location
Size and type of casing and drill pipe or tubing threads
Connections needed to obtain mud and water
Annulus connection on BOP, if applicable
Amount of extra iron needed if any
Additional items to bring (float equipment, centralizers etc.)
Computer slurry placement simulation received
Hole volume estimate adequate (caliper, offset info, field convention etc)
Mud compatibility testing complete
Spacer design received
Spacer wettability capability confirmed (oil mud only)
Mud-Spacer-Cement density and rheological hierarchy honored
Mixing equipment is clean and in good order
Liquid additive system is calibrated and loaded correctly

Service company is properly rigged up

Witnessed loading the cement head with wiper plugs
Bulk ticket shows accurate quantities and matches pilot/blend lab report
Enough mix water, displacement fluid and cleanup water on location
Job calculations reviewed by multiple people
Pre-job safety meeting conducted

E. Running Casing and Conditioning Mud

Two floats of proper API classification used
Minimum 2 joints in shoe joint
Minimal Rathole
Centralization run according to computer placement program
Control running speed to avoid fractures (computer placement simulation)
Wipers used across pay zones
Stage cementing equipment placed properly
Minimum 500 foot liner overlap
Circulate bottoms-up past liner hanger before setting.
Observe and record thread makeup
Fill casing at regular intervals
Stage casing in hole if necessary
Move pipe while circulating and conditioning mud
Mud conditioned for proper time and to optimum properties
F. Slurry Mixing
Safety meeting held
Pressure test lines
Pump spacer ahead of bottom plug or use two bottom plugs with spacer between
Use both top and bottom plugs
Density verified with pressurized mud scales
Maintain log or, preferably, electronically record time, density, rates and
Minimize shutdown periods to avoid mud gelation
Material balance of cement and water used agrees with planned job design
Cement and mix water samples retained
G. Displacement
Displace at optimum mud removal rates (per computer placement simulation)
Moved casing until plug bumped.
Was displacement as calculated?
H. Cement Sheath Evaluation
Logging tools properly rated for conditions (temperature, casing size, mud weight
Logging pressure pass sufficient for well history (MW change, casing test etc)

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