IT'S US - March 2015

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Serving Together






iafkay f.;a;
The Earth Hour
World Water Day

A2 Sports Day


Multi Service Project


Aim Strickerz

Serving Together
The Medical Camp

Life is a magic. It can be changed at any
time. Today you may a healthy and strong
person, but who knows about tomorrow? So,
we should help the people who need our help,
whenever we can. Serving Together, the
medical camp was such a help for the community and was held on 21st March 2015.

It was the 40th anniversary celebration
of the Lions club of Piliyandala. So they organized the medical camp with Lions Club of
Katubedda, Lions Club of Colombo 6 Cosmopolitan and Leo club of University of Moratuwa at Sri Vijaya Buddhist temple.

There were three specialist doctors for
the camp and the awareness lecture on Prevent diabetes which was very important for
everyone attended.


ijka m;a kqf f,djla weiqj;a kqf fofk;a
hq. oyila foa oelSug ish kqf oelau wmf.a Y%jK
mrdih blaujd hdug ;r mq,ah ta ffojfha iroug
iskdiS uqyqKfok kqUg wms yels muK i fokafkuq
os fokafkuq

ohdkqlms; is;ska Tjqkaf.a fk;a ikijd,kakg r;au,dk ys oHd,fha 23 fjksod oji
mqrd mej;s zis;esZ m<uq os.yereu Tjqkg ;j;a tla
oskla fkdjqKq nj ksielh ;h i lr.kakg
wjeis fndfyda foa is;=julska wdjckh lrkakg
fudrgqj Yaj oHd,hSh N+ ksudKfo tluq;=j
tlaj mej;s zis;esZ ish fokdf.a iM, jQ isyskhls
joklg jejQ mjqreu; ksujQ ta fidre is;a;fm,
; .x.df .,a ;, miqlr fkdle boshg
.e,Sug wdYsjdo jk nj im:h fk;ska |skakg
is;=j judk lr Tjqkaf.a is;a i;=gq lrkakg fukau hula W.kajkakgo oerE jEhu uy;a fia u,aM,

iafkay f.;a;
Sneha Geththam

Cancer in Sri Lanka is steadily on the
rise. The countrys cancer incidence rate has
doubled since the eighties, according to the
latest data. The Ministry of Health states that
over 14,000 patients have died owing to cancer in 2013. Unfortunately In Sri Lanka, there
are so many children suffering with the cancer. Some children are not recoverable.

It was 28th March 2015, early in the
morning we were in the CCC house in Maharagama cancer hospital. We were there to
treat them mentally, not physically. There were

more than 45 children, age of 2 to 14 years. We

spent few hours with children and improved
their mental state.

We, UOM Leos organized a childrens
movie show for the children who are getting
treatments in the Maharagama cancer hospital and also we gave some refreshments to
children and their parents.

Change Climatic Change
28th March 2015 from 7.30pm to 9.30 pm
Boatyard - University of Moratuwa

22nd March 2015 from 7.30am to 11.30 am

Piliyandala Town

World Water Day

A Day for Water and
Water for Sustainable Development

The night was so cold and dark, there is
no light surrounding. But there is a very small
shadow of light in the water of the stream. I
followed the light, it was candles lit up to celebrate the Earth Hour, to recall that we are living on the earth and we have to save it.

Water is the most valuable resource that

every living being needs. An animal can live without food for several days, but no one can live more
than few hours without water.

The World Water Day was on 22nd March
in this year. To save water, we have to make people
aware about the current situation. To commemorate The World Water Day we, UOM Leos organized an awareness programme around Piliyandala town. We were able to give the message Save
it before you need it.

A2 Sports Day

The most awaited event in this year,

A2 SPORTS DAY was successfully concluded on 29th March at Piliyandala Central College ground. All LEOS in Leo district 306A2 were agog for the day. The day
was filled with strength, power, curiosity and bravery of talented Leo sport men
and women. The day was not just another
sports day; it was a day which added everlasting memories to every ones life.

Multi Service Project 2015


It was the 21st of March 2015, Leo District Council 306A2 organized a huge humanitarian service event for multi service project
in Agalawatta, Mathugama area. We as UOM
Leos gave our maximum contribute to each
and every event.

There were Medical camp, Dental camp,
Eye camp, Book donation, Vocational training
program, Dry rations donation, Tree plant donation, Seminar for school children, Legal aid
clinic, etc. to help people who needed.

There is a pond near by Sunils place
which is maintained by himself. As Sunil
went to England for his vacation the pond
wasnt maintained properly for last 30 days.
When he comes back he realize that a fungi
have being spread all over the pond surface
area and now it is not in a controllable level.
But if he start to remove those fungus at least
when it comes to half of the pond surface
area he had to control it.

Through a experiment he understood
that the area of fungus get double each and
every day with respect to previous day. So,
what is the maximum number of days the
pond can keep without having a proper
maintenance whitest keeping fungi level under control?
Submit your answers at

Aim Strikerz
Leo Carrom Tournament

It was not just another invention. It is very spe-
fudrgqj Yaj oHd,hSh ,sfhda iudch noacial. You may know if you can remind six years back. foa.u fydrK is hqkhsg lgqjdj,
May be you cant. But its true.
u;=.u iy ms<shkao, hk ,sfhda iudc tlaj ixOdkh lrkakg fhKq Aim Strikerz ler ;,sh

Years back, Leo district 306 A2 organized a 2015 ud;= ui 22 jk osk ms<shkao, Liberty Intercarom tournament for Leos. But for Last five years it national Montessori ysoS id:lj mj;ajkakg fhKs
wasnt continued. In 2015 we, UoM Leos organized jir mylg miqj 306 A2 ,sfhda osia;%slalh u.ska ixthe carom tournament with six other Leo clubs. Aim Odkh lrkakg fhKq fuu ;,sh kjl ,sfhda
Strikerz, the Carom Tournament of Leo Multiple dis- idudlhkag kjuq w;aoelSula f.kka nj i;=ka
trict 306 was held on 22nd of March 2015 in Liberty i|yka lrkq leue;af;uq
Lanka International Montessori Piliyandala. It was
help full to build up the inter-relationship with fellow
Leos of Leo Multiple district 306, Sri Lanka.


Photograph by: Leo Sachintha Manoj

Sun gone from the sky

Say good bye to the day.
It is crazy
But you were with me
That was not a night
The comes to the night.

f,djla t<sh lr
iuqf.k hk l,g
w,a,d kej;sh yels o...
ysre iuq.kakd nj
wr .,k nj
fkdokafkys o f;dm...

Snaps of the Month


Editors Note

Leo Piyumi

Leo Heshani

Leo Kalhari

Leo Piyumi

People cant measure how they looks like, but can give a value for what they do. Leos
make a change in the world. Even though the world becoming cruel day by day together we
trying to make a better place rather than today.

Welcome to ITS US the official newsletter of UOM Leos, volume11, March issue of the
year 2015. We proudly present the ninth issue of ITS US, which included wonderful event such
as Serving together, AIM STRIKERZ, Save it before you need it, Change Climate Change
Earth Hour 2015, SNEHA GETTHAM and SITHAGI.

Through the publication of the newsletter we always expected to carry the talents and
determination of Leos in front of the general public as well as to express their mind blowing
and revolutionary ideas To make the world a better place which the Leos always stand for.
Ideas and comments of voluntarily Leos are always welcome to future editions of the newsletter
as well. We would like to hear your voice.
-Leo Piyumi Pasanna-

Design by Buddhi Vikasitha


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