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Master of Business Administration- smude MBA Semester 3 spring 2015

MU0011: Management and Organisational Development
Q1. Define organizational development. Discuss the characteristics of Organizational
Development (OD)?
Answer: Organizational Development: OD is the act, process, or result of furthering,
advancing or promoting the growth of an organisation. OD is anything done to better an
organization. OD is an effort 1) planned 2) organisation wide and 3) managed from the top,

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Q2. Describe the following theories of planned change Lewins change model and
Action research model.
Answer: Lewins change model: Lewins Change Model, is a three step model given by
the social scientist Kurt Lewin in the year 1951. He viewed behaviour as dynamic balance of
forces working in inverse directions. He believed that such driving forces can help

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Q3. What is OD intervention? Discuss its characteristics.
Answer: Organizational development is a difficult and a complicated issue. If not handled
properly it can have disastrous results. While planning organizational development therefore,
we need to introduce very specific interventions to facilitate the OD process. An

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Q4. What are the ethical dilemmas in practicing OD?
Answer: Ethical dilemma: Ethical dilemmas are the results of behaviours and
inappropriate actions or roles on the part of both change agents and client systems. Ethical
problems and dilemmas are, therefore, a mutual responsibility of change agents and

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Q5. Define the term downsizing. List the types of downsizing. Explain the
significance, misconceptions and effects of downsizing.
Answer: Downsizing: Downsizing refers to reduction in the overall size and cost of
operations of an organisation by reducing the total number of employees.. Organisational
downsizing constitutes a set of activities undertaken by the management of an

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Q6. Organizational learning is an area of knowledge within organizational theory that
studies models and theories about the way an organization learns and adapts.
Describe the seven steps of initiating such organizational learning.
Answer: Seven Steps of Initiating Organisational Learning
Step 1: Knowledge of theory, research, and practice - In the first step, there are multiple
researches and theories which address only part of the organisational learning system that
builds a foundation for valuing information about organisation actions.
Step 2: Understanding of organisational learning systems model - In the second

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