0 Grammar Isc

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1. Talking about the present

2. Talking about the past

3. Talking about the future

4. Relative Clause

5. The passive voice

6. Conditional - Should/Shouldnt have -Time clauses -Phrasal verbs

7. The present perfect continuous
8. V_ing forms


9. Causative have : have something done ; Make / let / get

10. Modal verbs


11. Question forms indirect questions


12. Reported Speech ( indirect speech )


Source : Life Lines intermediate .


a. The simple present tense :

Using :

Form :

- Regular action or events

- General truths

To be : is, am, are

Ordinary Verbs :
+ Affirmative sentence : I ( you, we, they ) + V
He ( she, it )
+ Negative sentences : I ( you, we, they ) + dont + V
He ( she, it )
+ dont + V
+ Interrogative sentences : Do + I ( you, we, they ) + V ?
Dose + He ( she, it ) + V ?
Remark : Use adverbs follow :
- Adverbs of frequency : always, usually, normally, often,
sometimes, rarely , seldom, never .
- Others : Every day, every week,

b. The present continuous tense :

Form :
Using :

S + be + V_ing

Things that are happening now

An unfinished actions or events
Express something that happen in a future with planned
Ex : A : What are you doing tonight ?
B : Im watching football match on TV.

c. The present perfect tense :

Form :

S + have + V3_ed

( V3 : Past participle )

Using :
- Just, already, yet .
Ex : Ive already done it
I have nt finished it yet
- Before, before now, so far, until now, uptill now, in my life ( same meaning
- Several times, only once , twice
- Recently, lately
- For, since
Stative Verbs :
Some verbs are not normally used in continuous form, even when they
refer to present moment We call them STATIVE VERBS .
- Stative verbs express state
- Others express action
Ex : Im writing ( action )
Not use : Im knowing ( state ) I know
- Some stative verbs :
+ Love, like, hate, prefer, want, wish, need ( Dien at tnh cam
+ Think, imagine, realize, know, understand, remember, forget,
see, mean, hope,
believe ( Tr oc )
+ Be, seem, appear, sound, look, taste, feel, smell ( same to be )
-linking verbs
+ Belong, contain, include, have ( have got )


a. The simple past :

Using :


* to be : Was, were
* Ordinary Verbs :
S + V2_ed
Ex : I went to Vung Tau ten years ago
( - ) S + didnt + V
( ? ) Did + S + V ?
Adverbs of time :
- 5 years ago, in 1990
- Last week, last year
- When I was 10

b. The past continuous :

Using :

S + was + V_ing
b1. Past continuous describe an action that is unfinished or still continuous
in the past.
- An action that started before a particular moment, and probably
continued after it .
Ex : + What were you doing at 8.00 this morning ?
I was having breakfast at 8.00
+ By this time last year I was lying on the beach
- A temporary action in the past ( or situation )
Ex : Last year I was living in Bristol.
b2. Past continuous describe the situation ( back ground information ), past
simple describe
The main event.
Ex : + While I was waiting for the bus, it started to rain
+ When I was going to bed, the phone rang
Note :
Some conjunction are used in clause : While, as, when .
c. The past perfect :

Using :

S + had + V3_ed

c1. Past perfect describe an earlier action in the past

Ex : Compare two these sentences :
- The patient died when the doctor arrived.
( The doctor arrived, and then the patient died )
- The patient had died when the doctor arrived.
( The patient was already dead )
Some conjunctions : As soon as, after, when, by the time .
c2. The past perfect as the past equivalent of the present perfects
Ex : Compare two these sentences :
- Julia is very excited . she has never danced before
- Julia was very excited . she had never danced before

Will + V :

( negative : Wont + V )

A general prediction ( oan trc )

Ex : + The government will do something about unemployment.
+ The Earths climate will become wamer .
A spontaneous decision ( often refer a held ) ( Quyet nh tc thi,
bot phat )
Ex : Im thirsty I will bring you a glass of water .

Be + V-ing :

( present continuous )

An arrangement for a specific time in the future

( S xap xep cho 1 thi gian cu the trong tng lai )
Ex : A : What are you doing tomorrow ?
B : Im visiting my mother .

Be + going to + V :

A plan or intention ( ke hoach hay y nh )

Ex : + Im tired of living in such a small house ,
Im going to buy a new house next year .

A prediction with present evidence

Ex : + Look at the dark clouds ! It is going to rain .

a. Introduction :

Relative clause is also called adjective clause , or dependent clause .

It stands right after a noun in the main clause to modify that noun .
Relative pronoun : Stand at the beginning of relative clause .
people : subject
Who(m) people : object
Which things : subject + object
people + thing : S, O
( who that )
Whose possessive adjective
Relative adverbs :
- Where in which, at which, on which
- When in which, at which, on which

b. Using Relative clause :

Using relative pronouns as a subject of relative clause :

Ex :
+ I helped the woman. She works for my husband
I helped the woman who works for my husband
+ The girl is very happy. She has just won the race
The girl who has just won the race is very happy.
+ The book is very interesting. Its about history
The book which is about history is very interesting.

Using relative pronouns as object of relative clause :

Who(m) , which , that , ( rong ) .
Ex :

+ The man is a famous doctor . I met him at the party last night .
The man whom ( that , ) I met at the party last night is a
famous doctor .

Using Whose , of which :

Ex :
+ The boy is cheering wildly. His girl friend has just won the race .
The boy whose girl friend has just won the race is cheering

Using Where , When

Ex :
+ That is the room . They held the meeting in it .
That is the room in which ( where ) they held the meeting.
+ I always remember the day . I first met him on that day .
I always remember the day on which ( when ) I first met him .

Relative pronouns used as object of preposition :

Ex :
+ She is the dentist . I told you about her .
She is the dentist about whom I told you .

Non Defining Relative Clause : ( NDRC )

NDRC are those which can be omitted without causing any confusion .
They are seperated with the noun they modify by commas .
Ex : Compare :
a Only people who speak Russian can apply for the job .
b Tom , who speak Russian , can apply for the job .
Remark :
- In (a) : relative clause is necessary to modify people . It is called
Defining Relative Clause
- In (b) : If we omit relative clause, the reader still understand that Tom
can apply for
the job. It called Non Defining Relative Clause .

meeting .

Reduction relative clause into relative phrace :

( Only for relative pronouns as subject )
a. Relative pronouns + be are omitted .
Ex :
- The man who is talking to John is from Korea .
The man talking to John is from Korea .
- The ideas which are presented in this book are useful .
The ideas presented in this book are useful .
- Ann is the person who is responsible in preparing for the

Ann is the person responsible in preparing for the meeting

- The books that are on the shelf is mine .
The books on the shelf is mine .
b. The sentences without Be
Ex :
- English has an alphabet that consist of 26 letters .
English has an alphabet consisting of 26 letters .
- Monika was the only passenger who survived the air crash .

Monika was the only passenger surviving the air crash .

- They found out the girl who had lost in the forest .
They found out the girl having lost in the forest .

Be + PP .

a- Form :


helps John .
helped John .
is helping John .
was helping John .
is going to help John .
has helped John .
had helped John .

1. John is helped by Mary .
2. John was helped .
3. John is being helped .
4. John was being helped .
5. John is going to be helped .
6. John has been helped .
7. John had been helped .

Modal verb + be + PP
Ex :

Tom will be invited to the picnic .

The window cant be opened .
Children should be taught to respect their elder .
May I be introduced to the class ?
This book had better be returned to the library .
This letter ought to be sent before June 1 st .
Mary has to be told about our change .
You must be told about the news .

b- How to change an active an active sentence into a passive sentence :


The sentence with one object :

Active : S + V + O
Passive : S (O) + be PP + by phrace(S)
Ex :


My father built this house in 1960 .

This house was built ( by my father ) in 1960 .

The sentence with two object : OI , OD

( OI : Indirect Object ; OD : Direct Object )
a. Active : S + V + OI , OD
Passive : S (OI) + be PP + OD + ( by phrace )
Ex :

The director gave Bill an award .

Bill was given an award by the director .

b. Active : S + V + OI , OD
Passive : S (OD) + be PP + to OI + ( by phrace )
Ex :


The director gave Bill an award .

An award was given to Bill by the director .

When we use passive voice :


When it isnt necessary to mention to the doer ( the agent ) of an

action .
Ex : The rubbish hasnt been collected yet .
When we dont know, or dont know exactly , or have forgotten who
did the action .
Ex : The prime Minister was murdered in his house .
When we are more interested in the action than the doer .
Ex : This house next door has been bought .


A. Conditional Sentences :
1. Type 1 : Real condition in present :
If clause
- Simple present
- Simple present
Ex :



Main clause
- Simple present
- Will + V

are right , Im wrong .

want to visit some sights, he can help you .
want to visit some sights, he will help you .
see him , Ill tell you .

2. Type 2 : Unreal condition in present :

If clause
- Simple past
- Be were

Ex :
with him .

Main clause
Could + V .
- If I were you , I would finish the lesson now .
- You are busy , but your frient insists you to go to the beach

If I had time , Id go with you .

Note : Wish ( in present ) = V_ed
Ex : - I wish I knew his phone number . .
- I wish I could stop the lesson here .

3. Type 3 : Unreal condition in the past :

If clause
- Past perfect
( Had + PP )

Main clause

+ have + PP

Ex :
didnt know this,
you .

- Last month , Gary was in hospital for an operation. Daisy
so he didnt visit him .
To day they met at the office , Daisy said :
If I had known you were in hospital , I would have visited

Note :
* Dont use Would in if clause
* d can be would or had
* There sentence can be writen in onother way

* Wish ( in past ) = had + PP

Ex :


- If Id seen you , Id have said Hello

Had I seen you , Id have said hello
- Monika wishes her boy frient hadnt died
Monika wishes they had missed the plane

Should have Shouldnt have :

a. Form :
Ex :


+ have + PP

- You should have stayed in bed .

- He shouldnt have said anything .

* Note : We can also use this structure in the continuos form .

Ex :

- You shouldnt have been driving so fast .

- She should have been wearing a seabelt .

b. Use : We use should / shouldnt + have + past participle to expess

regret and
criticism ( s hoi tiec va li phe bnh, ch trch ).
Ex : - I shouldnt have left at 10 olock .
( I regret leaving at 10 olock )
- They should have bought the house .
( They didnt buy the house I think it was a bed decision ) .
B. Time clauses :
1. Example :
- When we were in Newyork , we saw several plays .
- We saw several plays when we were in Newyork .
So :

When we were in Newyork

: Time clause .
We saw several plays : Main clause .

2. Some conjunctions are often used :

When , as , while , before , after , as soon as , until .
3. Tenses in time clause :

Ex :

Main clause
- Future
- Past simple

- Present simple


Time clause
- Past simple
Past continuous )
Present simple
Present continuous )

- Ill wait . You ll come back .

Ill wait until you come back .
- He will have news . He will let you know .
He will let you know as soon as he has news .
- He liked perfect quietness when he was reading .
- I switched off the radio as soon as the jazz music started .
- As soon as it is dark , the lights of the town are turned .

- I like listening ti music while I am woking .

C. Phrasal berbs :
Phrasal verbs consists of a verbs + partical : in , on , up , about , of ,

1. Literal meaning ( Ngha en ): We can decide what meaning it is from

the meaning of
the verbs and the partical .
Ex :

He heard the sound of plane and looked up

- I slammed the door and went out . ( ong ram )

2. Idiomatic meaning ( Thanh ng ): The meaning of the phrasal verbs is

not related to the
meaning of the two part of phrasal verb .
Ex :

She takes after her mother She looks like her mother .
- Magaret has gotten over her illness She has become
better .

3. Both literal and idiomatic meaning :

Ex :

He took off his jacket ( literal meaning : ci )

- The plane took off at 7.00 ( idiomatic meaning : cat canh

4. Transitive / intransitive phrasal verb : ( ngoai ong t , noi ong

t )
- Transitive verb has an object : Drink the milk, run out of coffee
- Intransitive verb doesnt have an object : I went to swim this
morning .
Ex : The plane took off at 7.00 .

Separable and inpeparable phrasal verbs : ( transitive verbs only )

glass for .

Separable phrasal verbs :

Ex : She turned on the TV Can use : She turned the TV on .
Inseparable phrasal verbs :
Ex : Im looking for my glass . Can not use : Im looking my


a. Form :

S + have (not) + been + V-ing .


b. Use :
1. We wish to emphasize the duration of action :
Ex : - She is very tired . She has been typing letters all day .
- Tom has been working for ABC for 10 years .
2. To talk about an imcomplete action :
Ex : - Anns clothes are in paint . She has been painting the
ceiling .

- How long have you been reading that book ?. (havent

finished yet)
3. To come to a conclusion based on an evidence :
Ex : - Her eyes are red . She has been crying .
- This room stints . Someone has been smoking .
c. Notes :
Live and work : + Present perfect .
+ Present perfect continuous
Ex :

- Ive lived in Dalat for 5 years .

- Ive been living in Dalat for 5 years .

Continuity ( long time ) : Present perfect continuous

Verbs : Study, learn, sleep, wait .
Sort time : Present perfect
Verbs : Cut, arrive, leave, start, finish .
Stative verbs : Present perfect
Verbs : Love, like, hate, want, appear, seem
( How long ? Present perfect continuous ; How many ? Present
perfect ) .
8. V-ing FORMS :
1. V-ing Form in continuous tenses :
Qui luat : + V-ing
+ Ve e ing ( bo e )
+ y ying ( Studying )
+ One syllable Double consonant ( Running )
+ Two syllable Stress on final syllable : Double
( Preferring , differing )
2. V-ing used as a gerund ( a noun ) :
Ex : - Playing tennis is a good exercise
- Watching TV helds you to know information ( know
information )
3. V-ing used as an adjective :
Ex : - I read a very interesting book yesterday .
4. Go + V-ing to indicate entertainment activities :
Ex : - Go shopping , go camping , go swimming, go fishing, go dancing,

5. Preposition + V-ing :
Ex : - Im very interested in reading books .
6. Verbs of perception + V-ing : ( nhan thc, giac quan )
Smell , look , taste , fell , hear , see .
Ex : - I smell something burning .
- I hear somone coming .
7. There is / there are + N + V-ing :
Ex : - There is someone knocking at the door .
8. Relative clause :
Ex : - The girl is Mai . Mai is sitting next to me .
The girl sitting next to me is Mai .
9. Adverbial clause :
Since, while, when, after, before
Ex : - While I was cooking, I saw a fly in the soup .
While cooking, I saw a fly in the soup .
10. Sau V : Co 34 verbs :

Keep, mind, dislike, suggest, finish, enjoy, advise, avoid,

Ex :

- Would you mind helping me ?

- I keep hoping he will come
- She suggested going for a walk .

9. Causative have : have something done ; Make / let / get :

1. Have something done :
We use have + S + PP to describe a job that is done for us by
someone else.
Ex : - I painted my room .
( myself )
- I had my room painted . ( somone else to do )
2. Make / let someone do something :
Get someone to do something :
Make someone do something means that one person forces or
compels another person to do something that they probably dont
want to do .
Ex : - The judge made the man apologize .
- My parents made me practise the piano for two hours every
day .
Let someone do something means that one person allows another
person to do something .
Ex : - Davids father lets him use the car .
- My boss let me leave work an hour early yesterday .
Get someone to do something means that one person asks or
persuades another person to do something .
Ex : - Ill get my secretary to type the letter .
- I got the garage to service my car .

Total 11 modal verbs :


Might Ought to


1. Features :

All persons are the same .

Ex : I can swim , He can swim .
Follow by a bare infinitive .
Ex : We should learn hard ( # I want to go out )
Negative / Questions : No auxiliary verbs ( tr ong t )
Ex : You shouldnt go out much . / Can you swim ?
Can - Could
Present - past
Ex : + He can speak four languages ( Present )
+ He could speak French when he was four ( Past )
Can & could become be able to in other tenses :
Ex : + He was able to speak French when he was four
( Past )
+ I havent been able to find a new job ( Present
perfect )
+ Ill be able to find a new job ( will )
+ I would be able to find a new job ( would )
or : I could find a new job .
Will - would
Shall - should
Present - future
May - Might

2. Uses :
1. Ability ( noi ve kha nang ) : Can could ( Present past )
Cac th khac : be able to
Note : 3 t sau eu noi ve kha nang trong qua kh :
Could / was(were) able to / managed to
Ch khac nhau cho :
- Could , was(were) able to : General ability in the past
Ex : I could speak English when I was 6 years old .
- Managed to , was(were) able to : To describe an ability to
do successfully something on an occasion in the past .
Ex : The fireman managed to stop the fire .
2. Obligation ( noi ve s bat buoc ) : Must - need

( have to

Must ( or have to ) ang need are used to describe obligation
and necessity.

Note : Must and have to :

- Must is used to describe obligation that comes from the
- Have to is used to describe general obligation, which comes
from outside the speaker .
Ex1 : - I must start taking more exercise .
( I want to, it is my obligation )
- My doctor says I have to start taking more exercise .
( It is an outside obligation, from my doctor )
Ex2 : - You must drive more slowly if you want to pass your
test .
( The obligation comes from the speaker, a driving
instructor )
- In Britain you have to drive on the left .
( It is a general obligation )
Must has no tense forms. We use have to to desribe obligation
in other tenses .
3. Permission ( noi ve s cho phep ) : May , could , can
( reduce polite )
Can, could and may are used to ask for permission .
Could is more polite than can , and may is the most polite and
formal .
Ex : - Can I open the window ?
- Could I borrow the car this morning ?
- May I use your phone ?
4. Probability ( noi ve kha nang ) : May , might , could
( reduce likely )
- Might can be less definite than May
Ex : - The train may be late ( It is probable gan nh chac
chan )
- We might not survive the 21st century ( It is possible co
the xay ra )
- Could can only be used to decribe future possibility in the positive
form .
( Positive : Khang nh , qua quyet , tuyet oi ,
het sc )
Ex : - The train could be late .

Not use : We could not survive the 21st century .

- Note : Can is not used to describe possible or future events.
Ex : - It may ( might, could ) rain tomorrow
Not use : It can rain tomorrow .
5. Advice ( noi ve li khuyen ) : Should , ought to ( need )
Should and ought to are used to give advice, or to say what we
think is the best thing to do .
Ex : - If you feel ill you should go to the doctor
- You shuoldnt work so hard
- You drive much too fast You ought to be more careful
- You ought not to carry so much cash


Yes / No questions
Wh questions
Indirect questions

1. Yes/No Questions : You review your self

2. Wh Questions : You review your self
3. Indirect questions :
- An indirect questions is a question which is in a statement or another
question .
- Verbs use : See , ask , have no idia , wonder , imagine, remember
- Form 1 :
Remember ,
if / whether
+ S + V .
Ex :

- Form 2 :

- Has the parcel arrived ?

I want to know if ( whether ) the parcel has arrived .
- Is she a good friend ?
I wonder if she is a good friend .
- What is your phone number ?
I d like to ask what your phone number is .
Could you tell me what what your phone number is ?
Could you tell me Wh .. + S + V
Do you kmow Wh
+S+ V ?

Ex :

- Could you tell me where the bank is ?

- Do you know how often the buses leave for the city ?


1. Definition :
- We use reported speech when we are telling what onother person says or
said .
- Reporting verbs ( say, tell, ask ) use : Present, past .
2. Reported speech with reporting verbs in present :
- Use reporting verbs in present to report what someone has just said .
- Changes :

Subject pronouns : I, you, he, she, it,

+ Pronouns :
me, they .

Oject pronouns

them .
- Unchanged :
Ex :
says .

: Me, your, him, her, us,

Possitive adjectives : My, your, his, her .

Auxiliary verbs
: Do, does .
Adverbs of time
Adverbs of place

- I have read Toms book and I dont understand it - Jim

Jim says that he has read Toms book and he doesnt

understand it .
- My sister says : I will meet you there tomorrow .
My sister says she will meet me there tomorrow .

3. Reported speech with reporting verbs in past :

- Use
: To report a past event .
- Changes :
+ Tense : We move one tense back :
- Simple present
simple past
- Present continuous
past continuous
- Present perfect
past perfect
- Present perfect cont.
past perfect continuous
- Simple past
past perfect
- Past continuous past perfect continuous
- Past perfect
Past perfect
+ Adverbs of time / place :
- Now
- Here
- These
- Ago
- to day
that day
- This week that week
- Tomorrow the next day
- Next week the next week
- Yesterday the day before
- Last week the week before
+ Modal verbs :
- Can could
- Will would
- May might
- Shall should
- Could, would, might, must, ought to, need : Unchange
- Notes :
Use : - Say something to somebody
- Tell somebody
- Ask somebody to do something
4. How to use :

Commands and Request : Cau menh lenh va cau e ngh .

Tell ( ask, beg, advise . ) + O + to
+ not to + V .


Verbs use : Tell, ask, order, beg, persuade, warn, advise, encourage,
invite, remind, offer, exclaim
Ex : - Nam said : Let me tell you the last words
Nam told her to let him tell her the last words .

Statements : Cau khang nh va cau phu nh : says : gi

nguyen; said : lui 1 thi .
Ex :

- He says : I dont like to drink coffee with mild

He says he doesnt like to drink coffee with mild .
- He said : We were very busy last night
He said they had been very busy the night before .

Yes / No Questions : Lui 1 thi .

Ask if / whether + S + V . ( no more question
mark )
Ex :

asked .
before .

- Thao said Is there any thing else to say ?

Thao asked if there was any thing else to say.
- Have you ever treated any girl like this before ? Thao

Thao asked if he had ever treated any girl like that

Wh- Questions : Lui 1 thi .

Ask + Wh-questions + S + V . ( no more question
mark )
Ex :
evening .

- Nhat said Why didnt you come to class this evening ?

Nhat asked Thao why she hadnt come to class that
- Nhat said : Where do you go this evening ?
Nhat asked where she went that evening .



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