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June 1, 2015


H e ral d
Volume XXXXX1I,
No 6

2015 Vacation Bible School

Inside this issue:

Lants Lines

Christian Educator/ 3
Bike & Build
Youth News

Mission News


June 14-18 AT ST. STEPHENS

6:00 8:30 pm
3 year olds current 5th graders
A cooperative ministry of:
Centenary United Methodist Church,
Central Presbyterian Church
St. Stephens Episcopal Church,
Trinity Lutheran Church
Grab your running shoes and join FUN RUN VBS!
Bible Stories, Music, Craftivities, Games & more will fill the evenings of
June 14 18 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm.
Check-in begins at 5:30 pm on Sunday and at 5:45 pm Monday Thursday.
If possible, please register in advance through your church office.
We will be raising funds for the Womens Department Club Shoe Bus.
Each child and adult participating should have a white t-shirt an old one is perfect.

Three and Four Year-Olds will be in a Preschool Class

An Adult Bible Study class will meet at Centenary Methodist at the
same times
Childcare is provided for youngest children of workers and those
attending the adult class

Jonathan Rudy


YOU can be a volunteer mentor or prayer partner


Church Happenings 8

with Kids Hope USA in Centrals partnership with

Deming Elementary. Suzanne Downs is the
coordinator and will be glad to tell you how you
can be a part of Centrals newest mission focus.
See inside for more mission opportunities.

Page 2

t h e He ra l d
Lants Lines
Samuel said to Jesse, Are all your sons here? And he said, There remains yet the
youngest, but he is keeping the sheep. And Samuel said to Jesse, Send and bring him;
for we will not sit down until he comes here. He sent and brought him in. Now he was
ruddy, and had beautiful eyes, and was handsome. The LORD said, Rise and anoint him;
for this is the one. 1Samuel 16:11-12 (NRSV)
When God told the prophet Samuel to anoint the next king of Israel from among the sons of Jesse, Jesse introduced Samuel to all his sonsexcept one, David, the youngest, who was out in
the field with the flocks. But God identified to Samuel none of the others sons as the one to be
anointed. So Samuel asked Jesse, Do you have any other sons? Jesse must have thought,
Well, yes, but he is the youngest: surely you dont want him. Of course, David was the one
chosen by God. When Samuel saw David, he knew, and he anointed him. Our Presbyterian system for choosing new pastors is not that direct (!), but we hope that the process allows ample
room for operation of the Holy Spirit. We know that God does not see as mortals see; they
look on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).
Our sister church in Terre HauteUnity Presbyterian Churchhas just completed the process
of selecting a new pastor, and we rejoice with Unitys members. Yesterday at the assembly of
the Presbytery of Ohio Valley, Unitys candidate, Andrew Black, was examined for ordination as a
minister of Word and Sacrament, and his examination was sustained unanimously, clearing the
way for his ordination and installation at Unity, probably in early August. During the search process, the congregation was ably led by Rev. Jennie Noyes as Interim Pastor, while the pastor
nominating committee quietly went about its business of describing the church and its ministry in
written form, publishing that description in a national database, and interviewing possible candidates for the position. From the happy, excited, and satisfied expressions on the faces of the
Unity members who were present at the assembly meeting, it is clear that they believe the Lord
has looked upon the hearts of Andrew and the church members, and has led them jointly to
this decision. Andrews sincerity and spiritual depth were evidenced very clearly in his examination, as well as his sense of call to serve Unity Presbyterian Church as its pastor.
Andrew is the son and grandson of pastors. His wife Dawn is a Presbyterian pastor, and together they have two daughters (5th and 1st grade) and an infant son. Both Andrew and Dawn are
graduates of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. When Dawn received a call to pastor
a Presbyterian congregation in Broken Bow, Nebraska, Andrew found a position there leading
three small United Methodist congregations as a lay pastor. Dawn, too, will be leaving her congregation in Nebraska to move to Terre Haute.
I look forward to welcoming Andrew as a colleague in ministry, and I urge those of you who
know members of Unity Presbyterian Church to express your congratulations and prayers for
them as their church enters this next phase of its ministry.

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V o lu me X XX XX 1 I ,


There are NO Parents
Night Out/Youth Movie
Night events in June or
July. PNO will be back on
August 7.
Summer Sunday
School meets every
Sunday at 9:30 am. There
are classes for all ages
with child care available
from 9:15 to 11:45
am. Infants to 2 year olds
Nursery room 101; 3 to
5 year olds Preschool
room 108; Kindergarten to
5th grade Room 202;
Middle School & High
School Room 201 Adults:
Coffee and Conversation
FH Classroom A; Bible
Study FH Classroom B;
Christian Parenting FH
Classroom C

The family prayer

group meets on Mondays
at 11:00 am at the
church. Lunch is served
ONLY on the 2nd Monday of
each month. Childcare is

Welcome to our newest

childcare provider! Nichole
Swink will be providing
childcare for the Monday
Group this summer.
Nichole, her husband, Phil,
and daughter, Lyla, have
attended worship at CPC.

Fun Run Vacation Bible

School is June 14 to 18 at
St. Stephens Episcopal
Church from 6:00 to 8:30
Adults have a class also.
Last call to register for
summer church camp at
Pyoca! Go to See
Cheryl for scholarship info.

Feed a biker with a $12 donation!

BIKE AND BUILD is returning to Central for their annual overnight stay in Terre
Haute on June 12. The Central US team began their biking trek across the country in Vir-

ginia Beach on May 23rd and will travel 3863 miles to Cannon Beach, Oregon in 75 days.
B&B loves coming to CPC because of our great accommodations, hospitality and delicious
food. Last years group bragged on our taco bar so much that the 2015 group requested
it! Feeding 33 super hungry young people takes A LOT of food. CLCA needs sponsors for
the riders to provide them with nutritious snacks and meals. Please donate $12 per rider
to help with the food costs. You can give that donation to the church office marked Bike
and Build. Follow the team at

June Youth NewsTiffany Grossman, 7th Cents Youth Director

What a wonderful May we had. This month, we celebrated Youth Sunday at both Centenary
UMC and Central PC. The youth led an energizing worship service to celebrate our faith. The
youth sermon focused on two of Jesus parables. Their parable skits will definitely be remembered! Thank you all for your hard work.
Following our second Youth Sunday, the youth hosted a pasta lunch to raise funds for our July
mission trip. We had over 80 people in attendance and raised over $1000. This money will cover
transportation, food, and experiential activities for the youth during this weekend mission trip.
We have many volunteer activities planned for this summer. These are perfect opportunities for
youth needing service hours. Our schedule includes serving breakfast at 14th and Chestnut
Community Center, making blankets for CODA, doing yardwork and other chores for the Terre
Haute Humane Society, and working at Vacation Bible School. Please see the schedule below for
June volunteer opportunities.
If you have not yet signed your youth up for the mission trip, please do so as soon as possible.
Contact Tiffany for a registration form. The deposit for this trip is $20 per youth and will be the
only money that parents will have to contribute.
Upcoming Events:
June 3- Youth trip to Splash Island. 1-8:30 pm. Meet at Central, bring a change of clothes, towel,
and some money for concessions. Dinner will be provided.
June 11- Serve breakfast at 14th and Chestnut Community Center. 8-10 am. Meet at 14th and
Chestnut at 8 am.
June 13- Set up for Vacation Bible School 10 am-? At St. Stephens Episcopal
June 14-18- Vacation Bible School 6-8:30 pm daily. If your youth is volunteering, please arrive by
5:45 pm.
June 23- Making blankets and crafts for CODA. 6-9 pm at Central. We will order pizza and make
blankets/crafts. You may also bring donations of personal hygiene products for CODA.
2015 Vacation Bible School
Adult Program meets at Centenary U. M. Church in the Friendship Classroom in the
lower level of Centenary United Methodist Church
Theme: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the r ace, I have kept the
faith. From now on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness. . .
(2 Timothy 4: 7-8).
Sunday Jesus Is the Light of the World Bill Dando & Tom Bar nett, pr esenter s
Monday Jesus Is the Good Shepherd Rev. Lant Davis, presenter
Tuesday Jesus Is the Bread of Life Bill Dando & Rev. Dana Newhouse, presenters
Wednesday Jesus Gives Living Water Dorothy Drummond & Rev. Drew Downs, presenters
Thursday Jesus Is the Vine and We are the Branches Richard Dierdorf, presenter

CPC Mission Committee Wants You!

Josh Powers, Chair
Mission Committee
Your CPC Mission Committee has been hard at work preparing opportunities to deploy valuable
time, talent, and treasure to better our communities near and far. Please consider involvement in one
or more of these activities:
HEMEFund Lunch/Auction Sunday, June 7, 11:30-1pm for lunch and silent auction; live
auction starts no later than 1pm. Come enjoy amazing barbeque, sides, and dessert ($8 suggested
donation/person) and please bid on genuine Afghan items, including ones made by the graduates of
the vocational schools we sponsor. The funds raised will sponsor a next class, perhaps two, of
widows and orphans who desperately need our help! Donations of cakes and pies are welcomed;
some we will auction too. Drop off at CPC by 10:30am on June 7. The event will be at our HEMEFund partners church, Temple Methodist 5301 S. U.S. Highway 41 (just north of Walmart). For
more information, contact Josh Powers (812-239-3821).
Adult Mission Trip Buckhorn Kentucky July 17-19. Veter ans and newbies invited to
participate in this amazing experience helping a community with one of the lowest average per
capita incomes in the country. We leave Friday by 3pm and return Sunday evening. We engage in
service projects and get to worship with the community in one of the most unique churches in
America and on the National Register of Historic places. We are also in need of items to donate and
which we will bring to their thrift store. Nearly anything works but see the list on the Adult Mission
Trip display in Fellowship Hall, and, to sign up by June 30. Special bonus: The Youth are going
too! They have a different experience running the Buckhorn Vacation Bible School. So, parents,
make it a full family experience.
Ramp build for a low income Hautian June 20. Looking for a gr eat way to spend a Satur day
giving back in a rewarding way? Come participate in a disabled ramp build. There are many
desperate Hautians trapped in their homes in need of a ramp they cant afford. In less than a day, the
fruits of ones labor are realized. No advanced skills required other than the ability to use a screw
gun (and we train on that too). Contact Josh Powers for details on where to meet (812-239-3821).
The date not work for you? Register as a volunteer on the SAWs website and they will contact you
about other builds in our area:
Kids Hope - Our newest, and signature, mission project for the church. We ar e so pleased to
announce this important education themed mission project for which we are seeking persons to
mentor a low-income child at the Deming School starting this fall. The Deming School family is so
excited to have us be involved to help make a huge difference in the lives of these young persons.
One only has to commit 1x per week over the lunch hour and we can accommodate the occasional
moment when you cant make it. Suzanne Downs from the church will be coordinating the project.
Our goal is at least ten mentors, ideally more. Come change a life, and be changed yourself! For
more information, see Suzanne or the project team members, Nancy Edgerton, Molly Wadsworth,
or Renee Newton.

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Congratulations and Gods blessings

go to our 2015 Graduates
Luke Bailey graduates from Terre Haute South on June 7. He will be
attending Indiana University. He is the son of Frank and Carla Bailey and the
grandson of Don Lowder.
Katlyn Powers graduates from Terre Haute North on June 7. She will attend Elon University in North Carolina. She is the daughter of Josh and
Susan Powers.
Travis Rubey graduated from Indiana State University on May 9. He is the
son of Charles and Sally Rubey and the grandson of Fred and Nancy Rubey.
Mina Sohaj received her PhD in Theater History from the University of Illinois on May 16. She is the fiance of Christopher Moulton.

Anna Spydell graduated from St Mary of the Woods College on May 2 with a
major in humanities with a literature concentration and a minor in business.
She is the mom of Aidan, Nate and Violet.

Farewell to Jonathan
A farewell reception for our organist, Jonathan Rudy, will take
place following worship on June 14. A lunch will be served and
there will be a program honoring Jonathan. His three years
with us has gone by quickly. Jonathan and Katie Alms will be
married on June 20.

Dear Central Presbyterian Church Family,

I want to start out by saying thank you for blessing me with the Surrell Scholarship. This will
help me so much in my future goals. I am almost done with completing my Masters degree in
Occupational Therapy. I could not have gotten this far without everyones love and support.
Thanks again for allowing me to be part of such a great family.
Rachael Bayless

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June 2015



Family Prayer

Group 11:00



Crafters 10:00
Youth to Splash
Island 1:00
Deacons 5:30

Womens Book
Club 7:00

Doug Payne

School 9:30
Worship 10:30
HEMEfund lunch
Sarah Kelsheimer


8 Family

9 Fine Arts

Prayer Group &

lunch 11:00
Katie Haan
Lucas Haan
Ryan Shepherd

Bazaar Crafters
Youth Design
Team 12:00
VBS Orientation
Casey Powers


16 NO T3EM 17

School 9:30
Family Prayer
Worship 10:30
Farewell Lunch for Group 11:00
VBS 11:00
Jonathan 12:00
VBS 6:00
Bob Bailey



School 9:30
Worship 10:30

Claire Bailey

Family Prayer
Group 11:00

Mary Shepherd


Worship 5:30

Bazaar Crafters

Finance 5:30


Mission 5:30

VBS 6:00

Facilities 6:30

Personnel 6:00

VBS 6:00

Session 7:00



Seekers &
Searchers 10:00

Fred Haan
Alex Spencer





Family Prayer

School 9:30

Group 11:00

Worship 10:30

Jane Moulton

Karl Irving

Nancy Rubey

Ray Modesitt


Kathleen Smith




Patrick Duffy
Allison Harder




Bike & Build

Tisha Glenn

VBS 6:00
Color Fun Run


David Kintz
Michael McCoy
Conne McLaren


SAWS ramp


Bazaar Crafters



Sharon Danek


Central Presbyterian Church

Central Presbyterian Church
125 North Seventh Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807

Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m.

Phone: 812-232-5049

Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

Fax: 812-232-5040

Rev. Lant B. Davis, Pastor


Cheryl Moles, Christian Educator

Scott Paul-Bonham, Parish Associate
Sarah Kelsheimer, Church Secretary

Church Happenings

Next Herald
June 21 2015

Womens Book Club

The Womens Book
Club will be meeting on
June 4 at 7:00. The book
to be discussed is
Natchez Burning by Phil

Womens Bible
The Womens Bible
Study will meet on June
23 at 10:00 a.m. at the
church. Unit 6
(Sapphira) of Bad Girls of
the Bible and What We
can Learn from Them by
Liz Curtis Higgs will be
discussed. Marsha
Harder will lead the

The Wednesday
Crafters will meet each
Wednesday beginning
June 3rd from 10-2 pm.
Bring your own
materials to work on
items for the Holiday
Bazaar or help with ongoing projects. Bring
your lunch and enjoy
our day of fellowship,
and Whistle while you

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