CLAT Aspirants Open Letter

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Respected Sir,

We, a group of CLAT aspirants, by and large, have been failed by the present CLAT conducting authority,
and we demanded, pleaded, lamented for justice on every door only to be turned down.

We are writing to you, Sir, with a final ray of hope that we will not be failed again.

We earnestly prepared for CLAT 2015. Little did we know that this examination would be entailing a series
of star-crossed events.

The major glitches were as follows.

(1) The CLAT authorities on their official site, in the FAQs section, in question no. 13, had promised the
students earlier that they will email the individual question paper and e-omr to every student who appeared
in the test. Once the test was carried out, the answer to the question was changed to a negative response.
Later, to make the discrepancy covert, the question was removed from the site altogether. After much
uproar, they emailed the e-OMR to the students and later put up a common question paper which defeated
the purpose of individual comparison.

Current status of FAQs where this question has been altogether removed-

(2) CLAT 2015 paper, whose sole purpose was to test the aptitude of a 12th appearing student, was, by and
large, in substance, mimicked from former CAT papers, whose purpose, on the contrary is to test the
aptitude of a college graduate. A fish's ability cannot be tested if it is put on the land. The gradation between
the school students and graduates should have ideally been keenly adhered to. A response by one of the
members of the conducting authority was equally insincere, stating,There is no set pattern to ask
questions and why cant some questions be asked from the previous years questions. I dont think
this is a problem area.














(3) CLAT brochure, in its syllabus section, with no freckle of doubt, is silent about legal GK questions. Even
a mere cursory reading shows that reasoning questions will be asked. Yet again, less than 20 reasoning
questions were asked this year, which made it out of syllabus and structure.
(4) CLAT authorities also promised in there brochure, CLAT-2015 result will be published on 20thMay
2015 on the CLAT website ( with an overall merit list of candidates prepared
according to their CLAT Score along with their categories.Such a merit list was never published by the
CLAT authorities which also is a bit question mark on the transparency of the examination.

(5) To our consternation, yet another dismal moment occurred, when the students found out the answers
accepted to 22 questions to be erroneous. Sadly, this defeats the very purpose for which the examination was
conducted. An awry question paper can, by no means, assess the aptitude of the students that appeared for as
prestigious an examination as this.
Here, the questions, which we believe are erroneous, are attached as Annexure 1.

(6) We were greatly saddened by the response given by some members of the CLAT committee. They
termed our grievances as acts of desperate unsuccessful candidates. Such a comment directed towards
the students who are fighting tooth and nail for their rights, is highly obtuse and unwarranted. They
responded by telling us We have also released CLAT 2015 question papers and it has been done for
the very first time since 2008 when CLAT was started. This is, however, not true.
Proof of the above two statements given by CLAT authorities
Indeed, we may have failed to achieve success. However, the entire burden of the failure cannot just be
placed on the shoulders of the students, considering the undeniable inefficiencies the system holds and the
history of the CLAT exam hovering above its head.

In order to uphold the sanctity of what a test must mean and bring out, it is expected and demanded
from the CLAT authorities to conduct a fair and error-free retest, so that the aptitude can actually be
measured with the right quantifiers.

With regards,
CLAT Aspirants

Annexure 1
Question 2
The answer for the question has to be (c) [ABBBA] instead of (a) [BABBA] for the following two reasons:
In the second statement, the word censured would be used instead of censored because
critics does not have an authority to censor the movie, they can only criticize (censure) it.
In the fourth statement, the word broach would be used instead of brooch. Broach means
to talk about a subject which is difficult to discuss because it is embarrassing
Brooch means a decorative pin worn by women
Therefore, the because the second statement and the fourth statement will be B and B respectively, the only
possible answer could be (c) i.e. ABBBA
Question 23
Options (a), (b) and (c) are eliminator as they do not contain no telling, hence the sentence cannot
continue. Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
Question 25
Dulcet means melodious whereas Raucous means Harsh. Therefore, they are antonyms. The correct answer
should be both (c) and (d) as in both the options the words are antonyms to each other.
Palliative and Exacerbating are antonyms. Theory and Practical are also antonyms.
Question 35
The answer should be (b) i.e. discouragement of imports as it is clearly mention in the first line of the third
Question 36
The answer should be (d). As no Indian cars are sold abroad, therefore the performance is worse than poor
and it is equivalent to disrepute, therefore answer (d).
Question 60
Kathak will also be the right answer as it is also one of those dance which was essentially performed solo
Massey, Reginald (2004). India's dances: their history, technique, and repertoire.Abhinav

Question 111
The answer will be [(b) Ramu cannot be prosecuted for theft] because tree is an immovable property and
when it became a movable property by cutting it down, it was never moved after that which is a prime
requirement of the principle.
Question 113
The answer will be [(a) Mr. X cannot enter into contract because he is of unsound mind when he entered into
the contract]. It is clearly mentioned in the facts of the case that Mr. X enters into a contract with Mr. Y
when he is of unsound mind. No question of burden of proof will arise as nothing like that is mentioned in
the principle.

Question 114
The answer will be [(c) It was not a valid offer because willingness to enter into a contract was absent].
Option (b) would be incorrect because nothing like invitation to offer is mentioned in the principle. The
word willingness is mentioned in the principle which makes (c) a much better option than (b).
Question 124
Here, the answer would be clearly [(c) Pawan is not liable because typing sound did not disturb anyone else
other than Jeevan]. It is clearly mentioned in the principle, The use or enjoyment, envisaged herein, should
be normal and reasonable taking into account surrounding situation. In the present question, Jeevan is not a
reasonable person because the facts clearly mention that he could not put up with any kind of continuous
noise. It was only Jeevan who was being disturbed by the typing noise which clearly indicates that the
enjoyment envisaged by Pawan is normal and a reasonable one.
Question 128
The answer would be [(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is correct explanation of A] because
both the Assertion and Reason are statements given by famous jurists namely Ihering and Bentham
respectively. However, it is obvious that with greater happiness to greater number, social control will be the
natural outcome and vice-versa.
Question 134
The answer would be clear [(d) A is false but R is true]. The line is direct pick-up from the
Preamble which clearly mentions that We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India
into a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic. Here in the assertion, only the last two words
Democratic Republic are mentioned, therefore the answer would be (d).
Question 136
The answer would be [(b) She is guilty of attempt to commit suicide]. It is clearly mentioned in the
definition of attempt as given in the question, If the actual transaction has commenced which would have
ended in the crime if not interrupted, there is clearly an attempt to commit the crime. Here as Rani started
running, the actually transaction has commenced which would have ended in suicide if not interrupted.

Questions 161-168


1st Camera- 1500

2nd Camera- 3500

2 Chessboards- 500 each

Record Player- 2000
Total- 5000
Total= 3000
1 Cricket Bat- 700 Cycle- 1000
Walkman- 700
1 Chessboard- 500
2nd Camera- 3500
Total- 4900
Total = 1500

3 Cricket Bats- 700
each (2100)

Record Player- 2000

1 Cricket Bat- 700
Total= 2700

Cycle- 1000
Total = 1700
1 Cricket Bat- 700
1st Camera- 1500
1 Chessboard- 500
Total= 2700

Loss = 100
Loss= 1500
Gain = 600
Gain= 1000
Question 166
As per the table drawn above, the price of all the things remaining with the four persons would amount to
(4900 + 1500 + 2700 + 2700) which is equal to 11800, therefore answer would be (b)

Question 167
Clearly as per the table, the answer would be (b) Record Player
Questions 169 to 173
169-173: The question is picked up from CAT 2003 but coped wrongly.
The data given in the table is wrong. For the person I, the numbers of the blanks answers should be 17, 46,
90 instead of 17, 26, 90. This error must have disturbed many and the set should be cancelled. It is also
affecting the answer of 169 directly.
Question 182
In statement B word wealth is mentioned instead of health, therefore none of the options would be
Question 186
The options (c) and (d) in the question are exactly the same. Moreover, if this is the question where CLAT
authorities have given Marks for All, then also it is grave injustice for those students who have correctly
solved the question and marked it as (c) or (d) have the same advantage as compared to those students who
werent able to solve the question or those who have solved it incorrectly.
Therefore, 1 mark should only be given to those students who have marked it as (c) or (d).

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