Air Traffic Controller

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Air traffic controllers manage aircraft through all aspects of

their flight with the priority of safety, followed by other
aspects such as ensuring arrivals and departures are on time.

They use highly sophisticated radar and radio communication

equipment to communicate advice, information and
instructions to pilots.

Air traffic controllers are well known for working in control

towers at airports, but the majority actually works in area
control centres. They are responsible for the en-route stage of
the aircraft, using radar to track its exact position, keeping it
safe in the airspace and providing the most efficient route.
Their work is complicated due to the heavy traffic of aircraft,
potential weather changes and other unforeseen. The air
traffic controllers are selected from people with great
perception and spatial projection, receiving in turn, intensive
training as much in simulators Control Tower , Approach
Control , Area Control and Radar, as well as pilots, in flight
simulators , to deepen their knowledge of instrument , in the
basic and intermediate courses of Air Traffic Control .

The skills required to be an air traffic controller

Air traffic controllers are people who:

have an interest in the aviation industry

have good spatial orientation

have a good memory

are able to think fast

are able to make quick decisions

have multi-tasking ability

are comfortable with numbers

enjoy working in a team

are able to work shifts (i.e. also during the night, early in
the morning, late at night, during official holidays, etc.)

are assertive and confident;

are stress resistant and stay calm under pressure

are able and willing to adapt

In addition, the ATC must have a good command
of ENGLISH since it is the language of aviation.

Los controladores areos gestionar aeronave a travs de todos los

aspectos de su vuelo con la prioridad de la seguridad , seguido por otros
aspectos como asegurar las llegadas y salidas son a tiempo.
Utilizan radar altamente sofisticados equipos de comunicacin por radio
para comunicarse asesoramiento , informacin e instrucciones a los
Los controladores areos son bien conocidos por trabajar en las torres de
control en los aeropuertos , pero la mayora trabajan en realidad en los
centros de control de rea . Ellos son responsables de la etapa en ruta de
la aeronave , usando el radar para rastrear su posicin exacta ,
mantenindola segura en el espacio areo y proporcionando la ruta ms
eficiente .
Su labor es complicada, debido al denso trnsito de aviones, a los posibles
cambios meteorolgicos y otros imprevistos. Los controladores de trnsito
areo se seleccionan entre personas con gran percepcin y proyeccin
espacial, recibiendo, a su vez, un intensivo entrenamiento, tanto en
simuladores de Torre de Control, Control de Aproximacin, Control de Area
y Radar, como tambin como pilotos, en Simuladores de Vuelo, para
profundizar sus conocimientos de vuelo por instrumentos, en los cursos
bsico e intermedio, de Control de Trnsito Areo.

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