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Click on "Start" -->Run --> type cmd and click on OK.
Here I assume your flash drive letter as G:
Enter this command.
attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.*
You can copy the above command --> Right-click in the Command Prompt and
paste it.
Note : Don't forget to replace the letter g with your flash drive letter.
Now press "Enter".
Now check for your files in Flash Drive.
he following should erase the contents of a USB flash RAM drive:
Open a Command Prompt (filename: CMD.EXE) in Windows. If you are running Microso
ft Windows Vista or Windows 7, you will need to open an elevated command prompt.
Start DiskPart (filename: DISKPART.EXE), the command line disk partitioning tool
. The DISKPART> will appear.
At the DISKPART> prompt, type "LIST DISK" (without quotes) and press enter. A li
st of currently-mounted disk drives will be displayed.
At the DISKPART> prompt, type "LIST DISK" (without quotes) and press enter. A li
st of currently-mounted disk drives will be displayed. Your USB flash RAM drive
will show up with a number like 1, 2, 3, 4 and so forth.
At the DISKPART> prompt, type "SELECT DISK n" (without quotes), where n is the n
umber of USB flash RAM drive and press enter.
At the DISKPART> prompt, type "CLEAN" (without quotes) and press enter. This tel
ls DiskPart to zero-out (write 0's) across the entire disk. It may take a few mo
ments for the operation to run, depending upon the capacity and speed of your US
B flash RAM drive. When finished, you will have an empty USB flash drive.
At this point, you can type "EXIT" and press enter to quit, however, if you woul
d like to format the disk or make it bootable (for a Windows Vista or Windows 7
installation), you can do so by following these steps:
At the DISKPART> prompt, type "CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY" (without quotes) and pr
ess enter. This creates a primary disk partition utilizing all of the flash RAM
drive's capacity.
At the DISKPART> prompt, type "SELECT PARTITION 1" (without quotes) and press en
ter. This tells DiskPart you wish to perform operations on the partition (disk v
olume) you just created.
At the DISKPART> prompt, type "ACTIVE" (without quotes) and press enter. This te
lls DiskPart to make the disk partition startable, e.g., allows an operating sys
tem to be booted from the partition.
At the DISKPART> prompt, type either one of the following commands:
"FORMAT FS=FAT32 QUICK" (without quotes) and press enter to format the USB flash
drive using the FAT32 file system
"FORMAT FS=NTFS QUICK" (without quotes) and press enter to format the USB flash
drive using the NTFS file system.
It may take a moment or two to perform a quick format.
At the DISKPART> prompt, type "ASSIGN" (without quotes) and press enter. This te
lls DiskPart to assign the first available drive letter to the partition (disk v

olume) you just created on the USB flash RAM drive.

At the DISKPART> prompt, type "EXIT" (without quotes) and press enter to exit th
e DiskPart program.
You should have now an USB flash drive which is empty, but can be used as instal
lation media for Windows Vista or Windows 7, should you decide to copy the conte
nts of an installation DVD over to the drive and later use it for that purpose.
Aryeh Goretsky

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