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Operating Systems

1.Which of the following is responsible for the management and coordination of

activities and sharing of resources of computer
A)Application Software B) Mother Board C) Operating System D) RAM
Ans: C

2. When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special type of absolute loader

is executed, called a
A) Compile and Go loader B) Boot loader C) Bootstrap loader D) Relating loader
Ans: C
3. Which of the following is not a part of operating system?
A) supervisor B) performance monitor C) job-control program D) input/output
control program
4.Moving Process from main memory to disk is called
A) scheduling B)cachingC) swapping D) spooling
Ans: C
5. Interval between the time of submission and completion of the job is called
A) Waiting time B) Turnaround time C) Throughput D) Response time
Ans: B
6. A scheduler which selects processes from secondary storage device is called
A) Short term scheduler.
C) Medium term scheduler.
Ans: C

B) Long term scheduler.

D) Process scheduler.

7. Jobs which are admitted to the system for processing is called

A) long-term scheduling
B) short-term scheduling
C) medium-term scheduling
D) queuing
Ans: A
8. The scheduling in which CPU is allocated to the process with least CPU-burst time
is called
A) Priority Scheduling
B) Shortest job first Scheduling
C) Round Robin Scheduling
D) Multilevel Queue Scheduling
Ans: B

9. Program preemption is
A) Forced de allocation of the CPU from a program which is executing on the CPU.
B) Release of CPU by the program after completing its task.
C) Forced allotment of CPU by a program to itself.
D) A program terminating itself due to detection of an error.
Ans: A

10. Throughput of a system is


Number of programs processed by it per unit time


Number of times the program is invoked by the system


Number of requests made to a program by the system


None of the above

Ans: A

11. In interactive environments such as time-sharing systems, the primary

requirement is to provide reasonably good response time and in general, to share
system resources equitably. In such situations, the scheduling algorithm that is most
popularly applied is ________.
A) Shortest-job First B) Elevator C) Round-RobinD) First-Come-First-Serve.
Ans: C

12. Which of the following is not a fundamental process state

A)ready B)terminated C)executing D)blocked
Ans: D

13.Which amongst the following is not an advantage of Distributed systems?

A)Reliability B)Incremental growth C)Resource sharing D)None of the above
Ans: A

14.The turn-around time of a user job is the

A) time since its submission to the time its results become available
B)time duration for which the CPU is allotted to the job
C)total time taken to execute the job
D)time taken for the job to move from assembly phase to completion phase.
Ans: C
15. The Occurrence of event is usually signaled by
A) boot strap program B) Interrupt C) RAM D) Linker
Ans: B
16. If Round Robin is used with a time quantum of 1 second, the turnaround time for
Job 2 will be

A) 1 second B) 2 seconds C)1 hour D) 1 hour, 1 second

Ans: B
17. For multiprogramming systems, most UNIX operating systems use
A) swapping B) demand paging C) either A or B D)neither A nor B
Ans: C
18. Process State is a part of
A) Process Control block B) Inode C)File Allocation Table D) None of the above
Ans : A
19. The kernel keeps track of the state of each task by using a data structure called
A) Process control block B)User control block C)Memory control block D)None of
the above
Ans : A
20. In a multithreaded environment _______.
A) Each thread is allocated with new memory from main memory.
B Main thread terminates after the termination of child threads.
C) Every process can have only one thread.
D) None of the above
Ans: B
21. CPU Scheduling is the basis of _________ operating system
B) Real time

Ans: C
22.A major problem with priority scheduling is _________.
A )Definite blocking
B )Starvation
C )Low priority
D) None of the above
Ans: B
23.Saving the state of the old process and loading the saved state of the new
process is called ________.
A) Context Switch
C) Multi programming
D)None of the above
Ans : A
24. In Priority Scheduling a priority number (integer) is associated with each
process. The CPU is allocated to the process with the highest priority (smallest
integer = highest priority). The problem of, Starvation ? low priority processes may
never execute, is resolved by __________.
A) Terminating the process.
B) Aging
C) Mutual Exclusion
D) Semaphore
Ans : B
25. which of the following is not a model of multithreading
A) Many-to-one
B) One-to-one
C) Many-to-many
26. Benefits of multithreading
A) Resource sharing
B) Responsiveness
C) utilization of multipurpose architectures
D)All of the above
Ans: D
27. Which system call is used to create a separate, duplicate process?

A) fork()
B) exec()
D) Both A and B
Ans: A
28. Communication between the user thread library and the kernel is known as
A) Signal handling
B) Scheduler activation
C) Multithreading
D) Synchronization
Ans: B
29. Reason for providing an environment that allows process cooperation
A) Information sharing
B) Computational speed up
C) Modularity
D) All of the above
30. Fundatamental model of interprocess communication
A) Shared memory
B) Message passing
C) both A & B
D) None of the above
Ans: C

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