1119 Past Year Questions

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SPM English 1119 Past Year Papers

Paper 1
Section B : Continuous Writing

[50 marks]

[Time suggested : One hour]

Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following


1 Describe an important family celebration and how you felt about it.

2 There is a lack of freedom given to teenagers today. Do you agree?

3 Why are animals important to human beings?

4 Write a story about a fisherman beginning with: "The wind blew

strongly. Out at sea, ..."

5 'A friend in need is a friend indeed.' Describe how a friend helped

you in difficult time.

1 'Truly Malaysian.' Describe what this means to you.

2 Is tuition necessary? Discuss.

3 Write a story about being alone.

4 Write a story that ends with: "... and so I became a better person."

5 Reality shows

1 Describe an outing with your friends.

2 Should parents give children more freedom? Discuss.

3 Saving money for the future.

4 Write a story beginning with: "The teacher walked into the

classroom. It was the first period ..." (For another model answer, click
here: Model Answer 2)

5 Cleanliness

1 A famous person you admire.

2 Should school students have part-time jobs?

3 The best things in life are free.

4 Write a story that ends with: "... They looked at each other and
smiled meaningfully." (For another model answer, click here: Model
Answer 2)

5 Peace

1 Describe the most popular student in your school.

2 "The Internet is mostly a good thing." Do you agree? Support your


3 What can we do to save the environment?

4 Write a story beginning with "It had been raining all day..."
Model Answer 2
Model Answer 3

5 Home

1 Describe an unforgettable incident that you saw on your way home
from school.

2 School children should not have long holidays. Do you agree?

3 My favourite day of the week.

4 Write a story that ends with: "... We said our goodbyes and went our
separate ways."

5 Beauty

1 Write about a person who has succeeded in life.

2 Examinations - good or bad?

3 My perfect future husband or wife

4 Write a story ending with: "... Now I realise the value of a true
Model Answer 2
Model Answer 3

5 Stars

1 Describe an embarrassing experience in your life.

2 'Teenagers today are only interested in entertainment.' Do you


3 My early years

4 Write a story beginning with: "Kim was nervous when the door
opened...". (For another model answer, click here: Model Answer 2)

5 Tomorrow

1 Describe an enjoyable weekend you have experienced.

2 Write a story ending with: "If only I had been more careful, that
wouldn't have happened." (For another model answer, click here:
Model Answer 2)

3 What changes would you like to see in your life in the next ten

4 How can television help students in their studies?

5 Food


1 Describe the biggest challenge in your life.

2 Write a story with the title: "An Unexpected Visitor".

3 How to keep oneself healthy.

4 If you were given a chance to be anybody, who would you want to

be and why?

5 Music

1 Describe a festival celebrated in your area.

2 Write a story ending with: "... We had never laughed so much in our

3 My ideal school

4 How can we help promote tourism in Malaysia?

5 Clothes

1 A day I wished had never happened. (For another model answer,
click here: Model Answer 2)

2 You have been given a chance to visit a country of your choice.

Which country would you choose and why?

3 An invention you cannot live without

4 Write a story that ends with: "... If only I had listened to his/her

5 Friends

1 Describe a favourite teacher who had a great influence on you.

2 Write a story beginning with: "Is it really you? Where have you
been all these years?"

3 Good results in school do not guarantee success in the future. What

is your opinion?

4 How I can help to make the world a better place to live in.

5 Colours

1 How do you think the media has influenced you and your family?

2 Some people think the legal age for driving should be increased
from 17 to 19. What do you think?

3 Describe how you spend a free day when the weather was very bad.

4 Large families make happy families.

5 Write a story of an old man returning to his home he left many years

1 My Hero

2 If you were able to choose a time in history that you could visit,
which time would it be and why?

3 Life in Malaysia in the new millennium.

4 Things that I like about my life.

5 "More land should be used for agriculture than for industry." Do

you agree or disagree? Give reasons to support your opinion.

1 My Dream Car

2 Education - what it means to me.

3 The computer - is it really an advantage?

4 The day I lost my temper.

5 Memories (For another model answer, click here: Model Answer 2)

(Although this essay with the same title is a bit long, you can get
some ideas too.)

1 Describe a day at school when you were very unhappy.

2 Parents do not spend enough time with children nowadays. What is

your opinion?

3 Write a letter to a penfriend describing some interesting places in

your village, town or home state.

4 Write a story beginning with: "I could tell by his face that he was

5 Being young.

1 Imagine your were moving to a new house. Describe the last day in
your old house.

2 Describe the scene at a crowded bus or railway station.

3 Write a story with the following title: A Narrow Escape. (For

another model answer, click here: Model Answer 2)

4 Do you think games are an important part of school life?

5 Water

SPM English 1119 Past Year Paper Essay Topics Categorised


2014 - (1) Describe an important family celebration and how you felt
about it. (2) 'A friend in need is a friend indeed.' Describe how a
friend helped you in difficult times.

2013 - 'Truly Malaysian.' Describe what this means to you.

2012 - Describe an outing with your friends.

2011 - A famous person you admire.

2010 - Describe the most popular student in your school.

2009 - Describe an unforgettable incident that you saw on your way

home from school.

2008 - Write about a person who has succeeded in life.

2007 - Describe an embarrassing experience in your life.

2006 - Describe an enjoyable weekend you have experienced.

2005 - Describe the biggest challenge in your life.

2004 - Describe a festival celebrated in your area.

2002 - Describe a favourite teacher who had a great influence on you.

2001 - Describe how you spend a free day when the weather was very

2000 - My Hero

1998 - Describe a day at school when you were very unhappy.

1997 - (1) Imagine your were moving to a new house. Describe the
last day in your old house. (2) Describe the scene at a crowded bus or
railway station.


2014 - There is a lack of freedom given to teenagers today. Do you


2013 - Is tuition necessary? Discuss.

2012 - Should parents give children more freedom? Discuss.

2011 - Should school students have part-time jobs?

2010 - "The Internet is mostly a good thing." Do you agree? Support

your opinion.

2009 - School children should not have long holidays. Do you agree?

2008 - Examinations - good or bad?

2007 - 'Teenagers today are only interested in entertainment.' Do you


2002 - Good results in school do not guarantee success in the future.

What is your opinion?

2001 - Some people think the legal age for driving should be
increased from 17 to 19. What do you think?

2000 - "More land should be used for agriculture than for industry."
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons to support your opinion.

1999 - The computer - is it really an advantage?

1998 - Parents do not spend enough time with children nowadays.

What is your opinion?

1997 - Do you think games are an important part of school life?


2014 - Why are animals important to human beings?

2013 - Reality shows

2012 - Saving money for the future.

2011 - The best things in life are free.

2010 - What can we do to save the environment?

2009 - My favourite day of the week.

2007 - My early years

2006 - How can television help students in their studies?

2005 - How to keep oneself healthy.

2004 - How can we help promote tourism in Malaysia?

2003 - An invention you cannot live without.

2002 - How I can help to make the world a better place to live in.

2001 - (1) How do you think the media has influenced you and your
family? (2) Large families make happy families.

2000 - (1) Life in Malaysia in the new millennium. (2) Things that I
like about my life.

1999 - Education - what it means to me.

1997 - Being young.


2014 - Write a story about a fisherman beginning with: "The wind

blew strongly. Out at sea, ..."

2013 - (1) Write a story about being alone. (2) Write a story that ends
with: "... and so I became a better person."

2012 - Write a story beginning with: "The teacher walked into the
classroom. It was the first period ..." (For another model answer, click
here: Model Answer 2)

2011 - Write a story that ends with: "... They looked at each other and
smiled meaningfully." (For another model answer, click here: Model
Answer 2)

2010 - Write a story beginning with "It had been raining all day...".
Model Answer 2
Model Answer 3

2009 - Write a story that ends with: "... We said our goodbyes and
went our separate ways."

2008 - Write a story ending with: "... Now I realise the value of a true

Model Answer 2
Model Answer 3

2007 - Write a story beginning with: "Kim was nervous when the door
opened...". (For another model answer, click here: Model Answer 2)

2006 - Write a story ending with: "If only I had been more careful,
that wouldn't have happened." (For another model answer, click here:
Model Answer 2)

2005 - Write a story with the title: "An Unexpected Visitor".

2004 - Write a story ending with: "... We had never laughed so much
in our lives."

2003 - (1) Write a story that ends with: "... If only I had listened to
his/her advice." (2) A day I wished had never happened. (For another
model answer, click here: Model Answer 2)

2002 - Write a story beginning with: "Is it really you? Where have
you been all these years?"

2001 - Write a story of an old man returning to his home he left many
years ago.

1999 - The day I lost my temper.

1998 - Write a story beginning with: "I could tell by his face that he
was angry...

1997 - Write a story with the following title: A Narrow Escape. (For
another model answer, click here: Model Answer 2)


2012 - Cleanliness

2011 - Peace

2010 - Home

2009 - Beauty

2008 - Stars

2007 - Tomorrow

2006 - Food

2005 - Music

2004 - Clothes

2003 - Friends

2002 - Colours

1999 - Memories (For another model answer, click here: Model

Answer 2)
(Although this essay with the same title is a bit long, you can get
some ideas too.)

1997 - Water


2008 - My perfect future husband or wife

2006 - What changes would you like to see in your life in the next ten

2005 - If you were given a chance to be anybody, who would you

want to be and why?

2004 - My ideal school

2003 - You have been given a chance to visit a country of your choice.
Which country would you choose and why?

2000 - If you were able to choose a time in history that you could
visit, which time would it be and why?

1999 - My Dream Car

*Note: For the new SPM examination format, letter writing is not
included in Section B (the Continuous Writing Section). It belongs to
Section A (the Directed Writing Section) instead.

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